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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  May 12, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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painting, athena, who loves paintings, that's for sure, that's how they ask us, for whom, for princesses, there is here, for games, there is for storage, we just thought there would be a double bed here, that's all, we didn't know how to play this part and of course the beds look super cool there, you want to go there, why don’t you sing, there’s also a bedroom and a play area, an area for flicking switches yes, hold it, hold it, hold it, hurry up, hurry up, there’s a different scene here. well, the combination of colors, of course, there are also so many bright colors somehow combined here i imagine, oh, look at the batteries, i noticed, there are batteries with each one, didn’t you notice, but i didn’t notice, where in each room, wow, cool, don’t you want to get in , daughter, oh, we, we liked this night light, but i see that it is generally popular, i liked it very much,
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there are two mini-bedrooms, just chic, in general, it’s not very noticeable now, but still, then everyone will have their own hobbies , someone will want to turn on the light, and someone will want to go to bed , this is just a brilliant solution, i don’t know, the designer is just, thank you very much, table amazing, aurora is a very creative person, she loves to sculpt, draw, do all this, she really needed a good table. it’s big , cool, i also like the wardrobe, of course, two separate ones, well, in general, each girl has her own, there won’t be a mother, i want her, and i want her, that is, everyone is the same, this is just super for me, he doesn’t care about my business absolutely jump, come on 1 2 3, well done, well done, i’m hiding, we didn’t imagine this, but we wanted it just like that, so that there would be something like wow.
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that we didn’t wait for this in vain, we didn’t wait in vain, yes, 10 years after the great victory, releasing hitler’s henchmen under an amnesty, khrushchev did... everything to erase from the memory of the people the mass crimes of bandera’s executioners and sadists, the entire history associated with the punitive force, they tried to erase it very quickly, that is, they burned the houses , the basements were filled up and, well, we tried to forget, of course, we will never forget what was written in blood, today we are talking about the fact that the ukrainian company was one of the bloodiest, punitive organizations in the world. throughout the region. for a long time
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, ukrainian nationalists were sure that all witnesses had been destroyed, and the few accidental survivors would remain silent; first , those who had been identified were brought to the pit, then several people, women and children, mostly, were taken out of action, and they were also placed in a row, after which the leader in charge in this territory, the punisher, well... here was hetman, a man nicknamed hetman, his name was nikolai, he announced the sentence for communication with the underground, for communication with the partisans, they actually shot, and then the key phrase, for any, for any, behind any help to the partisans will be shot, for concealing bread will be shot, for concealing food will be shot. and indeed they did
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not shoot haphazardly, they shot at those who could hit precisely those villagers who were here, for example , we have a story from one of the eyewitnesses of one of the eyewitnesses, where they actually shot their friend, and the friend was definitely not connected neither with the underground nor with the partisans, did not hide bread, could not carry it into her bosom. even potatoes, she was 11 years old, they were just playing, and now she was already lying there shot in a pit, and they are sitting together, there were, there were three people, there are now two. leaving the village, the punitive forces filled up the execution pits to hide the traces of their atrocities. at this place, the remains of twenty-eight people were found, mostly women and children, a small number of elderly men, apparently, they were simply brought to this pit and...
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nikolai senin was very young when, before his eyes, the punitive forces committed a bloody massacre of fellow villagers, when these people were gathered, the headman will come to the chair, to the chair a tall black, handsome young man, tall, stands up, it was the commander of the detachment, mira shlishchenko, who won. gets up, takes out a piece of paper, starts calling out his name, naumkin there and so on, we had it in buskom, i worked there, they were shot, they have
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plaques on the mass grave, so he called out how many people there are, more than two dozen, and people come out free.
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chernihiv region, sumy region, which went over to the side of the nazis, in fact, this punitive battalion was created from them, which brought a lot of trouble to the residents of our region, in july 16, 1942, taking advantage of the fact that the partisans went on a raid, they captured this village, as well as the neighboring village of evdokolye, the residents were prepared to be sent to a concentration camp, and many to be burned in barns,
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destroyed, here we have another one in the territory of the pakharsky district, there is a village, korbovka, on september 9, 1942, for communication with the partisans. the entire village was completely destroyed, the entire male population of 97 people was shot in the budnitsa ditch, and 40 partisan families were taken to pagar and there they were also exterminated, along with their children and women; more than 150
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free ukrainian cossacks took an active part, about a hundred mounted cossacks who were stationed in the neighboring village of romanovka, yes, so they have enough hands.
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all the same, the headman became zealous, handed them over and there they were beaten. on september 9, 1942, the punitive unit arrived here. a detachment of hitlerites, several police along with them, more from cavalry, this is a cavalry unit of ukrainian, free ukrainian cossacks, who carried out the cordon of this village, the male population, 97 people were taken from here near vvodnitsky rol and shot, the entire village was completely burned, and...
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ukrainian nationalists not only destroyed
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the civilian population and burned villages, they also recruited assailants for one of the most terrible death camps, known as bryansk buchenwald, as the miraculously surviving prisoners called dulak 142, where more than 40 thousand people were killed in 2 years. we are located on the territory of a military plant. plant number 85, which used to work here, but during the war from 41 to 43, there was a large concentration camp here, dulah 142, on the territory of this dulag a lot of civilians, prisoners of war, children, and women were killed and tortured. old people, they are buried in this territory. the concentration camp bore the official
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name dulak-142. during the 2 years of its existence, about 80,000 people passed through this camp, about 40,000 prisoners of war, women, old people and children, died buried in mass graves on the territory this camp. 80,000, in fact, this is a colossal figure, because the population... before the war of bryansk was well over 80 thousand people, so it turns out, in essence, that the whole city went through the walls and through inhuman torment in this concentration camp, this is how we were caught in the forest where we stood, we had no spoon, no bowl, no bedding, nothing, so we were lying on bare boards on... there were four-tiered bunks, these were some kind of
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storage rooms, they probably say that there used to be some kind of warehouses there, they were storage rooms, which were completely from wall to wall, solid bunks to the top, all these bunks were filled with people like us, well, they were driven there from different places, from different villages, everyone was lying there. they looked in each other's necks, because there were countless numbers in the necks, they were just crawling on the bunks, in general there were all sorts of insects, but the lice were so fat, well-fed, lazy, crawling on the bunks... there was no salvation, they were in the heads , in clothes, well, basically everywhere, then,
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of course, typhus started, people started getting sick, no one treated us, no one i was wondering if someone had died, well , they threw him off the bunk, he came like a policeman there with a stretcher, they loaded him onto whetstones, they carried him away, if his relatives fled, they were... driven away with whips. traitors served as policemen or policemen to the germans in the camp. deserters from the red army and immigrants from western ukraine, ideological banderaites. these are not germans, these are benderites, just animals who have some kind of anger towards the whole world, who will try to tempt you, kick you, give in somehow, in general, and then there were such moments, this means that when
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a new party came especially, the prisoners came and were lined up.
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in the village of derevenets, which is close to bryansk, in order to clear these settlements of the population during search work , excavations were made; in one pit we found at a depth of 50 to 80 m, you can say how they threw people into the pits, they were lying. in a chaotic order, no personal belongings were found in one hole, no personal belongings, one might say, they lay naked, one might say, they were killed, well, hunger, cold, various diseases, it can be said, this is the genocide of that people of our people, in 1943 the red
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army was approaching, the camp was retreating to the west, the fate... of the prisoners who remained there is unknown for certain, but most likely they were shot and buried on the territory camp, because the first post-war director of this repair base, he said that when they entered the territory of this plant with units of the red army, and in fact everything, it was a cemetery, sticking out of the ground hands-legs. veteran of the great patriotic war nikolai stepanovich liberated our land from invaders. i didn’t meet any policemen or punishers at the front. they fled faster than the germans, hoping to take refuge in the dense forests of western ukraine. there his first meeting with bandera’s men took place. when we organized the dugouts evenly. on a rest. they brought us filomaterial.
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westerners, one of them, by the way, was found already dead after this lake, this is how they acted, they come under the guise of other carpenters, and so the roads are bulls, so on and so forth, like this, don’t think that he’s so poor, so... private, like this, he might turn out to be such a bastard. first , unknown people killed a local ukrainian who was helping our people build dugouts, and then a red army soldier was ambushed. he’s coming, kolya bayonet, so our friend, uh, commander of the regiment’s
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reconnaissance platoon, right? here. god. hears a shot, but there are no germans, no one is there, so he comes back, a dead soldier, he went back and forth, so he buried there, it comes out, and so the first bendera soldier, so i just came up, they met me there, nikolai stepanovich i will forever remember hitler's face.
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so brazen, merciless. by that time , the leader of the ukrainian nationalists, stepan bandera, was already in germany, under investigation by the security service of the third reich, and had used up the money given to him by the abbor for undercover work. are you taking anyone there? we are taking an old lady from therapy. how is it possible to confuse a living person with a corpse, they just wanted to do better, but as always, the former operator
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spent 20 years in a murder operative and the former zek, me and klava go as a couple, the orderlies, me and klava, work in the morgue, normal people don’t work in morgues are working and conducting their investigation. shot, strangled, and even torn, this is just a bloody place, excuse me, what, have you turned a decent place here into an investigative department? yuri stoyanov, imprisoned four times, i won’t go there again, roman madyanov, this is the whole dox, this is the fifth term, emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15. i help calm the most raging stomach, i am
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1:25 pm
it is so easy for adults to forget that joy lives within us and does not need a reason. joy can be found in every moment, seen
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where you don’t expect it. your source fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, your source, appetite anywhere, dad can, only dad can cut it down, sausages, dad can, choose your favorite brands at wildberries, collections of bed linen and other textiles from vasilisa, for everyone who values ​​​​comfort and style in their home, treat yourself with discounts on one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. for back and joint pain. nice activegel is an active formula for accelerated penetration of pain and inflammation. nice active gel. reduce pain - his goal. today, the leaders of the kiev regime
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are proud of this: just recently i came across a document written in ukrainian called dekatlok or 10 commandments of ukrainian nationalists. that is , these guys are not shy about making parallels with some religious ones. with postulates, and just as there are 10 commandments of christianity, they also decided to make 10 commandments of ukrainian nationalists, if you allow me to read a few lines, here , accordingly, to a person who is normal feels with his psyche, this will all seem like nonsense, before these guys it was such postulates, the document was
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drawn up back in 192.9 by one of the ideologists of ukrainian nationalism, a certain lenkavsky, whom bandera considered his mentor. the first commandment: you will achieve the creation of the ukrainian state or die fighting for it. let me remind you that these commandments are intended for teenagers, teenagers aged 12-13 years, who accept the enemies of their nation with hatred and merciless battle. well, the enemies of the nation are, accordingly, russians. poles and jews. it was these commandments that became the fundamental basis of bandera’s own ideology; he preached this to his fighters and bears full personal responsibility for the rivers of blood into which all this poured out. there were instructions for fighting and activities, and he was during the war. in accordance with this instruction, in the conditions of the national revolution, which was supposed
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to end, including...
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how to create the aunov police, how and where to create concentration camps, what kind of people to send to these concentration camps, how to conduct propaganda and of course, how to organize ethnic cleansing, this is a very detailed instruction, which in the summer of forty-one, it was according to it...
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that everything was carried out, and the anti-jewish pogroms that took place in absolutely all settlements of western ukraine,
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some other people will be appointed there , we will confront them with the fact that it already exists, and its leadership is us, just 3 days later, on july 3, in krakow, representatives of the wehrmacht met with stepan bandera and his henchmen. bandera, he was still an ideological man with his own vision ukrainian state, he tried to push through the idea of ​​creating some kind of independent state, well, under a german protectorate, but independent nonetheless.
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the nazis, and at the highest level, at the level of rosenberg, who had direct access to hitler, had plans to create a puppet ukrainian state, under german control, of course, bandera was aware of these plans, at the same time, he understood one thing perfectly well: when this state...
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personally to adolf hitler and great germany, there is no ukraine close there, it’s just part of the army, which is called the wafs, that is, a volunteer division subordinate to the ss and fighting on the side of germany, taking the oath personally to adolf hitler. bander had served hitler for a long time and was now both hands for the third rykh, and he decided to put the order to return all activity to establish bandera’s power on the back burner in the hope that the fuhrer would soon change his decision.
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to the capital of the reich, the leader of the ukrainian nationalists decided that the ice had broken when he declared that we are two allies, we will do with the germans a new world order, they were called to explain in berlin. they began to tell them that fjör does not consider any allies, german, which means fascist germany, will decide for itself what order to follow and we do not need any allies. bandera did not expect such a turn, it was the collapse of all his plans. the fuhrer's loyal subject lost control of his emotions in hysterics and allowed himself to contradict the true aryans and the aryans did not like it. here.
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emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget. what joy lives within us, and it does not need a reason. joy can be found in every moment, seen where you don’t expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to kholva, conveniently repay them for 24 months, make purchases
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the oun's assistant gangs are subject to reorganization into punitive schutmanshaft battalions under german command. on september 12, 1941, abvara officer and ukrainian specialist on the issue, ganskoh again meets in berlin with stytsko and bandera again convincingly advises to voluntarily withdraw the act of proclamation of the ukrainian state. vain and with a napoleon complex, bandera cannot agree to the loss of his power and authority among ukrainian nationalists. during performances, he loses his sense of self-preservation and reaches into the bottle. bandera is arrested. and they send him to prison, in prison bandera is asked to renounce this act, he does not hesitate to do so, and accordingly, after that he is transported to the estate, not far from
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from berlin, where he is kept for some time, in prison he quickly signs everything that... his owners are able to immediately go under house arrest to a luxurious estate near berlin, which was used by the histapa for operational purposes, as a safe house for especially important agents . meanwhile , the germans are carefully working with his papers and finding serious incriminating evidence on their faithful servant. in the winter of '42, the shortage of a large sum allocated by the abvar personally to bandera for intelligence work was revealed. the money that the reich issued for payment.
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in the upper echelon of nationalists, but the germans know how to count, they certainly know how to count their money, which they allocated for certain things, were there any financial frauds, of course there were, our hero i put the word in quotes, excuse me, he was in the late forties, early fifties, there also, among the escaped aunovites, there were constantly squabbles over the distribution of american money, nothing new under the sun, but i always wanted to live well, as they say, why not get into the pocket of the common? we have at our disposal the interrogation protocol of colonel erwin scholz, the former head of the abvar-2 department, also known
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as the sabotage department of the german military intelligence and counterintelligence department. quote. the reason for bandera’s arrest was the fact that he received from abvar in the forties a large sum of money to finance the oun underground and organize intelligence activities against the soviet union, tried to appropriate it and transferred it to one of the swiss. they couldn’t just let untermensch off to their inferior henchman; in the winter of forty-two, bandera
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transports luxurious villas to a concentration camp sachsenhausen, under the supervision of the ss-gauführer, kurt and carius. from the testimony of haupt scharfur ss, kurt and carius, it follows that in one of the most terrible death camps, bandera was assigned the number 72.192, but he was not threatened with torture in the oven . medical experiments on living people, but all this did not concern bandera. in the camp where the germans tortured and killed more than 1,000 prisoners.
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the germans, the people the reich needed, even if they were not aryans there, this is a very well maintained camp, he survived there very well, i will repeat this again, this is not a death factory, but an ear. where, by the way, the service was carried out by the same herbalists from the ukrainian nationalists who drove people to slaughter and saw it perfectly well. the content of bandera in the sachsenhausen concentration camp was not much different from the life of the ss officers who commanded the guards there. the leader of the ukrainian nationalists lived freely separately from the prisoners in the death camps. there were different ways to sit in sachsenhausin. he belonged to the category of so-called privileged prisoners. there on preferential terms, it was temporary isolation, and the germans emphasized this until these people will not be in demand, will not be needed, but
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the fact that they may be needed, they may be needed, including as cannon fodder, as an organization of saboteurs, and the germans assumed, the germans were very pragmatic in this sense, in the staff cottage at their disposal bandara had a comfortable two-room suite, exquisite officer meals, a free regime, he was allowed walks in the fresh air and even regular visits with loved ones, one part was behind barbed wire, the second part, the second part was a sanatorium type, let's call it that, well, yes, banderra was sitting in just such a part, because well, look for yourself, he, i won’t even call it a camera, i can only call it a number, he had carpets, he had paintings on the walls, he had a radio, people came to him wife. the result of bandera’s meetings with his wife during his stay in the concentration camp under special conditions was the birth of a son in
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1944, if in 1944, then his wife came to see him in the concentration camp and became pregnant, everyone says that she, well, no betrayal is even considered, not even considered in general, just like bandera, but not in sachsenhaus, by vossenhaus on special conditions with comfort... knowing perfectly well that nothing bad will happen to him, compare this with real prisoners of hitler’s camps.
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sss drumstick. the nazis appoint gautmann ss shukhevych as one of the commanders. but in official documents and reports this division is called bandera’s. the murderer and terrorist shukhevych was a longtime accomplice of bandera. personally took part in many bloody crimes of ukrainian nationalists. more before the war, shukhevych was recruited by the germans, completed a special course of military and sabotage training in munich, and in 1938 received his first german officer rank. there is no place for you here, we are now homeless, homeless under fences, the court ordered the residents of the irkutsk high-rise building, which was recognized as an unauthorized construction, to demolish it at their own expense, 350 million must be paid, 2 million must be chipped in by the owners of each apartment in order to be left without it, i have
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there is no other housing, so i have problems, why are the officials not ready to compromise, where are you 3 years were when people calmly bought apartments, made repairs, which means that today we have no basis for a review, with things to go, in the author’s project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. detralex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins. swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts, the choice of millions. say no, it's ruined by silicone. and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy hair beauty. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. well,
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the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. source of joy. oh, it’s good in the old estate, i’ll move in with you, cut down the house, you have to cut down according to science, so take ours meat mincers, for this sausage we chop the meat coarsely, chop it coarsely for meatiness, and for the meat mincer servilat, mince the meat so that the taste is more tender, chop it finely, let’s compare, and it’s true that they are different in appearance and taste, if you mince the meat that’s delicious in the old yard, i’ll definitely overeat, meat-cutting old yards. tasty, meat-cutting, you know, and i’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much do you pay for an account, at psb account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers of up to 10 million rubles are free, my new invention for cleanliness toilet, with bref there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with
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every flush. bres is number one in russia to maintain. cleanliness and freshness of the toilet. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunting! a large red package rushes to your aid at the moment when the pain forces you to climb the wall , charged against pain, the leader in the category, the fourteenth ss infantry division, also known as the ss golyachina division, was recruited from... volunteers, residents of golitsa, among whom, there were so many people willing to serve hitler that in addition to the division , a number of other units were formed, including a punitive police battalion and sd. the scale of inspiration
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among ukrainian nationalists in those days is easy to imagine by looking at these chronicle footage: a solemn march in honor of the creation of the swastika division, the sss emblems on the stands, thrown off in a nazi salute.
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on july 7, 1944, the division took up combat positions under the fords, was defeated by the red army, was later reorganized and was named the fourteenth grenadier division
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ss division. the ss division of galicia survived only one battle, and after that it disappeared as a military formation, just like a karak formation, they acted and acted well, the germans understood this specificity, they used them to guard concentration camps for... carrying out punitive actions and how precisely how they were used in battles of low quality were valued extremely low, and these were purely punitive police forces, all this was fully manifested when they put together this ss galicia division, which at its core is still remained a punitive division, in the german army it enjoyed an extremely bad reputation, we will probably talk about this later, and
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one of the most monstrous massacres, which went down in history as the valynian massacre , began on february 9, 1943. they destroyed the poles, and they destroyed absolutely everyone, small children were stabbed to death in cradles with bayonets, older children, about five or six years old, were taken by the legs and killed from door frames.
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already had enough, which means that the local population can very quickly, when these partisans return to western ukraine in the spring with belarus, the local population will support them. the bloody operation of intimidation completely suited the german occupation administration; the third reich bears responsibility for the genocide along with the bandera executioners. question. it became clear that something needed to be done on the territory of western ukraine; a solution was found in organizing the upa to use it to fight the polish population of volyn. why volyn with a polish population? already a raid by soviet partisans in 1942 showed that volyn was a natural ally.
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eyewitnesses, those who saw with their own eyes what bandera’s supporters did in volyn. here is the documentary testimony of a local resident and dviga mayevskaya. i saw a lot of corpses, i remember that we were attacked during our flight, when i heard shots from bandera and shouts to slaughter the poles, i ran into the forest. i then saw a woman with her stomach cut open, dead. a child sat next to her and cried. i also saw other corpses. already in september forty-three. based on everything that happened over the summer, the official polish organization in volyn, officially from the germans' point of view. was called the polish polypetic committee, based on the evidence collected, but they were ordered, a report was drawn up, then an extract from this report was sent by ak forces to the emigrant government in
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london, there were settlements there, some completely polish, and some half ukrainian , half polish, here are the polish ones...
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on our website beyond the new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. well, the morgue goes to the morgue. if you gave duba, welcome to our world. the fins were glued together. fuck you, the corpse must be removed. or they played. this solution is temporary. in crowded but not mad. so you're in good hands. hello, we have a gobbit here. well, let's go to bed. the main thing is more adequate, visit it. yuri stoyanov and roman madyanov. so, it turns out that our body is missing, and they are now going to open it. maybe we can give them another one. for a dangerous exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. study. i very often read the history of the volyn massacre in reports in polish descriptions, that this is
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the situation, yes, the family, the father is ukrainian, the mother is polish, they come to the father and say: well, you good ukrainian lad, kill your wife and children, and we will leave you in life, you see, this is a kind of nationalism in which family and especially national ties do not play a special role,
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in the area of ​​​​the bukrinsky bridgehead on november 6 , kiev is completely liberated from the german invaders . the red army units in this direction were commanded by general nikolai fedorovich vatutin. today, his own grandson is showing for the first time one of the last letters of the legendary commander from the front. again he plunged headlong into combat work, applied all the forces to better fulfill their duties and beat the germans as much as possible. for me, no, don’t be sad, i wish you all the best, i kiss you warmly, nikola, who loves you, yes, and dad, say hello, best wishes to vitya, vityushivadtsy, his
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grandfather, who liberated kiev, ran into him from the nazi occupiers in the winter of forty-four at the bandera ambush, i think that... there were about 15 people in total, it’s just that the surprise factor played in their favor, he refused reinforced security, only four cars went, the second, in the second car was nikolai fedorovich vatutin, he was traveling to inspect the sixtieth army of general chernyakhovsky, who would also die in 1944, only on the territory of poland, respectively, well, on february 29 , 1944 there was an assassination attempt - although in my opinion there was no plan for any assassination attempt specifically... on navatutin, he just accidentally ran into a gang, he got out of the car, so he started shooting, at that time he was hit in the thigh, who hit him like a stray bullet, this is a mystery, again, here again, there is a version that it was all already planned there, that they knew that there was some kind of mole in the soviet headquarters, so
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some sniper arrived, and a sniper... not a german, a hungarian, again according to the version, so supposedly this sniper was already hunting for vatutin, vatutin, wounded in a shootout with bandera’s men, was taken to the hospital, but could not be saved, blood poisoning had already begun, the commander would be buried in kiev. years will pass , the grandson of the legendary liberator of kiev will not be able to come to the grave of his famous grandfather. i will come only then when our troops are there, then. this is the only way, or the regime will change somehow in kiev, other people will come, but i don’t see any other people there yet. smersh was involved in the investigation of the attack on general vatutin. the gang of killers was surrounded and almost completely destroyed. and then, when the collapse of the third reich was inevitable, they tried
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to get into their native galicia and acted as saboteurs. sss golyachina is a unit that was already created in the second half after a radical turning point in the great patriotic war, this means that the german troops were already half defeated, and the ss men were looking everywhere for where else they could get forces for their operation, because there was no longer enough, because the soviet army had inflicted colossal damage on germany, so they formed such national units. near the city of brody, lviv region, hitler’s ukrainian henchmen from the ss golyachin division entered into open battle with the red army and were defeated by the troops of the first ukrainian front. from the point of view of its combat effectiveness, the division did not completely justify itself, that is, in countering they were not able to fight with the active army, but they
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were used against the civilian population; indeed, the task was to create terror as a result. which, the result of which will be the mass death of the polish population, the rest of the polish population will be forced to flee the territory of volyn. as a matter of fact, these plans were carried out. the volyn massacre was a distraction, firstly, it allowed the creation of a massive, ukrainian rebel army.
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in berlin at a meeting with the minister of the occupied eastern states, reich slater rosenberg, head of the gestapo headquarters of the ober group and furer ss, calton bruner, personally approves the decision to allow bandera back in. in september 1944 , the germans released bandera, the lion rabbit and other leaders of ukrainian nationalists from suspended imprisonment, in the hope that the sabotage activities of bandera's underground would help to somehow weaken the russian offensive. hushka reich seriously plans to use ukrainian punitive forces under the leadership of bandera for sabotage activities in the rear of the soviet troops. with the arrival, approach of the red army,
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soviet troops and the subsequent soviet administration on the territory of western ukraine, punitive actions against the soviet authorities, against the red army, against their own civilian population intensified.
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reconnaissance and sabotage courses at abvar schools, and then from them they form groups to be deployed behind the front line to the territory of western ukraine, where the saboteurs are ordered to establish contact with the undead gangs and scattered remnants of the sss divisions galicia. in the fall, he was instructed to form sabotage detachments from onupa, and for operations in the rear of the advancing soviet troops, because at that time it was already western ukraine. western belarus, as you and i understand, was already in the zone of active operations; these territories had already been partially liberated. on november 17, 1944, bandera personally reported
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to alfred rosenberg about the creation of a strong bandera underground in the rear of the red army. in his testimony dated september 19 , 1946, avvar officer lieutenant siegfried muller testifies that in december 44 , bandera was sent from his headquarters in berlin by the nazis to krakow, where... 202 was personally involved in training saboteurs with the aim of transferring them behind the front line, but this did not help stop our army, soviet troops liberated poland, east prussia, entered german territory and quickly advanced towards the capital of the reich. according to the testimony of siegfred müller in the spring of 1940.
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americans will soon be recruited by us intelligence. further, how western intelligence services
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sheltered bandera after the war. where did it start? the operation to eliminate the leader of hitler's ukrainian accomplices and how to drive the beast into a trap was helped by bandera's infidelities and his scandals with his jealous wife. watch right after the commercial. listen, is it true that your dolphin is tame, well, tame, we are friends, something is happening here in the bay, something is wrong. dolphin tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. pizza! where's the cheese? cheese, cheese here. try chiba pizza from hot thing. even more juicy filling with
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tender mozzarella baked chicken.
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eldorado video, super discounts, interest-free installments, we approve of the hier snowfrost refrigerator for everyone for only 49,999 and also in installments, and eldorado, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can even pick it up here, megaphone - mobile operator number one in terms of coverage and speed, oh, that’s nice to me, so 44.900, well , yes, of course. on the night of may 8-9, 1945 , the act of unconditional surrender of nazi
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germany was signed. hitler's reich. sentence, but he desperately clinging to his this news could become a deserved vile life, quickly found new owners, if we look at documents declassified... by the cia in accordance with the act on declassification of documents related to nazi criminals, then we will see a fairly large selection.
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not counting accomplices, relatives, accomplices, so to speak, they are united, not counting
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the fields that were in populated cities, in populated areas. the punishers, hiding in the forests from the court of retribution, hoped that their leader was about to somehow come to an agreement with the british-americans, and they would start a war against the damned. car, but they loaded us into the car, took us away again, and the commanders explained to us, you arrived in order to detain the lost
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fascists and bandars. front-line soldier kharis salekhov, as part of the nkvd troops, liberated hungary, czechoslovakia and austria, celebrated victory day on the danube, and then part of it was transferred to finish off the enemy on...
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they ripped open the stomach, intestines hung it on coils and it was written there, oh muscovite, your intestines will hang the same way as your friend they wrote one
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word muscovite they didn’t know they thought it was in tatar , moskal is moskal, similar to moskal, moskul is a very small particle of the whole. you see, a particle, a particle is not an atom, but more than an atom, i think that’s why it ’s written like that, they say, it’s not a moskal, it’s a moskal, but i say, what is a moskal, tatar too muscovites, this is moscow, all the russians, who are muscovites in general, they are such beasts of beasts,
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they came from the right flank, a line from where, there was no one, and several soldiers fell, as they fell, the soldiers alive are running to where the soldiers fell, well, with the goal of helping, or what to do, at this time the brew, as he said, wait, began to swear, so... since there was also an attempt to go there, everyone stay behind me,
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don’t leave anyone behind me, behind me, but he decided and this, then, is the political truth of this method, and it turned out to be an effective method in the struggle of the sounup, this is forced into the healing of relatives and accomplices of the banpostan, that is, it was necessary to deprive them of communication, this is...
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a young nineteen-year-old bandera member bogdan
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stashinsky, the security officers successfully introduce him into various gangs of nationalists, does this help to liquidate or disarm and arrest fugitive punishers? the fact is that when we began to deal with ukrainian nationalists, and we began to really deal with them only after the second world war, well, our leadership used tracing paper to work with them. like with russian all-military union in the thirties, this means destroying the combat cells, kidnapping the leaders and bringing them to the ussr so that they repent, and if they can’t be kidnapped, they must also be destroyed. at the beginning of 1950, the armed underground of the undead nazis in ukraine was largely defeated and suppressed. only very small groups of terrorists remained in the forests, led by western intelligence services through bandera. in the summer of '52 it's a secret. state security officer bogdan stashinsky
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enters special courses in kiev, where learns german and polish and prepares for dangerous illegal work abroad. in the fifty-second year. kgb authorities reported that the underground of banderovsk was destroyed, someone was destroyed, someone was imprisoned, accordingly, arrested, this corresponded to reality, in order to finally resolve the issue with hitler’s shortcomings, it was necessary to give what they deserved to their leaders who were hiding in europe. west germany, munich, tsepelsch routes. here under the roof of the british american intelligence services, a fugitive henchman hitler built his own nest of vipers after the war. and the most poisonous creature among them was bandera. he had a headquarters, some of his supporters remained behind him, on tselin strasse, and there was his newspaper shlyakh peremoghi, in
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which he broadcast his ideas. bandera was more radical. bandera was hiding in munich under the false name stefan poppel. from time to time he changed addresses and drove. himself very carefully, his new name and exact location were unknown to our state security agencies, he himself was of course wealthy, so he had nice apartment, car with security, even with a driver. in the summer of fifty-four , secret employee bogdan stashinsky goes on a special mission to poland under the name bronislav kacher, there he carefully masters the new legend for six months and after that ends up in berlin under the name. josef lehmann, a native of a german-polish family, who spent his entire childhood in poland in western ukraine, which explains his slight accent. in the autumn of '55, having completely settled into his new role, joseph lehmann began a careful search for nazi criminal stepan bandera. next, cheating
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on his wife with his secretary or the threat of exposing oberlander. how banderra found himself in a death trap, the details of how the well-deserved retribution of hitler’s fugitive accomplice actually came, we will find out in just a couple of minutes. every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. this is its own game. this year our program turns 30 years old, 172 thousand questions, we are all as beautiful as ever, let's play. correct answers, you studied history well, 48 million rubles in winnings, as well as 21 kg money, the value of which is still unknown to me, 20 cars, 20 times the winners left our studio in cars, 1311
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ready, flew, summer sale on ozone, denim jacket sln for 1.199, ring string set for 2979, zeva toilet paper for 549. in 1956, our intelligence establishes the exact location in munich of hitler's accomplice and one of the leaders of the ukrainian nationalists lev rebit. josef lehman, aka secret employee stashinsky, receives the task of delivering him to the soviet union. arrives already under the guise of a german businessman siegfried dreger. hidden surveillance confirmed that the object is not left
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alone for a minute; he moves everywhere under guard, who accompanies him from the threshold to the car, is always and everywhere nearby, and upon his return, escorts him to the apartment and waits until the door closes behind him. in october 1957, siegfried dreger successfully lies in wait for the lion rabbit and silently shoots into it with an ampoule of special poison. stashinsky will leave without leaving a trace. the sudden death of the lion rabbit will be attributed to a heart attack; the next target of tashinsky's search will be the most cunning, evil and resourceful enemy, stepan bandera. the problem was that steckman dande was very obsessed with this lonely lifestyle. the complexity of the task also lay in the fact that bandera was hiding not only from retribution,
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he also needed doubly enhanced secrecy in order to hide from his wife the affairs with his personal secretary. necessary to say that bandera had a very difficult wife, yaroslav bandera, she reunited with him after only four years, after a long separate life, he had three children. but his wife was very jealous, and during his time in hiding he had become accustomed to living freely, and his penchant for young girls, for love for young girls, well, it seemed to arouse wild jealousy in her. a year after the successful liquidation of rabbit the lion in 1958, it is finally possible to establish for sure that the editor-in-chief of the munich mouthpiece of ukrainian nationalist propaganda shlyakh-peremogi, a certain stefan poppel and hitler’s haluy bandera are one and the same person. but it’s impossible to just get close to bandera, he is accompanied everywhere by security, who leaves only when the leader of the nationalists closes the door
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of the apartment behind him, where his wife, tormented by black jealousy, is waiting for him. at this time , a loud scandal breaks out in western germany. ger oberländer becomes a member of the bundestag, who during the war was not only an agent of abvar, but served in the ukrainian ss nachtigal battalion, the main political part. and personally. democrats in germany began the case of theodor oberländer, who together with shukhevych was the commander of the nachtigal battalion, hearings began, that is, an inquiry about the past of oberländer, who by that time had become a federal minister, neither more nor less, that means germany. by training, oberlander was an agronomist; after hitler came to power, it was he who
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co-authored the bloody ost plan to clear the lands of ukraine, russia and belarus. from the indigenous population for the agricultural needs of the reich. in the early thirties, oberländer often traveled to foreign business trips on agricultural issues , and this was a good cover for his work for abvar. bandera once also studied at the agricultural faculty of lviv university. it was easy for them to find common ones.
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a serious crime against humanity on the territory of the soviet union, an immediate wave of publications initiated on the basis of criminal cases containing a huge amount of testimony clearly indicated the involvement of the minister for refugees in germany in mass extermination population. during the war years, the fear of complete exposure and the inevitable tribunal in this case could provoke oberlander to arrange a secret meeting with bandera without witnesses. however, it is possible that someone else called bandera on behalf of oberlander, or perhaps favorable circumstances for implementing the liquidation plan arose due to bandera’s constant infidelities with his wife and secretary. he arrived at tseperinsh highway to
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his headquarters somewhere after 8'. with his guard vasily ninovsky, having quarreled with his wife in the morning, precisely because she was jealous of him, of the woman, she constantly called him, so she controlled him, he met with various assistants and somewhere on october 13, 15, taking his employee evgenia mak, who then said like a cat that i didn’t want to go with him, but he persuaded me to go with him to the central munich market for vegetables, it is known for sure that here he is... with tomatoes, it means he died bander from the market at the market, she accompanied him, because the guards were there behind, and she helped him choose vegetables at the market, here is stashinsky, this means that he had a master key for the front door of the first floor, that is, it was locked with a key, he went and took a position on the landing between the first and second floor, it was either forced or
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the upcoming secret meeting with oberlander . having opened it with his key, it means the back door began to climb the stairs. bandera passed the door, but could not pull out the key, he held the door with his foot, he was already halfway through the bag, which means he entered, the key kept pulling out, it turned out that, firstly , some woman was talking there, stashinsky was afraid, and secondly, bandera would have seen him clearly, he stashinsky had to shoot dynamically, that is, he had to pass by,
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his ampoule was wrapped in a newspaper, and he just had to shoot at it. started to fall, stashinsky immediately flew out of the front door, so he ran to the next street, threw away the ampoule gun, the neighbors came out, he was lying on... the steps of the stairs, he was vomiting, vomiting, apparently these substances that he inhaled were poisonous, they were of instant paralytic properties, and its
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leader, and no one knew, the neighbor was stepan bendera, stepan bobi, the neighbor, suddenly the liquidators discover that they are not at the entrance, he managed to leave the place. by the way, as if, while they were getting out of the house, while they were taking him, they brought him to the road, without generally regaining consciousness, he could not say anything, he did not have time to say, he did not have time to say that he was killed, and since the witnesses to the murder did not there was no, so to speak, evidence of this at all, then they admitted that he simply either managed it himself, or something happened to him there, some kind of poisoning,


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