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tv   Chelovek v prave s Andreem Kunitsinim  NTV  May 12, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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more and more insistently, they say that the warmth of may is returning. the baltic anticyclone is entering european territory, promising to first cancel precipitation and then noticeably warm the air. this is already happening in the north-west, in kaliningrad +18, in pskov - 15. other regions are next in line. here is the north, it would be distorted, already the eternal world of zloty, arkhangelsk is chosen, there is little precipitation here. in the center there are still a couple of days, night frosts are possible, but during the day there is already a systematic increase in temperature. and by the end of the work week she will get out of the zone negative anomalies and even slightly exceed the norm, all this against the backdrop of an almost complete absence of precipitation. on the volga , the atmosphere is still disturbed by the cyclone leaving for the urals, there are places where precipitation and temperature increases are not occurring evenly, in the south it is generally too early to talk about warming. as you can see, the temperature in krasnodar is dropping. and if tomorrow it rains mainly only in the caucasus, then on tuesday almost everywhere, a small cyclone swirled there. there will be no precipitation in st. petersburg tomorrow. and
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+11, then up to 16, in moscow tomorrow will be +11, the day after tomorrow will turn into +15, each the next day will be warmer and warmer, as a result on friday we are already expecting +20 and even more, then light rain is possible, but for now the weather is without precipitation, but at night it may freeze in the region. my name is andrei kunitsin, this is a man in the right, hello, today you must pack your things, take your pets, documents, leave your apartments, forever, because you live in a self-built building , yes, multi-story, yes, the house is connected to all city communications, yes, officially your property. registered 11
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years ago. in general, none of this matters. with these words, irkutsk officials are ready to complete their communication with apartment owners in the city center. at any moment, 124 people could be left in the open air and with huge debts for the demolition of the very housing that was actually taken away from them. a unique story, terrible in its cynicism, in a report by sergei leskov. they fought to the last for the right to live in their own apartments, but lost on all fronts. we were all sitting, machine guns were pointed at us in the regional court, and we all sat there shaking and didn’t know what they were doing to us now? the verdict of the irkutsk regional court is a verdict on common sense, the residents shout, this residential high-rise building was recognized by the irkutsk mayor's office as a self-construction and was ordered to be demolished, demolished at expense.
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now she’s not even thinking about that; she and her two little sons misha and kolya have already been sent writs of execution demanding eviction. the girl was given several days to move out voluntarily; if she disagreed, she would be kicked out by force. do you have anywhere to go? no, what will he do? i don’t know what to do, apparently here we’ll spend the night on the street. no one cares about the age of the children who are sent out into the streets with their mother at the instigation of officials. with the stroke of a pen , the legal status of the high-rise building, with all that it entails, has changed. 120 residents have already had
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their registration canceled and were prohibited from managing their own square meters. this cynical, corrupt story has been going on since 2008. then local entrepreneur evgeny kuznetsov built a eleven-story building. he had neither a project nor a permit. the cunning businessman offered apartments even at the excavation stage at bargain prices, and people bought, took, but the truth was revealed when the time came to legalize the house, as they say, according to the law it was impossible to do this, then an official from the administration’s property management offered his services to kuznetsov irkutsk, stanislav galashin. an experienced lawyer, or rather, she decided, as it turned out later, for gratitude in the form of nine apartments, she managed through the court conclude a settlement agreement. between the tenants
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and the developer, in fact, that’s how the ghost house was put on the cadastral register, we made repairs, bought about 50-60 thousand per square in rough finishing.
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why they remembered a problem that had been resolved long ago is still a mystery, many years of litigation began, officials chose a tactic that was unwinnable, they put pressure on the fact that the house could collapse at any moment. the reason why they are trying to demolish this high-rise building is supposedly a threat to the people living here, but there is not
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a single examination that would confirm the emergency condition of this house simply does not exist. moreover, several years ago a fairly strong earthquake occurred in irkutsk, and cracks even appeared in the brickwork. but the residents ordered an examination using the struna diagnostic complex, which confirmed that it was safe to live here. however, these arguments turned out to be of no interest to anyone, why the residents have their own version: they are sure that the land under the house was promised to someone, now, as they say, they are clearing the clearing, the developer has long disappeared from sight, has left abroad, lawyer galashin, was convicted for a bribe and sent to a colony, only the tenants remained, no one is going to seek a compromise with them, where are you...
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many of them were acquired using maternity capital, mortgages and so on, that is, they were approved by banks, government agencies approved these transactions, and now it is not the government agencies that are responsible for this house, but for some reason the citizens personally bear responsibility. there are few options for people to preserve their housing; perhaps the best way is to recognize themselves as victims of corruption and demand already compensation for the officials themselves, but this path is not quick, and from their own to... they are being evicted now. sergey skov, mikhail pashintsev, anastasia mikhailova, ntv television company. until 2019 , apartments were bought and sold in this long-suffering building, children were born and registered, and
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shares were allocated to minors. in general, the state, represented by the administration and the department of housing and communal services, the zacks pension fund, agreed: people live in... an object that was accepted on the balance sheet of the city, for this today they punished one of former officials, remember, he was given 8 years for a bribe, and 124 people, bona fide real estate buyers were also punished, indeed, the administration is in the legal field, this is in legal language, in human language, your people, you, gentlemen, officials are punishing, law-abiding decent ones. the lack of heat, light, sanitary conditions, and often basic food worsened the victim’s condition to critical. this is how employees of the prosecutor's office of the smolensk region described to us the situation with ninety-six-year-old pensioner olga bogdanova, whom her neighbor literally
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imprisoned as a prisoner in a dilapidated house, cunningly appropriated a certificate for an apartment that was due to a veteran of the great patriotic war, received a pension for it for many years in a row, in general, for 15 years she did something that would not be noticed it was simply impossible, but nevertheless, it happened, the investigation of radmir znabaev. she met the german nazis face to face. but , of course, she couldn’t imagine that the worst thing awaited her ahead. olga yakovlevna survived the great patriotic war, she96 can no longer move independently, these are the consequences of careful care, the doctors are sure in quotes. 15 years ago , a neighbor took custody of a pensioner, and the veteran’s life turned into a nightmare. 10 km from the pensioner’s house lives the one who brought her to... the condition, here she is, the woman’s name is galina, back in 2009, which is important, she took upon herself, importantly, a verbal
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commitment to care for the elderly woman, provided that she refused the social worker . a year later, olga yakovlevna, as a veteran of the great patriotic war, was given a certificate for an apartment in smolensk, than here the guardian took advantage, called a notary and copied the document in the name of her daughter, explaining to the officials that the old woman allegedly voluntarily wanted to stay in a dilapidated house. she said, i’m not going anywhere from my house.
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in extreme cases, article 159, it is noteworthy, but galina leonidovna also received a pension for a veteran; the woman has neither a power of attorney nor any other document authorizing this, and for 15 years... the amount of money received is seven figures. the prosecutor's office organized an investigation. during the inspection
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it has been established that the widow of a veteran, due to her advanced age, is constantly in need of medical care. however, she actually lives in a house recognized as unsafe, to which only her neighbors have access. in addition, for a long time , the pension due to an elderly woman has been received by her neighbor in the absence of any legal grounds. now doctors are fighting for the veteran’s life. council and even visited her, the local head annually congratulated olga yakovlevna on the holidays. why didn't you submit, didn't raise
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alarm, they didn’t contact the authorities, well, she’s officially looking after her, how can i, i’m not officially, she’s not a social worker for her, not a social worker, no, how could you not know, you’re the head of a rural settlement, well, like me , for some reason i thought it was her, but it was fate that the inspectors were there. evaluate this situation, what is happening in your village, it’s a mess, the situation, yes, the situation is bad, olga yakovlevna was not even registered with the center of social services for the population, prosecutors are now checking the judicial service for negligence and improper performance of their duties. now your actions are considered to be article 293 of the criminal code “negligence”. why do you think this is negligence? because you left a person in dangerous conditions for 15 years. you didn’t register her, we don’t count anything and comment, i think it’s premature, there is a prosecutor’s office, they
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will sort it out, as for galina leonidovna, she is suspected of committing several crimes at once, this is fraud on a large scale, leaving without help, as well as unlawful deprivation of liberty, it is noteworthy that barashnevo had already been previously convicted of fraud, embezzling the pensions of great patriotic war veterans while working at the post office, but then she actually got off with a suspended sentence. radmi raznobaev, svetlana mirezha,
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emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15.
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years now, irina kostrova has been trying to prove that serious harm to her health is the result of the unprofessional activities of a false cosmetologist, and not a stroke, as the accused is trying to imagine. the meaning of the latter tactic is extremely clear. achieve requalification of the article and...
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self-absorbable threads, with the help of which a facelift occurs, rehabilitation is no more than a week, but all this is provided that you fall into the hands of a professional doctor, and not a professional fraudster. false cosmetologist olga vanskaya, it was to her, on the advice of a friend, that irina went for the procedure, she thought, if her friends recommend it, then vanskaya can definitely be trusted, you know, she was so able to love, to simply embrace you with her attention. was so captivating that i stopped thinking about some agreement, that it seems like she didn’t even sign informed consent, it seems like
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she didn’t even say how it could end, literally everything didn’t go according to plan right away, the first injection was a terrible pain, then it only got worse, it was so painful that i couldn’t stand it, that is, i really started making signs with my voice, well, if i say yelling, she was very surprised. she started teasing me about anesthesia, how did you feel? pain, i felt nothing but pain, my face felt like a pillow and wild pain. irina's face immediately changed greatly, she i asked vanskaya for help; she didn’t have enough for treatment, but she just called her an extortionist. in response to the boorish attitude, the woman filed a statement with the police, and it was possible to initiate a criminal case only because irina herself is a professional lawyer, now this is the only case she deals with, her business. life during the investigation, irina kostrova learned that the advertised cosmetologist was not a cosmetologist at all. in the diploma posted in open sources, experts
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saw traces of photoshop. in fact, according to education ivanskaya sanitary doctor. the health practitioner cannot perform facelifts or any injection procedures. in order to be a cosmetologist, doctor, cosmetologist, you must undergo training at a university in the medical specialty. retraining in cosmetology, it also turned out that ivanskaya received a medical license illegally; there were no corresponding certificates for cosmetology threads. the accused comes to the court hearing every other time and refuses to testify. vanskaya’s lawyers are seeking to reclassify the article as less serious, so that the statute of limitations for the crime committed expires. if you refuse to testify, the prosecution. have the right to file a request for the disclosure of your testimony given during the preliminary investigation? i refuse, refuse to give up, refuse to testify - vanskaya’s tactics, which she
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adheres to outside of court hearings. there is a trial going on, i’m not going to testify, you’re not going to testify in court, yes, i’m not going to give you an interview, olga vanskaya tried to blame the mistake she made on a stroke, so that it to refute, additional examination was required, experts determined that the damage on irina’s face belonged to the peripheral nervous system, but in case of a stroke, parts of the central nervous system would have been affected, and not only the face would have been paralyzed. if vanskaya were professionals, she would know this. 4 years since the fatal procedure , irina has been trying to restore nerve conduction, but time has been lost, and now not a single doctor gives the woman any guarantees. unfortunately, it might help. only static suspension, that is plastic surgery to correct facial asymmetry, but
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we are talking about restoring motor function, that is, the movement of facial muscles and restoring sensitivity.
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simple surgical procedures, and if the master performs them in between highlights and haircuts, my advice to you is to run away from this salon. 11 elderly residents of a stavropol boarding school have been unable to return the money stolen from their savings accounts for 2 years to punish the criminal, by the way, you don’t even need to look for him, the social worker of the institution managed the finances pensioners at their own discretion, this almost immediately... admitted, despite the sincere confession, the case is not being initiated, and accordingly, there can be no talk of compensation, evgenia lebedeva tried to understand why. he is strictly forbidden to be nervous; an attack can happen at any minute. we were allowed to see vitaly korpuschenko for a short time and were asked not to delay the interview. 2 years ago he found out that all his savings were stolen from his accounts.
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natalya kolchanova did it. the only one whom the lonely man trusted, an employee of the boarding school, where he has been residing for the last few years. she left me, essentially speaking, without myself, i wasn’t even particularly interested in how much money i had there, and then the director called me and said: “vital ivanovich, so and so, all the money has been taken from your book, it’s gone.” . part of the pension of internet guests goes towards living within the walls of a state-owned institution, and part remains in personal accounts, received by them. access is a prudent social worker and actually stole the money of her charges. not only did vitaly lose almost 300 thousand, but he still owed money. it turned out that for 2 years he was on the internet with a bird's license. khylchanova did not transfer his documents to the personnel department. it turns out that the person lived, ate, drank, at someone else’s expense. for me it was. yes, a state of shock. 3000 to your own
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wish list. by chance, one of the boarding school guests needed to buy medicine, and then it turned out that there was no money, she said that maybe they spent money on pills, on medicines, and so on, in this regard, but you understood that there were no medicines, no there were no pills, and kolchanova was called to... she didn’t, she directly stated that she needed the money more, her husband drinks and she needs to raise two children, she promised to return the funds. the police conducted an investigation at the request of the disabled, but did not find any crime in kolchanova’s actions, because the social worker told the law enforcement officers a different version: allegedly she spent all the money on food for pensioners, tea, for example, which the guest had already drunk, try it, prove the opposite. the social worker
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quit the boarding school so as not to meet pensioners in the corridors and got a job in the department staff of the local hospital, and disabled people periodically visit there, in the hope that kolchanova’s conscience will still awaken. vital ivanovich regularly bought tea and sugar for 274. no, do you know to what extent vitaly ivanovich consumed tea and sugar? well, what kind of car, what were you talking about, i wouldn’t have drunk 260,000 in 2 years, that’s not your excuse...
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there’s no reason to fire her yet, the government agency doesn’t need scandals, but if the clinic is satisfied with kolchanova’s working methods, then the employees of the investigative committee , to the ex the social worker still had questions, it was impossible to live, ancient jewelry was stolen, there was a large sapphire diamond, the story continued on arbat, a legendary place, erbat still attracts creative people. yoshkin, although, is changing,
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a unique collection has disappeared, valuables worth a million soviet rubles, the history in the vdnkh area has ended, in addition to the famous exhibition, there are many attractions here. 13, 68, 98. remember, the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky, i see you’ve been abroad, yes, you know, he said hello, today at 17:00 on ntv. via superstar, premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, napept can help. it helps restore memory and attention. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a discount of 300 rubles on your first order, selfish, it means i already have heartburn burning from it, we will extinguish it, and i
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we trust renival, we choose renival to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go, products from the jandex gol store, jandex gol, all deliveries in one application. just an asterisk, your legs are just numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the blood vessels, angionorm. helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels: keep blood vessels normal. roman madyanov, maybe it’s time to come out in public? yuri stoyanov. kolya, i turn on the emergency exit. what 's going on here? to be honest, it's complete madness. premiere tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. these are not cultural, but personal values. help me
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get it back! with these words to our editorial office once one of the richest people in the modern history of st. petersburg turned. in the early nineties, yuri kalinin was engaged in construction, opened the first car dealership in the city, and was known as a generous philanthropist and moneylender. from the multi-million-dollar fortune , today only memories remain of a couple of amber items, unique ones, however, that is why they are called museum exhibits. according to documents, some of these exhibits
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actually belong to the pensioner, but in fact they are the property of the state. 13 years ago, being successful entrepreneur, kalinin lent his friend 10 million rubles. secured by that very collection of amber, but businessman evgeniy tatuzov was unable to return the money; he donated the collection to the museum, and later went to live abroad. now it's all amber. are national treasures, some of them have a specific owner who would like to see a grandfather clock, for example, not in a museum, but in his apartment, but for this it is necessary to exclude the object of art from the register of cultural property, pensioner kalinin admits that he is old ... an apartment that has not seen renovation for almost half a century,
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a sailboat, an amber clock, an imperial writing set, will not fit in, against the background of faded wallpaper that hides the artistic sculptures of his wife and dilapidated furniture, the sun stone will look strange, and kalinin does not pretend to be the custodian of museum valuables, so in court he said that he is ready to take the money, but what will you do if we give it to you, i say, i don’t know yet, what if i say, there is someone who wants it and you will give me the money? do what you want. in the nineties it was dollar a millionaire, was engaged in construction, opened one of the first car dealerships in the country, money flowed like a river. there were no competitors, nothing, but i had bmws, mercedes, americans. now he is an average pensioner, he saves every penny, no luxurious mansions, no expensive cars, no private business jets, he and his wife live out their lives in a two-room apartment, among their wealth there are only two antique chairs that remained from a past life and...
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solution 2016 on foreclosure of mortgaged property to date was not fulfilled for unknown reasons. according to the court's decision, the museum was supposed to exhibit the amber items for... and return the proceeds to kalinin, but now it is simply impossible to sell them. evgeny tatuzov, who owed money to pensioner kalinin, apparently understood everything perfectly well in advance when he transferred 40 exhibits worth 100 million rubles to the museum. by the way, for his broad gesture he was even named philanthropist of the year. we are ready to work, ready to jointly develop some ideas, plans, and bring them to life. patron of the year gave fiery speeches at each exhibition. the fact that he was donating other people’s exhibits to the museum did not interfere with the businessman. bask in the glory.


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