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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  May 13, 2024 1:20am-4:21am MSK

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the dynamics were negative, 2 months before the heart attack and stroke, the producer was already in a hospital bed, he underwent emergency heart surgery, by the way, it’s difficult to talk, it’s difficult to tell, mark rudenstein admitted to us that the heart is not his only weak point, the producer had the cancer he was secretly fighting with was at the doctor’s yesterday, he looked at it, and he kept saying, yes , it’s there, there’s a suspicion that it’s all there. you need to go to bed, you need to watch 5 days, we will scroll you through, and then we will decide what to do you, can you withstand back surgery, or is it necessary to have surgery on your head? for 3 weeks, while mar grigorievich was in the clinic, everyone followed the news about his condition and until the last believed that even with such a bouquet of illnesses, the inflexible rudenstein would recover, to be honest, i have been lying for 15 years.
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i was sick in one hospital, fifty-second, now a very well-known hospital, which took the main blow, this virus, yes, they treated me every 3-4 months, undermined me, tampered with me, yes, well, in short, they treated me, but a miracle did not happen, 5th of december 2021, rudenstein’s heart stopped, he did not have time to say goodbye to his loved ones and say: his last word, but rudenstein would not have been rudenstein if he had simply left silently. for several months, mark grigorievich and i filmed this four-part series of the program, based on real events. he was as frank as ever, did not avoid sharp corners and did not avoid taboo topics. now it’s clear that he was in a hurry to speak out , to directly express everything that he had been silent about for a long time, bequeathed to us.
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this is a man who is not being made now, this is i don’t know, his heaviness, his depth, he’s like bronze, but whoever you saw, here’s kinotavr, he’s meeting, here’s an actor laughing, laughing, drinking, here’s mark grigorievich sitting there, maybe he’s a thief in law. some kind of khan, is he like this, you know, he looks like the chairman of such a regional cheka, he’s already such, admit it , a white guard bastard, this and that, and tea from the treasury and drying like this, this is this , this is really a lump, you know, to everyone we have different relationships, some love us, some don’t love us, some respect us, some there... something else, i always
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treated mark very well, when someone started to express their opinion to me about something, i said: for god’s sake, i don’t deprive you of your opinion, but my opinion remains with me. why did i even say that, because mark grigorich - in any case, in relation to me i never felt any denial, let's say, yes, so it was always friendly, it was always with a smile, with humor, that's why... . when they say, mark rych will be there, and i say, mark will be fine, then i’ll go and i’ll come, the legendary father of kinotavr, all the actors knew him, and he knew everything about everyone, well , everyone just prayed for him, because there had never been such a festival in this country, such a wide-ranging, such kindness, such a holiday, a holiday of art, a holiday love, there was such an atmosphere there. he
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created this atmosphere, you know, not even the festival itself in the sense that there was a jury, awarding prizes, awards, the whole atmosphere of the festival was there. the holiday of the heart's name day. i believe this is thanks to kinotavr our cinema has not died, our cinematography has not died. only mark grigorevich rudenstein, his drive, his ability to organize, his strength, his honesty, his truthfulness. after all, lately, look how many people have been offended at him, how many people have been offended by him, yes, how many offended, offended. for which, for the fact that he speaks the truth, for the fact that he does not hide real things, a man who was on friendly terms with the great yankovsky, abdullov, karachentsev, at one moment became not a handshake in the world of the rich and
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famous, this is the manner , not shaking hands, when konchalovsky wrote his unchanging truth, he was also declared not to shake hands with this and that. is it all due to the too frank scandalous memoirs in which the legendary mark grigorievich completely stamped out all the bohemia? you know, when an artist kisses an artist and says: i haven’t seen you for a long time, the second text is for you to disappear, you know, all these kisses, all these hugs, they are all so not sincere that i
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never liked going to their house guests, even when yarmalnik dragged me to his dacha, he dragged me, and yerbulnik always drags those he needs to the dacha, he ... offered me a second house to stay with him, everything is fine, but this is insincerity in everything, people coming, the house, the art, there, well, some kind of holidays, turned into me , so i could have been to yankovsky’s dacha twice at most, and at most i’d been to gerbolnik’s dacha twice, that’s it, i didn’t go to them anymore, no, the people close to me got angry, of course, yes, again.
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remained without a handshake, but what are you talking about, this is a movie party, no one cares about each other at all, let’s face it, what a whatever it was, it became his life’s work and his signature style, you know, i think that this scandalous biography of ruddenstein is really just flowers, and i think that after the death of mark grigorievich, someone will still find manuscript, where mardenstein of the story...
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i go around saying that i did the right thing, because you can’t talk like a fool about big heads, although many people think that i am self-sufficient in myself and quite, so to speak, well, not to say that a large figure, but self-sufficient that i had the right to it, i i think, well, this is my personal opinion, probably it ’s just that their real actors in life are so... very different from those people in the movies and those people on the screens who sit and tell us about the morality of society, how they love it all , yes, that this is the devil and the dayangel, and rudenstein simply, well, considered it his
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public, well, actually, duty, yes, to open our eyes to what was happening, for a year and a half, television viewers enthusiastically watched how vitalina tsymbalyuk-romanovskaya... i i felt horror, but i was scared for him, i was so ashamed, because i always wanted him to look decent, so... so that the end of his life would be like this, well, the ending, yes, in a good way, here he is a great person, and the ending is great, she is a fantastic god, and i have no doubt about this, this is varyuga, for several months the country was looking forward to how the confrontation between karina mishulina, the daughter of spartak mishulin, and the self-proclaimed son of an artist would end. timur ieremeev, they touched me where it hurt and touched me in a boorish way, moreover, the people don’t know how
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they put pressure on us over the phone, yes, for 2 months, what they told us, how we reacted to it, these 2 months we somehow lived under such pressure that, forgive me, an ordinary person cannot stand it, believe me, if i am an actress, more less knowledgeable in general in this area could not stand it, then an ordinary person, believe me, will give up and just take it - batyu will run to kill everyone, believe me, it’s a strange situation, you see, there are no rules here as to how any of us should have acted , how to behave, for more than a year now, as viewers with they enthusiastically follow the adventures of natalya drozhina and mikhail tsivin, who were burned by the inheritance of the great batalov. do you want to go to jail? come on, sit down and tell us, we didn’t rob anyone, in general we are very good, we just wanted to help. who brought all these big stories together? certainly.
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rudenshtein with fists and why rudenshtein fought with tsivin over karina mishulina, you will find out in a couple of minutes. have you heard about your grandfather? it’s a pity, he was a good guy, but you’re still at the moscow opera, didn’t your bosses get drunk? all the same. what's going on in the village? what everyone became so timid, he wanted to find those responsible for the death of his grandfather,
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such people are tied up in this topic, neither i nor you can jump, by the way, yours is from moscow, but the main witness in this case turned out to be a dolphin, the dolphin found him, then he brought me , my grandfather drowned here, whether it’s a coincidence or not, i don’t know, but what he’s doing, he’s witnessing, captain korablev was saved as a child by a dolphin when he was drowning, and since then, the language has been understood. someone in your department, one of your guys, is leaking information. sergey zharkov. stand! hands, hold it so i can see. dolphins, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. pental extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. i’m something
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whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up, no talking. are you taking anyone there? we are taking an old woman from therapy, how can you confuse a living person with a corpse, we just wanted the best, but as always? a former operator spent 20 years in a homicide operative and a former zek, me and klava go as a couple, the orderlies, me and klava, work in the morgue, normal people don’t work in morgues, they’re definitely conducting their own investigation, they shot, strangled, and even tore, this just blood feud, excuse me, what did you
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turn a decent place here into a consequence?
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in fact, she staged the premiere of her play, bypassing him, she sits on the piano, plays colors, this is music, tsvetaevo, they made a performance, he was categorically against this performance, i say, girl, don’t , it’s bad, so bad tone, you know why, we are a drama theater, i insist on this and will continue to insist, musical, that’s nothing, it’s ukrainian... i’ll say some kind of pornography, as i think, absolutely pornography, i will call you to come and look, it’s better not to watch it. i already went to the theater to put up a playbill, i said, i asked them not to show this pornography, we have a lot of money, so and so on, they
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took him home on the day of the performance, that is, they just took him away and started playing the play, he somehow miraculously found out about this and returned to the theater, returned to the theater, they had not yet started playing the play, they were scared when they saw him, they took him into the office, locked him with a key, they started playing the play, we didn’t close the door, we didn’t loves, he doesn’t like to close the doors in the office, i came to the theater quite by accident that day, having learned that there was some kind of premiere at the dzhagarkhanyan theater, i come to the theater, i knock on dzhagarkhanyan’s office, i hear a knock from there, free me, what are you doing? have we gone crazy over there? why raise your voice, you can just turn the key in the lock. moreover, you can quietly provoke his helpless cry
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to say: look, he’s not sane, let’s call an ambulance, he needs a psychiatric hospital, what did she actually say when they opened the door, because he screamed and he insulted, i don’t know where to find the keys, i don’t have the keys, i called sagamanyan, his friend. says: listen, there’s some kind of wild story here, dzhegarkhanyan was locked in the office, they’re playing a play, this madan is a baby, sometimes they don’t give him the keys, they don’t give him, then i go, they write statements, i came right away, we somehow opened him up, well, he i found how to open the cabinet, but dzhegorkhanyan was in a state of stroke, that was the first story, so he had a stroke.
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whip yourself, it’s a disaster for an old man when he’s in love with a young woman runs into this kind of horror,
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it’s fantastic, and of course, he hasn’t come to his senses, he’s constantly hospital, house, hospital, house, he has terrible diabetes, just like me, by the way, yes, he has diabetes is terrible, but he was constantly taken to the hospital, home, hospital, home, and finally they didn’t bring him back. rudenstein defended the truth at all angles, for this he received a hit on the head from an angry blonde, you can get up and leave, like the former director of a moscow theater that you have never been to, you can get up leave, in the hindsight of ignatiev there is such a former officer or fsb officer or just a police major, at some point she suddenly suddenly went on...
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after numerous examinations, the scales tipped towards the official family of spartak mishulin. i was so involved in the material of this story that i was in pskov filming a picture of the republic, i was an administrator in this picture, it’s just that it was so many years ago, and i... saw the whole story of mishulin with this woman, i no, naturally, i wasn't in the room or where, but i i saw this love story, and mishulin did not hide it, this boy went to see him at the theater, he even told someone, vysokovsky, yes, he even told someone that this boy, let the theater come, yes, this is my son , i’m not even talking about the copy of the boy himself with
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mishulin, everything was fine. rudenstein’s position then outraged the real daughter of spartak mishulin, karina, so much that she could not hold back her tears. there was. rudenshtein, who lied just like that, i was amazed, i burst into tears, just sitting in the rattle, i burst into tears because of what he was saying. karina, yes, who first made peace with him, first admitted it, then refused, then did something extra, demanded some. what rudenstein was carrying generally needs to be, i don’t know, imprisoned, although he was sitting, well, it didn’t help him, apparently by an amazing coincidence, then mikhail tsivin stood up for karina mishulina, who often stood up for those who could come in handy later, we are wealthy people , the talk that we have 17 or already 19 apartments is a myth, this one stood to protect the interests of the family. bothers them,
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apparently, something bothers them, then it turned out that they they were trying to get into mishulin’s family and their apartment like a botalov, yes, they were trying to get into something, we got into a fight, it’s scary, i don’t remember what i called him on the show, there’s almost a bastard who says in plain sight that from birth, emilia considered herself the sister of twins, but at 14 she found out that she was adopted, my dad told me, daughter, there is such a house, happiness, this is the maternity hospital, and we took you from there. my name was left by my biological mother elmanova anastasia, and naturally my mother changed it for me, they did it so that she gave birth to twins, will she find out? why she was abandoned, her parents came from the maternity hospital and brought two baby dolls. we conducted an investigation and found a resident
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of kaliningrad. my mother’s name was nadezhda, would the prospective biological family agree to accept her after 39 years, my mother would not have left her for sure, we are a family of strangers to her, i am opening the dna envelope, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv, i have something good, the best. i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m vtb’s new loyalty program, vtb, choose the right categories every month, for example, clothes, sports products , you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, everything will work out together, try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles.
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also modest, uncle lyosha, a good comedy is coming, look now at kion. go out to it’s profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners - free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback. mother, you can handle even difficult tasks. virgo - good where there is care. what do you think? cool, but save up a cumulative vtb bet for a subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. in
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good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m the new vtb loyalty program! select the categories you want each month, such as clothing, products. on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, we heard about your grandfather, it’s a pity, good day, well, you’re still at the moscow opera, the boss didn’t get drunk, that’s all well, what ’s going on in the village, that everyone has become so timid, he wanted to find those responsible for his death... such people are tied up in this topic, neither i nor you can jump, yours, by the way, are from moscow, but the main witness in this case turned out to be a dolphin, the dolphin found him, then he brought me, my grandfather drowned here, coincidence
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or not, i don’t know, but what is he doing, he’s interviewing witnesses, captain korablev saved a dolphin when he was drowning as a child, and since then, the language is understood, someone in your department from your guys is leaking information. sergei zharkov, stop! hands, hold it so i can see. dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. an argument between two respectable men ended in a fight. we went backstage, and there on channel one there is a television room where the artists change clothes. he invited me there, he didn’t invite me, he called me. i didn’t... calculate anything, i thought he wanted to explain himself again, he swung forcefully and tried to hit me. mikhail semyonovich really just stood up for my tears, for my honor, for the fact that he offends two women, a widow and a daughter, completely
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undeservedly, for trampling on mishulin’s memory and saying simply disgusting nasty things about him to the whole country, and he fought back, but he punched him, and i believe that something like this can be done... an honest, normal man who was brought up on the right concepts, i will spare him from this blow, he hit the wall with his fist, but he is healthy, he broke through this wall, it’s so cardboard there, yes, he punched this wall with his fist, at that time one of my friends entered, not one of my friends, one of the filmmakers also entered this room and said, are you crazy there? that he was playing the fool, that’s it, that’s all over, we separated, but it was a scandal that made us, well, enemies, someone you want to envy, about how and why mikhail semyonovich and mark grigorievich quarreled,
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legends are made in the acting community, the fight on the sidelines of the television center was the culmination of the long history of their relationship. it was rumored that they were once friends and started a lot together, and then something went wrong. an abomination, this is a dirty trick connected with the apartment, with batalov’s property, here i was swollen again, here i could not remain silent, at the time of their first acquaintance , tsivin and drozhina laid claim to the title of king and queen of a closed party, this is a small gathering of people, this is the chosen people both france and ours, these are representatives of our embassy, ​​together with ambassador ryzhov, then there was ambassador ryzhov and a guest. who were invited to a buffet for a significant event and a small
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oval unesco hall, oh, i can’t touching they're crying, but why should i go to the kremlin when, excuse me, i'm 72, i have moscow city opposite me. mikhail tsivin entered the world of red cow carpets thanks to his dear natalya drozhzhina; they do not stop for a single day either on the internet, or on television, or in newspapers. today we have become the most famous news. having delved into his biography, mikhail semyonovich discovered that he rightfully takes his place in the cream of society. in our house there were always a lot of people, artistic people, cultural workers, representatives of the cultural intelligentsia. i'm with i knew arkai sakovich as a child.
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a medal for, this is called a medal for supporting the domestic order, for supporting domestic cinema, he called me, well, he doesn’t speak russian, jaka tali called me, this is the president of the european bank for reconstruction, why did he call, because he is the second person. after miteran. rudenstein created his creative biography with his own hands and could not stand hangers-on. and he never goes anywhere, well, he keeps lying, you know, he screams, he yells, he’s a scumbag who was in prison, a thief, he’s even cannot understand that i was freed, that i was acquitted. a cold war began between the two gentlemen. a lot came out, so many stories came out that i told. let them go, let them go, we saw them behind
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bars, they were already taken in handcuffs behind bars, they were released from there, let them come to us, now they won’t be called either to nabedin, or to funerals, or to events, they will walk among us, how they will die from sickness, because they will not find a use for themselves, so they don’t need to be 72 years old, old people, why touch them, take them away... they have everything to rudenshtein it seemed that tsivin and drozhina were following on his heels, mark grigorievich was at the party, mikhail semyonovich and natalya georgievna would definitely appear there. mark rudenstein released scandalous memoirs, mikhail tsivin is right there, starting to write a column for a scandalous newspaper, where he tells everything about the most famous deserving people. mark rudenstein came to the tv show and supports one side, rest assured, mikhail tsivin will support. opponents, i felt that already before that, i felt that they were
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scoundrels, but i had no reason, broken and depressed by the loud scandal, karina mishulina did not notice anything suspicious in the actions of tsivin and drozhzhina. at that moment, few people wanted to be near us. and a huge number of people turned away from us when we were forced to go on air, and we, frankly, didn’t even think to call them when it all happened, but because somehow all this was unexpected for us. here it must be said that natalya drozhina was once a neighbor of the mishulin family. they lived in the same garden -triumphal house. ours lived in the same house friends, mikhail semyonovich tsevin, natalya georgievna drozhzhina. we lived on the eighth floor, they were on the third. since then, a lot has changed, drozhena and tsivin moved to kutuzovsky, at the height of the scandal with eremeev they suddenly suddenly appeared on the horizon, offering their protection to the mishulin family, in return they asked to always take them. to the tv broadcasts with them, and after the broadcast they called us, they
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say why didn’t you call us, why, but in the end they arrived and they said: that’s it, now, if you still decide to go, we will always go with you, because you simply cannot be left alone with your emotions, they really walked, they stood up for us on the mountain, every time new and new tricks of theirs are found, and there is no end in sight. einstein suspected that tsivin and drozhzhina used the naive , defenseless karina mishulina to increase their recognition rating, with a long-range view, as they say, every gesture of theirs, if you... even now i have analyzed some things, each of their gestures has a purposeful or weaning or needed acquaintance in order to sit in the front row of mikhalkov, you understand? that's all. rudenstein likes to say some
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things about tsivin there, which in general are not supported by any evidence, facts, some specifics, these are usually general words. at first we had normal relations with them, normal relations, they came, although i didn’t let them in, but they still came to the festival, wandered around somewhere, ended up in the front row, i could never understand how they ended up in first time, but they got in for the first time, then i
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got so used to them that i stopped paying attention to them, i didn’t give them any special invitations, they took the ticket on a general basis. but they came just like at all festivals, but only at our festival they were not given any honors, and i finally asked one time, how do you get to take pictures on the red carpet, get into the auditorium to a place of honor and even have a snack at the banquet, rudenstein turned a blind eye to these pranks of the four trembling civilians, but when the tireless couple entered a closed event, did not suffer. every year we held a press conference before the festival. on the ship to moskvetsa we rented a comfortable ship and drove away from the cinema house to this ship, each time we wrote out tickets for guests, honorary tickets, well, not honorary, odd there, and people our man stood by the bus and
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passed the ticket on these, here i am alone once i finally saw that they were going through with tickets, but i know for sure that we are tickets and... issuing them, i told my security to sort it out , and we sorted it out, however, on the steamship, before the guards had time to work, we dropped them off on the moscow river, somewhere far in the forest, we just dropped them off, they naturally rebelled, that’s all, but we dropped them off, apparently from that moment they became tense towards me, mikhail semyonovich offended. in response, he delivered his informational blow, telling how he treated mark grigorievich in paris. in 1997 or 1998, when tsivin and drozhzhin lived in france, rudenstein came there with oleg yankovsky, with whom he was friends then, and tsivin even met them. u
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inkovsky had some acquaintance, an employee of a travel agency, tsivin met them anyway, he devoted 2 days to rudenshtein. and took yankovsky around the city, showed him paris, took him to a cafe there, that is, it was such two busy days, a seemingly wonderful relationship, then, naturally, they didn’t see each other for many years, this is such nonsense, to be honest , i even so i’m trying to physically remember, maybe, well, i don’t know where he could have caught me, because he wasn’t at the embassy for a reception when i left the embassy, ​​it’s unlikely could he have caught me, because i had my own car, and they took me around, where he could have caught me once, honestly, i even doubt it, maybe because i knew him
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by sight, and maybe somewhere... then we crossed paths, and he either took me somewhere, or that he told me... all cards said that he simply doesn’t know mark rudenstein, i don’t know him, i don’t know him, mark grigorievich rudenstein unfamiliar, i saw him twice by chance, that is, you don’t have any.
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commotion, as the dog said, that i crap on everyone, producer, actor, film critic, mark grigorievich rudenshtein, this was the last time mark rudenshtein went on stage, every time with joy, although i can’t go anymore, it’s already hard, but every time i come here with joy in order to to see... not only children, all of you, parents, wonderful parents, who, i think, spend no less effort than the children
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who come here to study, so my applause to the parents, first of all, at the children's festival of the magazine kompot, every schoolchild knows who mark rudenstein is and is in a hurry to take a selfie with the famous guest, i hope that we will be together with him for a long time, because... well, for us this is just such a big plus in terms of some kind of even , you know, sincerity, because well, we consider him grandfather compote. even then, mark rudenstein understood that he didn’t have much time left and even joked on stage about this topic, that i can say, well, a tragedy happened, what happened was that the leader rolasha grachevsky passed away. but there is some meaning in this tragedy, what is happening here next to us is that it is felt that
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compote is already replacing grachevsky, replacing yarolash, i have no doubt about it, so let’s not be sad, let’s change, change, maybe even a minute of silence for the great leader of compote, who? thank you, that's what, that's what old age means? yes, of course, i meant yarolash. that evening, mark grigorievich left yaroslavl with a light heart, recharged with energy, and made plans for the future along the way, although he perfectly understood that very soon fate would begin to deal him one blow after another. mark rudenstein was known as a man
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who knows everything about everyone, that’s why many were afraid of him, a man of incredible power, he was so dense, that’s how they were drawn to him, like these actors clung to the planet, because they were incredible with him, he never bothered to talk in my pocket, once we went to israel. it was very funny when i asked mark, who is going to the festival? he says: should you start with the jews or the russians? i say: well , start with whoever you want, he says: let’s start with the jews, i say, i’m listening to you carefully, he says, that means you’re with zharikov, nona mordyukova, evgeny semyonovich matveev, lida fedoseeva, i’ve had enough, now we come to the russians, yeah, to the russians, well, let’s start with the fact that i’m russian, arlazorov is russian, and so on. and so on, they laughed, he knew everything about abdullov, by the way, he assessed him ambiguously, they can only give him a hint, like, here you go, so that you know
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that you can’t touch you, i don’t feel sorry for abdulov, by the way, i don’t think abdulov a great artist, he did not receive a single award at our festivals, anywhere, he knew everything about inkovsky later regretted his careless actions, i am still sure to this day that of course... to keep it a secret, and this offended too many, especially if the opinion of the producer did not coincide with the opinion of the audience. i
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practically made him, that’s how it seems to you, a people’s artist? he can’t sing, he can’t dance, he can’t do anything, he can’t speak, he can’t hear, he just, by god, has a people’s artist’s face, he couldn’t do anything else. many have wondered why mark rudenstein is haunted by the happiness of others? you know he now he says that i regretted that this biography came out, i regretted that i told some of the details, i think that he is disingenuous and hypocritical, in fact, no, he regretted, did not regret, it was his deliberation.
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how they justified me, what can i do, as lenin said, every bolshevik must go through the body. in order to understand how from the odessa hooligan marik, he turned into a major figure in the domestic show business, mark grigorievich, we need to rewind time back and put all the volumes on the shelves his stormy biography, similar to an adventure novel. i was born into what should i say, correctly, a mishchansky family, my father was.
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dad managed to get a job in the commissariat, send people to war, children to war, always shouting patriotic slogans, but he was not at war, and because of this untruth that reigned in the house, i categorically did not like him, i really did not like my father. marik’s relationships with his peers also did not work out, until one significant day. you know, i came to a school where there was, i can’t even say, odessa, but there was a school.
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healthy, pumped up, doing gymnastics, in the fifth grade he came, he said that you are afraid of them, let's beat them too, and in the fifth grade we organized a gang, our own gang, which began to give a congregation, well, you can imagine, but here we are this is rudenshtein, yes, well, odessa, but this is rudenshtein - this is not the jewish boy who plays the violin in the ganbrinus, yes, no, this is him, benya krik, this is one of those... stories from odessa, yes this is the gop- wait, we came around the corner, here's rodensten, like this he was, but gradually this gang dispersed to, well, let's put it bluntly, to a criminal gang, because we already beat anyone without hitting, we all always met on the primorsky boulevard, in odessa there is a primorsky boulevard, this is a beautiful place, there was an amusement park below, but it was a pioneer park, and at night it became
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an amusement park, and we were always there when we needed to... sort things out, we had a suburban gang, that’s us, a city gang, a peresip gang and moldovanka, moldovans, four gangs always met on the boulevard . on primorsky boulevard, if it was necessary to go to sort things out at the children's park, well, he grew up with a gopstop, and so the head of a mafia clan, well, which was not yes, well, in fact , they looked at him, well, it’s definitely you, he’s this one, then he’s this one so from this we have from those jews who burned arab tanks in the desert there and attacked with these incendiary bottles there, he is a fighter, there they sorted things out, one of them, and they found out that... they took out knives, there of course, for whom we were finding out relationship, for some girl, well, what else could we sort things out, we they pulled out knives, at that moment they ran into the police, they tied us all up, they took us all away, well
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, whoever they managed to take away, they took everyone to the police station, the sentences began, the sentences including the children’s colony, rudenshtein’s father was a respected man, the director of the “military book” store, i could have excused my son from responsibility, but he didn’t want to, my dad, who, as i already said, would have been a communist, told me that he was guilty, just sit there, it’s that simple, and i was sent to a children’s colony, where i spent a year, almost the year he came to see me goodbye once, i told him, you are crazy, you either take me away from here, or i will become a bandit in the full sense of the word. you can imagine what kind of contingent existed there. mark was still released early, but resentment against his father grew so much that rudenstein decided to change his middle name at the first opportunity.
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this is a typical jewish story, typical of families. my dad was konstantin. that is, i am, in theory, mark konstantinovich. but in hebrew, konstantin is kosryl, kosrylevich. at that moment i joined the army, and israel attacked the soviet channel and there was all this six-day war, we jews began to be considered the fifth column in this in the army, all
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the political information of our major started with israel, israel, israel, israel, and i began to get it for being a market so, that i started calling myself out of fear. grigorievich, and my grandfather was israel grigorievich, that is, that is, my grandfather was grigory. mark, now grigorievich, served in the moscow region in the air defense forces. we were newcomers, we were all the same, the old people mocked us, this was back when there was a three-year service. the staniki bullied us a lot, of course, they bullied me, especially, why? because i was such a freedom-loving bit, i had to download the whole truth for what i downloaded.
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that’s how they tortured me for a long time. rudenshtein is grateful to the soviet army for teaching him not to be afraid of work, to endure all hardships and deprivation, and to read poetry. i kept asking my friend, who, when there were outfits, disappeared somewhere, i asked where you always disappear in the afternoon, he says, i know how to play bayan and i were taken to prepare a concert by salah, salah - that’s who we are and i go to rehearsal every day. they let me go there, i say: what can i do? i don’t know, he says, well, tell me that you can read poetry, and i came up, touch major, i’ve been reading poetry from a chair all my life, but he says oh,
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we need just a presenter, go and start freeing me after lunch in the library the army that was there, the army just became a social elevator for rudenstein, why, because of course in the air defense, the air defense near moscow.
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and he says, sit down, now they’ll come for you. after 5 minutes, some sergeant major runs out wearing a concert uniform, everything else says that you are sitting here, shall we go? i say where? don’t you know where you came, i say, i have no idea, i say, to the song and dance ensemble, you came, and what, i say, are you going to read poetry? mark izraevich knows 100%, well, 100% writes poetry, plays the violin, writes a newspaper, in general, this is a godsend, a godsend. and he says, come
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on, this is the stage, and he has nothing to lose, yes, this the last, last push, and the first concert, the palace, not a palace, but what is it called, the kremlin, the kremlin palace, but not ours, not the novgorod palace, and i have to go out for the first time to say, the captain is there, the leader, well, the ensemble is souping there , dance songs, leader, deservedly there.
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he understood what had happened to me, rushed to the microphone instead of me and finished this phrase, i went off stage unbeaten, i burned out my voice and they were about to send me back, but still the doctors at the podolsk hospital pulled me out for some reason, they pulled me out, i'm back in the preskie dancing ensemble began to conduct a program there, so to speak, conduct a program there, and the army seemed to have finished there, and this is how the soviet army gave rudenstein his life’s work. after serving, mark was about to return to
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his family in odessa, but quickly realized that he was not expected there and went back to podolsk. not yet knowing that he has great love ahead, a hard rock prison cell. this went under the highest measure, and i went under the article about the highest measure. from birth, emilia considered herself a twin sister, but at 14 she found out that she was adopted. dad told me: “daughter, there is such a house, happiness.” this is the maternity hospital, and we took you from there. and biological. my mother abandoned her immediately after birth, there is a cradle, there is a girl in it and a nurse is walking, whose girl is it, she says, yes, it’s nobody’s, my name was left by my biological mother, elmanova anastasia, and naturally my mother changed it for me, they did it so that she gave birth to twins, will she find out why she was abandoned, her parents came from the maternity hospital and brought two baby dolls, we conducted an investigation and found a resident of kaliningrad,
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i won’t go there again, roman madyanov, this is the whole spirit, this is the fifth term, for a dangerous exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv, mark rudenstein begins his path to the top here, within the walls of the podolsk electromechanical plant, in 1900 this there was a factory of the singer company, then the enterprise was nationalized, in the years... it was repurposed to produce products for the needs of the front, so an amazing symbiosis developed: in one workshop there were sewing machines, and what were they doing in the next one? a military secret. at first i got a job as an artistic director amateur performance of workshop number 16 of the plant,
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the famous plant that built sewing machines, the podolsk podolsk sewing machine plant, well, for some reason, instead of sewing machines. but they needed a director, and my friend served as her guitarist, a good guy, he knew how to do everything, listen, you know what to do, come to us as a director, and i went to her as a director, we began to travel all over the country, parking nikolova was known in the soviet union as the first performer
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of the beautiful song by konstantin vanshenkin and eduard kolmanovsky, alyosha. with the arrival in rudenstein's team, the singer's promotion began using stakhanov's methods, she constantly traveled. she performed solo in national concerts around the country, and her value, her participation in the concert was that when she sang in a concert, it was possible to make a ticket more expensive for a ruble, she was considered as a bulgarian singer, for rubles, and tickets that could be there were more than 320 weeks 4:20, songs are sung, money is pouring in, rudenstein works tirelessly, and how many other different schemes can you come up with with markups on tickets, but they are tempting.
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fucked on the floor on my hand, screaming: will you hold me? and everyone in the hall heard this, we were immediately kicked out of the tour in the city of zaporozhye and sent away, her expulsion began, a rumor had already spread across the pop radio about a fantastic young director who , like the king of medas, turns every ruble into five, and i was picked up first to ...
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to say, not always in an honest way, but mark grigorievich did not hide honest ones, i can’t say there were no ways in the rosconcert then, it couldn’t go on like this for long, finally, they became interested in this whole musical carousel organs, at this time i was looking at it. vadimulman, the first performer of such hits as frowning, no need to fret, a coward doesn’t play
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hockey. hockey is played by real men. coward does not play hockey. a coward doesn't play hockey. defying their age, these pensioners conquer the sky, jump into the abyss, and master extreme stunts. i can do a 360° turn, but i had to fight my way through. for 3 years he has been jumping in secret from his family, oh, oh, how good, what was your highest height, 207 m, another at 71 conquers volcanoes, the highest conquered the highest peak of the world, climbed the highest volcano in asia, the third at the age of 75, became a parachutist, great, great mood, at the airfield they immediately agreed to take you, this stubborn grandfather. if he passes the medical commission, we don’t mind, how many of them are there, who
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enjoy old age, why are their children and grandchildren in horror, they tell me, your spine will jump out of your pants, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, there is, drop everything, i’m already heading out, we’re definitely dealing with a murder, dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. seventies he was called the main competitor of the great joseph kobzon. according to rumors, it was mullerman who was supposed to perform the main song from the legendary series 17 moments of spring. but mullerman ended up on the pencil, to whom he should as a result, instead of him, the soundtrack for 17 moments was recorded by joseph kobzon. they didn’t take it, they took the team. well, they didn’t take the team either, they took them along with them and brought them to the investigative committee. and they started.
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it was just his friend there, a comrade, an acquaintance, a relative there, such an enterprising person who had good connections there somewhere in the philharmonic societies of some uh in the regional ones somewhere they were friends with the management of the stadiums there or some sports palaces or just any palace of culture uh, what did they do? they agreed that listen, i’ll bring you, let’s say, there, well, there’s obadzinsky, for example, and you’ll gather uh... i’ll gather people, of course, but i just understood that it’s impossible to give such a massive poster, naturally
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the relevant authorities might be interested and this investigation began and all of us, starting with borisovna, the director, borisovna, directors and ending with all the directors who had to do with these big palace concerts, they began to take us away, how much does a ticket cost, a ruble, oh, how good, since i gave the ruble to there. yes 5 tickets, 5 rubles. everything, money, cash was collected and given to this organizer, naturally, the singer came, performed, he sang songs, his concert, there he sang some hits of his own, there were hits, everyone clapped, everyone was happy, and the singer was satisfied, and people were satisfied, they enjoyed what they heard, the only thing left to lose the state that did not receive, did not receive, uh, any serious amount in the budget, there is such a thing. moshlotsky, the chief
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prosecutor general, the chief investigator, who said that in this case i will become a people's artist, i am putting you all in prison, including, of course, i ended up under this comb. evgeniy nikolaevich myslovsky spent his entire life fighting economic crimes, organized crime and corruption; he has been an investigator in the authorities since 1969.
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"well, hello, evgeniy maksimovich, this is the first time i arrived, i didn’t know yet, what's going on, i'm just, how are you, how great, you know, mark, it's very bad, i say what's bad, my eyesight is so bad, i say what's wrong, my, i have a good professor, although i didn't have no professor, i have a good professor, he ’ll tell you what’s wrong with my eyesight, you know, i haven’t seen any money lately, and that meant that i had to give him the eleventh concert from these concerts, the eleventh. it was necessary to give him the entire salary of the artists of the eleventh concert, this is approximately 350-4000, if there were 33 concerts, then this it was necessary to cleverly make three, if there were 33 groups in the rosconcert, then they all brought it to him, this was a man, probably richer than rodilda, but then everyone brought him this, i say, yes, so
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seriously, he says there was maturity, i realized that it was necessary to give, from that moment i began to give this money, but it had to be collected. all artists, so that they pay this money, the money that did not reach the state treasury, which means that it was stolen from the state, and article 93, it meant the theft of state property, state, or state property, you know, that is, in any - in any type of property theft, that is - it was not necessary to go there and steal, well, some kind of goods. which belongs to the state, let’s say, go to a store, a state store, i emphasize, there were no frequent stores then, go there and steal a loaf of sausage there, you think it was stolen, stolen from the state, but we did not want to testify against ivanenkov against khadykin, didn’t want to give them, you had them, you took them to restaurants, you them, we we really took them to, we really fed them, because they gave us income,
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for this the punishment was from eight to 15 years, like that. in some cases , the death penalty is on an especially large scale, the article stipulated what an especially large amount is, if an amount of 10 thousand rubles, 10 thousand, 10 thousand and more was stolen, for this you could get a bullet in the forehead, you know, that’s it, what they charged me was 3,171 rubles in thefts for four in 5 years, for the 5 years that i stole about 30 rubles.
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allowed 11 rubles for they paid 511 there, oh well they looked at me with guilty eyes and couldn’t say anything, couldn’t do anything, so what are you going to do and they were released and they pinned all this on me; the case smelled of kerosene and rudenshtein exchanged his warm home bed for a bunk in a pre-trial detention center butyrka cell of 48 people. where it took a day to get to the toilet, and a week to get to the bed, until she was free, they slept on the floor next to the toilet, and rudenshtein already had juvenile detention, how to enter the hut correctly, he seemed to know, but did not take it into account, a colony for minors adult pre-trial detention center - these are two big differences, and i mean
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, a thief in law immediately approached me. i arrived when i was at the sandwich shop, i arrived with not a whole wallet, but a bag of all sorts of products, sweets, cigarettes, everything else, and i decided to immediately pay attention to me, i arrived, and i decided to distribute all these, a city in law came up to me and he said, are you crazy, but now they will take you for a guard, just sit down with all this goodness, then i will tell you where, what to give, yes, and this one really saved me. there we had a zone in the lowlands, so at first, when i arrived there, i have a detachment chief, he said, there are people up there, they come to look at you with binoculars, they say, there is mr. pepechek, mr. pepechek was brought, honored artist of russia vladimir dalinsky in the year seventy-three was already a star, played pan pepechek in
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the super popular show zucchini 13 chairs, served at the moscow satire theater and suddenly thundered onto the bunk. article from five, including the highest measure of social protection, execution, you know, this, and i, thank god, received five, served four, i had a pardon, they gave me a year off, but i have no complaints against the authorities, that was the law then, to serve my sentence, a native muscovite from dolinsky went 100 km from the capital, to kirovo-chupetsk, we had one there major in special forces, well, they say that he beat his wife there, he actually had this... he was such a sleazy guy, he drank very hard there, so he was in the camp, when he was inside the camp, he was settling scores with his grievances
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with life against prisoners, so i never forgot how he treated me, he treated me very badly, he spoiled me as best he could, but there were others, the boss there was in charge of political and educational work, for him he was an actor, it was the light, he sometimes came to me and asked how you filmed it, well... here's the lady monika and mr. professor, they lived on their own, i say, no, no, oh well, at first, out of horror and longing for my family , i wanted to commit suicide, but creativity saved me, according to my article, i had to work piecework, but since i had to be uh inspection of cultural and educational work in the zones, and they threw me there in this work in the library, the library there, this maramzin is our boss. doesn’t read at all, let’s bring something to the library, and i
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started writing these annotations for books there, anna karenina, this is biksa’s sidekick nura, anka, she is this, she cheated on her man, her man was nice with some fraerom, there it is, she didn’t spare her son, bixa’s podnarny there. read guys, it’s interesting, yes, but in the end she was either pushed under the belt, or her conscience itself got stuck, you know, that’s how i wrote about 100 books, that’s all there, and they started walking, they started reading, they were laughing at these people there, gradually, gradually our colony came out on top for reading everything, and so i put the library in order, gradually dolinsky found a new one. the meaning of life, adapted to the current circumstances and even got myself a pet, i caught a little mouse there, and i had it in a three-liter jar, it was moving around there, and then
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maramzina came, and i heard, and i covered it with books like that, so so, when i wrote these and well, such an arena turned out i released this vaska there, i gave him some bread there and he became a living creature. you sit there alone for half a day, and - the cops had horseshoes on their boots, when they walked, he knows, that means they’re coming, i’m in this three-liter jar for a book, and there it’s absolutely forbidden to keep any animals, so he comes, dolin will say , what is this thing you're fussing about, and this is a little mouse there, he's in a jar and he 's getting nervous for some reason, oh, he's fussing again, what is this, i say, but i don't know, but come on, i say, what's he fussing about, i'm some citizen major, well, there’s a mouse over there, oh, you idiots , that means dolinsky, you’re sitting there, and you’ve put the mouse in prison, i say, well, let me out, yes, well, you
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can, i’ll let you out, i said, i told you, let me out, i’ll put you in the isolation ward , i take it , let him go, he ran away, he ran away, otherwise i... you’re running, well, that’s how it was, don’t remember, they laughed with him, if dolinsky trained rodents, then rudenstein tamed women’s hearts, and steel bars were not a hindrance , on a bottle you could send, send a horse, pass a note with someone, someone came out, someone came, i was making love with the little one, who sat in the cell below the actresses, they still play love, the female camera, i...
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in premeditated murder. she was released in 1988 under an amnesty. the actress died on october 30, 2021 in the moscow boarding house for veterans of science ras, where she lived out her last years. blind, helpless , forgotten by everyone, but let's go back to the eighties, when everyone was still alive, at the dawn of their strength and managed to love even in the inhuman conditions of the pre-trial detention center, but then i found out that she was sitting there, she answered me, and i sent her pants so that she could repair them, in short, we fell in love, but when i left prison, she was already crazy, not quite normal, she didn’t quite recognize her anymore, but well, you understand what’s
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the matter, that’s when they say: there you were imprisoned unfairly or there he was imprisoned unfairly, he and i were imprisoned absolutely fairly, fairly according to the laws that existed then. vladimirulinsky was given 5 years, but he managed to be released early. when i was convicted, there were absolutely no concessions for me, but then, when i was already in prison camp and i wrote a petition for pardon, then my theater... satire, in which i had previously worked, supported my petition for pardon, that is, well, the signatures there were grandiose, minglet, people's artist, papanov, peltser, mironov , mishulin, tkachuk, there, the entire elite of the satire theater, everyone signed this petition, and of course, this played a role in the fact that i’m still not five, it seems so, well, just a year, a whole year was shortened. i
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returned a year early, which is very so to speak, rudenstein's friends could not help he needs to get out of the pre-trial detention center, so the conditions will completely improve. they brought me to the sailor’s silence, where there were three people in a cell, one was the head of the voronezh trade department, the second was the minister of transport of kazakhstan, no more, no less, silence, and mattresses and this and that, comfort, but it turned out to be worse than a bottle, such silence .
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gave spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, now i’m filming, quiet, quiet, quiet, exclusive video, mark rudenstein with his family, toy, come here, look,
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iron producer in the role.
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then this is the only person who he’ll jump in and go help right away, he can’t eat sweets, but he’s there every time we come, there’s food, he either eats it all, but in general his wife carefully monitors this, she really keeps him in tight mittens, but of course , when we see this, it’s like, well, of course, he doesn’t really listen to us, well, he goes in for sports, he... tries in any case, he himself can’t say that he’s really worried about his health, but sometimes it is necessary, of course, to translate it a little into feeling, in these frames mark grigorievich is already seriously ill, and of course... he knows about it, but he tries not to bother his family again, he understands that he has a lot to do, speak out, forgive someone, repent to someone, what have i come to, what i have to, and now, of course, it’s hard for me to live with this god, i
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can’t, i don’t feel that i’m right, that i did the right thing. i am convinced that the city of sochi will become a kind of mecca for the festival. congratulations, dear friends. kinotavr, today everyone knows this name. the annual film festival is held in sochi, you only think about it, since 1990. founders, oleg yankovsky and mark ruzenshtein. such a huge array, huge, over the years it was simply huge, hundreds of people came, stars came, at first there was no one, and then the stars simply considered it an honor when they were invited to the kinnotavr, because besides the fact
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that it was successful, it was still the only one, even then 250 festivals appeared, but this one was the first, i went to kinotavr every year, but not for the whole period, half. his drive, his ability to organize, his strength, his honesty, his truthfulness. this short, plump, bald man, who is always smiling, you know, he is for me, he is very, very dear to me, and of course, it all started a long time ago, many years ago, at
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the kinotavr, where i was invited among many other actors, and there, well , everyone just prayed for him, because there was nothing like this in this country, such a festival, such... such breadth, such kindness, such a holiday, a holiday of art, a holiday of love, there was , there was such an atmosphere there, he created this atmosphere, you see, we did it normally, as a festival should be, about which the foreign guests who talked about how cany, like, cozy, good, in order to understand all the secrets. festival of the country must be moved from sochi to 1,500 km. here, in podolsk near moscow, where in distant eighty-seven the restless mark grigoryevich rudenstein planned incredible audacity, the first
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rock festival in the ussr. this is not a sick story , but such a beautiful one, should i tell you about it? definitely, mark grigorievich, we will carefully let's listen. imagine when everything was banned.
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it won’t work out, that’s why he
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didn’t even participate in this at first, but we somehow started thinking, suddenly it will happen, this is such a thing, this is an opportunity, and mark grigorievich, like such a seasoned jew there with connections , will somehow come to an agreement, maybe with komsomol members, with party members, the word pr had not yet entered the mainstream, but mark rudenstein was already involved in it, he immediately understood that such an event would be possible only with all-union publicity. we are starting, we invite everyone, they all
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started to come, well, as they reported that they they come, we announced the lists of ensembles, every 3 days, 3 days there are three concerts, in each concert there are three ensembles, all these are competitions, the jury sits all this, watches all this, 2 days before the start pasha got cold feet and advertises in the moskovsky komsomolets that there will be no festival. “we can’t do anything, we’ve already got everything, we’ve already moved out, all the tickets have already been sold out, to hell with your mother, we tell pasha that he left, left altogether, as if he had abdicated his responsibility, of course, the authorities got wind of it after all.” what's going on there, that's what happened, the main department of culture of the regional executive committee, headed by a man with the legendary surname bender, but unlike..."
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it is better to hold this festival than to cancel it, because they will tear you apart here, they will tear you apart like a hot water bottle , you know? they found there, with superhuman labor , a man who was responsible for the culture of the moscow region, with a somewhat dissident surname, pavlovskaya, but he was also a markovess, so petya and i
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went straight to him, tried him on something. convince, they argued with him there, and he, apparently, was there to show that he knows something, but he still said, well, this is the only person, in fact, in the country who can make the festival take place after all , this is the deputy minister of culture of the rssr, nina borisovna zhukova, go see her, if she allows you, here... bender can’t do anything, the organizers have a hard time getting on the carpet with deputy minister zhukova, they find themselves at the right time in the right place, like they say the stars have aligned, here she is reading cement, tv, she doesn’t name them knows, they ask, is it that you have a factory amateur activity there, they say, yes, yes, there is an amateur factory activity there, well , in order to get rid of it quickly, they call bender directly to this regional executive committee on the intercom and he says: nikolai sergeevich, what is this in general, it’s like you’re banning
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the podolsk festival, i’m forbidding you from banning the podolsk festival, i’m allowing it, goodbye, i threw the corpse there and bender is sitting there, flowing around there. they come to guard the derzhunsky division, no more, no less, 3,000 people, the soldier is coming to guard this festival, they were all forced to be on duty, all the city committee workers, komsomol workers were forced to be on duty at this festival, the trains were not coming, not trains, but stripes, there were no trains left and...
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rudenstein promised himself never to get involved with the musicians again, but the air of the festival has already done its job and sowed new seeds in his soul, the spirit of unity, creativity and freedom. mark grigorievich decided to continue his production activities, but not in music, in cinema. and that means it begins with cinema, it began with the beginning of the bromov
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movement in cinema, the first cooperatives opened, there was such a director radumovsky, who has already died. he sold his picture with karatyan, yes, and he, that means we, and we were sitting in the cultural park, he came to me, just happened to come to us, he said, i want to make a movie about the communists of the city, and we don’t want to give up the base him, well, how do we have a base for films, where to shoot, i say, let’s do more, and so we initially got involved in this story, first with... kazumovsky’s cooperative, and then ourselves. having accidentally got into the film business, mark rudenstein quickly made the necessary contacts and very soon became a frequent guest of the domestic dream factory mosfilm. in 1988 , the brilliant pyotr todorovsky worked here on a film about the life of soviet young ladies with
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reduced social responsibility , an intergirl. i'll introduce you. with the producer of this picture, he suggested to me: when i shoot it, let me sell you two copies and you can play them wherever you want, for any price, then the ticket began to be 25 kopecks, the ticket became 3 rubles, 50 kopecks two series, and for commercial prices 3 rubles. having estimated in his mind the size of navar, rudenstein immediately developed an easy get-rich-quick scheme and went on a tour of siberia, and we got involved in this...
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i went out first, pyotr todorovsky intergirl, then trushkin came out, read his filiton intergirl, then we transported copies there -here, i... the same thing again, it was about 17 sessions a day, 17 sold-out crowds in the city of novosibirsk, as they say, we didn’t know what to do with the money, pennies, well, i brought them naturally, by organizing a leisure center in podolsk, we they laid the bill, we were so rich that berezovsky did not have the kind of money we had, rudenstein quickly realized that big money should bring even more. money and decided to combine his two passions: the festival movement and cinema. and gradually i got acquaintances, then everything, selectors first,
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then program compilers, and then i decided that in the city of podolsk we organized a festival of unbought films, that is, films that were not bought, six famous actors were invited to it: abdullov, solovyov, yarmolnik, zbruev. then they all sailed in the same boat, full of strength, hopes and desires, an enterprising producer and creative people, their union could and should have shocked the world, but years will pass and former colleagues will begin to bypass rudenstein, this tragedy happened with the book that divided me world, into those who give hands and those who don’t, emilia considered herself from birth. sister from twins, but at 14 she found out that she was adopted. dad told me: “daughter, there is such a house, happiness.” this is the family home, and we will help you
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they took it from there. and her biological mother abandoned her immediately after birth. there is a cradle, there is a girl in it, and the nurse goes, whose girl is this? she says no one. my name was left by my biological mother, elmanova anastasia, and naturally, my mother changed it for me, they did it that way. gave birth to twins, will she find out why she was abandoned? my parents came from the maternity hospital and brought two babies, we conducted an investigation and found a resident of kaliningrad, my mother’s name was nadezhda, whether the intended biological family would agree to accept her after 39 years, mom definitely wouldn’t have left her, we are her family, don’t covet strangers, i’m opening the dna envelope, tomorrow at 5:50 p.m. on ntv, this patient has nothing left. it won’t help, the doctor said to the morgue, that means to the morgue, let ’s go to therapy, let’s go and look at the corpse, but
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the work here is calm, there’s actually something going on there, words can’t describe it, the patients are quiet, what was it, you in my opinion, the body ran away, however, the orderlies are violent, you sing songs to blind people on request, but they are responsive. this is something, this is vital, god, and also adults, an emergency exit, well, little lad, come on, prick yourself, why did you need the rear of the killer, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. fedor, fedor, fedor bondarchuk, yuri stoyanov. come on in, irina gorbacheva. the thirty-second kinotavr film festival in 2021 was forced to take place without
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spectators. the stands were empty, but on the red carpet there was nowhere to fall from stars and celebrities of various calibers. yuri borisov, lyubov tolkalina, vladimir khotinenko, sergey borunov, you can’t list them all, chairmen of the jury ingeborg dapkunai short films and chulpan khamatova main competition. in september twenty-first , all secular moscow was here, except for the founder of the festival mark rudenstein, all this, well, this is life, this is ordinary life, artists, creative people, they are the most, maybe even more vicious than the common man , just a person will come home from work, drink a glass of vodka, give it to his son in the ass or on the back of the head, and so that rocky de... he lies down on the sofa, takes a newspaper, at best, it used to be a newspaper, now the phone is in front of the tv and that’s it, but for creative
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people, their life is still in full swing, even if some actress came to the kinotavr in a dress, and an actress of about her level came out in a more expensive or more beautiful dress, can you imagine how much, how much bile? it’s spilling, yes, that is, it ’s just, it’s just that if you walk like a boss, then you’ll probably burn your feet, i have favorite festivals where they’re waiting for me, uh, i’m... looking forward to meeting you, that’s why it’s just kinotavr - it was exactly the festival that i loved on all counts, in all respects. well, of course, it was, there wasn’t this pomp, there weren’t tailcoats, there wasn’t it was, but well, well, for us at that time it was our oscar, yes, yes, it was to win, to be nominated, to win, to get into the jury, it
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was, it was very prestigious. very people, well, that’s what i’m saying, now everyone is greedy, then it was when mark rudenstein started kinotavr back in the nineties, he couldn’t even imagine that the festival would be exactly like this, let’s go see places in russia where it can be held , we went to crimea, sochi, there the hotel was the same as in sochi, we also drove through, of course, i stopped, in general, before i... for a snack local authoritative guys listened to rudenstein's stories about the future film festival. they clearly liked the prospect of getting all the soviet stars in one place at one time, but then something went wrong. there are a lot of people,
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very, you know, gangster people. yes, and that means the main bandits, now i’ll gradually remember what his nickname was, he’s a very famous bandit, yes, he kept coming up to the mayor and clapping him on the shoulders, saying the mayor should eat well, going back, yes, well, in short , the mayor ate well, and we wanted to be there, but when he took me to his place in the evening for some homework. in the mountains in crimea, and we arrived there, security at the gate, the gates open, we go into the pool, naked girls are standing around the pool, and i realized that i was just going to the gang, i suddenly stopped, and they brought me to the salon again , i had not yet had time to undress, well, i told him, immediately take
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me from here to crimea, but it didn’t save me from the bandit festival in sochi. rudenshtein rushed on the first flight from one all-union health resort to another, from crimea to sochi, and immediately took aim at the main hotel of the resort. the secretary of the central sports federation, who worked and was responsible for sports, brought me to this hotel, my eyes widened, a bar,
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horses. who everything, free, everything, beautiful, it was beautiful at that time, and then i didn’t know how to rebuild this hotel, yes, yes, and that means he brought me there, introduced me to the deputy director, i told him about mine for the festival, he introduced me to the director there, and in june, the next year, we came here in the winter, the next year we rolled out this. i already said, yes, that i think that thanks to rudenshtein and kinotavr, russian cinema was preserved, directors became, even if they made low-grade films, yes, but directors were looking for money, producers were looking for money, found some pennies, took out some loans, debts somewhere just to
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make a movie and come to... i think that they had to share there, maybe, i don’t know, but this is speculation, i think that i am an absolute coward, i would not be able to lead there for days. and he walked, in my opinion, i repeat, on the edge of a knife, because in general he had his own experience, as you know, in prison
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experience, well, as i understand it, the festival was not originally intended, that it would be just such a protracted, long, bright one, but they held it the first time, the second time, they realized that kinotavr, in principle, was already making a name for itself. and most importantly , of course, mark grigorevich realized that he could earn very good money from this, on which he could then live comfortably for a whole year, so he put all his energy, all his strength, all his soul into the festival, but naturally did not forget about earnings, because he understood, as you know, new artists year, the new year feeds the whole year, so the kinotavr fed rudenstein throughout the whole year, feeding three, what three?
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cars take artists to the collective farm named after the twentieth congress, in defiance of age, these pensioners conquer the sky, jump into the abyss, master extreme stunts, i can do a 360° turn, i had to fight my way through, one at 94 years old, in secret from his family , is engaged in jumping, and oh, how ok, what was your highest height 207 m, another at 71...
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the sochi film festival was a favorite festival of journalists, mark rudenstein created in sochi such an atmosphere that the stars felt at home here and allowed themselves what they could only afford with their own people. rudenstein may not be the first, of course, but he started from modern and russian festivals, he is the first who began to invite foreign actors.
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died, i also remember this moment, that there was a tragedy, an ambulance, yes, that soon, depardia died, the fact that decardia drinks all the time is clear to everyone, he flew to the festival on his own plane, brought him, the second man of france, from ali , who was the president of the european bank, yes, he came out, and he he would welcome his wine, his chickens, which they wanted to conclude, contracts to sell.
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in this - well, what is it called stone, not stone, but what is it called, the material is marble, yes, marble material, in short , suddenly i hear a call, someone has killed me, i rush there to present myself on the fourteenth floor, while i’m going up , the attendant is crying, i’m running further into the picture.
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stage, he was sitting on the toilet, tilted, well , drunk, tilted forward, fell head first , hit the edge of this marble, that’s it, further he was bleeding, bare, sorry for the insult, bare butt from behind, since he fell, he’s lying there, but he can’t get up, he’s heavy, big, they rolled him up, lifted him, that’s it, he washed him, finished him off, and immediately took him to airport plane and back, this is when he did everything he needed and after that he knew how to pick her up, well, they came once, dolph lunga arrived, yes, well, super, yes an actor, there is a hollywood star there, yes, despite the fact that scandinavian, everything is the same, everything is the same as with depardieu, yes, only he didn’t drink wine, and vodka. here he sat, drank vodka, this
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, drank, drank, vodka, drank, drank, vodka, drank, for a day, he drank vodka, everyone managed to photograph him, well, that’s impossible, for some reason they took him to the bathhouse, for some reason they took dolph to the bathhouse, i don’t know, he walked away, something, but somehow then he was carried from this bathhouse to a room, to a room, i think they put him in one of those rooms that the actor specifically used for relaxation, well, in general, somehow he, well, came to his senses, in general, still another day, another day. then vodka, left impressed and strange, why am i so good, because i later sold the photographs to an american and bought my first car with them. foreign stars were always in the sights of paporation, these are the passions that boiled between our folk artists, remained behind the scenes for a long time: the pearl hotel stood like a ship at sea, and the people who got on this ship were mostly folk artists and famous artists.
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they had a complete feeling that they were sailing on a ship at sea, families, wives, everything else remained on the shore, but here life is free, you know, there is such an expression, but in principle it’s like everywhere else, not just at kinotavr, but it’s like at any party, like in show business, yes, there is such a, such an expression, a like-minded terrarium. it’s like people seem to be all, all from the same crowd, yes, everyone knows each other, everyone loves each other, on camera, on television, yes, when they film, when there are interviews and so on, they hug, kiss, and talk kind words, when the camera turns off, the lights go out in the hall, like in the song, yes, everyone is left alone, everyone is left alone, going to their own place... number or se in
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somewhere in a cafe or restaurant, starts discussing, and there she was in such and such a dress, and that one over there in such and such, so and so went with so and so, you see, yes, people of the people, naturally, here for us there was an emergency reserve of five rooms, which, when they contacted me, i gave a command to my administrator, they were given the key, everything, more around it. nothing, who was in these rooms when they were, i don’t even know, i never followed it, it’s on the screen that they pretend to be exemplary semyonins, in fact, many of them i don’t mind going to the left, and mark grigorievich knew about this and so that more and more big names would come, he organized their leisure time at the kinotavr, naturally , any kind of alcohol flowed like a river there, at that time it was difficult to get regular alcohol. that's all,
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they made it out of this that we had a brothel, but there was no brothel, there was , indeed, love that people felt for each other, well, romances happened there, yes, it was clear that people entered into some kind of relationship, in the evening they were just getting acquainted, and in the morning people walked together to have breakfast, well, this is what happens in sanatoriums, this happens at any other festivals, it was no more, no less. how people meet, people fall in love, get married, by the way, naturally, with such a beautiful view of the sea, they lived in rooms with a beautiful view of the sea, love relationships could not help but arise, passions, not passions, faces,
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naturally did not arise, they arose so much that we had 11 children 9 months after the festival, i sometimes list. all this love and fun sometimes flowed smoothly, as happens with a creative the intelligentsia, in scandals over a drunken shop, and uh, poor residents - rooms whose windows overlooked a disco, they suffered until 5 am or 4 am, could not naturally sleep...
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the people won’t understand why, come on guys , so, and i lived in the basement, let's go to my house, and then to your house, we'll calculate everything and pay the difference to the bandit box office, well , i mean, your guys didn't laugh, but as soon as the festival gains world fame, rudenstein won't have time laughter, the bandits will decide that such a tasty morsel is not allowed leave the moscow producer from radenstein will go. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop defeating the fire, the vocations of the strong: pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firemen, air forest protection, the forest grew - a reliable shield of the russian forest.
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2000, mark rudenstein returns home, he just flew in from sochi, where he allowed himself the unthinkable, his daughter. when the festival turned 10 years old, 10, yes, i said goodbye to the festival, the whole hall was crying, everyone was clapping, i said that i couldn’t do it anymore, and i i was already ready to hand over the festival to the people who were supposed to take it over, the new owners did not hide their joy, but suddenly rudenstein changed his mind, which means they approached me, the organizers of the programs, film programs and said, what if we do?
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grigorievich arrived from the airport, got out of the taxi and entered his entrance here. a couple of flights of stairs and he's home. suddenly, a shadow separated from the wall and a hail of blows fell on rudenstein. they met me at the front door, beat me, hit me hard on the head, i barely could, they came straight to my house, hit me on the head head, in the hope that i would go on with them to the conspiracy, concussion, hematomas, bruises, the doctors put mark grigorievich on his feet, and the inflexible rudenstein firmly decided that he would not give up the festival, even at the cost of his own life, they handed him over the head, but then for some reason things didn't work out. either they hoped that i would break down and hand over the festival, or they realized that it was a very
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difficult thing to hold a festival. for another 5 years mark grigorievich will stand at the helm of the country’s main film festival, and then decide that i'm tired, it's time to leave. and suddenly, just , you know, here i was, when i went to open this last festival of mine, and it was not an anniversary festival, nothing like it. yes, i suddenly felt that i... the festival was rodnyansky and tolstunov, and i
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was calm that i was delivering a reliable and easy festival, so i won’t cheat that i went to some, abandoned the festival at some stage, they picked everything up very well. mark rudenstein left, but rudenstein would not have been rudenstein if he had not returned. mark grigorievich, who also at that moment i already knew everything about everyone, sat down to write my memoirs and couldn’t even imagine... what a deafening scandal would begin after the memoirs were published. rudenstein called his book “killing a star,” and he succeeded. “they died, well, what can i do, they all died. and i didn’t quite catch the moment when they moved far away from the idea of ​​publishing a book, making a movie, which was the main thing for them.”
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a story about how russian cinema collapsed, so he wanted to talk about how cinema collapsed after the collapse soviet union, and involuntarily destroyed my relationship with the entire film community, i was forced to fit into this book, this biographical one, the one who advised me, advised me, i can’t say anymore, advised me to this book in order to cheer her up a little, diversify, insert... what is about the actors, what happened to the actors.
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a bus with guests stopped at the door of the hotel. mitya perfema was the first to burst into the hall. judging by the irritation with which he reprimanded something to his next wife, mitya took it well on his chest on the plane. the wife was rummaging through her purse, trying to find the passports, and mitka stood nearby and urged him obscenely. perfemov doesn’t pay attention to the sidelong glances of those around him, but come up and tell him to shut up, there are no hunters for this, it’s more expensive for himself, the metenitsa. maybe send it publicly. most of the names in the book have been changed. erfemov, ritvinova, dokeleva. rearrange a couple of letters and the reader immediately understands who we are talking about, but formally, it seems, the honor of the people's favorites is not affected. but mark grigorievich named some characters openly, nothing without hesitation. real superstars fell under the hot hand. alexander abdulov, leonid yarmolnik, oleg yankovsky. this is the manner. not shaking hands, when anchalovsky wrote his unchanging truths, he was also
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declared not to shake hands with this and that, they said bark, calm down, they will all forget it, it will pass, especially if konchalovsky directly wrote there deceitful artistic wives, then i didn’t write about anything , i wrote about adventures at the festival and what’s so scary about it that it’s not true? he knows whether it was necessary to do it or not, this is a question, a question of conscience, a question your perception, the world, your attitude to the world, to your actions, he believes that... another question is, was it necessary to tell this truth? mark rudenstein, he’s such a person, you know, he wants attention, he wants to be afloat all the time, here he lost his main brainchild, for which he raised a lot of money, you know, and he understood that, in
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principle, he was left out of his destiny, that's why he released this biography. it’s such a difficult question, but a lot of people turn away from rudenshtein, well, it’s not that they turned away, but there’s a misunderstanding reacted to his memoirs, his book, which he published, where he told quite a lot of completely unpleasant facts, popular favorites, and about the same abdulov, and about yankovsky, about others, these stories about love, and at the kinotavr about... betrayal, why did he do it, where did this discovery come from, why was he offended? but the thing is, what i wrote about was already known for a long time, they already wrote about themselves in any other publications, they gave interviews to journalists, told the same thing about theirs, and that they they were furious that i took out, as they said,
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garbage from the hut, i said, guys, i was never a member of yours. such a well, it seems that this system has developed here, i don’t know, but there is a custom, a tradition, and it appeared that actors suddenly suddenly became the conscience of the nation and some kind of expression of the nation, people’s artists, and they began to go on tv shows there
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and give out talk shows interviews where they presented themselves as the conscience of nations and branded them with shame alone. something quasi resulted, it resulted in the elections in ukraine of a clown and an actor you made him president because he played the president well in the movie, so all these abdullonkovskys and others began to pose as the same ones, these are the conscience of the people, and abdullov yankovsky
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, but it was in their names that the main one went. a flow of money, and then he just took it and spat on it, trampled on this friendship, and if we take it from the dividends he later received from it, then i understand why he did it, and he wrote about them that guys , these are the ones that, well, excuse me, sell you, yes, these are all truisms, referring to my personal experience, but that’s what they are, in fact, as you listen to them, yes, i... well, this is my personal opinion, probably, he’s just their real actors in life so much differ from those people in the movies and those people on the screens who sit and tell us about the morality of society, how they love it all, yes, that this is the devil and the dayangel and rudinstein just
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considered it his social, well , really. duty to open our eyes to what is happening, who are you listening to, but he’s not every day there he cheated on the cinema tour three times, while she was sunbathing, and went on excursions, here he babbles something about family values, and so with everyone, it seems to me that this is just, well, he, he is a person, yes, he is a man of straightforward concepts, and of honor and dignity, yes, something is possible, but you don’t have to pretend to be a saint at the same time. that's all, in his last television confession, especially for ntv viewers, mark grigorievich for the first time decided to tell the whole truth about the story with memoirs, without embellishment and nods, like...
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not for the screen, that was the story in this yourself, well, something is hooked, it’s not just that you sit there and tell me, something is hooked, but you understand, what i can tell you now is one thing, when the camera turns off, i can tell you something else , you know, about the same mark, you know, i don’t know how he picks his nose, you know, or something like that, but that doesn’t mean at all that i will say this someday for the camera, we wrote, i told.
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to this day i have this contract, no book, no script, there was no film, i was in the hospital, at this moment it is being released, how do you like it?
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to say, we had a clause in the contract that they had the right, a year before publication, to publish advertising excerpts, they published them, mainly putting these stories in oblenkovsky and more... the first portion of scandalous revelations came out on february 23, 2010 on the day birth of people's artist of the ussr oleg yankovsky, the temirzavites released it on yankovsky's birthday on february 23, they released these excerpts, this is what i came to, what i lived to, and now, of course, it’s difficult for me to live with this baggage, i can’t, i. .. i don’t feel that i’m right did the right thing, at the same time, i believe that i told about the artists that what they
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lived with, and that they are worse, that... that they like yankovsky less, when we recorded this interview, mark grigorievich was especially frank, as if i felt it was temporarily ending, i had to have time to remove the burden from my soul, repent and ask for forgiveness from everyone i had offended. a sore subject, after that i never came to my senses. from birth, emilia considered herself a twin sister, but at 14 she learned that she was lucky. dad told me, daughter, there is one home, happiness, this is a maternity hospital, and we took you from there, but the biological mother abandoned her, immediately after birth, there is a cradle, there is a girl in it, and the nurse goes, whose girl is it, she says, but not whose, i had a name left by the biological mother, elmanova anastasia, and naturally my mother changed it for me, they made it so that she gave birth to twins, will she find out why she was abandoned, her
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parents came from... the maternity hospital and brought two babies. we conducted an investigation and found a resident of kaliningrad, my mother’s name was nadezhda, would the expected one agree? biological family, accept her after 39 years, her mother would not have left her, for sure, we are a family of strangers to her, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. is there anyone? yuri stoyanov, kolya, i’ll turn on a couple. roman madyanov, maybe it’s time to come out of the morgue, they ’re investigating, doctor, the patient started, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t arrived yet, in the morgue, i solved the crime for you, just like that , i brought it to you on platters, they’re caught red-handed, illegal organ transplantation, of course, teach youth, intelligence, reason, weapons, murders here and where, but congratulations to you, saikin,
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this orchestral passage symbolizes mark rudenstein's joy over the guests who have gathered to listen to mark's favorite song. a unique video from the home archive of mark rudenstein. 1997, closed party at kinotavr. the deported cossack women studied and studied the daily morning karauki
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of mark rudenshtein.
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he was loving and there was nothing you could do about it. did i say that when marina vladya wrote visotsky’s book, and that she reported that he drinks all the women there, that vysotsky became less vysotsky? he became more tall, became with a living person. i thought the same thing would happen with yankovsky. either he expressed himself incorrectly, or he was misunderstood, but years later mark rudenstein bitterly regretted his words. i'm not sure. that i did
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the right thing, you know, because, as i said, many people say that there is either nothing about the dead, or...
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he impudently answered me that buy me a mercedes, i will walk with you with a broom, and that was the end, after that i really left the festival, it was chaos, the end, that day i settled in the heart of mark rudenstein resentment sharpened him with bitter poison day after day, then thanks to the festival he acquired a second sound, not acting, acting - this is an actor by god.
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you can’t allow fleas to talk about great heads, the list of great people who were offended by mark rudenstein includes alexander abdullov, but in his last confession the producer didn’t want to apologize to him, and abdullovsky - this is the story of the temple that he allegedly reconstructed, i gave this is quite a lot, i gave 6 million for this, but the temple was not reconstructed, it was reconstructed when there was a general reconstruction, and the money...
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only in the last one - my last departure from the festival, we awarded solovyov’s film, any of them, three short stories about love, we awarded prizes, they gave them. abdullo prize for male role. the church of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary in putinki was built in the 17th century. in the mid -thirties it was closed and became a rehearsal base for the moscow stage circus directorate. where, until the summer of 1990, monkey dogs were trained. from linkom, where alexander abdullov served all his life, it’s only a couple of steps to the temple. this is a neighboring publication. when alexander gavrilovich in the late eighties he came up with the festival. the backyard immediately decided that the funds received
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would be used for the restoration of the temple, he always actively helped the reconstruction, but mark rudenstein thought otherwise, that is, i found out for sure, i still say for sure that abdullov did not give a penny for the reconstruction of this temple, and although i am talking about this i say, and i can be brought to some kind of court, but to prove that he gave money,
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abdullov, yankovsky,
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yarmolel came to the concerts, they did some kind of programs, we sold them, the palaces were jam-packed on them, it was fresh. after the publication of the scandalous memoirs, they stopped greeting each other. then i wrote the second part, already dedicated to the erbolnik. here, fortunately , there was no need to go anywhere, everything he did was there. there with the actress there is the famous story with this one with fanny dauova, when he kicked her out of the restaurant, there she sat down at a table, he kicked her out of the restaurant, and i’m dedicated to the second part, not so much dedicated to the rmolniki, since the discredit has passed, i started making noise in all the alleys, i was expelled from the team billiards, artistic, i was a member of the team ...
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and i, which i did right, because you can’t talk about big heads like a fool, although many people think that i’m on my own.
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have you heard about your grandfather? sorry, have a nice day. well, you’re still at the moscow opera, haven’t your bosses been drinking? all the same. what's going on in the village? why is everyone so timid? he wanted to find those responsible for the death of his grandfather. such people are tied up in this topic, neither to me, nor to you, nor.
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hands, hold it so i can see. dolphins, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mu, like this. i'll arrange it here now. give it to me, give it to grandma, give grandma the geese. let me find a set. mark rudenstein devoted the last years of his life entirely to his family, it’s just a holiday when there is a daughter, granddaughter and great-grandson nearby, the great-grandson’s name is also mark, let’s just say i like this name, just thanks to my grandfather, that he is so
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self-confident , in general, it appeals to me thanks to my grandfather, i wouldn’t say that it’s directly in honor, but thanks to him, this name is for me. that means, that’s why yes, that’s what i named the child, but i wouldn’t say that it’s right here in honor, they say that it’s not very good, not very good, well, it’s not very good to name children in honor of someone, i just like the name, now they’re filming us with you, quietly, quietly, mark grigorievich dreamed that his great-grandson would knit my life with cinema, the main thing is not to repeat the mistakes. which his famous great-grandfather once did, call grandfather, call grandfather, a faithful husband, a good dad, a kind grandfather and a sweet great-grandfather are the most important. lately, the only time he left the house was to see doctors or go to talk shows. discuss another
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famous family drama. as soon as he took the microphone to speak, passions that were not comic started to boil over, and he, the master of passions, without... i generally believe that those short men suffer from a napoleon complex, the main thing is that it is not a schizophrenic complex, but a normal one, so that i, you see, i always wanted to please women, i wanted me to walk down the street, everyone would say renshteino, and not so as not to stand on tiptoe and shout, that’s roughly how i explain my position. 7 april 2021 mark grigorievich rudenshtein turned 75 years old, many tv channels offered him to make a documentary about this, but rudenshtein refused everyone except us, he celebrated his last anniversary in the hospital to avoid unnecessary fuss, and at the same time get examined, we thought that we
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let's come to him, balls, big numbers, child accordingly. unfortunately , he won’t forgive him for poetry there yet, but i think that it will just be a family evening, i think that now some kind of family evenings are more important to my grandfather, just not at all, the endless coronavirus pandemic and the danger of infection forced the producer to abandon the magnificent celebration, nothing good is happening, there is no improvement in moscow. you see, i'm afraid that everything i organize will be a waste of time, so i think i 'll live to be 100, or oh, eighty. years, until at least 80 years old, but we’ll see what happens, i’ll call you if at least something
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works out in this regard, because, as far as i know, no one is celebrating an anniversary now. in his last interview mark grigorievich threw out a phrase that became prophetic: there is only one monday left to live, i don’t want to panic, i just need to cover myself with a sheet and quietly crawl to the cemetery. after all, no one knows how long he has left, and you know, when he died, when he died, you somehow lose a piece of your soul, your heart, probably yes, in general , lately, i’m probably getting old, i’ve become an extremely sentimental person , already at such an age that you can’t do many operations, so health forces you to do better, diabetes... so stroke, mark rudenstein's health was crumbling before our eyes, cheerful and active in public, at home without witnesses he turned into
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a tired, sick old man, stroke, yes, the feeling was coming, i was at the doctor yesterday, looked at everything, he says, yes, mark, there is, there is a suspicion , that all this is there, you need to go to bed, you need to watch for 5 days, we will run you through, and then we will decide what’s going on for you, whether you can withstand the operation on your back or... is it necessary to have surgery on your head? you know, well, i kind of started with mark grigorievich, his health i’ve been doing this since last year, he announced that he had prostate cancer, and i didn’t know, and when we got into a conversation somehow, and i just read it, i call him, i say, i don’t i understand, mark, why you still haven’t told me about this, but they removed it for me in 2017.
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he was admitted to the hospital, they did some procedures there, but i don’t know exactly what. well, it was inconvenient to ask what was removed there, they didn’t remove it, that’s all, but his sugar was very high, his back hurt very badly, and i kind of after this oncourology, i immediately take him, and we go to my neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences in the department of neurosurgery, maxim sergeevich semenov, he goes to the hospital, he strokes him... he is in his neurosurgery department, from department to department, in recent years mark rudenstein’s life turned into a journey through hospital
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wards, diabetes began, that’s when the story began with this festival, with the book, that’s all the beginning, so i think it’s the nerves that played out then, that’s when the story with diabetes began, honestly saying i i have been lying for 15 years, i was in one hospital, the fifty-second, now a very famous hospital, which took the brunt of this virus, yes, they treated me every 3-4 months, they treated me, undermined me, tampered with me, yes, well, in short, i were treated, and i went to see him several times, and we sat for a long, long time, talking about artists, about this ill-fated book, of course he had some things, and... i can’t say that he regretted that that he wrote this book, that he gave such a lengthy interview
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regarding those people who were close to him. mark rudenshtein’s friend, leonid dzyunnik, is grateful to fate that he managed to spend his last days next to him, have a heart-to-heart talk and laugh about his own things. i told the miracle worker everything, i say, i really loved the funeral prayer. we once started talking about funeral prayers. ok, it was nice to remember all this. the day when mark rudenstein had a heart attack is now forever etched in his friend’s memory. i'm
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dialing the phone. no one answers, i dial natasha’s phone, no one answers, maybe two hours pass, i see it’s ringing natasha, i say, tusenka, what happened, lenechka, mara grigorievich is in intensive care, i ’m next to him, we saw, i saw your number, i couldn’t call back, i say, how are you, that he had a heart attack, his condition is stable, serious, it turns out he was put into a medically induced coma, and he never came out of it. mark rudenstein died on december 5, 2021, the farewell took place here, in the cinema house, everything was as it should be, a coffin in a faye, a large photograph, but only a couple of wreaths and practically not a single
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representative of the bageme. and what did we see? by and large, he already, he doesn’t care anymore whether you came or you didn’t come, but human conscience, conscience, remember how - uh, valentin gaft said: people should have a conscience, a conscience, talking about the funeral
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ceremony, leonid dzyunik can hardly contain his emotions. i don’t, i don’t, i don’t have any justification for what happened, no, i don’t have words to describe it all, how hard it was, it was hard to watch, to understand that the man who gave life to many, who gave life to many, has passed away life. and even who he was talking about the truth, he didn’t flatter, he didn’t coax, but he told the truth, to the bastard, that he was a bastard, to the scoundrel, that he was a scoundrel, and this turns out to be the truth, it turns out, was the stumbling block for
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him to come and lay two nails. i don’t believe in god, but i believe that there is life in heaven, and we will see each other, these are his words, mark rudenstein whispered quietly in the circle of those closest to him, those... knew and loved him, the real, unbending, principled, uncomfortable and different on others. mikhail genzelev was with you, see you in the new series based on real events. do you hear?


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