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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  May 13, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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was a stumbling block to the fact that to come, put two carnations, bow to this person, and yet there were twice as many television cameras as there were those who came to say goodbye, it’s very offensive, very, i don’t believe in god, but i believe that there is life in heaven and we will see each other. these are his words. mark ruderstein passed away quietly, in the circle of those closest to him, those who knew and loved the real him, unbending, principled, uncomfortable and unlike others. mikhail gendelev was with you, see you in the new series based on real events. do you hear? here
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go, light a cigarette, give me, i don’t have any, that’s it, let’s leave, ask, hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel troshen. mikhail ilyich, served in the operational search department of the psb. he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. olga yuryevna sirova, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major serov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior lieutenant police, freelance agency employee. ask, hidden camera agency. now, look, a client is calling you. you make an appointment with him. do you still have his phone number? and pasha can easily find out all
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the information about his family and so on, the client comes, and you defeat him by knowing everything in advance, well, we don’t have a circus here to show tricks, besides, about the client, his problem is better the client himself will tell you everything, what you mean, and that you read facial expressions and gestures, well, what can you tell you about that man? about that, yes, although no, it’s better about that woman, she’s somehow more typical, or something, congratulations, you accurately identified our new client, this is yulia, wait, how do you know, you actually saw the photo in advance, hello, and i’m yulia shchukina, you’re probably mikhail, yes, come in... come in,
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thank you, hello, come in, take a seat, thank you, introduce yourself, this is olga, my colleague, it’s very nice, we’re ready to listen to you carefully what happened to you, and you know, don’t consider me a crazy mother, but i want to prevent an attack on my son, the fact is that nikita was recently attacked, he was beaten very badly, but thank god, everything ended well, we took him to the hospital in time for... the boy would have simply bled to death, he had a ruptured spleen, uh-huh, why didn’t you contact the police? unfortunately, no, because nikita categorically refused to do this, he claims that he doesn’t remember anything or anyone, but did he at least somehow explain what happened? no, he said the same thing, that it was a random attack, supposedly some gopniks got to the bottom of an idiotic reason, you understand that i don’t believe in this, why does this happen to boys, fights, showdowns? a common thing, no, a common thing,
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but not for nikita, even in my early childhood he never fought, you know, this has never happened to him, but why don’t you admit the idea that this is an accident, well, they can attack anyone , hit you in the head, take away your wallet, in this situation you won’t think that this is a systemic problem, you see, the point is that nikita is waiting further reprisals, that is, well, he is very scared, you know, i sense it. well, wait, these are pure guesses, are they at least supported by something? so, nikita, he started locking himself in the room, he checks the locks several times, he doesn’t leave the house, and if he goes out, he starts looking around, looking around, shying away, you know, his nerves are on edge, just like mine, i beg you, this is a serious matter, please help me figure out what’s going on, okay. "we'll put nikita under surveillance,
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we'll tap his phone, we need will install a cool camera in your apartment when you are home alone, so that we can do it, even tomorrow, great, well, boss, what can you say about the client, you’ve seen her in person? well, yulia is a doctor by profession, most likely a nutritionist, her husband is a lawyer, her son recently turned 17. well, how do you want to say that you understood this from facial expressions and gestures? relax, i was joking, pavlik sent me this information. chief, if it weren’t for subordination, then
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i would get into a fight, into a fight, into a fight, i would drive, oh, i would drive everything into a melon. we still have to figure out how much i don’t like hospitals, well, excuse me, but it’s okay, i’ll survive somehow, it looks like there is something scary, maybe not scary, but incomprehensible, apparently, we shouldn’t have left home, shchukin, look. someone broke into the apartment, did he open it with the keys? call the police. wait, first take a photo, i’m from the profile, i really care about this guest, strange behavior for a thief, i do, but this is definitely not my husband, i saw him in the photos at home, let’s drive
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there, don’t take your eyes off the monitor while i’m driving . he turned on the kettle, climbs into the refrigerator, yes, yulia, this is dima, my husband’s classmate, i didn’t think to warn you that he was temporarily living with us, forgive me, i should have warned you, we were afraid that you were being robbed, no, what are you, dima, wonderful man, he is a very good man, by the way, he was the one who found nikita, saved his life, he just... we understand, thank you, pavlik, it looks like now
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we’ll have to double-check all the information ourselves, in fact, this dima lives with her without registration, like me i could cut through it and check it, i’m a damn wizard, your thoughts are ready to call for color cats. not registered anywhere, good to do, work, come on, i’m silent, i’m working, i’m working, silently, nikita, i’m out. so, what are his hobbies,
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wait, wait, let’s not chat, are you crazy? what are you doing? i'm chopping wood, can't you see it? what's the matter? what problems? should i tell you what problems those who fall with such things have? i’d rather tell you what problems those who mind their own business have? that such a story doesn’t work out, no? these are not the kind of things where you can apologize, turn away and leave, you’re on are you playing with your money? well, not on your own, on your parents? who cares? let's go to your family, go put things in order there! listen, you can bully me all you want, i don’t give a damn about it, but i don’t give a damn about your parents, you don’t give a damn about your parents, right? well, okay, then, don’t get on their nerves, you’re going to knock, i understand correctly, wrong, no one is going to knock on anyone, if someone has enough maturity to end everything, nick, end everything with this, and i’m not just lecturing you, i’m advising you, wait a minute, not for these debts, your spleen
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was torn, and you want to talk to me about it, and repeat once again that you shouldn’t meddle in other people’s business, you’re worried about your parents , okay, i don’t play with their money, that’s it, the conversation is over, by the way, it’s not about you...
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so judging by this nikita’s nickname, he plays carefully, the bets are minimal, the losses are funny, he tops up his account regularly, thanks pavlik, that’s it was my but, when i said that the version was built, but what, but, but let's see further. yeah, playing again, dad is bothering someone else at home, and he decided the issue regarding the world of powers, someone thought that the boy would say, forgive me, i won’t do this again, yes. gambling addiction is a disease, it’s clear to me that there are adults there, guys, i
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need to talk to you, dimon, come on in the night, because i’m already running, i’m late, and i also have an appointment in half an hour, unfortunately i can’t, dim, guys, your son, but if i were you, i wouldn’t care so much about him, i don’t understand why in this form, because you have something more important than the child, he you’re a player, he’s playing in an online casino, he ’s getting this money somewhere, you understand how serious this is, oh my god, oh my god, so that means they got the debt out of him like that, maybe, i don’t know, i feel the same way too i thought when i found him, my god, mommy, dima, and what did you say to him, and what can i tell him, he doesn’t talk to me, well, you come late,
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go to bed, now you’re in a hurry, you 're going to lose your boyfriend like that, i don't know what to do, but i can't give up everything now, stay at home, vladik, why are you looking at me, i i have to sit with them, i have a trial coming up, this is the most important matter in my career, everything now depends on this trial, and what are you suggesting we don’t give a damn about the child, but what? are you suggesting that i sit with an eighteen-year-old forehead? so calm, vladik, dima is right, we can’t leave nikita alone now, we need to act somehow, we need, my god, we need to somehow fight this addiction of his, dima, so what can i do, he doesn’t listen to me, doesn’t care at all, you should do something here yourself, well, at least they’re lucky with a friend, your parents seem to have completely neglected the guy in their career, your parents have always been there too. i’m busy, but i haven’t acquired any vices, which means you were raised correctly, your parents
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are generally great, i will always be grateful to them, for your integrity, that’s what your job is for, look, a fight will start, you should be of some use here at home, but it’s okay that you star fees don’t bring us yet, maybe someday they will, and i hope very soon, but for now, maybe we won’t discount my salary. what are you doing now do you blame money? i’m not reproaching you, i ’m telling you that my contribution to our overall budget is very important, and we should not be deprived of it. so, stop, people, well, i can’t help you with a nickname, maybe vlados is from work for you , yes, well, take over some of the work, what can i do, well, print copies, make appointments, well, what’s within my power, and you will free up all the time, spend it with the child, how about you, thank you, thank you, i have... for this work there is a secretary, you convince yulka to take a leave from work,
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i’ll take this leave, unfortunate thing, for this i need to at least go to this job, which, as it turns out, is now the cause of all our troubles, vlad, vlad, forgive me, i just bring only scandals to your family, you know that i, dimon, you in no case. .. i’m sorry, you did everything right in what you said, i am deeply grateful to you, and i am in your debt, stop it, i am in debt to you, you sheltered me, if not for you, i don’t know what with me.
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we need to call yulia, by the way, she ’ll be leaving work soon, let her come see us, yeah, but what if we say that everything is fine and she’s nothing threatens, well, in any case, you need to report, by the way, she, the catcher and the beast, call, invite, peacock, call soon urgently. well, what are you doing? olya, how is it? we are waiting soon, yulia is alive, the demonstration has passed,
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the wound is minor. well, think again. maybe one of your patients wished you harm, was dissatisfied, or something like that ? no, no, no, no one complained, honestly, i can’t suspect anyone, maybe they didn’t accidentally shoot at me, by the way, and you didn’t find out what kind of car it was, we’re working on it, it’s clear, well, here we go i can’t help you in any way, i don’t see any reasons or people who would wish me death. the boys have arrived, i ’ll call you later, okay, lunch for the sick, dimon made a wonderful soup, how great, broth, i personally always associate it only with treatment, when i got sick, immediately some broth, so yule take therapy, thank you very much, please, you need to answer,
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this is about work, we should be invited to the conversation, of course, answer. no, when you hear the word work you immediately go into a stupor, yes, vlad, sit down, you understand, i just can’t get this process out of your head, but you, most importantly, you are in my first place , don’t even doubt it, vladik, don’t worry, i ask you, i’m not alone, nikita, you’re at home, dima, he’s also just a little in the wings, you go ahead with your trial and you will definitely win this. otherwise, you see, i feel like the last parasite, in fact, i should be here with you to solve all these matters, and the doctors reported the gunshot to... the police, so get ready, they will come to you tomorrow, okay, don’t worry, boss , change the channel urgently, we are interested in a new job dmitry, i’m bringing out a two-way conversation, then
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i’ll retell what happened at the beginning, while i was messing around with the sound, listen, well, it’s not fair, i ’m bored, and you again, be patient, but be patient, chicks, for the last time i ask you, i’m tired of this game myself , what’s the point, tell them then that you can’t do it anymore, that you’re tired? i’ll do this, we’ll finish with you, i’ll call and demand that they pay me, do you want to finish with me quickly? what are you, chicks, i miss you terribly, i’ll do everything so that you and i can see each other as soon as possible, let’s finally go rest, one of these days i will give you the money and you will book the hotel and tickets yourself, i love you, very, very much, and i love you. meeting. pavlik, and who is tsypunya? mistress? sit down, olya, two. yes, this cannot be, he and
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his wife are full of drama, divorce and all that. and at the same time polyakov is talking with his wife olesya. she's a chick. and what did we miss at the beginning? continuous purr-purr, smack-smack. in general, an absolute honeymoon dilia. well , it’s good that you accepted all this on your own. wait, what is this? dima deceived vlad and yulia, but why? everything is fine with his wife, no one kicked him out of the house, what’s the point, who is he in cahoots with? i'm afraid that i won't give you answers to all your questions right away. it’s not a fact that i’ll have time to pick up my interlocutor. i did everything as you asked, okay, i’ll be there, i got the number, we’ll try it, there won’t be a brief retelling, tomorrow at three in
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botany in big georgian, thank you, we’ll be there, dmitry. hello, pavlik, we see, but we don’t hear, bummer, we won’t hear anything, dima just turned off the phone, we can’t miss it, do whatever you want, we need sound, all on the second phone, you ’ve had it since yesterday, it’s also deaf, he actually left the phone in the car, we’ll hear it, i’m with a camera.
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olya, tell me what you’re doing, your picture is jumping around dark, so bad, everything will be fine, i promise you, that’s it, it ’s lying there now, lying at home, you’re still choosing, oh, hello, thank you. by the way, i’m in the cinema for you, thank you, thank you, well, in general, i said everything that was important, everything was done in the best possible way, i hope that this time vladik will go to the department, you also hoped in the case of your son, the guys tore his spleen, according to you, but vladik hasn’t come unstuck from the papers, but he’s going to bed, you can see for yourself, he’s not focused on the case right now, he’s only thinking about his wife, but what if there was such a thing, an assassination attempt, with nikita... mother took everything for herself, doctors, and treatment, and removed vlad, well, let's see, you brought it, yes,
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here you go, yes, and i would like to ask for an increase, girl, we will give you a good tip, stop pouring water so diligently, putting in lemon, and are you ready to place an order, not yet... but i won’t say anything, come back, pavlik, you’ve had the number of this friend dmitry since yesterday, but you still haven’t told me anything about him, so the number is not registered to him, it’s a woman’s name. registration
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near moscow, on some state farm, you are interested in collective farm women, i can help, next time, you’d better now find some good angle of this character, look for him where you can, disturb egor, don’t be shy, pavlik, and i ask you, do this is as quickly as possible, pavlik’s task is clear, what should we do, well , i mean, you and i are calling and asking... yes, but everything revolves around him. dmitry now handed over some sheets of paper, most likely vladislav’s documents and possibly important ones. about yulia nikita, and as if with an eye on vlad, how will this affect him? it seems to me that this is somehow connected with his professional activities. apparently, dmitry stepped up to stop him.
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important trial, or maybe this guy is such a competitor and he wants vlad to transfer the case to him, he repeatedly mentioned that if he wins, he will receive not just good money for taking off in career. in any case, vladislav will have to recognize his colleague, so we came to where we started, we need to meet with him, so we kept an eye on everyone. you at the insistence of your wife, we are ready to answer all the questions, and then show you something, i admit, i’m a little shocked, if i may say so, but it seems to me that yulia went a little overboard with her custody of nikita, well , you did you find out who beat him? no, but we know who organized and ordered this attack, as well as the attempt on yulia, that is, you
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found the car from which the shooting was done, no?
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thank you very much, humanity, goodbye, uh, uh, the first row is busy, give way to the lady, and girls don’t like action movies, they really do, but what’s supposed to be an action movie, hello?


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