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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 13, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

4:50 am
“here, what are you, forgive me, damn it, what a bummer, we don’t have cameras on the staircase, that ’s good, i still prefer love dramas, i said that you like action films, no, pavlik, our little deer doesn’t change.
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just shoot the count of three, one, two, three, and you’re great , really cool, you came up with it yourself, well, almost, i took the engine there as a basis, redesigned it, the graphics still need to be improved, it’s clear, but what georgivich says, i i haven’t talked to him yet, there are some glitches that need to be removed, the gameplay needs to be diversified and new ones added levels, you know, it will turn out to be a real simulator for you...
4:53 am
yesterday i was appointed duty officer in the department, it ’s like murder, god, how unexpected, you ’re sitting there doing paperwork, that’s it, bye, load the next level, there’s only one level , this is a demo version, like, but in the beta version there will be virtual reality glasses, think about it, you’ll just have everything... okay, i’ll get down to real work, hello, lieutenant dollars, good afternoon, so, let’s go winter, major krymov, very nice , yes, there’s a lot of pleasant things here, i look, well, yes, we have a gunshot, yeah, in the head, of course, i think maybe someone accidentally hit him, it’s wednesday, well, yes, i have one.
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lyosh, great, long time no see, hello, beauty, what can you say, well, i looked around here, apparently they were shooting from this direction, and from somewhere above, maybe from the upper floors, or maybe from the attic, yeah, maybe the attic, and what about the bullet, well, i’ll get the bullet, then i’ll say, uh-huh, okay, work, okay, andryukh, hello, great igor, continue,
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continue, well, both of them come out, he milk-loving, computer geek, and she’s a big woman. it’s clear, she teaches physics at school, let’s go back to the incident, they both come out with suitcases, yes, then, he walks up to the car, to the car, opens the trunk, pumas and falls, and his wife, she’s also next to him, hugs him and screams , oh, oh, what’s wrong, she screamed, uh-huh. ok, but did you happen to see where they were shooting from, or maybe you noticed the shooter? yes, there was no shooter, no one shot, once, clap, that's it, clap, that's it, that's it,
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are you sure you don't want to move our conversation for another day, will this fix something, i’m afraid it’s unlikely? “i think so too, so ask what time you left the house, at 6:40, in an hour we had to be at the airport, we met with a travel agent, vouchers, tickets, everything was in his hands, did anyone know that you were going on vacation, maybe even someone persistently asked, no, it seems no, your husband had enemies, listen, we are an ordinary family? we were an ordinary family, we had no enemies, we were going on vacation, maybe we’ll bring you
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something, well, let me call the doctor, forgive me! andrei, well, you’ve already chased me, well, as long as you can, i’m not an operative to chase you through all the floors, but be patient, be patient, they were shooting from these attics, probably some traces should remain, listen, i’ll have a heart attack, as soon as your heart grabs you, you’ll carry it with you on your shoulder, that’s all. “i’m resting, if you find anything, i’ll call you, hu slovak, oh, lyosha, what, well, come here, oh, to be honest,
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i didn’t expect to see such a gift here, yes. wow , and the shell casings are here, of course, of course , professional worked, it seems that yes, so, the murdered pavel pokruchin, born in 1978, was shot last night near his own house, which, according to ballistics, they promised to do by tomorrow, yes, but considering that we... are far from at the scene of the murder they found a sniper's lie-down, the picture without ballistics looks unsightly, it turns out to be an order, just like that, but what did the deceased do? together with a former classmate they ran a small company selling applications for mobile phones,
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they had 150 thousand between them, not a lot, but stable, yes it’s really sparse, if my partner wanted to kill me, i think i would have to work for one year, but what about my wife? she works as a teacher, she’s in shock, but that’s understandable, it’s hard to talk to her, the neighbor promised to look after her, she’s been married for how long, 3 years, who the apartment was registered to, her late husband, that’s it, so, just in case, work off your wife too, don’t it looks like, of course, but order is order, which means they decided on a priority direction, the company, pash, point it at the greenhouse, andrey and igor, and you look around the murder scene again, but it didn’t appear there out of thin air. this is their sniper, rit, and you go to your wife’s work, everything is clear to everyone, we’re working, yes, most importantly, stop, don’t forget that tomorrow is a moving target shooting competition, yes, i hope everyone remembers, and are ready, everything is free .
5:00 am
hello, hello, hello, is this the play runner office? yes, please support me with great pleasure, but where are all the employees? it depends on who you need, there on the cooler, please give me a lamp. look, i'm from police, i don’t have much time, i wanted to talk to anton teryokhin, where
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can i find him, now i’ll finish, i’ll go down, anton teryokhin, you, you’re talking about pasha, yes, and you’re here right after everyone, well, yes, office new type. like in europe, with minimal costs, they were for everyone and for the secretary, because of the technician, excuse me, now i even did the repairs ourselves, when the place was rented, you pass, thank you, tell me, it’s twisted, has it been preparing for vacation for a long time? yes, he got ready in half a day, it’s actually like him,
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you know, marina, my father’s wife, found a ticket to spain, which is on fire, for a mere penny, but they had to leave on the same day, but they had visas, they got ready to go, well, okay, what did you do yesterday from 6 to 7 pm, your son went to the slot machines, you what do you suspect me, will fall apart in a couple of months, i can’t handle it alone, all i can do now is to encourage the case to close everything with minimal losses, who could have ordered your partner, i don’t know, think carefully, it seems to you that i i didn’t think, i was spinning around like a grilled chicken all night. some kind of black
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streak, first sales fell, then a robbery, excuse me, but what kind of robbery are you talking about, but our office was robbed a couple of days ago, sobbing, but this won’t help you in competitions, don’t worry, nikitos, that’s what you want to say, that from this old laptop you can go to... every homeowners association, he’s our computer genius, and i’m a sharp shooter, why don’t you, take care of your cartridges, yeah, you understand, igor, the fact is that for several years, in accordance with the strategy for connecting demain security systems, fiber optic networks, olt receiving and transmitting module, okay, nikitos, that's it, stop it already, let's speak russian, oops, uh-huh, so, please tell me the house number, uh, fourteenth, fourteenth. what will you do? so the entrance number? so, andryukha, you were in the attic,
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isn’t it shared by any chance? general? so, drive away all the front doors of this house. all four? yes, all four. so, time. they shot at 6:40, let's give it back 2 hours from half past five. yes. okay, ready. let's see. so. well, this is clearly not our sniper, kids, what? also hardly a plumber, so, now this is already interesting, look at the third entrance, what a cute girl, let’s not get distracted, comrade captain, we’d love to go further, so stop, is that the same plumber again, the fourth front door, come on, let’s rewind to the first, well, in general, yes, so, it means that it turns out that at 5 o’clock... i went into the first front door, at 6:53 i came out of the fourth, which was required to be proven, so on
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this occasion i’ll go and fire the winning shot, so there’s no need for any winning shot, let's go, let's get some air, good day, you're someone you are looking, yes, i need marina gennadievna pokruchina, senior lieutenant potapinka, inter-unit homicide department. i’m elena sergeevna, head teacher, it’s very nice, can you tell me where to find her? 214, but the lesson will end in half an hour? and what happened? i need to ask her a few questions in connection with... the death of her husband, her husband died or something, she didn’t tell you anything when last night, we can talk to you somewhere, in the evening and went to work, no matter how what happened, yes, let's go to the office, andryukha, let's reason
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logically, that means our plumber has left the front door, where he could go, well, what could he...
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say, well, of course, a very strong student of subjects, but for us she is, well, a treasure, well, not without strangeness, of course, but what kind of strangeness, the day before yesterday, she runs into me office, i need to leave urgently, he says, do what you want, even fire him, well , what did you do, go, i say, since you have such circumstances, i then looked out the window, there was a car parked there, someone was driving it... gave it, she sat down and they left, yeah, you give me these thefts, that’s where, you know, the main thing is what the bastards do, they choose new buildings, yeah, where are these movers with gazelles, they have made everyone's eyes sore, the neighbors still don't really know each other, they open the door in the middle of a busy day, they take everything out, no cameras, no
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cans, what happened to my office, what did they take out, there were two fancy computers. why did they write the statement so late? in the sense that in the sense of the twenty-sixth they were broken, on the twenty-eighth only the statement was written that you will take it out on the day off , maybe they didn’t notice right away, here it is right on the table, well, they have no alarm system, no cameras, nothing, okay, come on, no, it seems to me, what’s the matter here, he’s leaving on the fourth, and if there were any traces, everything was covered with snow. igor, do you have anything? am i empty? yes, there is something, now. look, oh, you see what, that same robe of our plumber, he changed his clothes here, jumped into the car and drove off. or by train? by train? did he also come by train, with a rifle? well, yes, that means
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there was a car after all. well, we need to look for witnesses. let’s go and tell you a word of prayer with the young people, remember, these wires, these wires, don’t touch them under any circumstances, otherwise it locks up, then you won’t start, uh-huh, uh-huh, look, here you are, you see, young people, good afternoon, what are you doing to us, uncle, you, you, who else, you’ve been resting here for a long time, listen, you should get out of here, but in an amicable way, the guys don’t need to be rude, but what is it, andryukh, we need to run, oh, well, wait, listen, why did your buddy let us go like that, he forgot to turn off the iron, and the iron, but stand there,
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listen, but you have a car, a soviet classic, i see, good old you... ugh, you are smart, well, it can’t be that you bought such a model yourself, probably in i got an inheritance and am restoring it. well, you won’t be bothering with this for long, i suppose you were also messing around here yesterday, why do you need this? yes, there’s no need, if you didn’t do anything illegal, then no, i don’t have any questions,
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you know what i’m interested in: was there any non-local car parked here yesterday, there was one, but it drove off quickly, what kind of car, a lada , eggplant, where she stood, and there about ten meters, not far, and what time did she leave? but the main witness in this case turned out to be dolphin, the dolphin found him, then me
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you won’t be able to jump, yours, by the way, is from moscow, he brought it, my grandfather drowned here, it’s a coincidence or not, i don’t know, what is he doing, witnesses, question, captain korablev was rescued as a child by a dolphin when he was drowning, since then, the language understands, someone in your department is leaking information from your guys, sergei zharkov, stand. hands, hold it so i can see. dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, hello, we’ve gathered far away,
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they don’t stand out, why scare me like that, the working day seems to be in full swing, i can’t, it’s so quiet, pasha, no, you know, all sorts of thoughts are in my head they are climbing, how did you try to return the stolen property, what? that you don’t pretend to be a fool, you were robbed in the afternoon of the twenty- sixth, you wrote a statement to the police only on the twenty-eighth, we just didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to dial the number in two days, listen, what do you want from me, listen to me , there is a criminal gang in your area, your partner has already died, you want to be next! what do you think, no, no, this is impossible, let you tell me everything now, and i’ll already i'll decide if it's possible or not, okay? sit down, you see, we, the three of us
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were friends at school, pasha, me and sashka maksheev, after school we went to college, and sashka, well, i don’t know all the details, i only know that he recently left the colony, and how it’s going they leaned back, and he... showed up, yes, and with an attack, it seemed like we got rich like pashka, got greedy, but we didn’t want to help our old friend, we explained to him that we didn’t have the kind of money he was asking for, maksheev didn’t believe it , you were robbed right there, yes, pasha and i went out for lunch in the cafe, at that time our computers were already being taken out, and why you didn’t point out maksheev to the police, well, i don’t know. classmates, yes, igor, it seems, found it, so the car is registered to a certain white man, but, but 4
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days ago, it was listed as stolen, and since yesterday he received a parking fine, so far, everything is happy, igor, damn it, ran away , bastard, he ran away, you’ll run on your own, but of course, yes, what hurts a lot? no, it’s fine, i fell, slipped, what, have you talked to young people? yes, i talked, there was a car here, it was parked for 2 hours and it left almost immediately after the murder, yeah, now it’s in the impound lot, i think it’s stretched out, with competitions, how will you shoot, overcoming the pain, oh, andryusha, marina gennadievna teaches physics for you, right? yes, and like the last test, it wasn’t like that? her test, why? what's happened? yes, i didn’t really understand myself, she was chasing us around for a month before this test, then balberkin comes and gives her an envelope, she looked at it, and it’s all stained
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. so what do you have? i wanted to talk to you about the sniper who killed the guy yesterday? yes, about that same one. not an easy sniper. firstly, did you estimate the range from which he killed a man with a shot straight to the head? no, but i'm sure you'll surprise me now. well, first of all, range. from this model of rifle, and from such a distance, well, this naturally commands respect. second, he modified the rifle and made it his own.
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acquired individual characteristics, that is, it turns out to have its own style, right, well, right, but whose fighter will this be from? gurgen, for 5 years now, gurgen has been using it, wait, he’s like under investigation, gurgen under investigation, the shooter is at large, i wonder why a sniper would immediately kill the owner of some penny company? well, think about it yourself, the main thing is that the shooter is not an ordinary one, bon appetit, thank you, so i don’t know when i got to the microdistrict.
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got on the path of correction, it was a little late, it’s never too late to take the path of correction, then let ’s play the fool a little more, and then i ’ll write down a twisted corpse on you for looking at me like that, there are witnesses, how you threatened them in a bad way and teryukhin, i fulfilled everything i promised, and even more than that, who can confirm that you were at home, and no one, no one, would have read you, the past. you have a criminal record, you have a violent temper, you resisted arrest, so even if you write, nothing will flinch, give me some more morals, okay, i have an alibino who is wet, i rented an apartment on ivanovskaya 8, oh, that’s a completely different conversation , come on , admit it in at least one episode, the rest will go like a locomotive, don’t draw a locomotive here, give me paper about what happened
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i’ll write, but i don’t need someone else’s, can i have a pen, please, but your boss is unlucky today, write, joker, they gave the schoolchild an envelope for twisting, in fact, he gave it to her, and the most important thing is that the head teacher saw how twisted she got into the car with an unknown man in our eggplant nine, and after? at the meeting, the spouses were torn, they suddenly decided to urgently relax in spain, but for reasons known to us they never made it to spain, an interesting picture is emerging, well , yes, in addition, there is information that our sniper is not at all a marksman himself, a marksman gurgen, who for some reason needed to knock down the poor programmer, tomorrow i’ll take lyosha the expert, we’ll go to this impound lot, see what kind of eggplant nine this is, we’ll do it, we’d like to install an exterior behind this handlebar, there’s not enough reason yet, igor, not enough, oh, look,
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look, hi. this is our hero coming, they say, today you solved a series of robberies, bon appetit, your beloved city can sleep peacefully, nadenka, in the face of thieves, a triple portion of cheesecakes, maybe a bonus would be better, pash, you solve a murder, you will get a bonus, but for now for a bonus in the crash department, go take a turn, god, how funny. well, here we found it, by... he said the car
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was abandoned, so we pulled it away with a tractor. what's next? we have private territory there, in the forestry? well, why are you surprised? okay, let's go for a walk on private property. no, no, no, guys, i’m not with you, i have plenty of other things to do. strange. look, it's interesting. what kind of private territory is there? yes, winter doesn’t want to retreat. it seems that maslenitsa has already passed. oh, in my opinion, for our souls. take a walk, young people, you can’t go any further. good afternoon. i think that we can, the police, the homicide department, i’m happy for you, but further on it’s private territory, there’s no access, and you’re older, who can talk to you, krymov, igor, great,
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maybe he certainly wasn’t going to abandon the car, but with a hole in it you can't get far with a crankcase, and if he wasn't going to leave her, why did he drive into that little wood then, what a bastard, how technically he cleaned up all the ends, she had a print under the passenger seat, so we've been stuck here in a cordon for the second week, we protect this bastard personally, every hour they go around the perimeter peek-a-boo, well , he’s not such a bastard, it turns out that if he’s going to testify against gurgen himself, you’d think he’d bring gurgen to trial out of civic duty, they screwed ours...
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he abandoned his car, for some reason didn't notice what? nothing, i say, you need to keep your eyes open, do you have a map of the area? do you have it, will you bring it? okay, now it’s clear what this sniper is doing here? georgivich, what kind of arctic? are they going to hide it here and there? so that’s why gurgenov’s shooter was rubbing himself there, that's it, i understand, work, so, let's do this, you're with the fingerprint in the department, pash, the results of the fingerprint are under your control, that's it, i
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'm off, mate, wait, i'm looking at you, i'm surprised, like from a wild forest, you're you're trying to win me. what would a cultured person do in your place? so i see all over the shah animat is coming out, another story, i will die, and not give up, as soon as i imagine how the gurgenchian is resting in his cell, i become even angrier, how many guys did he kill my scum and is still alive, he is for me everything will answer, wow, some evil voice, who's yelling like that? and this is him , the arctic, chatting on the phone or something? and if they file, it’s a closed channel, wow, they’ve survived, and law enforcement agencies protect some bandits from others, they also provide closed channels, you can see him, this
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is forbidden, suddenly you are after his soul, and here’s the trust in each other no friend, uh-huh, look, this is our house, this is the terrace, this is the perimeter, here... shifts, and this is one and a half minutes a day, great, that means one and a half minutes a day the terrace is shot through, and beyond the perimeter gurgenov's shooter is wandering around. igor, do you know how many assassination attempts we have repelled over the past week? and you understand that this sniper is
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a specialist in long-range shooting. well , look, consider this a super long-range shooting, in this case from the category of mysticism. yes, well, i'm talking to him about... goodbye, thank you, all the best, goodbye, then go, nine, mima, g7, killed, so, yes, yes, lesh, is there a coincidence? let's dictate, tarasova,
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nadezhda vasilyevna, repeat the year again, 1986, good, thank you, come on, who is tarasova? i don't know, but her fingers are in the car our sniper. oops, is this tarasov in his opinion? in general, he dug in there, repelled several attacks, is proud of it and does not want to listen to anything. yes, will you allow me? yes, eid, come in. the results of the prints from the sniper's car have arrived. mm, so what's there? they belong to a certain hope tarasova. who is she? if you believe the documents, then she is deceased. what? in 2008, she died in a shootout. what does our nadezhda tarasova look like? you won't believe it. so, so this is the widow of the murdered man, marina
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is twisted, the girl also has a very interesting biography, a youth rank in biathlon, participated in hostilities as a sniper, in general it is said in her description that she is a rare talent, wait, and tarasova is your muscovite, that’s right, well then i know in what shootout she was killed, a rather gloomy story, well, in general, we had one major, alexander, yes, alexander berkutov, well , let’s say, he went a little crazy, he began to use his own as a personal guard, it turned out that it was not enough to figure him out, collect evidence, get an arrest warrant, he still had to be taken, but now it turned out to be this bloodbath, and the worst thing is, that their own fought with their own, because everyone had a direct order from their superiors, so the people were given no... they put it, it’s scary to say, but
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your tarasova was among the dead, well , apparently she didn’t die, because in 2008 she appears in petersburg under the name of marina reikensova, six months later she gets married and becomes marina pokruchina, so georgivich, do i understand correctly that she fought on the side of the rebel major, right, and where is he now, but he disappeared as if through the earth, he is still in wanted, then it turns out that he... is our sniper, so why are we sitting here then, we need to take her, on what grounds, well, she’s our main witness, georgiy, something tells me that she’s clearly not in the know, that she’s still a victim, well, there’s no way we can take her , the worst thing has already happened to her, whom they are afraid of, so what to do, i’ll try to talk to her.
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tell me, he probably never let you off the hook, he just didn’t need you for the time being, but then he received a special order, i think it was paid for as generously as possible, i hear your voice through the door, it’s because i’m standing behind it, what do you need, there are two options, talk in an informal setting, or by...
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i hope you’ll help me, this needs to be stopped, finished, i agree. then at your house he shot at you? yes. why? he said one more shot and walk away in all four directions. i refused. “i can’t believe anymore, now i just can’t, then i decided to run away, pasha and i had a shingen open, we had small savings, i would explain everything to pasha, i’m sure he would understand me, we would hide somewhere where is berkut would never have found us, but in the meantime you just pretended that you really wanted to go on vacation and
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got these tickets, we almost got into the car, we almost left, and why then did he miss?" keep quiet, and i’ll tell you why? because that you are the only one for him who can make a well-aimed shot at such a distance. where is berkutov now? well, perhaps right now. you see that attic window, marina, what’s the matter, you yourself said that . we need to put an end to this story, there’s no one to do it but me,
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wow, i’m glad we’re together again, it’s not on my own behalf! you'll run away, right? oh, oh, pashka, if it weren’t for my microtrauma, i would. i knocked out all the tens, to the bad dancer, andryukha, calm, calm, pashka, i’m a good dancer, yeah, he’s a good one, you’re a real sea,
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andryukha, urgently gather everyone and go to the arctic, what happened, igor, what happened is that it’s a super sniper. she deceived me and rushed there, i understand, that is, you think that she rushed to fulfill the order, okay, the shift change of the arctic guard is in 20 minutes, we’ll try to make it in time, that’s it, before contact, we rushed, plow, what happened, i’ll tell you now.
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your health. chicken again, do you have anything else, i want a normal piece of marbled beef, medium fry, don’t you understand? come on, baby, one, two, three, everything is fine, if only the gurgenchian would be happy, the division is protecting me, and i’m
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like a chicken. well, pashka, corpse, corpse, and, apparently, wood grouse, wood grouse, stopodova, wood grouse, without a doubt, and you seriously think that this program can be implemented as a shooting simulator, of course, in the same place, if you get there up to level 18, and can you guess that i need a general for this? they would you need to learn to shoot with real weapons, not with this fart. i'm free, we have a meeting, nikita, i'm free. is it really that bad, well, how can i tell you, well, especially don’t worry about what’s going on with the results of the shooting, well , okay, let’s move on to our sheep,
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admire your results, so well, here’s mine, mine, mine, mine , okay, so, wait, this is mine, but look at yourself, did you shoot blindfolded, or what? well , of course, here you go, i have nothing either, look, you’re here with your hand, with your hands, here. v in general, there is something to work on, this is a souvenir for you, take it freely, hang it in your home and admire it, be proud, be proud of your retirement.
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they'll pick it up in the morning. to the very attic, go away here, oh, what is it? crap!
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mother i know, it’s not me, it’s not me, it’s not me, it’s not me. "it's not me, it's not me, it's, no, oh, oh, oh, we need to call the police."
5:40 am
wow, what a beauty! natasha, why are you so confused? it doesn’t seem like a holiday , no, well, thank you, of course, yeah. hmm, please, delicious, but what happened? igor, do you remember what day it is today? bon appetit. natasha, wait, what are you doing?


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