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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  May 13, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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emergency in the studio of marat seddikov. and in vladivostok , us citizen gordon black was arrested, an american military man is accused of robbing his beloved, our compatriot. love, as they say, is evil, you will love gordon black, vladivostok resident alexandra vashchuk essentially lost all her savings , in fact, love itself. her american boyfriend stole not only her money and alcohol, but, in principle, her faith in people. i came home and there was someone here. pindos, what the hell, who, who are you, who are you, man, lord, and another joke, another lie, this is a kotusa, and not a partisan lito dimersant, in the case of katyusha, an abbreviation that alexandra spoke about back in those carefree days, means black belongs to one of the american bases in south korea, precisely at these bases of joint in the exercises of the states, their allies, as it were , show them once...
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in general, not particularly ardent, but at the same time i was looking for adventures, a russian woman also served as a drill instructor, a position in lived not far from siul, where she met an american, then they had fun time, alexandra even tried to teach him russian.
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for some time the girl even called gordon her husband, but soon the love passed, she went home to vladivostok, but this did not stop black, he went to make peace, as it later turned out, without the permission of the command to visit russia, he came to alexandra’s home, but between a local conflict arose again, from which the girl emerged victorious at first, annoyed his gentleman, she drove him away, and then discovered that he, so... as is customary with them, took everything with him, what he could carry. later, the applicant had a conflict at home with an acquaintance. after he left, the girl discovered the missing money and turned to the police for help. criminal investigation officers found the suspect in one of the city hotels. he had already purchased an air ticket and intended to fly home. the suspect is now in season number one vladivostok. the place is harsh, especially compared to an american military base. it has already been presented to him. they help with chronic
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bronchitis, prostatitis, kidney diseases, and it is also a strong aphrodisiac, but has a bad side effect. before removal , you should consult with a child expert. the yellow-brown poplar buds are disgustingly sticky and stick to everything. the first thing you think about when you see a picture like this is that you need to remove all these buds as soon as possible, because then traces of the resin will be covered with dust, dirt, soot, in general, there will be a black spot, it will be ugly. how can i do that? well, for example, the easiest option is to take a detergent and a sponge and try everything. scrub it off, but is it worth it?
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do it? there is no need to rub anything, this is important. mechanical action will solve one problem, remove the resin, but create another. scratches will appear on the varnish. the hard side of the scouring sponge that we think can remove dirt quickly and effectively is the sanding felt. if you diligently try to remove the resin with a dishwashing sponge, you may end up with scratches that even polishing cannot remove. yes , leaving it on the body is a bad idea, it won’t fall off on its own, we remember our botany lessons at school: inside the vegetative bud there is a stem and future leaves, outside there are scales covered with resin. the varnish used to coat body parts is essentially also resin. tree resin mixes easily with car paint and can even penetrate underneath it. how does this happen? a simple example: a car is parked on the street, the sun is shining, the car varnish expands and opens its pores. if there are traces of linden resin on the body. from poplar, then this resin
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easily penetrates into the structure of the varnish, at night the reverse process occurs: the car varnish cools down, the pores narrow the resin trees remain inside the varnish, as a result , with... long-term contact , it will be difficult to remove traces of resin from the body, especially if the car is light or bright in color, in especially advanced cases it is impossible, only repainting will save you, so it is important to promptly clean the car from such traces. do not try to heat dried poplar and linden resin with a hairdryer, such contaminants can only be removed chemically, but do not use aggressive compositions based on acetone, kerosene spirit, tree resin can be safely removed with specialized means based on natural citrus terpenes. you can find such products by the name orange. high-quality formulations are characterized by a high content of natural citrus terpenes. in more budget-friendly analogues, the content of these components is either significantly lower, or they are replaced with solvents. solvent-based compounds are not recommended for use on external plastic and
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chrome as they can damage these elements. compositions based on citrus oils are popularly called orange because of the main component: zest. orange, but... don’t try to wipe off the resin stain with a regular orange, it won’t work, put the orange aside, take the product, saturate a microfiber cloth with it, apply the composition to the body of our car, wait a while and then remove it with the same a napkin, the remains of the body, if the product did not work the first time, the treatment can be done by... and now a few simple recommendations: if poplars or linden trees grow in the yard of your house, try not to park directly under these trees, and your body clean temporarily, green birch pollen is harmless to paintwork, it can simply be washed off with water.
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the best for today: 22:15, big premiere, action-packed series, emergency exit, unfortunate means. nothing, i think this is a murder, if the investigation has reached a dead end, there is no evidence at all except this pillow, senior comrades, who are you? and we are orderlies, they will always come to the rescue, why didn’t you count them right away, that’s why they kicked you out of the mentura, they will share their experience, look, this is a lacerated wound, they will show you a frying pan, why not? it’s calmer, the way you should work, i’m for a humane attitude towards detention, for a dangerous exit, is there such a place on earth where you wouldn’t be given seaside? premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. good morning, about the weather
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for today. may continues to demonstrate her unbalanced character, and in all regions of the country. in the far east. the cyclone leaves the south alone and goes to the shores of the magadan region in kamchatka and the kuril islands, there is precipitation, wind and a slight cooling. in the south there is less precipitation, but the temperature fluctuation begins, which does not will calm down all the way to the urals. so, fasten your seat belts. vladivostok and khabarovsk are moderate +15. in blagoveshchensk the temperature rises to 19°, and near baikal the temperature immediately drops by 10 degrees. in lannuda in irkutsk, after 25 it’s no higher than 16. from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk it’s about 20°. at +8, cold in the urals, precipitation with the steamy warm sector of the cyclone +26, in tyumen only wind, it turns out that on european territory it is still stable, although the stability is very cold, from north to south the temperature is below normal, in the polar region no higher than 5 °, in the center about ten, in the south with difficulty
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will reach twenty, the main precipitation has gone to the urals, there will be fewer clouds in the center, which is fraught with an expansion of the zone of night frosts, but there is a region that gives us hope for... the return of the may warmth, this is the northwest, the solar anticyclone is coming this time from there, the air flows there are warmer, in kaliningrad it’s already +18, by the end of the working week we expect the same warmth in the center. in st. petersburg there is no precipitation and +1, in moscow the same amount, precipitation is unlikely, and tomorrow it will be up to 15. watch further, the morning is the best, we get acquainted with the traffic news on the main page on the way, we will write down useful tips from. near yekaterinburg, a wall collapsed on a real foreign car and crushed a solaris, there were no people in the cabin, in the capital on a stump with a cat on
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its neck, an electric scooter chose an unusual method of transportation, but it amused people, the impact threw up the air. in omsk, a motorcyclist was not allowed to pass by a car, the biker has serious injuries, be careful. the next motorcycle season has started in the country, even traffic police inspectors switched to patrol duties. motorcycles will ensure safety; monitor how motorcycle owners comply with the rules, if any license plate, why chase after him, if there is no license plate, we will find a way to clamp him without chasing him, he will still arrive somewhere. moheev ketchup is created according to a unique recipe with natural spices and pieces of vegetables, which, during the preparation of ketchup, give it their taste, making the sauce. especially with moheev ketchup, the food becomes tastier. there are still more benefits in fish than
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harm. scientists from the university of bristol have proven this in pregnant women. they studied the analyzes of several thousand women and their children with seychelles, where they traditionally eat a lot of fish, as well as english women, who consume this product less often. it turned out that even if the level of mercury in a pregnant woman’s body is slightly increased, it accumulates in fish, especially predatory fish, like tuna, but this does not have a harmful effect on the child. the benefits in the form of fatty acids, iodine, vitamin d and selenium outweigh and even neutralize the harm from the toxic metal. but a lack of fish in the diet is much more likely to lead to disturbances in the development of the baby. specialists they recommend that expectant mothers eat it.
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the dutch city of haarlem will be the first in the world to ban advertising of meat and processed products in public places. this will happen by 2024. the main reason is two servings of seafood per week. environmental damage from livestock farming. for this reason, as city authorities remind, they cut down forests and use fertilizers that pollute the soil. and according to the un, cultivation. cat on an industrial scale produces a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions, a recent study showed that from of all food products, the production of lamb and beef causes the most significant damage to the environment and requires the most resources, so to obtain just 1 kg of beef you need about 15,000 liters of water. the decision of the harlin authorities to ban meat advertising was, however, not supported by everyone. dutch experts ask. behind the question: is it right to destroy one of the most important sectors of the local economy for the sake of improving the environment?
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the country's largest pumpkin was chosen. the final of the russian championship among farmers growing giant vegetables took place in ulyanovsk. in the contestants were transported to the volga region using trucks and manipulators. the smallest of the contenders was a pumpkin weighing just over 200 kg. well, the winner was raised by farmer andrei gusev from the moscow region, a multiple winner of such competitions. we understand, 783 kg is hanging. the world record belongs to italian farmer stefan cutrup from tuscany. last year he showed a vegetable weighing 1.226 kg. grow. such a miracle is a labor-intensive process, but as agronomists say, there is nothing dangerous in giant vegetables, they
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absolutely edible. in china, this summer they are preparing to release the first melodrama generated by artificial intelligence, the plot, and even more so the visual component , is of very dubious quality, but this is still called a revolution in cinema, especially since... there are other neural networks capable of doing much more, like all this looks like artificial intelligence can change the industry, should we be afraid of it, this is what show business news is about today. the chinese company tcl, which produces tvs with a streaming application, announced that will release the first film created by artificial intelligence, it will be a melodrama called next stop - paris. the artificial intelligence here was only responsible for the picture, and... it was written by people, although no one would have noticed the difference. according to the script, a girl whose heart is broken because
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her fiancé abandoned her decides to go on her honeymoon to paris anyway and meets a mysterious stranger on the train. next they will have sunset walks through the most romantic places of the french capital. heroes, however, from scene to scene change their appearance, periodically lose some facial features and generally look more like a character in a computer game, somewhere in the early 2000s. however, despite the absurdity of this love story, the company is proud of the film and claims that it is at the forefront of modern technology and pushes the boundaries of cinema. and in principle, it’s hard not to agree with them a couple of years ago and this seemed impossible, but what will happen in another year or two? already now the neural network quarrel from the open ai company is creating small video masterpieces that are difficult to distinguish from real cinema or animation. while the quarrel is not available to a wide audience, it is tested only by specially invited professional directors, designers and artists. and the videos they created amaze
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the imagination: here are labrador puppies frolicking in the snow, here are mammoths rushing. directly to the camera, you can generate picturesque landscapes shot from a drone or recreate any place in any historical era, with the necessary lighting and characters. need california during the gold rush? please, robot in cyberpunk scenery, no problem. imagine how much you can save on scenery and special effects, and even on actors. people in this neural network really look like people, and most importantly, a quarrel can create something that is basically impossible. here... for example, a hero who has a balloon instead of a head, here are animal hybrids that do not exist in nature, of course, professionals can do all this themselves on a computer, but this will take a lot of time and money, here we get to the main thing for those who work in cinema, neural networks may leave many representatives without work industry, so limiting the use of artificial intelligence was one of
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the main issues due to which scriptwriters and actors in hollywood were already trying to implement it. for example, they filmed the sidorov series, written by a neural network based on the famous family sitcoms sts, however, in the script there was serious logic, the scenes did not fit with each other, the film crew had to play it all out. musicians are also experimenting with artificial intelligence. so yulia savicheva released a video "a girl with a denerated neural network." artificial intelligence processed the singer’s childhood photographs and placed her character in futuristic landscapes. well, neurosight also allows it. look at already created films from a new perspective, for example, find out what they would look like if they were made by a different director or in a different era. there is a whole series of videos about how famous paintings would look in the style of the fifties, these include the terminator and star wars, and harry potter, game of thrones, and the avengers. scarlett johansson the image of marilyn monroe really suits him, and spider-man
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looks stylish in a suit with a cap, so artificial intelligence really opens up something new. you just need to look behind them more carefully, such is the news of show business today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, they recognize her, they love her. they remember, they really appreciate, psb is a bank for the present, they have heard about your grandfather, it’s a pity, good old man, but you’re still at the moscow opera, the bosses haven’t had a drink, it’s the same, but
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what’s going on in the village, that everyone is like that became fearful, he wanted to find the culprit... in the death of his grandfather, such people are tied up in this topic, neither you nor i can jump, by the way, yours is from moscow, but the main witness in this case turned out to be a dolphin, the dolphin found him, then me brought me, my grandfather drowned here, it’s a coincidence or not, i don’t know, what is he doing, questioning a witness, the captain of the ship rescued a dolphin as a child, this is tanu, since then the language has been understood, one of your guys in your department from... premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual,
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relaxed sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. we reveal the secret of an excellent grill. we buy everything in a magnet. we play in the application. we get grill prizes. the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet. pro! or do you glue it yourself? for any ideas , metillan wallpaper glue. mix quickly, simply apply, professionally glued. there are a lot of wallpaper ideas, the glue is always methylane. swelson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night. say no, is it damaged by silicone? and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients
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of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shaa. shama - care from roots to ends. benefit generator bamfidio eldorado. super discounts and interest-free installments. we approve of everyone. bulet tcl tv for only 64.999 and also in installments. we at persiel take stains away from erasing to a new one level with deep clean plus technology. persil enzymes work on the surface and inside of fabric, leaving memories, not stains on things. once i've been persistent, i've always been persistent. buy construction goods at low prices on avito. professional coloring cos. permanent cream color, rich color, no gray hair, protection against. damage, strength, shine of dyed hair, sjos, hair like after a salon, we buy everything in a magnet, we play applications, grill prizes,
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we get, buy a sausage hot dog, dad can, increase the chance, the formula is excellent grill in a magnet, this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts from phone scammers, tinkov. he's the only one. when you 're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself in gold with an intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. pintalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pintalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. every master wants to know. what grout should i use? cereside grouts: a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. cyrisite is the ideal solution
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for any tile. for best results, use cyrisit grout glue together. for different you. one cosmetics magnet. ecological shower gel 2499. the price is right. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel. he is supportive. fabric strength and restores color, things are like new in three times longer, new, no, i wash with affection, the morning continues, the best, we will check with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will turn your home into the apartment of your dreams, we will go to krasnaya polyana, we will eat deliciously with federico, arnaldi life hack from doctors - orthopedists: they say it is better to buy shoes during the day, and not in the morning and evening, because by the end of the day many people
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have a foot one size larger than in the morning, and such oddities with the foot occur because its arch - this is this part - gets tired in the evening and bends under the weight of the body, plus... hence the feeling of heaviness, and it is not surprising that 70% of adults suffer from pain in their legs, and to correct these statistics, they seem to promise to wear orthopedic insoles, which, as sellers convince, are as important as brushing your teeth , for example, they say these inserts gently support the feet. improve blood circulation in the legs, relieve stress not only from the foot, but also from the knee joints and even from the spine, they say everything is connected and even a migraine will evaporate, in general,
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it’s soft, but the price is a bit harsh, making insoles to order will cost approximately, well, how can you buy good winter boots and they ask for 10,000 rubles, this is really such a necessity, but... is it possible to get by with analogues, which are 10 times cheaper than orthopedic insoles, which can really reduce bumps on the feet, and must be in children's shoes, should they be prescribed by doctors then, a couple of swipes with scissors, then you just cut off the footrest, insert new ones. thanks to replacing my son’s insoles, they turn into orthopedic ones, valeria is sure. now the shoes are like this if look, there is no arch support, there is nothing like that, yes, and in order to avoid flat feet,
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there needs to be one. a spinator so that the soles are soft, valeria’s whole family and she herself wear these, although there are no complaints and never have been, i have four children, we will all try to buy such orthopedic insoles, of course we did not conduct any special examinations, but i think that we will definitely not harm our health, but i hope that it will only get better. valeria and millions of other russians are convinced of this, for example bloggers. if you have back, knee or neck pain, then the insole will stop it. secondly, if your legs swell and get very tired in the evening, then orthopedic style will solve this problem. a tiled office and a white robe are powerful arguments, thanks to which the sales of stelik gained record momentum. 2021 about 5 million
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of our compatriots used various articulation products for their feet, and of course , for the most part, these were orchipedic forces. buying them is no more difficult than socks; you can order them in an online store, for 700 rubles. with authoritative marked, approved by the ministry of health, sold in the underground passage for 1,200, approved by the seller of laces and belts. it is written that therapeutic and prophylactic treatment is then possible. but after a quick examination, the orthopedic doctor is ready to trample on the advertising promises of the sellers of such insoles, but these definitely do not, they do not support the transverse arch at all, the use of these insoles can lead to the formation of corns, pain in the foot and...
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an extremely uncomfortable condition of the feet, all because some erasers are too soft and are actually called ergonomic, that is they are simply comfortable and suitable for healthy feet without deviations, the fashion for such was led by leading athletes who represent top brands of sports shoes, for example, the world and olympic champion, the most titled basketball player in the world, the richest athlete on the planet, lebron james, gives a gift to a young man fan. the boy begged for sneakers, but he gets them, attention, without insoles, the athlete hands them over to the security guard, only his insoles are with reinforcements, shock absorbers, dozens of patents and proprietary secrets that protect the athlete’s body from overload injuries, allowing you to get tired less, jump higher, win more often, sell more personalized sneakers, in short, you can’t buy these in transition.
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some salons in russia offer to make something remote, but she, as two-time olympic champion in athletics svetlana masterkova demonstrates, already has a whole collection of insoles that were made according to her anatomical casts, but she never got the perfect ones. these are wasted funds, and considerable amounts of money, because each of the tv sets, from small to specialized style, it costs, well, about more than 20,000 rubles. every insole, i always always have a problem with two toes that two nails come off. ruben markarian, lawyer. here they write to us: they changed the measure of restraint for my husband from house arrest to real arrest, he was placed in an isolation ward, and we have a 14-year-old son, i am forced to take a second job, that’s why it was bad
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that we... my husband was at home with a bracelet on leg and at least could work remotely via the internet. according to the law, in order to change an already established preventive measure, compelling reasons are required. grounds. the accused must try to hide from the investigation or trial or threaten a witness. well, in a word, somehow interfere with the proceedings of a criminal case. but in practice, a report from an investigator or operative of violations is often enough to... replace house arrest with detention, i’m afraid that in your case one of the restrictions during house arrest was the prohibited use of communications and the internet, and if your spouse is like you you write, i worked remotely via the internet, then it works, violated a direct injunction, if he did this systematically, it is not surprising that the court placed him in custody, in your case you should have first written a petition
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to the investigator, i came with my client to his home after the trial, the investigator asked for custody, but we managed to convince the court of house arrest, but still, my client was in a police cell for two days,
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we went home, he also has a son, i think he’s 14 years old, i was scared in his eyes, when i saw him, i said who the guy is with - it was, well, here's yours, here at this time, you are in the detention center, your wife is collecting documents there... that when parents are busy with such serious problems with law enforcement agencies, you don’t forget that children need psychological help, this is stress for them, there are specialists in this area , if anything, write to us, we recommend, otherwise we
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will correct the mistakes of the investigation, we will correct the lawyers, here are nervous breakdowns in children, it would be better to stop them right away. hello everyone, this is a housing issue, i’m ilya zapadentets, today we will remodel the kitchen-living room for the barykin family, exclusively for a female company, we will solve a designer sudoku, we will combine three elements here, air, water, sand, and we will also make friends with stones and flowers and remove everything unnecessary so that our heroines can. anime second me of angelina, she is both the main performer and director of her own shows,
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anastasia’s older sister, costume designer, it all started with crooked arrows, and it all ended with cosplay, and on weekdays the sisters’ path lies at one common address to school, angelina studies there, anastasia teaches mathematics. i really enjoy working with children, i like to give children knowledge so that they understand, i avoid excessive academicism, first teach children simple things, and then add a bit of academicism. but at home during training, for the eldest angelina, she is a candidate for master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, she practices with her sister. stretching, it hurts, be patient! svetlana vladimirovna, a preschool teacher with a diploma, but worked for many years in commerce, is now at home on the farm, and is renovating a three-room apartment, where the family moved 6 years ago from
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one-room apartments there is no kitchen as such yet, no, as you can see, yes, unfortunately there is no kitchen, we didn’t get around to it, yeah, what did we dream about when we were planning all this, well, here’s one huge one. big guy, right here, so that there’s a bar counter, she’s just told me this so many times, i’d like to change the brown color, of course i understand, my mother is very much in love with him, i don’t know, i like mine brighter, my mother loves bright colors, she loves green, orange, that's all the juice, she 's used to it, she's more used to it, she likes it bright colors, look at our rooms, this is the only thing he allowed us to do on our own, where we could do something ourselves, respect to you for doing beautiful things for yourself with your friendly female company, we just came to help together with designer lena yusko, we have already honestly prepared a project for you, i won’t tell you what’s there, but there is one hint, we’re ready to see it with one intention, look, watchers,
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oops, look what i’ve prepared for you, mom, you can take it and touch it , in short, this is some kind of thing not for meditation, but something this, now... now i’m saying goodbye to you, but for a while at the end of the issue you will find out what we are doing for you, that’s it, let’s go, goodbye, lena, how do you like the energy of our heroins, powerful energy, powerful, really, it’s overwhelming, yes, i hope that they will catch zen here, with the help of some design solutions, we will make a garden here, a japanese garden, yeah, just for people to come and meditate, that ’s where sakura will bloom, yeah, the apron will be pink . now there are no upper cabinets here, and here they are quite light,
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hidden, because our main emphasis is our tiles, and two guards, two samurai on the right and left, since the kitchen is not very large, we are adding a storage system here, they are so black, graphic and they will be backlit, they us they’re referencing this japanese theme too, it’s a bit reminiscent of the layout on the gazebos, but it’s like we ’re hiding the kitchen a little, and we’re diverting attention to this function, because it’s important to take full advantage of this space, yes, we’ll make a living room-dining room here, round table, it will be a little smaller and will move here, we leave the greenhouse, we move it closer to the light, we expand the window sill, hide all these pipes and all our plants will fit perfectly here, plus we also make a planter for the wall, the most brutal part of all, yes here there will be the texture of such a stone, the plants will be very cool to look at, i said at the beginning of the program that we will combine sand, air and water, how will it be... done, all the walls and the ceiling are white, this will add
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air to us, very often in japanese gardens put the stones around them draw water on the sand, but if they have straight lines, they symbolize calm water, and if they are wavy, then this is boiling water, we will have calm water here, these lines will appear in this area, in this one in the kitchen, here we will transfer these stones to this wall, these will be mirrors, they will have a gradient, this is also a reference to watergus. because in these mirrors we see a reflection, just like in water, it turns out that we will have a fairly large sofa and a tv, no more unnecessary objects, we clean everything is unnecessary so that our heroines can catch zen, as their cat garfield did, take his example, andrey savyankov, winner of the palm restaurant award, after all, moreover, he is a ready-made labet for himself...
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or such a delicious tortar with lard , do you remember, in short, the man is the master siruki, who, when it comes to food, he seems to know better than anyone how to make it tasty, so i am here to learn how to cook a simple and at the same time incredibly tasty ancient georgian dish, kinsmari from parley, i'll give you a bowl, and we'll do it with you is an ambassador that every housewife can carry out at home, for this we take three spoons with you. salt, one spoon of sugar,
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this is a sweet-salty salting, mix, and with this sweet-salty mixture we cover our farelka on both sides, but while the fish is marinating, we’ll make cherry sauce. it turns out that cherries perfectly complement and decorate the taste of red fish. we add cinnamon to the wine, yes. i like more cinnamon, as well as sugar and pepper. we evaporate the wine by half, and in the meantime we’ll quickly make another sauce, grind it garlic and cilantro, after which this dish is actually named, kinzmari. and now we are ready to mix all the ingredients to create a unique magic sauce that will highlight our trout, and what it will be made from is feihua, the basis will be feihua. i know what will suit us. feihua pureed with
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sugar from mahei. this product with its tart, sweet and sour taste and delicate texture is very suitable for desserts and culinary experiments. so, take feihua pureed with sugar. enough. add garlic and cilantro, lemon juice, vegetable oil, lightly salt and pepper and mix well. bolya, the feihua sauce is ready. i don’t have the cherry one yet, by the way, mine has evaporated, now we need to remove the cinnamon from the sauce and add the cherries, you can use frozen ones. a little lime juice, stir, gradually add corn starch to thicken our sauce, it’s already thickened, great, that’s it, turn it off, well , let’s get to the fish, now we ’ll scorch it a little more, it’s like the moment
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to make tataki a little bit, but we’ll scorch it trout exclusively for beauty, so it is not necessary to do this at home. we begin to thinly slice the slices, in fact, everything is ready, all that remains is to put it beautifully on a plate, the most important point is the sauce that will complement our fish, we spread it, it is this sauce of feihua and cilantro that will create the dominant taste of the treat, we randomly spread it on the sauce trout, the thinner it is cut, the faster the sauce will get into it, this is very important, finally we take... no, no, sauce, make sure that we do it like this to soak it, you see, so that it this sauce got into the fibers, we soak it, like this, then we take a slice,
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so, first we slap it and eat it, now you felt how the sauce got into the fish, then we take the sweet sauce, you can feel it, our garlic, cilantro, then for crunch, we eat zucchini, we freshen our mouth, and now we also take it soaked in sauce, only now we add it with a cherry, you feel the cinnamon finishing off, like sourness and cherry, oops! the sourness has gone, the cinnamon too, yes, everything seems simple, but at the same time incredibly tasty and unusual, real magic, andrey is always like this, thank you very much, thank you, as always it was pleasant, fun, delicious, see you again exciting meetings, come on, i wonder in which corner of russia we will see each other next
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time? what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like this, ural sip bank, nothing more, and you’re taking someone there, we’re taking an old lady from therapy . how can you confuse a living person with a corpse, they just wanted the best, but how always, the former operator spent 20 years in a murder operative, and the former zek, me and klava go
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in pairs, the orderly, me and klava, work in the morgue, normal people don’t work in morgues, and they are definitely conducting their own investigation. they shot, strangled, and also poisoned, this is just a bloody place, excuse me, what, have you turned a decent place here into an investigative department? yuri stoyanov, i was imprisoned four times, i won’t go there again, roman madyanov, this is the whole spirit, this is the fifth term, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22.15 on ntv. catching a firebird's feather is not it’s simple, but everyone can get a rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 17% per annum. open a deposit on running is
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the source of my energy. when it's frosty outside, everyone wants the house to be warm. i like that to manage. one capsule of rabiprazole north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day. the northern star trusts us. attention, alabai. oh! buy cheap air tickets for aviasles avias magnet tea black achl gray
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3999 magnet price what you need buy construction goods at low prices on avito spare the prime minister's appearance today at 22:15 on ntv is a pipe or a heating radiator leaking? “the seal damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, that’s enough, save money and nerves, order fixpro three-in-one liquid rubber from leamax, sealant, rubber and glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, the elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of either low or high temperatures, safe for. people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call and order fixpro three in one from liamax,
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black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fix pro three in one at a super price, rub 399. liamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our website meeting place today. day at 14:00 on ntv. how tired am i? what am i doing here? that's it. are you resting? fine. fine. how do you like it? badly. why bad? it's bad that i didn't know osibree before. good morning, about the weather
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today. may continues to demonstrate her unbalanced character, and in all regions of the country. in the far east, the cyclone leaves the south alone and goes to the shores of the magadan region in kamchatka and the kuril islands. there is precipitation, wind and slight cooling. in the south there is less precipitation, but temperature fluctuations begin, which will not calm down until the urals. and... so buckle up, kids, in vladivostok and khabarovsk it’s moderate +15, in blagoveshchensk the rise is up to 19°, and at baikal the drop is immediately 10 degrees, in lannuda at in irkutsk after 25 it is not higher than 16. from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk it is about 20°, in omsk, in the warm sector of the cyclone +26, in tyumen only +8. it's cold in the urals, precipitation with steamy winds. it turns out that european territory is still stable, although stability is very cold. from north to south. temperatures below normal in the polar region are no higher than 5°, in the center about ten, in the south it will hardly reach twenty. the main precipitation went to the urals.
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there will be fewer clouds in the center, which could lead to an expansion of the night frost zone. but there is a region that gives us hope for the return of may warmth. this is the northwest. the solar anticyclone is coming from there this time, the air flows in it are warmer. it’s already +18 in kaliningrad. by the end of the working week we expect the same warmth in the center. no precipitation in st. petersburg.
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death has absolutely stopped accepting the dead. and presented me with an ultimatum as the emperor: if you want more people to die, die first, i am mutating, that is, i am developing dramatic images, i am turning from a villain into some kind of conscious the situation of a person, i agree, but in the first place in gilikon’s production is love, in the original this topic is incidental. the performance is like a parable, that is, what a parable is, it is always some kind of work at the end of which there is a moral. ullman managed to transfer the opera score to the ghetto library, who survived the war and preserved it. this opera was first performed in the 70s in amsterdam, and after that it was performed several times, mainly in europe.
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there was also a performance in russia several years ago, as far as i remember. a famous investigator and a favorite artist. tick ​​bites, why are they dangerous? if a tick bites you, does this mean that you have definitely contracted the infection, since ticks are its carriers? how to determine
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whether a tick is contagious or not? why are ticks dangerous? for children, let's talk about this with pediatrician olga kuznetsova. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine, with the right doctors. hello, olga evgenevna, i’m very glad to see you on our show. olga evgenevna, i literally just recently read that due to spring, a stormy early spring, ticks have appeared in our region, and everywhere, in parks, almost on... the streets there near moscow, literally people go for a walk and take off five at a time eight ticks in total, it’s just chilling on the skin , imagine a child running around , a small child, last year’s grass is the size of this child and he will be covered all over with these ticks, of course you need to examine him later
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because they can bite and what’s behind that will? ticks - this is really a very unpleasant story, and it is unpleasant because a tick can sometimes not only cause an allergic reaction to the bite of a tick, but can carry some very unpleasant diseases, but the most unpleasant ones for us are two infections, viral tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne baroliosis, so if it applies to children, what is it? the risk that a child, if he catches tick-borne encephalitis, may have a severe, deadly infection, if we are talking about tick-borne encephalitis, very unpleasant an infection that can actually be fatal, then in moscow and the moscow region the last cases were registered about 2 years ago, that is
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, this is monitored in moscow parks about... treatment for ticks, these are precisely these diseases , this disease is tick-borne viral encephalitis occurs in moscow, the moscow region infrequently, and if we take the whole of russia, the disease also occurs in different regions of russia, you can usually get this information from rospotrebnadzor, where all the information on endemicity by region is usually provided and if parents see that they, well, are they planning trips there or do they have...
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good protection for children, is it safe to vaccinate against tick-borne encephalitis for young children? for young children, but vaccination begins at one year of age. we have good domestic vaccines, quite effective, they are well tolerated, but i would like to say one more thing about small children, a small clarification, traditionally we are accustomed to the fact that tick-borne encephalitis can be contracted by a tick bite and few people remember that transmission from animals through milk is possible cow, not pasteurized, not boiled and also through products made from such milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and... fermented milk products, it happens that children become infected through these food products, in this case even the incubation period is less than with infection, with tick bite. and now about the second disease,
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about bareliosis, we don’t have a vaccine against bareliosis, and the infection is interesting, bareliosis itself, they don’t cause damage when they enter the body, they don’t damage tissues, in general, bareliosis itself doesn’t... cause diseases, symptoms, subsequent to lyme disease, well , which, which we sometimes equate to bareliosis, the symptoms are caused by the reaction of the immune system to bareliosis that has entered the body, that is, this is a kind of autoimmune situation , it turns out it triggers an autoimmune triggers an immune reaction, yes, the symptoms that we see yes , lyme disease, the so-called - these are symptoms of such an immune reaction to these... so the tactics are different, in the case of bareliosis, it matters how much time has passed from the tick bite to its removal, let's say, yes, if with tick-borne
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encephalitis, the virus enters immediately; it is found in the saliva of the tick, it enters the body immediately, then the barels live in the intestines of the tick and they need some time to move, let’s say, into the saliva and into... the human body, that is, according to various sources 12 hours, well, 3-4 hours, in principle , may be enough, that is, if the parents quickly noticed the tick and quickly removed it, then the risk of infection with barylia is extremely low, if they did not notice it right away, they removed it within two to three days, or you can take the tick to laboratory, in europe and america they don’t do this, but in russia it is customary to give up. tick to the laboratory, we look at whether the tick is infected with barelia or not, in general the incubation period is about a month, but on average it is a week or two, erythema may appear at the site of the bite, yes,
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erythema migrans or ring-shaped erythema, it is important not to confuse it with allergic reaction to a tick bite, this also happens, this reaction appears immediately at the time of the bite or within 48 hours, it is usually small, more than 5 cm in diameter, and as soon as we remove the tick, this reaction goes away on its own within one or two days as well. thank you so much olga evgenievna for the wonderful story, this is very important, especially now, spring, the beginning of the season of trips to the country, to barbecues, to the forest, everything that we love so much, what children love, please treat pay close attention to this. and of course, i think that it is advisable for everyone in our country to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, it is harmless and highly effective. good morning everyone and see you again. i understand that easter is
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such a gastronomic holiday, that is it’s clear that this is a spring holiday, it’s actually such a very bright holiday. but at the same time, we definitely think about the fact that we have some kind of stuffed eggs, yes, we, we paint eggs, we make cottage cheese easter, we bake easter cakes, we meat, fish, we put all the most delicious things on the table, but it seems to me we must not forget that in addition to the tasty , there must be the most delicious and healthy on the table, by the way, a dish rich in fiber, a dish rich in minerals, vitamins, and which do not allow to overeat, but it’s good... they help our body cope with all the other gastronomic challenges that are on the easter table, these are salads, look how beautiful, the leaves are washed, dried, they are already prepared for us to simply
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dress them up, here i have here is fennel, fennel goes very well with romana and radicio, and in general he also gives this one - you know the note of onis taste, it’s great with the bitterness from radicio with such juiciness... it echoes, by the way, a good idea to add here for the aroma these are fennel leaves, similar to dill. but they have absolutely nothing in common with dill in taste, they rather have a lot of that ony, almost menthol taste, the aroma is very refreshing, and it also seems to me that pomegranate is very refreshing, and this is also the last one this season, i think pomegranates, although we have quite a few in moscow - well, they sell for a long time, they are stored well, they retain their juiciness well, but this really sweet, sweet pomegranate... also
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goes well with iceberg and fennel, well, let's go to the first tomatoes, look how beautiful they are, juicy, a very good combination, in my opinion, exactly, you know, sourness, such a sweet and sour pomegranate, and tart radicio, such a refreshing fennel, juicy juicy iceberg, this is a sweet tomato, this is absolutely excellent, what is missing here in my opinion, well, except for refueling. as i already said, vegetable oil, in my case i took olive oil, well, any nut oil, walnut oil might be interesting, maybe some pumpkin oil is also interesting just to experiment, i have olive oil on hand now, but it’s really good for salad dressings , just everything, this is the simplest solution, this is a difficult solution, in my opinion, firstly, orange zest, which goes very well with all of these products,
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you can’t imagine how interestingly an orange combines with a tomato, it turns out just some kind of, well, just a delicious aroma, i love blood oranges, but you can’t get to them so often in our area, this one isn’t red at all, but it’s very very juicy aromatic, very sweet, a little salt, well , just a little, firstly, salt makes vegetables release their juice much faster, just a little bit of freshly ground pepper, and then from there, if someone doesn’t have enough salt on the table, you can add salt and i also think it’s necessary to add cheese, i have this adyghe smoked cheese, it’s not suluguni, this cheese has a very intense aroma and taste, that’s what attracts me here, but any hard cheese will do here, well, what a beauty, the only thing is a little different some greenery and you know how... mint works interestingly,
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thanks to orange and fennel, mint is just perfect, with this cheese, the way it goes together is simply divine, also very refreshing, well, look at the salad we have on the table, bon appetit, on the air a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergei molozyomov and my team test everything on ourselves. and what surprised us this week were scientists and inventors from different countries: right now the miracle of technology is on the air in fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news. innovators from california have figured out how to add tactile sensations to virtual reality. they created an ultrasonic emitter that creates vibrations in the air, and you feel, for example, while playing, what you touch? or during an online business meeting
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, you can literally shake hands with your interlocutor. all this will reportedly work in tandem with the popular virtual reality headset. and now news from the world of science and technology, which took fourth place in our weekly hit parade. engineers from belgium have figured out how solve one of the important problems of solar energy. the panels, which are usually difficult to reach, become covered over time with dust, bird feces, etc. which prevents the rays from passing through and generating maximum energy, it has now been decided to entrust the cleaning to drones, and one of them flying brings to the right place the second device, similar to a washing robot vacuum cleaner , flies away during its operation so as not to waste the battery, well, when the job is done, it returns picks up a comrade from a height, the whole process occurs completely automatically, and innovators are going to offer this service in much the same way as you can now order window cleaning.
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currently in third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. an american manufacturer of repellents proposes to build a smart invisible wall against mosquitoes around every country house. he created a system consisting of a central unit and several, maximum five, electrical fumigators connected by wires. all of them obey commands from a smartphone, you can install it that way. this a miracle of technology, sergey moloz is with you. this is already the second line of the hot five, which i compile every week from the most interesting messages from engineers and scientists from all over the world. the world's first contact lenses. the drugs delivered to the body were approved after clinical trials in the united states. the new product is impregnated with the antihistamine drug ketotifen and is intended to combat allergy symptoms in the eyes, which, for example, make many people itch and turn red during the flowering season. the lenses release medication
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for 12 hours, which has been shown to tests are enough to get rid of symptoms. the next morning you will need to put on a new set, just like regular daily disposable lenses. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place - hot five. a freight train that doesn't require fuel was designed in australia. a local mining company decided to electrify one of its lines , and it turned out that if the train was equipped with mechanisms to generate energy during descents and braking, when the train is loaded, besides, mostly downhill, then this... electricity stored in the batteries will be enough for the empty journey back, for a new descent, during which the energy will be generated again, for now this is just a project, but the engineers assure that everything has been carefully calculated and the diagram will work, in the fifth, yes, it was in the fifth
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that artyom realized that she, this was zinochka kovalenko, understood immediately for the rest of his life, it was extremely exciting and... students of the mkhat studios school share one stage with famous artists and at the same time their teachers , these stages belong to the legendary pushkin theater, and here they are showing the most spectacular performance based on the story by boris vasiliev, tomorrow there was a war. nikolai grigorievich will teach you geography, i wish you success in my ninth year. hurray, what kind of passion is this? passion is good, isn't it worse? a passionate person, and therefore we need to sing that in the performance it seems to me that there was some kind of general support from the point of view of the fact that we are understandably students, we are third year, we have not worked much on the big stage yet, of course, we have worked little with some roles, with something else, that the adult artists
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who were next to us, evgenia olegovna dmitrieva, kuzichev andrey vladimirovich everything, everything, they just helped us a lot and that’s why. we somehow overcame all the difficulties together, firstly, this was once my dream, in general, to somehow realize this, well, there ’s also a good situation here, that there are a lot of me in the theater, which means graduates, now the third year pisarevtsev is also studying at the studiohat school and the idea was born for this performance.
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thank you heart.
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connoisseurs, perhaps the first soviet series about citizens breaking the law, filmed according to the law of the world television soap. from 1971 to 1989, investigators znamensky, tomin and forensic expert kibrid masterfully solved the most complicated criminal cases, from murders and robberies to thefts from the vegetable market, underground trade in currency and works of art. for almost 20 broadcast. years, only one chase appeared in the television series; in the absence of shooting and fights, the creators focused on ethical problems of character interaction.
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recognized him as an honored artist, but we are sure that he is a people's artist. you were born in ukraine, but wikipedia says that you are a soviet, russian and israeli artist. you don’t experience cognitive dissonance, who are you? sometimes sadness arises because there were many wonderful things in the old days. in general, the time was interesting and sad and funny, tragic. happy soviet times, you know, so we lived through it quite powerfully, preserving ourselves,
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preserving our relationships with loved ones, with friends, your program is called one day, you know, it all starts with one day, that’s how my acting life began, one day my school friend and i were walking around the city of kiev, he said: why am i going to this drama club at the ministry of internal affairs club , which is typical, let's go, i say, let's go, so we once came to this circle for classes, and when i returned from there, i told my mom and dad that i would be an artist, it all started one day with some kind of drama club, and uh, since then, as they say, i have been following this path. leonid semyonovich does not believe in omens, but the fact is
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that he began to hone his acting skills at the ministry of internal affairs club is more a sign than a coincidence. his main role in life was the image of police major alexander tomin in the television series experts are investigating. if possible, now everything is in order. i really do, because we filmed it with pleasure, not because it was such a fashionable series, in general the first series in the soviet union, we did it to explain to people what kind of people really work in the police, not those which were shown in the sixties, seventies in the best films, in the movies, a little stupid, a little vulgar, a little stupid, a little of this - what authority, what trust?
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people giving their lives for a meager salary, that was the main thing for me, the main thing for us was with gerka, and we did it, and what is typical, they understood what we were doing and were grateful to us, i now meet on trips, i travel all over soviet union, which was often with the program in general, i am met by forty-fifty year old guys, men say things like that, but because of you i went to the police, i they say, do you understand? these 22 years were not in vain, the series had another good side
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effect, they say that when it was on the air, crime was rapidly going to zero, just according to statistics it simply went almost to zero, according to police statistics, imagine, everyone was watching , everyone looked, good evening, good evening, actually, what’s the matter, kolya? your prison is crying in three streams, get ready again? in his creative biography there were three theaters: the lenin komsomol on malaya bronnaya and gesher in israel. at the same time he found the opportunity to act in films, from the smuggler in the diamond hand to karl the rogue in peppa longstocking, but year after year for decades he had to wear major epaulets. konevsky actually became. the face of the fight against crime, in general, if you remember, at that time there were categories of artists, there was
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a category, there was a category of artists who were not recommended to be filmed in negative roles, they were not prohibited, so what was it that they did not film you, everyone asks me, but how time must have passed by something like that me, but i’ve acted enough in children’s films, let’s not complain, they filmed normally, and like a lot of films with great pleasure in all sorts of fairy tales, it seems that your tomin didn’t bother you for this, no, he didn’t, there was one case, when... they had already sewed costumes for me, even at lenfilm, and approved me for the role , and then they sent me a letter from the director , apologizing, explaining at the hot council, they told him: you know, we do not recommend filming konevsky in this role, it was a dog in the past, and my friend armen, zagorkhan starred in this role, having learned that i was supposed to star in it, he says, why didn’t you tell me, i would have sent them, this was the story, which means
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the director scared me, everything depended on the director, because let’s say in the three musketeers there was the same story vanosie. saved france, ganantireyschik and cardinal, this is power, we will return to leonid semenovich kanevsky tomorrow morning, great people, great stories, i am sergei mayorov, i will see you on ntv, happily,
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the closing ceremony of the third took place in the victory museum... in all nominations, according to artistic films, documentaries, student debuts, animation, i see that the process is going right, in the right direction. in total, more than 140 applications were received for the competition, 33 films were selected for participation, and another 20 films were included in the non-competitive program. as part of the festival , creative meetings with
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directors, actors and film experts were organized for the audience. this year, by the decision of the ministry of culture , the festival was assigned between. national status, it was united by paintings produced in russia, china, kyrgyzstan, serbia and belarus. cooperation in the field of culture with russia is very important for belarus. as for cinema, we certainly, let’s say, adhere to the same values, participation in the international film festival looks like a very significant event for us. the festival's grand prix went to the kyrgyz drama "paradise under the feet of mothers." the winners were a russian documentary film.
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what was your highest height 207 m another at 71 conquers volcanoes the highest peak in the world conquered made the ascent the highest volcano in asia third at 75 years old became parachutist in a great mood, beautiful at the airfield, this stubborn grandfather immediately agreed to take you. if he passes the medical examination, we don’t mind, how many of them are there, who enjoy old age, why are their children and grandchildren in horror, they tell me, your spine will jump out of your pants, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, smiled, it means you recognize it, you smile, it means it’s real, they recognize you? hmm,
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they love, remember, truly appreciate. fsb bank for the present, this is a show of stars, a grand finale, that's it, the finale, i will be in this finale do what i do best, get divorced, participate in the show, until it comes again, moscow and beijing are the last.
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this is just a complete merchant, stars, finale! today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. there may be a season, anywhere appetite. only. dad will tame, dad will tempt, dad will have masira’s appetite, a snack won’t hurt, appetite from the door, sausages, dad can attack credit card debts, i
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lasts more than 100 days. therefore, my choice is dosherak. and my chan ramen and my recipes. what a broth. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth. vitofer helps maintain normal iron levels. everything will come true. catching the feather of a firebird is not easy, but anyone can get the fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on hmm, she smiled, which means she recognized it. he smiled, which means he was real. they recognize, love, remember, truly appreciate. psb is
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a bank for the present. how to reduce joint pain without harm? for the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing it deposits in joints. revmoflex evalar - pain-free movement. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for today. hello, in the far east the cyclone will move from the south to the northeast. in the magadan region, kamchatka and the kuril islands, wind and precipitation will settle. and in the south the weather will clear up and the sea will become warmer. in blagoveshchensk -17, cold on lake baikal. a little
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maybe 10°? the south of siberia also experiences temperature swings from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk, about 20°, in omsk up to +27. in tyumen it is +8. cold fronts in the urals and accompanying heavy precipitation and wind. the baltic anticyclone is approaching the european part, promising to first cancel precipitation and then warm up the air. this is already happening in the northwest. in kaliningrad +18. in the center it is not yet higher than 10, but there are fewer clouds and it is getting warmer further out. in the south the temperature is still dropping, today the rains will mainly occur in the caucasus, and tomorrow it will be almost everywhere, in st. petersburg there will be no precipitation and +1 in moscow, the same, precipitation is also unlikely, and tomorrow it will already be up to +15.
8:00 am
15 people were killed, 17 were saved; in belgorod , the search operation at the site of the collapse of the entrance after the fall of the ukrainian rocket was completed. armor of the marines of the pacific fleet. evgeny golovanov about work. we start with vladimir putin’s new personnel proposals for a number of federal ministries and departments, mainly the security bloc, sent to the federation council. a custodian has been proposed at his posts.


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