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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 13, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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15 people were killed, 17 were rescued in belgorod, a search operation at the site of the entrance collapse, after the fall of the ukrainian missile is completed, the armor is strong, when the badger becomes a bar...
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in less than an hour , consultations will begin in the federation council on the candidates that the president proposed the day before for a number of federal ministries and departments, mainly security forces, some retain their positions, there are also new personnel decisions, it was proposed to retain alexander kurenkov in his posts, he headed the ministry of emergency situations, vladimir kolokoltsev, as minister internal affairs, sergei lavrov as head of the ministry of foreign affairs, and the upper house of parliament also received documents on konstantin chuychenko for consultation. rosgvardia, dmitry kochnev for the post of head of the federal security service. senators will also consider the candidacy of alexander lints for the post of head of the main directorate of special programs of the president. vladimir putin proposed the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. previously he was the first.
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and this is not just a civilian, but a person who led very successfully the ministry of economic development of russia, which for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues, the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to the introduction of all advanced ideas, to create conditions for economic competitiveness, which is why the president... settled on the candidacy
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of andrei romnich whitebeard. consultations on the candidates submitted to the chamber by the president will begin today in the federation council. search and rescue mission completed in belgorod operation and clearing of rubble at the site of the collapsed entrance to a high-rise building, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, 17 residents were rescued from the concrete rubble. 15 people were killed as a result of the attack by ukrainian militants. six victims are being prepared to be sent to federal custody. 11 remain in local hospitals. work at the scene of the tragedy, where fragments of a ukrainian missile hit a residential building, did not stop all night, and rescuers had to constantly be interrupted by new reports of attacks from the air, sounds of explosions were heard, russian crews were working air defense. about how belgorod survived this night, and the chronicle of the tragedy in the report by olga chernova. the number of dead found under the rubble increased. with every hour
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of the search and rescue operation, emercom employees, volunteers, territorial self-defense fighters worked in the most difficult conditions, the shelling of belgorod did not stop day or night, smoldering began under the rubble , firefighters had to constantly shed difficult areas. according to experts, the threat of house collapse remains; rescuers and volunteers were forced to interrupt the search and hide in cover due to the missile danger. this man was pulled out from under the rubble alive thanks to the ingenuity of the rescuers who made a hole. neighboring entrance and reached a wounded man pinned by concrete debris, the attack on a residential multi-storey building on sunday morning was recorded by cctv cameras, from the explosion 10 floors of one entrance collapsed, according to the russian ministry of defense, the ukrainian army fired missiles at belgorod from a tactical complex.u and salvo rocket systems fire. the governor of the belgorod region, glotkov, joined the rescue operation and, together with everyone else, cleared the way for operational vehicles to reach the scene of the tragedy. in the first
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minutes after the collapse, 12 people were saved, including two children. evacuation from neighboring entrances began immediately. people reported being locked out of their apartments. the second collapse occurred during... according to the ministry of emergency situations, three rescuers were injured from collapsed concrete debris. residents of the destroyed house were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. charitable foundations organized the distribution of clothing, bedding, and food to the victims. it is not yet known exactly how many families were deprived of their housing property. now there is a missile danger, we are all moving for cover. belgorod residents are trying to warn everyone nearby about the threat, they say there is everything. 10-15 seconds to find shelter after the notification. at the entrances they advise where it is better to stand in order to wait out the shelling more safely. we try, we all support each other in whatever way we can. therefore, well, you see, everything here is very quickly and efficiently organized, from food
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to special equipment. this is already the fifth shelling of the day, people abandoned their cars, we are now in a concrete shelter, here are the emergency phone numbers and how to provide first aid. how many times have you been hiding today? for the second time, in 5 minutes, we were on our way to budenov, and now we’ve arrived here. reports of numerous destructions come from several areas of the city at once; this house caught fire after the shelling, firefighters were on the spot in a matter of minutes. all glass flew out, everything caught fire. no, thank god, we didn’t have time, it seems like we hid in time, so to speak, for cover. at the time of the missile strike they were not at home, they managed to hide in the entrance; the blast wave knocked out windows and apartments throughout the entire multi-story building, and covered them with glass fragments and destructive elements. there was an arrival here, a direct hit, two slabs were pierced, that is, the upper roof and floor, it is unknown whether there is a shell there or
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not, that is, the danger remains here at the moment, despite the shelling, the removal of rubble on the spot heavy equipment does not stop destroying a destroyed house, this girl team of volunteers admires the dedication of all participants in the search operation, everyone is ready to help around the clock, sandwiches, hot lunches, sweets are brought to the site of the tragedy from all over the city, belgorod residents leave words of gratitude to the rescuers on the boxes, this pizza was brought by volunteers to help , thanks to the rescuer, because this is a very big deal, what they are doing today, people see some kind of hellish work , everyone helps as best they can, shelling at night became more frequent, sirens exploded every 15-20 minutes, as soon as people began to go out... on the street to remove them from fragments and debris, a new warning came. despite the situation, in fact, all services work very harmoniously, volunteers support them, both workers and the ministry of emergency situations, volunteers from various structures, and despite the missile danger constantly, we are hiding right away, calling everyone, protecting everyone,
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i think this even brings us together. after the next shelling, the number of victims of the ukrainian attack increased by three more people, a nineteen-year-old girl, a man and a woman died on the spot, 25 people were injured if... a shot! in the same area , our fighters are protected from air strikes by tor anti-aircraft systems; they shoot down cruise missiles with attack drones; in the area bordering the belgorod region, russian
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kamikaze drone operators destroyed camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces along with infantry. without them, there is nowhere, an assault, even any support. our attack aircraft are moving with the help of a fivedrone, let’s say there is a machine gunner’s point, no one can destroy it, the drone operators are simply behind one or two of their combat missions destroy this firing point; according to the military, these drones reach speeds of up to hundreds of kilometers per hour, so it is almost impossible to escape from them. abrams leopard tanks armored vehicles bradley's infantry destroyed up to ten units of western equipment. our military during the liberation of the village of berdychi near avdeevka. fierce fighting is now taking place in the southern donetsk direction. tankers from the marine corps of the pacific fleet are operating there, and at the end of last month they liberated an important strategic point - the village of novomikhailovka. with
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evgeniy golovanov spoke with the fighters of one of the crews. this is not at all the case when, whatever you call the ship, this t-80 with the light hand of the crew, even if it’s not ba yet. but with the habits of a wild far eastern cat, when they hung mine trawls on it, they said, it released its claws, it tears at any covering, well, it doesn’t throw off the grass and it turns out to be mines. pushes them apart, there are also roller trawls, he travels along them and blows them up. these claws came in handy during the liberation of novomikhailovka. during the assault on the ukrainian oporniks, the crew was in the vanguard columns of armored vehicles, the first to receive fire. we just drove into the forest clearing, an anti-tank missile immediately flew into our right track, the third roller was completely torn off. gurska took off her shoes. here. there was also a hit. into the cannon, well, there were no serious injuries, everything
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turned out well, even with a damaged barrel , the crew did not leave the battle, they fired from a machine gun, rotating the turrets, and continued to bring terror to the defending ukrainian nationalists from the broken cannon. my navochikor conveyed information that when he pointed a gun at them, they threw their machine guns and ran away, that is, they were scared just by looking at the tank , right? the youngest in the crew, hence his call sign, he went to the front at the age of 19, volunteered in the footsteps of his father, rose to the rank of tank commander, his car was knocked out more than once, but apparently the leopard, like a real cat, has nine lives, plus the experience of a desperate driver helps me out i like it, it’s a good fast tank, you just have to get used to it first after how the cars are, it’s hard to get used to it a little, completely different sensations, it’s absolutely so good there, i like a good car, they they work not only at direct fire.
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enemy drones arrive, the tank is covered with electronic warfare systems, mounted dynamic protection and anti-drone nets, which are now installed by each crew on the front line with their own hands. this superstructure on the tower, which protects the car from drops and copters, is called a barbecue. why grill? well, not only because it is similar in shape, but also when the release occurs and it detonates from the grate, such a flash is visible. and you really get the feeling that there was a... grill fire. a very effective protection that saves both equipment and crew. the so
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-called bobaiga has arrived. she threw shells at us and did no harm to the tank. they try to throw it to the side. well, it will be ineffective for them to use the projectile there, because it will dissipate on its own. now that the front has begun to actively move, the leopard is becoming less and less frequent, like this the sun sleeps in the shelter of the wounds in rimbat, and goes out hunting every day. the crew is ready to go into battle. with german cats, then it will be possible to paint over the last two letters in the tank name. evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, sergey pikulin and ali arebdzhanov, ntv. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. next, a short advertisement. after it, you will learn how b7 coped with western turbulence when repairing aircraft engines. the republika srpska commemorated hundreds of thousands of victims of the croatian ustosha. well, the trailer started moving. how we get up to the new one. the rails of the tram reform,
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the state abolished commissions for transfers between its accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another. the law came into force. now you can receive your salary from one bank and transfer it immediately. to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. millions of pets. throughout russia are protected from fleas and ticks drugs bars. we are different, but we all
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trust bars products to protect our pets. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800 101 000 04. the call is free. my choice is doshirak. and my chan is ramen. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth. catch the pie. birds are not easy, but anyone can get a rate on a deposit at gazprombank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. receive. real income in a reliable bank. open a deposit on what are men silent about? painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. excellent
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-stain enzymes. qualita effectively removes contamination. fvalita washes and softens perfectly. softness, cleanliness, quality, we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and links work, connect support with zero in beeline application, beline is the safest operator, just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a 300 rubles discount on your first order, it’s just space. the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova! you are watching ntv. we continue the release. russian s7 holding, which includes the airline of the same name. mastered the repair
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of the most popular engine in global passenger air travel. business news. and marina piminova. marina, what does this change for russian airlines? repair is an alternative to buying used engines, and for russian buyers, as experts say, they are now especially expensive. the russian company seven technics, which, as the name suggests, is part of the same holding with s7 airlines, has mastered the most complex type of overhaul of the cfm56 engine. the newspaper kommersant writes about this, citing sources in three airlines. engine. fm56 is installed on the most popular airbus a320 and boeing 737 aircraft, which russian aircraft continue to fly actively. airlines. in total, the merchant notes that there are approximately 800 such engines in russia; their largest operator is aeroflot. seven technic has been engaged in local repairs of the cfm56 engine since the fifteenth year, but now it has reportedly mastered
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the repair of the so-called hot part of the engine. the newspaper's sources remind us that it is because of sanctions. these airlines are practically unable to take their equipment abroad for major repairs, so now the issue is resolved simply by purchasing a used engine. one of the interlocutors clarifies that such an engine with a good residual resource, it can cost 14-16 million dollars, but when imported into russia , the price can rise to 18-20 million. the russian stock market starts the week with growth. alor broker analysts say that the market has been moving sluggishly over the past 4 weeks, now there is a prerequisite. for a new upward movement, because private investors continue to buy shares for dividends. the ruble is becoming more expensive, iberinvestment analysts note that exporters have accumulated foreign currency earnings over the long weekend and can increase their sales today. eventually the dollar fell below 92 rubles. over the past 2 years, a business lunch in russia
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has risen in price by almost 40% to 7%, if we take the dynamics for the year. calculations of the 2g service lead to the most expensive business lunch in the capital, where it costs an average of 483 rubles. next comes krasnoyarsk - 451 rubles. in third place is novosibirs, where, by the way, it increased the most over the year + 12%. restaurateurs attribute this trend mainly to rising food prices. tonuki family says that chicken breast, for example, in the twenty-third year has risen in price by 50%, squid by 40%. eggs and chinese eel. all these delicious points talk about the increase in costs for rent, electricity and logistics, at the same time, as the federations of atelier restaurateurs note, some establishments are switching to cheaper products, and... oh, dima, i haven’t dined on chinese eel for a long time, now i thought, thank you, marina, with business news.


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