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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  May 13, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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year, the price rose by almost 40% by 7%, if we take the dynamics for the year. kommersant newspaper provides calculations for the 2 giz service. the most expensive business lunch is in the capital, where it costs an average of 483 rubles. next comes krasnoyarsk, 451 rubles. in third place is novosibirsk, where, by the way, it increased the most over the year, plus 12%. restaurateurs attribute this trend mainly to rising food prices. tonuki family says that chicken breast, for example, has risen in price by 50%, squid by 40%, eggs and chinese eel by about 30. all these are delicious, they say about the increase in costs for rent, electricity and logistics, at the same time, as noted in the federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers, some establishments are switching to cheaper products, while others are changing recipes and menus. eh, dima, i haven’t had chinese eel for a long time, i just thought about it. thank you, marina pemenova, for business news.
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today the third reading of the bill on the transparency of foreign influence is finally being held in the georgian parliament. opponents of this document decided to block the building in the evening, thus simply preventing people from going to work in the morning. deputies, but the police did not allow this ; they pushed the protesters away from the entrances, and 20 people were detained. the georgian authorities reported that they have information about the plans of radical activists to organize riots in the next two days. prime minister irakli kabakhidze emphasized that the opposition. the so -called law on foreign agents will help make the activities of organizations and media that are funded from abroad more transparent, the president of georgia, salame zorabishvili, and the local opposition spoke out against this western diplomats, led by the american state department, said that the law does not correspond to the stated goal of joining the european union. anti-government.
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composition of bosnia jews, including other delegations from herzegovina. for the serbian people, this day was invited by the authorities of the republika srpska, which commemorates the tragic date associated with the events of the second world war, when the croatian nazis killed more than half a million civilians.
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serbs and this is only in one, but the most terrible concentration camp after auschwitz. sergei kholoshevsky about the balkan tragedy, second world. in april '41, fascist germany allowed the croatian collaborators ustosha to create the so-called independent state of croatia; a month later, in may '41, the croats opened the first concentration camp near jasenovac and began to enthusiastically destroy their neighbors, the serbs. by the end of the war, a network of concentration camps. grew to 80, and the scale of the massacres and cruelty of the croats amazed even the germans. in this forest, in every clearing underground, there are two-three-meter layers of human remains. according to serbian historians, about 500,000 serbs, 40,000 roma and 33,00 jews were killed in the jasenovo concentration camp system. these horrifying numbers are staggering, but even they are very approximate. in fact, jasenovac is huge. a huge cemetery with an area of ​​65,000
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km, including 105 mass graves, people tortured here were simply dumped into huge graves the size of football fields and covered with earth. the croatian death machine worked around the clock, the ovens in which the serbs were burned could not cope with the load, and the prisoners dug their own graves day and night.
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the massacres were held in competitions. it is documented that on august 24, 1942 , overseer petr brzica became the champion, who executed 1,300 in one day.
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germany, germany, which at the expense of the serbs wants to wash away the bloody shame of the holocaust, they know that he is the grandson of two grandfathers who were partisans, and it is not for us to be afraid of them. i believe that the serbs, just like the russian people, are the most long-suffering peoples in the world, and for us the current accusation from the west that the serbs allegedly committed genocide in srebrenica is a great insult, according to by and large, serbia is now waging a desperate struggle with the west, which wants
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to rewrite history in its own way, hundreds of thousands of executed and innocent serbs are clearly only an inconvenient reminder of past sins for the west, but for the serbs it is... in the coming years, in in russia , hundreds of kilometers of tram tracks are being reconstructed; in addition, within the framework of the safe and high-quality roads project , the rolling stock is being updated; traveling by tram is convenient, primarily because traffic jams are not terrible for this type of transport, in in yekaterinburg, there is even a successfully operating intermunicipal route with...
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400 trams and 225 trolleybuses, although of course it must be said that despite such impressive figures, the rolling stock is very worn out, on the one hand, the soviet legacy is the achilles pit of the samara tram and trolleybus industry, on the other hand , it’s hard to imagine a city without tatras, we have already ordered three this year... the body will receive new bodies, which we will install on our tatra trams, naturally we are updating rolling stock this year we will definitely purchase three more three-section trams, and i can tell you that the funds are quite serious, one
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telefication tram costs almost 160 million rubles. 12 belarusian trams arrived in samara quite recently, and guests of the world cup were transported along the new tram line to the stadium, including on new trains from izust katava; the plant recently presented promising models in chelyabinsk. after a three-year break, we made the first three-section carriage, which is different from our previous model 633, that all components are made in russia. the plant's shares belong to roscosmos, so the tram driver with thirty-three years of experience , vladimir staritsin, starting the run-in of the new train, rightfully says gagarinskaya , let's go, and smart systems are in his favor. the installed driver state monitoring system will help, this is another big plus, already tested on the line of this system, that is, when you start to fall asleep or get distracted, the system reminds you that you don’t need to be distracted or you need to say goodbye, but where it’s more difficult to solve infrastructure problems, as in the old days they sang in samara along the sleepers,
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again along the sleepers home out of habit, but time does not spare even the sleepers. 166 km of single -track tram tracks, the most important transport arteries of samara, the longest route... the local media call it the very twenty-second tram that runs through the city along the volga for almost 20 km, bypassing virtually all traffic jams, and there are plans in the city for... in russia has more than 2,400 km of tram tracks, the country is among the world leaders in the development of urban electric transport, but the wear and tear of the paths is such that this leadership can begin to shrink like shagreen leather. by 2027 , about 650 km of tram lines across russia should be reconstructed or built in volgograd, a calling card... for many years now , the famous metrotram has remained, work is already underway. last year 6 km were completed, in 2020
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we tried our hand at reconstructing tram tracks, 6 km were completed. and this year, 9 km, which will allow the reconstruction of the ground part of the high-speed tram to be fully completed. metrotram when tram trains, part of the route travel underground, like a metro, on the one hand, the launch of combined, dedicated lines for trams, buses and electric buses, on the other, a unique experience that yekaterinburg offers today, here an intermunicipal tram runs between the regional center and the satellite city of verkhnyaya pyshma . here, i think that all of russia has a lot to learn, because this is the first intermunicipal tram route in the history of the russian federation, plans for the development of similar projects, given that our cities are satellites are located, well, practically have a common border with the city of yekaterinburg, then there are prospects. of this type of transport, they are quite serious. the authorities of all
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cities with a population of over a million are setting serious goals for the development of trams; the ministry of transport has also calculated the volume of investments in updating rolling stock and electric transport infrastructure. this is about 1.100 billion rubles. the regions have been carrying out transport reforms for several years, including thanks to national projects on safe and high-quality roads and the environment. passengers in... i recently met a man on vkontakte who wrote a poem about tram 333, that’s right, it takes me to the city of catherine and takes me off three threes, well, in general it’s very cool. the final point of the route, which samara tram driver denis ribykh enters on fodeeva street, is also where the training center is located, which he graduated from 8 years ago. we made sure that all the doors were closed and there were no obstacles to movement, before moving off, we also gave the elderly passengers the opportunity. take your seats. here, as before, they teach how to drive the czechoslovak tatras, but rare
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simulators are now surrounded by digital training systems. after a major overhaul of the training center , specialists returned to ttu, production dynasties began to be revived, and the overall result of transport transformations was recorded in the ranking of cities by the quality of public transport development. samara, volgograd and yekaterinburg occupy eighth, seventh and third places in it. what is mangazeya? and how the country's easternmost metro works in the next report very soon. alexey prokin, roman vikmanis, roman blestanov, maxim zabelin, denis goryunov and olga zenkova, ntv television company. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without causing damage. stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints.
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revmoflex evalar - pain-free movement. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps relieve joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. rheumaflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. on european territory. the baltic anticyclone is coming to the fore, but it has not prepared the long-awaited warming for us, its character is vortex-ordic, although thanks to active solar heating the temperature will still rise, although not as well as we would like, there is little precipitation in the central region as a whole, it will warm up most noticeably in the north-west, there are thermometers will rise to +15 -18, on the shores of the baltic, in kaliningrad up to twenty. in the center, the increase in temperature is not so noticeable, until about 10-12. in the volga region it is a little lower, but also mostly sunny. but in the south the weather becomes
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unstable. in crimea, in the rostov region in the krasnodar territory, there will be rain here and there, thunderstorms are not excluded, and the temperature does not reach the norm of 5 degrees. in the capitals, the weather is similar, in st. petersburg in moscow, according to the forecast , partly cloudy about 15°. maybe you can tell me what you did? to this man in the camp, that he is still trying to take revenge on you, nothing, forgive me, nothing, an ordinary camp, that’s all. “blue flickers, this is a lie, come on, let’s finish the conversation, i don’t know this person, it’s not true, if you suddenly want to live some more, be sure to call me, yes, get well!”
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and i say, this is an ordinary office suicide, double, you will soon all admit that gnezdilov was right, and what are you doing, an armored helmet, or what? you'll see soon, yeah, well, let me shoot you in the head, let's check. this is the astronauts' method, it protects against double penetration, yeah, hear, barks, maksimov is coming, now, now you’ll see, now he’ll check, hello, that’s it, maksimov, you’re fired, well, i mean, the boss
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called and said that you fired the dog to the kennel, and this in a retard. well, you can’t uncover my aura, can’t you? tell me, in your family everyone has the same color aura. and you ask my uncle. hello lenka. i found out what these suicides have in common. 20 years ago, the three of them were vacationing in the same camp, outside the city in orlyonok. oh, the same director remains. same year fired from them. some murky story happened, now he works where he manages a warehouse, and that is, he went for a promotion, uh-huh, well, let's go, lying down, oh, you know, it's probably better without me, there's something in my side colitis, that’s right, lyosha, let’s now
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imitate an attack of appendicitis, the fact that i have a different color of the aura, you believe, yes, but the fact that i don’t have colitis in my side, imagine, bob, yes, lionida, let’s go, wow, what are you saying, yes, something really, in my opinion, i feel bad. there is also a black one here, there are no boxes, well now we will check them now we will compare them you follow each other here hello.
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what's the matter, what do you need? hello, police, as i understand it, the boss here, well, let's play puzzles, i 'll ask you a few questions, if you answer correctly, i won't ask what's in the boxes, as kalson said, unscrewed, this is the first question, 20 years ago. you worked as the director of a health camp, three pioneers were vacationing with you, oleg volgin, yulia bolotina and boris kasatkin, that same year you were fired, do you remember, well, it was a matter of what now to stir up, but what was the matter, well, these three were constantly acting weird, mocking
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others there, especially one guy, like his radion.
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salaam alaikum. premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the security service.
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hair. yes. after the clinic. got a job as a laboratory assistant, but was fired for illegal experiments, his address is there, listen, honestly, well, my dear, go see a doctor, at least go see lena, yes, well, i’m not joking aside, well, it’s really a pain, yes, i believe , no address, but he is often seen in a laboratory in an abandoned building of a chemical plant, yeah, well, let's go, no, i, i can't, howl, but i can't, the boss sent me to the ministry, it's not true,
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he's here, good welcome. "i was waiting for you, i apologize for my appearance, i was working, radion rossina, and you were expecting to see someone else here, it’s him, you can just call me a scarecrow, i look like a scarecrow, really, i’m black, you brought an autistic person with you”?
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nice, who is autistic? i’m not autistic, i saw it was near the restaurant, but i didn’t think that it could be moved from its place, well , this approach can be found for everyone, golden words, this is exactly what i ’m doing here, i came across a remedy that immediately affects the brain, without leaving traces in the blood, this remedy affects the part of the brain responsible for danger, your most secret fears, but are you waiting for applause, or what? no, isn't this ugly revenge, they took half my life, stop surrounding me, it's pointless, i'll be forced to take action, put it in its place, i never do what i'm told,
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okay, come here! come here, as i told him, come here, wow, ah, you’re paralyzed,
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here, come on, “you have a green aura, now you will, in defiance of their age, these pensioners conquer the sky, jump into the abyss, master extreme stunts, i can make a 360° turn, i had to break through i mean, one at 94 years old, in secret from his family , is engaged in jumping, oh, how good, what was your highest height of 200 "? another 71 conquers volcanoes, conquered the highest peak in the world, climbed the highest volcano in asia, the third at the age of 75 became parachutist, great, great mood,
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now you won’t be able to look into my aura, just like that, i’ll kill it, huh? don't look, take the piss.
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i'm here. i’m here, how did it all go, come on, come on, it’s necessary, lesh, are you talking about the operation or the detention, and about both. oh, it’s all good, the appendix was caught, the bandits were cut out, as
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igor would have said, otherwise you see that i didn’t believe that my appendicitis had worsened, well, lesh, i was worried and it doesn’t matter at all, don’t be angry, otherwise it will turn burgundy, and where is dimitri, oh, listen, thank god for reminding me, excuse me, excuse me, i also have a nest in the body, as if it hadn’t disappeared. come on, grandpa, honey, maybe you and i can have a little bit of that let's expand. igor, what about the flowers?


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