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tv   Dachnii otvet  NTV  May 13, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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this paint is, well, yes, mineral paint, with a high iron content, but he doesn’t have enough microelements, and now should i feed him tubes of paint or just paintings? no, buy vitamins for the dog, if you want me to order it under my new name, are you going to reproach me for the rest of my life with this? no, i just went and changed my passport and last name, less than 10 years have passed, and now leonidova, no, i didn’t become leonidova, but so? by whom? i changed nadevich's last name. i am now elena nikolaevna zharova. castrating? it was a hell of a joke, it was just some kind of nightmare. and among artists it’s called. and you are also colorblind. these are black pants with a shimmer, not yellow. there are no vitamins there. i made you a passport. oh, lenka,
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thank you, my beloved, i didn’t understand, i forgot to warn you, and changed my last name, you wanted something like that? popandupala, what does popandupala mean, what does it mean, now i am also a romanian, why are romanians, papandopulas, greeks, today we have collected. in order to evoke the spirit, the founder of our family, apalinaria, it is impossible without all this crap, it is impossible, this amulet was passed down in our family only to himself worthy, the rest of the inheritance along with him. notary. will document, from his words
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, will draw up a will, to be honest, i don’t believe in all this, you’re doing the right thing, so am i, well, go ahead, get out of here, and you ’ve been gone for 10 years, and when i heard about the inheritance, i immediately flew in, everyone should be silent, it begins. opalinary, let your descendants disturb your eternal peace. answer us. who is worthy who should own the amulet,
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anyone who touches the amulet will die, so there is a tape recorder under the table, but no. now i’m really cheating, shut up, all of you, well, yes, stop freezing my head, if you want, i ’ll take this amulet, no, it says you can’t take it. we're screwed!
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hush, hush, you're nervous, your food is intact, stop it.
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yes, you’re still here, what’s going on in general that you’re nervous right away? yes, i’m lying, well, where, they’re overhearing me, so what then i say, i understand, come on, come on, let’s go, sissy. or maybe you shouldn’t write about the mysterious voice after all, but well, you heard it, you heard it, well, that
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means writing, but what do you say because of this mysterious voice, the witness claims that before...
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i know, i lost consciousness, my relatives say that the ghost did not have time to name any name, everything is clear here, the sign is that he killed the gander, uh, so that she did not have time to announce the meeting, which is not clear, obviously
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one of the relatives tried to check that it was a momulete , no, no, what am i, my hands are full, igor, consider yourself dead anyway, fuck you! who the hell are you ? well, i’m out of command here, i’m actually going to have some tea vakhtank uh-huh ram kicked no-no-no i don’t have gloves, the prints will remain, and that is, my prints don’t bother you, lyanochka, well, at least you don’t let me down, you’ll deliver it yourself, liang, you’re an expert, almost a scientist, do you really believe in all this, no, not... definitely tasteless, i remembered, before losing consciousness, i also took a sip of tea, you've gone crazy or something,
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frozen, le, you need to check the tea, there's something in there, uh-huh, breathing, sleeping pills, whatever, there's a high concentration of methamphetamines in the tea, but the dose is not lethal, well, here you go... all the magicians , but the fortune teller didn’t drink tea, no drug was found in her blood, but how she died, i don’t know yet, i i examined her, didn’t find anything, sent her for an examination, we’ll see, uh-huh, i see, well, maybe then you’ll take off these little seals, but
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leonidov won’t let me, and we’ve collected a dossier on all the relatives, i wouldn’t want lena.. . i touched this item, but what ’s wrong, alexey? there are just a lot of stories from life, i once dreamed of my deceased grandfather, and said to me in a dream: the devil is in trouble for me. it’s uncomfortable in the ground, well, after work i went to the cemetery, the weather was still like that, autumn, terrible, absolutely, i look, at the grave, the cross fell, oh my god, if you clean up after yourself, the author will clean up.
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prince charming, but i don’t believe in all these miracles, amulets, otherworldly voices, here is the only sane person, so , did you find the tape recorder? they didn’t find it, so good, but where did the voices come from, who spoke? you must understand that not everything in this world can be explained from the point of view of materialism. it turns out that our drugs were spiked either by spirits, or by one of our relatives, but of course, by one of our relatives, it just
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doesn’t prove that spirits don’t exist, so sinelnikov maxim igorevich, an orphan, was raised by his grandmother, his parents died in an accident, can you say anything, he was kind of strange, twitchy all over, itched constantly, he looked like a drug addict, like a drug addict, sinelnikov... pavel olegovich, what can you say about him, an arrogant boor clown, no, at first he spoke normally, and then he stuck something in but started making noise, you know, so, so disgusting, but what he shoved, well, i don’t know, it seemed like cotton wool to me, uh-huh, well and for more than 10 years,
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he did not maintain family ties, yes, he was interested in historical reconstruction, well what, who should we start with, well, i put it this way, here ’s my grandson, i was itching to say, quiet your dog, sleep, sleep, let’s go, lesh, uh, wait, wait, what about me, and you, you can be free, yeah, i can , but i don’t want to, i’m the only witness, i need security, i assure you, no one will make an attempt on your life, so i... i’m not sure, but i’m sure, so, i’ll complain, it’s not an accident, it means
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it’s an accident, i i think this is a murder, if the investigation reaches a dead end, there is no evidence at all except this pillow, senior comrades, who are you, and we are orderlies, will always come to the rescue, i i didn’t calculate it right away, it was you who got kicked out of the mentura. they’ll share their experience, look, this is a fucking wound, they’ll show why i’m so calm, how i need to work, i’m for a humane attitude towards the detainee, for a dangerous exit, is there such a place on earth where you wouldn’t be allowed to die, premiere today in 22:15 on ntv, viia superstara in... sunday at 20:20 on ntv. with the tenkov platinum credit card they do not charge any
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denim jacket sln for 1.199. kit. for 2979, zeva toilet paper for 549. i like that you can control tipleco from your phone. tipleko has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tepleka heater at a special price. try it, hit comba 3 for 150 rubles. vrostix. what men are silent about, painful emissions. erection problems are symptoms of prostatitis. longidasa contributes splitting. formidable tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis langitasis against prostatitis, this is a security service, name the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a tenkov mobile sim card, protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers, he there is only one, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on
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ntv. sinaden - ease of movement. about! our terminator is running, petrovna, wait, where are you going this time, there’s no time for the girls, my grandson took him to music, i’ll drop by, now i’ll feed the cat, and back for the grandson, look, the record is being set, the morning of the grandson to the garden, then to social services, then to the post office, the grandson from the garden, to music, evening nordic walking, and she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints are these? you need to have it in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, an exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken long ago, her back, and i ’m telling you, her means are from the future, otherwise you can’t explain it? sinoden - ease of movement, call now to receive it sooner detailed consultation on the drug sinoden,
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everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, and you don’t even have to pay for delivery, yes, you heard right, delivery is also a gift, okay , they were shouting around the houses, oh, petrovna is already back for her grandson, the girls are scratching the ski track, by the way, and you ask her casually what kind of sinoden is this, call now and find out detailed information about the drug sinaden, because today everyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order the sinaden course directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any extra charges or commissions, remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden -
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ease of movement, viia superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in defiance of their age, these pensioners conquer the sky, into the abyss, and master extreme stunts. i can do a 360° turn, i had to fight my way through through the cloud. one of them, at 94 years old, practices jumping in secret from his family. oh, oh, how good. what was your highest height? 207 m. another at 71 conquers volcanoes. most. conquered the highest peak of the world, climbed the highest volcano in asia, third at 75 years old , became a parachutist, great, great mood, at the airfield they immediately agreed to take you, this stubborn grandfather, if he passes the medical examination, we don’t mind, how many of them are there, who are old? in joy, why are their children and grandchildren terrified, they tell me, yes
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your spine will jump out of your pants, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:4 what are you standing, sit down, no, thanks, i’ll stand, come on, tell me, who mixed the drug in the tea, what kind of drug, write, why are you making the dog nervous ? , i just wanted everyone to fall asleep, even more quietly, i wanted to steal the amulet, what next, but it was only the notary who was drinking tea, and then a voice was heard, whose voice, but it’s not clear whose voice, then the notary cut off, then the grandmother. .. i'm cheating, everyone ran somewhere, but i'm not killing grandma, this one surrendered to you
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amulet, tell me, well, after all, the inheritance is yours, but what kind of inheritance, there is no, there is no inheritance, here is the amulet, uh, japanese, nest, what are you? but he didn’t die from drugs, as you probably already thought, this is some kind of mysticism, you’re in business, then write like this, grandma
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and grandson died from a family curse, but what if they both died? in principle, the cause of their death can be considered an ordinary curse, it’s just not mystical, but genetic, illness, both are allergic to bees for pollen, acute, the bees pollinated the nest. nezdilov raised his finger water questioning, well, the result is anaphylactic shock, death. well, is this grandson, grandma, what? pollen was also found on her body, i just didn’t attach any importance to it. and so my grandson suggested it. well, i also have an allegory about bees attacking from trees. oh, my face is so swollen, and my ass hurts. take an antihistamine and make a cucumber mask. is this a cucumber mask? so that the face is not visible, in order to relieve the swelling, but i understand, thank you, lenka, look
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at me. that it hatched, so it should be, the fortune teller grandson died from the bullet, and the nephew has a flower shop. did you hear that? no, that means my inner
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voice, wow, in general dogs howl when they are irritated by loud noises, yes, when dogs saw dead people and complained to scientists about it, you know, but i agree with lena, you can’t try to explain everything in life physics or mathematics, you agree with lenna, because you are henpecked, and you are a boor, just be smarter, and i will be smarter, this is the dumpling man, he poisoned the gurney with a flower finger, he has a flower shop, “this is mysticism, what does it have to do with it, this is my miracle inner eye, it was nesting after all
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work, and i’ll go to the fortune teller, check for pollen, nests, he’s on antihistamine cucumbers, he’ll just save the notary.” hello, hello, could we turn the music down, talk to you, it’s necessary, if i turn it down, they’ll be upset, who are they, orchids, they adore bach and grow well, and could you force your dog not to walk here and not bark, if you turn off the music, yeah, so what did you want
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to talk to me about, your death. ? yes, and what kind of inheritance is there? this medallion tells you something, it’s a relic, well, in itself it’s not worth anything, so to speak, the memory of a beloved aunt,
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then he brought me, my grandfather drowned here, it turned out to be a dolphin, a dolphin found him, coincidence or no, i don’t know, what is he doing, questioning a witness, the captain of the ship rescued a dolphin when he was a child when he drowned, since then their language has been understood, one of your guys in your department is leaking information, sergei zharkov, stand, hands , keep it for me to see, dolphin, today at 20:00! on ntv. this
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lucky, i’m a travel blogger, knowing all the life hacks and interesting facts. hey guys, lucky i met you, i almost got lost. you have no idea how lucky you are. dim, i learned so many life hacks and interesting facts, it’s great that you found each other, i’ll find another hotel on mts travel, choose early check-in or free breakfast, ready for the caves, just you, me and zhanulik, early check-in, travel and get more with mts travel, book a hotel and choose free breakfasts, early check-in or late check-out, and even free roaming abroad. dim, will we be in touch? roaming is free, call whoever you want, even if not me. it's not my fault, so i probably ran. i was afraid that
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i would be imprisoned for the murder of my aunt and for the inheritance. what inheritance? auntie was completely in debt, even the house was pledged to the bank. that’s it, i won’t say a word again without a lawyer, yeah, but i immediately said, the dumpling maker is not guilty, you sprayed your finger in a seance, you wanted to steal an amulet, the amulet is our family heirloom, well, i said that he was a criminal, i was just pretending before, that’s it, i won’t say a word again, max, i urgently need you, i’m sorry. why did lena call the fortune teller’s house, or someone in the forest? yes, everything is fine. no, but this is definitely not a nephew, because at that time he
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was sitting, you need to make it easier. and i immediately said that he is not a dumpling maker. what did he throw to you, a nest? i put it down. i didn’t see his face, i understand that he is a man and he was clearly looking for something, maybe like all the previous amulets, i found a bag of pollen, there is a print on it, maybe this is our nephew, compare, you have some other variants of fingerprints, but it’s not feng shui or something, you don’t believe the mystic, whose voice everyone has heard, i don’t know. he dog constantly howls, as if he was lost, i lost the keys to the fortune teller’s house, cold,
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oh, what did it ring, i didn’t hear anything. what kind of keys are these? these are the keys to the fortune teller's house, how did they get to me? i don’t know, but i’m not for you, we urgently need to search the whole house, hint, i understand, that means, sit here, it’s you to your inner voice, but it’s me for you, i i won’t be left alone, i’m afraid, let’s go, yeah.
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“hello, it’s you again, we, i hope that this time you have a warrant, oh, come on, listen, we were passing by, so we decided to buy some flowers in a cellophane package, it can be to your taste, but no, flowers, ran out. and there’s no cellophane either, you think, i don’t understand why you came, why, to take my fingerprints, and what a smart guy, remember i should break his finger next time.
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hello, bambula! well, what are we looking for? if i were you, i’d look around the kitchen, i’m not talking to you, look around kitchen, an inner voice tells me to look into the kitchen, but i didn’t hear anything, i ’ll wait for you here, wait, here.
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stand still, police, what are you doing here, but they hit you, stand, is it you, a nest, they told me there’s a maniac in the house, the neighbors called, what are you doing here? an inner voice told me, i found the murder weapon, what kind of murder, i don’t know yet, it’s ketchup, that’s right, let’s go, i was beckoning, so maybe i’ll go, i’m not afraid anymore, come follow me.
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here are the new prints, nephew, a guest to a man, and this is me, which means a guest, maksimov i just dropped the knife, but i know this sign, lyosh, tell me, you are cause and effect.
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take your time, i'm returning your portrait. that's it, i'm calling the police. oh, come on, why spend money? let me take you there. look, it's not my fault. knowing about the allergies of all your relatives, spraying a pulsa during a spiritual session is of no use to you. not guilty, yes, uh-huh, it’s not me, and the prints, probably on the bag with the pulse, are not yours either, okay, okay, yes, it was me, but i didn’t intend to kill anyone, what did i want? to me tell me, i wanted to take the amulet during the panic, this piece of iron was given to you all, but you still didn’t know the main thing, well, tell me, this amulet, oops,
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all the glory will go to others, so what happens, i solved the case with my miracle, and maksimova gets all the glory, but what your
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inner voice tells you is nothing, so far it’s silent. well , let's be the first to catch the criminal, i need to finish the cornering mask, come on, do this max, this time you can, okay, on the keys, wait for me in the car, i'm behind the bulletproof vest. dear ones!
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this is a star show, grand finale, what a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until the vlif again, moscow and
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beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very moscow, friendship. i want to understand why in our village people are dying, yes, because you are extinguishing them, what are you, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as before sparring i want to cheat dmitry malikov, your performance is just a complete merchant, stars. six finalists will perform with us, but there will only be one winner. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extra gel contains the maximum dose of a substance for
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made a girlfriend, and then another and another, and alena’s husband noticed this, nikolai said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. hello bully, calm down, young, puddy, you see, the dog is nervous, you’re from the police, quick-witted, something happened again, where were you 2 hours ago, here you were, the garage security can confirm, here’s to the crossbow arrows? do you have, have, show,
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and it’s strange, in fact, he was hanging here on a nail, and now he’s disappeared, disappeared, which means it’s just in time, yes, guys, you want to accuse me of something, it turns out that you were swindling the three remaining relatives for the sake of inheritance... yes, i didn’t kill anyone, what are you really talking about, yes, i wanted to get this amulet, and i even hired an artist, my acquaintance, he had to tell the fortune tellers in a terrible voice at that spiritualistic session to give the amulet to me, but everything went wrong there, wait, in my opinion, for there were only relatives at the table, what an artist, well, this... notary was sitting, not a notary at all, this is an artist i know, by the way, he knew that
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a diamond was hidden in the amulet, come on, damn. i think i looked at it, didn’t find anything, there’s a very tricky clasp, it’s an old work, well, show it in a master class, it’s empty, empty. well, i understand, but what do you understand, explain it clearly? well, if it’s all as he says, after the death of this fortune teller the notary came to his senses, well, it’s cool, he stole the diamond, but why didn’t he run away? didn't have time, the police came, well, and then came back for him, and there
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was already lena, and he killed his relatives because he didn’t want to share, the roof, wow, i’ll snaydar,
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and give it here for the sake of sin, oh you, you’re mine, max, help , it's not you? 10 kopecks where? i don’t see, dog, leave him alone, ugh! ugh!
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stand, ran, notary? max, len, where are you? oh, dangerous man, do you even know what kind of stone this is, and you understand how much it costs, i can’t even imagine, so, wait, i ’ll give you half, i’m not greedy, come here,
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but... go here, you understand that this is even not a whole million, more, fool, come here, oh, fool, i understand, oh, good choice. not a million, not tired, no, you don’t even understand that it’s more, if you want, i’ll show it to you, now.
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look, he tore my pants, fool, well, fool, and you don’t get any rest from all the glory, you understand, it somehow happened in a stupid way.
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take care of your personal life, comrade, because of this you think, okay, come up with something, come up with something,
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since anyone can hear me? i hear you, but who are you? i am your inner voice, and what is this inner voice? maksimov's voices talk? but because now i am your punishment, heavenly, i will be with you all my life. well,
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the federation council is holding consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of ministries, and the state duma, in turn, is discussing candidates for deputy prime ministers. the rubble was cleared all night ; 19 people became victims of the ukrainian attacks in belgarad. russia has mastered the repair of a popular foreign aircraft engine. what does this mean for domestic companies? we'll tell you in business news. about the main thing for this moment. in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello, the federation council is taking place there are now consultations on candidates for the positions of ministers and heads of a number of federal departments. the night before , vladimir putin carried them to the upper house.


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