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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  May 13, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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personnel decision the federation council is holding consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of ministries. and in the state duma of his own. the rubble was cleared all night ; 19 people became victims of the ukrainian attacks in belgarad. russia has mastered the repair of a popular foreign aircraft engine. what does this mean for domestic companies? we'll tell you in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the federation council is currently holding consultations on the candidate.
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after consultation with the federation council, therefore today the candidates arrive for bolshaya dmitrovka, they communicate with senators, share their vision of the future and work in specialized committees, such as andrei belousov in the defense committee, in particular they discussed payments to military personnel. we
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still have something to work on here, i’ll just note a few things, this applies to payments for housing, providing participants with housing, this applies to payments to civilian personnel in military units, this especially applies to medical care, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirmation benefits. doctor of economic sciences, currently acting deputy prime minister andrei belousov was proposed by vladimir putin to the federation council for consideration as a candidate for the post of minister of defense. valentina matvienko, today opening belausov’s meeting with the defense committee, said, quote, that it was impossible to dream of a better candidate, because the budget of the ministry of defense. is now
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approaching 7% of gdp and the expenditure of so many colossal funds must be controlled by a brilliant professional, which he is belousov, well, the speaker also urged not to be embarrassed by the fact that andrei belousov is a civilian and does not have a military specialty; according to valentina matvienko, military management will be handled by professionals, namely the general staff. well, after all, the very first today at the federation council.
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it is now being formed quite quickly and should replace this bankrupt security of the euro-atlantic plan, which is now becoming irrelevant for us, since it is completely subordinated to the interests of the united states america, great britain, the european union, nato. i’ll add that based on the results of today’s meetings, the federation council will meet tomorrow. will vote for the document, such a special summary for the president of russia, it will contain all the pros and cons of the senators’ recommendations regarding today’s candidates, and then this document will be submitted to vladimir putin for consideration. ilya. yes, nikita, thank you, my
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colleague nikita korzun was in direct contact with the federation council studio. well, state duma deputies are now considering the issue of approving new deputy prime ministers. head of government mikhail mishustin nominated candidates for his appointment.
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it is proposed to coordinate key areas of technological sovereignty projects, their implementation is envisaged in all sectors, the development of which affects the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens, bearing in mind the technological support for the production of innovative medicines, medical products, fertilizers and high-performance equipment for farmers, equipment for energy security and limbs headed by denis valentinovich, but here it is necessary that we, on our part , lend a shoulder and do not share responsibility, but take it together. based on the need to achieve national goals set by the president
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of the country. the first and main national goal is to preserve the population, strengthen the health and well-being of families, and support the family. and first of all...
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management, a regulation of the work of the government, in which everyone will strictly follow the message of the president, when the financial and economic bloc is constantly either sabotaging or impeding,
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made a move up the career ladder, we see the remarkable results demonstrated by the ministry of industry and trade, we see the impressive results of the ministry of agriculture, quite rightly, the heads of these departments received new opportunities. we hope for very fruitful work with the renewed composition of the government, and that key leaders remain at...
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19 people, the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, announced today. 15 of them died when the entrance to a residential high-rise building collapsed.
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17 were rescued from the concrete rubble residents, six are in serious condition and are being prepared to be sent to federal clinics. 11 remain in local hospitals. work at the scene of the tragedy did not stop all night; rescuers had to be interrupted only because of reports of new air attacks. olga cherenova about how belgorod survived the last 24 hours. the number of deaths under... conditions, the shelling of belgorod did not stop day or night, smoldering began under the rubble, firefighters had to constantly shed difficult areas. according to experts, the threat of house collapse remains, rescuers and volunteers were forced to interrupt their search several times to hide in shelters due to the missile danger. this man was pulled out from under the rubble alive thanks to the ingenuity of the rescuer. who punched a hole from a neighboring entrance and reached a wounded man pinned by concrete debris, the attack on a residential multi-storey building on
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sunday morning was recorded by cctv cameras, the explosion caused 10 floors of one entrance to collapse, according to the russian ministry of defense, the ukrainian army shelled belgorod missiles from the tactical complex of multiple launch rocket systems. the governor of the belgorod region, glotkov, joined the rescue operation and, together with everyone else , cleared the way for operational vehicles to reach the scene of the tragedy. in the first minutes after the collapse, 12 people were saved, including two children. evacuation from neighboring entrances began immediately. people reported being locked out of their apartments. the second collapse occurred while clearing the rubble. according to the ministry of emergency situations, three rescuers were injured from collapsed concrete debris. residents of the destroyed house were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers and charitable foundations. they organized the distribution of clothing, bedding, food to the victims;
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it is not yet known exactly how many families were deprived of their property. now there is a missile danger, we are all moving for cover. belgorod residents are trying to warn everyone nearby about the threat; they say there are only 10-15 seconds to find shelter after the warning. at the entrances they advise where it is better to stand in order to wait out the shelling more safely. we try we all support each other in whatever way we can. therefore, well, you see, everything here is very good. quickly and effectively organized from food - ends up there with some special equipment, this is already the fifth shelling of the day, people abandoned their cars, we are now in a concrete shelter, here are the emergency phone numbers, how... to provide first aid, you've already done this many times today are you hiding? for the second time, in 5 minutes, we were on our way to budenovo and have now arrived here. reports of numerous destructions come from several areas of the city at once, this house after the shelling caught fire, the firefighters were on the spot in a matter of minutes, all the glass flew out, everything
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caught fire, that is, a wounded person was injured, no, thank god, we didn’t have time, it seems like we hid in time so... for cover, this family was lucky, at the moment of the rocket they were not at home, they managed to hide in the entrance, the blast wave knocked out windows and apartments throughout the entire multi-story building, and covered them with glass shards and destructive elements. there was an arrival here, a direct hit, two slabs were broken, that is , the upper roof and floor, it is unknown whether there is projectile or not, that is, the danger remains here at the moment. despite the shelling, heavy equipment does not stop clearing the rubble at the site of the destroyed house. this girl team of volunteers admires the dedication of all participants in the search operation, everyone is ready to help around the clock, sandwiches, hot lunches, sweets are brought to the site of the tragedy from all over the city, on the boxes belgorod residents leave words of gratitude to the rescuers, this pizza was brought by volunteers, help, gratitude to the rescuers, because what is this it’s a very big deal, what they are doing today, people see some kind of hellish work,
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everyone is helping as best they can, at night shelling has become more frequent, sirens are exploding every 15-20. minutes , as soon as people began to take to the streets to clear them of fragments and debris, a new warning came. despite the situation, in fact, all services work very harmoniously, volunteers support them, both workers and the ministry of emergency situations, volunteers from various structures, and despite the missile danger constantly, we hide immediately, call everyone, protect everyone, i think it even brings us together. after the next shelling, the number of victims of the ukrainian attack increased by three more people, a nineteen-year-old girl, a man and a woman died on the spot.
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cheaper than buying used engines, the russian company s7 technics, which, as the name suggests, is part of the same holding company as s7 airlines, has mastered the most complex type of overhaul of the cfm56 engine. the kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing sources in three airlines. this engine is on the most popular airbus a320 and boeing 737 aircraft, which russian airlines also continue to actively fly. in total, in russia, the businessman notes, there are approximately 800 such engines, their largest operator is aeroflot. s7 technics has been engaged in local repairs of the cfm56 engine since the fifteenth year, but now, as reported, it has also mastered the repair of the so-called hot part of the engine. the newspaper’s sources remind us that, due to sanctions , russian airlines are practically unable
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to take their equipment abroad for major repairs, so now the issue is being resolved simply purchasing a used engine. one of the interlocutors clarifies that such an engine with a good residual life can cost 14-16 million dollars, but when imported to russia, the price can rise to 18-20 million. another interlocutor of the newspaper notes that repairing a cfm56 engine in russia will be comparable in price with repairs abroad and will be cheaper than buying a used engine. director of research and development at infomost-consulting alexey senitsky says: before the sanctions are tightened. master hot end repair aircraft engines in russia were considered impractical because it was expensive and foreign services were available. the russian stock market starts the week with growth, alorbroker analysts say that the market has been moving sluggishly for the last 4 weeks, now there are prerequisites for a new upward movement, because private investors will continue to buy shares for dividends. st. petersburg
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suspended trading from 12:05 moscow time; the last time there was a failure on this exchange was at the end. december last year, the ruble is becoming more expensive today , sber investments analysts note that for during the long weekend, exporters have accumulated foreign exchange earnings and today they can increase their sales; as a result, the dollar has now moved below 92 rubles. ilya will tell you everything about economics in brief. thank you, denis tovalayev with his economic review. that's all for now, go to, see you. it's hard not to notice the legendary credit card. alphabank card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, get super cashback in rubles every month
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exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop. i love it, i recommend it. sportmaster represents the outventure brand. reliable travel equipment. buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and receive 300 bonuses for pickup. mom, write us a message. for what? well, or we'll call. we found out that the phone was working. even at zero. they rejected the bill, you didn’t listen to the end. how's that? it is safe. you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, enable support for zero in the application, girls, let's talk about security, so we already have bel - the
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safest operator, a moscow coffee shop on belts, taste, pleasure, love, recommend, meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello! and we begin the issue with wonderful news about the lightning-fast reaction to the crimes of our law enforcement officers. they detained a woman who kept a great patriotic war veteran in captivity for 15 years, took away her pension, and transferred the pensioner’s apartment to her daughter. the front-line soldier lived in inhuman places. conditions in the house where she was was scary to enter, but colleagues from the human rights program did it with andrei kunitsin and found out all the details of the monstrous crime, essentially saved
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the veteran, now the woman is under observation. took on the obligation to care for the pensioner, but instead confined her to bed, took away her pension, and also transferred the state-issued apartment to her daughter, and you know what kind of apartment you live in, this is my grandmother, who left me around the apartment, what kind of grandmother, bogdanova, dear
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grandmother, and she... well, how they looked after her, she lived with me, and you know how your mother looked after her, yes, i know, i came with her myself, looked at her too, recently we were there, and we saw in what condition, yes, i saw it, and as for you, but i won’t, most likely, the daughter helped her mother collect this chest with attributes for the funeral, prosecutors discovered it during the check, it most likely came in handy, if not for the neighbor who scored it in time anxiety upon learning the conditions in which the veteran lives?
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but it was my destiny to check, but how could assess this situation, what is happening in your village, it’s a mess, the situation is yes, the situation is bad, the situation may get worse, because olga yakovlevna was diagnosed with a heart attack, the doctors were shocked when the pensioner was admitted to the hospital, she was diagnosed with a whole list of advanced diseases, from hypertension to diabetes mellitus, in serious condition in our department, the cardiology department, she was already admitted to...
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that is, not doctors, but prayers and prayers, but no prayers, an initial examination of the house where the veteran was kept showed that the elderly the woman tried to save as much as possible, the wall electricity meter and indicators for 2019. the counter shows 0.07356. through mathematical calculations, we see that on average, over almost 5 years , only 850 kw has burned in this house, which...
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the neighbor’s conflict in lyubertsy near moscow has every prospect of becoming a long-lasting one, it began long before the night’s climax, but the side of the victims i still don’t understand how... we didn’t get into a fight in the yard, but woke up in the hospital. the couple and their son those who have been attacked say that the aggressors are provoking different neighbors. they wrote a statement to the police, the rowdies were detained and released. stanislav kostikov found out why. residents of the high-rise building did not immediately recognize their neighbors as a beaten, limping man and a woman lying on the asphalt, bleeding, and ran to the windows, hearing terrible screams. this is what is happening here, screams, yelling,
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something happened, something really serious. a lot of blood, everything is terrible, the victims of the attack were the klyosovo spouses, they were returning home after work while the head of the family was parking car, his wife caught up with the neighbors, adult brothers, who recently pestered her... teenager, the woman asked what they wanted from the schoolboy, but in response received a blow to the face, the eldest of the brothers did not stop at this and continued beating, yes killed, they don’t fight like that, killed a lying person, who beats a lying person, even if it was a man, who beats a lying person, and he beat a woman, not that he killed, there’s no other way to say it, eyewitnesses were afraid to come up and pull the rowdies away, one of the attackers continued to beat the woman even after he knocked her onto the asphalt, she crawled in a half-collapsed state, trying to hide... now she is chained to a hospital bed, every movement is echoed by sharp pain. did you expect such cruelty from people? no, of course, absolutely not, such a feeling,
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as if the guys lived in the nineties, although i think that they are much younger than me, the body is very sore, in general. her husband sergei is in the next room, mastering a wheelchair in order to visit his wife without the help of nurses; he also faces a difficult operation, i got a broken leg when i tried to protect my wife, i’m still barefoot, i’m running, well, at the expense of one first, then from the sidewalk of another, i’m fixing my leg, well, with one leg i jumped as best i could, fought it off as much as i could, held on as long as i could, sergei defended himself with a broken leg until... the police and the national guard arrived, the doctors then tried for another hour to bring maria to consciousness, the attackers were taken to the department, their names are andrei and vladislav, the brothers rent an apartment in the same area, they drink all the time, sit, they get to the bottom of all sorts of people, well, apparently
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they have nowhere to put their strength, and they get to the bottom of everyone, recently i passed by, they got to the bottom of me, i say, well, calm down, sit down, rest, sit down further, it turned out that the klyosovs are far from the first. the detainees were released almost immediately, they returned to the apartment and are now hiding behind their mother, who came to their defense, they were attacked, they were attacked, yes, so what, but how this happened, well , i don’t know what’s in her head it happened, the woman attacked, and she came out and attacked them, who actually attacked first remains to be seen operatives, the police are conducting an investigation and decided not to detain yet, now experts are establishing the severity.
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we will inform you about all changes in our telegram channel. if you haven't subscribed yet, do so right now. point your phone at the qr code. you see it on your screen, or enter the name of the chpntv channel into the general search bar. and then he was killed for remarking. in ufa, they are investigating the death of a thirty-four-year-old young man who did not ignore the crime being committed. who is responsible for his death? we'll tell you after the commercial.
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nikita panfilov without the dog, let's go. and sergei zharkov with dolphin, yours was, mine, name is vasilisa, dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv, again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy!
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every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, not it’s just profitable, alpha is profitable, this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let’s do this, if you have... a girlfriend, and then another and another, but alena noticed her, she didn’t notice and the mole got herself , it’s alena’s husband, nikolai said: "i love all your moles so much." he didn't know that moles may be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. as
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we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is electrical. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical energy constantly flows. signals. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the “class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how
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a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 19 85. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, as we age, we feel everything. deterioration of memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy; it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is manufactured in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend your youth brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8800. exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain
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therapy. emergency exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live. we are continuing production. a married couple from the united states with many children is asking the russian authorities for help in saving their family. for this they need. to obtain a residence permit, but the procedure is delayed, they fled from lgbt-friendly america, precisely so that their children would not be familiar with non-traditional values, they are now engaged in registration of the relevant documents, without which it is impossible to get a job, while the money set aside for the move is already running out. our correspondent, ilya usheninin, visited this family and tried to figure out whether in order to hide from propaganda, lgbt people only need shifts. residence, he is from
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sunny texas, she is from no less sunny australia, but they now live here in the moscow region, they have six children born in the usa, the seventh, they want to call him misha, the light will appear in russia, they are all together they are learning russian so that they can at least communicate with their neighbors, my name is florin, how are you, uh-huh, banana and... i’m still the head of the family, joseph shutsman, a quite successful program manager, worked at microsoft and oracle, and now i’m looking for work in russia, but without a form of income, which he still has not received, he cannot officially get a job, his little...
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in russia i feel how important the sense of family, country is here, and you feel unity, and it seems that i already feel it too, but at the same time he does not forget his roots and often sings an old miner's song from the great depression. their family already has one
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russian joker, a two-year-old zhanjak, which is the name of our russian guy in the family. they call him the russian guy because he is very stern and serious, his smile still needs to be earned. the shootsmen hope to earn citizenship of their new country, legally, of course, having gone through all the necessary stages in the very near future, they say, there is no going back, firstly, the fbi often looks closely at traditional families, and secondly, many former fellow citizens have already threatened to find them to kill, which is why the head of the family asks not to show the house from the outside and not to say where exactly they live, god protects the safe, probably, joseph would have said so, if it
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were prohibited in russia and rejected in the states , the authorities are only welcome. for example, the exhibition of children's books was entirely dominated by the lgbt agenda, but the children, says the australian, must first grow up and decide for themselves who they should be. we once saw two women in a family restaurant behaving immorally, you know? you know what i mean, and at the next table we were sitting with the whole family, and my children were forced to look at this, and none of the visitors dared to say to these girls: stop, people are just afraid. america is now a sinking ship, and as they say, if the ship starts to sink, you need
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to leave it, and if you know how to save the ship, stay, but i don’t know that, so i’m leaving, their children will study in a russian school as long as possible. .. stabbed a passerby because of a remark, alexander efimov died, he did not pass by people, committing crimes, several people destroyed someone else's car. alexander was indignant, and then became a victim of murder; his attackers fled, but they were found. details of the high-profile story from aleftina marchenko. this is all they can,
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to honor the memory of a deceased friend, brother and just a good person, loved ones light a lamp, protecting the flame from the wind, and carry it to where the thirty-four died. year-old alexander efimov, the tragedy occurred directly for an acquaintance, made a remark to the crowd in the courtyard of a residential building, the man bravely stood up aggressive people, hooligans were kicking a black foreign car in the parking lot, they had already broken a window, broken the side mirrors and cut the front wheel, shots were heard, a fight started, they really drove off, or something, a knife here, give me a knife here, give me, give it here, what are you saying? ? there were four attackers, alexander was alone, but apparently he did not fully understand what the pack was capable of and that there would definitely be no peaceful dialogue. until the last moment he tried to calm down the hooligans, but they seemed... to sense easy prey and began to drive them into a corner, twice hit him with a knife, the recording from surveillance cameras shows how he resists and tries to run away
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. what was happening, as it later turned out, was observed from the side by the owner of that same damaged foreign car, but chose not to interfere, stood up for the car of a friend who lives in this house, which is all i saw, looked through the window, ran to the police stronghold, did not say that there was a fight here and no one even came out... she disappeared when it became clear that the police were about to arrive, but the attackers were still found and detained, arrested
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so far one, alexander sharafuddinov, he held the knife, stabbed the victim, at the trial he began to repent, it came out from a nineteen-year-old guy, this is not very sincere, i wouldn’t want to apologize, now he’s burying this guy, well, i think his relatives will sit here, i will apologize to them, but why apologize to you, will they see you? on television today, excuse me, strongly, please, i can’t bring the person back, but i deeply repent, the accused stabbed a thirty-four-year-old man several times in the leg, injuring him femoral artery, as a result the victim died, and as it turned out earlier, he had already been convicted of causing grievous bodily harm to a person, sharifuddinov was left in custody for 3 months, and his accomplices were released, the relatives of the deceased are worried that they will escape punishment, despite the fact that that they also participated in... the massacre, and the reaction of that friend, because of whose car everything happened, is also surprising, as denis admitted, the hooligans came to collect a debt of 2000 rubles. he
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hid, but alexander was not afraid. he was bright, responsive, wake him up at three in four in the morning, tell him that there we need to help vasya, who is being beaten, he will run out. he didn’t even think of passing by when a riot was happening before his eyes or someone was being offended, says alexandra’s sister. he worked at a factory, played sports and, like everyone else , dreamed of a family and children, he intended to propose to his girlfriend, but did not have time, many came to say goodbye to him, for whom sasha’s death was a real shock and a deeply personal tragedy. alefti na marchenko, valentin favorite telecom. that's not all, see below. vacation days are required; a family from chelyabinsk was not allowed to go on vacation due to an error in the documents. whose fault was it that the woman with two children was left without travel, we will find out after the advertisement. roman
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madyanov, maybe it’s time to come out of the morgue? yuri stoyanov. kolya, i'll turn on a couple. emergency exit. what's going on here? to be honest, it's complete madness. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, appet may help. it helps restore memory and attention. on again, so that the head works. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a tenkov mobile sim card. protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. timkov, he is the only one. well, off to nature.
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month. there is another emergency on ntv live , we continue broadcasting. in the nizhny novgorod region, security forces actually handcuffed an employee of a large it company who sponsored the armed forces of ukraine. he was charged with treason. an impressive amount of
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rubles and foreign currency was confiscated from the detainee, the origin of which he explained. couldn't, watched a defendant for a long time, even before the svo, he was brought to justice for participating in illegal rallies, with the beginning of the special operation he firmly decided whose side he was on, transferred money to the account of the ukrainian fund for supporting the armed forces of ukraine for the purchase of drones, tanks, ammunition and medicines. after the start of the svo financial transaction, he transferred some to the territory of foreign states, international funds, and ukrainian charitable organizations. after that, in hiding, he left his homeland, but later, apparently not finding a use for himself abroad, he returned to russia, according to article of treason, he faces up to life imprisonment. an ambiguous story happened to a family from chelyabinsk; their spouses and two children were left without vacation, and
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now they are trying to understand who exactly should compensate. a trip that didn't take place. the tourists went through all stages of preparation and even flew out on vacation, but did not advance beyond the air transfer. border guards discovered an error in the eldest child’s passport. of course, the whole family had to pay for it. daria musalova will tell you the details. warm sea and picturesque tatyana mazunina admires the landscapes through the monitor screen. the family had been saving for a trip to egypt for almost a year, but the trip was ruined in a minute. for a grant.
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there should be a marking, for men it is latin m, for women f, there is none here, this is the moment, they tell us, check for the correctness of the data, but the correctness of the data is this line, this one, we shouldn’t, why should i know , what letters should be there, i think that this definitely needs to be punished by the departments, it didn’t help that on the main page under the date of birth gender indicated, border guards. but in the case of the mazunins, the error is precisely in the technical part of the international passport. moreover, according to the same
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document, tatyana’s son already flew abroad six months ago, no problems arose. now the unusable passport has been confiscated, and only the voucher remains in hand. for 10 days in a five-star hotel in egypt, the family paid half a million. who now? will pay for the mistake and ruined vacation, that’s the question. can you tell us what the prospects are? well, since the refusal occurred during the tour actually already on departure there, there the operator sets a 100% fine, but at the end of the tour we submit an application to minimize this fine, i attach all the documents, the operator reviews this application, then answers, says that it is, and how long will he consider this application? i also can’t say the timing as such. no, the family from chelyabinsk is not the only one who missed the vacation. at the end of 2023, beginning of 2024, there was information that due to a failure in the system , some citizens were issued incorrectly
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issued international passports. an error has crept in in font. for many, this became an unpleasant surprise already at the airport. for example, the number seven in a passport should be with a bend, and the number one without a stick at the bottom. check it out before it's too late. if there is an error in the received passport, you can change it and not pay the fee, but again, if this was discovered in advance, and not during security at the airport. having recovered a little from the stress, tatyana contacted the police and is now preparing documents for the court to prove that the migration service is to blame for the failed family vacation. on a tour operator who did not check the passport properly. in practice, the maximum that an applicant can manage is to return 50-100 thousand, taking into account the full cost. wasted nerves are, of course, a drop in the bucket. daria mosalova, oksana goncharenko and anton lukyanov, ntv. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for
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today, thank you for your attention. private relations in the state duma proposed checking the sexual orientation of an official before appointment, what this could lead to, i hope that no more questions arise, watch right now, hello, this
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is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, and today we will start with: footage that relates to personnel news, these videos we get almost the same live broadcast, today both chambers of the russian parliament are working with lists of candidates for positions in the new composition of the russian government, the lower house of the state duma is discussing the list proposed by prime minister mikhail mishustin, let’s just start with this, well, i won’t name everyone, well, let’s just say a few words about some candidates, you see. in the new cabinet there will be a deputy prime minister for transport, former relevant minister
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vitaly savelyev is vying for this post, dmitry patrushev, who previously headed the ministry of agriculture, will oversee agriculture and also environmental issues, but with the rank of deputy government, and will continue to be responsible for energy issues as deputy prime minister alexander novak. but also falls under his jurisdiction economic development and counteraction to sanctions. well, the federation council today began consultations on candidates for the positions of heads of law enforcement agencies and minister. foreign affairs, all of them were proposed by the president, with regard to the foreign policy department there are no changes, the candidacy of sergei lavrov is being considered, but the main sensation was the decision of vladimir putin to appoint sergei shaiga as secretary of the security council, for his position, the post of minister of defense, to propose andrei ramoch belousov, the former deputy prime minister and doctor of economic sciences. belousov has already attended a meeting of the relevant committee of the federation council, speaker valentina matvienko is quite arrogant. spoke about
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the candidate for minister, calling belousov a strategically thinking person who achieved results in all previous positions. during the meeting , belousov noted that the issue of financing is not all that needs to be paid attention to; he named some, well, let’s say, bureaucratic problems of the department, such as the assignment of benefits to the military, housing issues and medical assistance to svo participants. i think it’s an absolute mess when fsvo participants who come on vacation are driven away.
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development of the presidential assistant. another publication: the financial times even calls belousov such an ideologist of the current, current russian budget policy, when public money through military expenditures, but not only through them, effectively flows into the economy, and this is exactly what, many experts interviewed by financial times are sure, led to to the current economic one.
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exactly, that’s exactly what i’m proposing now to do, because the past holidays, the second one, yes, victory day, then the weekends that followed it, they were generally marked by what, in kiev there are such panicky statements, in the west they are, well, very worried, there is an argument that is happening on the front line, what are the russians doing, meaning the northern part of the lbs, the kharkov region, some say that the russians went there...
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they reported that the head of the military administration of the region, sinegubov, fled and is hiding in poltava. the official himself denied this in writing, but this did not dispel the rumors, rather, on the contrary, terrorist zelensky comments: russia’s offensive said that kiev was waiting for it and prepared. russia began a new wave of offensive actions in the kharkov direction. ukraine met them there with our troops, brigades and artillery. our military command knew about this and
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calculated its forces in order to meet the enemy with fire. now there is a fierce battle in this direction. western allies fear that ukraine will not be able to hold on. front line. national security coordinator white house john kirby directly stated that russian troops would advance in the kharkov direction in the coming weeks. cnn called the event one of the largest offensives by russian troops. russia is throwing all its forces onto the front line. they are approaching kharkov with columns of armored personnel carriers and massive shelling, which have been going on for several days and weeks. the question is whether ukrainian troops will be able to hold the front line. we know that. they don’t send reinforcements there, but their problem is not only a long delay in american military aid, but a shortage of people. against this background , secretary of state antony blinken announced the need to urgently send an additional $400 million to kiev. the new york post writes that washington is frightened
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by the state of affairs near kharkov and sees this as a threat. but forbes believes that there is no offensive, and russia’s action is a tactical ploy. many expected a major russian offensive on may 9, although it is possible that the kharkov offensive was a well-thought-out maneuver. the ukrainian general staff in kyiv is scared. it appears the russians are trying to create panic and uncertainty by forcing the ukrainians to move units into the area. the russians are distracting the ukrainians from strategic goals in the donbass. according to forbes , the forty- second mechanized brigade has already been sent to strengthen the defense near khalkov. which, as the tas agency reported the day before, was partially destroyed by our military. the russian ministry of defense reported on the liberation of several large settlements in the kharkov
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region. military correspondents write that russian troops are already on the outskirts of kharkov and are publishing footage of the destruction of ukrainian equipment. let's film, let's film, quickly, that's it, quickly, unfold, so, alexey sergeevich, you have some personal description of what is happening now on the northern sector of the front, it seems to me that this fits into the russian strategy that has been chosen , was chosen quite a long time ago, this is a strategy of turning the war into a war of attrition, and we...
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throw away this military equipment and personnel to plug what are called holes, the strategy of the russian army, as i see it, is that one day, with this overstrain of the armed forces of ukraine, there will be a collapse of the front in several sectors at once, when in fact ukraine will have neither personnel nor equipment left to hold this front line, plus an offensive near kharkov brings significant benefits in terms of countering the shelling of belgorod and countering this like this.
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crows are indeed reported every time these days in the evening, but so many, so many, such and such, such and such are populated the points have been liberated, well, that's hurray, there we are pushing forward to bend the swedes, so...
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i said that this is a combined goal, of course, of course, this includes the task of moving the artillery and multiple launch rocket system as far as possible, which they are now finishing off to belgorod and to the other border cities of the belgorod, kursk blyansky regions, but they approach the border there by less than 50 km, from there they start from volchansk to shibekin 10 km, so now and not only for this reason, but also for this reason now.
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footage, most of the money was stolen, this it is already clear that all this was done
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in a clumsy manner, such potemkin villages, the concentration of troops is also not so dense, that is, for example, pushing through the defenses in the ssu in the donbass is quite difficult, because, let’s say, the density, the density of the defensive fortifications of the borders is much higher up in the kharkov direction, as it turned out, there was no such density and there was no washing. all the cadres are like our assault groups, and they had the opportunity to enter, bypass, from the left, right from the flanks, the enemy’s positions and force them to either surrender or retreat, so here it is obvious, of course, it is obvious now that dampness is visible, unpreparedness is visible, not morally, not in combat terms, now, now we are reaping the benefits of this, we are in the plus, not in the minus.
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believes that the change of commander-in-chief harmed the armed forces of ukraine, all because now senior officers are lying to kiev about successes on the front line, fearing new personnel purges, as a result, due to false reports that everything is under control on the battlefield, the ukrainian authorities incorrectly assess the capabilities army, they are afraid to report to the command a reliable situation as soon as a crisis arises, for in order for them not to be fired, we have such a bureaucratic war, a war of responsibility. calling him
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a butcher who does not take losses into account. the soldiers are also outraged by the new law on mobilization, which essentially deprives them of the right to demobilization, and this already simplifies the decision to surrender. our ministry of defense reported that 34 ukrainian soldiers surrendered in the kharkov direction within 24 hours. well , in a war zone, no one was in the mood. they become soldiers. not very good. retired ukrainian.
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for them, the loss of mariupol, i believe that kharkov is more important to them than mariupol, but mariupol, after all, is donbass with all that it implies. this means that the third point, the political one, is connected with the fact that this is a rejection of the exclusive regional offensive and
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battle of the endless opposition in the donbass, so... like a table, and naturally, i have associations with tank wedges, breakthroughs, and so on, i would like to see this, well , i don’t know what will happen, some western analysts whom i read this morning, they say that russia does not have sufficient forces, primarily manpower,
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to take kharkov, well, i don’t understand that, what does it mean, there is no manpower for a long time.
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how kiev looks at all this and the authorities should bear responsibility, everyone understands that in fact there is an obvious failure in the kharkov direction, it probably wouldn’t have happened if...
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maybe they need to be abandoned, they’ve been working on this for a very long time, time is now to do something similar near kharkov, they simply don’t have it, well, it simply doesn’t exist, even in regarding the defense line, i want to tell you, you know that much more financial resources have been invested in fortified areas on the border with belarus than is allowed in the kharkov region, why because, well , it’s clear that from the border of the russian federation to kharkov is 40 km, and from the belarusian border . how can we now somehow avoid the dizziness of success on the one hand and continue
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these accessible actions, on the other hand, not allow us, i don’t know, to wedge ourselves somewhere and how then our flanks will be behind, well, you in general you understand my the question here is common sense, it makes sense to keep it, i don’t see any dizziness in the armor, secondly, the plans for the operation are being implemented and... are being developed by the general staff, which in this case will not notify anyone exactly where he went and will not cosplay as americans and ukrainians who promised to cut off the crimea there and so on and so forth, in addition, every operation develops over time and its plans are adjusted depending on the development of the situation, well, those who lived in the soviet union know very well about small land, not only did brezhny work, namely, that it was a springboard for a military operation carried out, but...
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it is also said that the operation itself will be carried out depending on the capabilities, so, accordingly, depending on the capabilities, this is now happening, naturally, if in this direction, which really was in importance for ukraine, probably in fourth place after.
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mork, this is from the emergency room, we have pipes, do you think this is murder? this is a plot twist, and who is this? and this is our orderly, well, the morgue orderlies, why do the orderlies talk to the corpse? it’s between them, why his legs and arms are moving, they’ve surrounded him, we’ll make our way through the central one, open up the police, well done! becomes a real investigator, an emergency exit, what is it, something took someone hostage, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i
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pool. attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now 800, 200 exactly, 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for only 1 ruble. 800 200 exactly 7567 call within russia free dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue this part, let's start with urgent messages from the lugansk people's republic, where the city of krasno was subjected to rocket fire from the ukrainian armed forces.
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let me remind you that this tragedy happened the day before, during the repulsion of another ukrainian armed forces attack on belgorod, after the destruction of the ukrainian missiles from our air defense, debris damaged a residential building on shchorsa street, resulting in the collapse of an entire entrance. 15 people were killed, including two children, and another 27 were injured. the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov , said that six people are now being prepared to be sent to federal clinics. among them , a one-and-a-half-month-old child with his mother, the operation itself to clear the rubble and search for people lasted almost a day, due to repeated air raid signals, rescuers had to interrupt their work, now experts are checking the condition of the surviving part of the building,
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let's listen to how eyewitnesses describe the entire moment of the incident, i thought, maybe you can see from the balcony, i go around to the balcony, and my balcony is completely destroyed, well, all the glass is lying all the way to the floor, too... nothing is visible, all dust, i wait about three minutes, the dust begins to pass, and i see that people are starting to approach somewhere to the right, i look, and then the whole house is simply destroyed, what is kiev doing at this time, they traditionally do not comment on attacks on belgorod , especially since officials are now busy preparing for a new law on mobilization, which comes into force at the end of this week, it involves the wholesale sending to the front not only of ukrainian men, but even their personal transport, the local authorities explain: that the personal transport of ordinary ukrainians from now on will be used to meet the needs of the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations, taken away there will be not only cars, but even boats, boats and agricultural machinery. the ukrainian ministry of defense notes that the decision on
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seizure will be made at the level of local administrations and assures that everything will be formalized there they will do it as necessary through the courts, during the period of demobilization, if that occurs, everything will definitely be returned. what to do if there is nothing left of the car during the fighting, in kiev. they didn’t remove it, well, the most reliable transport in ukraine in the near future will be possible to travel on your own two feet, as they say, because local social networks tell how military registration and enlistment offices are raked by bus drivers, most of the complaints are from odessa, drivers are being removed en masse, the day before yesterday a driver was pulled over at a checkpoint to the medical commission, today our odessa the driver was forced to sit there, in short, it’s tough, friends, it’s just tough, it doesn’t matter that your bus is going somewhere there. they
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don’t care, in the verkhovna rada they complain about the resourcefulness of their own fellow citizens, saying what lengths they are willing to go to in order not to go to the front, they are even ready to go to prison, in fact, the deputies themselves talk about such a story, you know, do you know how much today people commit petty crimes, all the reason, because they know that then they will not be mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and you know, what do they answer to this? there is no way out of the army. ukrainians subject to mobilization, the polish government has already stated that, in general, they are ready to help kiev and somehow find these swindlers, here the forbes publication responds to this to the polish authorities, such a measure could deal a serious blow to the polish economy, because it you will have to get rid of a huge...
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and if you step back a few days, then this is how things stand now with money, with weapons, and so on. last week , the main gynecologist in europe, head the european commission ursula fondeen reported that eu countries have approved the confiscation of income from frozen russian assets and will use this money, approximately 3 billion euros, for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. instead of gratitude, kiev presented new claims to brussels. head of the ministry of justice.
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what kind of weapons the west is supplying to ukraine became known over the weekend. the french reported on the dispatch of long-range scalp missiles to the ukrainian armed forces. but there is a nuance: these missiles have almost expired. the french press mocks, calling the supply of these weapons a good economic decision, since disposing of expired missiles turned out to be more expensive than simply throwing them away to the ukrainians. the ukrainians themselves are trying to assure everyone that it has been written off.
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i have prepared a draft guarantee and would like to sign it in july. the text says that in the event of russian aggression against ukraine, the europeans will hold consultations and think about how to help. sending a contingent is supposedly completely ruled out, despite all macron’s wet fantasies. the guarantees will last until ukraine is accepted into the eu and nato. at the same time, it was recently stated that membership in the alliance is not yet possible for kiev. i think here in ukraine. understand that nato membership is unrealistic while
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the war continues. now we support ukraine to win this war to defend its independence and freedom from russia. and when this war is over, then the issue will need to be considered, and together a new security system for europe will be concluded. and the former gave an unexpectedly frank interview to the british press for the first time after his dismissal. advisor to prime minister johnson before he believes that the most idiotic and senseless decision of the authorities in london was precisely the support for ukraine. this is no repetition of 1940 with zelensky in the role of the loser churchill. this ukrainian, corrupt mafia state has essentially cheated us all, and in the end they will screw us all. now they have us, don’t they? the lesson we taught putin is that we are a bunch of complete fucking buffoons, the war showed the whole world.
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yes, that’s why i listened with some alarm to such, too, i would say, ambitious, including the words here that this is already preparation for the capture of kharkov or everything is heading towards this, it may come to this, but not at this stage, this is obvious, i agree here that the russian army is not currently using enough the number of forces to take kharkov, kharkov is a big city, it is a city with a million people, the capture of cities is one of the most difficult. and one of the most difficult operations in the art of war, it requires a huge advantage over the defending side, at the moment russia in this direction does not have such a quantity of manpower uses, obviously intentionally, because the goal is more limited, the second reason why it is beneficial for kiev and its western partners and sponsors to exaggerate
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the scale of this operation in the media, this is used for this purpose, that is, whipping up such hysteria, whipping up anxiety.
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the fact that the west will simply get tired, will not get tired, because they are from this conflict, okay, i understand, alexander nikolaevich, you wanted to add something, a small remark, but there is no need to organize a second terrible one from kharkov, it is necessary to encircle him and arrange a blockade, there is no need to lead him into street battles, my god, alexander nikolaevich, well then we risk getting video footage of those civilians who did not manage to get out of there and whom the ukrainian army will not let out of there,
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srach, this is not because , what we talked about this, but in general, i just understand that the opinion, here alexander nikolaevich speaks with such ease about the blockade, firstly, organizing a complete blockade of such a large city as kharkov is a very complex issue, if we talk about a much smaller city , here sarajevo, in the nineties, 4 years, this is the longest siege of the city in modern european history, the longest, 4 years it was still possible to deliver.
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firstly, once again, no one spoke about this at the command level, secondly, the capture of this or that city depends not only on one side, but on the second, the desire and readiness and ability to defend this city, well, there are different situations , that’s what’s happening, once again, in
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my opinion, we need to watch the development situation, the fact that this situation is now developing, no matter what kiev says, is not in their favor, this is obvious. for the rest, well, i somehow rely on the professionalism of the military command of the russian federation, which has recently very clearly shown that they can act highly professionally, it’s just what they say about it. and they will talk, they will talk even more, how much will this affect the attempts there to somehow allocate additional money for them while the very war of attrition that we talked about at the very beginning does not imply the obligatory siege of a four-year capture of cities, it assumes that one day the ukrainian army simply will not have the resources and people left to continue the defense on a huge front of enormous length, in fact, that is why i see this as not an attempt to besiege kharkov, not an attempt to take kharkov, but an attempt just... put pressure on the ukrainian armed forces to the point where they simply lose their combat effectiveness. as for western countries, western countries from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict had
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the opinion that kiev would hold out for 3 days, in russia many people talked about this, although now many are ashamed to remember it, it was just like that, western help from the very beginning was reactive, not proactive, in advance, but reactive, they see something, they help, they see that the ukrainians seem to be holding on, well, here’s dzhevelinov and the stingers, they see that they’re still holding on, that’s for you then. vehicles , infantry fighting vehicles, here are tanks, here are planes, there is no main thing in all this, western countries now have no image in their heads of what they want from ukraine, as long as ukraine holds out, they will help it when they they will see that they can no longer hold on to the armed forces of ukraine, they will not help, because they will not understand that everything, when we see, for example, breakthroughs of the front in several directions, mass desertion, mass surrender, the west has no plan in relation to. ..
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then there will be an opportunity to negotiate with the position of russian power, and they want these positions to be conducted from the position, negotiations to be conducted with the position of ukrainian power, well
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, now i agree, probably, and i also think that there will be no blockade in any form at all millionaire, millionaire, but it's impossible history in general, even from a moral point of view, i want to tell you, that’s why i think that the issue will be resolved through military-political means, i think until the fall, until the fall of this. there will be large-scale offensives, attacks, military operations, destruction of the energy system there and everything else, then ukraine will need to be left to itself for some time, believe me, processes will begin inside there that may even seem to us even against the backdrop of what is happening, so what? could it be that they’ll go again or something? andrey, because the stories you show inside are ukrainian, yes, but we don’t pay much attention to this. but inside ukraine everything is boiling there, they say that this is all propaganda, you know, it’s good when there is an opportunity,
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so they opened the valve and let off steam, and this is how ukraine, by the way, lived for a very long time from political crisis to another crisis, well , there was a valve that was opened just like that, and now ukraine has been packed in such a way that it could explode, i saw the picture. in my opinion, the most perfect, well, andrey, in fact, in fact, there are quite a lot of adequate people who are driven to the extreme degree
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of despair, yes, which may be followed by a reaction that we cannot even imagine, well, this is this, this is for today, it seems to me that this cannot be underestimated either, it’s good, that’s it, let’s change the system, about let's talk about inadequate ones now, short. this is a security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tinkof, he’s the only one, i’m something good, the best, and i’m useful, oh, yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m a new loyalty program for vtb, vtp, choose the right categories every month, for example, clothes,
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2:59 pm
dolphin today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place at intv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. first of all i want to remind you, dear friends, that on may 25 i am waiting for you in pyatigorsk, i invite you to the sofia cultural center, where we will meet at the andrey norkin concert program, a different format. yes, in this one. this hour we have, as i already said, about people of unconventional orientation, first, unconventional moral orientation, i would call it that, please tell us, let’s start this part.
3:00 pm
despite this trouble, the foreign agent is literally counting the days and does not rule out that he will still decide to finance the armed forces of ukraine. makarevich managed to justify himself for his early, long-standing contacts with the russian authorities, but he knew nothing, understood nothing, did not think about it and was generally used. he talked to the agents about the figure of nazi collaborator stepan bandera, saying that many myths, many prejudices have been created around her, but history will put everything in its place, however, the musician does not hesitate to assure them of his views. ends the conversation with a well-known extremist slogan. i wish you to endure all this and defeat them all. no exit. thanks again. glory to ukraine.
3:01 pm
thanks, good luck. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory. well, at the same time.


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