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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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in this conversation, makarevich did not hide his joy; he assured his interlocutor that he would come with a crazy concert on the very first day of the ukrainian victory; the foreign agent was literally counting the days until this victory and did not rule out that he would still decide to finance the armed forces of ukraine. makarevich managed to justify himself for his early, long-standing contacts with the russian authorities, he knew nothing, understood nothing, did not think about it and generally used it, speculated on the agents about the figure of a nazi collaborator. history will put everything in its place, however, the musician has his own views, he doesn’t really have them shy, assures, ends the conversation with a well-known extremist slogan. i wish you to withstand all this and defeat them all, there is no way out, thank you again, glory to ukraine, thank you, strike, glory to the heroes, glory, and at the same time. the russian ministry of internal affairs has put on the wanted list
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the great-granddaughter of the great soviet pilot valery chkalov, daria bogdanova. the girl’s photo and details appeared on the department’s website. previously, a criminal case was opened against bogdanova for calls for terrorism. the girl spoke negatively about the actions of the russian army, collected money for the armed forces of ukraine and even called on western countries to launch a nuclear strike on moscow. it is possible that chkalov’s great-granddaughter has been put on the wanted list. that is why, however , the specific article, in the orientation that you now see on your screens, is not indicated, so i have everything with my moral orientation, we can go back to the fact that yes, now to non-traditional sexual orientation, although with the heroes of these two messages are united by them, well, in principle, they have one name, you can call them in one word, which means why today we are talking about this topic, in recent weeks, but this has been around since april.
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there was a lot of noise and controversy on social networks, in general in the press, due to the fact that in some regions, one there, well, i won’t flirt here now, samara region, i’ll say right away, somehow a lot of episodes were revealed when representatives lgbt, and lgbt, as you know, in our country, by a court decision, was recognized as an extremist organization, so they are in some leadership positions, and this is supposedly not good. the noise was such that it was heard even in the state house, here are the colleagues alexandra andreevich, vitaly valentinovich, there was a proposal that in general it would be nice to check the sexual orientation of every future official, they want to appoint him to some position, first we need to check him for this matter, so that no matter what happens, we now let’s show the plot, i personally think it’s, i’ll tell you right away, a little bit of this kind of discrimination, because what a sexual attitude.
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its postulates are the protection of traditional values, the greatest control should be over employees of government agencies who directly are connected with the upbringing of children and youth, this is supposedly necessary for the benefit of the officials themselves, of course, these people most likely may be in a vulnerable state, in a state where they can be put under pressure, or simply blackmailed, even if it’s a small regional official, but on at your level , you can put pressure on him somewhere, so that he doesn’t do something on time, naturally, he
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is on the hook, this blue hook, and his lust, while non-traditional orientation itself is not prohibited in our country, only its public propaganda is illegal, this follows from a copy of the decision of the supreme court of russia recognizing the lgbt movement as an extremist organization. however, any hint of a non-traditional orientation is often mistaken for propaganda. for example, deputy speaker of the samara duma alexander zhivaikin. were suspected of having connections with lgbt people after a photo of a document with pink nail polish was posted online. the deputy claims that his assistant’s finger was caught on camera, but there are already enough calls on social networks to deprive him of his position. here's my finger, i hope that no more questions arise. but the minister of youth policy of the samara region, sergei burtsev , decided to resign himself after he was suspected of same-sex relationships on social networks. social activists did not like the fact
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that among bortsev’s subordinates there was a certain denis leontovich, with whom they appeared at events together. the network also found controversial footage of leontovich, which they called. gay wedding. after this, sergei burtsev chose to quit. he assures that all suspicions are wrong, but not wants to cast a shadow on the youth policy of the region. at the beginning of may, a scandal occurred in the capital. the tverskoy district court of moscow arrested danila morozov, a twenty-two-year-old student of the higher school of economics, for 15 days under an administrative charge for discrediting the army for publishing prohibited symbols. he made one of the entries in the telegram channel. illustrated with a picture, and as the tver court ruled, containing various symbols of an attribute of an extremist international lgbt organization. apparently it was a rainbow. morozov worked in youth parliament at the state duma of russia, from there he was already promptly expelled, as
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reported by the head of the state duma committee on youth policy, artyom metelev. the news came as a surprise to everyone, but in this situation we cannot close our eyes and not... the rules are the same for everyone. the youth parliament cannot include people who break the law. so, the survey is a telegram channel, you know everything, yes, we will periodically show you a qr code. if you have not yet registered, please do so. we want you answered the following question: is it necessary to somehow check the sexual orientation of an official before... appointment of this person to the municipal public service, as always, we offer you several answer options, that is, yes, especially if it concerns some really youth policy, work with children, there, if you are not sure, a separate option, if not , since this is discrimination, the third option, your options in the comments,
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we’ll come back at the end of the program, you already know all this, vitaly valentinovich, firstly, i i take off my imaginary hat, because the wording blue hook of lust is, of course, the title of the novel.
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i don’t remember what’s so absurd? and the absurdity in everything, let's take it in order, firstly, is lgbt a deviation from the point of view of behavior, of course, of course, but like smoking, like hunting for pleasure, like gaming, like many other deviations in human behavior, we compared , yes, but wait a second, what don’t you like about hunting, these are serial killers, killing radio pleasures, you allow them into children, into the education system yesterday cats' souls? strangled, strangled, strangled, yes, and cats too, so, a little closer to, a little closer,
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which means i always thought that our officials should be selected by managers based on meritocracy, based on what they can, what they know how, but is, excuse me, lgbts with a necessary condition for work, yes , of course, no, if you give an example of a blue or pink hook on which an official can be put, then excuse me, this is a bribe. this and some other deviations in the behavior of a huge number of people and things in in our modern world, we can argue that we should not be confused in terms of concepts; in our court, the lgbt movement has been recognized as extremist ; probably, a representative of an extremist movement cannot be a deputy in our country and generally cannot walk around with impunity, so when we talk about non-traditional sexual orientation, this is probably equating a person to a member. absolutely correct, that is, the one who is engaged in lgbt propaganda, participates in the lgbt
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movement and is involved in the law, this is the law, here a person simply appears, let’s do it now alexandra andreevich, because it seems to me that vitaly velitinovich still has common sense, but he himself chatted it up, which means that if some official is appointed to some position, yes, and then it turns out that somewhere when something...
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raises her children from an early age , i explain the situation: i am for traditional values ​​and there are only two genders: man and woman, that’s all, but i really insist that people be tolerant, although i don’t like this word, but meanwhile to others, you understand? here are the features, but just like this,
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a little different example, but i’ll tell you, look what happened, let’s say in europe, when i meet with how
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we protect potential victims, primarily children, because if such an official works with them, it’s at some point he will not be able to restrain everything hidden, then the children will suffer, so georg valerievich, don’t behave like a person, i’m silent, excuse me, but don’t you think that it’s possible to blackmail just a healthy man in the same way, let's say more than one contact with women, but this is closer to our traditional ones.
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normal, then life is easier for him, but vitaly valentinovich has problems pronouncing the letter r, this is also not the norm, is it worth applying any sanctions to vitaly valentinovich in this regard, yes, they don’t take me to the opera, and not only to the opera, not reads and does not voice films, well, that’s normal, that is, he punished anyway, is it worth banning vitali valentinovich at the state level, there is a proposal being made, then vitali should not be allowed near any microphone at all , including that. because it doesn't sound very good nice. in many nations, the letter r in russian pronunciation, in principle, is not present, but are you one of these? he was absolutely right when he said that vitaly valentinovich sounds like an extremely aristocratic
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count. tell me, count, this is not the norm, they are shouting in my ear. so let's develop your thought. you see, what a thing, on the one hand, i support mr. milonov with this initiative, but there is a very serious point here: how to prove that a person is gay, i don’t know, but how to prove that he is not gay? here i am i say, norkin is gay, yes, prove it to me, there was such a story, about six months ago, and the roosters even published some photographs, we won’t just ignore it, we weren’t the ones laughing on air, but prove it, if so seriously raise this question, prove it.
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don’t you know gays, don’t you watch tv, so, so, so, names in the studio, no, wait a second, right there, norkin, for example, right there,
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faster, here, right there a party is forming around, right around lobby, and behind the lobby you already understand, earlier you had to join party in order to have success in the service, and now, if the appropriate atmosphere has been created there, you will need to have, sorry for... we haven’t all spoken yet, short pause, we will continue, please don’t forget about our poll in telegram channel, emilia from birth considered herself a sister from twins, but at 14 she found out that she was adopted, my dad told me, daughter, there is such a house of happiness, this is a maternity hospital and we took you from there. and the biological mother abandoned her immediately after birth, there is a cradle with a girl in it, and the nurse comes, whose girl is this, she says, yes, it’s a draw, my name was left by my
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biological mother, elmanova anastasia, and naturally, my mother changed it for me, they did it so that she gave birth to twins, will she find out why she was abandoned by her parents they came from the maternity hospital and brought two baby dolls, we conducted an investigation and found a resident of kaliningrad. yes, my mother’s name was nadezhda, would the supposed biological family agree to accept her after 39 years, my mother would not have left her, for sure, we are a family of strangers to her , i open the envelope, dna, today in 17:50 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get super cashback up to 100% every month, and up to
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30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, doshirak’s feature in fermentation technology. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth, so... to work on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum. tenkov, he’s the only one. whoever covers other people's tracks during the day and leaves your own at night is you, uncle lyosha here. the thief is also very good. thank you. why are you catching him? uncle lyosha, look at kiion now. well, let's go to nature? oh, what is this? and this is a spending scheme, there are different cards with cashback. for what? do you need one vtb card? vtb! transfer to it
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to the rear of the soviet people every day. for the common future, one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war, this order is the brightest symbol of military history, courage, fortitude and love for the motherland, one of the few that remains as an inheritance to the future generation. the imperial mint minted the order of the patriotic war on a commemorative medal, free of charge for every russian. you only pay 349 rubles for delivery. the medal is plated with pure silver. the highest award is minted on the medal, memorable dates are stamped with the inscription great victory. save the history of the great patriotic war for future generations. call and order a commemorative medal using a toll-free phone number or on the order website wov.rf. emergency exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. this is
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue to remind you that in our telegram channel there is a survey on whether it is necessary to check the sexual orientation of those who are going to the public municipal service, if you have not voted yet, now is the time to do this, but so that we are not only talking about officials today they said that such proposals with checks, to check or not to check, are directed towards those who work with children, they have already been mentioned today, in particular teachers, because parents, in april, deputies drew attention to an employee of one of the samara schools, dmitry gudov, he worked as an adviser to the director of education, and also taught russian language and literature. last year, the teacher took third place in the city teacher competition, but parents discovered a separate account
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of the teacher on social networks, through which he... unsubscribed to thematic lgbt groups, after which they complained about him to state duma deputies, and there they already sent an appeal to the prosecutor’s office, as well as to the head of the city, the ministry of education and the leadership of rosmolodezh. as a result, gudov resigned himself. we had a negative attitude, of course, well, i think it’s wrong, it’s negative. well, the most important thing is that he does not impose his own assessment of all this on the children. i don't support this, at least. another scandal in the field of education occurred this academic year. bags, hair and makeup, and unique photo that he posted on his social network page, which was closed to valuables due to his interest in women’s clothing, to strangers; however, the teacher himself believes that he is not promoting anything like that, if a man, relatively speaking, speaks intelligently, if he is cultured, “yes, i
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don’t have a thick beard, yes, i have long hair, yes, i allow myself to paint somewhere, but in my opinion, i never allowed myself to cross any boundaries. in the far east last year they carried out the first verdict in the region under the article on lgbt propaganda, a teacher of the yekaterinburg school, a german citizen, alexander daniel roth, was found guilty. according to information from the court, he came to kamchatka as tourists, complimented a local resident in private correspondence and offered to meet in a room at the blue lagoon hotel. and thereby promoted lgbt people and inclined them to non-traditional relationships. the german was fined 1,500 rubles and sent home via istanbul. so andrey bori is that really what the hotel is called? we now, if we go by all these proposals, it turns out that there are professions that do not have only in the social, that is, in the public sense, there must be some kind of restriction. we
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have discussed restrictions for officials many times . but of course it’s necessary, we have professions that, uh, that people occupy not just there, as suggested here by the commission or on social networks, but there are professions where people and lie detectors are tested when it comes to state security, but here’s a good program today we have, or rather, a good argument can be made to be a homosexual, i’m talking about something else, i mean maybe, if it’s necessary for the case. today’s program takes place just after we all watched it literally yesterday on social networks, i hardly watched it on tv, but on social networks we watched the winner of the eurovision song contest and
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this whole popticon that came out there in sweden and what it all looked like , so you understand, here by the way it was said on this topic that there are a lot of deviations, no, listen, let’s agree on deviations. cancer, yes, that’s cancer, if you don’t cut it out, if you don’t stop it with chemotherapy, then it begins to consume healthy cells, if you let it grow quietly, that’s the same deviation, that’s sadomi,
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and we saw all this at eurovision, we own the term fourth lgbt reich, yes, that is, if hitler used nazi stories in his fascism, then we now we see how...
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my main thesis regarding everything i heard is, let’s, let’s start these wonderful actions of yours, create a commission, which you, dear mr. deputy, will head, will sit at the head and i don’t know how, what it will look like but i want to look at this, you will give a person a rubber tit, and another a rubber pussy, see how he looks at it, what he likes best, i am very interested, clinical psychiatry. because you think that homosexual relationships are a deviation, when a man and a woman with a strap-on are for some reason normal, these are traditional values. it’s normal when a man and a man are not normal, only sodom and
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gomorrah were not burned for strap-ons, that’s what strap-ons are for, it’s possible for now, strap-ons, then there are artificial members, we refer to falaimidators.
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we are starting a superstar, the topic of today is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, but where is the re-transformation? in a nightmare, i couldn’t imagine the song would be sung by louboutins , what you did, it was more than i expected, hooligans, boys, chumps in the throat - this is the song of our time now, vio superstar, it’s not fair, it was intended.
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our passions are always running high. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. try hiit combo 3 for 150 rubles. in rosstix. there are no fees charged on the penekov platinum credit card. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? ceresidit grouts, a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresidite is the ideal solution for any tile; for better results, use ceresidite grout adhesive together. try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles.
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to say that this has some - the attitude there towards the education of youth, first. in general, a bus conductor, what difference does it make, a bus conductor, what is he like? sexual orientation? let's see: in saransk, a bus conductor, twenty-year-old vladimir bilenko, was fired. this happened after passengers posted his photo on a local public board of shame. in the photo it has already been deleted, as it is alleged that belenko was kissing a man. as it turned out, his personal photos were leaked online from a closed account on a banned social network, where he shared candid photos about his personal life. life, the conductors’ colleagues were indignant that such an employee was disgracing their company. everyone is interested in my life, so so this is where i live, now i’ve been fired, now i’m... without a job, now i’m homeless. in moscow , a photographer named gleb
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september was fired from a photo studio for his non-traditional sexual orientation. in an official statement, although the employer claimed that he got rid of the employee for professional reasons, but this publication was later deleted, here is the version of the dismissal from gleb himself. they told me there are no complaints about your work. but, unfortunately, this does not correspond to our religion. we cannot work with representatives. bt god condemns all this, doing business with such a person there will definitely be a decline, i hope for your understanding. in krasnodar last year, a twenty- one-year-old student from kuban state university was expelled. maxim belomytsev was a third-year student at the faculty of architecture and design. i recorded makeup tutorials on social networks. after anonymous complaints , an administrative protocol was opened against the young man for lgbt propaganda. according to the guy, he did bright makeup only for his own people.
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she wrote a homophobic untruthful article about me, well, in principle, probably, no doubts arise, but it doesn’t matter to me, just like if the conductor doesn’t impose a fine on me somehow, well, it ’s not blue, i’m like, even if it is, i won’t name the city now, it was in the spring, that’s what i came to this city with concert, and i have communication at the venue with the technical staff, but who do i need ? a sound engineer local to the venue? saint, in fact, it’s always with them, and so there were young guys working in this city on this particular site, one had something
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like this, which means that here it’s like in the second case, a ring in the nose, which means the ears are all there some kind of curtained ones, the second one had a beard, a tail and a manicure, with black, it doesn’t mean anything, i didn’t care at all, no, they did their job, and one of them messed up, but then after the concert he came up and apologized , says, excuse me, i overslept one thing... companies may have some kind of internality no, wait, a second, my almamatar kuban university is not
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a private company, that it cannot kick out a person for his appearance, the university, any private company should live according to work code of the russian federation, i don’t remember that there was anything about orientation, that’s right, this is a subtle aspect of face control, which is now present in companies. orientation, if the right to exclude people on the basis of them is not spelled out in the legislation of the russian federation, if you don’t have it in government agencies , you spell it out in the legislation of the russian federation, you are violating it if it doesn’t promote it, right?
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man, look at them, you just saw in the story, these are people who, who deprived of attention, you know, like in my time
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in america, because i am black, if we think that this is not a contagious story, that is , it is contagious, i’m telling you a story, in geek, ninety, no, eighty-five, ’85, but we need to finish, here comes a man from one of the same republic, he has four children, and he lives in a room with a gay man, and becomes gay, and becomes gay, great, that’s it, we need to stop to sum up the polls . in defiance of age, these pensioners conquer the sky, they jump into the abyss, master extreme tricks, i can do a 360° turn, i had to make my way through the forest, one at 94 years old , secretly from his family, is involved in jumping, oh, how good, what was your highest height, 27 m, another 71 conquers volcanoes, the
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highest peak. burned in the world , climbed the highest volcano in asia, the third at the age of 75, became a parachutist, great, great mood, at the airfield they immediately agreed to take you, this stubborn grandfather, if he passes the medical examination, we don’t mind, how many of them are there, for whom old age is in joy, why are their children and grandchildren in horror, they tell me, the spine of your pants will jump out, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen for headaches. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client.
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call or order on our website beyond the new season with timur eremeev. today at 16:45 on ntv. at this meeting point, so we have less than two minutes left, let's sum up the results of the survey, in general it must be said that alexey viktorovich seemed quite close to the truth, which means that we asked you whether it is necessary check sexual orientation before appointment to the civil service, municipal service, 75% answered yes, especially those who work in the labor market, in the comments it was also indicated that working with children is very, very important, the rest... officials for corruption, well , how will you check a future official for corruption, well, you’re not sure, no, it’s not necessary, you see here, equality, there are no options in the comments, but everyone asks the same question: how
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will you actually check this? and i would look at the results of this survey of ours, our question would reformulate it at the end of today’s program, but would you yourself be ready to take such a test? or would you be ready for our viewers to have your children entering for example. university of management, well, as adults, it would be okay for your children to take such a test, here it seems to me that we would get completely different ones, you don’t answer the question of how, today there was only one suggestion on how to check, alexander andrevich said look soci offered us squeaks, well, it’s not you know, it seems to me that if you ask a question, andrey, time, time, ask, ask a question to a gay, normal, sane gay, old man, but you can’t?
4:00 pm
personnel decision the federation council is holding consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of ministries. the state duma, in turn, today approved candidates for deputy prime ministers. the rubble was cleared all night; 19 people became victims of the ukrainian attacks in belgarad. increased localization at the moskvich plant was presented today. new crossover model. about the main thing, for this minute in the studio.


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