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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  May 13, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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several times, of course, this is ur, this is by far the most famous brooklyn bridge, what is the height there, it is 216 m, we have a video from your travels, let's see, continue, south african republic, height 216 m above the bloukrans river, seventy -one years old mikhail panov is preparing for the next cap. another country in the track record of extreme sports is austria, at an altitude of 192 m, a man makes his eighteenth jump in his life, surrounded by mountains , fearing nothing, he turns his back to the abyss. well done! mikhail jumped in new zealand. normandy,
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montenegro, tanzania and dozens of other countries. he celebrated his sixty-sixth birthday in nepal again in a free fall from a height of 160 m. what a karma, what nature! and this is the same 23-meter high macau tower in china, one of the highest bungee jumping sites in the world. this is class, simple! the highest peak of the world burned, his 301st jump sochi mikhail started an experiment, paint a picture in the air, he secured the canvas on the forearm of his left hand, dipped the fingers of his right hand in paint, an attempt to paint a picture, but anyway, it’s still better with bright paint, and even the frame was torn a little, but that’s okay, something like this still happened, it’s just a blast.
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this, i’m just so in awe of these people, i just don’t even know, show this program, yours beyond the bounds, so that all the people living on our amazingly beautiful planet can now watch and admire these extraordinary people, one writes poetry, the other is trying to draw a picture, no matter what, but you painted it in such a space, guys, this is such admiration. you guys are great, kudos to you bow, i bow to you from the waist to you, i admire you, i admire you, galin, i see you don’t really share yuri’s admiration, because during the story you covered your eyes with your hand several times, because you know, it was scary, and even looking at this, why did i close it, my head was spinning, but i was very scared, evgenia, but could a tragedy happen during such sprays? there something will fail in the equipment,
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how to make sure that it is really safe? mikhail jumps in places that are open only to professionals, and these are not commercial small organizations, where it’s a pig in a poke, you don’t know who imposed these ropes, you don’t know how they were checked and in general what quality of equipment there is, these are the places where mikhail jumps, professionals really work there, and this is theirs reputation comes first, so from a technical point of view, well, it’s clear that... once a year the stick shoots, but here these risks are minimized. natalya, such activities are generally regulated somehow, regulated, if something happens, someone can do something seek compensation? of course, such activities are regulated, there are various legal acts that regulate these activities, and i would highly recommend that when we come to such a site, do not hesitate to request legal documentation, but what to ask for?
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flying, right after the advertisement we will meet grandfathers who can fly, you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real cup, fмbet, russian football cup, nothing will help this patient, the doctor said, to mork means to mork, send us a corpse in therapy, let's go to the corpse and look at the corpse and
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the work here is calm, there’s such a thing going on here, words can’t describe , the patients are quiet, what was that? i think your body has run away, it’s true, the orderlies are violent, you sing smuram songs according to requests, but you’re sympathetic, what is this, this is vital, lord, and also adults, a dangerous way out, well, little lad, come on, i'm sorry, why did you need the killer's rear, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and ascafenultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. platinum credit cards do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. teinkov platinum can do this. get
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what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order, they ’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife , yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it.
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what height you jump from, 8, 7, 5 seconds. how did you even come up with such an idea? i came to sochi, i had an idea, my friend and i were flying there and discussed it. i say, here's an astronaut. leonov painted in space, to do this, well, i said, let’s come up with something, and that means i came up with a device, figured out how i would make paints there, how to do what, just like that i decided... so i did it against the background of this inner state of the soul, joy, there is some kind of fear, something else, and at this moment you capture, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, i did it how many paintings did you create during the flight? 28 pieces, i'm very curious to look at your work, we have the opportunity to do this right now. when i was still exhibiting them, i tried to post them on social networks, and i was pleasantly surprised when 80%
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said, but there is something in this, we see something in it. mikhail, i'll ask you to give us a tour of this makeshift exhibitions and talk about your works. this is probably one of the first works, when i returned from africa, and i was kind of impressed by these colors, some kind of shamanic dances, something else. and so i did. well, i took the paints, dipped it in, did it all in a jump , it happened involuntarily, this is the first work or one of the first, the first work was immediately taken from me , i gave it to the organizers of all this, this is the african version, this is the african version, well i drew everything else here bungee platform, this whole heap of what it is, well, imagine 5 seconds they told me, you won’t do this, i say i will, and before the jump you already know what you will draw or does inspiration come in just these 5 seconds? i first stand, get ready, the canvas is already fixing me, for example, and i think what i’ll do, it’s
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impossible to calculate everything, then i dip my fingers in paint, make a jump, that is , i kind of have two goals, to jump out beautifully to paint, well, that is the idea comes already in flight, yes, yes, yes, it’s instant, it’s not you come up with it and don’t repeat it, he has a sense of composition, how he does it is a mystery to me, you haven’t studied anywhere, yes, nowhere, never. aero-impressionism, i am sure that there are no artists working in this genre in the world yet, you have such vital energy, that’s why such masterpieces, mikhail, you know that i am extremely interested in how this all happens from a technical point of view, and we, of course , not in a jump with you, yes, but to me. i would really like you to show us how it happens, paint a picture in our studio, we have
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for this, everything you need, please, while i’ll interrupt you for a second at 70 years old, i set a new world record, i’m the first person in the world who signed an official document while jumping, so, when you jump to paint a picture, you put on a glove, yes , well, i put it on, because you dip the paint there, you kind of, yes, so that, well, then your fingers. that's it, okay, let's not do the second one, but i'm putting it like this, i jump right away when i'm flying, at this moment i start drawing only at this moment, not down there, not there because acrylic the paints dry quickly, you need to do it. i want to show you this picture i painted in china, this is the word sky in chinese,
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the chinese of course went crazy there when they looked at me, it took 7 seconds from 370 m, cool, let’s try to draw something, of course, what to do with this canvas, well, let me just take it in my hands, but you don’t put it here, because you see what it is like, i’ll just take it in my hands, yes, why acrylic paints, they simply advised that acrylic somehow dries quickly and is convenient doesn't spill. thank you very much michael for such a detailed demonstration, do you only do jumping or something else? i also started climbing the mountain; in 8 years i have already climbed kirimanjara, the base camp, four times. resta, peaks, the highest in dvalkan asia and mount ranhiskop. i fly in
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a wind tunnel, ride a horse, and jump with a parachute. how much money do you spend on this and where do you get these funds? well, firstly, i am an ambassador in sochi, that is, i come, advertise them all over the world, go there with their flag, and sochi is for you free pimples, yes, yes, plus when i am invited to be a speaker, i often travel all over russia, i even spoke abroad for three 3 years in a row. they made a film about me, showed it in europe, and they invited me from valencia, they called me from spain, invited me to a festival, so i taught there for 3 years in a row, subbort and so on, they showed me like, well, an antique thing, let’s say. so, that is , for you, as a practically professional in this business, many things are free, this plus additional income, and the most important thing is that you you see, by my example i show how to stay active as much as possible in adulthood, and i distract young people from smartphones, from various gadgets, so that they get more adrenaline here, you can still calculate how much money you
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spent on all your travels, million, well, let’s put it modestly, but before retirement, what did you do, and work as a driver? i was once invited to a practice nailing course and i liked it so much, i was so drawn in that i started doing it, you stand on nails, but i’ve been standing on nails for a long time. for about two years already, probably two or three, but the most important thing is that i’m a dreamer, i invent something, that i don’t want to be like everyone else, i climbed to the top of doventa, the highest volcano in asia and took 10 minutes with me nails, i stood for 10 minutes on the volcano itself, they kept recording all this on me, of course the foreigners there are crazy, that is, it became interesting to me, we
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have prepared special equipment for the meeting with you, please demonstrate how you do it? please, maybe someone else would like to accept, yes, there are two sets, if one of the experts takes a chance, what diameter is this, there are different ones, but you can see what it is, as far as i know, this is the tenth diameter, look, i ’ll take one tablet to yuri to see, this is what mikhail is standing on , take, take, take, you can try, but nothing will happen, nothing will happen, you got up the first time, but everyone got up the first time, i was afraid.
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now inhale on inhale get up, uh-huh, quietly, what are you doing here, you’re not letting me down, but you’re still standing, well, you’re a hero, yuri, bravo, how impression, you know, i want to jump from this site with you, and we can get to know each other better, that... i, i agree, that’s it, no question, definitely, what question, tell us about your impressions on the water, what did you feel? you know, i felt such a feeling that everything is possible for a person, if only there was a desire, an attitude, here one is looking for opportunities, another justification, everything, and this is great, such powerful energy comes from you that does not allow a person to relax,
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you understand that if you accomplished such feats, and it seems to me that any person can commit, therefore. applause for you, thank you, applause for you yuri too. anna, what is the benefit of being on nails? traditional evidence-based medicine does not recognize either the benefits or harms of nailing. is it dangerous to do this on your own? doing it on your own is naturally dangerous, you need to select these boards correctly, yes, because the risk of injury is high. if you want to do state-building, go to someone who knows. to a person to be instructed on how to do this, here is mikhail, you are probably just happy, the owner of incredibly good health, here unfortunately, i’ll disappoint you, that is, i grew up somewhat sickly, i was even in the hospital, i had bronchial asthma, there was a chronic disease, then i had a triple hernia of the lower
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spine, protrusions, sclerosis, chondrosis, and also before that, i had an operation with stomach bleeding, i got... my stomach was completely removed and during the operation, yes, three operations, my stomach was removed, i don’t have a lot of things, and i suffered clinical death, i say, well, what next maybe well, the doctor tells me, well, like everyone else, i need to take pills, take medicine, i say, i don’t want to be like everyone else, you need to take into account that not every person is capable of such feats, and it is necessary, preparation is needed, and physical activity should be feasible, don’t think, i don’t encourage you all... to jump at all, i just proved to myself by my own example that this is possible. mikhail, what are your future plans? eh, of course, my very plan, which should not have... will come true in the twentieth year, but according to everyone we know reasons, pandemic and so on, i had to jump into the crater of the velerika volcano, this is in chile, this is a 200, 2.5 km volcano, you are secured by
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a salaskah to the helicopter, which means you are holding on to vices, in the helicopter there is such a military pilot and jumpmaster, who told me there, and i had to fly for about 25-30 minutes to this very volcano, plus i wanted to jump from there, is it...
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as a pilot? no, flight mechanic. retired due to age? i retired at the age of 42. it was very difficult, but why so early? and it’s sad that i was written off due to deafness. i lost all my hearing. in one ear. what did you do after that? went to the city telephone network. do you remember how the thought of skydiving came to your mind? i heard the news for the first time that the chief cavalryman of the soviet union, semyon mikhailovich budyonny,
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at the age of 80, also jumped from a parachute for the first time, and of course this affected me, i have 10 thousand hours of flight time, and i don’t have a parachute bust was, so i... decided to try the sky in free flight, already in a couple of minutes we’ll see what else extreme grandfathers surprise with, the fabulous anchovy, hey, what are you doing, and the senior operative authorized by the ship, the senior operative, i ’ll be older than moltz, well, give me the key, tia, come on, where am i to blame? nikita ponfilov without a dog , well, let’s go sergei zharkov and dolphin, it was yours, mine, and
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vasilisa’s name is dolphin today at 20:00 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. you did 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, appept can help, it helps restore memory and attention. naappept to head worked. with the tenki platinum credit card they do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tinkov platinum as best he can. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tinkov, he’s the only one. trimet can eliminate the cause of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, acting in a targeted manner. spasm or impaired motor skills, trimidate, feel life, not abdominal pain. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why? moscow coffee shop on the ground, a combination of traditions and advanced
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these are collectors. money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as i don’t want to blow away dmitry malikov with sparring, bravo, vobra, your performance, just a complete merchant, stars, final, today six finalists will perform before us, but there will only be one winner, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv, beyond. they conquer volcanoes and waterfalls, and fly to visit on a deltoplane. this is not about superheroes, but about ordinary grandfathers. vladimir, at the age of 75 you decided to skydive? yes. did your family dissuade you? family, she didn’t even know about my plans, since my children do not live in novosibirsk, but far away. and my wife reacted to this completely, completely from the concept and... without any excuses,
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at the airfield they immediately agreed to take you, they didn’t immediately agree to take you, they told me, this stubborn grandfather, who wants to jump at the age of 75, if he passes the medical commission, we don’t mind, but before the jump you somehow prepared, no, well, the instructions were forward to the sky, well, the instructions were in that parts that needed to be shown and... in conjunction, i didn’t jump alone, i jumped with an instructor in tandem, how it all went, great, i have all this filmed, let’s look at this filming and continue , see. ut opened up,
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great, great mood, right under the dizziness, good, well done, thank you, earth, hello, yes, look, but it’s immediately obvious that we have a happy person in front of us, well, yes, there ’s nothing to add here, and as they say, the madness of the brave, we also sing a song, because at this age we take on some kind of hooliganism, so let's call them extreme, this, this is worth a lot, and i respect such people,
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they were not afraid to let my uncle go, we were of course very worried, after all, age, but he was very active and assured us that everything would go perfectly, he had all the necessary necessary preparations passed, so we just accompanied and watched, in your family there is only one uncle who is so in love with the sky, no, now i continue my flying profession, i am a flight attendant, and you know that for his next anniversary, my uncle also wants to jump with a parachute, yes, he shared this plan, we are worried, but... if your health allows, but i see that you admire your uncle, be proud, of course, of course, the whole family is proud of him, it’s impossible not to be proud of such an uncle, he is so active and loves life, vladimir, we wish you iron health and fulfillment of all
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yours plans, thank you, in secret from his wife, he bought himself daltal in the studio on kentiy novgorodov. hello, hello, hello everyone! no, i tried to learn three times, but since you all see that i’m wearing glasses, i was immediately suspended because of this, wait, but for when controlling a deltoplane, vision is not so important, of course it is important that he can see where to land where to fly, but some kind of special
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certificate, training is required, my device, it weighs up to 115 kg, and in russia now all devices, including small helicopters , airplanes, up to 115 kg... they do not oblige them to receive registration, numbers and do not oblige pilots to study them officially, that is, in fact, anyone can buy a hang-glider and start flying, this is the weight category only up to 115, and where do you get it? did you buy? i ordered it from a private manufacturer in the city of ulyanovsk, assembled it myself, studied for two months myself, also on my own, found soviet literature on aerodynamics, on flight. and from the internet, it means that people i still have experienced hang pilots, they advised me, what is the size of the hang pilot, the wingspan is 7 m, where do you store it disassembled in the garage, and how did your wife find out about your
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purchase? there was an event for the birthday of our grandson, and in front of the company now i laid out the truth that i want to become a pilot and fly. everyone there was in shock, well, once the job was done, the device wouldn’t go back, remember the feeling from your first flight, but it was definitely euphoria, i flew for a long time until it got dark, until the sun set, i wanted to sit down, then i got scared, i was a little circles did not dare to sit down, and i went to the van, so as not to name it, and decided to sit down in almost complete darkness, i propose to see how you conquer the sky?
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scary, but beautiful. i generally admire and am surprised at the people who are doing this, they seem to be of retirement age, let's go rest, they don't want to sit, they are drawn to the sky, they are drawn to the mountains, they all gave me some thoughts, and maybe, the devil knows, try, i'm looking at these great people, amazing, i want to jump down head, i want to sit on this flying saucer of yours, you are flying, you have no one, you are alone.
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what speed are you flying at? its maximum speed is 70 km/h, and its minimum speed can fly 40 km/h. that is, you can fly quite low? yes, i constantly train myself to fly when i come across it, so that the wheels declare for tops. did any unforeseen situations happen during the flight? of course, the year before last i flew to see my cousin, he was sick, 100 km away from me. lives in a village, i flew to him, but the weather was bad, it was windy, there was also a thunderstorm somewhere there , yes, well, i thought it would blow me away, i flew into this gnawing at an altitude of 300-400 m there, there was a strong wind and the clouds are flying faster than me, i wanted to run away, but my device is 60 km away, often it just flies, i couldn’t run away from the clouds, and i had to fight my way through this i'm sad, they managed to reach my brother, but i... i'm all out of breath, how my brother reacted when you
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got to him in this way, his relatives, like everyone else, were on their ears, and the engine itself was reliable, it wasn't like he stopped at your place or jammed it, last year i flew up at an altitude of 300 m, and my engine stalled, i was scared at first, then i remembered that every flight i land on, it’s like i’m on a dead engine, but he has his own hang glider. .. what to plan, this is his main advantage, he flies without a motor, here they installed a motor, he started to take off from the ground, but it can land without an engine, where you managed to land, and allaz turned out to be smooth, my wheels are good, they installed them, i leveled the car, sat down in normal mode, listen, well, you’re talking like that professionally, well, four steel whether you are a member of some flight club, i organized my own club, while i am the only founder, i made the club for myself. have you tried
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to persuade your wife to join your aviation club, so that there are at least two of you? my wife has been in this club for a long time, without her my endeavors would never have come true, you are absolutely right about kenti, your wife is already ready to fly with you and knows that you have already had your eye on a two-seat deltoplane, in the marianna novgorodova studio. hello, maryana, what happened to you when you found out that your husband secretly bought such a device for himself? of course, at first i was shocked, and then, once the job is done, i just need to support it. maryana, your children and grandchildren are proud of ikente, we have been living for... the eighth year, we have three children and eight
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grandchildren, of course, the children and grandchildren are proud, well grandchildren and children probably dream of going on a flight with inakenty, yes, yes, they want, of course, inokenty, how high a deltoplane can rise, it can rise up to 2 km, and my record, when i was returning with my brother, is up to i flew from my village at an altitude of 620 m, this year i’m just going to try to really fly on purpose. we were going to see how much it rises, that is, there are plans to rise higher, and what else is in your flight plans, attracting like-minded people, yes, so that people come and find out, we wish you, of course, always clear skies, thank you, thank you, our next guest was an engineer for 30 years, at 65 he became an extreme cyclist, in the studio anatoly sherstobitov with his girlfriend.
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hello, hello, hello, anatoly, what tricks are you already capable of? jumping into a paralon, i can throw out my arm in flight, take my foot off the pedal, i can do a 360° turn, your health allows you to do such physical activity, your health allows me, but... coach, did you count how many times you did you fall? well, up to ten times. yes, of course, do you go to competitions? yes, on i started participating in competitions after a month of riding, i rode, but i was very inexperienced at the time, but i still rode over all these figures in the park, i was applauded, of course, i was awarded,
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even teenagers applauded this grandfather’s masterful trick on a bicycle. in a few minutes you will see for yourself what he gets up to. from birth, emilia considered herself the sibling of twins, but at 14 she found out that she was adopted. dad told me: “daughter, there is such a house, happiness, this is a maternity hospital, and we took you from there.” and her biological mother abandoned her immediately after birth. there is a cradle, there is a girl in it, and the nurse goes, whose girl is this? she says, yes, no one, my name was left. elmanova’s biological mother is anastasia, and naturally, my mother changed me, they did it so that she gave birth to dvenashki, will she find out why she was abandoned? the parents came from the maternity hospital and brought two baby dolls. we conducted an investigation and found a resident of kaliningrad, my mother’s name was nadezhda, whether the supposed biological
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twice a week is firmly entrenched in his schedule, everything is running like clockwork, the man assures. tire pressure is required, five atmospheres, in order to ride well, it rolls off like this, everything is fine, and the handbrake, you rarely have to use the brakes and pedals same.
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evgenia, what do you think of the stunts, anatolia, they are amazing, the ramp is also expensive, this is the feeling of taking off, it is comparable to free flight. anatoly, how did an engineer turn into an extreme sports enthusiast? a friend of ours rode a bicycle at work, and i was attracted to it. and gradually. gradually i bought a bicycle, and how old were you then, i was 55 years old, how did your loved ones react to your hobby, negatively, who supported it? a fighting friend is sitting next to you, lyudmila, did you meet a cyclist or another engineer? i met him 8 years ago, he was a simple ordinary engineer, had nothing to do with sports at all, in principle, well, i think, probably not... perhaps we have a youth palace, and next to the palace there is a playground, there are small slides, there mostly, of course,
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children ride on scooters, on boards, on bicycles, when i saw this, i told him, let’s see, you’ll like it, well, let’s see, we’ve arrived, i see, their eyes are lit up, they’re riding, bicycles, he says, boy, can i go for a ride, the guys say, well, yes, take it like that, not confident, a bicycle, they give him a bicycle, strengthening his heart, he took it, rode, and even fell, well, he stood up and apparently, well, like some kind of push or something, this gave him something to overcome himself or wanted to do just at this very moment moment to master this sport, these slides, this bicycle, lyudmila, and young people are really delighted with your friend, well, of course they are delighted, they respect him, treat him well, that is, they recognized him as one of their own, he them in the company, that is, he is also an athlete, he also practices, that is, this already says something, i... anatoly, we wish you new achievements and a good balance to you. balance is a necessary thing.
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maria, what advice can you give to all our guests today? of course, first of all, this is safety, this is preparation, please take care of yourself, your loved ones love you very much, they really want you to be with them as long as possible, in good health. and to all of you, of course, success in implementing your plans. we wish that every pensioner’s life is in full swing and their health does not fail. we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. a 15-year-old man is suing his neighbor because of her love for murks and leopards. then at one fine moment she flooded us. at first i thought it was just an ordinary bay, water, but experts proved that it was. there was urine, now she currently has eight dogs and 20 cats, the smell is spreading, cockroaches, smelly, she is doing a good deed saving
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homeless animals, the woman herself insists. and the neighbors are unfair to her, where should i take it? a patient, a sick cat or dog, i treat them, all my animals are sterile, you have brought the apartment to a state of unsanitary conditions, it’s homeless, how the residents of a high-rise building will cope with the neighbor’s zoo, we’ll find out tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. only at the age of 14 did she find out her name, her date of birth and the fact that she never had a twin brother because she was an adopted daughter. emilia tsybulskaya contacted us for a dna test. hello, emilia, please take a seat, what happened when you were 14 years old, when you found out the truth about your birth? well, it was my holiday, i was 14 years old, i received a passport, my parents
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set the table. well, i invited my girlfriends, everything was fun, great, then the girls started to leave, and when everyone left, dad told me, daughter, let’s go talk to you in the kitchen, well, i thought dad was giving me some other gift. she was cooking, so joyful, i followed him, i came, and he said to me: you know, daughter, there is such a house of happiness, i stand there, i can’t understand what kind of house of happiness it is, i say: dad, what is this? he says: this is a maternity hospital, and we say, daughter, they took you from there, of course, i immediately started crying and couldn’t even say anything, it was such a shock for me, i ran into the room, he tried to stop me here, i ran away and for 2 days i didn’t talk to anyone at all, nothing at all , as if trying
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to understand all this, how is this possible, why is this so? did your parents somehow try to calm you down? of course, of course, both mom and dad, they tried to come into my room more than once, tried to talk, but i didn’t make contact for 2 days, in general, it would be better if they didn’t tell me anything at all they told me that now i’m 39 years old, and i would live and not know anything, but you asked dad, in the end, why did he tell you all this, then how would i find out later, he and my mother agreed...
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because when i told her that i submitted an application on social networks to find my biological mother, it’s clear that this is unpleasant for her, somehow jealousy, well, these are the moments, i explained to her, i say, mom, what do you think, i will even if she is found , you are the only one for me, this will not change anything. ekaterina, do you think that maybe a child really shouldn’t know the truth? if he was adopted, or simply 14 years old is not the most suitable age for such. revelation, well, in fact, 14 years is the most inappropriate age for this, for such information, the child is going through a difficult transition period, he is developing as a person, i believe that the truth needs to be told, because you know, it is better for the parents to tell themselves than to present it strangers, depending on what format, you know, and it can be very tough, the child will suffer even more,
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yes, yes, that’s exactly what they were afraid of, well there was a moment... that you once heard something from someone somewhere? no. emilia, did your parents tell you how you became their daughter? yes, yes, my mother told me, she went to kaliningrad to give birth to serezhenka, well, not that she left, they celebrated holidays there and it so happened that she became infected and ended up in maternity hospital number three, gave birth to a boy, two days later she says, i swore and went out into the corridor. i look, he says, there is a cradle, there is a girl in it, i say, she came up, she says, pretty, dark, so brown-eyed, and the nurse is coming, i say, i asked her, whose girl is this, she says, but not whose, she’s a refusenik, mom says that’s how it is, she says, i’m so upset, how can it be to refuse like that, well, then on the same day dad came, she says seryozha came up to him and said, let’s take
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the girl, she says she’s so pretty, well , he says, well, dad right away... he was also kind of in favor, let’s take it, it turns out that your mother left the maternity hospital with two children in her arms, yes , with your own son, who was about to appear in the world with you. yes, but - they did it like that they say that she gave birth to twins, my brother was born on february 4, 1985, and i was born earlier, on january 20, also in 1985, and they timed it so that both would be on february 4, and so, according to my passport, everything is on february 4 , and your parents also already gave you a name, my name was left by my biological mother, elman...
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it was a mistake by the doctors, they took him out with scabs, i don’t know for what reasons, they damaged his vertebrae, well , something like that, that is, a child in general he couldn’t hold a spoon, couldn’t speak, he couldn’t do anything at all, but well, as if naturally, it seems to me that he didn’t even understand that i was a sister or a mother there, it seems to me, well , he’s so honest, excuse the expression, and seryozhenka, forgive me, what? the child was like that, the doctors told her that if you give up on him, he will die sooner or later anyway, well, he’s not healthy, well, how can mom refuse, of course not, and you were a healthy
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child when your mom took you, i, too , had an innate heart threshold, and they also told her that there was no need to take me, well, my mother somehow did well with me, she says, there's something inside me just like that. i need this girl, your mother deserves great respect, she was not afraid of the difficulties that might arise for her, yes, i don’t know, i’m grateful to her, i always tell her, mom, if it weren’t for you, i don’t know what it happened to me, she raised me, so kind, sympathetic, but i love her very much, i don’t, i can’t imagine my life without her at all, this is my very best... light, i love her very much, mom, i love you i love her very, very much, and i will never give her to anyone, and no one will replace her, except sergei at your foster home parents had children, yes,
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i have an older toling brother, well, in general, he didn’t know anything, when my dad told me, he served in our army, and it’s like he never knew this story, well, he didn’t really know it at all, yes , but when... he came from the army, well, i thought it was necessary, because i always told him everything, shared everything with him, there was even a first love, when there was a story, and i and he came from the army, i told him , little, i say, can you imagine, i’m not my own daughter, but he told me, what are you talking about, what nonsense? you’re not my own, well, come on, he didn’t even believe it, then he seemed to learn something from dad, then he already said it, tell me, what was your childhood like? i had a wonderful childhood, of course my parents spoiled me, my mother worked as a guide then, she traveled and brought a lot of all sorts of things, i remember how once she
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brought me such a colorful satchel, they had just left in moscow, and there we didn’t have them in the kotlas yet, a hat, a colored one, a scarf, she got me ready for school, i’m going to... school and i think, god, how am i going to go there? this confession, tell me, we can say that the relationships in the family have changed, no, no, that is, love is like even this, this whole situation has become even stronger, love has become even stronger, for me, for me, it’s not that even love is clear, for me. .. respect for parents, such for such an act, i don’t know, but not every woman is like that, well, of course, that’s just me
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i began to understand things when i became a mother myself, when they decided to look for their biological relatives, the idea, well, in general there were thoughts, well, a long time ago, one might say, almost from the moment i found out, but to find her. yes, well, somehow later i let go of this topic, that’s more, that’s all , childbirth probably played this way on me, to find her, that is, you want to find a mother, yes, i want to find a mother. understand why, that’s why it’s like this, why they treated you like that, yes, yes, well , maybe the reason for the refusal was indicated in the refusal form from you, i don’t know, my mother told me nothing about this, she probably doesn’t know either, because she didn’t tell me anything about it, but what is generally known about your biological mother, oh, what is known, well, what is her name, hope elmanova, she was 19 years old, so she... gave birth
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to me in a maternity hospital in the city of kaliningrad, maternity hospital number three and refused. daria, do you have an excuse for a woman who leaves her child? there are circumstances in which it is simply impossible to do otherwise, and it happens that especially for a girl she was 19 years old, she could, well, be mistaken, or i don’t know, no one supported her, and so on. well, there may be completely different circumstances and we also don’t know how she experienced this moment later, it’s possible that it was the most terrible tragedy in her life, there was some kind of stress, maybe it doesn’t matter what caused it, maybe parents pressed, maybe there were no parents at all, maybe a young man or a husband, well, probably a young man, maybe she was not married and he somehow put pressure on her, but it seems to me that there was some kind of very stressful situation and - just like that, it was under the influence
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of circumstances, you know, i don’t know, i have no right to condemn it at all, but whatever it is, i still somehow hope in my heart that maybe she was afraid, maybe the parents threatened something, there is nowhere to go with the child, well , there are all sorts of cases, as if i somehow refer to something like this. emilia, you said that your adoptive mother is worried about your search, how is your father? applies to your wish, well dad now i’m not alive, but he never got involved in this conversation and somehow, but he always agreed with mom, if mom says, then mom is right, your father has passed away a long time ago, and dad is no longer there, almost he’s been with us for 10 years, of course it’s a pity that he’s gone, it’s very difficult for my mother, of course. do your
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brothers know that you want to find your blood relatives? serezhenka is not there, because he has also been with us for a long time, he died, he was still 9 years old, well, i am 9 years old and he is 9 years old, because everything seems to have been so broken there, i i say, the child is a vegetable, nothing at all, even these some movements, well , he didn’t even move his eyes, that ’s how mom is always, she’s always somehow, he ’ll get better, i i'll cure him. well, after all, brother anatoly knows, well, either face or face somehow he’s not very good, i talked to him about this topic, but he still has this, we won’t give you to anyone, but i’m going nowhere i didn’t get it from you, well, somehow he’s jealous, because he’s always here for me everywhere, but somehow he’s not an adopted brother approves of your zeal. find biological
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relatives. in the studio anatoly shamin. hello, anatoly. hello hello. why don't you approve of your sister's decision to find a biological family? well, first of all, i just don’t understand this woman. well, how could it be, you know, we grew up with her together. i remember this miracle. you see, i remember this miracle. this is how i am . and how could you just take it , you know, well, i think that she just doesn’t need strangers, for me this is very important, firstly, i want me all my life the question is tormented: why, for what? well, maybe we really will have more brothers and sisters with you, but the fact that we have our relationship, well...
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and they brought two dolls, they immediately made it clear to me that anatoly, you now have a brother and a sister , you have to protect them, babysit them, like... and love them, in principle, well, help, babysit all that, well, parents right away, and you know, well, well, by the way, i didn’t even share, brother , sister, i loved the poem equally, what emilia
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was like in childhood, well, honestly, shabutnaya was, shabut, because, well, like an older brother, naturally, he was with her, well, it happened and... even there, you remember this moment, i’ll tell you, i was already in high school, somewhere in the eighth grade, probably i’m going faster from school , can you imagine, she’s coming towards me, she comes across me, she’s wearing my mother’s shoes, she’s smeared her lips, well, it was something with something, i’m saying , oh my god, i’m saying, well, where are we going, this phrase, i still remember di scanteca and i i say yes, of course, i didn’t go anywhere dressed like that, i say, well, then let’s go home and dance, and do you remember the day when emilia told you that she knows the truth, yes, i remember, i was already 20 years old, i had just arrived with the army, so it turned out that we went together to
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a disco in another village, we danced there and we go, as they say, back and mila says, you know what, my dad told me that i was my own daughter, well, naturally, i didn’t believe it, i thought, maybe just some - a cruel joke or something, but we thought what biological relatives might turn out to be your sister, it seems to me that they still lead some kind of inferior lifestyle, and they wouldn’t want such relatives for their sister, but of course not, andrey, do you understand anatoly’s fears? regarding relatives, it’s clear that they may be dysfunctional people, and he naturally worries about her, is afraid that she will no longer receive some kind of mental trauma, of course he wants everything to be fine, he is ready to protect her, respect to you , appreciate, love your brother, of course, of course, he is
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always like such a support for me, and for me my husband is also like this, but somehow my brother is like this... well, somehow, this probably won’t play any role for me, because i’m looking to understand why, not because i want to be there , so that yes, to be with this mother or something, i just want to hear from her, why, for what,
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why, remind me that you know your biological family, well, what do you know what my biological mother was.
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example for me, did your parents always treat you the same? yes, our parents never separated us, we were always the same, tell us about your most vivid memory from childhood? it’s probably hard for me to remember something like this, somehow after the loss of my mother it’s hard to remember something, my mother died 19 years ago, and after that it was like... well, the memories disappeared, how old were you then, i was 13 years old , and what happened to her, the heart attack happened at night, that day... i was with my grandmother on vacation, i arrived and in the evening
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i saw that my mother was not feeling well, so we went to bed, i slept in my room, and in the morning i dad woke me up and said what we have here such a misfortune happened, that night when my mother became ill, my sister was not around, she was with a friend, preparing for exams, so my dad also told her in the morning, she arrived and she was right next to me, here we are... . at every moment we were next to her, she really supported me, for my father, for yours it was also a tragedy, yes, for my father , of course, he didn’t have a face on him either, he loved your mother very much, yes he loved your mother very much, this is her first husband, no, this is her second husband, she had another marriage, like my sister another dad, that is, you are from his second marriage, and your sister is from the first, yes from the first, we have two different fathers, what year are you, i...
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again, dad didn’t marry again, but he met a woman, i don’t live now dad, when mom died, and he didn’t get married together, after some time he met, but they live with a new woman , everything is fine, that is, initially the eldest. it turns out that your sister was forced to replace your mother to some extent? yes, initially, yes, she replaced my mother, taught me how to cook and clean, that is, yes, she was right how the mother was in charge of the main house, what the older sister hid from the younger sister, and whose guesses will be confirmed or refuted by the dna test result, we will continue to understand after a short advertisement, happy birthday. happy birthday to you, happy birthday, the megamarket congratulates
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childhood together, well, i was waiting for my sister, i’m very happy. when she was born, i remember, straight, straight i remember, right before my eyes, how my mother started having contractions there when they took her away, but soon she didn’t go and we took her neighbors there , it turns out that she was in ore, then dad came for lunch, and we told him that mom was taken to the maternity hospital, he immediately left and arrived, she said that your sister was born, she said that you have different dads, that you are a daughter from your first marriage, and... the daughter of a second marriage, yes, that ’s right, i had up to 5 years, up to four , my mother lived with my father, then she got married for the second time, what happened to our father? that we had a good relationship with ochim - we communicated with my father, well, before his death, so
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to speak, he died in 2012, my own father, with sochim too... we still have a pleasant relationship to this day, do you call him dad? we call you dad, yes, that is, you had two dads, you had such a moment, your own father came to visit, and we were all sitting at the table, stepfather and dad, i was so uncomfortable, i always tried not to say the words dad, tell me about mom, she tried so that her love and attention would be enough for both of you equally, of course, our mother was the most beautiful, the best in the world, and she... no matter how it was clear from her that she separated us somehow, she woke us both up there in the morning for school, and would call and kiss two of us, gave us care, affection, love, we lived in a house with us - a vegetable garden, she was busy with the vegetable garden, she loved to plant flowers, her favorite flowers were peonies, so you
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each managed to create a good, happy family, as i understand it, everything is correct, following the example of your parents, yes, yes? i’m married, i have a child, a son, anya, i’m married with a daughter who recently gave birth, and do you remember the day when my mother passed away? yes, this is the hardest day, eh i wasn’t at home, my father called me and said, christina, my mother didn’t come, well , it turns out that she didn’t foretell anything of trouble, she didn’t foretell anything, she just didn’t wake up, you have grandmothers and grandfathers on your mother’s side, but on yours we also have no one on the maternal side, my grandmother died, i was 13 years old, and anya was 6 years old, there are seven. what was your grandmother like? my grandmother was also very wonderful, i loved her very much, i went to her every year for the summer for all 3 months, she was so kind, good, bright,
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she also loved us so much, and grandfather, grandfather we didn’t find, kristina, well, here’s your mother, it turns out she died when she was a very young woman, and what time did she give birth to you, 21, and anna, 27, yes, 27. until she was 21, you know how she lived? no, i never told you about anything, what did you regret? no, no, and have you ever felt that she regrets anything? well, at least she didn't show it. kristina, anna, the fact is that emilia from the arkhangelsk region turned to us for help. and emilia in this story. emilia, tell anna and christina, why are you here? well, i’m looking for my mother, biological, she gave birth to me in the city
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of kaliningrad, when i was 19 years old, it was january 20, 1985, she gave birth to me, her name was nadezhda elmanova, well, she abandoned me . left me in the maternity hospital, but then another woman took me in, adopted me and , as it were, christina, well, now, having heard this short story, and having looked at it more closely, you can assume that they were similar to your mother, well, maybe something there are some features that may be similar. face cheekbones, christina, no i can say nothing, i understand that you
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are shocked, anatoly, what do you say, does your sister emilia look like these girls, like anna, like christina? well, when anna came in, you know, i immediately looked at my sister, what about the hike? eyes, eyes, yes, yes, anna, when i came in, i, too, right here, everything was trembling inside me, so it was for me, with christina, yes, we somehow have this lower part, ksenia, what you say, it looks like or girls, it looks like one looks like, there’s something, i’m right when she came in. very similar, christina, anna, it seems to me that we are all now we’re trying to find some similarity between emily and you, but you can’t even admit that we
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could be talking about your mother, i just want to say, my mother told me that she gave birth, but the child was born dead, she didn’t even see him, this is what she told me, it was like this, who she gave birth to, she told me it was a girl. at what period of her life was this? it was before me, two years ago, the eldest says it was like that. did nadezhda call her daughter katya, not nastya? yes, but she couldn’t just suddenly change the name in her head, as if in write to nastya on the documents, and then say that this is not christina, are you confusing the name? well , maybe i’m confusing something due to the time, but i don’t know either. questions to the maternity hospital in kaliningrad, most likely, it seems to me, someone there could have signed this waiver, for another child altogether, if anastasia
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is written there, yes, but they really could have told her that her child died, one was buried, and the other is alive , well, the same thing could really happen, anna, kristina, but if this happens, they usually give some kind of document, a body for burial, she said, that she was buried, she said that she had come ...they would have buried her, well, that’s what she said , my mother, that your grandmother took the body from her family home and buried it, well, it seems like that was the case, maybe yours. grandma arrived and everything was a little different, well, i don’t want to believe it, but could they simply deceive your mother? i don't know, but what if a dna test confirms your relationship with emilia? and emilia will indeed turn out to be the same girl who did not survive according to your mother, we will be happy
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to accept. well, that is, somehow everything doesn’t fit very well, but to the girls’ stories, everything doesn’t line up very well, my mother always told me, dear, never, no, don’t think badly, don’t say bad things to her, you don’t even know the situation in which your biological mother left you and how i really would i never judged this and just wanted to know, right?
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why did this happen, of course, well, if it’s my mother, it’s a pity that she’s not there, she often goes to my mother’s grave, yes, we often visit the grave, my mother, we come, talk to her, clean up, we really miss her , of course, the sisters always live as one family everyone is supported.
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in a private house with a flowering garden, she and her husband planted these two cherries 10 years ago, the woman says, right after the birth of her son yaroslav, just now the summer season is coming, we often get together, barbecue, and especially now is such a time, when spring is so beautiful, another signature dish of the family is sea fish stroganina, it is usually prepared on special occasions, for the traditional evening... the mother and two also come to the cemetery. nadezhda koval is buried in a cemetery near
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village of kostrova, kaliningrad region. a full-fledged photograph is an engraving, yes, we can assume that this is true, emilia’s own mother, because the hairstyle, the nose, even somehow, maybe the look, the face, the shape of the face, it seems to me very similar, mother , you, i also noticed that we have such similarities with her, just in general, i didn’t even expect this, this, she has similarities, i think maybe there are lips, lips
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on the cheekbones. what forced emilia's adoptive mother to confess to her adoption? he'll tell you about it her friend, and of course, we will know the result of the dna test between emilia and her supposed sisters together in just a few minutes. is there anyone? yuri stoyanov. kolya, i’m including poro and roman madyanov. maybe it's time to come out of the muzzle. investigations are underway. the anesthesiologist has not yet arrived at the morgue, i revealed the crime to you, just like that , i brought it to you on platters, they caught you red-handed, illegal transplantation.
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6:37 pm one of the four cars could be yours, try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles in rostix to make money on your savings, i open tabs with a bet 17%. i can replenish. this is the dna program. siblings from kaliningrad underwent a genetic examination with a resident of the arkhangelsk region to find out if she was their older sister on their mother’s side? emilia, friend. your mother knows why the secret of adoption was revealed to you, in the studio of valentin grigoriev. hello, valentina, have a seat, please come, did you know emilia’s mother well? yes,
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of course, mililina’s mother and i were neighbors. and they helped each other and seemed to live next to each other. so, you know how it came into their family emilia. yes, nadezhda melina’s mother, her husband was from kaliningrad, at the time when they were invited to a wedding in kaliningrad, they already had a son, nadezhda was pregnant with a second child, she, in the ninth month they were invited, they did not refuse to go , they lived there for 2 years in kaliningrad. and after giving birth, after giving birth, they lived for 2 years in kalining and then they returned to our village again and came with two small children. and for the local settlement it was said that
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they had twins, but uh nadya, since we they lived very well in the neighborhood and were friends, she told me in confidence, shared it, gave me my word not to tell anyone, uh, that mila was adopted, so why did they reveal the secrets at some point? birth, but they revealed the father, as i later found out, well, my father, when she was of age, she was 14 years old, but she still doesn’t look a little like her parents, she ’s black, she’s dark, and in order to avoid any... there are such rumors from outsiders, so my father still took a risk. he didn't want to so that she would perceive it somewhere from the outside,
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somehow it would look more painful than the parents would tell. and your friend told you how she decided to take emilia. when seryozhenka was born, he was born with cerebral palsy due to the fault of the doctors, and he could not suckle the breast on his own, nadya, as she told me. from her i saw a newborn girl in the corridor, i was very surprised that why she was lying alone in the corridor, well, one asked the nurse, she said that this girl is a refusenik, well, nadya says, let me then i’ll feed her, i have so much milk and seryozhenka can’t suckle, and nadya began to feed the girl, she s...
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they adopted her anyway, but the waiver was definitely for the girl, and nadya said that there was already a paper, she said , that her mother is young, about 19 years old, her last name is elmanova, in my opinion, even the same name is nadezhda, and mila, as nadya told me, well, that even the name was given, nastya, and how do you feel, valentina, to emily's desire? well, of course i
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support her, i’d like to know if she has brothers, sisters, maybe what kind, where from, whose, well, it seems to me that anyone would be curious about this, valentina, this is christina, next to her is anna, not the sisters, their mother’s name was nadezhda elmanova, unfortunately, she passed away. what, when she was still a very young woman, she was not yet forty, what a pity, maybe they are your emily’s sisters, what do you think, oh, i don’t even know, maybe the mothers are just namesakes, maybe they have the same name, the same surname , but i don’t see any similarity, at least anna, kristina, maybe we are talking about another woman, a woman with the last name elmanova, but not about your mother, and your mother really
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gave birth to a girl named ekaterina, with whom a tragedy happened, maybe, maybe something like this, well, i think, my mother would not have been able to leave her, and knowing that if the girl was alive, her mother would not i definitely left it, as far as i remember my mother, she definitely wouldn’t have done that. tatyana, what do you say, in my opinion we may well be talking about namesakes, because there is one moment when the name is ekaterina and anastasia, but it still seems to me too, and i would like there to be such a result when they turn out to be family and they will be fine together, it seems to me . christina and anna, it would be interesting for you to watch, to learn more about emilia, well , if suddenly emilia really turns out to be your sister, yes, yes, let's see, we have a plot. every week, at the first opportunity, emilia tsibulskaya packs bags
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of groceries and goes to the village of grishinskaya, arkhangelsk region, to visit her foster mother. after a stroke, hope. shamina needs constant help, my mommy is paralyzed, i have no legs, i wanted i wish i could do it a lot more often, but i have small children, a household, well, all these nuances, of course, if possible, if possible, but only coming when possible. emilia herself lives in a neighboring village, newly plowed, with her husband and three children. in the near future, the family plans to rebuild the house and expand; we won’t have stoves here. there won’t be anything at all, here’s the central heating, how would there be more space for the girls here, this will be the room, well , like a big, huge one, and there we’ll already have a kitchen, now the kitchen is the heart of emilia’s house, and the housewife is a little sorry to part with this
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wooden stove, the woman uses it not only to heat the premises, but also to cook her husband and children’s favorite dishes, the stove is everything for me, i can do it here... both the first and the second, on the tiles, you can’t make something like this on a small scale, and i like to put soup in the oven, boil it, or peel some potatoes, add some meat there, everything is cooked in the oven, it’s so tasty, however, all their vegetables are fresh from their garden, says emilia, now she is actively preparing for the warm season, these are all my tomatoes, well here, of course, the varieties are all different. generally different, well, the family goes crazy for everything, my husband loves big tomatoes, but i like the kind for canning, there’s no shortage of meat and milk either, the family keeps a pig, a calf and a cow, well, we drink this milk i drink with my family, we make cream and butter, we do
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everything, my neighbors all come and ask for milk, because milk is very tasty, well , yes... anna, christina, do you have similar hobbies? no, you live in the city, nothing like that, don’t keep tomatoes on the window, but i would like to? no, in childhood we dug and dug. mikhail, believe that your dna will confirm your relationship. well, i wouldn’t say that they are all alike, each has its own special character, but let’s hope, after all, that the dna test will be positive. but with my mother the resemblance is definitely maximum hope, so i also hope that i also noticed them, christina, what is your feeling now, you will become a middle sister, anna, you will have another older sister? i think yes,
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most likely i will have another older one sister, anatoly, what do you think is the search for your sister emilia. will they be finished today? yes. emilia, are you ready to find out if you find what you're looking for today? yes. i invite daria popova, our dmk specialist, to the studio. siblings or strangers by blood? we will know the result of the dna test in a couple of minutes, be careful, watch at 19:00 on ntv. in the russian parliament, work is underway to form a renewed government, and the state duma’s agenda includes a discussion of candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers. in place of the first
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mishustin’s deputy is denis manturov, replacing andrei belousov in this post, whom the president proposed as minister of defense. consultations on candidacy of heads. in belgorod, rescue work has been completed at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a residential high-rise building. as a result of the attack carried out by militants of the kiev regime, 15 people were killed, 17 were saved, in total , 19 civilians became victims of attacks from the ukrainian side last sunday. the main news of the day: at 19:00 on ntv on the website in the application now. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. this is the security service. enter the code from the sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return
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guy. well, you’re still at the moscow opera, didn’t the boss get drunk? all the same. what's going on in the village? why is everyone so timid? he wanted to find those responsible for the death of his grandfather. there are such people involved in this topic. neither you nor i can make it. yours, by the way, is from moscow. but the main witness... in this case turned out to be a dolphin, the dolphin found him, then he brought me, my grandfather drowned here, whether it’s a coincidence or not, i don’t know, but what is he doing, questioning the witness, captain korablev rescued the dolphin when tanu, since then their language has been understood, someone in your department from your guys is leaking information, sergey zharkov, stand, hands, hold it so i can see, dolphin, today at 20:00! is this dna program two sisters
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or three? we'll find out the answer right now. daria, you have the floor. a positive dna test result will mean that thirty-nine-year-old emilia tsibulskaya, a resident of the arkhangelsk region, grew up in a foster family. was walking with her maternal sisters, whom she saw today for the first time in her life; until she was 14, emilia was sure that she is her own daughter and alone. of twins, but it turned out that she was not only not a sister, a twin, but also an adopted child with a different name and a different date of birth, and her biological mother, nadezhda elmanova , abandoned her immediately after birth in the kaliningrad maternity hospital, the supposed sister emily, a resident kaliningrad, anna
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koval and kristina. the poznyakovas cannot believe that their mother, nadezhda koval, who, unfortunately, has been dead for a long time, could leave her child, because she was a wonderful, loving mother to them. christina, ready to find out if you have another sister? yes, i'm ready. anna, yes, i'm ready. emilia, are you ready to find out if you met your own sisters today? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, sisters anna koval and kristina poznyakova, on the other, their supposed older maternal sister, emilia tsybulskaya. the probability is that you were born by the same mother, which means you are
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sisters by blood. 99.99,
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we didn’t know if you had them and where to look for them, then the day came when you saw your sisters, what do you say, well, we’ll communicate and communicate, of course, we have a general distance, but we’ll still be there as long as we have social networks, yes, we’ll get to know each other better as children, and then we’ll see, maybe we’ll see each other in person, and we’ll get together, yes, anatoly, you were very worried about your younger sister. girlfriends , yes, even you know, sometimes, well, girlfriends , because i have children there myself, sometimes i want to ask something there, well, it’s not not all the same, but i should know, yes, it’s like a mother, well,
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there’s something there, it’s like— then well, i think that i ’ll be here, call her there, now i have two sisters, both mothers, i can have them there teach me something, that is, in general, most likely we will take the experience, i really hope that emilia, thanks to your positivity, everything will work out, you are now like the eldest sister, make every effort so that the younger ones truly become like sisters to you , try, i’ll try, now i’m not the eldest. if you also need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow there will be a new dna test on ntv.
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assalamu alaikum.
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putin proposed andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense, and the state duma today approved candidacies for deputy prime ministers nominated by the chairman of the government, which blocs in the country's leadership were not affected by the changes. 15 people were killed, 17 were injured, the search and rescue operation in nashchors' house was completed, and the missile threat over the city remains. about the air strikes on belgorod. not a leopard yet, but already ready.


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