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tv   VIA Superstar  NTV  May 13, 2024 8:20pm-11:45pm MSK

8:20 pm
what, you’ll rent another corner for yourself, but i still want to live, while you’re sitting here and afraid of everything, they’ll burn you and shorn you like sheep, daughter, don’t wake up the dashing, by whipping a butt, you won’t survive, don’t you think about him, what does danya have to do with this, their entire police force was bought with fucks, they won’t forgive you if you say, lord, what... what, hey, look, the documents are for you, wednesday, i told you, but you didn’t i believed, you prepared, but i understood everything, so, now with you, andryukha, it’s great, great, great, great, but i don’t i knew that you were here, think about it, sympathize, brother, thank you, guys, sorry for not letting you know right away, life is a mess, i didn’t want to see anyone, understandable. i see, that’s it,
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how is it now? now it's normal. so, let's sit somewhere after work, what? good idea, then let’s go to the center in about three hours, but it hasn’t been closed yet? yes, how can you possibly have done such a renovation, boys, hello, hello, lara, hello, larisa yuryevna, hello, hello, korablev, hello, hello, larisa, you have changed, please accept my condolences. thank you, come to the center tonight and we’ll sit with the guys, well, if you invite me, i’ll come, okay, see you.
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and i personally saw this arsonist, stepan is hiding his eyes, what’s going on? let's go, sit down, they're buying up your white bay for development, so what? and whoever does not want to sell is allowed a red rooster, like your neighbor. wow, where are you looking? i’m looking at you now, i don’t have... a single statement, people
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keep their mouths shut, investigators write a short circuit in the reports, you can’t get to the bottom of it, well, no wonder it’s clear, they’re all around, no brainer, maybe it’s understandable, but there’s no paper, there’s no business, maksimovich, just be honest, maybe they gave you a paw too, but fuck you, i’m sorry, i said something stupid, really, watch your language, my grandfather didn’t want to either sell the house, why are you thinking out loud, okay, i’ll give you a statement, people in the capital live on taxis, here on taxis,
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stepanich, and wow, andryukha, i’m here now, wow, i’m here now, but andryukha, but andryukha is great, he did the trick! you guessed it right, stepanych, did they offer to sell you the house? that
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you don’t drink, that means they offered it to your grandfather, but he didn’t th... she's a great-niece, has she come on vacation or something? no, why didn’t things work out for her there in st. petersburg, here the doctors prescribed sea air for her son, so they moved here, well, they were given housing from this
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sectional center, but there are renovations there all the time, from which center, the selection center, in, and what is this? the dog knows him, ink, she, this one, she’s a biologist, but the biologist, this kidra, wow, you’ll break his tongue, yeah, why is she so interested in her, no, i’m just saying, look, she’s a beast with cockroaches, if anything, yes, oh, where are you going, let me go... see the boat grandpa, oh well.
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hello, so what? i'm another one of your employees. unfortunately, i don’t know her last name, her name is inna. she looks like a boy. her surname is caring. did you do that? how can i find her? give me your id again. we have a security facility, you only need a pass by hand. go to the reception, they will issue you a pass.
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who do you want, young man, hello, hello, and how can i find inna, careful, careful, let's go, hello, hello, tell me, it's been a long time since everything here has changed so much, relatively recently, about five years besides, i worked here for more than 40 years in the laboratory, i got used to it, well, i retired when i left, and the pension itself, you know, the director, thank you, he left me to the cleaning lady, but
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it’s clear that the grandchildren are growing up, well, i have a job i see a lot of you here, but i’m not complaining, there’s enough of you, why do you need it, gentleman or something, no, on business. well , okay, on the matter, but that is, she shows off the gentlemen without talking to the guard, but what is she even doing here? well, it’s none of my business, she deals with science, science. a wounded dolphin was delivered to her, she is nursing him, i promised to release it last week, but something keeps holding me back, so you have dolphins here, we have a lot of things, listen, you have the premises here, i see, of course, you can get lost, it’s still far away, but they’ve already arrived , oh, there she is, your careful one.
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what do you have here? this is our infirmary, stand here, wait, yeah, she ’ll appear now, yeah, now, my dears, they’ll bring you food now, hello, great, hello, what’s your name? vasilisa, vaska, what are you doing? here it is,
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your little one is hurting, yes, everything will be fine, no worry, everything will be fine, what ’s going on here, what do you need here, don’t calm down! what happened to her? she was wounded, now everything is fine, i repeat the question: what are you doing here? inno, hello, my name is andrey, we saw you last night. i remember you, i ask what you need here. i need you to apply . can you identify the guy who attacked you last night? for what? well , at least to punish him for this. listen! i’m already a pretty grown-up girl , i can decide for myself what to do without prompting, sorry, did stepanych screw you over like that, or
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what? get out of here, you're making them nervous, but don't be nervous, she just has a stomach ache, your fish is rotten, it's not true, it was caught this morning, no, it was caught last night, it doesn't matter to you, but for her it does, but vaska also said that you promised to let her go last week, it’s not good to deceive, what, who said that you were playing a comedy here? it’s okay, i’m not kidding, her name is vasilisa, not them, she doesn’t like their name, like, in general, your rotten fish, vaska, hold on! we are starting a superstar, the topic of today
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is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, but where is the re-transformation, in a nightmare i could not imagine the song would be sung. our passions are always running high, the premiere is on
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. vinaros is the choice of millions for varicose veins, because vinaros is designed to reduce fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs. vinaros contains two components that enhance the effects of each other. friend. vienarus can help for 1, 2, 3, one tablet. in the morning two components, three actions to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins, vinarus is as simple as 1 2 3 s... you may not notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atms, no simply profitable, alpha profitable! submit an application for free
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8:39 pm
they think correctly, because masha - graduate of a professional degree, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers are looking for a new culture in a large agricultural complex and are waiting for our graduates who know how to think and do. professional, you're in good company. roman madyanov, maybe it’s time to come out in public? yuri stoyanov, kolya, i’m turning on the emergency exit. what 's going on here? to be honest, it's complete stupidity. premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. i want to get lost with you, start the kiss.
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larisa yuryevna, what a beauty, tell me that i got married, tell me, have a drink, just a little wine.
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as on the personal front, wife, children, and you, but if this topic is unpleasant for you, you don’t have to answer, i won’t be offended, you too... “well, i have nothing to hide, i got married, have no children, i’m getting a divorce, but it’s all in the past for me,
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i apologize, i’m sorry, your phone is dying, i’m sorry, i need to answer, i ’ll be right back, andryukh, i think i said it clearly, the conversation is over, larisa, calm down, what a fly bit you, oh my god , lord, how tired of you all i am, but i don’t know what bites, i haven’t checked, but her ex might, but you know that yesterday i realized that it was all because of you, because of you i’ve sunk to... “what are you talking about, we agreed, you get yours, i get mine, what did you think, you gave me a piece to choke on ?” , yes, you are very deeply mistaken, that’s it,
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don’t call me anymore, well, what do you intend to do, you’ll find out, just like that, i understand, you ’re just tired, you need to rest, rest”? and hello to your cop, who is our ex? hog? hog? yes, borovikov sergei vyacheslavovich, i, too, was slightly swollen when i found out who she married, i thought he had been in prison for a long time, and would have been in prison if if it weren't for her. what was she saying? i don’t know, i didn’t hold a candle, i was missing a hand, but borf is all solid now, you know, the office is opposite mary’s, an authoritative
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businessman, as they say, he’ll come up with something, andryukha, don’t, andryukha, uh, what are you going on, uh, why lie down? , police?
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good morning, dear, i’m sorry, i wanted to
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give you a surprise. breakfast in bed, i didn’t have time, lar, i’ll probably go, you see, i did n’t eat, i didn’t bite, let’s go have breakfast, sit down, here’s the coffee. opposites converge, i'm an investigator, is he fences to get married? oh, i don’t know, they say a bandit, some kind of romance, and in general, to be honest, it was calm with borovikov, why do i
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need all this? yes, why did they get divorced? but we haven’t divorced yet, the trial is in a week and a half. and you are probably sitting and thinking, why did i contact her? there won't be any problems, right? lar. “i really have to go, i have a funeral today, yes, i’m sorry, we didn’t even talk about your grandfather, we didn’t talk about what, well, he was like your parents, yes, listen, what kind of construction is planned in white bay? i don’t know, i don’t want to know.” this
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sergei’s business, i’m not getting into it, borova, wow, we’ll see each other again, of course, okay, i’ll go, yeah, thanks for the coffee. the man turned a blind eye to his ex-wife’s flirting on the internet and forgave her for cheating on her with a colleague, she was a conductor, he was an assistant driver, they had an affair, yes, it was hard, we had to talk for a long time, even forgive her, these are not at all sisterly feelings for a cousin i couldn’t forgive my brother, i learned from her own aunt, she’s been in love with her cousin for 16 years.
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now he is tormented by doubts whether his ex is from him the wife gave birth to a son and a daughter? i have doubts, i will submit a dna test, i created a disgrace, a disgrace with my cousin was necessary. love not to play at 16 years old, fantasizes about denigrating me here in front of people, everything in order not to pay child support, your aunt personally saw how your brother pulled his hand out from under his t-shirt, a woman came who destroyed the family, i open the dna envelope, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger. a real sea of ​​taste, only delicious and dot. dima, dima, do you know how long, long, long ago you haven’t posted anything, and roaming with travel is free, post beauty! i'm zhanna bodoeva, i just
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find yourself in a universe of taste. cosmically delicious. cherkizova! the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money for free from one bank to another, the law has come into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable.
8:55 pm
guys, you wouldn't shoot yourself like that. greetings from the ships to borovo. oh trofech, now the sea has taken you too, well
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, at least you can talk to your friends there, it won’t be boring, but you still haven’t made peace with me. thank you all very much for coming, but there will be a wake, yes. in the evening come, let's remember, wait until evening, be patient a little, i'll go away for a while, where are you going, i have business in the city, yeah.
8:57 pm
hello, good afternoon, how can i help you? i'm telling borovikov how to report you? korablev, just ship everything, isn’t that enough? yes, healthy, healthy, glad you're alive. “me too, that too, since you’re alive or i, come in,
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i’m not there for anyone, of course, what did you come with, i was at larisa’s yesterday, that is, are you, bye...” came, yes, no, i just don’t want her to get in trouble because of me, that is, for her you’re like you're worried about yourself, so calm, yes, she's the one who's angrily cuckolding me, but i don't give a damn, they parted ways and that's the end of it, they messed everything up, no, not everything, what kind of things are going on in the white bay, but what difference does it make to you , your site is not included in the development plan, so live and be happy. last night your people set fire to stepanych, my neighbor, no,
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after all, you know, you can’t change the cop, you came to protect your grandfather, so keep it, mind your own business, you’ll teach me what to do and what not to do, okay , i won’t teach, i’ll give you advice damn, such people are tied up in this topic, neither you nor i can jump, yours, by the way, is from moscow. so breathe evenly, the kingdom of heaven, the land of peace, schoolchildren, and i want to tell you this, andryukha, mori took everything from you, and your dad, and your mother, and... your little sister, and now also your grandfather,
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here you did the right thing by leaving here, otherwise you would have been annoyed by your concern, why are you stepanovich, you’ve already had enough, i’m telling the truth, and i don’t have much left.
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fu, brawler, fu, place, good evening, good evening. stepanych, with you, with us, what will we load it or let him sleep, but it’s better to let him sleep, it will be calmer for everyone, okay, but you...
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thank you very much and accept my condolences, all the best, goodbye, yes, you will come, lar, i have guests, they just left , and that’s not all, i’m tired as a dog. are you scared? why did you go to him then? andrew, why are you silent, but i’m not silent, i, larisa, we just talked, that’s all,
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you’re scared, sleep first. then we’ll talk, andryush, andryush, andryush, wait, i wanted to tell you about your grandfather, not everything is so smooth there, you’ll come, i’ll tell you everything i’ll tell you, we have problems, madam is drunk and wants to talk to her muscovite about her grandfather, you know what to do. hmm, go ahead, forgive me,
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super star premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the fields. a combination of tradition and advanced technology of the highest class, taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. allergy, i wanted to ignore it. i am zodok, i help children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandexmarket. sportmaster presents norsland - an austrian travel brand equipment. buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and receive double cashback bonuses. the prime minister's emergency exit is today at 22:15 on ntv.
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lara, laris, where?
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what did you do with him? killed, or what? yes, everything is fine, he hit his head on the column, did he take the cabin boy? yes, with you, what to send a vein? come on, work, let's go, let's get out, we'll call the mint on the way.
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thank you, delbil. he’s actually alive, alive, just stoned, like that, yeah, yeah. the lips are just not like that, thinner, yes, yes, like that, uh-huh, good, it looks like, uh-huh,
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yes, i’m listening, yes, that’s normal, eyes wider, let's do it, yeah, you yourself believe that the ship could kill larisa, so look, he also had a scar on his cheek, right here. uh -huh, listen, slovich, i have no idea whether korablev slept with her or not, that’s it, i’m busy, a moron, in my opinion, he looks similar, i’m sure, uh-huh, oops, all the familiar faces, don’t sleep, korablev,
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andrey valentinovich, you’ve arrived to mirskaya late in the evening, did you have a close relationship? yes, we, friends, maybe we can explain to you the meaning of that? it means a close relationship, yes, close, came out, uh-huh, that’s how it all works out for you, korablev, you just arrived and you’ve already done so much, huh? how can you be sure that it wasn’t you who killed if you don’t remember anything? uh, who
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got the drug deal from him, remember? fuck you, and i always knew that you would end up like this, will you remain silent? well, a request has been sent to moscow, i’m sure that your superiors will tell us a lot of interesting things, yes, apparently, it was not in vain that i beat you for money at school, apparently it was not in vain that i ratted you out at school, well, in general, i advise you to remember everything and honestly . tell me, last chance, come on, take me to the cell, and you, great job, statement
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yes, now things will go, yes, i understand, aryuh, it’s not me, what happened to him? and you know him, but i forgot, you are the ship’s neighbor, koralev, this is the one who killed his mistress, listen, your mother didn’t tell you that it’s not good to listen to other people’s conversations, and especially official ones, your mother didn’t tell you that you shouldn’t official conversations in front of strangers to talk, okay, everything is foreign, he didn’t kill anyone.
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i don’t know, i can’t wrap my head around it, they called me, i’ll call you back, sit down, well, korablyov, he’s still high. well, of course, in refusal. what do you think? what i think? korablev buried his grandfather yesterday, he was in a lousy mood, so he decided to cheer up, got hold of a cabin boy, fortunately he had connections in the city of naval, then, well, then he was drawn to love, he came to mirskaya, she refused, but we know the ending,
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you really don’t like him love. hmm, well, at least someone must not love him, just for balance. by the way, i think that i got acquainted with the ship’s drug use in moscow, it’s easy for them there, so it’s unlikely that anyone from his superiors will harness him for him. well, we'll see about that later. who whoever doesn't will harness it. well, you know better. but i just don’t understand your sympathy for koralev. where are you going, free!
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why aren't you at work? but you need to know everything, but how? i filed a police report. is the chicken unreasonable? do you know what will happen now? i know that? he will be caught. by the way, your friend korablev was arrested, well, it all started, what have you done, i warned you, they were all bought there, don’t
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talk nonsense, he was arrested even before i filed a statement. they say you killed someone, happy birthday, megamarket, give me joy, only on the megamarket’s birthday, smart tv sber for only 9,990 rubles. this is a star show. late finale, what a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until it comes again, moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very moscow,
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friendship, i want to understand why there are people in our village? just because you’re paying them off, are you a fool, who is this, yes, i got microloans, they’re collectors, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, like i’m sparring i don’t want to screw dmitry malikov, bravo, wow, bravo, your performance is just a complete merchant, stars, finale, today six finalists will perform before us, but the only winner will be... on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza
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9:21 pm! hello, i’ve come around, well, it seems like yes, so what can you say, i didn’t kill her, at least you believe me, you can’t attach my faith to the cause, move over. you, andryusha, tell me, as best you can, where did the drugs in you come from, until the moment i hit my head, i had
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100-150 grams of vodka in me, that’s it, i give my word, you’ll flog, think about 150, my phone is intact , who was going to call, but no, it’s mine. i need it, there is a recording of how i came to larisa, she intact. maksimych, oleg, not now, the identikit of the arsonist is ready, he asked for it, urgently, i said later that i should yell, they, they, i need to examine you, careful, careful, i’ve been looking for you since the morning, where were you in the police because of arson, i have a certificate, it’s very good that you have a certificate, and i have a task for you, i’m leaving, the finishing foreman will come, give him this money, no, i need to go to sea, the sea will wait, careful, and hard workers no,
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they, vaska, vasya, vasilisa, and why was there any need to organize a cycle, i’m not ready spend so much time on you. yes, okay,
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okay, don’t grumble, i’ll change now and come. he did not have any phone with him when he was detained. and it didn't surprise you. how about searching? for what? did i take it from a corpse? yes, at least in order to figure out who gave korablev the drugs? what's this for me? my business.
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set up the base, let the escort collect the tale, well, yes, i might not have asked where the protocol for the search and seizure of korablev’s things is, i knew that you wouldn’t let him go to jail, nothing would come of it, he’s the one who will destroy the worldly things, goddammit, that’s how i let you sit in this chair, that’s the question, the rest is trifle, the documents are alive to me. well, they found you here, judging by the protocol, do you remember anything?
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does anyone have a charger? no, what did you do with him? killed, or what? yes, everything is fine, he hit his head on himself. did you take the yunk? yes, with you, what to send a vein? let's work, that's it, let's get out, we'll call the cops on the way and that's it, or what? how do i know, i was passed out, yes, not a big deal, this proves something, well, at least there is something. how did you even think of
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writing this down? moscow taught me, i have a friend there, a leader from the flight committee, came to his friend’s house to drink tea, and she dashed off a statement against him that he harassed her, why should she? and there the bandits bought it, it was necessary to exchange the fledgling for a more accommodating one, well , some acquaintance, otherwise larisa, larisa, larisa called me drunk, she says there with the death of her grandfather, not everything is so. clean, come, she says, i’ll tell you, even so, yes, no, you know, i didn’t know that lara was doing this, that she was visiting a corpse, we talked to her before, she didn’t even say a word, and then... when i told her about stepanovich’s fire, i saw that she somehow tensed up, so i decided to record it all, she was just divorcing borov, she might have known something about where we were going, okay, i’ll try to do something about it , and there were two people grazing near larisa’s house, i copied them back in the tavern, apparently
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the hog set him to watch her, in general, here’s the car number, maybe they know something about it, i don’t know, yes... i’m going to the boss, yeah , good afternoon, sergei vyacheslavovich, for whom is he kind, smart, the police detained a suspect, who? someone, andrey korablev valentinovich, current employee of the moscow criminal investigation department. was under the influence of drugs, his fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, bullshit, the police don’t think so, in any case, i , as your lawyer, advise you not to worry, there’s not always something to worry about, that’s why
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i’m still living, i hope i don’t need to worry about the fact that my lawyer is not aware of the state of my affairs, it seems to me that i did not give you any reason to doubt yourself, okay, if there is news, i will contact you immediately, goodbye, lenya, i won’t harness anyone for anyone, now, thank you, alyonya, i’ll be there now, what do you have? quick donut remember, he is leaving under the forest, so he set fire to the white bay, you see, now look, there is a statement, what do you want from me, how should you take what, do you need a capture group, what do you need right now, they didn’t whisper, he’s returning to the city tomorrow, well, come in tomorrow, we need to get andryukha out,
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he’s with his bagels, and then, why do we need a group, that we won’t take a bagel ourselves, come in tomorrow and coordinate the departure, i understand. hello, hello, did you bring the money? yes, now, hey, tarba promised to give everything today, but here he doesn’t even have half. listen, i don’t know, i was told to tell you to sign. hey, who do you take me for, they brought me thirty, and i have to sign for everything, yes, like thirty, it was 87, stop driving the fool around, count it, i don’t understand, but i
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understand everything perfectly, sign, you say, yes, afiryugi, and are you still called scientists? let's go, what did you do with him? killed, or what? yes, everything is fine, he hit his head on the column, did he take the yunk? yes, take that vein with you send? let's go to work, let's go, that's it, let's get out, we'll call the cops on the way, that's all, but isn't that enough for you? there was a worldly house in the house.
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thank you, ice,
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hin, in, exhaust, i already went to bed, well, nothing. “come out, are you crying, who offended you? no, tell her something, we’ll arrange something like this for andryukha and i, your andryukha is in prison, so why didn’t i dream about it?” "
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where did you see the inscription here for corpses, where something tells me that you and
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i won’t work together, but that’s okay, we ’re used to it here, our bosses here change often, the capture group is urgent, who knows, works at home, apologize here, emergency exit, go to the hospital, crazy. premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. extra gel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. with the timkov platinum credit card you always have money for purchases and free transfers. i will pay, and you will pay for me.
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of various denominations. keys, watch. what about the phone? what about the phone? i also knew, there are thoughts, who framed you, why are you silent? oleg, no offense, not a single living soul knew that i went to larisa, so i don’t even trust myself, in principle you’re right, in this situation it’s better to keep quiet, by the way, your neighbor filed an application, which neighbor, well this is a sfingalom ina
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careful, now the arsonist is on his way take it and i'll go. dip, come on, come on, connection, andry, yeah, i’m listening, they released him, yours. hulgans didn’t do his job well, now don’t take your eyes off him, evgeniy vasilyevich, what did you want? on what basis were korablev released, slow down,
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i know that this was at your instigation, so what? i said i would sort it out and i did. i didn’t promise to consult with you, by the way, i ’m aware of the lawsuit, i have the right to submit a report to the main headquarters, you have it, you’re zhenya aiming for my place, everyone knows about it, well, don’t be shy, go ahead.
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only at my signal, understood?
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no, look, these are freaks, but stop deaf, macaw, i'm sick of it already, there was no need to tank the cops. that's it, quietly, they called the boar, yes, sergei vyacheslavovich, it's a hoot, they accepted the donut, some sheep dashed off a complaint about it along the white bay, i told the sheep, i got it, i got it, we'll do it, let's go.
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come here, old man, where is the woman? i'd rather cut you into pieces, where's the woman? hey! it’s intact, it’s intact, but you probably overdid it, put the salt back there, it’s okay, it’s getting cold, the second one is where to stand up, braid, or i’ll save you now. i’ll arrange a solution, calm down, guy, calm down, i’m not in trouble are needed, as soon as we leave, ara, he doesn’t hear you, look, don’t accidentally let him know that
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you have it, injury, now you’ll find out, cool thing, it’ll fill you up, it won’t seem a little, that’s for sure, lie down, run, code, here, come on , be careful, you can, be careful, you can, you come here again, i won’t regret it, i got it, tell the hog, say hello from me, andrei korablev will find out, give me the gun, let him fight, get out of here before i give you up with him, well, that’s it, we kicked off, now they’ll bury me with you, they won’t, don’t
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worry, here are yours, they’ve arrived, sergeant, this is... yours, why, give me your phone number, and i need your car, i just need to warn you, that’s it, take it already, that’s it, i don’t need anything anymore, management duty officer, duty officer, hello, kind, with me connect, how to imagine, korablev, andrey, there is, oleg, great, great, listen, i just sent one gavrik to you, you hold him there for a while, otherwise i can smell...
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if you don’t besiege them in time, they will continue to trample . okay, you’ll drive up yourself, but there’s no need, i’d better run to the careful one now, otherwise she might run into them at work. and someone came to her, let them loom around the house, well, they’ll indicate the course, okay, i’ll come up with something, but be careful there, andryukh, don’t teach grandpa, so, come on, contact, andryukh, we’re starting, i’m super. the topic of today is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, but where is the retransformation, in a nightmare i could not imagine if the song would be sung by louboutins, my life.
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it happened, i came to warn you that not very nice people might be looking for you, this is very serious, what other people are dangerous, it’s my fault, i underestimated, i knew what i was getting into, i didn’t i'm afraid, of course, you have a stun gun, but believe me, for these guys a stun gun is like a fly swatter, it seems you have a child, yes, it seems to me, but you do, so you are you suggesting that i run away from here or what, it’s not such a stupid idea, i won’t run anywhere with the child, i can handle my problems myself, thank you, whatever you want, i warned you, the police are aware, goodbye, don’t walk in the dark.
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you can remain silent until you’re blue in the face, donut, but you’re in deep trouble, and no hog can get you out of it, what does the hog have to do with it, the boss, he has his own business, i have mine, that means. now they will tell you that the hog will tell you off and all that if you don’t hand him over, but remember the last word is mine, dear day, communicate, i won’t interfere, how are you
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doing, but things suck, they have a witness, well, in our business the main thing is not to worry about trifles, and tell the hog to... get me out of here as quickly as possible, the food here is very bad, they called , what happened ilya semyonovich, and it’s not enough for you what you’ve already done, i don’t understand why you think that i did something there, i wanted to come to you myself, ilya semyonovich, you have cameras everywhere here, please tell me , security, will see who had access to the premises, i left my backpack just for 10 minutes unattended, drop it, well, it’s all so clear, young, unmarried, difficult situation, you know, let me resolve all
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the issues, close the issue with the construction crew, if necessary with the police, and you leave right today, and so as not to set foot in yuzhnomorsk, understand? no, i did not understand. why should i leave if i didn’t do anything, brave, yes, but i wanted everything to be amicable, well, no, no, free. all of it is drowned in green gardens, the houses in it are on high pillars, the water understands this entire area, so it’s a village. emerges in the spring like venice, the old mosaic loves
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his unchanging passion, what? who is there? who has nothing to do here?
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well, look, this crazy person almost shot me, another question is who needs to be protected from whom, okay, okay, that’s it, oh! look, i seem to have collected all the documents, polished everything up.
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yes, no matter which way life turns, you’re not going to come back, i’ll come, well, yes, of course. not everyone is able to return here from moscow, they will point the finger at him, he couldn’t cope in the capital, okay, lisa, now the ship’s grandson will come to see you, show him the case, thank you, sergei nikolaevich, thank you, yeah. and you worked here before,
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you want tea, no, fruit tea, who wrote the examination, it seems, sobolev yuri petrovich, look, there is a transcript there, in the conclusion it is written that he died at low tide, it showed something else, here it is written: in the lungs there was salty fresh water, which is typical for tidal phenomena, but so what? should everything be summed up there? i don't understand, right? i don’t know, the conclusion is one thing, the examination is another, who wrote the conclusion? worldly, larisa yuryevna, i just feel so sorry for her crazy, she was so beautiful. listen, there’s no need to push so hard, it’s fine, i’m lucky that
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there will be complaints, why did you steal oranges from grandma, you didn’t steal them, you took them, you threw them away anyway, where am i, what’s going on here, they want to take the body from us, oh, here they brought it, lie down, lie down, where did you see the inscription here for... group where, something tells me that you and i won’t work well together, but that’s okay, we’re used to it here, our bosses here change often, the capture group is urgent, sorry, emergency exit, this is not a hospital, home, premiere, today at 10 p.m. ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at
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at a super price, rub 399. leamax, purchases with a plus. call us or order ours. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. vaska, vasenka, vasilisa, the whims begin again. vasya, honestly, she was just alive. careful. yes, in what's the matter, you'll have to travel with us, get ready, what's the matter, he's not a job at all, neither are we, let's hurry up, you've been detained on suspicion of theft, what the hell, what 's wrong with you, nothing, who? vasya, don’t worry, i
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’ll be back soon, tell her to be sure to feed her. andryukha, that's it, hello, yur, i'm sorry, i won't shake hands, i just came from the machine, you'll do it or so, i'm talking about my grandfather, you did the autopsy, yes, andryush. “sorry, i somehow didn’t realize right away, you’re damned to work at this, what’s going on with the examination, and what’s going on, that they lost it again or something, a mess, but no, they just messed up death over time, what can be messed up there, it’s still clear, he died during the morning tide, his body was found with a bite, there was a mark on his head, he received it during his life, but the pullet hit when the sborta fell, he died from this, no, the blow was a tangent, death came from drowning." by the way, they found salty fresh water in lekhi, but this is because there is freshness in the southerner, yes, yes, yes, we larisa and i also thought about it, racked our brains, but then figured out that he could
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drown with the love of the woman, because he loved it there fishing, yes, there’s just fresh water there, like that, whipping, here, listen, andryush, just without it, but the truth is, well , larisa’s murder was hung on you, what they hung, it’s true, what he killed, no, we’ll look for those who did this. okay, come on, thank you, yes, yes, andryusha, where are you going, and i have business, stepanovich, why are you so lathered up, we have trouble, andryusha, oh, trouble, the little guy has been arrested. i don’t understand, are you on edge again? yes , god strokes her in more than one way, you ask the duyan over there, he doesn’t recognize me as an opening at all, so let’s stepanovich
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order, the police turned the whole house over, they were looking for some money, well, i told her to shut up, i left her as an orphan, where are the car keys, well, where are they always, thank god, at least the car wasn’t taken away? oh, the catcher and the beast, the license plate of the car that larisa was hanging around at home turned out to be completely on the left, it is listed as a rusty lada, you, those who were sitting in the car, can describe it, i can, you better explain to me why the careful one was detained, this is the one it works for oceanographers, right? so there is a complaint against her, she stole money, maksimych, you know who she is careful, but she should, she should, yesterday she
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identified the arsonist, and today they opened a case against her, cool, so it’s her, damn, the head of the security department wants to lock her up for 48 hours, what 48 hours, by law she can’t be locked up, she has the child is small, and why are you yelling at me, i’m also a lawyer, what your careful one didn’t say about the child herself, excuse me, duty officer, detained in the cell, that’s right, hello, inna, excuse me, valerievna, yeah, i have where for interrogation, i want to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office,
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this would have happened long ago, but how is your eye, maybe i, thank you, thank him, tell him. goodbye, goodbye, come on,
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the ax is on... guys, but quickly. what are you about? you were set up to cast doubt on your testimony about the arsonists. and stop it. reveal, you and i seem to be colleagues, we both subscribe, i need to pick up my son, okay, tell me where to go, go to the kitchen.
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come on, come on, i’ll clean everything up myself, and i’ll put things in order for you, criminal, stepanovich, watch your language, and you too, defense attorney, well, who dared her to run to the police, now eat with a spoonful. sit here, don’t stick your head out, and don’t even think about grabbing a gun. it's good that you're here,
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there's no need to look. listen, don’t rub it like that, i ’m fine that there will be complaints, why did you steal
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grandma’s oranges? took it, it will throw it away anyway, why did you decide that it will be thrown away, maybe give it to someone, a russian, but they won’t be very happy, the cargo truck quacked, we’ll take it, in general, in general, it’s not supposed to be transported, who put it there, let's try the stairs now, but i ran away, this morijo weighs like a bulldozer, that's why you're here now you’re insulting, and who am i insulting, listen,
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please give up your habits, you’re not in this there in yours, after all, citrus fruits, but don’t choke on your citrus fruits, you and i didn’t drink in uddursha, by the way, let’s take off the oranges of the calm woman , you need it, will you take it off, some kind of disgrace? comrade, can you tell me if there is lunch there? why are you silent? i 'm asking you, is it lunch there or what, maybe they 're not open today? are you kidding me, i’m asking you, i’m actually a lieutenant from the investigative department. what
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are you doing something? excuse me, please, we are on the ground floor, nikolai ivanovich, wait, are you taking someone there? we are taking an old lady from therapy, i have to write a report, an official one. it’s not working again, and you’re not aware of the instructions on where to transport whom when? my apologies, i, i don’t understand, why should i hold this grandmother in my arms? carry the stairs, i wasn’t hired, excuse me, madam, wait, son, why did you press the elevator button, the man, by the way , had a stroke, and you stood up like a statue, you could
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have smiled for show, so that she would think that i i’m mocking her, grandma, if you want i ’ll feed you, she was happy to see you, why did you put this on, you know that mom doesn’t like it, grandma, can you hear me, you stroked it yourself, maybe after the operation, he's resting, come on , get out of there, what are you doing there, baby, come on, come on, woman!
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last week you took a healthy man to the police station, i don’t understand at all, are you just joking, or do you even have no idea what you’re doing? the nurse said, boy, we took the guy and took him. well, if you're healthy you can’t tell a person from a dead person, maybe you should find another place to work? guilty, vera, it’s true, it’s their fault, with the elevator the boy’s nurse began to develop, no, well, it’s not within any limits at all, well, that’s normal, it’s a child, at this age everyone is the same, no, what do you think, i have more things to do there is no other way but to deal with the complaints of patients, you were told, the dead. don’t carry it there, because i don’t understand why you have a dead woman in oranges, well , i didn’t even have an appetite in my pocket, well, there was no time, we just
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they really wanted the best, but as always, in general , gentlemen, no bonuses this month, oh, okay, y... free, good afternoon, on what issue? hello, i've been calling for 15 minutes, are you sleeping there or something, man, what do you want? i don’t understand, what do you mean it’s a private shop here, they wanted it, damn it, they opened it, they wanted it, they closed it, right? “i’m hurt, and the last attempt, please, i’m from the investigative department, this is where i should have started, there’s no need to shout, this is
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a dead department after all, so i’m calling, calling, damn it, no one comes up, i shout to the janitor, he has his eyes wide open at me, he’s silent, come in.” come in, i’m listening to you, investigation department, dmitry anatolyevich saikin, lieutenant, good morning, wow, kind, yes, what interests you, i came to pick up the conclusion at the pathologist for semyon gurevich, he is here, gurevich, no, wait a minute, and you... and we are orderlies, well, the killer has been presented, sit down, thank you,
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i’ll stand, here you go, well, the corpse, let’s go see what. , what are you looking at, a corpse is probably just like a corpse, here in conclusion it is written, a lacerated wound inflicted as a result of an accident, well, but it seemed to me that the wound was something cut, you know, i think, after all, everyone should mind their own business, you... so to speak, that ’s all here we’ll be here, well, no, well, what about some kind of civil position, maybe we’ll still take a look, to be honest, well, with the pipes it’s somehow not very good, yes, in general it’s somehow not very good, well just an interesting case, maybe i ’ll just give you the phone number, and you take a photo early, and then i’ll analyze it and, let’s try, well, look, this gurevich, resting place...
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look, this is a lacerated wound, i did this on another corpse, here is the wound of your gurevich, attention, you see, a puncture cut wound, as a rule, is inflicted with a sharp object, you see, it is inflicted by someone, you catch my thought, no, i get it, why in the conclusion it is written that the wound is lacerated, well, anything can happen, aleksandrovich could, excuse me, get confused or just hurry, i’ll go. yes, yes, yeah, thank you,
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again, all the best, great, guys, hello, what about the businessman gurevich, i the whole phone has already been cut off, but we are looking into it, most likely it’s an accident, we won’t open a case, we ’ll wait for the examination, yes, colonel, with permission, come in, saikin, come in, he brought the examination. that's right, well, just about the murder of the businessman gurevich, an accident, as i say, an accident, that means an accident, i think this is a murder, i mean, you think, i picked up the report at the morgue, the anatomist was not there, well, i decided examine the corpse just in case and discover something. here in the photo of aran
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gurevich, it is obvious that the wounds are stab wounds, in the conclusion it is written, with permission, colonel, so what are you doing here on your own, nothing is visible here at all, take it away, excuse me, he’s only recently arrived with us. kolovanov, you’ve ordered a re-examination, stabbed, cut, torn, re-assigned, exactly who will be in charge of the matter, so the lieutenant will take care of it, and there’s no one else, yes, he can handle it, he’s a smart guy, you can handle it. that's right, comrade
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colonel, come on, get it done, come on, get busy, go, even if you report the investigations to me, immediately, yes, come on, yes, stop, hunger, on, fly, come on , cope, cope, this is to cope, good afternoon, good, who are we going to inspect today, no one, they pinned the murder of gurevich on me, i hope they pinned it firmly, so what is gurevich well, it’s okay, they should start an investigation, report on the progress of the investigation, but what are you reporting here, if the investigation doesn’t involve anyone at all, everything just stops, there are no leads, they’ll fire golovanov for me and everything will collapse, perish. investigative committee, that's it,
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i'm just thinking, maybe you're an anatomist i was right about the lacerated wound, so, let’s go, where, there? there we will study wounds and how to inflict them, let’s not turn pale, all our patients are harmless, follow me, come on, come on, san, get ready, this is how we need to start, but stop, no, this is not that, but this is for the snowdrop, this is for you early, virgin, sixteen-year-old parachutist, yes... come here, to be honest, i’m from here, come here, i say, look, this is a lacerated wound, this is what’s wrong with you, i need to move away
10:31 pm
quickly now , the desk is sweet, it really, damn it, hurts, yes, brother, you’re nervous, no way damn, where did you work before the investigation, in the rubber industry, this, as a legal consultant, a specialist in labor relations,
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oh, so what, you should have continued to work in the rubber industry, yeah, i spent 5 years at the same table, and there are no prospects at all, otherwise here... your prospects are simply brilliant, so this is, after all, murder, yes, my friend, murder, the killer is not a novice, height 70 meters, that's how i am, left-handed, and where are you from? you know everything, well, just like you, i sat at the same table, though not for 5 years, but for 20. in the killer opera, and what is this in there? well how you know, i also somehow wanted some prospects, come on, you go home, okay, yeah, otherwise we need to work, briefcase,
10:33 pm
thank you, the door is there, this is a star show, a grand finale! what about the finale? in this finale i will do what i do best, get divorced, participate in the show, until it starts again, moscow and beijing have become very close lately, he says, the last beijing is very moscow, friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are dying, because... you are extinguishing them, are you stupid, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as i don’t want to blow away dmitry malikov with sparring, bravo, bravo,
10:34 pm
your performance, just a complete merchant, stars, final, today six finalists will perform before us, but the winner will be only one, on saturday. at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday 2020 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. a let's do it this way. if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a sim cardf mobile. protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers, he is the only one, silent, like a fish, shrimp, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only tasty, period, moscow coffee shop on the poi, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies
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burger kings votter on fire taste! platinum credit cards do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tinkov platinum can do this. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card no commission or interest. tenkov, he’s the only one. and the killer, not a beginner, height 70 meters, that's why i'm left-handed.
10:39 pm
well, is the elevator already functioning? no, well...
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11:30 and i’m right when i say, well, there’s some kind of misunderstanding, we need to sort it out, we’ll sort it out, i have a day off, everything is already fixed. paval pavlovich, but i didn’t understand, we have a short day today, and i’m out for noodles, the store is out of stock, really.
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the noodles are over. hello good bye.
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just like that, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, all yours, beautifully you lost me, unnoticed, i didn’t even buy you out, you see the situation yourself, worthless, why are you calling him, no, it’s not me, who am i or something, everything can be, so what are you, the bastard , hinting at now, i’m not hinting at anything. i say, everything is as it is, about the bastard, i wouldn’t have received much treatment in the current circumstances, yes you, oh, finally we have come to you, yes i tell you that you me that you, he me, what are you doing to me, what are you doing to me, we need to get rid of him, look what’s happening, he was killed about four hours ago, let’s leave.
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great, guys. kolya, tolya, also for his birthday, the birthday girl called and said she’s late, come on, you come in, and
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we'll go get some champagne, we'll go ourselves, and here ... there’s some in the car, good, but while we ’re in the kitchen, let’s go, yeah, we’re waiting, that’s it, i’ve finished playing, the mouse is on the violin, you think they’ll wait, depending on why they came, but definitely not for the name day. i think they came to clean up someone's trash. saikin, i’m repeating to you for the last time,
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a man with a bullet wound to the head, of course, a corpse, saikin, take a task force , come here urgently, it doesn’t matter how we got here, i’ll explain to you when we meet. why a frying pan? i feel calmer this way. ready? relatively, let's try, come on, count three, let's go for four, okay, for four, then for four, one, two, three,
10:47 pm
hello, hello, good afternoon.
10:48 pm
oh, ours, it’s not your day, guys, so i ’ll give the cake to the hostess, barter. i think it's time for you. the arch is through, it's fine, it turned out well, fuck you, we're already on you, fuck you!
10:49 pm
10:50 pm
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10:55 pm
at 8:20 p.m. tv well, andryukh, no, you’ll tell me how you went, but you still won’t believe it, let’s take them, we’ll go to the owner, as we take them, to live bait, someone in your department is leaking information. dolphin tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. who do you have to do with the temporarily deceased? and i understood, that is, the conversation will be without mata nava. fine. the first time i saw him, the citizen-boss. early on the corpse.
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i don’t have the habit of poking around in corpses, it’s not my specialty, a man was killed, and you you know who, and then we removed the killer, yes, like some kind of wolves, honestly, for once be not a wolf, but a man, and so what, otherwise your saikin will be sent to the rubber industry, yes, it’s a pity, i’ve already started to see you ... to treat differently, just as you were a urka, you remain a urka, okay,
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killed, lenya, cat, nickname is veya. evil, in short, lenya loses in the carp in the zone, and takes the order, leans back, the little man on the pen himself immediately goes to another area, and there it’s so loud, so in front of witnesses
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it’s demonstrative with noise, someone will be robbed, well, they take him, but he’s still don't refuse, you how do you know him, but he owed me too? i jumped off for a long time, that’s what i couldn’t tell about this right away, but i’m asking you, just don’t treat me with this, but he owed me money, i came for money, don’t rub in this pro-civil position for me now either it’s necessary, i’m not a saikin, okay, by the way, i didn’t say anything about the civil position, i could also have removed lenya himself. i think, the customer, the door was not broken, he opened it himself, because he knew who would come to him, and they could have come to him for some reason, pay off, and
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the green piece of paper in your pocket eloquently proves how observant we are, this is only, ugh, this is a small part of his debt, who are the customers, you are interested in poking around in this, delve into this, only with me... there is no need for this wrap it up, for god’s sake, you asked, that’s it, i answered, but i don’t need that, it’s me. who else is this? i think it’s lenya veer, in person, try to scream as much as possible, ivan oronovich, now his teeth will either fly out, or his eyes will burst, you’ll twitch, cheek it will cut, quietly, turn off this flashlight,
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there is no need to open his forehead until he sobers up, friends, look at what they are leading to, stupid jokes, and there is no point in looking at me like that, gentlemen electricians, by the way, i am a doctor of the highest order. categories, and not some kind of electrician, i have to do something incomprehensible here at night, and you? you're a lazy bitch, of course, but the earth despised you,
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it took forever to establish it, but i don't know, my business is small, okay, bye, thank you. wow, i earned it.
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no penalty, fell, finger, thank you, wear it for your health, you should knit, knitting is your thing, it’s an eternal spirit, no, this is the fifth term. well, guys! you are still young men,
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just tell me who sent you why, mikhalay ivanovich, look how much he looks like lenin, mausoleum, okay, lie still, think, son, do you have children? little bandits like that, backbiters, no, keep in mind, another 15 minutes, you’ll lie there like this, it may never happen at all, by the way, it also concerns you, well, keep quiet, it’s knocking to multiply. wants to live by reflexes alone, what an animal, come on
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put forward, well, just 15 minutes is all, i am for a humane attitude towards the detainee, but i would like to remind you that these humanists did not come here with flowers, let’s give at least one chance, please, my business is small, well, lay it out. “listen to me, once again, if you look at me like that, then i’m not an evil person, god will offend you, i’ll lock you up there, and if we go back to drink tea, that’s right, the authorities sent us to clean up there, and there you are , so, okay, bosses, bosses probably have a name, come on, son, name it, evgeny vitalievich kohl, we have a deputy for
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security, a deputy for security, alyonya fan, who removed the fan, is also a deputy, and if he is a deputy, that means there is someone in charge, who? the main thing we have is ivan ilyich, well, a chain of stores, food and fruit, i don’t know who banged it. son, do you have anything to add? no, look, right here right above you our grandmother has been lying for three months, unclaimed, if you want, i ’ll put it on you, evgeniy vitalievich kohl himself slammed us, they send us right here, our hands are shaking, look how gentle we are, you people, how to catch flies, in your free time work in the utility room.
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not with his own hands, he has a deputy for security, evgeniy kolli, i know, this evgeniy kolya hired a killer, we established the identity of the killer, this is lyonya veyer, this is the one we found ourselves next to, sleeping sticks. if he personally removed lenya veera, thus drana got rid of his competitor, everything would be logical here. but there are inconsistencies, firstly, saikin, this is the conclusion of an anatomist’s pathologist, so you’ve rocked a hole, that maybe you were mistaken, or maybe not, so you should interrogate him, little guy, well, he’ll tell you everything right away, which means you have to talk confidentially, without protocols, well
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, that’s a real goosebump, calmly, maybe we can interrogate him together? no need, you can handle it yourself, come on, nedrey, be more cunning, don’t yell in such a way that you don’t jump off, and polpalovitch and i go, good luck! vinline heroes of rpl annual award. the main football event of the season. choose those who make a difference. vote for the best until may 13. every evening, a lonely pensioner gathers stray dogs from all over the area around her with a dashing whistle. she whistles from the fourth
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floor. everyone is approaching our entrance dogs. i was walking with my youngest grandson. the dog rushed at him. like this, like a wolfhound, like this, well, that’s all. takes them to her apartment, where 20 cats already live, they run around, howl, in my opinion, even she howls there with them, it sounds just terrible, she’s cooking something for them, maybe she’s even cooking dogs there, cooking dogs , the woman calls herself a volunteer, whose job is to take care of animals, i collect them from the street, i’ve been volunteering since i was nineteen, why don’t you tell me how you flooded me with cat feces and urine your own, why don’t you say that this didn’t happen, but who? take care of her neighbors, i carry a shocker with me in my bag, i can’t forget the flies that fly in swarms, this is a concentration camp, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. i
11:10 pm
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firebirds are not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 17% per annum, open a deposit on! maybe, anywhere appetite, dad, only dad will reduce it, appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages, dad maybe, vinara is the choice of millions for varicose veins, because vinara is created to reduce fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs, vinara contains two components, which enhance each other's effects. vinarus can help 1 2 3 one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions to reduce symptoms of varicose veins, vinarus are as simple as 1 2 3 with the premier you can not leave the house. all weekend, relax the way you want and finally succumb to the impulse, by clicking on play, you can go out with yourself, online cinema
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premiere, for people like you, an important announcement, alabai cheap air tickets to airsles, i'm sorry, buy cheap air tickets to avias, don’t get confused,
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from me, travel and get more with mts travel, book a hotel, use free roaming abroad. try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles. vrostix. pentalgin - remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. welcome, good morning, alexandrovich, well, what 's new with us, there is something, they brought it at night, look, but no, then let
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it lie in the possession, they sent the accompanying documents, yes, everything is in order, they are in the room, it’s wonderful, there the investigator is waiting for you, why, i don’t know, he’s talking about some formalities, damn it, they were supposed to bring sand to the dacha, but they didn’t bring it to me i need to go to the dacha before dawn, you tell him that it’s been about two hours, yes, i would say, but still a person in the service, maybe yes, a lieutenant of the investigative department, dmitry anatolyevich saikin, and dmitry anatolyevich, it was for you that i conveyed the conclusion on gurevich , yes, yeah, guzik, alexandrevich, very nice. maybe we’ll sit down, but i’ll stand, they handed it over, they handed it over, so what’s wrong, it’s all right, i
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read the conclusion, it’s just that i laid it all out there, but you just write that the wound is lacerated, but it was cut by a stab, but well you know, stabbed, you first among yourself make an agreement, then come, i’m running out of time, what do you mean, come to an agreement? well, well, i mean, come to an agreement, first ask for one thing, then another. who is asking? do you know what, i wrote everything there that you pestered me? i 'm stuck, are you stuck? are you nervous? i’m not nervous, but he has a nervous smile on his nose, i’m not nervous, okay, interrogations, but what’s there to yell about? here you have to hit, that is, early in the ditch. torn, torn, torn, yes, what are you, come on, push it, yes, what are you constantly shouting at me, yes, i want to scream, i, let me go, i
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i’ll call yours, let me go, nikola ivanovich, help, hold me, it hurts, my on, what is this, a laceration, is this? it’s chaos, and this is a laceration, you’re crazy, i’ll run to the refrigerator, you’ll talk to me quickly, excuse me, i won’t climb here, you’ll climb, otherwise i’ll wipe your tank, it’s not normal, yes, maybe four of us can hang out here, all the bosses are crazy , psychopath, what, quiet, who? what is the ordering conclusion? but i won’t say anything, what did i write? no, he’ll say, i ’m shooting three times, no, this is not a hospital,
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come on, this is a house itself. golovanov, chief yours, what did dmitry anatolyevich eat, for what, for kamstvo, everything, dmitry anatolyevich, let’s breathe out, now calm down, i still hope that alexander levovich will simply write something new for us. the conclusion is everything, he won’t write anything, well, i vouch for it, write it with your head, alexander lvoevich, yes, i ’ll write you anything, then i’ll wait in the hospital room, listen, i’ll go and breathe.
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they cross all boundaries, which if you can’t determine with your talent what is there early, so i’ll explain to you now, i don’t have a seal, please, thank you, i have no conscience you’re not here, are you churning out fake conclusions? i can go, no, the stab is cut, now you can, thank you, well, you have the expertise, then, next, you need to put forward some versions, that’s right, put forward.
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so what does golovanov have to do with this? golovanov is simply protecting dranova by recruiting idiots from the rubber of technology who never reveal anything. well, i don’t know, i personally would take it from a wood processor, by the way, you yourself turn out to be a tattered
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customer. leni weier is the performer, and galavanov is the accomplice, you are great, and the conclusion is, nikolaev, in general, i called two doctors, in my opinion, and the house came across, well, come on, you, you think, i’ll come back and voice it, yes, i’ll think about it. nikolai ivanovich, damn it, i wanted to ask.
11:21 pm
who's there? hello, great, i wonder what you were thinking about when they changed the stroller so as not to carry the dead, but what are we carrying, dragging, oops, saikin, you! that
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you ate your tongue, drank the blood of the dead, that you are silent, dracula.
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your little goat ran away, you cops are all so close to tearing your claws right away, don’t talk nonsense, they took the pon and ran away, if he had run away, we if you and i weren’t sitting here now, we would be lying here right now, i have a question, ask, but the door, it opened on its own, listen, stop talking nonsense, let’s do it somehow, i don’t know, synchronously. let's try to move, why, we'll shout, why, maybe someone will hear, and today is sunday, will hear that on sunday, on
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the weekend, that it's health day, or what? well , let's at least try, or something, come on, let's count three, you count, put your feet together, hands shoulder-width apart, come on, 1, 2, 3, okay, one two, three, okay, one, two, three, relax, eat! ready, no, 1, 2, 3, here is the country, 1, 2, 3, four, don’t say anything,
11:25 pm
check out the league, register, triple your deposit, this is a star show. moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the latter is beijing, very moscow, friendship, i want to understand why in our village.
11:26 pm
only one on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. you are silent like a fish. shrimprol, shrimp, fishburger. a real sea of ​​taste, only delicious, period. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good holidays on the square of three mugs. enjoy your beer. zhachetsky kus is non-alcoholic, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, zhachetsky goose is non-alcoholic, collect good mugs, catching the feather of a firebird is not easy, but
11:27 pm
everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 17% per annum, open a deposit on : bopper, tastes better on fire, burger king. i have a tube in my head, without it it’s hard for me to breathe, well, it’s an asthma, they put it on me when i was just getting started, when philip is sick, we wake up at 30, 40 times, because we are just ottiating him, it accumulates again, just otsiation, this is an endless process, i have already had 10 epilations, i am very afraid of them, but i need one more to breathe freely. ru,
11:28 pm
give philip a future, everyone, everyone wants to win millions, but not all the work is in the right place , rub in the right places, play...
11:29 pm
and my chan ramen besherak is the secret of taste in the broth. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. ay dellux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of tastes. try it darling. well, andryukha, you’ll tell me how you found them, but you still won’t believe them, let’s take them, we’ll go to the owner, just like we did, using live bait, someone in your department is leaking them. dolphin information tomorrow 20:00 on
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ntv. and the bastard is responsible for the input, why suddenly, he pushes the new gurneys to the left, and the old one is repaired and labeled as a new one by the bastard, but the head doctor checks everything, and the head doctor is the main bastard,
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this is the country, everyone is tied up, everyone, thank god, you’re alive, shaikin, oh, where are they carrying you, great, shit, haven’t seen you for a long time, damn, they stole your faith, where, to the madame tusauds museum, i ’ll unwrap you now, uh, bagpipe take it away, hello, where, okay, comrade, bikeless, i ’m warning you, release us immediately, i’m an investigator of the investigative department, for such songs, now all the birds will be released from your head, this is a senseless undertaking, i ’m warning you, for the last time, bought two aces on a minuscule scale, thank you, mumu, gerasin,
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i declare my gratitude to you. farit, i asked you, okay, i understand.
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who is this? darn, are you crazy? yes, everything is fine with him, he is alive and healthy, he just hit the trunk. why did you drag him here? what, where should i take him, golovanov, or what? well, not here, what are we
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going to show him now, take him back from here, well, i don’t know, i think we’ll interrogate him first, and then we’ll see, uh, well, take him quickly. projector room, come on faster, thank god i’m alive, yes, what’s going on, where am i sick? for what? so, they brought you in, you thought you were dead, you couldn’t feel your pulse? can you get up? you need to go into the room, sign that you are alive, there is still washing
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of the corpse, repair activities 1.200, 1250 somewhere in the range, let's go. this is the program today, with you artyom kolodkin at the beginning of the news from the belgorod region , the ministry of defense reports that this evening the air defense forces destroyed two rockets and six guided aircraft. one ukrainian armed forces drone. according to the head of the region , seven civilians were injured. meanwhile, rescuers have already completed search work at the site of the collapsed entrance to a high-rise building, according to which militants of the kiev regime struck the day before. six victims of
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a missile attack on belgorod were taken to moscow for treatment today. among them is a one-and-a-half-month-old child and his mother, who were trapped under the rubble of a house, but fortunately were rescued. the baby's condition. now doctors assess his condition as serious; he is connected to a ventilator. pavel rybalchenko worked all day in belgorod. in the afternoon, the skies over belgorod were relatively quiet; rescuers managed to remove most of the debris destroyed entrance. there are broken and overturned cars around the yard, the area around the scene of the tragedy is cordoned off. despite the fact that the rubble near the house on shirsa street has almost been cleared, the threat of collapse of what remains of the entrance remains. however, the police are already entering.
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in half a minute i managed to run out into the corridor, and thank you, the system worked and knocked out some of us, mainly where the elevator is, the common balcony, now employees of the investigative committee are working inside the residential building, looking for the remaining fragments of the rocket that hit the house. 15 a person was killed by a combat unit of the ukrainian point y, according to the latest data, nine of the 15 bodies of the dead have been identified, it is known that as a result... two minors died in belgorod, two more were killed, doctors are now fighting for the lives. on monday morning , a one-and-a-half-month-old baby and his mother were delivered to moscow by helicopter; rescuers managed to get them out of the rubble alive. according to resuscitators, the baby tolerated transportation to the russian children's clinical hospital satisfactorily. several more victims were also brought in this morning. in the capital's clinic, the rest of the wounded receive outpatient care in belgorod hospitals. there are patients of both severe and moderate severity, but in the future they
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need, they will need those therapeutic measures that are best done in federal centers in clinics in moscow, because as well as rehabilitation potential and other measures there are of a wider profile. by sunday evening, the death toll in belgorod increased, as a result of new shelling of the city, three more people became victims. report of numerous destruction.
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the threat of new attacks over the city remains, a spontaneous memorial appeared on the grounds in front of house number 55, people bring flowers, toys and light candles in memory of the victims. pavel rybalchenko, alexey yarmakov, alexander mikhailov, ntv television company. today was a busy working day in the federation council, the relevant committees held consultations on the candidacies of a number of leaders. special services and the security bloc, including andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. nikita followed the discussions in the upper house korzun. in accordance with the federal law on the government, adopted in the twentieth year after amendments to the constitution, the president appoints the heads of law enforcement agencies and the foreign ministry after consultation with the federation council. and soffet, in turn, draws conclusions based on the results of the candidates’ meetings with senators. as a result, the upper house will draw up a document that will later be sent to vladimir putin for review. the parades at bolshaya dmitrovka were held intensively and carefully,
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although it would seem that the candidates were known, after all, it was proposed to reappoint everyone. exception, of course, andrei belousov, who can exchange the post of first deputy chairman of the government for the post of head of the military department. is it any wonder that the doctor of economic sciences today enjoyed exceptional attention from both the press and senators. the budget of the ministry of defense is approaching 7% of gdp, valentina matvienko recalled at a meeting of the defense committee.
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such, for example, issues when the participants
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of the svo are actually profiting from a minor, not only.
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nikita korzun, georgy uvarov, dmitry koledin, sergey dedukh, yulia agafonova and nikolay prague, ntv. well, the state duma today. plenary meeting approved candidates for the post of deputy prime ministers of the new government, and all 10 of those proposed by mikhail mishustin were approved, including first deputy prime minister denis manturov. the day before, the discussion had already taken place in the state duma committees, but today, before the voting , each candidate spoke to the deputies, answering their questions, representatives of the parliamentary factions also spoke, as
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the speaker of the lower house vyacheslav volodin noted, today’s discussion can be considered historical. a lot will depend, the most important thing will depend on people’s lives and increased well-being. this evening the ministry of defense released footage from the southern section of the special operation.


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