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tv   Fors-mazhor  NTV  May 14, 2024 1:45am-2:36am MSK

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thank god, i looked around for you, the suppliers have arrived. we’ve already been steaming for 2 hours, well, you can’t get enough tea for them, what suppliers, suppliers, what is this? ok, there is another product. but
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this one is more expensive ; will you try the product? yes, yes, let me try, of course.
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what kind of nonsense do you hear? everyone grabs your bullshit and get out of here . yes, boss, do you know who this is? yes, sure,
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boss, i know well, your friend, well, you and her are the same, never in your life, how can i, what, you can’t, and what did you flirt with her then, no, it’s never happened like that, like... it happened too now we were giggling and standing with her, i won’t do that again, but what’s her name, you know, i got confused, you’re kind of tight, yeah, i already forgot, girl, why are you so beautiful and alone here, let’s get to know us, what irony? soon you will really forget
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the name of your sister, why? well, i mean, wow, and i mean you, well, like this i remember this one, and you, well... it’s all good, grants to you, but what’s so and so? i was just talking, i was just making excuses, okay, prepare the second leg, guys, so why do this, centipede, or what? well, how do you like my new face? you know, your face may be new, but inside you haven’t changed at all, right? stop! look, he's sitting, he's sitting drumming, goth, ca n't you see, where are you going, wait, hey, everything is here, what happened, what happened, boss, what happened
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, what happened, boss, boss, what happened, look, okay, this is where, what and where? who who is like that again and climbed climbed onto the birch trees and something bastard he climbed up and is drumming, look at him who is the drummer on the second branch and where is there no one you are you making fun of something or what are you doing, here he is sitting on the fence and drumming the bastard boss there is no one there what are you is he blind or what? there 's a little bastard from the drum sitting where i can't see, you can't see something, and you can't see something, take it and shoot him, calmly, calmly, i'm a doctor, i'm a doctor, so what do you have and what, are you bleeding or
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what? is the product good? i was there, i saw how it was screwed in, yes,
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we needed a car, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, what, what, what, what, he, who, hush, hush, who, he, look who, look, over there, look where, over there, behind the bush, a guy with a drum , he follows me all day and drums, the bastard, yeah, so, what are you doing? stoned, yes, ah, i don’t know, but it’s possible, so, of course, great, well done , so, now we’re digging up your friend together and driving along with his car, you understand me, you understand what kind of friend, oh, so that
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they never let you go, i didn’t, i didn’t have time, you bastard, more shovel, shovel. why are you taking him did you bury it at all? what were you thinking? will i carry it with me everywhere? what if the moles have already dragged him away? what other moles? am i supposed to know all the moles here? when will he let you go? would you hear yourself, brother? that's it, there it is! let's get out! there is, there is, there is, everything!
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you should have seen your new face now, i think where he went... he’s still looking at the stirin, i decided to bury a couple of corpses, come on, boss, where did you manage to kill them, i’m nowhere, they were already here, well, or rather i - i’ve been around for a long time now, and now i’ve decided to hide them, well, deeper, but go deeper, that’s right, otherwise you’ll get lost. what kind of hunters are there with dogs, let me help you, or what? no, don’t, i want to bury my
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corpses myself, yes, i’ll help, i don’t care, don’t, i like to bury corpses, hmm, i’m so relaxed, yes, kind of, yeah, i understand, that’s it. that’s right, extra eyes, i’m not offended, okay, i’ll go then, i won’t interfere, relax. have you decided to bury me alive? yes? are you
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tired of pretending to be a corpse already? yes, if i hadn’t pretended to be, you and i would now both be corpses. come on, help me get out, help, help! for what? give me your hand? hand, i said! come here! bastard, creature! let's! well, what’s the plan now, that’s all for today, i’ve had enough, so everything is postponed until tomorrow, i understand, i have to go there again tomorrow, do you have some kind of better plan, um, no, i just promised. sit with the slimy one, my mother will kill me if i don’t come home, and
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if you don’t return there, the bandits will kill you, it’s still unclear what’s worse, what we’ll do about it, we can’t leave here, the place is overexposed, so we took it to car, let you go? it seems like yes, but it’s a black wind, so, of course, we’re working, we’re working, so , so, so settled down, take the drum, let’s catch up, next time they pump you up, write down the name, okay, i need to cut off his finger, there some kind of tattoo, i’ll cut it off myself, uh-huh, really,
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alena, where are you, hello, i’m in the bandi, as agreed, so far everything is fine, no, well, it’s dangerous, of course, but i’m holding on for now, vitya, how long i have to hand you over. what kind of noise are you making there? are you torturing? well, this is like right in the morning, well, tough, well, hang in there light, i here, too, you know, how i’m going to use it, i’m buying everything for our business, we’re going through that too, yeah, yeah, okay, that’s it, come on, see you in the evening, contacts, in short, come on. well, why are your eyes widening, you’ve never seen an infinity card, or what? oh, your documents, may i? listen,
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dear, i am a doctor, this is a card of my very influential patient, who is now lying in my car, well, i mean, comfortably, lying after an operation and resting, and he will be extremely dissatisfied if i come to him empty-handed and i’ll tell you that you’re asking him appear in person. okay, sign. “hello, listen, darling, i was thinking, maybe i don’t have to be there, that is, hang around here until the evening”? well, maybe i’ll sit, check in , then go, i’ll leave now, and if these bandits of yours start looking for you all over the city, well, yes, and the main thing is to remember, we need a car, this therapist’s car, without it we won’t succeed the plan won’t work, in short, you have the car, i have everything else, everything else, come on, bye, where’s the car?
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where did you get this? mom, i need to pick up my notes at the institute, and also to the clinic, with who will sit as alist? well, i thought maybe you, what else, i need to send it to the post office, i ’ve collected a parcel from aunt zoya in krasnoyarsk, so let me send it. i met with a deputy at the club, i wanted to complain to the district government, look how the yard is dirty, the hatches are open, the sidewalks are broken, there are only drug addicts on the benches, and this is a rude person from apartment thirty-seven, he constantly abandons his car, well, what does the deputy have to do with it? , despite the fact that i voted for him, timofey igorich is an honest, decent, crystal person, it’s immediately obvious, mom, i give everything to him
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i’ll tell you and i’ll definitely complain about everything, i’ll send the parcel myself, thank you, mom, i kiss you, hug you and love you, bye. i remembered, i installed it in another store. hey, guy, i set up the cart, guy, you're going to college, no, first to the post office, my mother harnessed it again, along the way it's just, yeah, all dressed up, a lectus is moving along krasinskaya street,
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shooting is being done from the window into the air, license plate elena konstantin khariton, elena, konstantin. khariton, listen, khariton, you first learn the license plates, this is a car, the son of the city prosecutor, me and without you, i know whose car it is, they’re having a wedding there and they’re running out of cartridges, give me a lift to someone who’s nearby, the bastards are completely crazy, listen, since you remember you told me about one bandit, well, the one in law, a therapist, well, what do you know about him? yes, i know everything, but what’s the point , in fact, he’s the owner of the city to the entire region, burnt alcohol, cigarettes, all the counterfeit goods, in short, well, drugs, of course, everything is through him, he has a big gang, a gang, it’s not a gang, a whole criminal clan, but why are you interested, well i am, i am for general purposes
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development, forget it, he’s a terrible person, it doesn’t cost anything to kill, yes, listen, since he has a family, a brother, a sister, a sister seems beautiful, i guess, i don’t know, i haven’t seen it, she seems to live abroad, they they don’t communicate at all, i wouldn’t communicate with a brother like that either, let’s go. thank you, oh, artyom, oh, no, not artyom,
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oh, damn. no, we haven’t seen this yet, we found it, we’re taking it home, no, they checked, of course, they were killed, no, hello, what’s wrong with your car, did you find it, where is it, they have your car, the bandits, they know everything. what should we do? are we finished, tyom? come on, get yourself together, pull yourself together, everything will be fine, i’ll call you back. to the station, or better yet straight to the airport, come quickly, let's go, damn it, it's fresh, cold.
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here you are, so, let's go? yes, hello, everything is fine, i found it, you can clean up this torture chamber there for now, and clean up your winery, otherwise it’s a shame to start people, but by god.
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i'll go there and see how the melon is doing well. hello, mom, forgive me, i probably won’t be able to deliver the parcel to aunt zoya today. reed, we need to talk, reed, i, i know that
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you think i'm a killer, i, i am, yes, but i want you to know that i didn’t do it on purpose, it happened on purpose that i became a criminal, i didn’t want this. just one thing after another and i don’t understand what you want to achieve with your confession, hello, you can’t get anything back, really, but i want you to know, i’m sorry, could you please us, yes, yes, uncle mish, of course , the torture room is ready, i've equipped everything, it's time to start, everyone has gathered. it’s sure that it will happen, everyone was, well, what about the boss, you said it yourself, i’m the boss, but yes, i’m the boss, when
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before the operation, i told you to call a meeting, appointed a day, so everyone gathered on time, as you said, but why put it in, all the thieves gathered, from all over the region, the torture room, why, it’s in the basement. there are walls half a meter thick of concrete, no wiretapping will cover what i’m telling you, you came up with everything yourself, and i, well, yes, well, yes, i just can’t recover from the anesthesia after the operation, one half is gone, the second, the second is completely frozen, seriously , what the hell? what is this, a car, yesterday, damn it, you shot yourself in the leg, i didn’t, well,
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everything was funny, of course it was, lousy as always i’m not offended, but after this he can’t drive his manual, he doesn’t need his left leg on an automatic, so... and now you can cut him off altogether, you’re dead, change everything, change the spark plugs, and the grinding noise is a pebble hit the brake drum, you have a brake drum instead of a head, it’s clear, i ’m telling you, they’ll put 10 cars in a row like this, you’ll steal the dead one, you’re simply without a hand, so you can’t remove the wheel, i ’ll show you now, it’s very just, where is the jack, sivo, open the trunk, now. opened, why, needed this old car, heard me tell you, i
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already told you. normal car, we 'll remove the grinding noise now, no, this is not a normal car, i shot a man in the leg, i will compensate the victim for the injury, buy him a new, good car, boss, i don't need it, this, this, thank you, this is also good , this is not good, boss, but he’s only been traveling for a couple of weeks, so who’s the boss here, you, you? listen to my order, what kind of car do you like? i like miri, buy it for sure, and leave this one where you got it, clear, clear, good, good, barefoot, it’s clear, so go from here to there, go, while i ’ll wash off the prints you made here for you.
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no shit, the victim, i would suffer like this all my life, for the hole in the gelding’s legs, and if he shot him in the head tomorrow, what kind of plane will he give as a posthumous gift, i don’t know what’s wrong with the planes, but this is a trough, i can’t drive it back i will, let the victim drive himself away, why not back, on a minibus? yes, hello, vitka, thank god he’s alive, bro, how are you, what happened, i was just about to call you, passenger, passenger, you will be boarding, yes, yes, yes, i’m listening to you, go pick up your car, where you left it, bury the corpse somewhere out of harm’s way, i don’t have time now, i’ll explain everything to you later ,
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while they haven’t understood anything yet, now i have a meeting, what other meeting, what, what, thieves’, now your documents, forgive me, i changed my mind, they say it’s cold there, hello, where ’s the finger, what’s the finger, but i have, well, you i asked him for an answer, here it is, why do you need it, there, look what’s drawn, a ring some kind of rectangle or diamond, what? yes , you can’t see a fig here anymore, a square or a triangle, now wait a second, so it’s some kind of square, a painted square, painted over or not, this is important, but i don’t understand, maybe it’s just turned blue with time, in short, a square signet like mine, it’s a square, you still need a finger, that’s it, then i throw it away, right.
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listen, therapist, what you pretended, suffered, picked up, is understandable, but so as not to be fawned, why the hell did you fill yourself with a parachute? isn’t vara confused with such a suit? artyom, infection, who is this? this is a doctor at the clinic, i told him to draw it as it was, but he is a bastard. and the doctor is a comedian. instead of a call, a stranger
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has a crossbow, but for such a joke you can get penalized, but i did, i planted her in the field , i buried her in the field, i’ll take her tomorrow, and the therapist is handsome, and in general, you see how askance they insist, provoke, yes, yes, yes, what does it provoke, shut the fuck up, look, come on... well friends, how are you doing, tell us how we are doing, how is our burnt alcohol, how are cigarettes, how are drugs, how are we doing on business, we will answer you first tell me that we will decide with the himalayan, who is this, you don’t remember the one who ordered you, right? i mean that i, that i forgot, whoever
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remembers the old one, as they say, look out, so they say, i am offended by him. i don’t hold it, and you didn’t look at your pants after the operation, maybe the doctor not only cut off your tattoo, but something else, i was joking, you bastards don’t understand the joke, huh?
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and you, dried apricots, are apparently the most thieves of all, dayara knitted, therapist, great, they changed you, and i had a meeting with voters, it’s just not like that they’ll leave you behind as soon as they pester you with their whining, at least shoot back, and fly to krasnoyarsk in the evening, listen to the same thing again, yes, listen, if you don’t tell me anything, i
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won’t know where to look, you know, in short, the therapist put this together the gangway is not accidental, someone out of the blue got screwed, handed him over to the himalayan and tipped off about the operation. who is a balon, something stupid, no one knows who, the therapist will now figure out the bitch and give us a sign, well, we have everything ready, we have everything ready, no, but how, but he handed it over, i don’t understand, now, this is my watch, or something, but you still don’t wear it, everything is correct, because i lost it a month ago, now it has been found, do you see how timely it is? here on time, come on, i 'm still there, yes, come on, come on, watch, watch, yes , are you crazy or something, a bomb, you gave me your watch, because i'll give it to you, you gave me my watch, well, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, yes, and
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we had a very good time, tomorrow we will definitely sit again, but today what happens, we just gathered empty-handed, the knitted man says rightly, we must they’re not waiting to resolve matters, don’t you see, or what? boss, he doesn’t feel well yet, by the way, bed rest is prescribed, 2 months of outpatient treatment, i have the right to a day off, in the end, that’s it, let’s run away, the boss is tired. i don’t understand anything, where is the sign? is everyone leaving? i don’t know, maybe they overlooked it because they should have looked instead of throwing themselves at me in a fitful manner, who are we going to blow up now? yes, maybe the therapist himself didn’t understand who the forshmak is, the therapist didn’t understand,
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filter the market, look, i just don’t know, will i have time today? post office until eight, you said that you are flying to krasnoyarsk, you can take the parcel with you, there’s nothing there, i’m just at the post office there, leave it for you, the deputy will probably skip the line, okay, i’ll pass it on, of course, thank you very much, you’ll be more careful there with the parcel.
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i didn’t expect the same from anyone, and also a deputy, yes, i would never have guessed, his face is so clean, but i always knew that he was a rat, right?
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what kind of retarder did you install? what kind of retarder did you install? sugar, which one? we put these on planes for underwater mines, now he's the primer will collect all the puddles, the sugar will melt , idiot, did you make it from a cutlet? you're an idiot yourself, i made a sentry, you took the watch, because it's mine. no, because you are an egoist and a redneck, you can’t hesitate, bros, when the himalayan sorts out the therapist, he’ll take on us, but he’ll sort it out anyway, they think the matter with the therapist is over, the tula thing, says the boyar, if we support the himalayan now, you’ll stay with our share, otherwise we’ll lose all our business, and it’s good if it’s only business. that's how it is, but i don't want to be a bitch so that
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lie down under the himalayan, so he will put us all in the ground, the therapist is no longer strong, there is no sense, no grip, the old days are for your market, he would have stabbed you three times already, he sits here, bartering with something, as if he is full of something , bed rest, the faithful market, the therapist is now shaking for his own skin, and what do you suggest, wait until the himalayan? will solve it, and then bow to the new owner, you can’t wait, there is an offer to solve it yourself and present his head as a gift to the himalayan, oh, who was so brave , and are you from tula or you orenburg, or maybe related?
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kuraga, well, where are you stuck, i have to move your ideas forward for you, the therapist detained me, i gave him some kind of package, what kind of package, who knows, asked me to give it to whom? to whom, by mail, to whom? well, give me, what kind of crap is this, but a scarf, an orenburg one.
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gingerbread tula sock. knitted, dried apricots, thorn, mayhem, idiots! no grip, no sense of smell, he
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figured out all of you, he also came to you at the same time, they wanted his head, the schoolboy is green, now it’s as if everyone is falling into the ground, go everyone, i ’m not on this list, so you take me with you don't bury.
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you know, this is already too much, i, yes i just, i stay with you, god willing, once a year, at least at this time you can not organize your gangster gatherings here, rit, yes, i didn’t invite them, they came on their own , well, or rather it’s a melon from my pocket, and i’m so stupid, i almost didn’t believe you in the morning, in the morning i was talking some kind of nonsense, really, you can’t even imagine, this happens to me, don’t pay attention, it’s because of the weather, you probably heard it rumble somewhere nearby, but about... why, don’t think about it, i myself would never have done it in front of you, honestly, i told you the opposite: leave here, nothing to do while you’re here, right?
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rita, hello, you are in a hurry, of course, you can decide as you want, your right, but keep in mind that we ourselves are responsible, and the only fault is that some of us almost got confused, and without this we they brought you, here he is a conspirator, a therapist, i ’m not involved at all, we wanted to kill him in our own way. well, then we, well, consulted, decided, maybe you yourself want, slowly, as you like,
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therapist, i, i’m not involved at all, husband. i i’m not doing business honestly, seriously, guys, where is his boss, to the torture room, again, i just set everything up, i’ll be a bitch, it’s not my fault, these years they themselves decided to start a riot when they realized that you... pinned them, they decided hand me over, you bastards, it’s not my fault therapist, therapist, therapist, please shut up already, deputy, yes, mom, yes. yes
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, i’m just meeting him, yes, you’re right, crystal man, okay, come on, i ’ll come in the evening, shut your mouth, what kind of person are you, do you want me to let you go? that means, listen here, what will you do, don’t look, i i’ll check, come on, come on, come on, yes, why are you thanking me, i would be in the therapist’s place, they’re burying you now,
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prostrate. if you keep the keys to the garage, just don’t say that you did it for me, i still won’t believe it, i didn’t do anything like that, what kind of person are you, can’t you just admit it, well, what are you afraid of? , that this will harm your brutal image? “so this is in vain, all your life you have put your laws above your family, so no one will blame you for being too soft, little girl, but you didn’t see, where did i put the keys to the garage, don’t change the subject, the same tricks have been used for 20 years, at least once.” i came up with something new, i came here to talk, i won’t leave until we ’re done, sit down, sit down, yeah, well, yes, i
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understand what’s wrong, you’re having a complex because of your new appearance, no, nothing i don’t have a complex, yes, yes, just... don’t tell this to a certified psychologist, okay, so, you’ve lost your brutality and now you’re afraid of losing your authority, so you hide behind a screen and behave unnaturally, i behave naturally, and it seemed to me that you were real this morning, i ’ve never seen you like this, but you were definitely sincere for the first time in our conversation, yeah, yeah. “maybe, maybe, you know, i
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like this appearance even more, really, seriously, she’s so open, funny, pretty, yes, yes, then i got into juvenile court, well, yes, well , yes, that’s what i told you about the dream, i didn’t
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tell you, stop it, i know what it is, that you are modeling a world that you didn’t have, and living it in the subconscious, that you’re kidding me, right? vitya, pick up the phone, you idiot, oh, yes, okay, everything’s fine for you, answer, it’s probably shared, yes, it’s probably nothing important, you know, when it’s not important, they don’t call five times, answer, come on, come on, yes, well then i won’t be long, yes, hello , hello, wait, don't hang up, don't hang up, wait, hello, hello, hello, well, it's there somewhere, but
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i have everything ready, did you get the car, the car, not yet, there were some difficulties, let's bring everything for tomorrow, don't worry, i'll hold out here for a while, but you thought about me, you know that i've had too much today, yes, me, if you check 100%, there was a heart attack , so take a car, i’m going to my vacant lot, quickly, you know, here, here’s the thing, rita is the therapist’s younger sister, the therapist is like her only relative, so what , well, what if we kill him, she won’t have anyone, you’re sick, you already killed him, don’t shout, i know, but she doesn’t know about it, look, tomorrow she’s leaving for london forever, let's do it tomorrow, start at least in the morning, you know, we don't have to wait for the night, you hear, no tomorrows, you understand me, all.


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