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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 14, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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here, stop, arseny, calm down, don’t be stupid, get in the car, that’s it, that’s it, i can’t do this anymore, you understand, arsyush, how many times have we discussed this, arsyush, dear, it’s cold, you ’re frozen! arsyusha, how many times have we discussed this, arsyusha, how many times have we discussed this, now you are with me like a little one, well, you are small, and let’s dot all the dots, right here now, let’s dot all the dots here now, ksyusha, this is not enough for me, meetings out of town for half an hour, well , baby, you have to leave your husband, baby, silly, well, we discussed this many times, here you are again... with me now it’s like with a small
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child, well, you are my little baby, then why are you with me? and you yourself don’t guess? that's it, i'm leaving, you're just using me, i wonder how you'll get to the city, fool, i'll take a taxi, arseny, arsyushty! arseny, man, can you give me a lift to the city, are you sleeping or what? that’s it, baby, calm down, well, to be honest, this, this is really very pleasant, unexpected, but... “i could, of course, call, i
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would warn the team, no, no, no, you see, the creative highlight of my program is precisely realism, well, the viewer has already seen many times how well things are going in all areas, well, doctors treat, wipers sweep, and i am for the truth, for real, so to speak, journalism, without cuts, this is correct, and this is correct, there is no need to be afraid of this, especially since we have real professionals working in our department." ritka, please, to heaven in our hut, oh, hello, meet me, this is margarita, this is andrey , this is our best, one might say, operational tandem, yeah, this is konstantin, meet konstantin, by the way, a journalist on a federal channel, he will be filming a program about us, oh, amazing, yes, that ’s right, i’m the author and presenter. broadcast of one day
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in the life of professionals, i am very grateful that the leadership of the main directorate and personally oleg georgievich gave the go-ahead to do a report, and buboy is on the model, yeah, here’s margarita, andrey, please tell me if your personal life interferes with your work, well, work personal life, but no, personal, and you, by the way, could become the heroes of my next series of programs, but a common cause? gives birth to a family, a wonderful name, although maybe i’m getting ahead of myself, work first, really, let’s get on with things, so, today on the stary vybrosky highway we found the corpse of a taxi driver in a car, which means reed, take potap all the instructions from cherdyntsev ahead of the departure , and i hope that you will help konstantin film a wonderful story that will be remembered for a lifetime, of course.
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kostya, if you have any questions, you have my phone number, please call at any time, yes, thank you very much, thank you, from you, gentlemen, i expect you to show us our department in a wonderful light. zero, what are you talking about, georgivich, a common cause gives birth to a family, go, hello, well, look, there was a kilometer left to the vyborg district, well, why not do it there, and why not do it there, we then in general, what are we in general wouldn't do this at all? what is this? here, meet konstantin, a journalist on a federal channel, a program about the homicide department, so if you don’t want to disgrace yourself, behave decently. so
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what do we have? young tourna, that is, the corpse of a young guy, 23 years old, taxi driver, stanislav. co - things were stolen, wallet, mobile and jewelry, documents are all in order, i mean, in order, well, i mean, all the documents are available, that ’s clear, comrade major, just a minute, konstantin, the work of the investigation team also includes inspection of the area around the crime scene in order to detect certain objects, evidence that can shed light on the crime committed, this is done. look, i strongly recommend that you get to know him, uh-huh, relax, let me get to the point, why don’t you see it yourself, or something, here's an ordinary robbery, someone called a taxi driver,
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lured you out of town, found a quiet place, well , stuck a feather under your rib, hello, hello, konstantin from the federal channel, please tell me, could you lift up this sock again, well yes, what was stolen? a lot of drug addicts need it, what does he have there, a phone, a wallet, a neck chain, it’s already normal, the time of death was determined, but at about 15:12, prints, lyosha says that there is nothing, great, who found the body, and there’s the guy , he is still shaking him, shaking him so much, that i had to call mom, it’s not mom, i mean not mom, margarita, oh! konstantin, come with me. thanks a lot. here you go, but this is the office of colonel
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solovets. yes, but your office is just very cramped; the light here is much better. and overall the composition here is good. and this is very important for creating a positive image of a russian police officer. well, if the composition here is better, then team igor. well, let's sit down then, sit down, what are you doing? and yes, please just sit there, if it’s not difficult, maybe here, it’s better to go there, there’s a composition better, what are you saying? lord, my god, yes, as i understand it, georgivich, yes, and i will also ask you, when you speak, please gesticulate more, well, if you want to punch, scream, throw papers, it will be... very ok, well , maybe you want to use your fist, but in general kostya, how will he go, like chipaev on a white horse, yes, andrey, andrey, from you i expect more severity, brutality, margarita, you need, on the contrary, more femininity, well, you’re uptight , don’t
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be ashamed of your nature, you know, konstantin, but for me, they bring you the street, so, well everything, and a simpler face, what do we have there about... and that means about the murder on the stary vyborsk highway, what are the versions? well, so far our leading version is a classic drug robbery, but i don’t agree, it’s too complicated a plan for a drug addict, well, then now there are so many taxis on electronic payment, a dress on a mobile phone, and in general the taxi driver could have just left his shift, in principle, he might not have had any cash with him, but drug robberies are somehow simpler usually, so what is the version, unfortunately? another for now... well, that means, go to the apartment of the murdered man, talk to the taxi service, if he contacted the dispatcher, therefore, you need to check the last call, well , you know everything, but stop, stop, wait, you need one more take, excuse me, why, i forgot
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to turn on the camera, yes, yes, ritkam, even i can’t get a piece down my throat, yeah. sometimes, in general, there is a conversation with the relatives of the murdered person, excellent dramatic material, well, let’s have a snack ahead. listen, konstantin, well, firstly, we don’t know what awaits us there, and secondly, this it can be very dangerous, thirdly, lunch, to my great regret, is over, it’s time for us to go, unfortunately, without you, so what? konstantin, you want to highlight the work of the department from all sides, so captain potapov will take you on a fascinating excursion to our technical department and introduce you to ours. the brilliant nikita, yes, by the way, without nikita
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we are like without hands, yes, pash, please explain to konstantin that the technical department is the foundation of any successful solution of a crime, because without technical department, we would poke around like blind kittens, okay, and it’s true, goodbye, goodbye, see you, with great pleasure, 5 minutes to eat a snack, of course, yeah, but it’s better to go there, okay. okay, let's start, so, this reporter really freaked me out, the same thing happened to me, to be honest, no, he's a nice, charming guy, of course, but with his camera he doesn't even let me pass, and because of his camera, i can eat properly i didn’t have time, i’m hungry as a dog, listen, let’s drop by my place? i have freshly cooked borsch, you, well, let's go, it's a common cause
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gives birth to a family, so please, and after they chased my partner pasha potapy, i realized that i couldn’t waste a second, that my comrade’s life was in my hands, then i used the mad gentleman technique, so i apologize, this card has already been filled out too. how, well, let’s put it on the hard drive, here we go, here we go, we’ve found a common language, yes, that’s great, konstantin, i have to go to the taxi company where the murdered man worked, you’re with me on frost or warm here, i'm in the cold, of course, well then i'm waiting for you outside, nikit, connections, konstantin, let me go with you, oh, no, thank you, but i mean that the audience will already identify you with this space and... you will look like a friend, well, not quite organically, but thank
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you very much anyway for an interesting conversation, i ’ll come see you some other time, but in the meantime i’ll prepare for you a selection of photographs of snowdrops, why? well, that’s what we call corpses found under melted snow, but it’s clear, well, okay, this is a success! andryukh, stop calling, of course, there’s no one there, yes, no one, but the apartment you and i still need to examine the dead man, so i suggest, i’m breaking the rules a little, to use the eternal document, it’s good that the journalist is not with us, otherwise he would admire the methods we work here, nothing, with him we would work with other methods. doesn’t fit, let’s try this one too, it doesn’t
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fit, but what’s actually happening, who are you? kolya, i’m calling the police, call tanya, calm, calm, the police are already here, it’s criminal, and who are you? i am the uncle of stas, the owner of the apartment, nikolai vladimirovich, this is my wife, tanya, and what is actually happening? the thing is, it's night. that’s it, no more, i’m running to the store, thank you, honey, i’ll be quick, okay, so when you say, this happened, late yesterday evening, what is it, and first it was an accident. then his father died, and now, wait, let’s talk about everything in more detail. a month ago my
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brother, andrei, died. stas is the only one left. well, we supported him and visited him. stas was very worried. i see, i see. what kind of accident? look, it's probably them. stasa, who? yes, bastard, a couple of months ago stas was in an accident hit head-on, the driver died second, according to the news, it was a policeman, a businessman, you know, a large developer. heard, heard, so what? was stas found guilty? that's the thing, no. no, well, at first the sinners blamed everything on stas, and then there were witnesses who said that poleshchuk himself was to blame. there was even a record from the recorders. stas should have been acquitted, but it’s clear that palischuk’s relatives were furious. in our country, it is always the one
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who is poorer and who has fewer connections who is to blame. so they pressed. stas to blame myself took it. do you think they could have gone that far? yes, quite simply, they threatened him. yes. yes. and recently i arrived all beaten up. i tell him: write a statement, what about him? he was afraid. do you know which of poleshchuk’s relatives threatened him? don't know. they didn’t come to stas themselves, you understand. ask, nikolai, but we have to ask this question. where were you and your wife around midnight yesterday? oh, and you’re already, that’s it, yes, that’s it, yes, yes, let’s go, i can’t stay in this apartment anymore. i bought some medicine
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and will take it at home. goodbye, goodbye, where car? there, goodbye, goodbye, all the best. here you go. and they said robbery, here such a version is emerging, well, yes, the version is elegant, social inequality caused a terrible tragedy, andryukh, you see the camera of that store, yes, and he said that his nephew was shot down 2 weeks ago, they could have come to his home , let's go have a look, ah... i understand everything, well, let's be a little more modest, okay, otherwise people see the camera, they get clamped, listen, i'm just trying to do my job well, but i'm also trying to do my job well, but with everything to you respect my the work is a little more important, after all, a person was killed, i’m trying to get some information, and you ’re pointing at the cameras, i’m starting, well, bone, sit here, look up,
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look left, right, well, this is not a performance, you do you want some kind of documentary, but i want a document? well, hello, igor, great, once again, well, i found out, the last taxi call was from a restaurant to some guest’s room, they called, well, about ten, i understand that there’s a long gap, but i need to check, yes, now i’ll rush there, with me, listen, maybe kostya, no, yes, place, i understood, well, spielberg, let's go to the bus stop, so how about a taxi? they don’t give us any money, unless you pay, let’s go, that’s it, i’m telling you, it looks like my uncle
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was telling the truth, he was really under a lot of pressure there. nikitos, we need the owner of the jeep, so, let's wait for the journalist, he wanted to capture working moments, for his journalist, then you'll do it, nikitosik, we need it urgently, it's urgent for us, actually they call it a double, and you'll do it, this restaurant, my grandfather built it, my whole soul is here invested. here the roof was leaking, here all the plaster was crumbling, i did everything, it’s all very cool, someone called a taxi yesterday, well , the client, it’s clear that for some drunk client, i didn’t ask him for documents, he somehow paid with cash by card, just if some card data should remain, no, yu, i know, you don’t need to explain me, i paid in cash, our terminal
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doesn’t work yet, but i do it, i do everything, you have a camera, of course, this is a decent establishment, can i see yesterday's? evening, okay, here, this way, go, this way, thank you, listen, what channel are you talking from, it’s just that your girl from television came to us, so she with her white gloves climbed into the refrigerator everywhere and under the refrigerator into the oven, listen, i did everything, you, i beg you, let’s go, take it off, show her that i did everything, please, let’s go here, where is the journalist, did they float him somewhere, a journalist? leaks the cards, he said that the meeting was boring stuff, and in general he was disappointed in the performance work, so here it is, comrade colonel, but we have a rather entertaining version, not perfect, of course, but still everything is true, relatives told us that the murdered man was put under quite a lot of pressure after an accident involving businessman poleshchuk. yes, there are recordings that show how stas is stuffed into a car and taken away in an unknown
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direction. actually, the car was broken into; it belongs to oleg shvedov. who is this? the head of the security service of the businessman who died in an accident, poleshchuk. the head of the security service takes revenge for his former master. well, you never know what’s there? well, it’s not a fact that on his own initiative, for sure. well, we will. and there to look for the customer, it’s confusing that all this is indirect, when they pushed him into the car? a week ago, and well, that means everyone knew about the conflict, they wrote in the press, they said it themselves, it also glows in front of the cameras, yes, the version is not reinforced concrete, and what is stronger, there is no version, but i established the last order of the murdered man , a taxi was called from a restaurant, i looked at the video recordings, the face of the one who called is clearly visible, but the identity cannot yet be established, and what time was this last order 10, and they killed at 12? but that's not about it what he doesn’t say, the taxi was driving out of town until we got there, so far, it turns out that in both cases it was not robbery, just an imitation, if one of these versions is true, i would not discount
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the fact that it could have been a random drug addict , which we just missed, oh, i feel like a wood grouse bird will fly to us, so andrei, it’s good that our journalist is not here, god forbid you blurt out something like that on camera, we don’t have wood grouse in the main office, no, okay? no, that’s it, then pasha, work out the last taxi order, yeah, and you’ll call turn this swede around, and take the journalist into custody, now he’s already where we are, but if, god forbid, something happens to him, and who are you, who are you, for something to happen to him, make sure that nothing happens didn’t happen, free, sorry, konstantin, we didn’t have time to stick the press inscription, come to me? and do you often do this during arrests? oh, it varies. yes.
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where's your armor? well, we are experienced people, trained, a little charmed. otherwise , god forbid, shooting starts, you’ll panic and run into bullets yourself. god forbid. well, are you ready? yes, to arms, yeah, all around. hey, huh? everything is fine, in reaction, step by step. the man turned a blind eye to his ex-wife’s flirting on the internet and forgave her for cheating on her with a colleague. she was a conductor, he was an assistant driver. they had an affair, yes, it was difficult. i had to talk for a long time, forgive her, even. but i couldn’t forgive my unsisterly feelings for my cousin. i knew from her own aunt, she has been in love with her cousin for 16 years, now he is plagued by doubts, did his ex-wife give birth to a son and daughter?
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i have doubts, i will submit a dna test, he created a disgrace, a disgrace, he should have not played in love with his cousin at the age of 16, he fantasizes about denigrating me in front of people here in order not to pay child support, your aunt personally saw how your brother was pulled out from under a football. so i won’t work without a camera, where is the journalist? the journalist left for detention, okay, then let's wait, i can't wait, nikit, listen, i need to establish the identity
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of the person who was caught on camera in the restaurant, you understand, pasha, just for your sake, let's run, i'll do everything, don't sit on soul, and go, pavel, go, pavel, don’t come back without the journalist. the journalist has left, please, yes, yes, yes, but i can start working, of course, start filming, yeah, come on. sorry, but is this even legal? calm down, these are our usual methods. so how should i behave when detained? well, stand behind
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us. but don’t go into the line of fire, if they start shooting from a machine gun, i won’t see anything behind your backs, you know, i need a sharp report, well then konstantin, act according to the circumstances, or whatever your muse tells you, hey, what are you i'm crazy, what do you want from the car, good afternoon, mr. shvedov, criminal investigation department, what kind of clown is this, put the camera away, calm down, this is operational filming, what an operational filming, wow, mr. shvedov, this is resistance, what a mess huh? so sit down ridka, sit down with him, everything is fine, yeah, well, he dashed off a statement, who, who, who, budkov, coat, what he wrote there, well , yes, they intimidated him once, that was it, call him , arrange a confrontation, and he is killed, i don’t know anything about it. who are you
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hired? polishchuk's relatives? myself. nobody hired me. it's amazing how dedicated our security chiefs are. they are taking revenge for the owner. what does polishchuk have to do with it? and i’m for vicky. is vika polishchuk’s wife? yes. wow, what a dramatic twist. when her husband died, she was not herself. she believed that polishchuk was not guilty, everything was fine, and then there were witnesses, some notes, but i decided to stimulate this matter in my own way, i finished the game, now they are setting up a murder, but why did you do this ryana help her in general, it was with her back when my husband was alive, when he died, i thought, everything will be different now,
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no one is stopping me. she went into depression, started drinking, got into trouble with me, well, let’s say vika could have hired someone, no, it’s unlikely, i would have known when he was killed, yesterday at 12 at night, so it wasn’t us who did it, we were together, well, of course, this is a very convenient alibi for both, yes, seriously, i’m saying, we were in a hotel outside the city, i booked the room in my name, and there are cameras there, but we didn’t kill him, there was no point in fussing, okay, we’re all this let's check. and for now everything is the same, in detail, in writing, adapt, we detained a dangerous criminal, i can’t even stop his interrogation, you know what, if you want, come to us tomorrow, we will ask the detainee to spend the night with us, you will come in the morning with film the interrogation again with another camera,
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the floor is called one day in the life of professionals, and the day is already over, so i’ll edit from what i have, i hope the flash drive was not damaged and the material was preserved there, but don’t be upset, we can find some old ones frames, photographs from crime scene, but do you understand georgievich, the fact is that it is unknown whether my program will be aired at all, i didn’t understand, well, look, here’s an ordinary... person, he goes to work or service on his working days, he has working hours, there are responsibilities, there is a payday, there is a lot of work, there is little work, but he will still receive a salary, but with us it’s not like that, with us every report is like going out to the open sea, you are trying to find new lands, open new horizons, unearth treasures, then you return to your home harbor, and
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the producer tells you: no, well, the report is not sharp enough, banal, boring, i’m putting your work on the shelf, instead they will put on some tv series that everyone has been tired of for a long time. excuse us, konstantin, all the best. thank you, alek georgievich, goodbye, goodbye. yes. crap. thank you, pash, here he is your client, so in the video there is a moment when he is talking on a mobile phone from a restaurant with someone, but i looked at the exact time of the call and identified the number, thank you, i’m going to see him, so where is the journalist? i found a bunch of juicy best
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material for it? unfortunately, he was injured during the arrest, so he won’t be there, uh-huh, how so, well, somehow, they didn’t save the man, uh, they didn’t save me, my police are protecting me, it’s better to joke, die, bastard, keep quiet, keep quiet, they didn’t understand everything correctly, he paid me, it’s a game, girl, let’s go out, excuse me, but you are comrade dyumin, yes, yes, yes,
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dyumin, dyumin, don’t you want to get dressed, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, now, excuse me, i'm with the police, i wanted to ask you a couple of questions, of course, of course, let's do it. you were there the day before yesterday in a restaurant? yes, there was, home, we were returning by taxi, yes, on the way you had a conflict with the taxi driver, right? no, but this is for the taxi driver, so he himself is to blame, for what? well, i just didn’t have the money, and i told him to wait, and if he came upstairs with me, i would pay. what did you pay for? how for what? for the trip, there were 500 rubles and kopecks, but now they turn to the police because of this? so did you have a conflict or not? i didn’t really understand, no, no, there was no conflict, just. and i said that i have no money, he ran into me, and i told him that he needed to wait, and he was in a hurry somewhere, what time it was, i don’t remember, i was drunk, but it was evening, i don’t remember, what happened - so, you can say, what happened is that they killed this taxi driver, like
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they killed, like this, well, i, no, what are you, i have nothing to do with it, i went upstairs, came back with the girl can confirm, because we they came to pick her up with him, she will confirm this, okay, we... we’ll check it, you said that he was in a hurry somewhere, where? but i don’t remember, he s i spoke to someone on the phone, said that he was late for leo tolstoy square, yes, leo tolstoy square, i remember that, uh-huh, yes, yes, i can imagine what kind of film our journalist will make, if it turns out at all, ale georgievich, well, honestly, we contributed as much as we could. okay, let's report on what progress is being made in solving the murder. but how unfortunate it is, the version with poleshchuk has burst, the wife of the head of the security service also has an alibi. well, in general, this was to be expected. yes, i understand that i can’t say it these words, but in my opinion, we are going to a drug addict,
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a robber and a wood grouse. well, not exactly. no, the guy who called a taxi from the restaurant is, of course, not in business, but he unwittingly overheard the taxi driver’s telephone conversation. and he said. that he was in a hurry for some meeting on leo tolstoy square, and was in such a hurry that he didn’t even wait for the money, while he was running here to pay, he left, he can see from the cameras where the car went, well, that’s all, yes, well done, 2 day of work, all you have is a certain meeting on leo tolstoy square, that's it, go and work in the end. tolstoy lion square, are you kidding me? no, nikitoshka, he’s not mocking, well, stop whining, work, work, can you imagine how many cars there are there at this time, imagine, and if ritka kisses you, nikitoshka, we
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imagine that there are not many streets there, we know the car, you can roughly calculate the time, melted, melted, come on, okay, okay, what about time, i drove a taxi.
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307, and the murder happened at 23:45, they weren’t in the cafe for long, well, yes, what kind of mysterious stranger is this, do you think it’s her, yes, everything is possible, ritka, let's go to... yes, thank you, thank you, nikitos, it's rare, apparently, here's the camera that nikita found, yeah, and if there's one here, the cafe probably has one too, i agree, no, no, they have cameras we don’t exist, are you serious, you don’t have cameras, well, we’re a small cafe, we invest all the money in development. i don’t have enough camera time yet, okay, okay,
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girl, did you work the day before yesterday? yes, the day before yesterday i, wonderful, please remember, the day before yesterday at around 11 pm this lady was supposed to come to you, yes, you know, i remember her, can you describe your appearance, your face? well, a woman, about thirty years old, that’s all, maybe there was something special about her, some special signs, maybe she had a mole, i’ll take a look. the hat, she was wearing an extravagant hat. the hat is good. thank you. yes, so that there are no cameras in the cafe, even above the cash register. wow. popados. yeah. yes. okay, ridka. let's go check the cameras around the perimeter. along what perimeter? kilometer per kilometer? so what to do? oh, andrey, hello, well, i hope
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you’re in the store and choosing a gift for me, because that, because i have information for you, but just like that, i won’t tell it to you, i dug up something on nikolai budko. nikitos, you, of course, are such a great guy, thank you very much for your enthusiasm, i even gave you a gift, but i’m telling you again, at nikolai’s. i got a job on this tatiana, nikolai’s wife, but
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she doesn’t seem to be suspicious, she’s not alabi, well , what an alib, aleba, to be honest, is dubious, that’s all, my friend confirmed it, you want to say that our eyes are blurry, yeah, give me the phone, hello, nikitos, no, potapinka, listen, you and andryukha have something to do with me, yes, it’s definitely, definitely, a girl, last time you said that you didn’t see her well, well now, when you show her to me, it’s definitely her , only the hat is missing, well, here’s your hat, let’s go, go ahead, thank you, thank you. it’s cool today,
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yes, hello, good afternoon, hello, hello, some news on the murder of stas, there is news, you’ll have to drive with us, drive through, you can’t go here, i don’t have time right now, you don’t need nikolai, here tatiana will have to. come in, sit down, don’t want to take off your clothes, no, thank you, sit down, thank you, i don’t really understand what all this means, but we just want to talk to you, talk, why can’t my husband be present at this conversation, would you like some water, no, thank you, your husband already has a weak heart, you want to finish him off, which i don’t understand. where were you the night stas was killed? i was with
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a friend, i often stay with her when kolya is late at work, and does she say something else? no, no, she says the same thing the very thing, well, only you arrived to her very late, about 2:00 in the morning, where were you before, but what difference does it make anyway, to the question posed, keep quiet, okay, then i ’ll tell you, you met in a cafe with stas? nonsense, well, of course, nonsense, you were identified by the cafe employees, your wonderful wide-brimmed hat, why did you kill him? i didn't kill anyone. okay, what were you doing at the gas station, which is located not far from the crime scene? how did you find out? very
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simple. when you killed stas, you were left without transport; you walked to the nearest gas station and called a taxi from there, we localized your phone, why did you kill stas? it’s all kolya’s fault, he’s the one who lost everything. are you talking about his company? yes, we have always lived normally, yes, on a mortgage, on credit, but normally, but now i simply have nothing to pay for. all this, that is, you committed a murder because of your husband’s brother’s apartment, i begged him, talk to your nephew, to divide his apartment, dacha, car, that’s all his too, but he’s proud, he doesn’t need anything, well but you yourself haven’t tried to talk to your nephew, yes, i haven’t tried once, only stasi said that he wouldn’t sell anything, if we want
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to use the dacha apartment, please, why should i use it, i need to pay off debts, you agreed to meet stas in a cafe, and then lured him further into the forest. yes, i agreed on everything in advance, i asked him to take me to my friend ’s dacha, he believed you, why not, i’m his aunt, i didn’t quarrel with him, i referred to the fact that kolya was busy, with taxi drivers, strangers, i should go scared, i tried to talk to him again, but... it was useless, well in general, you have achieved your goal, in what sense? you really will get a car, an apartment, and a dacha, but you won’t be able to use it. yes, yes, allow me, yes,
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andryukh, nikitos, what... that you always help us out, for your reliability and responsiveness - this is what you asked for, yes, yes, andrey, i didn’t expect this from you, well, well , well nikitos, are you offended or what? yes, well , it’s a joke, stupid, well, i agree, stupid, well, a very stupid joke, this is... not a joke, andryukha, this is a docking station black x-duet, edition, this new version, what did you dream about, yes, andryukha, thank you very much, this is what i expected from you, this is the whole department, not just me, thank you,
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damn it, thank you guys, good hug, they show us on tv, this is mine, so is this mine? yes, yes, i’m listening, comrade general, i understand, i’ll definitely tell you, yeah, that’s it, they called from moscow, yeah, they praised us for our work for creating a noble image of the russian
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policeman, congratulations, russia, so guys, find this kostya and thank him , properly. well done, cups of tea, come on guys, well done, cheers to everyone, well, where can we look for this reporter now, does anyone have his contacts, we'll call the editorial office tomorrow, i think they know how to find him, and if they don't know, hey, comrades policemen, oh! easy reminder of hello, and we, as searchers , are organizing an event, so to speak, to find you and thank you, especially considering such circumstances, well, what circumstances, i understand what an important and risky business you are... thank you for your understanding, i brought it to you a gift, here you go, a cd with our report, wow, wow, just a hero,
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i think this thing is necessary, i’m absolutely for it, i don’t mind, i approve, i’ll treat you, now we ’re here for you,
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good afternoon, can i help you with anything? good, if possible, i’m looking for books on criminology, yes,
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this is the second stand to the right, thank you, here’s the boss, we are here for you, your comment, please comment on the events, so, all the information will be later, a press conference will take place in the evening, that's it, once again we can't get any you're fine. pasha, what do you mean we won’t reveal it, let’s quickly say what we have at the moment, should i report to the commander-in-chief every half hour about what kind of deputy he is? well, the deputy of the regional zaks, polkin, arkady anatolyevich, was shot in the head, presumably a sniper was working from the opposite roofs, the roofs and attics had not yet been worked out, the girl was sitting with him in the restaurant. yeah, clearly, a personality characteristic. what did you do in the meeting? nikita sent, he was not distinguished for his special contribution to lawmaking, he regularly acted as social activist on moral issues against the propaganda of violence on television
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screens in the theater. the criteria for violence were determined by a member of the christian republican party himself. so, okay, everything is clear. did they interview the girl? we haven't had time yet. so, andryukh, let’s quickly explain what kind of relationship they had, and so on. yes. what's wrong with you, lyosha? exhaust type sniper rifle with silencer. well, that’s why no one heard the shots. excuse me, take it, take it, please, thank you, are you interested in the theory of crimes?


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