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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 14, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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propaganda of violence on television screens in the theater, the criteria for violence were determined by the member of the christian republican party himself. so, okay, everything is clear. did they interview the girl? we haven't had time yet. so, andryukh, let’s quickly explain what kind of relationship they had, and so on. uh-huh, what's wrong with you, lyosha? an exhaust-type sniper rifle with a silencer, so no one heard the shots. is in service mainly with the fsb. yeah, the bullet went right through the rifle, but it’s not powerful, so you need a location. look somewhere nearby, somewhere far away small, okay, pasha, come with me to the attic, uh-huh, excuse me, take it, take it, please, thank you, are you interested in the theory of crimes? rather practice, let me
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ask you, is this a professional interest or a hobby? allow me, be curious, well, in general, professional, although lately it has developed into a hobby, so to speak, improving your qualifications, can i guess who you are, well, i’ll try, take a chance, journalist, teacher, cold, forensic medicine, warmer, so... you, senior police lieutenant, homicide department, it can’t be, you’re a girl from killer, you are breaking stereotypes, that’s right, dragoon alexey viktorovich, political psychologist, wow, senior lieutenant, potapinko, you can just rita, it’s nice for me too. why
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are you staring, she said, let’s buy some boots in the morning, no, now we’re hungry and bassy, ​​but why is it so interesting, i have a request for you, yes, while i’m interviewing the witness, put the recordings from the cctv cameras on a flash drive from the very morning before our arrival, thank you, good afternoon, girl, once again... hello, captain rydanov, criminal investigation department, we will investigate this murder, very nice, what is your name? nora love, original name, can i see my passport? thank you, say, nora love, this. i realized that
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this is a pseudonym, our full name is vdotya semyonovna litvinova, bryansk region, koletnyansky district, kommuna village, there is no temporary registration in st. petersburg, when you are the chosen one of the people's representative, registration is not needed, very witty, well, arkasha told me so, of course , there is no stamp confirming your chosenness, so i dare to assume that you are his mistress. well , put me in prison, put me in prison for love, how long did your love last? it was like a week, we met at an exhibition of sports cars, i worked there as a promotional girl, rakasha had his eye on one car, but i was not at a loss and showed him the engine size, and you know that arkady anatovich has a wife and two children, captain rydanov, i am with some for now...
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i don’t look at a guy’s passport and try not to show off mine, i’m only interested in the membership card, wow, how many times have we met in a week, every day except wednesday, he has a meeting day, i have a spa, i took off arkasha i need a room at prodies aution, i stopped by in the morning, we had breakfast, went shopping, on his parliamentary business, well, like deputy business, it’s clear, that’s it, in short, i’m free, no, dunechka. you’ll have to go to our department, and there we ’ll talk to you in more detail, lord, captain, what should i do? now the investigator will come, take your testimony, i understand, please, i ask you, thank you very much, please tell me why this regional deputy needs to come here for lunch, what do we have here?
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it’s smeared or something, well, apparently it’s not right in the area the food is delicious, oh, here he is, look carefully, look, what’s there? well, the dust on the windowsill has been erased, there are also traces, and the window looks directly onto the restaurant. i think they fired from here. it's clear. merzlyakin. i'm listening, comrade general. well, we are working on the crime scene, witnesses, leads. well, of course, in the shortest possible time. what? see you tomorrow, but there is a report for everyone. now, goodbye, i heard, in general, if by tomorrow we don’t have a version with strong leads, the case will be taken away, there’s too much resonance in the press, well, i’m calling the experts, let them everyone here is furry, come on, i’ll have it all in an hour , margarita, don’t you think that our
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professions are somewhat similar, well, they’re more likely related, which...
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well, gentlemen detectives, time is working against us more than ever. any news? yes, i found out the girl killed, she studied at the bryansk state institute, did not graduate, often tours big cities, has nothing to do with crime, so the source of income is unknown. well, let’s say her source of income is known, the icing on the cake, so to speak. this is clear, but we can’t let her go now, for her own sake. security.
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i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition, what’s going on here, to be honest,
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it’s a complete madhouse, yulia galkina, everything is within the framework of the usual madness, anna ardova, maybe coffee, thank you, i’m in the morgue i don’t drink, stanislav erushin, i’ll go. the new deceased, and by the way, take these ones to this capsule hotel, daniil vakhrushev, everyone, roman madyanov, i’ll take half a stick now, and he’ll be a medical duck, it’s popular for you to explain where the loaves grow from, yuri stoyanov, you can’t go a little lower, comrades of garbage, an emergency exit, it’s becoming a habit, it’s okay, that’s it. no one has died yet until the premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. that's it, let's break it down: deputy sachs was killed in the presence of his mistress. we need to find out
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as much as possible about him, who he was, for his wife, children, his activities in sachs directly. well, nikita dug up here some of his striking television interviews are worth watching. maybe he insulted someone live, yeah, then they could have hired a killer. yes, pasha is right, you still have to dance from the personality of the polkin. maybe he crossed the path of someone in particular? that's right, igor, for example, to his wife. by the way, regarding my wife, polkina oksana valerievna, 45 years old, lives in st. petersburg. she is the owner of a chain of fitness clubs. most of the family's property is registered in her name. four class c cars, three apartments, one of which she lives in without a husband. she has two sons, one 20 and the other 22 years old. they study abroad and rarely come to russia. georgivich, i 'll take care of it then. let's. andryukha, who gave a recording from...
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nothing specific, the video recorded only the moment of the murder, i did not notice anything suspicious within the video surveillance radius, i think that the shadow activities of the deputy cannot be ruled out, there may be some kind of corruption component, this is interesting, pasha, that is, you need to understand whose interests he could represent, that’s what, go to polkin’s workplace if will you need to seize documentation or something else... call me right away, andrey, and you talk to the deputy’s assistant, he’s probably the same person who was aware of all polkin’s affairs, we’ll do it, work, everyone is free, andryukh, at least you’re getting treatment, yes taking pills doesn't help, right? everyone left, so what, but i stayed, dunya, what
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difference does it make, what dunya? “i myself am confused, but there is no reason to think that this is a contract killing of our competitors, no reason, thank you, with all the work, texts for speeches with the press, i did everything, and polkin, if you studied his activities, then he is, as it were , not a deputy, a person who..." was supposed to respond to some social phenomena, thereby revitalizing the work of the media, but this is like
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pr, you know? maxim, as i understand it, that your activities were supervised by someone from above, well , there is nothing illegal in this, there is a chair, it is occupied by the appropriate person, then the work goes on, this is called protecting the interests of your own, well, and of the voters, yeah, why are you so personally afraid. , since you have such a rear? i thought that polkin took for my back due to my stupidity, something myself and well, what led to today’s denouement, you will be catlitsa, pasta with ketchup you have a person, and the first? you do not want? no, i don’t want it, pasta with ketchup. and compote, and
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sangria with nutmeg? what? nothing. thank you, lord, people, do we have a nut? clear, one more question, but if you had found something, you would not have contacted the police, because my career could collapse overnight
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if it turns out that polkin showed some kind of independence, began to act without a point, but it’s like a big sport, but today i’m working on my invulnerability, i must remain ultra-reliable, so that tomorrow, in order to take a place tomorrow... you’re taking risks, dangerous work, hello, hello, kremov, yes. the divorce was not filed because of his professional activities, he cared about
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family values, yeah, or, more precisely , how it should look from the outside. well, as far as i know, a good half of the real estate is registered in your name? yes, what don’t you know? deputies do not have ex-wives it happens, especially when you’ve been walking the same road for 15 years. arkady had more trust in me than in all his relatives and mistresses combined. and i didn’t let him down, i paid honestly. were you satisfied with the role of manager? arkady is a public person. we communicated through him.
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well, that's it, excuse me, i have to go, if you need me, all meetings with a lawyer are subpoenaed, all the best, goodbye, boris, look at the camera, not yourself, look at the dot in the camera, look, those are your lips a little bit, oh, well, as if offended, like this, let's count three, oops, great, girl, i 'm taking a photo with you only because radanov told me that you're not a criminal, but i can't let you go, and i 'm not asking you to do this, you just at least tell him call, otherwise it’s like a canteen, here you go, oh, avdotya, i see you really enjoyed spending your leisure time in our police department,
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so have a conscience, police officers, one left me here, the other won’t let me out, what should i do, mm, sorry , van, haven’t you filled out the certificate yet? yes, christmas trees, i didn’t have time to go back and forth. van, come on run, what are you doing, now the solovki will see, and the citizen, come with me, we’ll draw up the documents. okay, citizen litvinova, don’t swing your hips like that, we have strong guys here, you won’t get us through this. calm down, oh, yes, i'm not in shape. well, it's not a phone. let's talk later, i'll call you back and we 'll decide, yes, the weather is normal, alexey viktorovich, a girl has come to see you, now, i'm on my way, yes, okay, i'll call you back, let's do it for now, deputy arkady polkinu.
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used at close range to destroy manpower, even penetrates body armor, so polkin had no chance at all, which means it has been in service since 2005, exclusively in fsb units, there are also award-winning items, they are used by 29 people, all these people are participants in combat operations, all of them are heroes
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of russia, seven of them live in st. petersburg, or they lived, so... i haven’t heard of them being awarded rifles, but in fact it also seemed very strange to me, but i found out that some special forces soldiers are awarded sniper rifles and they at the end of their lives they remain in service, they do not retire, they continue to work as consultants, that no prints have yet been found at the killer’s location, but there are elements of shoes and pieces of fabric, velvet velor, thank you, is free. very tasty tea, your place is very cozy, i really really hope that you are not going to conduct a full psychotherapy session with me, i don’t seem to really need it.
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you are brave, well, of course, this is connected, well, with curiosity, a completely feminine trait, your determination is based on interest, which simply captivates you, in connection with this you often take risks, sometimes unjustifiably, you are alone, children, family, would sharpen your instinct of self-preservation, and this work would no longer be for you, well, maybe, after all, everything your time, well, i don’t think that if you got married you would cheat on yourself, it’s more of a social
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distribution, well, for some people to raise children, and for others to catch killers? well , i don’t find any problem in this, your problems are ahead, in 10 years, you won’t like your own reflection in the mirror, even if you remain a very beautiful girl. “very nice of you, well, in general, then we’ll talk, now it’s important for us to find out the main thing, who leaked the information about the place and time of the deputy’s meal, georgivich, but it turned out to be the simplest: polkin’s assistant, maxim dvortsov, told us that the murdered when the deputy worked, he almost always dined at the same restaurant, so from this we can conclude that the customer is a person close to his professional activities, or someone from the same circle, who is the information.” where is this palace? now he has a written undertaking not to leave the country, we’ll call him here as a witness, we’ll twist him around, we’ll turn him around, that’s what’s suspicious, so far
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he’s giving out little information about the conflicts of enemies, but what about your portrait? well, i’ve walked my own path of change, i like my niche, maybe i was once lucky. the time of upheaval in this country coincided with my search for myself, from an ordinary psychologist, i turned into a political consultant, this is a wonderful role, mm, it’s like you’re not there, but you’re in each of them, that is, well, you know, who came and now comes to power, these people sometimes they don’t know how to behave in public, they are not restrained, and at the same time they have to make millions of people fall in love? myself. and here is my exit. from polen i make burotina. they learn to speak, walk, make the necessary contacts,
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now they are theater owners, their repertoire is sold like bread. yes, margarita, yes. i would not yet discard the version with the involvement of the deputy’s wife. she claims that they did not maintain love affairs. but they maintained working partnerships. i have checked this information. they have no correspondence, no calls was not recorded. there are only financial transactions that they shared from each other's accounts. i believe that these are alimony on the part of the husband and a percentage of the total business on the part of the wife. well, we cannot dismiss the version. it is still unknown how and through whom they could veil their communication. so, igor, you continue to work along this line. what about the mistress? it’s okay, dummy, we’ll take a non-disclosure agreement and leave it for the duration of the investigation in the city. by the way, margarita, everything you took from the bookstore is morally outdated,
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all these physical signs of a criminal. well, of course, i understand this, but it cannot be underestimated. well, my dear, crime in the 21st century, especially in our time, has gone far ahead in its progress. now the criminal has become more sophisticated. he is no longer interested in the goal, he. i've been sitting too long. margarita, let's have dinner tomorrow. thank you, but i have a lot of work and then i try not to eat at
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night. i'll accompany you. i'll be waiting for the call, goodbye, goodbye, good evening, come in, kostya, relax, everything is already done, you well done, you know what, the investigative committee insists on... not strong, i don’t know, maybe this makes sense, but i feel that the case will be taken away from us, even if we solved it today, okay, freely, yeah , hello, ah...
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yesterday, of course, we didn’t touch you, but today, excuse me, here’s a recording from a cctv camera from the murder scene, the case is on the table, take a look, connect, but i’ll leave the music anyway, leave it.
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a press conference on the murder of arkady, a deputy of the legislative assembly of the leningrad region, has just ended polkina, committed last night, one of the most pressing issues of the press conference was the emerging affair of the married polkin with a mysterious young girl who accompanied him at the time of the murder. now the girl is under investigation by the inter-district homicide department, which she talked about in her microblog, such delicious adventures begin, adventures continue, dear ladies, i remind you. so what do we have here , oops.
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come on, to be honest, i would... pile them on you, it wouldn’t seem too bad, georievich, well , we yawned, we yawned with this beauty, yawned, before bulkin started working with her, the journalists had already actively worked with her, well, how could this even be allowed to happen, oh, well, let’s listen together, i’m listening, alexey nikolaevich, colonel solovets, you just lost your sense of smell and
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professional conscience. i don’t have time to listen to your excuses, reprimand and receive the appropriate sanctions in writing, the case is taken away, look, olegich, so that this shameful story does not become the last on your obedient list, that’s all, thank you, comrades, you served, but... she's just she blabbed to everyone that she was his mistress, and there are no arguments that would confirm this, but just think, boris took a picture with her, so what now, yes, with permission, he gives, come in, oleg georgievich, i have a version about yesterday’s slaughter, rit, i’m having a disgusting day today, if you at least do something to make me happy, i’ll try, look, this is
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alexey viktorovich. political consultant and psychologist for many deputies, including polkin. wait, wait, today i took a certificate for vitaly evgenievich surikov, so what? this is a hero of russia, colonel. he died in the twelfth year, lived in st. petersburg in the frundensky district, he was at one time awarded that same rifle, and he is ragunsky’s cousin, interesting, i’ll continue, look, this is a man with a case, his name is konstantin, well, basically, this is all i know at the moment, but after all the information you have collected, i can say one thing, i have one question, was there really an air launch in this place? so, well, wait, what did lyosha say about the particle of tissue that was discovered at the site of the sniper lying down? velvet velor? yes, yes, yes, it could have been the lining fabric of the case. okay, let’s say there’s a rifle in the case, but what kind of person is this dragoon anyway? and,
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to be honest, where did you get such acquaintances? well, to be honest, it’s a completely random acquaintance, i’ve only known him for a day, i can say one thing: he’s a professional man, very smart, educated, with a sense of taste, but not without a share of selfishness.
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there are no orders, there is no execution, the main thing is, of course, i’m very sorry, but it seems to me that i’ll have time to sneak out of the department in time, just tonight i’m having dinner in a restaurant with dragunsky, it seems to me that at this time someone should break into dragunsky’s office and conduct, excuse me, an unauthorized search, yesterday, yesterday absolutely, there was a case, and it seems to me that it came from there no one took it, if we take dragunsky, we can easily reach konstantin through him, well, georgievich, everything is quite sensible, we have to take risks, we have nothing to lose, let’s try, each of us has something dear to us, honor. memory, present and future, dear, sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker. we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon
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our own. join yours. preserving the youth of the eyes, it is recommended that the tofon is created for nutrition, restoration of vision changes can change familiar things, use daily for 3 months, the tofon is now in new packaging, especially for course use, this is a security service, give the code from the sms, let's do it if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card fmobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers, he is the only one. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the scent of vernelle to suit your mood,
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the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflexovolar - movement without more in any weather. and now about the weather today for the coastal cyclone in the far east is great. plans, now it is spoiling the weather of the magadan region, then it will cover chukotka with snowfalls, well, in the south of the continent the rains are already from a different slope, and the moderate warmth is almost stable around plus 15, unstable in siberia, there are dizzying rises and falls in temperature, today in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory in khakassia in altai it’s almost +30, bright sun, but a cold front is coming from the urals, in omsk there is no longer a trace of heat, +13 and rain, now it’s cloudy in yekaterinburg, sunny in orenburg, on european territory the sun is also rising. more, but the air is still arctic, in the center in the black earth region +12:13, in
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the voluga even less, but the southern regions are in the rain. izovyakh don, in kuban, in the north caucasus there are also thunderstorms. there is light rain in crimea. in sevastopol, in sochi -16. and in st. petersburg today it’s +16, no precipitation. in moscow it’s not higher than 12-13 yet, but it’s still sunny. well, at least we’ll eat at government expense. andryukh. kana with milk, the milk is hot, cold, yes, please heat it up for a minute, pashka is our
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departing waiter, goodbye, goodbye, hello, oh, hello, boss, hello, electrician semyon is involuntarily, here is an order from the owner, replacing single-phase meters for day and night, they say:
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he cooks quite tasty, yeah, i haven’t eaten in a restaurant for a long time, by the way. at whose expense is the banquet? for mine, how for yours? like this, why couldn’t you agree that the operating expenses would be paid off? well, what are the expenses, andryukha, we are here incognito, now i have a piece to go to the city!
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yes, absolutely, good evening, i wish you a pleasant evening in our restaurant, please, choose the menu, and i ’ll come to order a little later, thank you, sergey, young man, sergey, sergey, yes, excuse me, but can we have a piece of cheesecake, i’m afraid that cheesecakes have run out, there’s a lot of demand nowadays, but what is there, i can offer bird's milk cake, a recipe from the chef.
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when will this chaos end?
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hey, electrician, electronics guy, you're completely foolish, there's a meter here. then no, but there is something more interesting, come in as a witness, i understand, igor, we work according to scheme a, waiter, how was your
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day, we say, but nothing special, just they selected one interesting case, but i understand that the management, it really turned out to be very resonant, what’s the matter? yes, you probably heard, while we were choosing books in the store yesterday, can you imagine, they killed a deputy, yes, our guys started digging, but they can’t do it alone, yes, i heard, and what’s more, this deputy, arkady polkin , was my client, what are you saying, i apologize if i distracted you, is this a compliment from the next table?
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yes, with a compliment, let's go, alexey viktorovich, yes, serezhenka, he will meet you.
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your brother’s rifle, from which the murder was committed, was made in your office in a case, keep quiet, okay, i ’ll tell you, it was brought yesterday by a certain konstantin tikhonov, the actual executor of the order, whose medical card is in your office. by the way, our employees are now taking tikhonov, but we will return to polkin, how did he... annoy you, polkin became too
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popular, began to take initiative, it became difficult to control him, however, he has already fulfilled his role, it’s not your idea at all , i will not repeat this on record, as i i already said that they will take tikhonov now, but his endurance is not as strong as yours, and he will crack very quickly. well, that’s unlikely, but we’ll see about that later. margarita, after all, red really suits you, why are you silent, is everything bad? tikhonov admitted everything, but so much so that he gave interrogation? tikhonov confessed to the murder, but... he didn’t give up dragunsky, damn it, he’ll be able to get out of this, great, if he gets out, it means i
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shot innocently, groin, don’t worry, he won’t get out of anything, we have a wonderful witness, who am i, i am right, in any case , this dragoon thing still needs to be twisted, and the general, the general, at first was angry, now he seems to have moved away, but the case is still being taken away from us, the general cannot cancel his decisions while we are there taking the initiative showed, the order is already here, the only thing they managed to do was to get skrymov to excuse you from being deprived of your bonus and a reprimand because of this girl. what's wrong with me? and for you, there will be a separate conversation. and once again regarding the shooting in the restaurant, i remind you, stop playing cowboys, of course, enough. in general, you are all great. okay, red suits you after all. thank you, i wish you
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the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, we are looking for a rented car in first gear, on ntv, the emergency program. an ambiguous story happened to a family from chelyabinsk; their spouses and two children were left without a vacation. tatyana mazunina admires the warm sea and picturesque landscapes through the monitor screen. the family had been saving for a trip to egypt for almost a year, but it didn’t work out travel in a minute. at the border control at koltsovo airport, the eldest son, as they say, was turned away due to an error in his passport. the document is rather non-obvious, in the very bottom line, on a white background, in the so -called machine-readable zone, it is not indicated by...


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