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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 14, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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from psychological to material assistance, residents of a destroyed high-rise building in belgorod are coming to their senses, and what do experts say about the future of the house? stalemate situation in kiev. regime , how does the west react to the successes of the russian army in the kharkov direction, and also the land from the foothills, what problems do large families who received free plots face? this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoistey, hello! the belgorod region again experienced a massive air attack that night, 25 vampire missiles were shot down by russian air defenses, reported to the ministry of defense. since the very morning
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, sirens have not ceased in belgorod, mixed with the sounds of explosions. something is already burning there, something is already burning nearby. nine apartment buildings and schools were damaged by shrapnel, and one resident was injured, the regional governor said. meanwhile, in belgorod the fate of the house in which it has been occupied for two days is now being decided. ago, an entrance collapsed due to debris from a ukrainian missile; specialists from the ministry of construction carried out diagnostics to determine whether the surviving part of the building is suitable for repair, or whether it would be safer to demolish it. residents of the affected high-rise buildings are provided with all possible support by the authorities, volunteers, and ordinary belgorod residents; they bring flowers to the collapsed entrance, flowers and candles in candles in memory of the victims, all this against the backdrop of a constant missile threat from belgorod. which turned out to be unable
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to break olga chernova’s report. the trufanov family is today among those who were allowed to take the most necessary things from the destroyed house. people were afraid of losing all their property, since the threat of collapse of structures damaged by the explosion still remained. the trufanovs say that the main thing is they alive, their little grandson was not injured, he still does not understand what tragedy happened. tell me how it was, like this. are you scared? several families made their way to their apartments. through the balconies, others hoped that they would be able to climb onto the aerial platforms and at least pick up the documents, it’s dangerous, they don’t let you pick them up there, you just can’t get up, the whole ladder platform there fell, well, they didn’t even take the glasses, yesterday we had to fill out the documents, we everything is left there, we still have what we now don’t know, when we will acquire it, we already have what age, imagine, more than a thousand people lived in the damaged high-rise building, 107 in the collapsed entrance, most of the evacuees are now staying with relatives and friends, 30 people in the temporary center...
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at this charity foundation warehouse , evacuees from the destroyed high-rise building can receive food, food sets household chemicals, personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes , bedding, some seek psychological help, people had everything. at one moment there is nothing, so yes, no matter how hard it is for them, some generally do not yet realize what happened, the victims thank the volunteers for surrounding them with comprehensive care, depending on the damage caused to the residents of the destroyed high-rise building, the regional government will soon pay from 10 to 100 thousand rubles. construction experts are conducting a comprehensive examination of the destroyed house, it is necessary to assess the volume of dismantling work, the possibility of restoration due to the fact that the block section of the high-rise building is actually... scanned, they have already checked
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the upper part of the foundation in the outer sections, having concluded that the explosion did not damage the strength, we are worried that our house will remain, that nothing will go anywhere, that we will be here, in another part of the house they recorded the displacement of panels. the most serious damage to non-load-bearing walls was in apartments adjacent to the destroyed entrance. the volumetric explosion behind this panel led to its deformation; as you can see, it was bent inside this room in which we are located, and its load-bearing capacity was completely lost. experts will make final conclusions about the future fate of the high-rise building in the coming days: people continue to bring colorful toys to the site of the tragedy; this team of workers cleared away the rubble and are ready to help rebuild the house. first of all, all residents of the city
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of belgorod are scared at such moments, but yesterday, when i came here, i saw how everyone rallied, everyone helped, ordinary citizens and all authorities helped each other. i would like to thank them all, for everyone this is a shock in the first place, and it is also unclear how to react to this, it is clear that this is grief, mourning, that not everyone can come to terms with this, we will have to, we will restore it, we'll have to take the machine guns in our hands, belgorod is still restless, there are missile danger signals and explosions several times a day, citizens complain that not all shelters are accessible, the basements of some houses are locked, in small concrete shelters... not there's always enough space. after another shelling, according to governor glotkov, seven civilians were wounded, two in serious condition. the russian ministry of defense reports that several air targets were shot down over the belgorod region, including six guided bombs. olga chernov, oleg zoltarev, andrey ostroverkhov and sergey
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gavrilov. ntv television company. belgorod. now about the situation in the special operation zone, artillerymen of the voytsk-dnepr group attacked firing points in the ssu in the zaporozhye region. shot! the strikes were carried out from towed howitzers geocent b just from the beginning of the month, this crew alone has already destroyed more than 10 units of large-caliber weapons, including the american m109 and hauwitz m3 seven installations. the crews of the heavy flamethrower systems of the ivanovo airborne forces hit fortified strongholds on the approaches to chasov yar. the successful work of the artillerymen... allowed the assault groups to take positions in the ssu and clear them with minimal losses. in addition, the ministry of defense published footage of militants from the krakin brotherhood units banned in russia, who were captured in the kharkov region. i realized that
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we were surrounded, there was shooting from all sides, a grenade flew into our blending nearby, i received shrapnel wounds, and so we decided to lay down our arms. russian su-34 fighters destroyed the command post and infantry in the special operation zone, the strike was carried out with bombs with a universal planning and correction module, thanks to which the crews managed to hit ukrainian positions without entering the air defense kill zone. us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev on an unannounced two-day visit, where he will hold talks with zelensky. he began his journey. from poland, from where he went by train to kiev, according to the state debt, blinken will discuss the situation of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield, current american assistance and washington’s early commitments to support from ukraine. however, in unofficial discourse, western officials openly
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admit that new military supplies to kiev will not be enough to change the balance of power in its favor. in particular, an authoritative french newspaper writes about this today. lemon. the west should be prepared for the collapse of ukraine, even if it is not the preferred option. a source in diplomatic circles in paris speaks directly to the publication. a nightmare has come for kiev - the american cnn echoes the europeans. why is sobering up happening in the western capital right now? reality - roman sobol found out. the coming weeks will be very grim for ukrainian troops. the russians are moving deeper into northern ukraine. headlines like these.
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kiev promises to strengthen this direction, but it does not have enough soldiers, it will have to withdraw troops from other areas. western strategists again started talking about the cunning of the russians, their tactics of a thousand cuts, they say, with small but frequent blows they exhausted the ukrainian army. it's not just about attacking kharkov, the russians have been advancing for months now, launching precision attacks all over to the front. in kiev, the mood is even gloomier, they say that the ukrainian army risks being surrounded, and not only near kharkov, if russia strikes immediately from kharkov from the donetsk direction towards dnepropetrovsk, the point
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of contact that they have in their plans is access to the dnieper, thus they want to cut off, cut off our two large groups in the northeast, in the eastern direction and in...
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enemy losses amounted to up to 250 troops, two tanks, two armored combat vehicles, 17 vehicles, 152 mm 100b howitzer, 122 mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, 122 mm d-30 howitzer, buk m1 and strela-10 launchers, four. combat vehicles rszzo hurricane, vampire and cancersa12. at this stage, it is necessary to create a security zone for belgorod, knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from a position from where they can fire at the city, and the more fiercely the ukrainians hit residential areas, the further they will have to be thrown back. the logic is simple: in the west, they most likely want to make kharkov a new symbol, a new anti-russian horror story, with with which you can squeeze more money out of budgets to please politicians and... weapons corporations. the us president signed another $400 million aid package to ukraine,
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which includes the supply of artillery ammunition, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, anti-tank missile systems, as well as other equipment necessary to protect kharkov and other territories of ukraine. in kiev , rada deputies ask zelensky to officially call nato troops to ukraine to defend kharkov. in brussels, however, many realize that such a step will lead to the beginning. such a war that will leave no stone unturned in ukraine and beyond. the west prefers to fight by proxy and is still willing to pay for it, although the new york times writes, quote: 2 years of conflict, hundreds of thousands of victims and billions of dollars have changed little, this may increase pressure on ukrainian leaders to negotiate a truce with russia, end of quote. and even, perhaps, the most ardent supporters of ukraine, the baltic states, began. the shells
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that we promised kiev will be given to him the opportunity to hold out until the end of the summer, but they will not give a chance for a counter-offensive to return territories; in order to win the war, ukraine needs an army of one and a half, or better, 2 million people, if you ask whether ukraine can do this now, i will answer that no, estonian military. not completely honest, or didn’t study history. an army of two million is, of course, a great force, and many countries would bow to it, but not russia. roman sobol, maxim zaichenko, ntv television company. the regions have begun to implement the presidential instructions regarding free land plots for families with many children. often , such families were given land without infrastructure, gas and electricity, unsuitable for construction, which was even difficult to drive... rather, for reporting purposes in the documents of the local administration
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, the head of state was told about the problem at the end of january at the forum for relatives and loved ones at vdnkh by one of the participants, just a father of many children. now, by the end of june this year, regional heads must report on the work done. svetlana gordeeva, more details. now we have yes, yes, my own. bogdan, son, i won’t get you out later. already. for 3 years, the ulanovs are the happy owners of a swamp, a large family received a plot of land under a federal program, they were given them at the end of november, that is , it was practically impossible to even see what the state of the land was at the moment, but they gave it to us, the next day there was snowfall, it turned out , that this is just a swampy part of the forest, we had to hire lumberjacks, it’s not clear what to do with the swamp, every spring here we are now standing dry, because here in general, the same thing is happening, here too there is water that keeps flowing down to us,
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even a car cannot pass, an atv and so on, this is understandable, this is very, of course, probably fun, but they are not suitable for construction, there is a second reason , due to the lack of roads and swamps, it is simply impossible to determine the boundaries of the plots, which means it is impossible. take out a preferential family mortgage to build a house. many would really like to build a house on what is allocated under the state program, but at the moment we do not yet have this opportunity. so what? talk about infrastructure, gas, water supply, sewerage, the new owners will have to do all this at their own expense. yes. free plots for large families have been allocated since
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2011, but they are not always suitable for building a house on them. often the lucky owners are given the gift. concerns problem regions, however, there are also examples to follow. there are certainly regions there, leaders, such as the tyumen, chelyabinsk, rostov regions, tatarstan, krasnodar territory, lipetsk, tambov regions, which are already right there in the hundreds and thousands of specific plots of land, brought them to the large families that
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are being built there, they have already built and, in general, improved their living conditions.
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for a mortgage, the right to such compensation is not available everywhere, but state duma deputies believe that there should be a choice between money and land. every family in the country, and the amount of compensation should depend on the value of land in the region. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, oleg gorkov, ntv. in anapia these days children from the orenburg region, which suffered from spring floods, are being received. recreation for the children was organized on behalf of vladimir putin. 400 schoolchildren were accommodated in the anniversary camp, which was recently opened after a large-scale reconstruction; a rich leisure program and activities will be organized for the children. sports will show the city and the surrounding area, we have fun here, play football, volleyball, basketball, what i like about the camp is that the cooks feed deliciously, the counselors treat us well, now the water in the orenburg region is gradually leaving, every day, emptying residential buildings and tens household plots, however
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, nine bridges and 18 plots still remain closed to traffic. the damage is being calculated; more than half a million applications for financial assistance have already been received from residents of the affected areas. this concludes the program for viewers in central russia, thank you for being with us. to make money on my savings, i open accounts with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank. on the phone without commission, open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkof, he is the only one. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis. longitaza against inflammatory adhesions. there are classics that i like more and more. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand
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will linger for a couple of days. western siberia has already been covered by a cold atmospheric front, in novosibirsk the temperature will still have time to soar to +26, in omsk it is no longer there. to the urals, for cold weather is answered by another synoptic process, the extreme european anticyclone in perm is +6, in yekaterinburg -9 without precipitation, and the epicenter is holda in the middle volga. there the temperature is eight degrees below normal, it’s cold in the center, in the black soil, but there are already fewer clouds, which means you can again admire the northern lights at night. the magnetic struggle continues; it has already given us an incredibly colorful atmospheric show caused by the interaction of solar particles with the earth’s magnetosphere. the northern lights were seen in various parts of russia, even where it is not usually observed. in southern latitudes, such footage can rarely be seen, however, now you won’t see them there.
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