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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 14, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the new government in the state duma is considering candidates for the posts of ministers of the civil sector, from psychological to material assistance, the residents are destroyed.
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of the new russian government today, as expected, the cabinet of ministers will be finally formed, the day before the deputies approved 10 deputy prime ministers, today there are 16 candidates for ministers, applicants for high positions are also eagerly invited to the row, their speeches are expected, my colleague inna osipova is already the second day observes the work of parliamentarians and the day before, deputies spent 6 hours arguing with the deputy prime ministers about what the mood is today and what is already... considering the candidacy of anton alikhanov for the post of minister of industry and trade. before that, he headed the kaliningrad region, becoming the youngest governor of russia at 30 years old. most of them - if you approve my candidacy for a new post , i consider it important to preserve the high potential and solid groundwork that has been formed, while i am fully aware of the complexity and the need to unconditionally achieve new ones.
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national goals that were set by the president in his message to the federal assembly. first of all, of course, i will make every effort to fulfill the extensive tasks of technological sovereignty, which will form the basis of many national projects. special attention will certainly be paid to supporting the rhythmic work of the branches of the defense-industrial complex, while aligning the tasks of fully meeting the demands of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors, which include work. many defense enterprises, more one important area within the ministry’s perimeter is the development of food security, meaning trade and commodity distribution network. as a matter of fact, four regional leaders can join the government at once. so the post-minister of energy was offered to head sergei tsevelev, the kemerovo governor. the post of minister of transport is proposed, they proposed to head the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoit, to the post of minister of sports.
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oksana lut may appear in the government; she has been offered the post of minister of agriculture economy, yes, she was the deputy minister of agriculture of dmitry patryshev, he was promoted, becoming deputy prime minister. the rest of the ministers were offered to continue working in their places, so anton selanova proposes to head, continue to head the ministry of finance, sergei kravsov, the ministry of education, valery falkov, the ministry of science and higher education, maksud shadayev - ministry of digital development, olga lyubimova of the ministry of culture, mikhail murashka - chakunkov
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is offered to remain as minister for development of the far east and the arctic to anton kotyakov as minister of labor. let us remind you that the state duma for the first time in the history of russia, the cabinet of ministers approves. this norm was enshrined in the 2020 constitution, and thus deputies now also take part in the formation of the government and are responsible for its work.
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from the state duma, today there is a busy, at least nine-hour working day, the government claims, the belgorod region experienced it again this night. a massive air attack of 25 vampire missiles was shot down by russian air defense, the ministry of defense reported that since the very morning in belgorod, sirens mixed with the sounds of explosions have not ceased. something is already burning there, something is already burning nearby. nine apartment buildings and schools were damaged by shrapnel, one resident was injured, the regional governor said. meanwhile in belgorod. now the fate of the house is being decided, where two days ago the entrance collapsed due to debris from a ukrainian missile. specialists from the ministry of construction carried out diagnostics; it remains to be determined whether the surviving part of the building is suitable for repair, or whether it is it would be safer to demolish it. residents of the damaged high-rise building are receiving all possible support
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from the authorities, volunteers, and ordinary belgorod residents; candles and flowers are being brought to the collapsed entrance in memory of the victims. and all this against the backdrop of a constant missile threat. olga's report from belgorod. the trufanov family today is among those who were allowed to take the most necessary things from the destroyed house; people were afraid of losing all their property, since the threat of collapse of structures damaged by the explosion still persists. the trufanovs say that the main thing is they alive, their little grandson was not injured, does not yet understand what tragedy happened, tell me how it happened, like this, you were scared, several families made their way into their apartments along the stairs through the balconies, others hoped that they were dead. to go up on the aerial platform and at least pick up the documents, it’s dangerous, they don’t let you pick it up there, you just don’t go up, the whole staircase there, the platform fell down, well, they didn’t even take the glasses, yesterday we had to fill out the documents, we still have everything there, we still have what we now we don’t know when we’ll make it, we are so old, imagine,
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more than a thousand people lived in the damaged high-rise building, 107 in the collapsed entrance, most of those evacuated are now staying with relatives and friends, 30 people in a temporary accommodation center, many admit they have not yet left. shocked, elena did not sleep all night, she cried, she says it was hard to enter the damaged apartment. the windows in the apartment were broken, the balcony was broken, everything was covered in dust and dirt, haphazardly, things, thank god , were intact, we managed to take away documents and essentials. in this charity warehouse, evacuees from from a destroyed high-rise building they can receive food, household chemical kits, personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and bedding. some seek psychological help. people had everything, and at one moment, nothing... well, they don’t realize what happened. the victims thank the volunteers for providing them with comprehensive care. depending on the damage caused to the residents of the destroyed high-rise building, the regional government will soon pay from 10 to 100,000 rubles. expert builders carry out comprehensive
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inspection of the destroyed house, it is necessary to assess the volume of dismantling work and the possibility of restoration, due to the fact that the block sections of the high-rise building are actually separate buildings, specialists. eliminates the possibility that the entire house will not have to be demolished. experts examined the house structures, access to which is unsafe, using remote 3d scanning; they have already checked the upper part of the foundation in the outer sections, concluding that the explosion did not damage the strength. we are worried that our house will remain, everything, nothing, there is no way for us to be here. in another part of the house, panels were recorded shifting. the most serious damage is to non-load-bearing walls. in the apartments adjacent to the destroyed entrance, a volumetric explosion behind this panel led to its deformation, as you can see, it was bent inside the room in which we are located, its load-bearing capacity was completely lost. experts
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will make final conclusions about the future of the high-rise building in the coming days: people continue to bring flowers and toys to the site of the tragedy, this team of workers was clearing out the rubble, they are ready help rebuild the house. first of all, everyone - the residents of the city of belgorod - is scared at such moments, but yesterday, when i came here, i saw how everyone rallied, everyone helped, ordinary citizens and all the authorities helped each other, i would like to thank them all, for everyone this is a shock in the first place turn, and how to react to this is also unclear, it is clear that this is grief, mourning, that not everyone can come to terms with this, it will be necessary, we will restore it, we will need to get machine guns in our hands, there is still restlessness, signals of missile danger and explosions repeatedly per day, townspeople complain that not all shelters are accessible, the basements of some houses are locked, and there is not always enough space in small concrete shelters. after another shelling, according to governor glotkov, seven civilians were wounded, two in
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serious condition. the russian ministry of defense reports that several air targets were shot down over the belgorod region, including six guided bombs. olga chernova, oleg zoltarev, andrey ostroverkhov and sergey gavrilov, ntv television company. belgorod. now about the situation in the special operation zone. ministry of defense published footage of militants from the krakina brotherhood, banned in russia , captured in the kharkov region. according to them , commanders.
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for the same tasks that, well, wherever gur will send, a breakthrough at the front, the girl dismantled the clock there. in addition, prisoners of war complained that fewer and fewer ukrainians want to join the armed forces of ukraine and various military formations. and in the southern donetsk direction, russian artillery in an unusual way calls on ukrainian militants to surrender. they fire from the rszzo hurricane positions in the ssu, with propaganda shells made in the form of money. why did you receive this? leaflet, some nationalists are in a hurry to lay down their arms, yevgeny golovanov knows, he watched the combat
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work of our military. before leaving, the commander of a platoon of jet fighters with the call sign kita always walks around his vehicle, patting the body. this is not just a ritual adopted from pilots, but part of a mandatory technical condition check. you need to make sure that everything is in order, tire pressure, coolant level in the radiator and engine oil. this is the basis of a machine, like a heart. therefore this is a very important element. kitoy from transbaikalia, a call sign based on the name of the river flowing in its region, reminds him of home and a handful of his native land, which he took with him before being sent to the northern military district zone, like a talisman. let us believe that even during the second world war, when soldiers went to war, according to the buryad tradition, they took a mountain of land with them. this means that the spirit of the land where you took it from, well, that is, your native spirit. he will protect you. another handmade amulet is an anti-drone mesh
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welded onto a car. the enemy is now attacks mainly with drones, and not with classic artillery, as was the case six months ago. previously, this was all tougher, now maybe they don’t have enough strength and resources, and they cannot, or cannot, respond in time, since we are already working like robots on an automatic machine , everything is fast, clear, and coordinated. and i think they just can't keep up. since the ninth year it’s already old, but still, well, the gunpowder remains, so to speak, on the corners, the most i accelerated was 70 km/h, but that’s good, but for such a soviet car, it’s like, in order to turn around, aim and open fire minutes pass, and the faster, the less chance of being detected, the hurricane hits not only with rockets with a warhead, sometimes it loads such cassettes into it, propaganda parcels with leaflets. from the outside it may seem that the artillerymen are throwing money away. in one salvo
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, millions fly down the chimney; they are not even counted here. about 10, 10,000 pieces of paper, but we don’t even know how much in total. our military approached the design of leaflets very creatively; they were printed in the form of banknotes, euros and dollars, so there is a much greater chance that they will be noticed than ordinary white sheets of paper. here is the ukrainian president and... a call for ukrainian soldiers to surrender, to go over to the side of good, preferably along with weapons and equipment, for which payments are promised in real money, for example, for the american hymers system, $1 million. the hurricane hits at a distance of up to 35 km, so ukrainian soldiers receive such letters not only on the front line, but in the rear areas. yevgeny pogrebnyak was drafted into the national guard of ukraine in march twenty-two. i'm tired of it, well, they're just sending it there for
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for years he fought under the harvest, the war is already just replenishment of combat expenses, even the subordinate people who are sick, well, lame, askew, that is, we are suffering such normal losses, i just think we were thrown for slaughter, in his position, he found a leaflet and decided to surrender, it was written there, soldier in the ssu, surrender. if you want to live, we guarantee your safety, otherwise you will be destroyed, and instructions on how you can surrender, they don’t beat me, they don’t offend me, they fed me, gave me something to drink, treated me to a cigarette, i want to return home, of course, such leaflets do not represent any material value, but they allow you to save the most valuable thing of life. evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, sergey pikulin and ali arebdzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. well, today
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us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev on an unannounced two-day visit, where he will hold talks with zelensky. i started my travels in poland, from where i went by train to the capital of ukraine. blinkin will reportedly discuss the state of affairs of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield, current american assistance and washington's long-term commitment to support the kiev regime. however, in unofficial discourse, western officials openly admit that new military supplies will not be enough for zelensky to change the balance of power in his favor. the authoritative french newspaper lemont writes about this in particular today. the west should be prepared to collapse.
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experts again call for kiev to be given weapons, bigger, more powerful, more deadly. the main problem of ukraine is personnel. the country is bleeding, it has no people for formation of reserves. the russians' goal near kharkov is to stretch out ukrainian troops in order to facilitate an offensive in other directions. ukraine must find reserves, its soldiers have been in the trenches for 2 years already, they are tired and have lost their fighting spirit. russia has concentrated about 50 thousand people on the border, this is a new army, the russians can do it. try to break through the front line. kiev promises to strengthen this direction, but it does not have enough soldiers, it will have to withdraw troops from other areas. western strategists again started talking about the treachery of the russians, their tactics of a thousand cuts, they say, with small but frequent blows, they exhausted the ukrainian army. this is not only about an attack on kharkov, the russians have been attacking for several months in a row, conducting
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attacks along the entire front, they are looking for weak points in ukrainian positions. the mood is even gloomier, they say that the ukrainian army risks being surrounded and not only near kharkov, if russia strikes immediately from kharkov from the donetsk direction towards dnepropetrovsk, the point of contact that they have in plans is access to the dnieper, so they want cutting off, cutting off our two large groups, in the northeast, in the eastern direction and in the south, that is , creating two cauldrons at the same time, does not add any benefits to the ukrainian armed forces fighters. with confidence in the castling of the command staff, commander-in-chief syrsky removed yuri galushkin from the management of the kharkov front and replaced him with mikhail drapatov. local wits are already hinting at the similarity of his surname with the verb drapat, or drapati, in ukrainian. the russian ministry of defense comments on the situation around kharkov with restraint, no victories
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relations, only facts, only numbers. units of the north group of forces have improved their tactical situation. defeated the manpower and equipment of units of the 125th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of volchansko, neskuchny, leptsov and vesyoly, and repelled five counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of glubokoye and tikhaye. enemy losses amounted to up to 250 military personnel, two tanks, two armored combat vehicles, 17 vehicles, a 152-mm howitzer, a 122-mm self-propelled artillery. at this stage , it is necessary to create a security zone for belgorod, knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from a position from where they can fire at the city, and the more fiercely the ukrainians hit residential areas, the further
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they will have to be pushed back, the logic is simple, in the west they most likely want to make it out of kharkov. a new symbol, a new anti-russian horror story, with the help of which you can save more money from the budgets, to please politicians and arms corporations. the us president signed another $400 million aid package to ukraine, which includes supplies of artillery ammunition, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, anti-tank missile systems, as well as other equipment necessary for the defense of kharkov and other territories of ukraine. in kiev , deputies are happy to ask zelensky officially. call nato troops to ukraine, defend kharkov. in brussels, however, many realize that such a step will lead to the start of a war that will leave ukraine and not only stone unturned. puts: the west prefers to fight with someone else’s hands and is still ready for it pay, although the new york times writes, quote: 2 years of conflict, hundreds of thousands of victims and billions of
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dollars have changed little, this may increase pressure on ukrainian leaders to negotiate a truce with russia. end of quote. and even, perhaps, the most ardent supporters of ukraine, the baltic states, began to share their doubts about the success of this hopeless enterprise. all our help, fighters with 16-800 shells, which we promised kiev, will give it the opportunity to hold out until the end of the summer, but will not give it a chance to counter-offensive return of territories, in order to win the war , ukraine needs an army of one and a half, or better, 2 million people, if you ask whether ukraine can do this now, i will answer that no, the estonian military is not completely honest, or has not studied history, two million army.
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chemicals. you are watching ntv, we continue the broadcast, airlines were offered to reduce flight time to sochi and the emirates for launching flights to ilista. business news marina piminova. marina, how did the carriers react to this? so far on such offers not everyone agreed. horses may be able to fly faster to sochi, the united arab emirates and egypt, but in exchange for the launch of flights in the list. a businessman writes about this, citing sources. the airports, like other 10 airports in russia, have been closed since february twenty-two. and recently the federal air transport agency announced that passenger traffic with alista should resume on may 28. and from this date , red winks airline has already opened ticket sales. and the day before,
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he announced the launch of direct flights to the city for the first time in the nineties. aeroflot. interlocutors note that the federal air transport agency managed to attract carriers to not the most popular routes, precisely thanks to the proposal to straighten some routes. since february 22, due to the need to fly over certain territories, the duration of flights has increased noticeably. for example, the moscow-sochi route, which took less than 2.5 hours, began to last about four, and the duration of the flight from moscow to the emirates increased by 1-2 hours. the newspaper's interlocutors say that airports continue. the russian stock market starts the day in positive territory, yandex shares continue to rise in price even on yesterday’s news about their exchange and repurchase. more from the news: us president joe biden signed a law banning the import of russian
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uranium. ruble after yesterday. roskomnadzor responded to calls to block tiktok in russia, such a proposal was made in april from an organization called the association of professional users of social networks and messengers. they assured that if this is done, then domestic social networks will increase their audience by 30 million people, and domestic content producers will increase for... roskomnadzor responded that it had considered the association’s appeal and demanded that tiktok report how the social network complies with russian laws. the department clarifies that as of the evening of may 13, a response has still not been received. in march 22 , godk disabled the ability for users from russia to download new videos. in addition, russian users can only watch videos that were uploaded to tiktok before march twenty-two. dima, that's
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all for me. thank you. news. the region has begun to implement the presidential instructions, it concerns free land plots for families with many children. often such families were given land without infrastructure, gas, electricity, unsuitable for construction, which was even difficult to drive through. more likely for reporting purposes in local administration documents. the head of state was told about the problem at the end of january at the forum by his relatives and loved ones at vdnkh, one of the participants. father of many children, now by the end of june this year, the heads of regions must report on the work done. svetlana gordeeva, more details. now we have there is, yes, my own. bogdan, son, i won’t get you out later. for 3 years now, the ulanovs have been the happy owners of the swamp. a large family received a plot of land under a federal program. they were given at the end of november, that is, it was practically impossible to even see the
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state of the land at the moment, yes. we were given, the next day there was snowfall. it turned out that this was just a swampy part of the forest, we had to hire lumberjacks, so it’s not clear what to do with the crack. every spring here we are now standing dry, because here, in general, the same thing is happening, here, too, there is water that flows down to us, only this year, when we cleared the site, we were able to at least understand where our site begins and where it ends, even in the spring even the ducks in our area, exactly in our area, swim. in total, in the village of mityane near moscow, more than 50 families received a plot of land and no one can still build a house, without roads nothing is possible, cars get stuck, as you saw, what is the name there? the road, there is mud and swamp the same, cars are simply not well physically even a passenger car cannot pass, atvs and so on, this is understandable, it is very of course, probably fun, but they are not suitable for construction, there is a second reason because of the off-road conditions and swamps it is simply impossible to determine the boundaries
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of the plots, which means they cannot be taken. it should not be flooded or swamped, it should be a comfortable area so that a large family can drive up. in april, russian president vladimir putin instructed regional authorities to ensure infrastructure land plots for
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large families. this is especially true for problem regions. however, there are also examples for imitation. there are certainly leading regions there, such as tyumen, chelyabinsk, rostov regions, tatarstan, krasnodar territory. lipetsk, tambov region, which are already right there with hundreds and thousands of specific land plots and their large families that are being built there, have already, in general, improved their living conditions. the kirillov family from the tambov region was given a plot of land in 2014, 5 years ago they started building a dream house, with white gray corners, a gray base with beautiful tiles, and here there is a terrace of 20 square meters. let's drink tea, i think that we are generally very lucky, because it is a very good microdistrict, close to the city, this is former agricultural land, that is, in principle, the land is suitable for not only building here, but also growing something , garden, vegetable garden, in a region with
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a large number of large families , they cannot always find suitable plots, so the family can, at its discretion receive compensation instead of land, we have compensation payments, this is 150,000 rubles. we launched this program literally last year... it is quite popular, we direct them primarily to improve housing conditions that already have large families, including for repairs, expansion, and mortgages. the right to such compensation is not available everywhere, but state duma deputies believe that every family in the country should have a choice between money and a plot, and the amount of compensation should depend on the cost of land in the region. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, oleg gorkov, ntv. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best. and see you later. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid,
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preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps relieve joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normals. there is no very bright one yet, in the central regions we can only talk about approximations of the climate norm, and then only at the very end of the week, but the north-west will be able to begin to overtake the calendar tomorrow, this is a new atlantic cyclone, blocking access to the arctic, it will cause precipitation and a little heat and for the north, here in arkhangelsk tomorrow it will be +16. this is the prospect for all southern regions, tomorrow almost everywhere there will be light rain at times in the mountains with sleet,
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in the middle zone there will be a lag from the norm in degrees 5, or even 7, but night frosts will remain only in tatarstan, and also the vyadsky region and the daytime temperature there is the lowest, otherwise +16 +13, in st. petersburg tomorrow even +18, in moscow 17, i risked my life, showed courage, ingenuity, skill, surprise, observation and... courage you already said, yes, i already said courage, stop this farce, let’s better think about how we’ll look for the little finger, by the way, how are there not so many connections there, why should he keep it?


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