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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the renewed government in the state duma is today discussing 16 candidates for ministerial positions. to assess the possibility of restoration in belgorod, experts examine a high-rise building after the ukrainian strike. russian airlines will be able to fly here faster to sochi, the emirates and egypt. we will tell you what conditions need to be met in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya khodorovtsev. hello. at the beginning of the issue about appointments in the presidential administration. today vladimir putin signed the corresponding decrees. the head of the body, who ensures the activities of the head of state, anton vaina was reassigned. his deputies and first deputies are sergei kiriyenko, dmitry kazak, alexey gromov. and
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others also retained their positions, while another deputy appeared, this is maxim oreshkin, who previously worked as an assistant to the president, among the new appointed assistants are alexey dyumin, who served as governor of the tula region, and nikolai patrushev, ex-secretary of the security council in their places vladimir midinsky, dmitry mironov and yuri ushakov, andrey remained fursenko, igor levitin, who worked as an assistant to the president, became an adviser to the head of state and special representative for international cooperation in the field of transport. appointed advisor to the president. the head of the state duma committee on culture, elena yampolskaya, retained her position as special presidential representative on environmental issues and ecology, transport sergei ivanov. vladimir putin also appointed the previous plenipotentiaries in the federal districts. in the state duma , work began in the morning to approve the new russian government. today, as expected, the cabinet of ministers will be finally formed. the day before, deputies approved 10 deputy prime ministers, today there are 16 ministerial candidates in line. applicants are invited to... a series of performances. inna
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ospa has been observing the work of parliamentarians for the second day. inna, you have the floor. today the state duma is completing the process of forming a new government. prior to this, deputies approved prime minister mikhail mishusin, and the day before they considered 10 deputy prime ministers. and today they began their work by considering the candidacy anton alikhanov for the post of minister of industry and trade. before that, he headed the kaliningrad region, becoming the youngest governor of russia at 30 years old. if you approve my candidacy for a new post, i consider it important to preserve the high potential and solid groundwork that has been formed, while i am fully aware of the complexity and the need to unconditionally achieve the new national goals that were set by the president in his message to the federal assembly, first of course, i will make every effort to fulfill capacious tasks of technological sovereignty, which will form the basis of many national projects. special attention will certainly be paid to support. rhythmic work
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of the branches of the defense-industrial complex, while matching the tasks of fully meeting the needs of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors. by the way, the new government may include four, four regional leaders at once, in particular , kemerovo governor sergei was nominated for the post of minister of energy tsovilev for the post of minister of transport, kursk governor, roman starovoyt for the post of minister. sports and proposed the candidacy of the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev. in difficult international situations , it is necessary to develop cooperation with friendly countries, support the participation of our athletes in international competitions, including at the club level, and develop leagues. at the same time, the entertainment value of the competitions should increase, this will allow millions of our citizens to be involved in the sporting life of the country in sports. among the new ones.
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oksana lut may appear, she was nominated for the post of minister of agriculture, before that she was deputy minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev, he was promoted to become deputy prime minister, as for the remaining posts, they are proposed to be retained by the former ministers, in particular, their the work is assessed very highly, and yet, deputies have questions about some of them; in particular , the candidacy for the post has caused a heated discussion. more vacancies in schools, this approach, that everything is fine with us, physical education teacher, when we talk about problems, more and more after he gets a stamp , a private organization for advanced training receives the right to teach mathematics and physics, it has become widespread, what does this affect ... that education is the key issue,
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according to the papers everything is fine, because they teach two or three subjects, in fact the quality decreases when we... see the problems that exist in terms of personnel, and pedagogical universities work here, today we have 10, from 10 to 18 people per place, this is good , pedagogical classes began to develop when we had state textbooks, more than 65% of ninth- grade students went to college, salaries.
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among others, roman chervinsky, a former colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, whom the western press had already linked with the bombing, was involved. besides him, the group included sbu officer sergei kuznetsov, marina setalo, whom derkach calls one of the best divers in the country, and others. according to the former deputy, the ukrainians carried out a cover and dive operation. ukrainian
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participants in pipeline explosions have long prepared in the zhytomyr region, as well as in romania near the nato base. the politician also accuses the president’s family partners. joe biden's usa is that they sponsored terrorism and allocated money for the work of the intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense. the scheme involves a company owned by biden's son. the americans donated millions of dollars, which were then used to carry out terrorist operations, such as the bombing of the northern streams, the assassination attempt of zakhara prilepina and the murder of daria dugina. at the site of the entrance collapse in belogorodskaya region, the body of another victim was found, bringing the total number of victims of the tragedy to sixteen. the house itself, which was damaged by fragments of a ukrainian rocket 2 days ago, is being examined by specialists from the ministry of construction. they will decide whether it is worth repairing the surviving part of the building or whether it would be safer to demolish it. at the same time, the nationalists continue shelling this night over the region, shooting down 25 missiles. since the very morning, sirens mixed
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with the sounds of explosions have not ceased in belgorod. something is already burning there, something is already burning. damage from shrapnel nine apartment buildings and a school were received, one resident was injured , the regional governor reported. residents of the affected high-rise building are receiving all possible support from the authorities, volunteers and ordinary residents of belogorod; flowers and candles are being brought to the collapsed entrance in memory of the victims, all this against the backdrop of a constant missile threat. report from belgorod by olga chernova. the trufanov family is among those who were allowed to take it today. the most necessary things from a destroyed house, people were afraid of losing all their property, as there was a threat of collapse of damaged by the explosion designs are still preserved. the trufanovs say that the main thing is that they are alive, their little grandson was not injured, and still does not understand what tragedy happened. tell me how it was, like this. are you scared, no? several families
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made their way to their apartments using the stairs and balconies; others hoped that they would be able to climb up the aerial platform and at least pick up their documents. it’s dangerous, they don’t let you take it there, it’s just not under. there the ladder all fell down, well, they didn’t even take the glasses, yesterday we had to fill out documents, we have everything there left, what we have left is that we now don’t know when we will get it, we are already so old, imagine, more than a thousand people lived in the damaged high-rise building, 107 in the collapsed entrance, most of those evacuated are now staying with relatives and friends, 30 people in the temporary accommodation center, many admit, they have not yet recovered from the shock, elena did not sleep all night, she cried, she says, it was hard to enter the damaged apartment, the balcony in the apartment was knocked out, everything was covered in dust and dirt, things were haphazard, thank god they were intact, we managed to take away the documents and things first of all. at this charity foundation warehouse, evacuees from a destroyed high-rise building can receive food, household chemical kits, personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes , bedding, and some seek
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psychological help. people had everything, but at one moment they had nothing, so yes, no matter how hard it is for them, some still don’t realize it at all. what's happened? the victims thank the volunteers for providing them with comprehensive care. depending on the damage caused to the residents of the destroyed high-rise buildings, the regional government will soon pay from 10 to 100,000 rubles. expert. builders are conducting a comprehensive inspection of the destroyed house; the volume of dismantling work remains to be assessed; the possibility of restoration; due to the fact that the block sections of the high-rise building are actually separate buildings, experts do not rule out that the entire house will not have to be demolished. experts examined the house structures, access to which is not safe, using remote 3d scanning; they have already checked the upper part of the foundation in the outer sections, concluding: the explosion did not damage the strength, we are worried that our house will remain. so that nothing would lead anywhere to her fate, so that we would be here. in another part
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of the house, displacement of panels was recorded, the most serious damage to non-load-bearing walls in apartments adjacent to the destroyed entrance. volumetric explosion behind this deformation panel. grief, mourning, that not everyone can come to terms with this, we will have to, we will restore it,
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we will have to take the machine guns in our hands. after another shelling, according to governor glotkov, seven civilians were wounded, two in in serious condition, the russian ministry of defense reports that several air targets were shot down over the belgorod region, including six guided bombs. ulga chernov, oleg zoltarev, andrey ostroverkhov and sergey gavrilov, ntv television company, belgorod. airlines were asked to reduce flight times to sochi and the emirates. for the launch of flights on the list, further on the air business news with us denis talolaev, denis, how did the carriers react to this? ilya, it seems that the offer was too profitable to refuse. probably in the federal air transport agency figured out how to lure russian airlines to alesta. those who open flights to the capital of kalmykia will probably be allowed to fly to sochi, the emirates and egypt via a shorter route. the kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing a source. since may 3, the aviation authorities allowed the opening of the airport in alest, which
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had been closed for more than 2 years since february 24 , 2022. another 10 russian airports are still not operating, but russian airlines were not in a particular hurry to start flights, at least in day of the formal opening of the local airport in the federal air transport agency said that they were still negotiating with the airlines, and somehow sadly added that the flight programs of russian airlines for this summer had already been finalized. a few days later it became known that the airline would begin flights on may 28, the day before, and this is much more interesting, aeroflot announced plans to resume flights to valista for the first time since the nineties, this despite the fact that the population of estonia is 100,000 people, and from the point of view of tourism, as tour operators say, not the most interesting city, kommersant newspaper sources they say that the airline was able to attract airlines precisely because of the airline’s advantageous offer:
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the duration of flights has increased noticeably, flying over some territories, for example, the moscow-sochi route, which previously took less than 2.5 hours, now lasts about 4 hours, the duration of flights from moscow to egypt, the emirates according to the airline's estimates, it increased by an hour or two. roskomnadzor responded to calls to block tiktok in russia. back in april, father. a public organization called the association of professional users of social networks and messengers, which is known, for example, for once inviting american rapper kanye west to register on vkontakte, and in april of this year , the association suggested that russian supervision consider the possibility of blocking tiktok in russia. the association assured that if this is done, domestic social networks will increase their audience by 30 million people, and domestic content producers will earn more. and here is the luxurious room. reported that he had considered the association’s appeal and demanded that tiktok report how the social network complies
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russian laws. the agency clarifies that as of the evening of may 13, a response from tiktok has still not been received. in march 22, after russia passed a law on imprisonment for up to 15 years for so -called fakes about the russian army, tiktok disabled the ability for russian users to upload new videos. in addition, russian users can only watch those videos. which were uploaded to tiktok until march twenty-two, although users periodically notice that restrictions, albeit for a short period of time, disappear. the russian stock market is in conditional positive territory these minutes... us president joe biden signed a law banning the import of russian uranium;
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according to bloomberg, russia is the largest foreign supplier of enriched uranium to the states, accounting for almost a quarter. rates for american nuclear power plants, these sales bring russia about a billion dollars every year. at the same time, as participants in the american market tell bloomberg, to replenish these supplies it won't be so easy for the states. and stopping supplies from russia could raise uranium prices by 20%. true, there is a relaxation in the law. in the twenty-eighth year, the us department of energy, after coordination with the secretary of state and the department of commerce, can still issue permission to import russian uranium, if the state.
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accepted in georgia amid prolonged mass protests. thousands of students have gathered today at the entrance to parliament. the bill provides for the registration of all non-commercial legal entities of the media that receive more than 20% of their income from abroad in a special state sector. football player from guinea bissau edgar ie found an easy way to earn
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money while lying on the couch. the former barcelona player sent his twin brother to play for dynamo bucharest. in deception. the relatives were accused only 3 months later, although suspicions arose earlier. edgar ie played football in serious clubs in france, the netherlands and turkey, but his brother edelino played only in very modest teams from the lower leagues. lukharevsky dynamo drew attention to the fact that the new football player does not meet the expected level. as a result , they suspected that the wrong player had joined the team. moreover, he refuses to show documents and does not speak english, although dynamo was sure that edgar spoke this language. now club representatives want to do a dna test to understand. who did they sign for a salary of 18.00 euros per month, now to the word of my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. lera, what will happen today? ilya, today in the episode is the final meeting on the case of the medical student, who brutally killed his wife with live blows, was unable to control his anger after her statements about divorce. this story 2 years ago
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shocked not only everyone who knew the family, but also complete strangers. it is because of the behavior of murder. he tried to confuse his tracks and remove at least some suspicion from himself, for a long time he wrote messages on behalf of the deceased to her relatives and friends, collected loans on her passport, secured a comfortable life for himself abroad, and then suddenly decided to give up. see our release for details. ilya. nalera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to, see you. retirement is profitable with savings banks for pensioners: free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch.
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moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. on ntv the program is an emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live, hello. a novice metropolitan doctor was sentenced for the murder of his wife, he listened to the court decision alone, why none of his loved ones, relatives and acquaintances came to support him, it becomes it is clear from the case materials, cold-blooded murder, escape abroad using loans taken in the name of his wife and other attempts. to confuse the investigation, what punishment was given to the student, diana kovando will tell. short operational filming in the office of the turkish police department, 2023. the operatives
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talk with their colleagues in confusion; their surprise is understandable; it’s not every day that a fugitive criminal comes to surrender himself. in the center of the frame, igor molchanov declares that he killed his wife in russia and asks to give him a blank sheet and the pen to write the confession was tormented by my conscience. detailed testimony to investigators the fugitive. all this, well, well, just so that thoughts don’t enter my head, well, well, when i’ve already sobered up, realized what i’ll do, well, that’s it...


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