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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 14, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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kavando. short operational filming in the office of the turkish police department, 2023. the operatives are talking in confusion with their colleagues. their surprise is understandable. it's not every day that a fugitive turns himself in. in the center of the frame, igor molchanov declares that he killed his wife in russia and asks to give him a white sheet of paper and a pen to write a confession. conscience tortured. the fugitive will give detailed testimony to investigators in moscow after extradition and go to pre-trial detention. the struggle began, uh, honestly i don’t remember everything details, but - i remember that i tried to travel for a year. during the time that he was in the detention center, molchanov did not change at all, this is the final court hearing, a quick glance into the camera, negotiations with the lawyer, now he is ready to give a short, but his first explanation after the murder. i tried to wash it all down, well, so that the thoughts wouldn’t just pop into my head. here. well, when
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i had already sobered up, i realized what i had done, well , i came and surrendered, because i was guilty, well, i understand what i did, i’m very sorry, well, that’s why i don’t resist i’m not trying to get a shorter sentence for anyone, well, anyone else, this tragedy occurred in december twenty-two, a few days before the new year, shocked everyone who knew the young doctors molchanov and his wife vera savchenko, a novice veterinarian always active and easy-going... it was as if she had been replaced, she stopped answering calls instead of them dry text messages, i was sick, then no one knew that at that time vera was already dead, and the message from her phone was sent to her family by her husband from the mediterranean coast. molchanov, while in apartment of a residential building on zatonnaya street with his twenty-three-year-old wife, during a quarrel over a suddenly unpleasant relationship, he inflicted more than 100 blows on her with a kitchen knife. the body of a girl was discovered in a rented apartment by her father, everywhere. scattered things, blood, vera
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resisted for a long time, there were signs of a struggle, she told her husband about the divorce, he became enraged, for the last year he became addicted to drugs, this was the reason for the breakup, he also grabbed the knife in an altered state, her father arrived, something like that he was so excited that he arrived in the middle of the night, but it was already one in the morning, he knocked on this door, but molchanov did not open the door for him, during the night he purchased tickets from the airport at home. already in the morning - at around 7:00 am he left the country, while literally an hour later savchenko’s father again arrived at the apartment and continued trying to get into it, which guided molchanov’s actions after it is difficult to explain, having killed his wife through her mobile bank, he collected 2 credits million, got hold of expensive watches, drugs, fled the country, after a couple of months he couldn’t stand it, he gave up, his sentence now he listened in complete solitude, even...
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his loved ones, after what he had done, disowned him. considering that during searches in the apartment rented by molchanov , packages of drugs were found , another possession of prohibited substances was added to the murder charge. the aspiring physician molchanov will spend the next 13.5 years in a maximum security colony, where his family or friends are unlikely to visit him. during all this time, they did not find the strength or motivation to come to at least one meeting or to the pre-trial detention center. diana kovando, igor korchagin, anton kovalev and larisa kapinskaya. ntv. we posted the full recording of the interrogation of the medical student who killed his wife on our telegram channel. you can go to it by typing in the messenger search bar, the name of chpntv, or through the qr code that you see on the screen. a video that went viral with a girl on a swing against the backdrop of a burning apartment highlighted a big problem and revealed a lot of offenses in one suburb of moscow.
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high-rise buildings, but in fairness, the residents themselves raised the issue many times, they were not heard or did not want to be heard. on the first on the floors, the owners of the premises opened something like a hostel, and that’s when the neighbors’ lives changed dramatically. tenants do not always follow safety rules, like, for example, the girl from the burning apartment. stanislav kostikov, from the scene. a carefree swinging girl against the backdrop of a fire in lyubertsy near moscow, of course, attracted a lot of attention to the fire, which, fortunately, turned out to be insignificant. in scale and consequences, this is the tenth entrance, tenth, and three rubles, but the residents of this grateful girl’s house, she involuntarily betrayed the peephole a problem that people here have been struggling with for a long time without success, several apartments here, according to them, have been turned into a kind of hostels, mini-hotels, and strange guests constantly bring problems, so is this fire, the result of arson committed by an inappropriate girl, prohibited substances or a psychiatric diagnosis, doctors must determine why she suddenly decided to expel the flames. demons. sofia melnik set fire to a bunch
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of rags by jumping out of a window, it’s good that it’s on the first floor, and told her neighbors that there was nothing in the house except water, electricity, gas and the cia. she was without about'. it turns out, and well, the state of the effect was, well, i think, probably, maybe she was either mentally ill or on drugs, so i approached her, asked, will you wait for this apartment, because she threw burning objects back there, so she said yes there she said her last name, then she tried to run away, people caught her, well, then an ambulance arrived, while the rescuers were putting out the fire, sofia, too, with icy calm, was reading a book on the bench next to the swinging child, she was interrupted: the doctors who took the exorcist in pink blouse with them, the residents say that the fact that no one was hurt in the fire is a miracle, because the fire alarm in the house did not go off, some neighbors only found out about the incident from social networks. the window of the apartment where the fire occurred was covered with a sheet of plywood, behind it was one of the hostel rooms; residents
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of the high-rise building regularly complained about the guests; as it turned out, this was not the only mini-hotel in this building. residents claim that the owners of such apartments are cleverly evading punishment, since hostels are prohibited in residential areas. houses with...
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in which, according to neighbors , underground hostels are located, the residents seem to pose a great danger to everyone around them, including children. stanislav kostikov, anton kuzmin, alexey birulev, alina ilyukhina and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company, moscow region. and then a healing rug, how swindler doctors from bashkiria managed to convince patients of dubious treatment for crazy money, and how they were exposed, watch after the advertisement, don’t switch. well, andryukha, no,
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you’ll tell me how excited you are, but you still don’t believe me, we’ll take them and find the owner. how can we use live bait, someone in your department is leaking information, dolphin, today is 20:00 on ntv, it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but to get a fire rate on your deposit at gazprombank? everyone can get 17% per annum, open a deposit on tinkov reliably protects the accounts of bank clients and has already saved 200 million rubles from fraudsters. this is the security service. enter the code from the sms. let’s do this, if you manage
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to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it’s unlikely that you will succeed. teinkov returns money if it was stolen by telephone scammers. order a sim card and protect mobile. their bank accounts from telephone scammers, he’s the only one, every master wants to know what kind of grout to take? ceresidit grouts, a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. cyrisite is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ciresite grout glue together. it's not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but to get a fire rate... open a deposit on customers' love is the main reward for anyone
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entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. don't do fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them as gifts. the opportunity to be in the spotlight for each of you is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. one day , car mechanic semyon semyonovich, 55 years old, had a heart speedometer that showed the maximum 200. his wife was puzzled, should you go for diagnostics, but semyonovich said: don’t get under hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination. health is important here now. via superstar, premieres on
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. being healthy and strong like the first cosmonauts is now not just a childhood dream, but a real possibility for an adult man. we are proud to present to you the soyuz apollo device. physiotherapy office in your home. this is an improved development of russian scientists, intended for drug-free treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by. vascular diseases and neurogenic disorders. apollo union was created to relieve inflammation, cleanse , tone blood vessels, and improve metabolism. the combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic field helps reduce pain, improve the health of cells and blood vessels, and the pelvic organs. please note that these are technological achievements of soviet designers, because the main operating principles of the polon union apparatus were developed back in the soviet union, specifically for the rehabilitation of our cosmonauts. 8 800 100 exactly 14 188 800 100 exactly 14 18 free anonymous call
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emergency exit premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. live on our emergency, we continue the release. loud music became the cause of a serious conflict between the svo participant and his neighbor, in fact. the fact that his opponent, having not yet recovered from his injuries, is holding on to crutches of alexander simonov, this is him, in amateur footage, swearing with a fighter of the northern military district, did not bother him at all, when there were no more arguments left in the dispute, he switched to the language of force, even after his opponent, who had broken both legs, hit him a few more once.
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it was difficult for him to move even before this fight, but now the severe pain has returned, admits valentin kornenko, everyone here knows a military man, just six months ago he returned from a special military operation zone, received several wounds, this is because i went voluntarily, this is participation v so, and these are two combat veterans, valentin admitted that he would not have thought about the fact that he would have to fight the enemies at home in civilian life, shortly before the attack. no one recently even helped me, it’s like i live alone with a child, he came here with his own people,
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so he couldn’t walk, he came on these crawling knees, the offender valentin, by the way , many people in the house also know, alexander simonov that day visited my mother, at her request, and went out, so to speak, to talk like a man with a neighbor, he seemed to be interfering with her rest, because he turned up the music so loudly that it was impossible quieter, and even more so some kind of music like this, like this... lower decibels, why should i listen to your music, and not my own, what i always have on tv and the programs are good, however, to solve problems by force , alexander, apparently, is so used to it that even to the policeman. station, where he was interrogated after the statement of the victim, began to wave his fists, attacking the law enforcement officer, despite the fight in the station, the suspect was released home, having taken the obligation to come at the first request, but these demands are now a debauchir ignores. alexander simonov refused to talk with the police at the department and explain the motives for his action, citing poor health; allegedly, at the first
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meeting with law enforcement officers, he suffered a broken arm, but the man will still have to appear for interrogation, this is the investigative one.
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cordiality and imaginary concern for the client’s health, as soon as he begins to ask uncomfortable questions, are immediately replaced by collective amnesia. employees simply forget their names, surnames and the name of the organization where they work, and even show direct aggression. hands off, take your hands off, but it would seem that there is nothing to hide, because people come here based on advertisements that indicate that the organization is conducting a survey of the population , no less, no less. state program, let’s say right away that this is a lie and the state has nothing to do with this, the examination is actually carried out on some supposedly unique equipment, the secret of which is carefully hidden by the company employees, who have changed the name more than once, joked, a small rug for the arms and a metal stick , all, there is no need for any medical centers with
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advanced devices, why all these tomographs, ultrasound x-rays, this is a wonderful phenomenon.
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they like to make loud statements of a vague nature; at closed presentations, a fashionably dressed and fit coach-mentor, recruiting new adherents of network marketing, in general , with one phrase, raises the level of a small company renting several rooms in a high-rise building to an almost interstate level, has been working absolutely legally since 1919,
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in general, in principle, the company is on the russian market came with an invitation from the president, what kind of president invited? a few minutes ago, it would seem that it was not , but everything was presented so solidly , it is necessary to hide it, but to be proud of the unique achievements, but the whole point, experts say, is that the wonderful profits promised by the lecturers are received only by the organizers of such dubious offices. unclear status, and those who go there in search of income or , even worse, treatment, understand where they ended up only later, having sometimes lost hundreds of thousands of rubles and health, rip-off, rip-off i force you.
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absolutely, now an incompetent leader, after looking at him, i can’t keep track of all the processes of the organization, more than a dozen complaints have already been received, the competent authorities in ufa, where the company’s office is located, will probably soon be invited to special departments of the prosecutor’s office and the ministry of internal affairs for a detailed conversation, where direct answers to direct questions will still have to be given. dinar usmanov, ildusa lavatulin, radu gurdishi, vladimir tolyzin. that's not all, see below. festive autobiography, the identities of vacationers in
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the moscow region were revealed from an unexpected country due to an incident on the road, we will tell you how they can now get out of the pit of crime, after the advertisement. this is a show. stars, a grand finale, and what about the finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until it’s nevlick again, moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very moscow is friendship, i want to understand. why do people die in our village, because you paint them, what are you talking about, who is this, and me microloans were collected by their collector, the money
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is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as before sparring i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov, bravo, vobra, your performance, just a full merchant, stars, final, today six finalists will perform before us. but there will be only one winner on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. platinum credit cards do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tenkov platinum can do this. get a tinkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. ptinkov, he’s the only one. everything tastes better when there are two. coupon p. crazy wednesday, fighters, kiryaki two for the price of one, i didn’t sign up for this, but i signed up for gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses, discounts
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not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a supercake in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atms, it’s not just profitable , alpha is profitable! tinkov reliably protects bank client accounts they will already save the scammers 200 million rubles. this is a service. security, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it is unlikely that you will succeed. tinkov returns money if it was stolen by telephone scammers. order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. he's the only one. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give
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unforgettable emotions. do not do it. fashionable haircuts, and help to be closer to each other, you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. there is another emergency on ntv live, we continue broadcasting. opera singer from bashkortostan olesya khusnuddinova has found another vocation , exposes telephone scammers, enters the trust him, and then deals a crushing blow in the form of a meeting with the police. the scheme for catching criminals was born by chance, and
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then... they began to persistently call her, the woman decided to use their own techniques against them, the ability to convince, brilliant acting, which is something you can’t take from an opera singer from ufa, a little theatrical makeup, here are the miracles of transformation, your grandmother is talking to you zina, you are roman, right? “please tell me , tell me thank you, it’s an ideal victim for telephone scammers, it seems that such an old lady is easy to convince anything, but the scammers themselves fall for the tricks of the honored artist of bashkaratstan. olesya khusnuddinova has already helped the police detain criminals four times; in this footage from an intercom camera, another courier wearing a medical mask and cap comes to her home, apparently for the purpose of secrecy. their pattern is the same every
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time. the girl on the phone is calling, crying, i was in an accident. i ask, sveta, is that you? yes i. olesya ilfatovna played along and took on the role of the unfortunate old woman in order to rescue the trapped my daughter was in trouble, the scammers demanded money. the man who came for cash had no idea that operatives were waiting for him in the apartment and at the entrance. she aged herself, put on a large uzbek robe, and hunched her hair under the robe. this is how scammers know how to gain trust, especially in older people, this is a shot from saratov: in one of the hypermarkets at an atm, a pensioner is trying to transfer money to someone; instructions on how to act are given to him over the phone. a suspicious picture was noticed by a traffic police officer, vadim karpov, he was in civilian clothes, that day was his day off, he decided to ask if something had happened when he realized that the scammers at the other end of the line had convinced the elderly man to move away from the terminal and go outside, but even at that moment
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the unknown people did not leave. the old man was alone for about 30 times, probably in about five minutes, about 30 times, the phone didn’t stop ringing at all, he called the squad, while we were waiting for the squad, we went out into the street with him, he kept trying to leave, that is, there were already scammers on the phone for him they called and said that they had even called a taxi for him, a taxi arrived, he began to get into a taxi, again i stopped the taxi, at the police department the pensioner confessed, he acted as if under hypnosis and tried to transfer all his savings to some safe account. rub. the scammers who called convinced him of this and threatened not to tell anyone anything, not even his relatives. trying to make money , attackers come up with different deception schemes. two accomplices were recently detained in moscow. then the attackers, posing as law enforcement officers , called pensioners on their home phones. then an accomplice was included in the criminal scheme, who introduced himself as an employee of a credit institution. he convinced the old people that the money in their accounts was at
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risk, so they needed to be cashed out as soon as possible and transferred for safekeeping. in this recording, one of the deceived grandmothers had just left the bank branch, where she obediently withdrew all her savings, and then handed over a package of banknotes to the intermediary who arrived. olesya khusnudinova says exactly the same thing, the scammers left her elderly mother without funds, the pensioner gave everything to the last ruble it was then that the artist decided to use her professional skills to fight telephone criminals in her own way; thanks to her ingenuity , several couriers fell into the hands of the police. yulia bletsova, oksana goncharenko and mikhail odinokov, ntv television company. a holiday with marks on the eyes and cars in... moscow, a cheerful company on the may weekend ended up in the pit of a crime, they were driving drunk for more alcohol, one such trip ended in tears, the driver was taken to the department for registration, and his friends became famous a story about an uncultured holiday in
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a report by pavel kuznetsov. when asked how the may holidays were, these girls from the moscow region will answer with confidence that they will never forget them. firstly, they got behind the wheel drunk, and secondly, they didn’t notice the fenced-off hole in the middle of the street. they plunged headlong into the celebration; thirdly, everything was filmed by eyewitnesses who could not miss such an action early in the morning. the development of the event turned out to be rapid, from an attempt at a fleeting acquaintance, arin, arin, your name is arin, to even attempts to stop the rampant... joke arina, my god, my god, the phone fell, opening the swimming season, a girl from zelenograd, that’s how she introduced herself to passers-by, complained, in your small vysokovsk no one came to the aid of those in trouble. parties with the participation of the company from which arina was vacationing were captured by a surveillance camera from a neighboring
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store. first, two guys and three girls arrived at alkomarket in a silver renault, did some shopping and calmly left. 2 hours later we returned for more and the show had already started on the volvo, here were the girls who were well tipsy. then that same arina steals a plastic flower vase that decorated the entrance to the retail outlet, and they went to steal the vase, yes, yes, they took one, when the rest of the friends left the alcomarket with the loot, the most interesting thing begins, the attempt to return to the dacha, turns into a fiasco, a huge hole that is hard not to see, because of it half of the street is fenced off, the driver of the crossover, arina’s friend, does not notice and... during drunken trips, in one night the company managed to cause a brawl in another store, all eyewitnesses vacationers say with one voice the volvo could barely stand on its feet, at least until swimming in the pit. it seems to me that she just
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shook her head and instantly got confused. and who are they with and with the visitors, with everyone. an employee of a nearby store, when they came to work, they say they looked at the cameras, like an astronomical thriller, there was everything here, plot, drama. and stunt tricks in general, the locals say, travel to this neighborhood has been prohibited for several weeks, precisely because of the very hole that workers dug up in an attempt to eliminate the accident on the pipeline, but arina, who was drunk, and her friends who were no less drunk, simply moved the fence, i already saw how they dragged a road sign , a vase, everything into this trunk, and they had a prohibitory sign here and the trunk, they put the trunk, they put this base, in short , they wanted two at first. they reason with a smile, now the whole city has been waiting for several weeks for this hole to be removed and traffic restored , arina had to appear so that the pits would finally be filled up, so arina suddenly became a hero of memes, they are waiting for her wherever there are
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holes on the roads, on the other hand, this pit restrained a drunken group, you never know who they could hit in such a state, in the end the police arrived at the scene, a report was drawn up against the girl driver, she refused a medical examination, she will probably be deprived of her driving license. arina's communal effect. the hole in the middle of the street, which was filled up the day before, is being dug up again today. the underground pipe, workers say, sprang a leak, but this time the utilities decided to install more solid barriers. concrete blocks were installed at the entrance to the emergency area. such drivers will no longer move. pavel kuznetsov and andrey beldyanov, ntv. moscow region. that's all for us, thank you for your attention.


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