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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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they couldn’t shoot him down in that condition. as a result , police arrived at the scene. a report was drawn up against the driver and she refused a medical examination. she would probably be deprived of her driver's license; the damaged foreign car was later towed away. it didn't take long . arina’s communal effect also turned out to be short-lived. the hole in the middle of the street, which was filled up the day before, is being dug up again today. the underground pipe, workers say, sprang a leak, but this time the utilities decided to install a more solid fence. at the entrance to an emergency quarter was installed. concrete blocks, such drivers will no longer move. pavel kuznetsov and andrey beldyanov, ntv. moscow region. that's all for us, thank you for your attention. today in our program. war of
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destruction. the israeli army did not care about us warnings. why did biden's ratings flare up along with the gas sector? either we are israel or they are the monsters hamas. this is what war is all about. bend under the changing world. foreign agents began to give back. why are they refusing to support ukraine? we have there are some things to do. we have some kind of our own life. we have some of our own creativity. as well as those whom only the grave will correct, bloggers who have lost their shame, for whom views and likes have become not only more valuable than their conscience, but their own lives, oh, don’t, oh, don’t, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv , the place where everything becomes. clearly, i’m andrey
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norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we’re working live, we have a voluminous one at the beginning of today, we’ve got a block of information, we’ll start it with personnel news, but as you know very well, after presidential elections there are always appointments or reassignments to various government structures, this procedure takes several days, but this morning there were reports that vladimir putin signed a decree on new appointments in the presidential administration, well, come on. according to this decree, we will start the most interesting with the newcomers, the former secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev and the long-term head of the tula region alexey dyumin were appointed assistants to the president. patrushev will be responsible for the topic, excuse me, shipbuilding dyumin will oversee issues of the defense-industrial complex, sports and the state council. the post of deputy head of the presidential administration is occupied by maxim oreshkin; before that he was just an assistant.
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today, another dead person was found, thus, 17 people became victims of this tragedy, moreover, today the missile danger system in belgorod has already worked several times, according to the russian ministry of defense, the air defense destroyed 25 rockets from the multiple launch rocket system a vampire, one of them, judging by the footage from the scene, fell right next to a residential building, leaving holes in the facades of nearby buildings and cars parked nearby, one victim has already been reported... the device, after which two cars and a garage caught fire. the russian army is now doing everything to push ukrainian terrorists away from belgorod and the belgorod region. to achieve this, the forces of the ukrainian armed forces and our fighters are systematically being squeezed out of the neighboring kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense. over the past 24 hours, russian
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the units advanced in the areas of the settlements of volchansk, neskuchnoye, liptsy and vesyoloye, defeating the positions of the 125th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. during the battles, the ukrainians lost up to 205. i realized that we were surrounded, there was shooting from all sides, a grenade flew into our blending nearby, we received half-life wounds, and we decided to lay down our arms, perhaps precisely due to the complicated situation near kharkov , tonight
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the united states secretary of state anthony blinken suddenly arrived in kiev, he arrived by overnight train, so you see him on perona with a two-day visit, this visit began, by the way, rather chaotically.
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we must be realistic; it would be naive to say that ukraine will be able to fully regain control over its territory in the foreseeable future. russia will not give up the occupied territories. now we just need to stop the war and then start negotiating a future agreement. perhaps some compromise will be found. the holiday in kiev was also short-lived due to the publication of the german edition. they previously reported that ukraine would receive the promised f-16 fighters from denmark already for a month, a month. the author of this note, yorklau, deleted the news from his page, apologized to the danish prime minister metta fredrickson, according to him, it was not about a month, but about months, and to talk
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about any specifics when kiev will finally receive these cherished planes , it is forbidden. that's all we have today for now. ground operation in the gas sector, in general, the city of rafah, the last large settlement in the enclave, where all the surviving refugees have accumulated, well, there are hundreds of thousands of people, according to some figures, one and a half million, but most likely it is a little underestimated, and so
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this city of rafah is also now being attacked from israel’s point of view, this is the liquidation of hamas militants, the world community seems to see this is not very controllable. a litmus test, so to speak, but the world’s moods, let’s today we kind of leave aside all this devilry that was there and the fagotism that was there, it doesn’t matter, well, this is the fashion we have now for popular music, so they gather there, but that's all that accompanied this competition,
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obviously had an anti-israeli character, it was just in the air, it just doesn’t happen, but i don’t know by someone? somehow this trend is caught and transferred to those areas of life that seem to be far from politics. let's watch the story. a week ago the israelis threw it away. arafah leaflets warning about the impending cleansing of the city from hamas militants and demanding that civilians immediately leave these areas, and a few hours later rafah was subjected to massive rocket and bomb attacks that amounted to city ​​with land. the israeli leadership does not pay attention to the death of the civilian population, while the israeli military uses bulldozers to paint giant stars of david on the ruins of houses. cnn reported that it would begin in rafah in the coming days.
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pose a risk to other participants and spectators. some european
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television channels, in violation of the rules of the competition, refused to broadcast the performance. den golan, last year's winner, threatened that if israel took first place, she would not come out to present her with the award. in as a result, the song competition ended with the removal of a participant from the netherlands, who started an altercation with an employee of the technical staff, who was jewish by origin, and the audience from israel derided the participant during the performance. well, rallies on the street, flash mobs at a concert - this is not the most effective measure, this is a beautiful picture, of course, but as for officials, their position, as you can see, it’s still at some stage there are tips, statements, an interesting point, that these are our guests today, we were just watching pre-interview, well, at least those of you who have outlined your position are almost unanimous that the support of the west,
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the global west, will weaken, alexey sergeevich, for example, formulates this more gently, that this will, as it were, happen according to objective reasons, the generation is changing, the americans, for example, are already young, are not so focused on israel, we need to somehow support it there, and in my opinion, the most emotional assessment you have about you, because you said so right there , what israel. you have destroyed everything that the zionists have built over the years, but this is all , that is, having stained yourself with blood, you are not exaggerating this degree of rejection that the state is now causing, because this is not the first time the state of israel, well, again, using your formulation, stains itself with some kind of excess blood, yes, but not on such a scale, it seems to me that i am not exaggerating what, for example, alexey says, it fits well. what i am trying to convey is true, because what is happening now is not happening in a spherical
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vacuum, in parallel with this , trends in the world change, preferences change, administrations change, generations, by the way, these leftists that you just showed, because tomorrow, right now they are still opposing israel without any serious political background, tomorrow they will be in politics, including in american politics, i assure you that this attachment to israel has indeed weakened in the united states.
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you see, the world sees that on the one hand this is a senseless massacre in which people die thousands and tens of thousands of innocent residents of the gas sector, on the other hand, israel is not achieving its goals, if israel had also demonstrated strength and effectiveness at the same time, i assure you, these bloody executioners like macron and others, they would have reconciled, they would have if they scolded us in the usa, they wouldn’t strain themselves so much, because they will forget the blood, the main thing is that there should be a result, but here the zionists don’t show results.
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not only from the political elites, this is understandable, but also from ordinary people, and there is some kind of global drop in support i want to say, abbas said that just now the report very correctly noted that eurovision has long been not about music, it’s about politics, and so in the audience vote, don’t judge, israel took second place, everyone who criticized, that's all that is meant, you want to say that this...
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and if to your question, it is extremely significant that israel has support among indigenous europeans, and this vote in this competition, a political competition, showed this, so yes, on the one hand, of course, they will condemn, on the other hand , they will not impose sanctions, these are all electoral procedures, and the rallies that are on the street, they are not numerous enough, well, listen, well, 10, eurovision is an indicator, yes, and yes. in europe show that the majority in america is still for israel, as long as polls show this, european and american politicians will not contribute to active sanctions, even if they show and what they can do, they can reduce support in the un, and this will, they can through mus criminal court will put pressure on israel, this will also happen, i admit that even tanyahu may not
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be held accountable, there will be no direct sanctions against israel for the prime minister, who remains. an ally, a partner of the united states and its very loyal western allies, no one will refuse it, no one, neither the americans, nor the british, nor other europeans, this is quite obvious, moreover, the pressure that the americans and europeans put on israel, it is in a sense in its
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interests, they want to compare israel with its arab neighbors, fantasy. and several others, they were not implemented, if not, they were not signed by saudi arabia, they should have been signed, the day before, they were not signed, on the eve of this signing there was a terrorist attack on october 7,
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in fact, one of its goals was to prevent this signing, connected the states are not interested in israel engaging in endless carnage in gas; they understand perfectly well, americans, that on the one hand israel says what it wants destroy hamas, on the other hand, he does not want to let any palestinian government take the place of hamas in gaza. this is a path to a dead end, for israel this is a losing option, they must, in order for the war in gaza to end, israel must agree to some kind of government, the palestinian government in gaza must agree, but the israeli government, which consists largely of extreme radicals , from the right radicals, is not ready to agree to this, so the americans, british, french, and other europeans are trying to force put pressure on israel so that it agrees to establish.
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the company is engaged in the production of weapons that israel uses to commit genocide against the palestinians, so we want
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to ensure that the university breaks all ties with this company, at first it all seemed like just another problem on the street, well , okay, it happens, but soon the students barricaded themselves in one according to university publications, the situation got out of control; 100 police officers went to storm it. in response to the arrests of several hundred protesters on students sympathizing with the palestinians all over the country came out to the streets and began to demand not only a boycott of anything israeli, but also the release of their arrested colleagues, and these are already political demands: dozens of students from princeton went on a hunger strike, and protesters committed a pogrom at the university of california. this weekend , pro-palestinian activists have already stormed harvard; according to the new york times, protests have already engulfed about 60 of the largest
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us universities, and almost 300 have been arrested. in universities where the protests were stopped, students organize protests at graduation ceremonies, some shout freedom for palestine, others completely tear up their diploma immediately after receiving it. can all this somehow influence american support for israel or is this a card again? momentary things and look at everything seriously from above, yes, we will see several processes, the first process in europe and let’s say, the western left was almost always anti-israel to one degree or another, they held some events, rallies, well, the guys, it’s kind of black , black and white, term the israeli military did not just appear.
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voices began to sound louder, this is the first thesis, the second thesis: no one canceled the role of israel as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, not even the united states, but the west in the middle east, no one under any circumstances, not biden, not trump, not even... european leaders , despite their leftism, and in their thoughts, will never refuse to support israel, because abandoning israel is making the same mistake that was made with the conditional constantinople, when after that a horde of, let’s say, anti-european forces, so -called, poured into europe, and it’s as if everything that israel is now collecting on you will be collected for some reason, there is some kind of red line, excuse me for what i have to do izil? after which, well, even the conventional bidens, in the plural, will say: well, sorry, old netanyahu, i did everything i could, you drowned yourself, and if you remember,
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some time ago, we even showed this, biden is once again confused said, i speak strictly to the jews forbade stepping on haifa, remember , they carried out his orders, so wait, then vanya was just explaining to me that most likely biden meant rafah, which means they didn’t listen to a lot of the same letters, well, they didn’t listen further, that’s what the red line is, again, i will repeat all this will get across.
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look at the processes that have taken place in palestinian-israeli relations over the last 10, 15, 20 years, even 30 years, well, from all the agreements in the settlement and so on, only two outcomes of these processes are clearly visible, taking into account the absolute the inability of the palestinian country to negotiate, given israel's unwillingness to make concessions on the west bank to jerusalem, two outcomes, the first outcome: israel self-destructs and collapses, the second outcome, israel itself turns into hamas and pursues a super-cruel, super-tough policy. simply to destroy the palestinian enclaves and squeeze them out, there was no third option, all the fairy tales are about peace negotiations, about some kind of compromises, now we will sit down and come to an agreement, no, this is impossible, the arab countries also understood this, that’s why arab countries would be ready for today's world order is doomed, because in the first and second options, since you started to remember about constantinople, about the horde, well then all this will happen again, there will be no israel like everything,
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the islamic community, the same saudi arabia supported all this, we had ichkerian embassies everywhere, so-called terrorist ones, as if for israel this is a fight for its own survival and a fight against the gang underground, so you need to look at the situation a little stereoscopically, then the thesis about support, the first thesis, i agree with my colleagues here, indeed support now will not weaken under any circumstances, no matter what israel does, but this thesis is adjacent to the second, sooner or later
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it will weaken very much in any case. for biden there are no red lines, for those people who today come out to protest for blacks, for gays, for transgender people, for ukraine, for palestine, for them this is a completely different story, they will come to power they will stop supporting israel, despite the fact that it's strategic aircraft carrier, they don’t think in terms of aircraft carriers, they think in terms of values, for them israel is an exploiter, they are neo-marxists, neo-marxists are fighting against everything, against everyone...
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watch the zenit cska fonbet russian football cup match on may 15, let’s go to the refrigerator , dismembered, say yes i didn’t understand anything, such a dismemberment, delicious opana, the first one was free, but it’s not ours, let’s take him to the park and that’s it. what madness, what
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madness, they will bring it to us anyway, we will formalize it. well, that's it, oh, that's it, let's sail! emergency exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% ready. tinkov, he’s the only one. choose your favorite. brands on wildberries, discover your style with oha, beautiful, comfortable, fashionable, new collections at competitive prices, with discounts on wildsberries. with the tenkov platinum credit card there is always
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this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, and this part, let's start with the news from the white house. president joe biden signed a law banning the supply of russian uranium to the country. this ban, of course, sounds very menacing, but as they say, there are nuances. the supply ban will remain in effect until 2040. we are not talking, in particular, about the import of goods produced at russian enterprises. in the states, in the near future, the american department of energy needs to find something to replace this russian uranium with, almost 3 billion dollars will be allocated for this matter, here is the most interesting point: if alternatives are not found, then supplies from russia will continue until 2028 moreover, the minister of energy may even lift the ban if other sources of uranium prove to be in short supply. and also the supply of russian fuel will, i will quote here,
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meet the national interests, well, president joe biden continues to amuse the american people, the whole world with his sensational confessions, so speaking at one election event, introducing himself, he said that he was working for his vice president. my name is joe biden, i work for kamalo harris. i asked her to be my vice president because i need there was someone. smarter than me, however, the vice president herself, who, as biden says, is smarter than him, also distinguished herself at this event, she spoke to young people, where she advised young people to achieve success in life by knocking down damn doors, well, here the word damn is not a completely correct, most ethereal translation, she actually said another word, let us show you this piece, well , as far as possible, we must know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it.
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there the plot just begins with the american reactions to what is happening. according to the new york times, for the first time since the start of the war in the gaza strip, the united states refused to supply israel with 300 heavy air bombs, which the idf used to attack the palestinians. joe biden said that if the operation in rafah expands, america will completely stop supplying the israelis with any offensive weapons. i made it clear to benyamin and the military cabinet that...
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russia has a list of terrorists and extremists, calling for the transfer of nuclear weapons to the israelis in order to finally hit the gas sector resolve the palestinian issue. was it normal for america to drop two nuclear bombs on jeroshima and nagasaki to end a war with an existential threat. i think this was acceptable, so israel should do whatever it takes to survive as a jewish state. relations between israel continue to deteriorate and...
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make them part of israeli society, that is , they are not given any rights, they are not given citizenship, they are limited in everything, on the other hand, no, 20% of the israeli population - these are israeli arabs, and the palestinians who live in gaza are not citizens.
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such a grid seems to be very high, why? because they were throwing stones and bottles all the time, so the mood, as it were , aimed at accepting some kind of peace-loving idea, even regarding the vegetarian part, was not there. the number of radical militants, excuse me, but they don’t, israel didn’t give the palestinians a state even though i very much doubt that there will be such proposals perceived by the palestinians themselves, i am with andrei nikolaevich. is still very very short, israel is constantly expanding its settlements on the west bank, of course, there is a reaction from the palestinians on the west bank,
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the palestinians do not have a state either in gaza or on the west bank, so it’s up to us to judge how they will live and get along israel is a palestinian state, maybe it is possible when it is a palestinian state, who will do this experiment, at whose expense the banquet, which means the armenians, no, the armenians will finance it, he is busy with his karabakh. ready to come to the gas sector with bayonets, no, he will be old , he will never, from sadi’s word, simply destroy his reputation among the palestinians, finally this is the first thesis, the second thesis, the government in rome itself is to some extent not ready , i understood this from a conversation with their representatives. this was about 7 years ago, somewhere a little more, they themselves do not want their own state, at least within the borders that israel offers them, it’s not just about
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the borders, the point is that when it is created palestinian state, this means you stop receiving european assistance and living on it, you are responsible for the social sphere, for a huge social, let’s make sure everyone has time, in general, you also see all this endless , some kind of conflict that will destroy one of the sides, alas, there are a lot of one of the sides. it is possible to destroy completely, that’s the problem, so the conflict will drag on, georg said a lot of things that are true, i, oddly enough, completely agree with a lot, and if we ’re talking about what we have now, then the main thing the problem of the israelis is what they themselves say, that they are several, because they defeated hamas, they won except for rafah, but they did not establish a new government there, a new administration, they are leaving these, let me agree, they are leaving these cleared areas will create a power vacuum, it will immediately be filled by new hamas and most importantly.
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saudi arabia needs such good things, of course not, there are simply no other options, the other option is something that says that it will be
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endless, simply endless, in fact , israel, of course, still doesn’t have very good prospects good, unfortunately, the fact is that israel is surrounded by arab states that support the palestinians, these arab states have a higher birth rate, they have a generally larger economy, and over time israel does not want to give up the jewish character of the state, why does it not give citizenship to residents sectors.
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america will continue to support israel, in this sense it is necessary to separate the current israeli
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leadership from israel, from the state of israel. kills, kills, kills senselessly, i would understand if it weren’t for this, it’s not emotional no way, but i would understand purely technically if this led to some kind of real victory, which alexander constantly talks about there, but this leads to nothing except the death of thousands and dozens, so the third third option is right victor, who says that sooner or later the state of palestine will appear, this river of blood, the sea, the ocean
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of blood that the israeli government is shedding today will wash away. all the attempts at expansion, this creeping occupation and attempts at ousting, because this arab state appears like, okay, or it appears as if victorious, it just appears like that, it doesn’t happen like that, short pause, we need to change the subject, don’t leave. we are starting i am superstar, the topic of today is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, but where is the re-transformation, in a nightmare i could not
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imagine the song would be sung by louboutins. our passions are always running high, the premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and
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there makarevich, what makarevich said there, and they will check him for extremism, and apparently there will be a criminal case, which will appear soon. according to the tas agency, for violating the rules of foreign agent activity, makarevich could face up to 2 years in prison.
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the musician has already been fined twice. he published posts on his social networks without foreign agent markings. in addition, his recent statements are of interest to security forces. in a conversation with the pseudo-zelensky, makarevich did not hide his love for the ukrainian government, he tried. to justify stepan bandera, a nazi collaborator, and was not averse to helping the ukrainian armed forces with money. another russian musician and also part-time agent and, of course, trans-ukrainian agitator, maxim pokrovsky, suddenly announced that he was abandoning his, in quotes, educational activities. what did this happen to him? the logic is this: he believes that the russians, he pokrovsky, has already told enough of the truth, he spoke, spoke, spoke, spoke, without sparing himself, there are no nerves anymore, but these. some feeling that few people listen to him. first of all, this is an amputation of us, that is, we were amputated by this society. we have said enough, no one has said more,
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no one will say more of us. and we are also not going to dance ritual dances for more than two years. we have our own affairs, we have our own life, we there is some creativity of our own, so we need to support it. her nerves and her health, that’s different for agent nadezhda telokonnikova, who became famous for her punk music in the cathedral of christ the savior, as part of the group pusiraet, on the contrary, her former pacifism is lost, if you remember, in a conversation with the same vavan and lexus, she admitted that under the guise of humanitarian aid, she is helping the armed forces of ukraine financially, so she gave an interview to another foreign agent, ekaterina gordeeva, and there tolakonnikova directly states that she lives in order to help ukraine. defeat russia, in my attitude to the war little has changed in the sense that i am still an absolutely useless person in military affairs, the only thing i can do is help
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with contacts and money, you collect money for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, for the needs of refugees , and mm, i’m not collecting now, i was collecting at the beginning of the war, but specifically for the needs of the military for the needs of civilians, you didn’t have any kind of body about this, no, no, but dilemmas, no, of course, well, there’s no dilemma, that’s all , i'm all, i at some point expected, what will she ask, what is a dilemma, well , it looked like it was, so let’s move on to our next topic, we periodically show you facts about the activities of extremely popular figures in our country, called bloggers, who gained all this popularity through some kind of dubious such material, but naturally we cannot talk about this forever, although it seems to me that as i say very often, we are always looking for some twists in this topic.
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but one that quite obviously sets itself the goal of offending as many people as possible the number of people by age, there according to some religious, historical principles, that is , before we somehow didn’t really notice this, but now it’s immediately obvious, what i mean, we’ll now show you a few examples, in last friday in sevastopol , a man was detained who, for the sake of hype , climbed the barrel of a captured howitzer. on
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the territory of the sapun-gora memorial complex he began to yawn, the detainee did not hesitate to capture his act and post it on social networks, the man was detained, he faces a fine of up to 5 million rubles or imprisonment for a period of 5 years under the article on the rehabilitation of nazism, a criminal case has been opened, he climbed onto a weapon, threw a hitler salute, asked the young man to take a photo and posted it in contact, on his page alexey alekseevich. a fifteen-year-old teenager from samara decided to hype up the topic of the great patriotic war. on victory day, a schoolboy yawned at a passing tank at the parade. he published photographs that fall under the article about the rehabilitation of nazism in his telegram channel and uploaded a video there, in whom hitler admired. on the same day , the young man was taken to the police for a conversation. due to his age, he does not yet face criminal liability, and most likely he will get away with it.
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10% of her earnings will be withheld by the state. last summer, the girl decided to attract the attention of subscribers in a provocative video, which she shot from such an angle as if she was touching the chest of the motherland monument with her fingers. a criminal case was opened a year ago under the article “rehabilitation of nazism.” however, agafonova hid from the investigation for several months bali. for easter, the trio decided to become famous.
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investigative committee, now bloggers are threatened . the next day the video was sentenced to a total of 7 years for hooliganism and insulting the feelings of believers, the trio was sent away. in the pre-trial detention center, and apologizing on camera did not help them, i apologize to all the believers whom i offended and repent in full, i admit my guilt, this will never happen again, i will use the vocabulary of kamal and harris, or what to do with these assholes, here explain, no, here’s how it was possible come up with it, film it the next day now...
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he knows that this video is provocative, they will watch it, like it, go to his profile on social networks, watch other videos where he says something like that, in fact , he understands that he needs to film it something is this, it’s free, today, yes, for the rest - these are fools, because people don’t understand that he’ll just pay 5 million for it , or 5 years of his life will pay for the fact that he stood as he sees it including the investigative one, now almost the next day, it’s all young people who are doing all this people.
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you can behave, or let’s say, he behaved like this among his friends and acquaintances, relatives, but no one told him that this was an anomaly, this is also in principle, for this, if the children are not yet adults, the parents are responsible for them, i it seems that there is nothing terrible in this, let the parents also pay some money to society for raising such a strange child, well , in the video someone tried to say that this is impossible, but in my opinion it was some kind of . it seems to me that the number of idiots in the world is not changes from year to year, it’s just because of social networks that we become witnesses to all their nonsense, this is exactly what i think we need to talk about, that people have the opportunity to use their smartphone to become a tv channel and therefore now any fool with a smartphone is a tv channel , before
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it was just a fool with a smartphone, but now this fool with a smartphone understands that when he does something like this, everyone will recognize him, he will be such a caliph for an hour, he...
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no, no, my, my daughter, my daughter committed one stupid act, he and his friend tried to steal a car share, great, they went far, which means fortunately they didn’t go far, after that, after that i mean, i’ll move your question forward, this was before i became a deputy, i had a conversation with her about car sharing, no, well, she’s 16 years old, she can’t use car sharing, she just tried to hack at the age of 14 with her friend. well, you admit that this is your parent’s mistake, that i admit that this is my mistake, i don’t admit it from then on, but i raised you well, but they turned out the same, that means you’re disgusting they were brought up, no, that is, let me then for... well, thanks in spite of sometimes you have to bring up the current situation, excuse me, you give it to him, we need
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to deprive them of what they want, fame, we need to ban them from using social networks, just ban poladimirovich really like, well , with social networks, well, through the courts, hypothetically it’s real, in our home they’re prohibited, but here , in fact, the problem is something else, the problem is that these young people who are now being shown, for them there is no value in the victory day than further... well, why not, that is, we need to do something cool, funny, and maybe a little differently, maybe they see that
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these adults, who are boring and incomprehensible, are celebrating something on this day , and the counter to this celebration can be done like this, it will excite adults and attract the attention of their peers, and in general it will be cool, well, teenagers always want to stand out in front of someone, it doesn’t matter if it’s on camera, it’s without a camera, it doesn’t matter if you’re in when i was a child , i wanted to show off when the parade was going on, excuse me. because that's how i was raised to my grandfather and more than one but several grandfathers fought for me, so for me it was throwing a book into the fire, i’m not even talking about the bible, in general throwing a book into the fire to light a fire, this was the generation that destroyed churches, shot priests and they were 19-20 years old, these guys were young for a reason, because their heads were empty, no, no, it wasn’t empty, but these ones were empty. well, that means others blew up the tsar and the state, i say that’s the difference, these
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are empty-headed, i think it’s not a matter of empty-headedness, although of course that’s also the case, although in this too, it means, here he is, who was apologizing, this means, well, in a blue t-shirt, he had it written in english, alone against all, like loneliness against everyone, here he is, he seems to consider himself an individual, this is such...
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no one says, it seems to me, there is such a colleague who said it correctly, it’s just for some reason a thing like a deferred punishment, yes, if you are not an adult, you will wait until you reach adulthood and there will be this million or two or five waiting for you, whatever - then, yes, in fact , they will all survive, and this will help others minors did not do this, because at this particular moment, for them it will be some distant million that someone must pay someday, will there be this million of millions. they will have to pay it, so they are just working with a completely virtual world with an attention economy, where they are trying to really , as it were, increase their capital, the capital actually needs to be hit, that is, you can even let them earn a little extra money, and then all this money of theirs is from bloggers, and i wanted andrey
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we won’t have time for nikolaevich, but after the break, the final stars are on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is the security service. enter the code from the sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a sim cardf mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone accounts. and i’m useful , oh yes, and you manage me regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, you choose the right categories every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods, you get cashback of up to 25%
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for the last few years, kosenko has been filming videos that receive millions of views and then selling interviews with himself to other bloggers, allegedly his participation in filming costs up to 100 million rubles. the blogger actually has popularity, although doubtful, in russia and abroad; the video where he throws his two-month-old baby into a snowdrift has gained 10 million views in a couple of days. in january , a criminal case was opened against kosenko because of the scandalous video, but no punishment followed. the blogger seemed to provide some evidence that he did not throw a baby,
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but a doll, and publicly apologized. however, 3 months later he published a photo of himself holding a five-month-old boy overboard the yacht. i want to apologize to those who lived through this. i recently became a father. the origins of this kind of trash content, which is so popular among teenagers, lies in another popular one. character melstroy. he gained popularity thanks to videos where he beat a girl on camera and doused people with urine. now melstroy gives out money to subscribers for completing tasks. at the end of march, one of his fans ran onto the football field during a match for 30 million rubles. for 5 million rubles. subscribers cut snalos live or poured it into each other's mouths. the task, you open your mouth and spit on it with a hard macro. here's a hundred. at the instigation of melstroy , other popular ones began to give out money for completing tasks. russian network stars booster, manesi and excel. the latter is famous by paying subscribers to complete difficult physical tests. last year , exile fans completed an obstacle course
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for 100,000 rubles. and 2 years ago they jumped from a tower into a pool for 50,000. i invited eight of my friends to complete eight different challenges, in each of which they would receive a certain number of points. and the one who scores the most will receive 50,000 rubles. due to the popularity of trash streamers, in february this year the state duma adopted. which obliges to block violent content. fines for obscenity and calls for it on camera costs up to 700 thousand rubles. but most importantly, on russian sites, bloggers can be blocked without the right of restoration. roskomnadzor will have the right to quickly block information, broadcasts, and videos with such content. this means we will deprive trash streams of the most important thing for the audience - the opportunity to continue their activities for the purpose of earning money. however, such measures stop few people. for example,
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let’s talk in the studio, you, our dear viewers, we invite you, as best you can, to go to our telegram channel and vote, our question is very simple, what should we do with those ignoramuses who mock important, perhaps even sacred things for us, and you will see the answer options there in the telegram, go ahead, we didn’t tell you about this vote right away, but we hope that you now you’ll do everything, andrei nikolaevich, let’s talk about these, so to speak, elders, about bosses, yes, about idols, yes, they do all this.
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who jumps from the tower in the pool, yes, hoping to get 50, 100, 150, and maybe 500,000 rubles. he jumps and heads the side hurts, the boy is immediately disabled after this, the person who encouraged him to do this, the person who lured him into this tower for money, he will bear some responsibility before the law, they will have to initiate a criminal case, they will have to under what article, because now i’m so excited about the article and i think that it’s possible to pick up the article, but this may be a problem.
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our task is to go in different directions at the same time, the first is fines, the second is the blocking of pages, that is, not the content, but the banning of social network pages, naturally, you are some kind of vegetarian today, you usually propose to be imprisoned or shot, and today, if there are criminal violations, of course, put in prison, and we are actively dealing with this issue, so, you are the first, jumping from a tower into a pool is it’s normal, burning a car is strange, but you have the right to do whatever you want with your property. you can’t exceed the speed limit, you can’t hit girls on camera, let’s separate it, it’s all trash stream, which somehow goes beyond your personal understanding, for me, it’s trash a stream is when a person does either this nonsense, when he hits a girl right away there is no talk, when you call on someone that andre i want to see a simple t-shirt, well, this is stellar only with the words, i’m on purpose, i’m on purpose for i wore such
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a t-shirt on air, it’s so trashy, of course.
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elementary, i’m telling you elementary, how we will solve this, that is, the law will spell it out this way, regardless of where the social network is located, what jurisdiction it has, russian not russian, if this is visible in the russian federation, all this is, that’s all, he won’t be able to receive money, we will arrest those who post this content there, that is, we will block pages, if he circumvents the law, then you will block sberbank online and he will not receive money at all and there will be no trash streams. well, your right, of course, i don’t understand what you are discussing, it means that the instagram network, which is banned in our country, is recognized, the meta is prohibited, the meta is an organization, is our citizens prohibited from using the network. no, why? because the legislator decided so, i have you you ask, here’s a question for the legislator, because i say, let’s deprive them of the opportunity to use this mechanism, they will print on leaflets tomorrow, on what leaflets, but no one knows how to read for a long time, let’s make
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a decision, then andrei nikolaevich, i don’t know what he’ll tell me, it’s just that we have a situation that can fit into the tree, much more, people there earn money, including in small businesses, i mean girls with eyelashes,
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i myself, i myself had 1.45 thousand absolutely pure subscribers in they posted it on instagram, someone is making a business out of this, ban it, listen, stop banning it.
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bad weather, a very similar situation that i had during the may holidays, very similar, i mean? you can spend a lot of money to disperse clouds over the entire country, theoretically, this is probably possible, but we need to teach people to dress according to the weather, when we go on social networks, we must be dressed according to the weather, we must make sure that this crap doesn’t fall on us from above fell, and if it
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falls, so that we are protected, you know, this is the very block button with which you started, which, you know, is some kind of ostankino dreamer, of course, everyone here dreams.
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the man turned a blind eye to his ex-wife’s flirting on the internet and forgave her for cheating on her with a colleague, she was a conductor, he was an assistant driver, they had an affair, yes, it was hard, we had to talk for a long time, even forgive her, these are not at all sisterly feelings for a cousin i couldn't forgive my brother. i found out from her own aunt, she is in love with her cousin. 16 years old, now he is tormented by doubts, whether his ex-wife gave birth to a son and a daughter, i have doubts, i will submit a dna test, i created a disgrace, a disgrace with my cousin. there it was necessary not to play in love at the age of 16,
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they fantasize about denigrating me in front of people here, everything in order not to pay alimony, your aunt personally saw how your brother pulled his hand out from under his t-shirt, a woman came who destroyed the family, i i’m opening the nk envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. stars. the final. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. platinum students’ credit cards do not charge any fees and percent. and transfer to any card without commission or interest tenkov, he’s the only rustix celebrating the year and is definitely waiting for anyone , gives real crispy chicken, roast , invites everyone, gives out gifts to everyone on their birthday, gives the mood, celebrate with us hits for a ruble and other prizes in restaurants. rostix app. apply for a loan at sberbank and
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piquant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious period, who covers up other people's traces during the day and leaves their own at night, it's you, uncle lyosha is here, the thief is also very good, thank you for catching him, uncle lyosha, look now at the nakion, well, out into nature, oh, what is this, and this is a schemattar, there are different cards with cashback, why is it necessary? one vtb card. vtb. transfer to it for free from any bank, without any commission restrictions. and get cashback up to 25% in rubles for your purchases. vtb. everything will work out together. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. rostix has a new soft ice cream with
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natural cherries, just what you need to cool down on a hot day. cool off with pleasure in rostix. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don’t just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions, you don’t make fashionable haircuts, and help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people.
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this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, you vote, dear friends, in our telegram channel, our poll is dedicated to the plot that we showed in the first part, here’s what to do with these idiots, let’s get them let's call them minors who, for the sake of their own popularity, do not hesitate to mock some kind. well, in general, without exaggeration , you can say sacred things for other
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people, vote at the end of the program , we’ll sum it up, now we argued a little here with the guys, but my colleagues tell me, this is the plot now. which we will show is the quintessence of the phenomenon itself, that is , when a person, for the sake of this, this momentary moment of glory, he does not understand that this will not last forever, but he is ready to take such a risk, which simply leads to death, that is, even one’s own life turns out to be less valuable than this glory in internet. last saturday in moscow , a ninth-grader failed during a photo shoot in an abandoned hospital. ventilation shaft. the schoolgirl climbed onto the eleventh floor to take spectacular shots against the backdrop of moscow city, but on the way back she stepped naked on the slate that covered the entrance to the ventilation pipe. the girl died on the spot from her injuries. on the same day in sochi, during a storm, a seventeen-year-old teenager decided to take a closer photograph of the waves. he was hit by a wave
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and carried out to sea. in april, sochi blogger shainess polenko went on vacation to abkhazia. in pursuit of beautiful shots. she came out onto an unfenced ledge above the abyss and either lost her balance or stumbled, fell down from a fifty-meter height and died. in ingushetia last summer , a tourist was killed while taking a selfie on the edge of a waterfall. during filming, the pensioner lost her balance and fell from a height of thirty meters. but this is footage from the krasnoyarsk territory. there, a woman fell from a height of fifty meters during filming. come here, do you hear?
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no, wait, i can be robbed on the street, on the bus, at work, anywhere, should i walk with the door open or something, well, that’s why in asian countries, for example, they carry backpacks in front, you propose that we adopt these rules, the person who is not to blame for anything, he must take on some problems, here, who is to blame, must feel good,
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the mind is eclipsed in the background of some question, it’s not boring, this is psychology, so every person has moments when you just don’t have little awareness or little control or you can’t easily assess the danger with adrenaline, it was, will be and is and will be later, it’s one thing, one thing adrenaline, and you will become
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so adrenaline-filled, that means you stood on the edge, breathed this mountain air and walked away, and here you have a phone number and you ... you can, that means, let your shoes on the edge go like this, take pictures, and you know that after this you have 100 likes, they will write to you about how cool you are and so on, this is possible. insurance, i just wanted to say, you probably went through some training special, you have special shoes and so on and so on, and you didn’t take it, but
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the probability that i’ll come back is exactly the same, you climbed on roofs as a child, no, oh well, i’m afraid of heights, i didn’t climb either, then the same thing, i’m afraid of open heights, i’m not afraid of flying, but if you put me on a balcony of some eighteenth floor, open, yes, all of you, go to that very one, to the mountains. the number, the number of people who died without a phone while receiving this very adrenaline is much greater than those who does at this moment, you again don’t see the problem, listen, once again, there will definitely be a person, in our childhood the guys were great, let me try it for you through modern culture, there is such a group disco avaria, they released a song about 5-7 years ago , i don’t remember the title, where the lyrical heroine argues that unrequited love, well, the heroine of this song, then it would be necessary somehow...
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grandson, the dog rushed at him, all the dogs were raking him up, i was walking with the youngest
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wolfhound, well, that’s what leads them to his apartment, where 20 cats already live, they run, they howl, in my opinion, even she howls there with them, it sounds simply terrible, there is something cooking for them, perhaps she may even be cooking dogs there, she is cooking dogs, the woman calls... star premiere on sunday at 20: 20 on ntv. to make money on my savings, i open tabs with a rate of 17%. i can
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it turned out to be an absolute leader, i'm picking up censorship words, in general, we need to take this idiot, flog him in front of the camera, film the process itself and put it all on the internet, so that in a sense, no one today answers our question, what is this, excuse me, this is a criminal article, because that from what is being done, apparently people, our viewers, they do not feel anything real, this is all for now , so we need to teach. i remembered the story behind the scenes, andrei vladimirovich told us, we went to kostrama, in my opinion, yes, to kostrama a couple of years ago, we walked around with a guide the historical part of the city, and there on one street he showed us, almost door to door, the first cinematographs in kostroma stood, one, which means, showed the viewer
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something sublime, something beautiful, something remarkable with something famous. and the other showed, well, if not pornography, then something close to it, comedy, absolutely, which of the cinemas do you think closed first, well, actually the one that tried to elevate the viewer, what to do with this, so far not that you mean that people are just pathetic to all sorts of nasty things, well , that’s why i won’t tell anything about these people who are pathetic to all sorts of nasty things, i’ll tell you some classics, good classics on the topic of the first hour of our program, a tourist arrives. everyone has a tray in their hands, on a tray, many, many, many watermelons cut straight into pieces, well, someone asks how much it costs? they say: it’s free, everyone is like: oh, wow, israel started taking these watermelons, but one
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man doesn’t take it, other tourists ask him: why don’t you take it? he says: yes, i’ve already been on this excursion, they have only paid toilets further down the road, and the prices there are five times higher than usual. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. the renewed government in the state duma is today discussing 16 candidates for ministerial positions. to assess the possibility of restoration in belgarad, experts examine a high-rise building after the ukrainian strike. save your life in the southern donetsk direction. the hurricane system shoots leaflets. with a call to surrender. about the main thing, at this moment in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. vladimir putin approved the updated composition of the presidential administration.


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