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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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watermelons, but one man doesn’t take it, other tourists ask him, why don’t you take it? he says, yes, i’ve already been on this excursion, they have only paid toilets further down the road, and the prices there are five times higher than usual. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye.
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igor levitin, who worked as an assistant to the president, became an adviser to the head of state and special representative for international cooperation in the field of transport. the head of the state duma committee on culture, elena yampolskaya, has been appointed advisor to the president. saved mine position of special representative of the president on environmental issues, transport ecology, sergei ivanov. vladimir putin also appointed the previous plenipotentiaries in the federal districts. in the state duma all day today, parliamentarians listened to the speeches of the candidates for minister of the new government.
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the speech of each of them was actually programmatic. the deputies learned the priorities of the work of all ministries, but the questions from parliamentarians that the applicants answered were more like a proposal to improve the quality of work of the executive authorities in russia. alexey prokin watched the performances. there are 16 names on the list of candidates for ministerial portfolios, the conditions are the same for everyone. first, the candidates were introduced by an authorized representative of the government in the state duma, then the chairman of the relevant committee took the floor. 5 minutes were given for the report itself. when we talk about problems, there are more and more vacancies in schools, this is the approach that everything is fine with us, a physical education teacher, after he gets a stamp from a private professional development organization. gets the right to teach mathematics
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and physics, has become widespread, what does this affect? on the quality of education, this is a key issue, according to the papers everything is fine, because they teach two or three subjects, in reality the quality decreases when we see the problems that exist in personnel and pedagogical universities work here, today we have 10, from 10 to 18 people per place. this is good and pedagogical classes began to develop when we had state textbooks and more than 65% of ninth-grade students went to college, salaries, these are the problems that indeed there are problems that we will solve. sergei korovtsov, who applied for the post of minister of education, spoke fifth, and first in alphabetical order in the exam.
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millions of our citizens are involved in the sporting life of the country in playing sports. the governor of the kemerovo region, sergei tsevelev, and the head of the kursk region, roman starovoid, will also become new faces in the government. tsevelev was proposed to head the ministry of energy, and starovoyd should be responsible for transport. another new face in the government will be oksana lut on dumskaya podium. she rose as a candidate for the post of minister of agriculture. however, she was very familiar with the work of a codemin in the previous government. everything needs to be replanted, as you said, we have seeds, from a financial point of view,
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the limits that are provided for sowing, including for the upcoming replanting, we have enough, we will control the situation, if suddenly there is not enough finance, then we we'll find it possible. supporting citizens, families with children and fulfilling social obligations is the main thing a priority. and he served in the correct troops, the state security committee, and this is also in his support, they didn’t
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take anyone there from the street, which means he’s a reliable person. valery folkov told the deputies about his view on the development of science and higher education, issues of environmental management.
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candidate for the post of minister of defense andrei belousov stated this in the federation council. the verkhovna rada today completes consultations on candidates for the positions of head of the ministry of foreign affairs and ministers of the security bloc, presented by the president. speaking at at the plenary meeting, belousov spoke about his priority plans as minister. this is , first of all, the integration of the economy of the armed forces into the country’s economy. the president asked for this. another task is to optimize military spending. belousov called victory in the special operation the main task of the department.
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life to solve all the assigned tasks, he noted that he was always guided by the principle that the quote considers: reinforced concrete, you can make mistakes, you cannot lie. russian troops from the north liberated the village of bugrovatka in kharkov region. units from other groups are also moving forward in their sections of the line of combat contact. artillery, missile and aviation fire destroyed concentrations of manpower and equipment in 143 regions. in addition, the workshop for the production and storage of drones, as well as warehouses, were hit. ammunition fuel, the pvu forces shot down 26 drones, five tactical missiles, 43 rockets and nine guided bombs. in the southern donetsk direction, ukrainian military personnel are increasingly surrendering, the reason is the propaganda leaflets that our artillerymen throw at enemy positions.
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they are made in the form of money, why they are so effective, evgeniy golovanov found out. before departure, the commander of a platoon of jet pilots with the call sign kita always walks around his vehicle , patting the body, this is not just a ritual adopted from the pilots, but part of a mandatory check of the technical condition. you need to make sure that everything is in order: tire pressure, coolant level in the radiator. to turn around, aim and open fire, minutes pass, and the faster, the less chance of being detected. it hits the hurricane not only with rockets with a warhead, but sometimes it loads it with such cassettes and propaganda parcels with leaflets. from the outside it may seem like artillerymen. they throw money around, in one volley millions fly down the drain, they don’t even count them here,
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about 10, 10 thousand pieces of paper, and we don’t even know how much in total, our military approached the design of the leaflets very creatively, they are printed in the form of banknotes, euros and dollars, there are much more chances that they will be noticed than ordinary white sheets, here is the ukrainian president and a call for ukrainian soldiers to surrender, go over to the side of good, preferably along with weapons and equipment, for which payments are promised in real money, for example, for the american “heimers” system 1 million dollars. the hurricane hits at a distance of up to 35 km, so ukrainian soldiers receive such letters not only on the front line, but in the rear areas. yevgeny pogrebnyak was drafted into the national guard of ukraine in march of twenty-two, and fought during the harvest season. on my position, he found a leaflet and made a decision. surrender, it was written there: soldier of the ukrainian armed forces, surrender if you want to live,
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we guarantee safety, otherwise you will be destroyed, and instructions on how to surrender, they don’t beat me, they don’t offend me, they fed me, gave me something to drink, treated me to a cigarette, i want to return home, of course, such leaflets do not represent any material value, but they allow you to save the most valuable things. life. evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, sergey pikulin and alei arebdzhanov, ntv. yuzhnodonetsk direction of special military operation. at the site of the collapse of an entrance in the belgorod region, the body of another victim was found. as a result, the total number of victims of the tragedy has reached 17. the house itself, which was damaged by fragments of a ukrainian rocket 2 days ago, is being examined by specialists from the ministry of construction. they decide whether it is worth repairing the surviving part of the building, or whether it would be safer to demolish it. at the same time, the nationalists continued shelling this night over the region. 25 rockets since the very morning in belgorod, sirens have not ceased, mixed with the sounds of explosions. something is already burning there, already
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something is burning nearby. nine apartment buildings and a school were damaged by shrapnel, one resident was injured, the regional governor said. the authorities are providing all possible support to the residents of the affected high-rise building. and ordinary belgorod residents carry flowers and candles to the collapsed entrance in memory of the dead, all this against the backdrop of a constant missile threat. from belgorod, reporting by olga chernova. at 5:00 in the morning belgorod was awakened by a cannonade siren and an explosion in the air defense that shot down 25 shells from the vampire multiple launch rocket system. one woman is seriously injured facades were damaged and glass was broken in residential buildings and shopping centers. shell fragments hit the school. tatyana kiryuta is at the destroyed site this morning. at home, she hoped to see how the remains of the rubble were removed, her eighty-year-old father lived on the seventh floor
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of the entrance, which collapsed, his body has not yet been found, at the time of the missile attack the pensioner was at home, we talked to him for 15 minutes, 20, that’s it, bodies no, all the bodies have already been identified, and we don’t know what to do, rescuers reported that another one was found under the rubble the body of a woman, the death toll from... house violation increased to 16 people. the governor of the belgogorod region, glotkov, holds an off-site meeting near a destroyed high-rise building. the missile danger sirens go off several times at noon, two attacks in half an hour, all for cover. the entrances of the damaged house become a refuge. when the danger had passed, department heads gathered at a spontaneous memorial to honor the memory of the victims. the governor said that the affected families will receive full support. payments to this week we plan to make 10 for the whole house. and for those who... have lost all their property, we will draw up acts: 100,000 per person, 50,000 for partial, for partial
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loss of property. if we see that the income does not allow us to restore the property, we will provide individual assistance after the construction of the apartments. the head of the region today set the task of starting as quickly as possible to dismantle the destroyed section and build a new one; in the next 2 days they plan to restore the damaged heating main to supply hot water to the house. together with the victims residents of the apartments, which were blocked by destruction, emergencies ministry specialists decided how to use an aerial platform to enter the upper floors through windows and balconies in order to remove documents and surviving items before starting dismantling work. the woman’s body was recovered, the ministry of emergency situations reported that kiryuty had been found. at this charity warehouse , an hour after
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another person died from the rubble, perhaps it was tatiana’s father , high-rise buildings can receive food, household chemical kits, personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and bedding. fund evacuated from the destroyed
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belgorod. the ministry of agriculture is going to put up barriers to imported flowers from unfriendly countries. the candidate for the post of head of the department, oksana lut, announced this in the duma. next on the air is business news. denis talovaev is with us. denis, what countries exactly will this affect? well, for example, clouds are gathering over the dutch tulips.
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the ministry of agriculture is considering the possibility of limiting the import of flowers from so-called unfriendly countries. the candidate for the post announced this today, speaking in the state duma. minister of agriculture oksana lut. we , together with the ministry of economic development, are, of course, considering customs and tariff regulation measures in order to limit the import of flowers from unfriendly countries, we can do this under the hundredth decree, and , accordingly, using our internal capabilities to support the development of our flower growers as much as possible. in march of this year, they announced their readiness to support an increase in imports. the main suppliers of flowers to russia are the netherlands, ecuador, kenya, colombia, belarus. from this list to
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the russian authorities consider the netherlands unfriendly. the federal air transport agency denied the information. that the airport, which had been closed for more than two years, opened here for valista flights, russian airlines had to be lured. earlier today, the newspaper kommersant, citing sources, wrote that the aviation authorities promised those airlines that would start flights to the capital of kalmykia, quote: to straighten a number of southern routes, which means that it will be possible to fly to sochi, the emirates and egypt by a shorter route. since february twenty -two, due to the need to fly some territories, for a long time. flights have increased noticeably, for example, the moscow-sochi route, which previously took less than 2.5 hours, began to last about 4 hours, the duration of flights from moscow to egypt and the emirates, according to the airline’s calculations, increased by two hours. and so the federal air transport agency said that the agency does not plan to distribute routes to airlines in exchange for flights on the list and that the airlines themselves wanted to fly there
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after discovering the development of domestic tourism in kalmeki. true, from russian tour operators. what aeroflot airline yesterday, that is 10 days after the formal opening of the elestine airport, announced that it would begin direct flights to the capital of kalmykia for the first time since the nineties. russian shares today continue to rise in price by one and a half percent in a slight plus. all this is still on yesterday's news. on the repurchase of these shares and their exchange. the ruble, after yesterday’s powerful growth, today goes up and down, now the dollar is 91.24, the euro is 98.70. confectionery companies in russia are beginning to reduce their range of chocolate. cause strongly imitated cocoa beans. as a source told kommersant newspaper, the kdv
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group company has suspended the production of chocolate called ozera. and other manufacturers, according to the publication’s interlocutor, have revised the prices of their products. as the president of the pobeda confectionery factory, vitaly muravyov, notes, over the year, due to a poor harvest, cocoa beans trembled on average three to four times and as a result. according to vyacheslav loshmankin, executive director of the association of confectionery industry enterprises, prices are at their highest level since 1977. 2/3 cocoa, explains director of the savekon publication andrey sizov, is produced by only two countries (ghana) and kot devore, and they are suffering from drought for the second year in a row. at the same time, the association of retail trade companies is encouraging that in may a reverse trend emerged, and cocoa beans began to become cheaper. all. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. ntv viewers in the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow. and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part
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of the country. ukrainians involved in bombings northern flows in september 2022 have already been established. former rada deputy andrei derkach spoke about this in an interview with the state belarusian news agency belta. according to the politician, sabotage among. the others were handled by roman chervinsky, a former colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, whom the western press had already linked to the bombing. besides him, the group included an sbu officer, sergei kuznetsov, marina setalo, whom derkach calls one of the best divers in the country, and others. according to the former deputy, the ukrainians carried out a cover and dive operation. ukrainian participants in pipeline bombings were trained for a long time both in the zhytomyr region and in romania near the nato base. the politician also accuses the family partners of us president joe biden of sponsoring him. we allocated money for the work of the intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense. the scheme involves a company owned by biden's son. the americans donated millions of dollars, which were then used to carry out terrorist operations,
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such as the nord stream bombings, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, and the murder of daria dugina. in georgia today adopted scandalous laws on foreign agents; neither protests nor fervor and debates in the parliament itself, which escalated during the final third reading, could prevent this. into a mass brawl. the fight began after a speech by a representative of the opposition united national movement, who accused colleagues from the ruling party of, quote , “betrayal of national interests” and quickly switched to profanity. the opponent did not appreciate such a linguistic message and decided to cool the enemy by throwing him a bottle of water. all hand-to-hand fighting began, to which they joined.
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new hotels and glamping sites, reconstructed embankments, as the black sea coast prepares for the tourist season. russia is surrounding kharkov, what is causing the fuss in the west, how they are trying to get more money for kiev, what is the real situation in the north of ukraine, roman sobol assessed. to make money on my savings , i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i
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borges olive oil for 99. tablets for dishwashers for 299. in the global village we select ripe fruits from all over the planet when you try our natural 100% apple juice, others want it too a sip. once we bought it, we immediately loved it. global village is ripe for your table. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. today us secretary of state anthony blinden arrived in kiev on an unannounced visit, he began his journey in poland, from where he went by train to the capital of ukraine. blinken will discuss the battlefield situation, american assistance and washington's long-term commitment to supporting the kiev regime with zelensky. however, the western press no longer really believes in the success of the armed forces of ukraine. the authoritative french newspaper lemont writes about this today: the west should
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be prepared to collapse. ukraine, even if this is not the preferred option, a source in the diplomatic circles of paris tells the publication in plain text. night has come for kyiv a nightmare - cnn echoes the europeans. raman sobol will continue. the coming weeks will be very grim for ukrainian troops. the russians are moving deeper into northern ukraine. the western press is now full of such headlines. on european television channels, military experts are once again calling for kiev to be given weapons, bigger, more powerful, more deadly. the main problem of ukraine is personnel, the country is bleeding, it does not have people to form reserves. the goal of the russians near kharkov is to stretch the ukrainian troops to make it easier to attack other directions. ukraine must find reserves, its soldiers have been in the trenches for 2 years, but they are not tired, they have lost their fighting spirit. russia concentrated about 50,000 people on the border. this is a new army. the russians may try to break through the front line. kiev promises to strengthen this
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direction, but it does not have enough soldiers. troops will have to be withdrawn from other areas. western strategists again started talking about the treachery of the russians, their tactics of a thousand cuts, they say, with small but frequent blows they exhausted the ukrainians.
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in the ministry of defense the situation around they comment on kharkov with restraint, no reports of victory, only facts, only numbers. units of the north group of troops improved their tactical position, defeated the manpower and equipment of units of the 125th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of volchansko, neskuchny, leptsov and vesely, repelled five counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of deep and quiet. enemy losses. amounted to 250 military personnel, two tanks, two armored fighting vehicles, 17 vehicles, 152-mm howitzers stub, 122-mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, 122-mm d30 howitzer,
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buk m1 and strela 10 launchers, four rszzo uragan, vampire and ragsa 12 combat vehicles. at this stage, it is necessary to create a security zone for belgorod, knocking the ukrainian armed forces out of position . from where they can fire at the city, and the more fiercely the ukrainians hit residential areas, the further they will have to be thrown back, the logic is simple: in the west, most likely they want to make a new symbol out of kharkov, a new anti-russian horror story, with with which you can squeeze more money out of budgets to please politicians and arms corporations. the us president signed another $400 million aid package to ukraine, which includes the supply of artillery ammunition and air defense systems. anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, anti-tank missile systems, as well as other equipment necessary for the defense of kharkov and other territories of ukraine. in kiev , rada deputies ask zelensky to officially call nato troops to ukraine to defend
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kharkov. in brussels, however, many realize that such a step will lead to the start of a war that will leave no stone unturned in ukraine and beyond. the west prefers to fight by proxy and is still willing to pay for it, “2 years of conflict, hundreds of thousands of victims and billions of dollars have changed little, this may increase pressure on the leaders of ukraine to negotiate a truce with russia.” end of quote. and even, perhaps, the most ardent supporters of ukraine, the baltic states, began to share their doubts about the success of this hopeless enterprise. all our help, fighters in 16-8000 shells that we promised. kiev will be given the opportunity to hold out until the end of the summer, but will not be given a chance to counter-offensive and return territories. to win the war, ukraine needs an army of one and a half, or better, 2 million people. if you ask whether ukraine can do this now, i will answer that
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no. the estonian military man is not completely honest, or has not studied history. an army of two million is, of course, a great force, and many countries would bow to it, but not russia. sobol, maxim zaichenko, ntv television company. in kuban is preparing for the tourist season, 11 million vacationers are expected there this summer, and about 6 million more in crimea. modern hotels have prepared new recreation areas, entertainment, and well-appointed embankments for guests. rostislav skidan found out what they are ready to surprise tourists with. inhale and exhale. inhale and exhale. is heading towards the shore, the cold won’t scare him, you’ll swim, no, well , you’ll only dip your feet if
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there are still few people as determined as grisha in anapa, but the season needs to be opened, this year the authorities are ambitiously expecting a record 5.5 million tourists, there are forges, a fair, master classes, plein airs, this is how the season opens. on the city alley of anapa, at this table , a pomeranian craft lesson, how he makes birds like these from an ordinary plank, i still don’t understand that people... it happens that they say watch your hands. tourists watch, then buy crafts, take them home, these girls, for example, in belgorod, remember vacations on the coast, you plan to return in the summer, of course, we are going to come, relax here, swim in the warm already warmed sea, probably travel around town. st. petersburg residents victoria and ksenia neshumova and anapa and novorossiysk taman have already explored. while the weather is not very good, we will go on excursions, then we saw that there should be sunshine so that already. enjoy the sun, it’s so beautiful here, everything is green, otherwise
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in st. petersburg we don’t have a drop of greenery, only knee-deep snow. for those who missed greenery and snow, the road to sochi. more than 4.5 million tourists are waiting in the resort capital of the krasnodar territory. 61 beaches have already opened in the city, all 170 will be operational by june. the resort also improved 41 km of coastline, including embankments. this year there are a record number of new hotels in the krasnodar territory, more than thirty per...
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now you are unlikely to visit here, this is one of the most popular resorts in crimea, where people come to relax not with a tent or in a car, but in the hotels or glamping sites that have replaced them. the soviet tourist did not yet know what glamping was; he was already in a new world. glamorous camping or outdoor recreation with all the amenities of a hotel. these houses in juniper grove were built back in eighties. the main building, where there is a dining room, laundry and billiards, is a few minutes' walk away. last year, the ateliers built another 24, no, not houses, but chalets, as they are usually called. now call them comfort all year round, and outside the window, as required, there is almost wild
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nature. the branch is very low, we cannot remove it, and since this is nature, these are relict juniper trees, and the guests are loyal to this, on the contrary, even with surprise and positive emotions. today these are the most popular rooms in the hotel complex. most of the chalets have already been rented until the end of summer. half of the remaining sanatorium hotels in crimea are booked for the high season. rostislav skidan, ekaterina belousova, alexander solovenko, sergey polyansky, dmitry mezentsev, vitaly minin and oleg shalya. ntv television company, krasnodar region and republic of crimea. football player from genisau, edgar ie found an easy way to earn money while lying on the couch. the former barcelona player sent his twin brother to play for dynamo bucharest. relatives were accused of deceiving only 3 months later, although suspicions arose earlier. edgar ie played football in serious clubs in france, the netherlands and turkey.
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parts of the country remain rather april cool, but warming is just around the corner, irina polyakova will tell you in more detail, contact us meteorological studio, irina, what’s in the forecasts? well, they are generally optimistic, but so far everything is very modest. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing it deposits in joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints are bothered by bad weather, take rheumeflex, it
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helps reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels, rheumoflexovolar - movement without pain in any weather. so, about the most long-awaited, and the cyclone will help us with warmth, it is moving along the barints sea, finally blocking the flow of arctic cold to the russian plain, and even if hot air does not immediately flow to us now, there are indeed prerequisites for this... but without further cold updates, our weather will come to its senses by itself, this is the key to success. precipitation from our savior cyclone will occur in the northern regions closest to it, while in petrozavodsk and arkhangelsk the temperature will jump. up to +18, but only for a day, in the north-west it is more pleasant, potentially stable +15-20. in the middle zone it is still a little lower, but the zone of night frosts will be significantly reduced, they will linger only in tatarstan and the volgovyad region. only the southern weather is still without optimism, in the kuban, crimea, on the don, rains, sometimes heavy in mountains with snow and up to 15, maximum up to 18°.
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st. petersburg, especially against this backdrop, the magical +18:20 sun, in moscow +16, the sun of warm hope. thank you, this was the weather forecast from rina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you later. with the teinkov platinum credit card you always have money for purchases and free transfers. i will pay, and you will transfer it to me. oh, i only have a credit card. i won’t be able to transfer, but they will charge me a commission and interest on the loan. but i can, with the tenkov platinum credit card not they charge no commissions or interest for transfers. tinkov platinum you can do that. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tinkov, he’s the only one, i’m something good,
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