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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 14, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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the fourth, she keeps stray dogs, now she currently has eight dogs and 20 cats, 20, yes, yes, yes, the smell is there in general, i can’t describe it words, i don’t know, nothing, then at one fine moment she we were flooded, at first i thought it was just an ordinary flood, water, but experts proved that it was urine, from animals, yes, how badly were you flooded, was the flood only in one room? no, the flow was in three rooms, in the hall, in the hall, not on the side of the street wall in the kitchen. what damage did this flood cause to your apartment? the smell spreads, cockroaches, fetid, well, just horror, a nightmare. there were bedbugs a year ago, we took them out, now there are cockroaches and flies, we have flies even in winter, we fight with this, but as you fight, well, we call disinfectant, here. he, but says that this
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is all useless until the source is eliminated, all the repairs dried up in a week, roughly speaking, and most importantly, there is no point in doing repairs now either, because all this continues, let's look at the consequences of this disgrace, these are the yellow streams on the left, these are the cockroaches that come from it, these are the brown spots, how many animals are there? but it was necessary to relieve the need for it all to flow like this, well, there is no care there, if you can even take care of all this in a three-room apartment for so many numbers of individuals, there they are left to their own devices, i understand, wow, guys, even a cat in the house is the maintenance of a small animal, it’s constant, just try not to clean up after it when it’s peed for a couple of days, it stinks from one cat out of nowhere and there.
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it’s just terrible, it’s terrible, it’s scary, i want to tell a story, i needed to leave my cat for foster care, i found an advertisement, the woman said, i’ll take it for money, they agreed, i came to leave my cat, i went in and there was some kind of... that insane number of animals that peed and pooped to myself, i couldn’t go into this apartment, because my eyes were just hurting, i don’t know how my eyes were watering from the stench, it was just absolute hell, i was in such wild horror, i think, well... how it’s as if you
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described a picture from andrei’s life, because something like this is happening to him, and i saw it. andrey, did you go to court after this flood? yes, we went to court with our lawyers, judging.
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starts with a whistle, she whistles from the fourth floor, all the dogs rush up to her at our entrance, these ones, she them starts it up, and what they are doing is generally running around, howling, in my opinion, even she howls there with them, it sounds simply terrible, and you and your neighbor tried to negotiate peacefully, of course, more than once, well, that’s it- after all, for so many years, you have been living in this house, i tried, yes, i asked her, take out all these dogs, get yourself a dog. little one, take care of her, if you love one cat, that’s all, well, she thinks that she’s right, it doesn’t bother her that there’s a terrible smell in her apartment, there’s such a smell coming from her, so she goes away, let’s say she came down, i’m leaving the apartment, i already know that she passed, now i’ll tell you something else, it’s really beyond
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the bounds, she’s cooking something for them, i don’t know what, but the smell is there too trashy, maybe she can even cook dogs there, a dog. yes, yes, yes, but i don’t know, she feeds them, or maybe herself, but how did you come to this, you know, they cook dead meat, there was such a time, there were only dogs, then time passes, these dogs are gone, they appear other dogs, and those dogs that disappeared were eaten, do you think, it’s quite possible, i don’t exclude this possibility, and you yourself were in this neighbor’s apartment, i was once during the whole time you lived, i was once, by a court decision with experts , we went up there, well, there’s a picture, of course... there are no floors , everything has been scraped off, everything has been eaten with urine, there is no wallpaper, there is nothing, just a persistent smell of such a waste, so to speak, what do you see as a way out of this whole situation, she needs to be resettled somewhere , sell her apartment, first
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put things in order there, it’s natural to give the animals to normal shelters, but the apartment is in her property, you know, andrei, your neighbor calls herself a volunteer who... in the summer 3 evenings in a row i walked home from work and took my dog ​​home, she has been living with me for 4 years, the neighbor is from the fifth floor, and just like that he got up, blocked the door to the entrance, he said, i won’t let you in, i say why, i live on the fourth floor, i have the right to go into my apartment, - you
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are leading a stray dog ​​into the entrance, i say, how can it be homeless if from 8 march 2019, she lives in my apartment, i won’t let you in, i had to... so as not to be with him swear, go behind the house and wait about an hour for him to leave. alfiya, your neighbor andrey told us that your entrance smells like your pets, that because of them cockroaches crawl, bedbugs, and so on. the fact is that everyone who comes into our entrance sees that it is absolutely clean, there are no smells there, it’s just an old house, that ’s how they prepare kitchens, kitchen smells are really present there. she is deceiving, fantasizing, and why don’t you tell me how you flooded me with feces and urine from your cats when we were judging, she doesn’t say what this wasn’t there, it wasn’t, like it wasn’t when we won the trial, it wasn’t, yes, you showed this spot in the middle, and there was another one on the tile, like that in the middle,
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when the re-examination came, this spot for some reason , its legs grew, it ran across, everything was proven, why are you talking nonsense? that i came with a friend, the stain was here, there are yellow streaks, it’s above the door in this, no, not on the door, and this is it... the walls are like my ceiling, but they were flooded with plain water, they don’t have any smell in them apartment and there wasn’t, we didn’t have a very persistent
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smell that it was urine from your cats and your dogs, but how did they prove that they took samples and how much do you have in the apartment now? i had people and saw that i had basins, in your opinion it turns out that my water is higher up like this...
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and where do you get so many animals? i collect them
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from the street, you have conditions for each animal, i wonder how many beds, bowls, beds you have as many as cats, 20, yes, but there is also one table on which there is a woolen, woolen blanket, there are three of them lying there, they love this place, i used to have bowls when i started working, every day at two or three. wash the bowls once a day, it ’s crazy, i bought these trays, in the morning i mean a clean tray, i put porridge, i pour milk or kefir into the bowl, whatever i have, there’s another bowl, they drink, they they eat porridge, then i take this one away, i’m on top, so they eat some crumbled fish or chicken boiled there or something, well, a primer, they start eating. then they eat the porridge, and then, so, i take this tray, i wash it, it
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stays with me until the evening, in the evening i come, take porridge out of the pan again, something else on top, or sprat, let’s say, like this, they eat it all, everything is fine , how many toilet trays do you have for all of you? one, two, three, four, one of them is big - plastic, like the trough used to be, plastic, like this one. there is a big tray, they go around the big one, and then these little ones, they kind of go there in the small one, they need to be changed more often. alfiya, your apartment is generally large, large, 45 m2 - that’s i have a living area, and 60, a total living area, three rooms, all separately, in one room there are three dogs, in the other, here are 11 cats, eight of them are with me, and i am with them, but they are all old, sick, so how they would sleep next to each other, that’s all, but what about all the animals? there are nicknames, of course, everyone has nicknames, but what about without a nickname? who lives with me? so, miucha, a gray
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cat, she’s an old sick woman, then kapochka, she’s a white and red cat, also quite old, and then, uh, a cat from the street from our basement, here she was, her name is carolina pear, tell me, when you pick up animals, you immediately go with them to the veterinarian, of course, the fact is that since i was nineteen, i have been volunteering for real, all the animals have vaccinations, but of course, all my animals are sterile the magazine is cocked on everyone, any cat that has passed. sterilization, where do you get the funds to maintain so many animals, how many illnesses do you have, by the way, the year, month, date, of course, age, nickname, what kind of companions she has there , the money goes to them, you know, half of mine my salary is completely gone, my pension, well , last year i earned somewhere around 30
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thousand, but half of 15 thousand was definitely gone, and who do you work for, and i know, my pension is small. 12,500, and last year i worked as a nurse, i worked with my grandmother for 86 years, this year i work in a family, her, i have a pedagogical education, so i am 64 years old, i have been since the sixtieth year, well, that is, you, as far as they allow you you earn extra money and spend half of your pension and earnings on your animals, you know i i always felt sorry for them, loved them, and the neighbors will probably confirm that when i...
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chicken, cats are given this write-off, but they eat it there, it’s either a decoction, broth, only today or yesterday the expiration date has passed, she cleans the apartment every a week, says alfiya, but the rubble and dirt are growing exponentially, here i wash the dishes, yesterday this kind of faucet broke, washing this stove is
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actually useless, a useless task, because you wash it in the morning, and in the evening she's the same again... watching this is just beyond the bounds this is impossible, how can you even bring this up like this, this is all, why do you need all this, you just explain, this is where i should take it , for example, where should i take a sick person , a sick cat or dog, i treat them, but animals in all this, it seems to me, it’s torture for them, the trail through the screen really feels like a gag reflex to me, you’ve brought the apartment to a state of unsanitary conditions, it’s a homeless person, the most natural, yes, because i’m also a homeless person, because me that you have your own apartment, put it in order, give the animals shelters, there is no need to bring it up,
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you feel sorry for the cats, who feels sorry for the people who live around us. nothing like this dismembered, delicious, opana, i didn’t understand, the first one was free, yes, it’s not ours, let’s take it to the park and that’s it. it’s some kind of madness, what madness, they ’ll bring it to us anyway, well, let’s make it official, well, that
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was a natural gulf from her, i thought... that it was water, but it turned out that it was animal urine, the smell, a persistent, unpleasant smell of urine, you can’t open a window in the summer, you can’t ventilate anything, there are cockroaches all over my apartment, sixty-four-year-old alfiyabi kuzhina herself assures me that there are no smells in her house, that’s all her animals are well-groomed, healthy and accustomed to boats, i believe that the living space allows it, because i have a three-room... apartment 60 km away, almost all my animals have vaccinations, there are six litter trays, i clean up after them if someone i’m sick, i take him to the clinic, i treat him. oles, what do you especially remember ? for example, i can’t forget the flies that fly there in swarms, and, of course, beyond the bounds of the flies that are there, these cockroaches, it’s clear that there is clearly terrible unsanitary conditions there, i felt the smell through the screen , but at the same time... i
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i want to support alfia, you’ll forgive me, we can throw stones at her now, of course, but on the one hand i understand her, it’s clear that the person has a very kind heart, she has a need to give these animals at least something, because i sometimes i pass by someone on the street, i feel ashamed, but sometimes i walk on, these are the people who stop and do a good thing, on the one hand, it’s clear that this is, of course , the most terrible horror, it’s literally hair-raising, what’s going on , but a person with good intentions, from the bottom of his heart since childhood.
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cats, dogs, we are renovating it for a while, selling it, buying a luxury house with a gorgeous plot behind the fence, where no one will be disturbed by anything, you will settle 50 of them there in different ones, gather them all, help everyone, we will open it for you some time a charity, somewhere maybe we’ll give you some vitamins, some neighbors will help you with food, i was offered this option, i’ve heard a lot of stories about how lonely people are deceived.
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offenses, since there are rules for keeping pets, and there are a separate law that prescribes how pets should be kept, firstly, there is a code of administrative offenses, and secondly, there is a law on the method of care and living, that is, the rules for living, keeping animals, that is, there must be a certain area per one animal, there must be space, there must be care, and sanitary conditions must be met, and yes. story i am alfiya i really love animals, but besides animals there are also people, and there is also just basic cleaning in the house, but if you don’t pull these animals anymore there are 5-10 and so on, and you take more more, you can’t cope, but you can’t cope, now timur asked the right question, is there responsibility, is there responsibility for this , at a minimum an administrative fine of up to 3,000 rubles for each
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identified case. had the right to also demand moral damage and it should have been collected here from the very beginning, there is, well , at least article 364 of the civil code, you are causing harm to the property of citizens and maybe the health of a neighbor, mom a ninety-year-old, that’s right, a ninety-year-old mother is lying there, she no longer walks, she doesn’t walk, she doesn’t walk, for some reason she has to accept all these smells of all these cockroaches walking, and so on, well, that is, just think about it?
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flooded, well, hand on heart, i say, i didn’t flood it, but you are now talking about potopol, our next guests say that because of the dogs they are afraid to let the children go for a walk, lyudmila kirillova and
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ekaterina smolikova are in the studio, hello, dear judge, hello, lyudmila, ekaterina, explain right away, you are neighbors from below, from above, i am a neighbor from below, but... because when she lets the dogs out and there is such a rumble on the door, they knock on our door , i don’t know what with their tail, because there are such wolfhounds are running around, my grandson spent the night, he says the women say it says who was breaking in on us all night, i say it’s alfia letting her dogs out for a walk, we passed no , she’s bringing them down from the fourth floor, but until she comes down herself, the dogs are going down ahead, they ’re standing there waiting for her our site. we have the playgrounds are small, because the house is an old five-story, we leave the dogs without a muzzle and without a muzzle, without a leash, without everything, because my husband told her how many times, if you have dogs, put on a collar, put on a collar, put on
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a leash, and go out with them yourself, walk and hold them by the leash, not that she let them out into the street, they are running, i was walking with my youngest grandson, the dog rushed at him, because he is a child, he was running, the dog rushed at him, i barely fought him off. get out of here, get out of here, they are shouting at her, but she barks like a dog at him, at the child, she rushes, if she kills him, we already had such a case in orenburg where a boy was killed by a dog. is it really like this, these wolfhounds like this, well, that’s it, they didn’t try to talk to the neighbor somehow, they said she goes out at night with them with these dogs, she whistles under our windows, so she
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calls them, i tell her how many times he said, but we were tired during the day, the pressure, because we are already elderly people, sick, my husband had a stroke, diabetes mellitus is everything, here she stands, whistling, he can’t sleep, he’s nervous, here we are ... mine are sitting on the floor, three dogs, and those dogs, you want to say that these are not your dogs
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that we are hearing about now, you somehow feed them, call them to you, i walk at night, they come up with they walk with us, and you leave food for them, i give it to them at night, yes, they don’t leave our entrance, because they are waiting for her when she comes out. will bring them food will go for walks with them, oh, how does it sound, of course, i’m like a father, i just get goosebumps, ekaterina, i hope the dogs didn’t throw themselves at your children, there was an incident. when we're alone we drove into the apartment, although we were warned that there was a dog living in the yard, so to speak, quietly and calmly, but my daughter, not seeing where the dog was sleeping, ran, she started barking at her, she got scared accordingly, and after that without me she was afraid to leave the entrance at all, and how old is my daughter, now seven, sergei, if a dog attacks someone, god forbid it causes injury, who should be responsible, the animal is property and she is responsible for them, for their behavior, but those dogs she feeds, there is a question
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it’s already so debatable, if these dogs bite someone, will they be held accountable for this, they won’t bite anyone either, but if an alpha dog bites a child, for example, i really don’t want to think about it, it will injure the child, what will be the responsibility, he runs away , well , depending on the injuries, of course, but in general it’s criminal, ekaterina, and you’ve actually been living in this house for a long time, 4 years since you moved in, well , you see, 4 years when you just bought an apartment. you were not immediately warned about the problematic neighbor, about her dogs, the smell i didn’t feel anything when we came to look at the apartment, there was no smell, but perhaps it was summer, it seemed to be ventilated, maybe, perhaps, andrey told us that he has cockroaches in his apartment, that’s enough, and you have ekaterin and from him they came to me, they were there, six months ago, we poisoned them, they said that this would not last long, now they are slowly appearing again, lyudmila, you have the same situation.
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for alfiya, re-processing should happen in 10 days, once again etch everything completely, and if there is something there somewhere, someone there are only isolated cases left there so that we don’t have a relapse at the entrance, that is , this is the way to poison the basement regarding mice, well, we need to start with alfia’s apartment , just like alfia, the apartment was prepared for disinfestation, on this day, so that everyone was carried out, even if there are no cockroaches, they carried out preventive treatment. because the cockroaches will start running to different apartments, yes,
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where we didn’t have them, it’s somehow possible to deal with the smell that is in the entrance, and you can also fight the smell, deodorize it, what needs to be done for this, definitely how we would like to get rid of the cockroaches, take out all the garbage, i saw it was terrible, these trays were standing there, basins that were full, there was probably a smell and aka standing there, i’ve been in apartments like this, it’s like they arrived there. pressed, worked, two minimum deodorizations after treatment, this is removal, most likely the floors will have to be removed and the wallpaper re-glued. why is alfia's friend sure that the neighbors are exaggerating? well, you know, i believe that there was a flood, but i cannot believe that the flood was drained. why can’t you, as a friend, say to alpha, well, dear, come on? if you move from an apartment to a private house, the animals will be better off. we will find out very soon, we are starting
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a superstar, the topic of today is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, and where is the re-transformation, in my worst nightmare i could not imagine.
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where 20 cats and several dogs live. once my grandson and i were walking with my youngest, they attacked the child because he was running. i i barely got away from the dogs, because there are not small dogs there, but such wolfhounds, they come to me, i feed them, but here they are guaranteed to receive food twice a day, i clean up after them, if someone is sick, i take them to clinic, i’m flying, ekaterina, lyudmila, well, elfiya claims that there are no smells in the entrance, andrey says the opposite, i go into the entrance, i don’t know what she cooked there or... what she made there, who she cooked from , what did she cook it from, this is cook, cook, well, i mean from what animal that’s all, it was cooking, i was on the first floor, i walked in, i had a gag reflex, that’s it. do you, like andrey, think that alfiya cooks animals? well, i don’t know what she’s cooking there, maybe even animals, but what to feed such a horde, i can show you the receipts,
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every day i make purchases for 350, 400, 500 rubles. you don’t cook animals, why, what are you talking about, there were so many of them, there are still so many, everyone is alive and well, lyudmila, ekaterina, and what options do you see for solving this problem, somehow from animals, i don’t know, let him get rid of it, she wants to keep them, but... she keeps one or two dogs, because this is an apartment building, she also has to take us into account, but i don’t, and it turns out that we are all suffering the whole entrance, we already wrote that’s all for the district police officer, she doesn’t open the door for anyone, so the district police officer came, they obliged her, let’s take away at least half of the cats, you know everything, they say it out of nowhere, alfia’s friend thinks that her neighbors are exaggerating the problem, elena derevyanka in the studio. hello elena, hello studio! elena, have you been friends with elfiya for a long time?
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yes, enough time. how do you like the conditions in which her animals live? well, in principle, this man will not harm animals, that’s for sure. have you seen the conditions? yes, i saw, the conditions correspond to her income. do you know about your friend’s conflict with her neighbors? yes, i’ve been aware of this lately, she told me that we need to be loyal to each other. and... if one of us is not like me, for example, and does not look like me, but this is not a reason to show aggression, especially to somehow belittle, to infringe on a person, who will belittles alfia’s neighbors, well, as i understand it, they have quite a mutual relationship there, but you can’t help but understand what inconvenience the neighbors endure, for example, andrei, your friend’s upstairs neighbor, told us that she flooded him and not just with water , and you asked him... how many of these excrements had to be in order for them to flood him? andrey says that this was confirmed by an examination, or do you not believe him? no, there
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i was told that i can say that urine is drained, it just needs to be specially collected, that is, you don’t believe it, basin and basin could easily have turned over, because she is not at home, the basin with sawdust turns over, elena, please answer, that is, you don’t believe that there was a flood in andrei’s apartment, well, you know, i believe that there was a flood, but... i i can't believe the flood was made of urine. well, i think you will then be interested in watching the following shots. immediately upon entering andrei matoshkin's apartment , large dark stains on the walls and ceiling catch the eye; due to regular floods from above, he was even forced to tear off the wallpaper. doubts no, it’s the neighbor’s animals that are to blame, says the owner. the smell is the color, brown streaks, this is 100%. from damage, so to speak, to animals, but andrei’s misfortunes do not end there, the man is fighting cockroaches, in the bathroom the owner installed
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a special mesh on the ventilation, in the kitchen he smeared the set with poisonous glue, but this does not help, for some time she held this is all so that the cockroaches don’t seep in here, don’t pass through, but it dries up and you see, the cockroaches are coming in droves from here, here, here, here they are coming from here, no, they don’t go down there and here they stick. with each parasite treatment, the man has to transport the bedridden mother to the balcony. we spread out on this cot, and grandma rested here for 5 hours. then i came to the apartment, ventilated all the windows and moved my grandmother into her place. one day, bedbugs took a fancy to one of the bedrooms and bit his wife - the man complains. there were bed bugs in the bed. the mesh on which the pillows then lie, you pull this mesh out along the edges, along the edges, there
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were actually nests right there. elen, i want you ask a question, here you are a friend, you have been friends for many many years, i’m looking at you, a beautiful, well-groomed woman, you don’t feel sorry for your friend who lives in such conditions, let’s be honest, because probably, well, objectively, yes, honest, if be with each other. you feel the smell, and it’s hard not to feel the bally smell of animal urine, especially from such a quantity, you smell it , i feel it, that’s why you, as a friend , can’t say to alpha: well, dear, well, let’s go, maybe to a psychiatrist, to psychologist, let's work, let's move from the apartment to a private house, and the animals will be better off, well, let's start with the fact that about moving to another housing - the private sector, we had a conversation with her. so, i suggested to her, i say, maybe it makes sense to think about this topic, she is thinking about it, but in her situation with such
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a meager income, she won’t cope, i live myself, in my own house, it seems to me that a three-room an apartment will, in principle, cover the cost of a country house, svetlana, but this option is to sell one property, exchange for another, it is possible, or no one will buy alfia’s apartment in this condition, and you shouldn’t even think about it, the apartment is put in order, the animals are transferred to foster care, the apartment is for sale, really for sale, it will sell slightly below the market, not even ... lower, but significantly, nevertheless, there will be a buyer, with this money a private house is bought, one that fits into the budget, all this is possible, i have specialists from orenburg who can help a person make such a trip, that’s all can i i understand that the cost of a three-room apartment will cover the cost of a house where there will be hot water, normal territory, that is , this is not some barracks in the forest, but a normal country house suitable for living, plus
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an area where you can keep animals. if we are talking about orenburg, then yes, of course, it will cover it, a three-room apartment will cover it, the only thing you need to do is put it in order, in order when a normal person comes in and can buy it, i want to disappoint you, the solution in this situation will not come from a change place of residence, she now has 60, how many square meters of residential territory there are, yes, that is, common, and the house will be not only a house, but also a personal plot, it’s right to place more heads there, there will no longer be 20 cats, but 50, not three dogs, but 15 dogs, you see, the neighbors will not say thank you for such a neighborhood, because these dogs will walk around the territory of their own run and shit, of course, so this is not a solution, this is a type of these plush ones, some are trash blows from the street and neighbors complain that
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this is trash, someone is carrying it. tatyana komolova, hello, tatyana, hello, tatyana, you know alfiya well, i know well, in the eighteenth, nineteenth year i was matoshkin’s representative.
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for a reason, i prepared it myself for renovation, i tore off all the wallpaper, i prepared for the renovation, i would have done it in 1913 if the neighbor upstairs in the hall had not drilled nine holes in the ceiling for me. tatyana, by the way, why exactly did you begin to represent andrei’s interests? you live nearby, somewhere in the first place, and i live not far and we have known each other for a very long time, somewhere from 1916 to 1916, you won this lawsuit, and we won this lawsuit. you know, it’s from her, perhaps not, but from the dogs that walk around our area, yes, because i drive a car, we put it in the garage, i carry a stun gun in my bag, a stun gun, yes, a stun gun , there was a case when i was passing by a store,
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a girl was walking ahead, that is, a child who was returning home, a handbag. plays, a child comes, throws her purse here and there, the dogs rushed to her, just shout, don’t touch child and clicks, it was my dog, yes, only then they scared me away, because this is not the first time, in our area, there are enough of these dogs, a lot, and honestly, in the evenings, it’s dangerous. tatyana, it’s true that because of the dogs you even carry a bat with you, yes, i carry a bat with me, for me it’s some kind of inner confidence that yes, yes... i have something heavy and i maybe i can fight them off. tatiana, but andrei said that for many years he has not been able to find justice for alfia. why do you think? well you know i probably think that alfiya kind of neglects her neighbors, neglects their peace, neglects their sanitary standards, because as far as i know now,
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there are about 20 cats and eight dogs in the room, in the apartment, and... how to keep there are so many animals in a three-room apartment, one of the rooms is used by alfie herself for living, and two rooms are separate, where are the cats and where are the dogs, after all. animals cannot be kept in such conditions, this is a concentration camp, when was the last time you took cats, all 20 of them to examination by a veterinarian, i take them all the time, you keep a diary for cats’ health, i’ll keep one, you describe them all, i know everything , you describe the food that i told them what i feed them with, you feed them with specialized food, i was told that it’s possible feed or if you start.
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to go out into the yard without protective equipment. i carry a stun gun in my bag. there was a case when i was passing by a store, a girl and dogs were walking in front. they rushed to her. the animal lover herself insists that her pets do not cause any inconvenience to anyone, because she even walks them only at night. in order not to annoy anyone, we walk when it gets dark, we go out at about 11.
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do you want to find a home for all these cats? yes, i have a wonderful friend who has been for a long time she works with animals, she has shelters there, she helps them, and she opens a veterinary clinic alfiya, i was just trying to give a home to a stray dog, they told me that a person should be assigned to her, some kind of volunteer, who would bring in money for food and from time to time to look after her, so you are the same person, we have distributed them to shelters there, you monitor them, you are their curator, you are the volunteer that you call yourself, for now you have settled in your home.
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will keep his promise, you will make sure that the neighbors' interests were not.


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