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tv   DNK  NTV  May 14, 2024 5:50pm-7:00pm MSK

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she helps them and she opens veterinary clinics, alfiya, i was just trying to give a home to a stray dog, i was told that a person should be assigned to her, some kind of volunteer, who would bring in money for food and look after her from time to time, so you are the same person, we distributed them to shelters there, you monitor them, you are their curator, you are the volunteer you call yourself, for now you have set up a barn in your home, but if you want to be called this proud word volunteer, become im, alpha, this option will suit you, as anton said, give the animals into good hands, and you will simply monitor them remotely, i agree, if you keep this promise, then we will clean and disinfest your apartment, we will help you from our country, we agreed , agreed, sergey, if alfiya does not keep her promise, you will make sure that the interests of the neighbors are not affected.
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violated, will you help them solve this situation according to the law? yes, and on february 6 a meeting of the moscow city court took place, an absolutely similar situation: in moscow there was also a woman kept about, well, there were not more than 20 cats, there were six or seven dogs, and the same thing, which means the renovations for the neighbors below were ruined, and so the plaintiffs managed to achieve a ban on keeping animals in the apartment located above, this... injunction, if anything, there is an example, there was a precedent, and you can help these people, yes, after promising to give up her cats and dogs, alfiya returned to her apartment, where cleaning and disinfestation was supposed to take place. volunteers were ready to take the woman’s animals to the shelter, but she disappeared and the connection stopped, the neighbors also tried to reach the owner, it’s some kind of nightmare, he’s mocking. behind everyone and in response
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nothing, silence. immediately, the residents of the house contact lawyer sergei sentsov to resolve the issue radically. look, the first is the police, in the event that a dog’s friend attacks someone, for example, this is the veterinary committee, this is rospotrebnadzor, this is the housing inspection, the administration. and then, as soon as we receive answers from them, we draw up a statement of claim and file a lawsuit. thank you very much ntv and to the program beyond, for the fact that you responded to our request, to our problem, we hope that all this will at least get off the ground, watch tomorrow in the program beyond, a woman caught her daughter with a pregnancy test and she admitted that she was raped for 4 years by her stepfather, that is, my ex- husband, the father of her child, i was simply in shock. i
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was the only one who could dial 112 and call the police, but the man’s friends and relatives are sure that his mother and daughter are slandering him in order to take possession of the property, he has his own business, he has a house, he has a car, bypassing his two sons, he signed all his property to his son alexander, i never tried to take over his business, shocking details tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. having learned that throughout the 10 years of their marriage, the wife had completely unsisterly feelings for her cousin, the husband decided to check the relationship with the two children. in our studio igor chebannikov. hello igor, how did you find out that your wife is not indifferent to her brother? i learned from
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her dear aunt, who once visited us, she told me all this to my face, about where are your 10 years, all those eyes, when she had love with her cousin for 16 years, and how did you react to such a confession, to such news? well, it naturally came as a shock to me, but i remembered our first moment,
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with him and his brother, no, it wasn’t, naturally, it wasn’t, but tell me how you met your future wife in the first place, met on social networks, i for a moment i was in sochi, and it’s like... looking, looking at the photographs of every person there, but we kind of took a closer look photographs to me, that is, in appearance you liked the girl, but in appearance i liked her, yes, that is, and how would i begin to notice that she comes to visit me on social networks, well, and i, as they say, responded when they decided to meet, but we decided to meet, it was i who needed to go home, it’s me who lives. that is, because at that time i had problems in sochi, after 4 months there i came to my homeland, so i packed, that is , a suitcase, all my things, documents, came to the city of kaleningrad, and decided to stay here in
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russia, well, naturally, i still had to meet somehow, again to the chosen one, what is the name of your chosen one, olesya nikolaevna, that’s how olesya reacted. on the large suitcase that you brought with you, well, i kind of said that i came here with the last money i spent on the ticket, so i packed my things, because well, i already understood that it would be a long time, that is, i would not return home , that is, we were planning a serious relationship, yes, she was also happy with your plans, naturally, and the girl was single at the time of the start of your relationship? let's say this, yes, she was even divorced at the time, that is, she had a previous relationship, which means that she probably had children from them, well, one of her children, a son,
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whom yes, i raised all these years, how many boys were there? when you appeared in their life for 8-9 years. and how did he receive you? as if normal, very good, spent some time with the boy, always always, and i spent time, yes, tried, tried, so, well, you began to live together, somehow found a common language with the son of your chosen one, and we were talking about a wedding, but we have a wedding a little, as they say, it was a little late, since i needed a document from chisinau, that is, confirming there that i was well... that is, divorced everywhere, well, at that time there was a problem, that is, to go back and do it there this is a document, because it all costs so much money, as it were, well , we couldn’t sign it yet, we lived as we lived, yes, we lived as we lived, yes, everything was fine, it was kind of good, but i was kind of
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jealous, yes, that her job was pretty... so good, what a good job, well, she went, she was, worked, or rather as a conductor, that’s the only reason you were jealous, well, let’s put it this way, for a moment on social networks there, the girl tried to become, as they say, friends with you, yes, the other girl is not olesya. yes, i rejected, that is, the first time, the second, the third, i rejected everything, rejected it, well, she continued persistently, as if to make friends, i accepted this friendship accordingly, well, it turned out, as she said, keep in mind , that my husband and your wife,
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or girlfriend, have sexual moments there, that is, it’s good, clear, they got in touch there... some kind of love, he was also a conductor, he was an assistant driver, but then you talked with alesya, discussed it, oh, of course it was difficult for me to believe in it, well, it was hard, well, i had to talk for a long time, even forgive her, but what did she confirmed the fact of betrayal, well , yes, since she was already... ready, that is , to pack her things, to leave for this samara, that is, for this guy, well, it turns out that the relationship with you had just begun, well, let's say, yes, that’s essentially how it turned out, i asked, asked, asked, that is,
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so that she would think carefully, so that she wouldn’t go there i was driving, i got in touch with the same guy, he threatened me. he was throwing out good threats like this over the phone, that he was supposedly coming, that is, he wanted olesya to be with him, but he fought, but olesya made a decision. to stay with you, yes, it’s very difficult, because i asked him. and besides these two stories, did olesya give any other reasons for jealousy? yes, she did, by corresponding on social networks, posting photographs there, posting quotes, some unknown ones. when did olesya tell you about her pregnancy? and the first pregnancy is daughter, but this is us in a relationship - we were , well, maybe for two two three years like this
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, to be honest, it wasn’t all quick , that is, to get her pregnant, that is, she had three or three miscarriages before that, we tried , we tried, as if, well, i naturally, i was pleased , glad, how happy we would have been together at the moment when we named our daughter, we named caroline a beautiful name, well, here we are at birth? yes, it’s difficult, the fact that it was hard, i kind of had to survive, because somewhere they changed jobs, well, i changed, yes, i tried, i tried to get out, so that some income would be more interesting, that is, so that we have enough for everything, that is , you want to earn money for your daughter, yes, i wanted to earn more, of course, but to provide her with a decent life, of course.
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the child was pregnant, i understood that it was very difficult, that is, to lift now, well , count two in your arms, that is, a son, yes, it turns out, and a daughter in your arms, that is , small, and that is, such everyday ones have already been created problems, that is, you weren’t very happy, well, on the one hand, yes, on the other hand, i understood that we would survive, we would live somehow, who was born? a boy was born to us, they named him arseny, the children were all registered in your name, the children were all registered
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in my name, yes, we signed after the second one, that is, you signed already having two children together, but that’s why doubts began about your children, well, doubts, doubts have crept in, because of the fact that olesya nikolaevna, well, her own aunt was told that she had been in love for 16 years with her two siblings, and i am at this moment 10 years old, for which all this pushes me to the fact that a person led his lifestyle behind his back, that’s what you think, she had a relationship with a cousin for 10 years behind your back, i, let’s say, had a job, working at a factory, being practically the film factory, that is , i have shifts there, roughly speaking, 6 days a week,
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that is, i didn’t really have any days off as such, that is, we have the first shift, and there is a second shift, night, that is, on these all mine working moments, you could do whatever you wanted, that is, you want to say that i could find time to meet with her brother, if she wanted it, yes always, and it was possible since she was at home on maternity leave, that is... well, our relationship, accordingly, also began to be not at all sweet and there was jealousy doesn't give any peace to his brother-in-law, so what do you think, is that what they want? perhaps, igor, your ex-wife assures you that she did not give you any reasons for jealousy, but she no longer had the strength to endure your infidelities. in the studio of olesya chabanyuk. hello, olesya, hello! disgraceful, shame on you, disgraceful, with your cousin
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i shouldn’t have played for 16 years, she told me that at the table, you knew that, why is your cousin here, how did i know all this, what a horror, look at it right, someone like you ate me, you’re still eating you, i don’t in and. of course i didn’t see it’s profitable for you not to show it, not to give it, you ’re talking about lofty things, you need money, yes, money , money, i don’t have enough money, it’s not me who needs money, but your children? yes, yes, i doubted it, i doubt that the money goes to the children, and not specifically to you personally, well, now everyone will know the truth, where the money goes, leaving will confirm this, yes, now you will hear all this, alesya, looks bad, you want to say, igor, of course, in general, is very happy, now, with you, how happy i was, that you would be happy for me, you would leave me in memory
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appeared about the fact that you live as a brotherly brother, you are a disgrace, a disgrace, just a disgrace on the whole side. you throw it out, post it on social networks, these ones, i love you, i kiss you, i’m waiting, this is your favorite person, for a little while in the beginning, yes, you can, with him you want, who you wrote to, i’m waiting, i don’t know where he got it from , well it his fantasy, let it remain, of course, i didn’t have time to go beyond the threshold of the door and, as they say, i was still officially married, and already at that moment her cousin was there, what to talk about when the first court hearing. it was the month of june, the first time he came to me, when we divorced him , only then my brother came to me, moved to live, because he threatened, jumped, ran there, scared the children, came, knocked on the windows, that is, we we sleep with the children on a day off, yes, the children are small, he came with his signet and knocked on the window so hard that it broke
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glass, cracks appeared all over the window, the children got scared, naturally, they jumped to the window and saw it. they were scared of him, we were all just scared at that moment, i saw arseny joyfully approaching the window, you can hear it, in addition to the fact that she takes her daughter caroline further away into the room, you can hear that she says there so that the children don’t even come near to the window, olesya, explain, i have an eldest daughter, she is very emotional, she got scared, she started crying straight away, so i began to move my youngest son away from the window, close the curtains, and first floor to calm the child. yelled there so loudly that all the neighbors came out of their windows, your cousin came to you with the goal of protecting you, and with the goal of protecting me, of course, but he doesn’t have his own family, his own children, well, at the moment he has children, he’s divorced , well, it turns out, he came to you to protect you, he stayed with you, and he supports me to this day, and feeds his children, you would be grateful to him for feeding your children and why do the children call
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your cousin dad , what about one father, if he exists, so he... will remain, why do your children call their uncle, your cousin father? but because my own father does not visit the children, he has not seen them for three years now, and my brother lives with me, he feeds them, clothes them, houses them, supports them, takes them to school, to kindergarten, that is, he lives with us, he helps me with the children, but he is not the father, he is a relative, well, the children there are small, the youngest son had three small children when we separated, and at that moment you can just tell them what they have daddy is new. yes, this is their dad, and i the children themselves began to call him, because they see the attitude towards themselves, so they call him, they never called me daddy igor, never, it was you who got them, you always got them and now you get them , they don’t know me now, they just don’t know you, because you don’t show up, how old are the children now? your eldest daughter is 7 years old, and
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your son is four; in the summer he will be 5 years old, well, the children already understand everything, if they knew their father , would be directly remembered, yes, therefore this is what i’m telling you, that the children call him dad because he lives, he provides, helps, raises, supports, but nevertheless, didn’t you yourself olesya admit to igor that you had a close relationship with your brother , this has never happened, and your correspondence, remember when we just started dating, yes, what a moment you had, and of course, you will say, no, that didn’t happen, i didn’t have that. that you slept with your cousin, what are you talking about, are you out of your mind, in your own mind, it was your aunt who told you that on for 16 years you have been in a close relationship with your cousin, i love him like my brother, as he claims the relationship, this cannot be, you registered him here, he brought the car here, and you are registered with me, well, that’s how i am
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now at the moment i am an official father, but who owns this apartment? i am the owner, i took on the mortgage, the owner, you could sit on maternity leave to pay the mortgage for my money, which i transferred to your card and you paid, you formalized your consent for olesya to take a mortgage, to be honest, i’m not particularly good at documentation in general, no, we weren’t married when i took out a mortgage, and it came to my mind that i had to take out a mortgage when, uh, igor once again went on a spree, went for a walk, to relax, to dispel these emotions, as he said, i need to rest, be alone. i was tired, at that moment i made a decision for myself that i could not live in rented apartments, and i took out a mortgage because i understood that my children and i could stay on the street, since my ex-husband did not support us , he is constantly changed. well, you took out a mortgage and moved into that apartment, and igor lived there, and igor is still registered there, but i had nowhere to live, she kicked me out, we had courts, in the courts i filed for elements against the children, because they
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they were small, and the child was not 3 years old, and i seemed to apply for the elements on myself, at the trial we agreed that he promised that he would be checked out of the apartment if i renounce the elements of myself, as a result, he is still violating the court solutions and still does not write out, you refused the elements, yes i refused the elements. yourself in favor of the children , hoping that he will be discharged, you receive alimony, i have nothing left, 70% is taken off, alimony comes to you in the amount of 24,000 something, he started paying alimony in february of the twenty-fourth year, today he is in debt half a million 500,000 today, you know that for sure, yes that’s for sure, i have 200,230,000, i have a document confirming it from the bailiffs.
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how many alements did you receive from igor , in total, i’ll tell you now in detail if he lets me say when we divorced we had. big courts, he was suing, we tried to mutually agree with him that he would pay 8,000 for each child, that is, this totals 16,000, as a result he said, yes, from january of the twenty-second year i will pay you, according to as a result , the month of january comes, there is no income, february there is no income, there is no march, of course all my friends say to me, you will live like this yourself and feed the children at your own expense, and dad is there somewhere he will enjoy and live his pleasure, i went to court, filed for elements, asked him for elements of the full subsistence minimum for each child, at the trial, the first trial, he came, the court appeared with
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a lawyer, that is, he found a lawyer money, and he could not help but provide any help to the children, and i myself defended myself and my children, the interests of my children, only then in february of the twenty -fourth year the receipts began, and then it was such a surprise for me, i was sitting at doctor's appointment, i'm just sick, yes... i've done it to such a state that i now have to go to doctors, i see the alimony payment is 24,320 rubles. igor, have you got an official job? yes, to this day, yes, i work as a driver, that is, you don’t run from the elements now, well, of course i don’t run now, he ’s been returning to the packaging plant for the third time, he worked there back when carolina wasn’t there, to the eldest girl, then quit, then it bothered him, then it bothered him, then he... svetlana, what if igor stops paying alimony, what threatens igor in this case? of course, our law does not
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provide for stopping the payment of alimony on our own. the alimony that was owed was due to alimony, he will be obliged to pay it, otherwise he will be subject to administrative punishment if the alimony debt is more than 1000 rubles. and igor may also face threats. and igor continues not to pay the elements, then he already faces criminal liability, and the most severe punishment that igor threatens you with is imprisonment for a period of 1 year. and if dna tests today will be negative, which will be possible to do in this situation. you need to go to court to terminate your alimony obligations. and at what point did you find out that igor doubted the children? he wrote to my eldest son: i’m not your father, i’m nobody to you and forget about me in general, i’ll do a dna test soon, that’s how he wrote
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to my eldest son, that is, he didn’t write to me, but to his son, that is, he even has a conscience here didn’t allow me to write to me directly about this, but why does he say that, please explain, i’m everywhere blocked, everywhere, everywhere absolutely everywhere, how is he blocked, on the direct main phone he is always available, with which colleague? no, this has never happened in samara, from samara, like this, you know, i don’t remember his name, but at that time he was
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the author’s assistant. igor, think about it, what are you talking about, this never happened, never happened, never happened like this, i would always tear him apart with the story that the wife of this very assistant driver contacted igor on social networks in order to open igor’s eyes to his olesya, well, maybe we're just at work we were sitting somewhere together, drinking tea, relaxing, well , maybe my wife also has the same fantasies as my ex, but igor said that you were going to leave for him, that he called, threatened, my olesya said, this will never happen. it wasn’t, i never intended to leave igor, that’s why igor then invents all this and tells us, fantasizes, in order to denigrate me here in front of people, everything, so as not to pay alimony, you have always been faithful, honest, i have always been faithful, yes , and igor, i personally caught him through correspondence, ordered details calls, this is marina, don’t you remember, yes , marina, no, yes, at the final plant, when you worked together, this is olga, don’t you remember that one either, yes, no, i don’t remember, here is the third young lady,
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who is the current one. his wife tatyana, also his master at work, a colleague, that is, she appeared in your relationship, this is tatyana herself, yes, there were even moments when his ex-friend came to visit me once when he left periodically did not spend the night at home, and he went to see him, and i asked him, like, who do you think he might be there with? start an affair, between us, well, between the conversation, something happened that i say, he constantly praises some tatyana, that she feeds him there, that he doesn’t talk there... he talks, and there were even such moments that he i brought canned goods from work, there’s raspberry jam, there’s cucumbers, all that stuff, i ask him, oh, who gave this to you, well , where is he from, and this is tatyana, it was only later that i began to understand that when we had already all happened , when i found out, yes, that it turns out he was bringing home gifts for the children from his mistress, what would he say to igor’s ex-wife, his current wife, whether olesya gave birth to a daughter and a son to igor, we will find out the results of the dna test immediately
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after the short one.
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tancatali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tanka atali premium now for free. find out. how to call 8800 2009 456 all conversations are confidential stars finale on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is the dna program. a man suspects that his ex-wife cheated on him with her cousin and asks to check the relationship with his two children. alesya, igor’s wife doesn’t understand why you are forcing other people’s children on you.
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a person who is officially married and has two official children, i will now explain the situation when we met igor at work, he told me that yes, he has a wife, but he also told me that they live in different rooms, he just has a hopeless situation, he has nowhere
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to go, he has neither a roof nor money for that, to rent housing, he lives in the same room with his daughter, olesya nikolaevna lives with her son in another room, they just cohabitate, even when igor left me, we separated. he came then tried to pester me, said that everything was not so good in his bed with tatyana, he tried to kiss he tried to come back to me, that is why you sent him an sms, slavek left to work, come, i bought it, excuse me, where is this sms, what are you talking about anyway, you are normal, everything is fine in your head, who is this , this is ales’s cousin nikola, and his name is vyacheslav, yes vyacheslav, well , it was probably an attempt to return my husband to the family, to return the father to the children, yes, i tried to return him to the family, i wrote to him: what, igor, come home, let's sit down at the negotiating table, let's talk, you'll tell everything situation, what happened to you, why is this? on the third of the month, please tell me about january 3, when you tried to go, save your family, and i persuaded him, we were friends at that time, i
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told him the opposite, igor, not everything is lost, try, who are you pregnant with? i was there at that time, i wrote a text message on his phone, i was pregnant, of course, when he spent the night with me, at that time i was dating a man. and this person simply wrote: i’m pregnant, i wrote, yes, yes, i wrote, but not from him, it was written there that i’m pregnant with you, i mean i met for a moment, i had a boyfriend. igor and i were just talking when igor proposed to you, a year later, a year after that, after that, a year later, i even have, i even have facts about how you posted there on social networks that uh, oh, i was proposed to by a happy woman, also in the future, and he was her, yes, it was literally 3 months, it probably passed, that’s exactly what my ex- boyfriend from whom i was proposed to. this is to be twisted, i don’t understand, how are you fantasizing about me, right? i'm speaking purely
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your aunt's words, nothing more, nothing less, do you understand? i’ll also fantasize, let’s say igor fantasizes, tatyana also fantasizes, anything is possible, your aunts, why is this? there was a conflict with my aunt, she even sent photos to us, you know, photos of vyacheslav with his two sons and a photo of arseny, where vyacheslav and arseny stand in an embrace, look how the elders merge. igor, it’s time for you to think that dna needs to be done, this is again from the words of your aunt. did igor tell you that his children call vyacheslav dad? we had such a moment when olesya nikolaevna really allowed us to meet with the children one day, or rather, she allowed him. we were in the children's playroom, i was sitting at the table with the children, igor was standing near the counter, the order was what the children had chosen, and for some reason we got into a conversation with caroline, she said to me: igor. i say: carolyn, who is igor? she says, well, there he stands,
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that is, she points her finger at him. i say: wait, but this is dad, she says: no, dad, she has a very drawn-out, well, dad is famous for me, i say, i mean, who then igor? and she says to me: well, this is my mother’s friend, okay, that’s it, igor also heard it all, in the evening we, he took the children, dropped them off as expected, everything, in the evening he calls to ask how the children are, that’s what olesya nikolaevna said that the son put it there. dissatisfaction with soda and meat they didn’t buy at that time the boy just said no, okay, we’re skipping that, and igor asks olesya nikolaevna a question, says: why did the children suddenly start calling me just a stupid name, and my cousin’s uncle dad, he was hooked , really a man, a healthy man with sat in tears. olesya, is there really such a moment that you have turned the children against their father? it was yes, that’s how she says, yes, that i really gave permission for him to take the children to be together. they went to the children's room, as a result, when the children come, they
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begin to tell me with such emotions, mom, can you imagine, tatyana filmed us , asked us such questions, who do you sleep with, who comes to you, everything is in this kind of thing, you have yes, you don’t have any children, mom, don’t let dad and i go out anymore, don’t let me in, please, because we are in a lot of pain and scared, that time was the only time when dad asked...
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my children and ex-husband, we didn’t do any repairs, but only recently we started doing them, my brother willingly agreed to help olesya is renovated, she plans to redesign the rooms, update the walls and floors, buy additional furniture, the only closet is filled to the brim with children's clothes, this is my daughter's school uniform, these are the dresses that i showed, these are all made to order, these are arsenia's things , shirts, everything is ironed here, we would like of course, i wanted... dad to pay us child support so that we could buy a bigger
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wardrobe for the children, because no one can fit into one wardrobe for us, you see, i bake all the time, children are the main joy in olesya’s life. arseny is an active child, loves to assemble construction sets, deftly drives a four-wheeled bicycle, and his older sister caroline is a creative person, the girl loves to sing and dance, her drawings can be exhibited in the gallery, confident mother, here are the deer next to the sunset, here. .. with a cat in a crown, this is paska, giraffe, this is my latest work, i drew this family, dad glory, arseny, me and mom. olesya doesn’t see anything wrong with children calling her cousin dad . she believes that igor has not proven himself as a father, and is only capable of antics with scandals and breaking windows. then all the neighbors came out of the window, he said to him: igor, what are you doing there, you’re yelling at the weekend here under
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the windows, he began to prove that he was right there, like i don’t let him see the children, like i close the curtains. the window cracked when...
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hello, hello, why are you doing this? they would immediately tell their friend that a family with olesya would not work out, well, because i could see from her that this person was not suitable for him, because in her eyes i saw some kind of deception, something like that, as if she needed something from him, i was watching this, i said, well, this is not yours, well , you don’t need this, when he was watching, if he lived in moldova at that time, and we saw each other once in our lives, when he could observe and it was. you see, she was dissatisfied with the fact that she was brought there, well, it was clear from her face, there to introduce to your parents that you are deceiving, you are sitting, well, his parents greeted me with such joy, especially my mother, father, even his father bought me a gift, i am fond of fishing, and with the children we often go fishing with an overnight stay on a boat . , his father even gave me a gift
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when we were leaving, that is, igor’s parents were fine, everything was fine with you, they accepted you from a relationship with your son, they didn’t dissuade you from having a relationship with your son. this is the opinion that comes to me now, of course, in general, yuri, who do you think olesya gave birth to children from, well, the person who lives with her, what kind of person is this, well , relatives, that is, definitely not from your friend, who lived with her for 10 years, 50/50, here i am the first child, 50/50, and your friends
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also support igor, but who does olesya’s friend blame ? that igor had doubts about the children, igor became a father, the envelopes with the results of the dna tests will be opened in a couple of minutes, let's go to the refrigerator, you say dismemberment, but nothing like dismemberment, delicious, opana, i didn’t understand, the first one was free, yes , it’s not ours, let’s take it to the park and that’s it, it’s some kind of madness, what madness, they will bring it to us anyway, we will make it official, well, that's it, sailing, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv, stars, finale on saturday at 21:20 on ntv,
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the dna program is on air. the man was jealous of his ex-wife, his colleague, his pen pals, when he heard that she loved her cousin, he realized that he urgently needed a dna test with his daughter and son. igor chebanyuk from the village of chekhovo, kaliningrad region, accuses his ex-wife olesya of teaching him raga with her own cousin, her own aunt said that where were yours, and there were your eyes for 10 years, when she had love with her cousin, 16 years old, that is, well, it’s natural here all that’s left is for her to wonder how this is so.
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olesya made a fatal mistake; losing such a man is a great stupidity on her part. actually, olesya introduced me to igor, we worked together for some time on the railway, we actually communicated quite well, well, we communicated very well, that is, in the house, that is, igor is a business guy, that is, he is always there, i don’t know, he has golden hands, that is, he will fix something, something, that is, a guy who works hard, in fact, at home they always have everything there it was cleanly put away, that is, everything was prepared, yes. she took out a mortgage, yes, that is, which igor paid regularly. alexander became igor’s friend, but he became disillusioned with ales and stopped communicating with her. olesya had an affair
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- with another man. on your side, who is in this situation, who protects you, supports you? she always protects me, this is my godfather, our joint godmother, and the godmother of my eldest daughter, my neighbors always support me, and even when there were moments that it was very difficult for me, and during the period when he left, i remained on maternity leave on vacation with two loans, with arrears in utility bills, i didn’t work, my neighbors supported me, olesya, your friend
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believes that it was because of your tatiana’s influence that igor... doubted his children. in the studio zoya petrovich. hello zoya. hello. why do you think that tatyana is to blame for igor’s doubts? because he never had any doubts. i ’ve known them for 10 years now, and eight of igor’s years is the number of years we communicated. and i heard from him for the first time, just after their divorce six months later, that these are not his children. so why does tatyana need to set igor up? well, as i know, our igor. eighteen-year-old daughter in moldova, for whom he also does not pay, they do not pay alimony, can i explain, now, while he lived all the time with alesya nikolaevna, it turns out that he did not communicate with his daughter when igor told me about his eldest daughter, and i began to ask how communication was going, he told me clearly, olesya forbade communication, olesya was against it, this is not true, this is not true, wait, can i negotiate, and i began insist that he go out to
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talk with his daughter, which means this is his child, this is how he should communicate with... yes, indeed, he began to communicate, we personally, he introduced me to his daughter, who is 18 years old alexandra, via video call , when she found out that he had broken up with alesa nikolaevna, i’ll say this, she says, dad, finally, dad began to help her financially, and honestly, i kind of set him up for the fact that this is your child, you are obliged to help, olesya, is it really you, the mother who invented the idea for the father to communicate with his eldest? daughter, my daughter even told me.
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the dna test will say positive or not positive, but of course i would like to know in order to understand, to know specifically, are these my children? are you ready to find out the truth, whatever it may be? ready, naturally, i invite our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, yulia sivertseva, to the studio. today, forty-year-old igor chebanyuk came to us for a dna test. a man wants to know whether his official children are his biological children, and whether he should pay them alimony, because he is sure that his daughter and son are his
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ex-wife olesya on... even at the beginning of the relationship, the woman admitted to him that she had been intimate with her cousin, igor hoped that there would be more of this. will happen again, but after 10 years of marriage , he learned from aunt olesya that all this time her niece had not loved him at all, but that same brother. the man decided to undergo a genetic examination with the children, because olesya had given him many reasons for jealousy even before her aunt’s confession. olesya herself assures that she is the father of the children. namely igor, and if anyone should be ashamed of betrayal, it should be he himself. in that in the envelope is the answer to the question: does igor have
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a seven-year-old daughter, carolina? attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged father is igor chabanyuk. on the other hand , his alleged daughter is caroline chabanyuk. the probability that caroline, yours, igor, is your daughter by blood, is 99.9%. well, well, aren’t you ashamed, you disgrace, how will you look your children in the eyes after this? how will you look them in the eyes when, when you have disgraced a good story for them, disgraced them. igor, you have a daughter, what does this dna test result mean for you? well it good very positive result, i am very glad, yes, that i now know that
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it is indeed one hundred percent my daughter, what do you think about the result of the dna test in the second envelope, doubts still haunt me, 50/50 there are doubts, it will be positive , he is the father of the children, even him. there is no conscience in his eyes, so he sits and continues to do this, as usual in his repertoire. does igor have a son arseny or did he become only caroline’s dad? what will a dna test show? we'll find out in a couple of minutes. look at 19:00. the western press is hysterically discussing the rapid advance of russian troops in the kharkov region. the kiev regime has a habit of linking failures on the field. battle with delays in supplies from partners, with what did secretary of state blinken come to the ukrainian capital today? the holiday season has officially opened in anapa, tourists are expected not only in sochi in other resorts
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the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan; brain aging can be reversed, and it will serve you faithfully again . extend the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product braintherapy. emergency exit, premiere. day at 22:15 on ntv. well, andryukha, can you tell me how you got in? and you still won't believe it. let's take them and find the owner. how will we take it? live bait. someone in your department is leaking information. dolphin, today 20:00 on ntv. on
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the air of dna, forty-year-old igor chebanyuk found out that his daughter caroline is not only official, but also his blood. now he is waiting for the result of a dna test with his official son arseny. second envelope, please. in this envelope, igor’s examination with his four-year-old official son arseny. the man doubts his relationship with the boy, since he constantly suspected his ex-wife olesya of cheating. and the last one the last drop was her aunt’s recognition that olesya was not indifferent to her cousin. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged father. igor chabanyuk,
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on the other hand, his alleged son, arseniy chabanyuk. the likelihood that olesya gave birth to you, igor, is not only a daughter, but also a son. 99.9%. what do you say to this, what do you say to this, traitor, you betrayed two children.
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revelation, you become an open, white, clean face, giving me children and you stop living, living with your cousin, staying and living, dear, this is my personal life, how should i continue to live, and you won’t tell me, i don’t lie in my personal life, go for a walk, what am i going to tell you? tell me that i feel sorry for you, the same thing awaits you , as for me, in fact, igor, it’s very strange that you... whatever the conditions, be responsible for yourself, for your responsibilities, so you found out that you have two children, so what? i hope to see the children more often somehow. olesya, will you allow igor to see the children? naturally, i am not against the father’s communication with the children, but i also want he somehow participated in the children’s lives, helped me, even in situations where, yes, i have to
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go to work, i have to hire a nanny, yes, to leave the children with a nanny, and they have a natural father who has never even during these two-plus years he offered help to look after my children, even for me, when i have...
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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the bodies of two more dead were found under the rubble of a destroyed house, the shelling does not stop about the situation in the border town and assistance olga chernova to victims from belgorod. russia is surrounding kharkov, what is causing the fuss raised in the west, how they are trying to get more money for kiev, what is the real situation in the north of ukraine, assessed roman sobol. i didn’t leave kyiv.


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