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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the bodies of two more dead were found under the rubble of a destroyed house, the shelling does not stop, olga chernova from belgorod talks about the situation in the border city and assistance to the victims. russia surrounds kharkov, which is conditional. roman sobol assessed the fuss raised in the west, how they are trying to get more money for kiev, what the real situation is in the north of ukraine. kiev has not given up attempts to create a dirty bomb, do its western patrons know about it, as was the case, for example, in the case of blowing up the northern streams, the ex-detail of the verkhovna rada revealed the role of ukraine and the united states in terrorist attacks against russia. more details, nikita korzun. exam for ministers, then as state duma deputies.
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alexey frokin was eagerly watching as they approved the new composition of the government. new hotels and glamping sites, reconstructed embankments, additional security checkpoints on the crimean bridge. on the black sea coast and in the foothills of the caucasus they are preparing for the high season. rastislav skidan about what awaits tourists at the resorts of crimea and kuban this summer. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this program today, its presenter is aina nikolaev and igor politaev. the number of victims in the collapse of a multi-storey building in belgorod has risen to seventeen. the ministry of emergency situations reported this today. 14 dead have been identified. it was decided to restore the house itself, where the entrance collapsed due to shelling. as stated by the head of belgorod. region vyacheslav glodkov for
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this they use the same design according to which it was built. tomorrow they will begin to dismantle two entrances, the second and third will be completely dismantled, there are eight of them in the house in total. before this, experts checked each apartment to evaluate structural stability and degree of destruction. also this week , compensation payments to residents for lost property will begin. olga chernulova reports from belgorod. at 50 in the morning belgorod was awakened by sirens and cannonades of an explosion. 25 shells from the vampire multiple launch rocket system were shot down, one woman was seriously wounded, facades were damaged, glass was broken in residential buildings and shopping centers, and shell fragments fell on a school. tatyana kiryuta this morning at the destroyed house hoped to see how the remains of the rubble were removed, her an eighty-year-old father lived on the seventh floor of an entrance that collapsed; his body has not yet been found. the pensioner was at home at the time of the missile attack. we talked to him for 15 minutes 20, he was at home. that's all. there is no body,
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all the bodies have already been identified, and we don’t know what to do. today, the ministry of emergency situations reported that the bodies of two more victims, a woman and a man, were found. their identities will be established using dna testing. perhaps tatyana kiryuta's father has been found. governor of the belgogorod region glotkov holds an offsite meeting at a destroyed high-rise building, several times missile danger sirens go off at noon, two attacks in half an hour, all take cover. the entrances of the damaged house become a refuge when the danger has passed.
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destroyed section and construction of a new one, in the next 2 days they plan to restore the damaged heating main to supply hot water to the house. together with the affected residents, the entrance to the apartments, which were blocked by the destruction, emergencies ministry specialists decided how to use an aerial platform to enter the upper floors through windows and balconies in order to remove documents and surviving items before starting dismantling work, small. we will not take away a mechanism larger than 120 kg, that is, we will start from the top floor gradually together , we will decide on the sequence and we will invite you, yes, we will invite you and we will do it in this warehouse of a charitable foundation, evacuees from a destroyed high-rise building can receive products, a set of household chemicals , personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes , bedding, some seek psychological help, we have everything left there, we have what we have now we don’t know when we’ll make it, we’re already quite old, introduce yourself?
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more than a thousand people lived in the damaged high-rise building, 107 in the collapsed entrance, most of those evacuated are now staying with relatives and friends, 30 people in a temporary accommodation center, many admit they have not yet recovered from the shock. elena. slept all night, cried, she says it was hard to enter the damaged apartment, the apartment’s windows and balcony were broken, everything was covered in dust, dirt, haphazardly, things, thank god, were intact, they managed to take documents and essentials to the structure of the house, access to which is unsafe, experts examined using remote 3d scanning, have already checked the upper part of the foundation in the outer sections, having concluded that the explosion did not damage the strength, we are worried that our house will remain, that nothing will go anywhere, that we will be here, in in another part of the house , displacements of panels were recorded, the most serious damage to non-load-bearing walls in apartments adjacent to the destroyed entrance. led to its deformation, as you can see,
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where we are, its carrier. people keep bringing flowers toys to the place tragedy, combat footage of assault units that captured positions in the mtr on one of the most difficult sections of the front in the special operation zone, the task was carried out by soldiers of the motorized rifle brigade of the first guards tank army of the west group of forces. having taken refuge in a forest belt, the enemy made another attempt to attack our position, but was completely defeated. the movement of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian army was discovered in time by aerial reconnaissance. the militants were immediately hit by fire. and after attack drones fired their guns in the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine and attack aircraft moved in to attack. these are the most experienced military personnel who are ready for sharp maneuvering throws and
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close combat. the squad's progress is accompanied by a reconnaissance drone. its crew helps coordinate action from the air and warns fighters about possible pockets of resistance. using small arms grenades. the assault platoon commander was awarded the order of courage. and in the kharkov region, where the assigned combat missions are currently being carried out, the promotion of russian troops, fighters of the north group captured militants of neo-nazi units. this happened on may 10 and today the ministry of defense published footage of their interrogation. the assault
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squad jumped into our trenches and began throwing grenades at us, we concentrated in the dugout, fired back, tried to shoot back. we had some casualties and we were asked to surrender, i don’t want to fight anymore, it’s very difficult psychologically, because many of my good friends died in this war. kiev and its western sponsors recognize ukrainian the troops fail to contain the advance of russian forces in the direction of kharkov. the american new york times quotes the head of ukrainian military intelligence budanov, according to whom the situation in the kharkov region is approaching critical. the times wonders whether the west will have time to provide ukraine with another portion of weapons ammunition in time to turn the tide of hostilities, just in order to discuss the issue of accelerating military supplies, us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev today. roman sobol studied publications in the western press calling for urgent spending
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of additional billions in military aid to ukraine. the coming weeks will be very grim for ukrainian troops. the russians are moving deeper into northern ukraine, these are the headlines now. the western press on european tv channels, military experts are again calling for kiev to be given weapons, bigger, more powerful, more deadly. the main problem of ukraine is personnel, the country is bleeding, it does not have people to form reserves. the goal of the russians near kharkov is to stretch out the ukrainian troops in order to facilitate offensive in other directions. ukraine must find reserves. western strategists again started talking about the insidiousness of the russians, their tactics of thousands of cuts, they say small, but...
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in the plans, this is an exit to the dnieper, so they want to cut off, cut off our two large groups, in the northeast, in the eastern direction and in the south , that is, creating two boilers at the same time. castling among the command staff does not add any confidence to the ukrainian armed forces fighters. commander-in-chief syrsky removed yuri galushkin from control of the kharkov front and installed mikhail in his place dropatova. local wits are already hinting at the similarity of his surname with the verb drapat, or drapaki, in ukrainian. the russian ministry of defense comments on the situation around kharkov with restraint, no reports of victory, only facts, only numbers. as a result of active operations, they liberated the village of bogrovatka and advanced into
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the depths of the enemy’s defense. they defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-third mechanized brigade of the 125th territorial defense brigade in the areas of veselov, volchansko and leptsov. at this stage it is necessary to create a security zone for belgorod, knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from a position from which they can fire at the city, and the more fiercely the ukrainians hit residential areas, the further they will have to be thrown back. in the west, most likely they want to make a new symbol out of kharkov, a new anti-russian horror story, with the help of which they can squeeze more money out of budgets to please politicians and arms corporations. the us president signed another $400 million aid package to ukraine, which includes the supply of artillery ammunition, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, anti-tank missile systems, as well as other equipment necessary to protect kharkov and other territories of ukraine. in kiev , rada deputies ask zelensky to officially call nato troops to ukraine to defend
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kharkov. in brussels, however, many realize that such a step will lead to the start of a war that will leave no stone unturned in ukraine and beyond. the west prefers to fight with someone else’s hands and is still ready to pay for it, although even, perhaps, the most ardent supporters of ukraine's baltic states began to share their doubts about the success of this hopeless one.
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a hall about kiev’s manipulations with nuclear waste and verification of information about the creation of a dirty bomb in ukraine. nikita korzun will continue. zelensky is avatar. today the country is led by iermac, but strictly speaking, the decision is made not by iermac, but by the heads of western intelligence services. a native of dnepropetrovsk , andrei derkach left his homeland in the twenty- second, in the twenty-third, zelensky deprived him of ukrainian citizenship, and the verkhovna rada parliamentary mandate. derkach was elected to parliament in 1998 and headed the energy atom. headed the state concern ukratomprom. for this reason alone, his statements about
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kiev’s secret nuclear attempts deserve the closest attention. we are currently checking information about the work of the ukrainian secret service to create a dirty bomb. that is, nuclear blackmail is the norm for ukrainian leaders. they did this before the start of the svo during the svo period. derkach associates the creation of a dirty bomb with the radun concern. six of its enterprises are involved in working with radioactive waste, and the radon director was a certain andrei burgomistrenko. here is his tv interview from two years ago. the ex-deputy claims that this person is part of a group of nord stream bombers. a massive media room in the west was dedicated to the fact that these were citizens of ukraine. according to derkach, it was possible to identify all those involved. in addition to nuclear scientist burgamistrenko, this is roman chervinsky, ex-colonel of the ukrainian armed forces. a curious personality, in the summer of twenty-two russia destroyed the airfield kanatovo near kirovograd.
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small yacht andromeda, well, about which , in fact, western publications wrote, romanian passports from a western country were made for them, but there can be no talk of any ukrainian independence, the operation was supervised by christopher smith, now assistant secretary of state for eastern europe, at twenty second deputy us ambassador to ukraine. however, no matter how washington persuades europe to remain silent and refuse to investigate sabotage in the north sea, derkach is sure that this is not the end of the story. according to various estimates. 300 billion since 2022, germany has lost from rising energy prices, and there are political forces there and lawyers who are ready to support procedural, legal actions to force an investigation, i think that
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in france there are such forces in the united states, and in general observation andrey derkach boils down to the fact that the united states is leading. the security adviser arrives in ukraine in 3 months for his first visit on the day of the terrorist attack against kroku sitikh after another interval. from serbia to iran, iraq and africa, russia and
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belarus could become flagships restoration of justice, because it must someday. russian security council nikolai patrushev were appointed assistants to the president. the corresponding decree was published on the kremlin website. alexey dyumin thus leaves the post of governor of the tula region. in the administration, he will oversee issues of the defense-industrial complex, sports and deal with the state council, and nikolai patrushev will oversee shipbuilding. another new face in the kremlin -
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changes in leadership will affect the ministry of industry, energy, sports, agricultural transport. the heads of other ministries remain in their positions. alexey prokin about how the discussion went. it was a busy day; it took the state duma deputies more than 7 hours. in order to first listen to all the contenders for the posts of ministers of the russian government, and then approve their candidacies, they voted for each personally a total of 16 times, the results reflecting the level of parliamentary support. only a few candidates received 100% credit, first queue from the governor's corps. the first in alphabetical order to take the exam before the deputies
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was kaliningrad governor anton alikhanov. he was the first to be confirmed in office, with 430 votes in favor. special attention will certainly be paid to supporting the rhythmic work of the branches of the defense-industrial complex, while aligning the tasks of fully meeting the needs of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors. mikhail mishustin invited four heads to join the new government regions, if alikhanov traveled to moscow for a long time from the very western edge of the country, then mikhail dekterev, on the contrary, got to the capital from the far east. chapter.
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valery folkov, a candidate, told the deputies about his view on the development of science and higher education and noted that it is planned to abandon bachelor’s degrees in the higher education system. for a number of specialties, it is impossible to prepare a qualified specialist in the time we spend today, i have 4 years, we need to switch to 5-5 years, especially this as for engineers, this is especially true, but for doctors, not much has changed, as it is today.
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min will have to work on implementing the new may presidential decree, which is based on achieving technological sovereignty and caring for people, tasks for which ministers need reliable feedback from deputies and citizens of russia. alexey prokin, ruslan nagoev, dmitry altukhov, alexey sidorov, ntv television company. the federation council today completed two-day consultations on candidates for the positions of heads of security forces departments, intelligence agencies and mido. the president introduced them. almost. all previous heads of ministries retained their posts. there is only one change: the president proposed andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. he spoke today from the rostrum of the federation council and
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named the priorities in the work of the defense department. of course, i began to get acquainted with the affairs, all the issues there are top priority, there are simply no others, but to answer your question directly, a special military operation is underway, and of course, all the most pressing ones. first of all, we are talking about issues related to equipping the operating group with supplies , ensuring the supply of the most modern military and special equipment, artillery ammunition, missiles, personal protection equipment for communications servicemen. named the issues of social protection of military personnel, strengthening price control in the formation of state defense orders. another priority task is recruiting the armed forces.
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andrei belausov emphasized that we are not talking about mobilization or any emergency measures; an important task, according to him, is the recruitment of contract soldiers. at the end of his in his speech, andrei belausov named the principle that guides his life. i am fully aware of my responsibility to the country, to the russian people. before the president of the russian federation in accordance with the planned appointment, i undertake to use all my strength, health, if my life is required to solve the assigned tasks, and you know, i have always been guided by the principle, so i want to call it, i try to be guided and will be guided, the reinforced concrete principle, to make mistakes you can take it, you can’t take it, that’s what i want to finish with,
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head bloc, the ministers before the federation council worked with us these 2 days, we had the opportunity to ask any questions, to make sure of the professionalism of people, of their competence, this is a good, correct practice, which will now continue in accordance with the constitution, but we are laying down , we can say tracing the basis, because we are doing this for the first time, thereby we can say that we will all go down in history. thank you, today the federation council unanimously decided to appoint boris kovalchuk to the position of chairman chamber of accounts. this is the first appointment of the head of a control agency by the federation council. previously, this was the prerogative of the state duma. this is the program today. next in our issue. russia, central asia. a conference of the valdai discussion club is taking place in ufa. he will tell you what topics the experts discuss.
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chinese city. russian destiny, how russia helped kharvin become a major economic center on the way from europe to asia, why the helunzian province now plays a key role in the development of russian-chinese relations, about this in sergei’s material antsygina. it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, but to get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. anyone can get up to 17% per annum, open a deposit on at the megamay megamarket, millions of products at competitive prices, for example, a set from baison, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket for only 8,990 rubles. hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. well, let's go to nature? oh,
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the program today. we continue our release. georgian parliamentarians today fought to pass a law on transparency of foreign influence. when discussing the document in the third reading. legislators again moved from verbal battles to physical assault. first, a deputy from the ruling party clashed with one of the opposition leaders, and then the brawl became widespread. as a result, a law that obliges all organizations receiving more than 20% of funding from abroad was nevertheless accepted, immediately after which opposition supporters gathered near the parliament building broke through the barrier. riot police detained several people and then pushed the protesters back. georgian opposition leaders say they will respond to the law with acts of civil disobedience, and opposition lawmakers are threatening to boycott the legislature. security issues, including food security, are being discussed today in ufa. a central asian restaurant opened there
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conference of the valdai international discussion club. the discussions involve politicians and experts from countries in the region and guests from india and china. against the backdrop of anti-russian sanctions. cooperation with these states is becoming increasingly promising. investments are growing. with scientists from central asian countries, relations are developing in other areas. after our unfriendly colleagues closed the doors, we opened completely new doors and now for bashkartstan in particular, we are approaching a quarter of trade turnover,
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this is a very high figure, it turns out that a quarter of ours is approximately the people's republic of china, a quarter of trade turnover is the countries of the central asian region. the situation in the world is changing rapidly, so the valdai club offers new topics for discussion every time.
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i present these figures, that is, maintaining trade and economic relations between kazakhstan and russia is the most important, most important factor in the security of kazakhstan. deputy head of mitrossia mikhail galuzin said that over the past 20 years, the economic growth of the countries of central asia exceeded the world average, now there are positive prospects, and the transition to mutual settlements in national currencies ensures an increase in goods turnover. russia is a reliable key trade and economic center for the region. partner, which is confirmed by the consistent growth of trade turnover, its total volume last year exceeded $44 billion. valdai club experts not only read reports, but also give their scientific forecasts for the future of relations between russia and the countries of central
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asia. naturally, we will become better, richer, more successful, we have all this, our region is huge, the potential is huge. as they say, there are limitations. only heaven, as they say, so everything is fine. the experts also discussed environmental and water resource issues, and the final meeting will take place tomorrow. in bashkiria they are not limited to discussions; they will be here again at the end of may. we are waiting for guests at the investment conference and representatives of business authorities, including from central asian countries, to conclude agreements to create a comfortable business climate. alexander tankev, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov and ekaterina kustyukevich, ntv. bashkirtastan. and in just 2 days, the largest event in the russian-chinese business world will start in harbin. expo. traditionally, businessmen and officials of the two countries meet and discuss issues of economics, trade and investment. this year in the ceremony. vladimir putin will take part, who will go to china on his first
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foreign visit since the inauguration. the location of the expo was not chosen by chance. harbin has been the largest center for more than 100 years russian civilization in the north of the chinese people's republic. our far eastern correspondent sergei antsigin talks about the historical background of russian-chinese cooperation. the first russian stands at the harbein international trade and economic fair appeared 10 years ago, and not everything that was written on them. there in 1903 it was put into operation, by
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this time harbin was no longer just a junction station on the banks of the amur tributary of the sungore river, but a dynamically growing city with moscow-style houses, orthodox churches and forty-five thousand people, a third of which are russian citizens. thanks to the large-scale infrastructure project of the russian empire, the entire territory of manjuria received, in the modern language of economists, a powerful impetus for development, and harbin became the largest transit point. trade on the route between europe and asia. there were 100,000 inhabitants in harbin. there was a university, there was an opera house where chaliapin sang. it was such a center of the russian presence, of russian civilization. after the october revolution, one of the flows of russian emigrants, they also made a great contribution to the social and economic development of harbin. they built new plants and factories, created educational institutions. actively developed the service sector, all this, like a freight train on an emergency
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site, almost went downhill when japanese militarists occupied harbin in the early thirties, but in these fatal times for china, help came from friendly soviet russia. in august 1945, having won a victory over nazi germany, units of the red army liberated the captured manjuri provinces, including harbin. in the fifties, when the communist system had already been established in the celestial empire, the chinese willingly invited soviets to harbin. then our technologies were at a much higher level, there was an exchange of students, scientists, engineers, that is, the far east of our manzhuri was one of the testing grounds for russian-soviet interaction, mutually beneficial. and largely thanks to such cooperation, harbin still remains the leading center of heavy engineering in china, a forge of scientific and technical frames. harbin is the capital of the large chinese province of helujian; it shares borders with
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six russian regions in the far east. it is quite natural that the lion's share of trade turnover between the two countries falls on these border territories of russia and china. it is very important for us to increasingly develop transit routes, not only those that end in harbin province, but also those that go further to the port. representatives of government and business from heilongziyan province, permanent participants in the annual international economic forum in vladivostok, this is not the first time that russian officials and entrepreneurs have received an invitation to the trade and economic fair in harbin. it is there that the eighth russian-chinese expo opens on may 17. sergey antsydin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. watch this program today after a short commercial. black and white ministry of agriculture. announced that he is going to limit the import of flowers, what
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options are there? denis tolalayev about this. new hotels and glamping sites, reconstructed embankments, additional security check areas on krymsky bridge. on the black sea coast and in the foothills of the caucasus they are preparing for the high season. rastislav skidan about what awaits tourists at the resorts of crimea and kuban this summer. it's hard not to notice the legendary one. alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month, withdraw cash from any atm for free, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable on the 14th, every month a 20% discount on
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- simple installment plans. this is the program today, we continue our release. menselkhoz is considering measures to limit the import of flowers from unfriendly countries, and the ministry of finance, which is preparing to adjust the tax system, is guided by the principle of fairness. these statements were made today in the state duma, where today they confirmed the heads of ministries in the renewed government. to denis talalaev joins us. well , here’s a detail, for example, that today anton was asked four questions in the state duma and three of them.
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if we go too far, then incentives will be created for our entrepreneurs to go to those regions or to those countries, primarily ours...
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we are considering customs and tariff regulation measures in order to limit the transport of flowers from unfriendly countries, this we can do according to the hundredth decree, and accordingly, we can support development as much as possible with our internal capabilities our flower growers. in march of this year , the previous minister of agriculture spoke about his readiness to support an increase in import duties on flowers. dmitry patrushev. according to estimates cited by the izvestia newspaper at the time, the share of imported flowers on the russian market is more than 80%. and dmitry patrushev spoke about
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the goal of reducing the share of foreigners to 50. the main suppliers of flowers to russia are the netherlands, ecuador, kenya, colombia and belarus. from this list, the russian authorities classify the netherlands as unfriendly. the indices of american stock exchanges are practically are changing, neither statistics could budge them. at producer prices, not that the united states, accusing china of unfair trade, sharply increased duties on chinese goods, for example, on electric cars from 25 to 100%, on some minerals from zero to 25%. on the russian stock market today , too, no sharp movements were noticed; the euro is now rising in price against the dollar, and this is noticeable in their exchange rates against the ruble, the dollar at the end of the day is 91.29, the euro is 98.95. rosaviatsia denied information that flights to russian airlines had to lure alesta. on may 3, aviation authorities
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allowed the airport to open on the list, which had been closed for more than 2 years since february 24 , 2020. another 10 russian airports are still closed. earlier today , the kommersant newspaper, citing sources, wrote that the aviation authorities promised those airlines that will begin flights to the capital of kalmykia, quote: to straighten the row of southern. routes, which means it will be possible to fly to sochi, the emirates and egypt on a shorter route. from february '22, due to the need to fly over certain territories, the duration of flights increased noticeably. for example, the moscow-sochi route, which previously took less than 2.5 hours, began to last about 4 hours, the duration of flights from moscow to egypt, the emirates, according to the airline’s estimates , increased by an hour or two. and so the pro-aviation authorities announced today that they will distribute routes to airlines. in exchange for flights to ilista, the department does not plan, and that the airlines themselves wanted to fly there, having discovered the development of domestic tourism in kalmeki. well, really,
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some russian tour operators have slightly different statistics, they say that elista is not the most interesting city for tourists, but in any case, the capital of kalmykia has become so attractive that aeroflot airline yesterday, that is, 10 days after the formal opening of elestine airport, announced that it would begin direct flights flights to the capital. for the first time since the nineties. everything about economics. thank you, denis. denis tolalayev with an economic review of the day. the holiday season has officially opened in anapa. there were fairs there plein air master classes. in sochi, tens of kilometers of coastline have been additionally developed ; a third of the 170 city beaches have already been opened. the krasnodar region is setting a record for the opening of new hotels this year. crimea is preparing to offer unique recreation formats to vacationers. efficient. tourists have already managed to book small cozy chalets in uniquely beautiful corners of the crimean coast. for the convenience of travelers
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who travel to the peninsula by car, additional checkpoints will be installed at the approaches to the crimean bridge. rostislav skidan was finding out what crimea and kuban would offer to tourists this summer season. inhale and exhale. inhale and exhale. underwater, these exercises would look more impressive, except for the sea in anapa. not suitable for all lovers of water aerobics, the water is only +14, young grisha slukin resolutely heads towards the shore, the cold will not scare him, you will swim, no, well, you will only dip your feet if there are few people as determined as grisha in anapa, but the season must be opened, this year, the authorities ambitiously expect a record 5.5 million tourists, there are forges, a fair, master classes, plein airs, this is how the opening of the season takes place on the city alley of anapa, at this table... a lesson in moor crafts, how he makes birds like these from an ordinary plank, i still don’t understand, we do it
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to please people the master does not reveal all the secrets, as they say, watch your hands. tourists watch, then buy crafts, take them home, these girls, for example, in belgorod, remember their holidays on the coast. are you planning to return in the summer? of course, we are going to come, relax here, swim in with the warmth of the already warmed sea, i’ll probably travel around the city. st. petersburg residents victoria and ksenia neshumova and anapa and novorossiysk taman have already explored. while the weather is not very good, we will go on an excursion, then we saw that it must be sunny in order to enjoy the sun here. it’s beautiful, everything is green, otherwise in st. petersburg we don’t have a drop of greenery, only knee-deep snow. for those who missed greenery and snow, the road to sochi. more than 4.5 million tourists are waiting in the resort capital of the krasnodar territory. 61 beaches have already opened in the city, to all 170 will be operational in june. in the off-season , the resort also improved 41 km of coastline, including embankments. this year there are a record number of new
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hotels in the krasnodar region, more than 30 with 5,000 beds. one of them is in the foothills. than the number of one-time inspections of passing vehicles, the speed and inspection of vehicles will naturally increase. it is believed that the boom in wild recreation began in the union 60 years ago, after the premiere of the comedy 3+2. the film was filmed in crimea. are we looking for evidence or monuments? old times? after the release of the film 3+2 in soviet cinemas, the number of ancient monuments on the coast of the village of novy svet, of course, increased.
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but now you’re unlikely to be a savage here, this is one of the most. popular resorts of crimea, where people come to relax not with a tent or in a car, but in the hotels or glamping sites that have come to replace them. the soviet tourist did not yet know what glamping was; in the new world it already existed, glamorous camping or outdoor recreation with all the amenities of a hotel. these houses in juniper grove were built back in eighties. the main building, where there is a dining room, a laundry room, and billiards, is a few minutes' walk away. last year, the ateliers built another 24, no, not houses, but chalets, as they are now commonly called. they are comfortable all year round. and outside the window, as required, there is almost wild nature. the branch is very low, we cannot remove it, and since this is nature, these are relict majestic trees, and the guests are loyal to this, on the contrary, even with surprise and positive emotions. today these are the most popular rooms of the hotel complex, most of the chalets have already been rented until the end of summer; in the remaining sanatoriums in crimea
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, half of the rooms are booked for the high season. rastislav skidan ekaterina. well, now is the time to find out what weather to expect in the near future in the south of russia on ntv time for a brief weather forecast, irina polikova joins us. irina, what can you please me with? i was just planning to please everyone, except for the southern regions, while the weather there is resort weather at a stretch, it’s colder than expected by... five degrees, or even more up to +15, maximum up to 18, this is not for one day. in addition, in the kuban, crimea, and don, the rains are sometimes heavy in the mountains with snow. for everyone else , there is more optimism in the forecast, about the most cherished thing, about warmth, which allows us to say this: the cyclone will help us, it is moving along the barints sea, it is finally blocking the flow of arctic air to the russian plain, and even if it does not immediately flow to us, now hot air, and
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there really are no prerequisites for this, but without new cold infusions, our weather itself... this is the key to success. precipitation from our cyclone savior in the northern regions closest to it, while in petrozavodsk, in arkhangelsk the temperature will jump to +18, but only for a day, in the north-west it is more pleasant, potentially stable +15-20. in the middle zone it is still a little lower, but the zone of night frosts will be significantly reduced. they will stay only in tatarstan and the vulgovyat region. i'll continue a little later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take reumoflex. he helps. reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. reimoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in
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st. petersburg tomorrow +18:20 sun. will look out, moscow will take off from +16, and rain is only likely on friday, so that nature will cheer up and better reanimate after the may winter, by the way, it was very well predicted, and we are on time. we found down jackets, indeed, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova, these are the main news at this hour right now detective dolphin, at 22:15 premiere, detective series emergency exit, well, we igor is flying and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention , all the best. assalomu alaykum biz gaz qaramollarini tekshiraveymiz mumkin, bo'ldi, aha, rahmat,
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qoldi, qayda yuvib olirgan mumkin, bugun bar. malayman.
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well, let's go talk, what's worse?
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there are a lot of ears here. are you earless or something? something doesn't look the same? okay, let's go for a walk, wait here. yes. well, that’s it, take him where, clearly, where, to shoot him, and then, talk nonsense, i’ll stop scaring the child, let’s get out of here. well, what did you want to talk about? larisa about the divorce...


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