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tv   Fors-mazhor  NTV  May 15, 2024 2:35am-3:26am MSK

2:35 am
you, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let go of the machine gun, now i'm running away, little guy, i want you right now, uh-huh, and you want to reward me, yes, i, katy, i'm not sick, i was checking on you , yes, i checked, you understand, i... “i was very afraid that you would leave again and leave me alone, well now i see what you are ready for, katya, my torpedoes are already at the start, oh, therapist,
2:36 am
my victim affirms the triumph of the counter-theme. what is the point, what is the conflict, are you a hare? the bunny just runs out, the hunter just shoots, that’s all. bunny? go to the scene already, suspense. lady, when i wave, play some music on the radio. probably your brave little bunny. made friends, here
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he comes, fucker! why, hunter, where is the blood coming from, beat me, kill me, what are you doing, idiot, come here, little bunny, what's wrong with you, come here, what are you doing, die, quietly, are you going to teach me, asshole? play, kusa, huh?
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2:39 am
where is my brother? don't forget, i had a very difficult childhood. you have so much, enough, enough. even, why are you doing this? and now you are mine, you are not going anywhere.
2:40 am
“hug me, my, yes, you’re right, for a while i really thought that you could be corrected, that i have an older brother, i was wrong and i see that i’m powerless, i lost, rita, boss, i think i’ll go behind her,
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otherwise what, three?” like a naked fraer, and i would look at you, why boss, i understand that now is not the right moment, but i made a list here, i wrote it like this. boss, that means, so, the mayor’s office, the administration, then, then, that means, take off your jacket here,
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list, thank you, keep it up, “that’s it, i won’t return to this circus again, for i was almost killed twice in the last 24 hours, that's enough, welcome to my world, you know that we have to go there and get this body, because if i don't find the common fund, and i have no idea where to look for it, then i will be exposed, oh, look, guys, this is a therapist? okay, okay, i’ll try, but this is the last time, good, good, guys, good, we’re leaving, you did the right thing by calling, in this state with a weapon , god knows what could have done something wrong, okay, we detained him in time, lyuba, what happened, alekh,
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he’s gone crazy, let me in, we need him to stop, who to stop, you, to move because of this therapist of yours, i’m him , you’re a mafia boss, uh-huh, thank you, we’ll warn you, don’t go where you don’t want to, you know less, longer, last time i almost hit them and didn’t knock them out, how much does he know about this therapist of his? has he accumulated so much in 5 years? the therapist himself knows less about himself, i’ll get it, i’ll get it, are you sure you want to continue, the patient is in an inadequate state, everything
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is fine, i’m a doctor myself, please leave us for 5 minutes, no more, and only because you are our colleague , thank you, thank you. do you think i’ll believe all this nonsense that you just told me, of course, it’s much easier to believe that i’m a therapist who skinned viti, i heard you say all this yourself, okay. well, he showed me your ass, and that i have a mole here, i congratulate you, i have nothing to compare it with, i see your bare ass for the first time, yes, yes, it turned out somehow awkward.
2:45 am
stake, stake, vitya. honestly, kohl, please, help me, the common fund is kept in the zone, like this, like this, and it’s cunningly convenient, and it’s guarded like... on
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there is a certain cook in the zone, he is like a cash register holder, how can i contact this cook? no way, no one knows him except the therapist, but don’t even think about going into the zone to find him, you’ll get there, you won’t even last a day there, better help me get out of here. and i will kill the remaining gang, they are nothing without a therapist, because, oh, you stupid! you're trash, you behaved like a fraer, i
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came here to find out how much you know, but it turns out you know too much, so you should sit here for the rest of your days, i'll kill you, i'll shut up my creature, where am i the therapist where is the therapist asking where i am he’s a bastard and ran away again yes, well, that’s it, that’s it,
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then you, here, come, don’t, don’t, please, please, don’t, do n’t, i’m twice for no one has cheated the day yet, it’s a miracle, come on. the boss is lucky for you, i would also give up everything, give up on the kichman for a couple of days, drive the chefir on the little rack, smack the porashnikovs, but you’ll come back like that, rested, refreshed, they didn’t put out the dryers, why are you, and boss, can i take a minute, yes, we are here... the guys and i have jotted down a list, you grab a sketchman, if it’s not too much trouble, there ’s not much here, oh, that means chess, carved for us with
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speckles, well, they only make those there, the handle for the pen is inlaid, so then that means it’s in front, let’s get away with your nonsense, why, just a minute, on just a minute, in short, the dog still needs to be decided somehow, people need to be fed, that’s why i’m here , let them starve until i get back, let them over there... in their places , they’ll put things in order, otherwise you can’t look at the city without tears, if putin drives them away, what will he do to us later? again, something new to feed, like cash, it’s all from here, cash, don’t spoil the boss’s holiday mood, in short, boss, i’ve taken care of everything, as agreed, the head of the zone is fed, you’ll sit down like a first mover, sit for a couple of days, and when you’ve rested, you’ll give we know, we will organize how to throw you away. i beg you, sir, don’t kill anyone there, i won’t, i sat down to rest, relax
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civilly, quietly, decorously, nobly, through whom to keep in touch, well, there’s one hanging around there, a buddy, a cook, what a cook, no, you don’t know him that he will find you himself, good leave, boss, yes, thank you, boss, thank you, write the little ones, boss. just like 20 years ago.
2:51 am
well, it’s great that i’m good afternoon, you ’re in the hut, well, in the hut, i mean, in order to enter the hut, you need to register, dear, yes, no, i won’t be for long, i don’t necessarily register it, but i don’t have a passport for her. what article did you use? not 228, 162, 200 11 146, serious guy, drugs,
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piracy, robbery, plane hijacking, right? well, how it was, the guys and i smoked, so we decided to hijack a plane, we hijacked it and flew around, robbed other planes, like pirates, you know, you dropped it, yes, here it is, please, let's go, i 'll show you your place. oh, thank you very much, yes, what, here, or something, so here are someone’s things, yes, mine, yours, oh, oh, oh, oh, what are you
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doing, why are you doing this, oh, huh? 7 minutes 52 seconds, 12 seconds longer, listen, new guy, if you’re just like that...
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“get away from me, idiots, i’m normal, come up to me again, your brain will not need to be sucked out, but scraped off from these walls, everything, yes, everything, you can get dressed, but this is serious, in this state, yes, maybe it is, well, it will resolve on its own, somehow, it will suck, it will most likely fall off, the bosman’s mooring line will fall off, listen, cure it, oh, well, you’re a doctor in these matters, help me, i, i’ll write out a course of treatment, you’ll have to get antibiotics somewhere, not a question, well, a prostate massage, they
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also pick at the stern, so you claim that your relative, not your relative, but the leader of the mafia, who possessed your relative, but he did not possess, he did not possess, doctor, you are an experienced doctor, you understand that my work is associated with stress, overwork, i was just overworked, i was talking all sorts of nonsense, now i remember it’s funny, yes, i see, i see, doctor, when will you let me out? well, if everything continues to go so well, then in two, three weeks we will let you go. like in 3 weeks, why so long? i told you, i’m just tired, overtired, i’ll have a wonderful rest under our supervision, don’t you understand that during this time he will kill everyone,
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you see, he will already kill everyone, he needs to be detained, my family is in danger, slowly , he’s going to kill everyone, he’s going to kill everyone, you need to save your grandfather, you need to save everyone, you need to save your family. “hello to freedom, everything is fine with me, no, everything is fine, everything is fine, they accepted the ministry, they gave me the best place in the house, an authoritative nickname, uh, crapologist, give me some paper, i’m out of torch, well, i don’t have paper, and this what do you have?" well, i ’m writing a letter to the prosecutor, are you a network, or what? i ’m not, let me check, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, thank you, thank you, you want us to believe that you accidentally fell into it, from the age of 10, but we agreed, the agreement was that if if you scare away the technician, then he will take his place, stop it, stop it, no, no, no, what, me? i’m he, i’m a simple illusionist, what kind of engineer am i? no, i can’t, if our director could become a livestock specialist, then some kind of illusionist
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, even more so, and what does it mean which, how and what does it mean, and some, some, which, so, yosik, stand, well- ok, so, hello everyone, and i ’m wondering where you all went, and what are you doing here, like what? i love my job, but what about it? yours this is what this is and this is yes this is a scratch, let’s say this is not a reason to skip working day, right, right, absolutely right, yeah, well, that’s all resolved. you were looking for a cook, but i really
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wanted to get hold of some bones, cut a chess set, bring a loaded button accordion, you will have the bones, but i need the cook himself, ram the boyan, i’ll set him up with the cook, but where is the button accordion for me? by the way, think about it, you’re like a doctor, now i don’t see the reason for the means of communication here, which means you won’t see the bones along with the kitchen, everything is fine, i accept your apology, but did i ask you to forgive me, listen, did you have any maniacs in your family? make it easier, are you going to pierce me every day now, until you stop appearing here, that’s exactly what i wanted to talk to you about, listen, it seems to me that you’re somehow not happy that i
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i work here, miracles of ingenuity, actually, i’m not smeared with honey here either, yes, something is invisible, okay, i’ll tell it like it is, if you promise to remain silent, okay, you don’t have to promise, in short, i buried something here, while you were gone, now i need... to get it, and you arrived and stood in the most inconvenient place, now i can’t get to it, uh-huh, and what’s there, well, drugs, for sure, and i knew that you were a drug addict, yes, you figured me out, so, will you help, what is needed, in short, look, i need half an hour so that no one comes here, distract all your people, okay, if i help you, then you will leave and will not appear here again. well, unless you ask me about it yourself, i understand, you won’t ask me.
3:01 am
prisoner 3216 on his way out.
3:02 am
date, 5 minutes. rita, what are you doing here? i know you did it because me, did what? stop it, can you at least once in your life admit that you did something because of me? i said that i cannot correct you, that you can only do it yourself, when you understand and want. i see that you realized this and went to re-education. yes, i am, i am this. i did it for this, yes, when mom and dad didn’t, and you had to sit for six months already, you escaped from prison, stole me as a baby from the children’s home, and i, uncle misha , told me, just don’t scold him, okay, believe me, i will appreciate it your self-sacrifice and i will wait for you as long as necessary.
3:03 am
thank you, we checked, you can take it, i collected some things for you here, the guys told me what i might need in prison, there are socks, cigarettes. in general, a little bit of everything, if you need anything else, just tell me, i ’ll bring it, and maybe we’ll kiss again, well , i miss you, do you hear, yes, there’s a dull sound, that’s it, here, this ventilation duct,
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yeah, it goes right through the whole building and goes into the boiler room, it's not a boiler room, it's a laundry room, i know better, i renovated this building 10 years ago, so to get into this channel, you need to go through this door, and it’s under an alarm, no, it’s not an alarm, i’m like... i turn it off with my eyes closed, we need to hurry up with the plan, jupiter is already in sagittarius, reptoids have become more active, today the shift change is the longest of the week, on average 3 minutes 20 seconds longer than usual, little darling will oversleep as usual, yeah, little darling, what an alien hermaphrodite she is, it’s quiet, in general, today it’s time at midnight, the path to freedom will open, what is this
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? what do you need? come on guys, i'm one of my own. yeah, your guy, you think we’re all idiots here, you said it yourself, that’s right, he doesn’t believe us, which means you can’t trust him, after 7 seconds , take the pills, take them. we’re taking some pills, oh, the ship’s already warmed up, we should wear our clothes, yes, take what you want, oops, so, come on, quickly, get some vitamins for yourself, oh, tobacco, oh, oh, good, opachki, what’s wrong , this is a fitting, so, come on,
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give it here, no, no. no-no-no, he said it himself, take what you want, you heard, lads, but it was the case, yeah, or you’re not responsible for the market, but take what you want, give me the photo, no, no, no, there was no such agreement, but what kind of woman, what?
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store, button accordions are not sold on every corner, i brought it, yeah, put it in your pocket for birr, and just stand there, you’ve got your hands off, what are you doing, they’re turning me around, yes, shut your mouth, i told you i ’ll take you with drugs, so that now you still have a chance to get an a, and you, yeah, what the hell, accordion, accordion, nothing else. this one has nothing, do you hear what, did you really bring him an accordion, he asked me for a musical instrument, i brought it, i didn’t
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i knew that this was illegal, that the chest, an amateur activity, decided to give in, but what, maybe you decided that it was impossible? okay, let's go, what kind of crap is this, an accordion, no, well, i got you a drug addict, i just noticed that you were being followed, i managed to throw it off, yes, you are beautiful, yes, a first mover and like a stricken, okay, you will have bones , as much as you want, the main thing is you bring me to the cook personally, you promised, didn’t promise you anything, how can i bring you to him, if he’s in the cell, he’s been sitting tight for the second week now, he’s in the cell, yes, with bones, what do?
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guys, what do you want, when the nurse gave me the pills, i saw green scales under her robe, are you really taking us for idiots? “science has proven that intelligent beings cannot have green skin, i actually suspect that he’s a little crazy, after 7 seconds i take the pills,
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we take the pills, thank you. well, why have you become like a traffic light in the middle of the ward? take the pills- then, that means you need our brains, you alien creature, hey, they told you that you look like a piggy bank, fat, it’s like a pig with a hole in its head, but it looks like it, let’s change it. i drove the boatswain, freedom for the prisoners!
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are you dumb enough to want it right away? yes, yes, leave him, boss, leave him alone, we have a little bit of that, and the fact that you follow me all day, but what?
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shah, until the 15th century, a ferse could only move one or two squares diagonally, until the queen of spain came up with the rules that he could move as he wanted, well, why did you tell all this now, and besides, all the problems are for fun , we heard that there is a lot of activity in the zone, 10 guards with especially serious cases. wow, i recognize the master's handwriting, but the boss decided to go all out relax, all inclusive, why are you laughing, rebellion is rising all over the region, prisoners are demanding freedom, yes, this is what happens when a person goes 5 years without a vacation, which means you don’t know anything about the common fund, you’re a cook, that’s just a cook. you ask me about the food, i know everything, i’ll make it out of the shit, by the way,
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i did this once, that is, you don’t know anything about the common fund, it’s common for you that it’s a public toilet, so that every bastard knows where it is, and you yourself why are you interested, now there is no need. prisoners 25:12, let's go out, i've already served my time, finally, well, i’ll eat myself in the canteen, and i, and you’re here for a long time, they give you a tenner for organizing a rebellion, so you get used to it, sit quietly, otherwise you’ll never see the will.
3:14 am
alexander semyonovich, your dogs ran away, dogs, little dog, catch them, catch them, that's it, come here, sub, dog, dog, he's completely out of control, dog, here, 32:16, let's go out, what's the date today, moron , you haven’t even spent a day here, yeah, right? yes, where should i go now back to the cell,
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say thank you to your supervisor, he finished, and to let you out, don’t ever do that again, we need to be careful, say thank you that they didn’t sign you up for an enema, by the way, they suck out the brain just through an enema, we can’t stay here anymore. let's run today, are you with us when we leave? in 3 hours, 47 minutes, 15 seconds, staff shift change, this is our time, i asked everything about general services, i knew that he fell on the decoy net, we’ll kill the goat, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, let’s go to the side let's move away, we'll talk, come on,
3:16 am
yes, don't fry you here, where's the foreman? but not i know, i left. where did i go? damn it, who will sign the statement for me? damn, should i look for him everywhere? kukharsky yves, we need to decide something with these old cells, there is no money, well then at least arbold, he
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again took advantage of the situation. lie quietly, i'll come back with you. where, the accounting department, open it, come on, show me the pass. i’ll show you this pass now, i found the kid or something, they’ve been running around your colony for two hours now, i can’t sign the paper, now i’m leaving for the hell of it, you’ll come to me for these pieces of wood, open it, right here
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corridor, last door. put a cross on your hand, why? so that next time you don’t forget to knock. i found out, yash livinzon, who yasha was, there was a tailor in odessa who altered stolen clothes, and so he altered them in such a way that the owner himself did not recognize, my respect, mr.
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therapist, i would envy such work, which i owe a visit, yes, i... it was the thirtieth, i would like to take some money, please, well, why was it necessary to show up as your whole self, well, to show your face, and so that you would know that your face is good, it reminds one of an idiot, who lived on the thirteenth fountain and traveled with... so any person with a rosary can come
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and say that he is a therapist to choose a common fund, and if you... killed a therapist, took the rosary, and now you want to steal money, this is of course how you say, here you go, here you can, of course, i killed the therapist, took his clear ones and injected him with something and he... died, so i’ll hear the password, or you can close for lunch, and password, password, password, password, password, password, yeah, nothing.
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i just remember the tamb alphabet, what? bron gilda, wonderful, as always. no, give it all, all, just kidding, i mean half, okay, if you have everything, then you can go, sir. perth, the money will be delivered the old way, uh-huh, the old way, yes,
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that’s the good, old way, okay, good, all the best, yes, that’s all, and for the phone i’ll add it to my fee, eh... welcome , friends, welcome , the show is about to begin, let's go, yeah, thank you, where did you take us, what kind of scam is this, i'm answering you, sklavik, this is a real place, tin, bloody, all the work, and where is the box, now, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a breathtaking spectacle, a famous zionist, a maestra,
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a respected audience, will perform in front of you, a deadly act of sawing a man, please, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, instrument, yes! thank you, and you definitely lay down as i told you, the stove is already faster. and you can
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now move your legs a little, well , i just need to hang this noodles, i know that the legs are not real, but i saw, i told you, right here. standing, someone was sitting here, that i was there, looking to see the name and the child, asked you, followed you for a minute, here everything, everything was gone, you know, no, the uniform
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was gone, the invoices, everything disappeared right in a second, i just turned away, why are you yelling like victims, okay, show me where you threw your junk, he’s there, it ’s torn apart or something me, and maybe they found a clown, okay, come on, why should you sign there, here? eh, come here, nail, to the shukhir.


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