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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 15, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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ira’s daughter is 18 years old, she’s always been a very good girl, she’s never had any problems with her, when suddenly, god, oh, this is just some kind of nightmare, and lately she’s started coming back at night, the girl’s life is in full swing, 18 years old, do you remember yourself at 18 years old, no, andryushenka, she just broke up with the boy, she was sad for a month, disappointed in life, oh, at 18 years old we were all a little disappointed in life. funny, andrey, she dropped out of college, comes back in the morning with the smell of fumes and money, you know, be careful, oh, how delicious, god, andryush, please talk to her, well, you probably have a couple of edifying stories about how bad it is to get involved with bad company, well, can you imagine what it will look like, she’ll want to talk to a stranger who reads morals to her, you’re done -well , a police officer, if she got involved with a bad company, maybe you’ll intimidate somehow, andrey,
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“okay, i’ll just talk for the sake of our long-term friendship with you, here she is, a pretty address, eat, right, rita, that’s all with the movers of course, they died, right? say, at the place of service, what about the third drinking buddy, the third sirko nikolaylovich?" " born in 1972, was married, and the marriage was annulled due to the death of his wife, olga ivanovna serko, no children, registered pestale 17, apartment 3, it is necessary go to him, find out what he was doing, otherwise judging by his clothes, he somehow doesn’t fit into this interior, yes, i would say, vanechka, he doesn’t fit here at all, serko nikolailovich was the main director of a big melodrama. theater, what kind of theater,
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such, such, large, melodramatic, wow, the theaters were separated, so for the murder, they killed all three of them from a pem with a silencer, and if he is in our database, i’ll say, already in the department, then why did you decide that with a silencer, well, one can assume, since the witnesses didn’t say anything heard, you know, he’s not quietly shying away, oh, well, what does this director have in common with these movers, the devil knows, maybe childhood friends, we’ll check it out, what’s interesting is that the movers drank a little something, so the director either didn’t finish his drink or didn’t drank at all, you say cognac, yes, well, in any case , the director definitely brought cognac, judging by the receipt bought near his house last night, so it turns out that this was a robbery, yes, the weapon was not dropped, there is no control, you know, it doesn’t really look like it.
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well, we’ll work out all the versions, these grusiks have been working here on the market for a long time, flashing here and there. and what kind of relationship do they have with the headmistress, it’s not mikhalovna, well, it’s easy to warm people’s hearts with a mop, it ’s easy for her, well, don’t kill, but no, i’m not writing about that, i’m just thinking, maybe they had some conflicts, what are you, i beg you, where is the director, and where are the movers, where bring it, take it away, and then all the threads for business.
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but let’s return to the suspicious persons, do you know any of them, just be honest, comrade policeman, i beg you, i’m a decent woman. well, i once heard the movers call one of these guys cheese, like cheese, uh-huh, thank you, well, there’s a kilogram, a kilogram, hello, igoryuk, great, well, has some information appeared on a murder at the market? oh rydanov, why are you so kind, why do you need all this?
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rozreshi georgievich, yes, yes, come in. we installed the loaders from today's slaughter. so. both are hitting our bases. valery belov and vadim sazonov. sideliners? yes, and more than once. for what? drugs, and they have been happily doing this until today in their market. and everyone knew about it? well, not everyone, of course, but some knew. as always, two opyrs are involved in drugs, no one even reported to the police. well, you see, formally. they were listed as loaders, sometimes they even carried something from ordinary goods, so maybe they unfastened the market director , she turned a blind eye to their art with drugs, you know, i don’t think so, witness claims that she disliked them very much, and since she didn’t fire them, she might not have known about the drugs, yeah, okay,
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it turns out that they are the most likely target for murder, yes, but we haven’t worked on the director yet, it’s unknown what he'll hide there, well , igor, drugs are not uncommon in the creative environment, you know it yourself, here's a connection for you, well then let me work it out in person, come on, yeah, we have it, we have the juiciest apples, the best on the market, no one else has those, yeah , dear, i left the balloon in the car again, it will inflate, then i’ll get sick, thank you, dear, you they said that you are not husband and wife, comrade policeman, the little girl is definitely not husband and wife. exactly, exactly. help yourself to an apple, comrade policeman. thank you. help yourself to an apple. this means that pavel arkadvich is definitely not married. too
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bad, a respectable man. exactly, exactly. and you have every chance. just don’t rain on us, please, because we are still working undercover. well, of course it's me. i understand, uh-huh, so here he is, here he is, this brinza, here he is, fisa, oh, wait, parasite, he’s gone, yes he’s gone, not feta cheese, but
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some kind of instant fondue, good fellow, lan, let’s go, where, to your fiancee to pick up my scarf, which fiancee, i don’t understand, what are you doing, or what, she’s not my type. good, oh, so, so, hello, rit, yes, well, everything is ready, come on, i’m dictating, evgenia kholmskaya, born in eighty-seven, met the cheese by correspondence while she was serving time in the zone, uh-huh, come on, yes, i accepted, nato stipulated. it doesn’t burn, it burns, it burns so hard you can put it out, from afar, a river flows, 51,579,579,56 357 our client,
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why do you see anyone else who looks like a corpse? where is our patient? i'll teach you how to work emergency exit prime minister, i got you all.
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yes, you’re listening, but wait, i’ll call you back, good afternoon, good afternoon, sorry, the club is not open yet, yes, the police, oh, how, provide assistance, see us off, let’s go, thank you. is hiding with me, but i would strangle this nit with my own hands, as i understand it, this is his work, he is a creature, i thought, well , he stumbled, you never know what happens to anyone, he sang to me like a nightingale in his letters, he sang, he freed himself , i arrived, i, i’m a fool, i’m dumbfounded, not only did he hurt my child. so he left when he found out that he dad, and
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he took all my money and jewelry with him, nice, and you wrote a statement to the police, wrote, only your colleagues, they just laughed at me, did not accept the statement, they said that you should think before having affairs, well done, well done , well , apparently they were too lazy to look for this cheese, excuse me, we need to inspect your apartment, well, look, am i... but there’s no cheese there, who he’s been talking to lately, maybe he had some friends, he was alone here, i went several times, alik, it seems, alik, what kind of alik, we studied in the same class, he is a bathhouse attendant, it seems like a bath attendant, bath attendant alik, and where this bath attendant might live, oh, they said, now i remember, koletnikov lane, there’s a private sauna, and this is... somewhere nearby, yes, yes, two blocks from here, thank you, zhenya , thank you, but no, take care of yourself, yes, all
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the best, goodbye, we were jumping, well, actually, here, thank you, please, hello, hello, who are you? i'm andrey, i'm a very good friend of your mother, she asked to talk to you, is this some kind of joke? yes, no, this is not a joke, it’s just that your mother, nadya, is very worried about you, so she sent some guy, listen, i ’ll call the security now, better go, no, don’t need security, i already agreed with the security, i didn’t know that my mother had friends in the police. and what do you need, nadya, but you don’t feel sorry for your mother, you
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understand that she’s on the verge of a heart attack, maybe you could talk to her like a human being, calm her down, she doesn’t hear me, well, at least try, talk to her, or talk to me, i’ll hear, i’ll tell her, and you tell her that i don’t want to live in poverty, i want to drive a beautiful car, wear expensive clothes and live in... an apartment where there will be a golden toilet, okay, tell me, i don’t want to study, but i want to get married, yes, this shalman, what is the limit of your dreams, yes, listen, this shalman brings me so much money, how much does the entire department of my teachers at the institute earn, i entered the law faculty only because my mother said so, i was 17 and i still didn’t know anything about life, now of course you know everything about life, right? do you think i'm an idiot? i
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don't sleep with clients, i just dance, get there is money for it, and many girls do this, and then they get married, everything is fine with them, believe my experience, many girls start like you, and then end up, you know, where i know, but everything is fine with me, so does my mother tell me, i'm off to rehearsal now. hello, what are we making noise? yes, no one is making noise, brother, it’s just us, we just wanted to sit in the sauna, well, i met a girl, you know, well, i understand that clients, yes, we have a sanitary day, there are no authorities, i’m alone, well, maybe somehow without bosses, yeah, look, how much money is there, it will all be yours, and we will
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quietly, or should we look for another bathhouse, or what? okay, no need for another bathhouse, come in, thank you, thank you brother, come in, come see me. who called alec? don’t worry, it’s
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the clients who decided to take a steam bath. so, help yourself, they brought a rare variety from abkhazia, thank you, well, let ’s start anyway, of course, of course, of course, of course, i’m the accountant of this theater, so i know
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everything here, because no matter what happens here, for this. all you need is money, and the money is here pass through me. david olegovich, i understand everything, but this is a serious matter, nikolai sirko was killed. that's why i'm interested in all the conflicts, maybe the oddities that you might have noticed in him lately. oddities, but he didn’t have any oddities, he was a very calm, very self-possessed person, you see, in our field this is such a rarity, and conflicts, well, in what theater there are no conflicts, even more so. when you're a director, yeah, of course, there were some frictions, of course, there were, well, you say, you say, with whom, well, with the director of the theater golikov, well , it’s like a work process, and what they didn’t share, if it’s not a secret, well, they were never on good terms, but lately, you know, there’s been a crisis, there’s not enough money,
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the director is tense, hmm, and the director has a creative team that needs to be supported, well, here’s my business card, mm, why, well, why, watch the series, if you remember something, call, hmm, okay, all the best, all the best, and it so happened that i have two tickets, that you’ll go, well, i’ll go, but what, yes, of course, great, we'll have a good time, the main thing is not to make it before the end, because yes, we will have time, but... well, i didn't kill anyone, who? i don’t know, i actually learned about this murder from you, why did you jump over the fence from us, well, i saw you and jumped, got scared, but you jumped from us specifically, it’s not like you jumped over some kind of mountain store, you went to the market to sazonov with white, right, why? well, shut up, shut up, it's done!
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now science will tell us everything, science will tell us, it’s like this, that means it’s true, no traces of gunpowder were found on your client’s hands, well, i he said, it’s not my fault, quietly, young man, if i were you, i wouldn’t rush, but on his hands on his jacket, traces of narcotic substances prohibited for circulation in the russian federation were found, and the substance is heroin, good luck, thank you, lyosha, well, it won’t be long before you leave us, you’ll go to prison for drugs, uh-huh, yes, my dear, you’ll go to prison with us not only for drugs, but also for stealing money and jewelry from citizen kholmskaya, so she told me?
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i hate it, they didn’t say my last name in front of me, lenochka, well, i talked to her, as i promised,
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i talked as best i could, the girl seems smart, she understands, i hope she understands, nothing bad has happened to her yet, i hope it won’t happen, okay, that’s it, for now... bye, but no, can you imagine, we went hunting for a wild boar and got caught with such a rash, well, he jumped out onto the path towards us, i knocked him down with one shot, in short, let’s go for a ride, it’s not far, i really need to go, what are you doing, what are you doing, let me go me, let me go, what are you doing? oh, look, a house, a museum, it turns out, yes, i didn’t understand, oops, what is this?
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something like that, blood, it looks like that, yes, we’ve arrived. what we shall do? let's call bulkin. maybe we can break the door? no need! vania! listen, new details have emerged in the case of the movers and this director. take an expert and come to our address, i’ll text him to you now . yes, and take a decree to open the apartment. no, master keys, girl, wait a second. we are from the police, do you live here? yes, here on the first floor. your neighbor, do you know where? i don’t know, they were making so much noise at night today, they were dropping something, hitting something, why? didn't they call the police then? so they didn’t kill anyone, i’m at home alone with the child, my husband is at
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work, a very correct civic position, but what did they kill? this is exactly what we are figuring out right now, except for the screams, we didn’t see anyone else suspicious, maybe some people were staggering in the front door, there were no people, i didn’t see them, the neighbor’s car drove out of the yard very quickly, just after this noise, and the golik citizen was in the car, no, you'll do what you think, was the corpse taken out in it? dead body? can i go? yes, yes, of course, thank you, thank you, pash, well, you’re giving me something, what is it, what is it, like the first day of being married and to god, oh, sobbing, sobbing, took up the gush, say that it’s not dush. you don't have many problems, rydanov.
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you're stunned, kozlina, are you drunk or something? guys, it seems to me that the girl in your car is not her business, remove the car, my business, mine. calm down, guys, now, guys, let's figure out where to certify. eh, man, who are you hitting on? calm down, citizen, police, and you! lyosh, well, did you deal with the blood from golikov’s apartment? i'm just looking. what happened to you? well, what, it chops me, it’s night outside. come on, go sit down.
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drink, just drink, drink, what is this, an energy drink that is banned in twenty-eight countries of the world, you're crazy, what the hell is this? yes , he’s sleeping with lemonade, aren’t you funny, by the way, really, well, yes, yes, so what’s with the blood? blood from golikov’s apartment, the blood of golikov himself, which means that he was soaked in the apartment, and then the body was taken out, well, that’s up to you to think about, i only work with facts, by the way, about facts, do you remember the cognac that belov and sozonov drank before they were shot, so in this cognac, and, accordingly, in the body of belov and sazonov, food was found, butulinum toxin, what is this? well, among the common people it’s botox,
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lesh, well, what am i? it is used in all beauty salons, well , firstly, not in all salons, and secondly , it is injected under the skin, well, to smooth out facial wrinkles, thirdly, it is injected in microdoses, there is such an amount of it in the blood of belov and sozonov that they would have died anyway, even if they hadn't been shot, listen, i'll have to tell my wife, probotox, it’s not yet time to shoot them somewhere, what a horror, with the pistol that was used to kill all three, there is one, it showed up in our databases. 3 months ago in arkhangelsk, during an armed robbery with murder, who was killed there? i don’t know, the case hasn’t been solved yet, this is a businessman, his last name, before that he withdrew a large amount of money from the bank, went home, well, they caught up with him at the entrance, one shot through the back in the heart, someone unknown became richer by 2 million rubles listen, come on for your health, come on
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lesha. "thank you for the prohibited energy drink, i’ll go stay awake, come on, come on, let’s give a fuck, be careful, get in, well done, redanov, he dealt with three, not with three, with two, one gave up on his own, listen, they completely fororized the members of the faction, and if..." honestly, i i didn’t present it to them, i didn’t have time, okay, come on, take them, i ’ll be there in half an hour, girls, come on, okay, well, let’s go, wait, i’m a fool, yes, well, thank god,
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at least you understand it yourself. there are cases when girls work in this profession, everything is great for them, of course it happens, one case out of a hundred, you are good at mathematics i studied at school, i got an a, well, i must understand that there are few chances, please take me home, i’ll take me, just talk to your mother, she’s still worried, and my advice to you is: stop at the institute as quickly as possible, only 2 years left, yes, let's go, let's go, beauty, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop defeating the fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters,
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paratroopers, firefighters, forest protection air force ros leskhoz - a reliable shield of the russian forests. stars. the final. saturday at 2120 on ntv. when you cook with pleasure, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. samat gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. attacked by credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one halva card from sovcombank, refinance them for 24 months , conveniently pay them off, and with halva from sovcombank we effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. what not enough for construction, easy to find on avito. huge selection of products from suppliers and low prices. all that remains is to build.
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later. today in yaroslavl, in kostroma 15:16 in the volga region and chernozem region it is still cooler, and the south is completely out of line with the spring schedule, cold, rain, gusty wind, so far no warm prospects. in st. petersburg today +18:20, no precipitation.
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we don’t know, maybe someone from the outside, here well, andryukh, go to the traffic police, do whatever you want, but find out from the cameras where golikov’s car could have gone, and you, ladies and gentlemen, let’s work, heroin, by the way, which the movers stored in the market, according to brynz, we during the search they didn’t find it, so look, work, listen, captain,
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can you track the car further along the highway? easy, the problem is when they turn onto country roads, but on the highways we now have almost complete coverage, thank you, look, really, oops, stop, stop, i turned, nothing, i know this turn, there is one road here, it leads to a recreation center, it’s called a bear’s den, great, write me the exact address of this base, yeah. excuse me , i’ll talk, yes, lenochka, i’m listening to you, andryusha, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, she left again, the phone is off, ira says she ran away, lenochka, calm down, but this can’t be, wait a little, she’ll come back, i talked to yesterday, it seemed to me that she understood everything, she’s an adequate girl, everything’s fine, okay, okay, i ’ll talk to her again, definitely. this evening, but i can’t now, i have work,
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work will end, i'll talk in the evening, okay, thank you, don't worry, everything is fine, he promised, he will find you, wife, no, thank you, yes, it was he, when he stopped by, he was definitely alive, with two girls, apparently, who they give their love in exchange for money. well, it’s clear, so your golik is alive, if these ladies didn’t stop by, it’s clear, well, take us through, please, everything is fine, beauty, naked! golikov, comrade golikov, wake up,
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hello, can i have some champagne, of course you can, of course, that’s how much health you need have to play tricks like that, and i ’m thinking about something else, he says, how much health do you need to have , so that, although well done, i’m even a little jealous, don’t envy, there’s a long road waiting for this pigeon to the government house, yeah, he’s gurgling, let’s get our bearings, golikov, the police the police have arrived, what kind of police, most of all, it ’s real, russian, golikov, just don’t sleep, i beg you, don’t sleep, golikov, don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep,
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you know, to be honest, i’m glad you’re alive, thank you, i’m touched, well, that’s not the point, it’s just that killing you would spoil our performance at the end of the quarter, why did you have a conflict with serko, because of money, what else, well, this is a general concept, let’s be more specific, “our theater received a large
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cash grant from the city committee for culture to renovate the premises, but to be honest, i don’t see a reason for a conflict yet, i just have a friend of mine, a construction company, and sirko wanted his friends to do the work, yeah, that is, the fight happened because of whose pocket the kickbacks will go, but let’s leave it this is the crime department, and i have the following question for you: serko, i wanted to order you, but this is the first time i’ve heard about this, no. yes, it can’t be, but why then did he come and hit me in the face, and that is, he caused a pogrom in your apartment, well, yes, he came during the day, swore, then got into a fight, gave me a blow, it turned out well without a fracture, that is the blood that we found there, it came from your nose, yes, then he
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drove off, and i thought that i should take a picture, i ordered the girls, we bought booze, grub, and then you saw at the camp site, yes, just don’t choke, nikita, tell me what you have good news, no, well, of course there is news, but i don’t know how good it is, i’m all ears, okay, i checked everything, immediately after returning from the last tour, serko left the city once, when so, look at the dates. oops, this is interesting, it means he told everyone that he was very sick that week, it turns out that’s where he went, no, he flew to arkhangelsk, alone, no, this is where the fun begins, he flew there alone , but he brought someone back, who?
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nikolai zarubin, yes, zarubin, we are on trial for robbery with murder, recently released for several years. back, listen, are you sure that this zarubin has something to do with our director’s trip to this arkhangelsk? of course, sirku paid for his ticket with his credit card, well, i don’t know, maybe the card was lost, it was hacked, so he bought a ticket for the seat next to him, this changes things, so what about zarubin, he has some connections in st. petersburg ? yes, vadim lyakhov, here the whole attitude is towards him, so, well, listen, nikitos, what a great guy you are, thank you, i’m like that, thank you, yes, remind me to give you a bonus this month. thank you! well, pasha, control the windows, andryukha, we're going to
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the apartment. just be extremely vigilant, perhaps they are armed, calmly, i myself am vigilant, lyakhov, open the police. and preferably without nonsense, listen, igor, just in case, move away from sin, don’t give a damn, you scumbags,
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stand still, don’t move, drop your weapon. we’re lying quietly, we’ve fought through everything, well , it’ll take 15 years, so what, he’s silent, silent, georgievich, sit down according to old habit, thank you. it's a pity, but you know, we need it talkativeness is not so necessary, yeah, the examination found that in the bag there is heroin of afghan origin, about 5 kg, the pm pistol, with which sazonovo, serko and belov were shot at the market, was confiscated from citizen zarubin during his arrest, great, and the main thing is that
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typically, on the pistol, both on the external and internal parts, there are fingerprints exclusively of citizen zarubin, beauty. that i don’t think he’ll be able to put the blame on someone else, no, that’s three murders, plus a fourth in arkhangelsk, drugs, well, resistance to the police officers, this is mandatory, i think that this will lead to a life sentence, i want to make a sincere confession, i ask you to write it down in honor when imposing punishment, well, finally, for a ruby, after all, 25 is not a life sentence, it’s i see, well... let me tell you, well , i learned about drugs from my relative, from whom, from sirko, he is the husband of olga, my cousin’s sister, we continued with him after her death. maintain an attitude, well, he once blurted out that he brought drugs from central asia, when, when the theater there was on
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on tour, and for whom he brought the drugs, for belov and sozonov, yes, they promised to pay him for the delivery, they promised 100 thousand, yeah, serko decided that this was not enough, he decided to torment them, take the money and drugs for himself, botox for them he poured in the cognac, but you probably already know that, well, yes, but how did you end up mining there, he decided to take me on as backup. what if they don’t drink or something else happens, but you also didn’t want to separate from the serco, not only that, i’m not a fool, i understand that the loaders are in the chain there were real bosses on drugs, they would have started looking for people who had torn people apart, they would have gone to the police, serko would have turned me in, and so i cut off all the ends, olyakhov is my proven sidekick, he won’t ask too much of himself and allowed me to survive. and generally fit in with me, he didn’t know much, don’t hang too much on him, in general, if it weren’t for you, i would
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have been far from here with drugs and money, of course, the police are always to blame for everything, really, comrade colonel , yes, comrade major, can i go back to the hospital, it hurts, andrey, oh, hello, hello, what are you doing here, you? i want to say thank you for saving me, there’s nothing to thank me for, thank your mother, look how worried she is about you, by the way, why aren’t you answering calls, she’s already called me twice, she’s out of charge, well i understand, i understand that they are fuming in vain, so, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with me, snow? yes, the weather is wonderful, well, thank you again for
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saving me, because i could have left, i couldn’t go anywhere, i have such a job, that means only because of work, why only because work, clearly, hope, you are sweet, charming. girl, everything is ahead of you, and i’m just an opera of the combat department and you don’t need to make me a romantic hero, not what you need, well, what i need, you can’t know, i can and i know, you need to study well, listen to your mother and don’t do anything stupid, i understand, i understand, let’s go home, i’ll take her to my mother, of course, i’ll take her, well, let’s go, the weather is bad today, of course,
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we’ll find out the details of the emergency, listen! autostory in the first broadcast on ntv program emergency incident in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya holiday with marks on the eyes and cars in the moscow region a cheerful company on the may weekend ended up in a crime pit, in general the locals say, travel to this quarter has been prohibited for several weeks precisely because of that very pit, which workers dug up in an attempt to fix a pipeline accident, but...


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