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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 15, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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good friend and strategic partner, why is the visit to china the first after the inauguration and what else did putin talk about in an interview with xinhua, florists of the special operation.
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on the first working day of the cabinet of ministers and directors of services, vladimir putin signed the corresponding decree on their appointment the day before . the document was published on the kremlin website. the state duma approved the proposed candidacy of ten deputy prime ministers and 16 ministers; the federation council recognized two-day consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services submitted for consideration by the president. and late in the evening the head of state met with the new one in the kremlin.
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we have plans, i ask you to take this seriously, and from what we have outlined, and from how we have planned to do it, take into account in practical work and the proposals of state duma deputies, we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable , for the confident development of our country, to act together, in a single formation, as they say, in military terms, together with the deputies. the state duma together with the regions of the russian federation, the candidacy of vice-president mikhail mishustin, confirmed as prime minister, in turn outlined the priorities of the work of the new cabinet by parliamentarians, the composition of the government, you know, was generally preserved, was strengthened by the gubernatorial corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs, national projects that we were involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here. very important,
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the main task for our government is this is, first of all, the implementation of the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course , all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all the tasks. good neighbors, a reliable friend, and another one of the main strategic and economic partners. vladimir putin gave a detailed interview about the relationship between moscow and beijing. to the chinese news agency xinhua ahead of his two-day state visit to the prc. the russian leader has repeatedly emphasized that bilateral cooperation has reached its highest level in history and continues to strengthen. our countries have similar positions on key issues on the international agenda. this is the supremacy of international law, equal, indivisible sustainable security at both the global and regional levels. at the same time, all attempts by the west to impose its order are the basis. on lies and hypocrisy are unacceptable.
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the president paid special attention to trade and economic relations. they are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges and crises. over the past 5 years, trade turnover has doubled; last year it reached almost 228 billion dollars. another topic is resolving the ukrainian crisis. vladimir putin emphasized that moscow positively evaluates beijing’s approaches to this issue, and the prc understands it perfectly. first reasons, which were reflected in the february twelve-point plan. in the interview, vladimir putin also touched on cultural relations with china, the brix chairmanship, cooperation within the sco and beyond. let me add, this will be the president’s first foreign visit since he took office. in the zone of a special military operation, tankers from the center group of forces repelled a counterattack of the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction, and attack aircraft pilots from. 25
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hit armored vehicles and infantry. serious fighting is currently taking place in the yuzhnodonetsk sector. there are crews of specially powerful mortars working there, a tulip capable of destroying even deeply fortified ones. positions and control points. report by evgeny golobanov. when is the most the most powerful self-propelled mortar in the world, the tulip emerges from cover, even the earth trembles, almost 30 tons of iron. an engine of more than 500 horses accelerates this colossus to 60 km/h. over rough terrain, of course, it’s a little slower, but it’s quite enough to keep the lights on for a long time when rolling in open areas. i choose the shooting area and firing position in advance, so that later, when the order to open fire comes, i don’t waste time searching for it. a small clearing in a forest belt, with low trees, hiding the vehicles, but not perfectly interfering with the gun, they unfold rhythmically. while
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the crew is planting the tulip in the ground, the gunner installs a bead, using it to measure the azimuth and calculate the angle. elevation of the barrel to accurately hit the target according to coordinates obtained from air or ground reconnaissance. ready! then follow the long-established algorithm: aim, load and open fire. and we work on strong points, on bunkers, pillboxes, high-explosive steel mines, ordinary ones, penetrate up to 2-3 m of concrete shelters, destroy them completely inside. in general, artillery is a whole science, an exact and complex science, it is learned over the course of several years in special military artillery schools, but here at the front, recruits master the skills in a short time, of course, there is shooting training at the firing range, but really all the subtleties and nuances this
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military craft is learned only on the first combat tours, everything comes with experience, a black man charging with the call sign in civilian life worked with forestry and... gather strength and everything and work normally, everything is trained for everyone, even our new recruits come, we it’s normal, we taught everyone, we train everyone too. the crew commander with the call sign gemini at one time served as a conscript in the border troops, and here he had to master the basics of artillery. three of his nephews are fighting in the northern military district; his family provides for the house. a reliable rear, it’s easier to fight, well, i have parents, a wife, children, grandchildren, of course it’s important for them, and for me it’s important that they love me, they’re waiting for me, it’s 100% important that everything is fine at home, he’s for he worries about every fighter
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as if he were his own son, by the way, by their age they are suitable as sons for him, but by their father’s they may be shout out if anyone hesitates, leave after shooting, you have to even faster than they turned around, before the ukrainian artillery... in response tried to cut off the tulip. evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, sergey pikulin and alya rebzhanov, ntv. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. now one of the key tasks of russian units in the special operation zone is to push the militants away from populated areas. this will prevent shelling of civilians, including in belgorod. the identification of victims in tragedy 12 continues there. may, when part of a ukrainian missile shot down by air defense hit a multi-story building, causing it to collapse. an entire entrance, 17 people died, the fate of one resident is still unknown, while the city remains under constant threat, during the day the missile danger siren sounded at least 16 times, pavel rybalchenko reports from belgorod. vlada olenikova arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack immediately
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after they called her and told her the terrible news: it was her mother who was found under the rubble. i didn’t have a home, i arrived, there were no walls, everything inside was burned. didn't let me in no one, the ministry of emergency situations came, cleared away the rubble, they couldn’t do it earlier because there was a threat of the entrance collapsing, now they cleared away the rubble, she was hiding in the bathtub, neighbors who weren’t there, where was the passage, everyone died there, a family with a little girl, they all died , points to the windows of her apartment, according to the woman, a few hours before the tragedy about...
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they continue to dare to launch missiles into the city. the sixth siren in just one morning over belgorod. we hide in the nearest entrance, they are all open, we can take cover. all these people we came to... 55 to see what was left of their apartments and pick up the surviving things. hiding from the shelling in the next entrance, we learn another story of salvation. the apartment is in a joint, collapsed. our apartment is hanging, and where were you at the moment when everyone left for moscow, our granddaughter was born in moscow, he saved us. on the day when the whole country was shaken by the news of a rocket hitting a building, another one happened in belgorod. right on the street. a student of the belgorod state institute of cultural arts was killed by shell fragments. to the funeral
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they carry mourning wreaths, as well as sirens about a new missile attack. every day people die here, we look through all the reports, we look at everything, yes, every day they die somewhere, every day they bury, of course, without reports, only all this goes on more, most of it, but quickly, they report quickly. attributes of the life of belgorod residents in recent months. sirens, notifications about missile danger in instant messengers, these are the blocks, a new gloomy architectural trend. reinforced concrete shelter, such as in belgorod at almost every turn, inside there are stands with everything you need information, from emergency numbers to step-by-step algorithms in case someone gets injured. it is not always possible to hide from shelling, especially if you are driving at the time of arrival. a few days ago i was leaving the house, a siren went off and... and i didn’t understand where the fragment came from,
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well, my arm got caught, nothing serious, i pulled it out myself, i’m a former military man, i came home, where should i go, i lost my leg, oh , forgive me, i am like that, wow, you’ve already returned here due to injury, well now prosthetics. according to the ministry of defense, last tuesday russian troops liberated the village of bugrovadka and struck significant concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ssu in the areas of veselovo, volchansk and leptsov in the kharkov region. it was from these territories that the militants fired at belgorod. pavel rybalchenko, alexey ermakov, alexander mikhailov, ntv television company. the so-called zelensky peace plan, which the west intends to promote in switzerland at a conference. on the ukrainian crisis is completely divorced from reality and will not lead to a resolution of the conflict, since it ignores the interests
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of moscow. postpret russia stated this at a meeting of the un security council. vasily nebenzi especially noted that the united states and its satellites have been preparing ukraine for confrontation with russia since at least 2014, and ultimately forced ukraine to fight for its western geopolitical interests. there is only one goal - to weaken russia. by speaking directly to representatives of developing countries.
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russia will not be represented there. georgia, unlike the kiev regime, turned out to be the united states is not such an obedient dependent that washington even threatened to fundamentally reconsider relations with tbilisi. the reason is the adoption of the controversial law on transparency of foreign influence. the day before, georgian deputies literally approved it in the third reading. the deputies' fervor was supported by activists near the walls of parliament; opponents of the law again tried to break through the barrier, but in the end they were pushed back by the police. the president of the country has already stated that he will veto the decision, but his deputies will also be able to bypass it if they wish. washington was directly stated if the so-called law on foreign agents is adopted, georgia will integrate into the eu. is a big question. the us congress has even sent a letter threatening to make it difficult for citizens
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of the country to obtain american visas and introduce personal sanctions. the law is required to be revoked in the european union. at the same time, the georgian document, in fact, repeats a similar norm adopted in the united states in 1938 and is still in force. in australia, a loud scandal surrounding the army is gaining momentum, or rather its crimes during a long campaign in afghanistan, where australians. supported by the us contingent. the result is known, the americans, along with their allies, left there in disgrace. but now it turns out that australian soldiers also have a lot of blood on their hands. dozens of killed civilians, these are only proven episodes, and the materials are published by a former officer who now finds himself in the dock . elizabeth gerson will continue. david mcbride served in afghanistan in 2011 and thirteen. he left the army due to post-traumatic syndrome, because of this he was allowed to bring his dog to court for
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emotional support. but you will have to part with the mongrel, and post-traumatic syndrome is unlikely to go away. mcbride was sentenced to 5 years and eight months in prison . my goal was not to avoid prison, but to bring about change in australia, and my imprisonment may be a necessary step in achieving this goal. but there is nothing good for australia in this imprisonment. the guardian writes: is it really good for australia to jail a whistleblower who reported war crimes in afghanistan? former military lawyer, collected evidence of crimes of australian special forces against the civilian population of afghanistan. he knew of ten murders of unarmed men and children. the military, be it british or australian, is traditionally shielded by the leadership. claiming that the afghans, after being detained, took out weapons from under the covers and posed a threat to
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the bearers of democratic values. it is impossible for such unprofessionals to work in the special forces. they would have been fired by saying that if an afghan can grab a grenade hidden behind a curtain under your nose, you won't you deserve to be in special forces. mac bright appeared as an expert on a bbc program about similar war crimes by british special forces. he also passed on the evidence he collected to australia's abc. in australia, a series of reports called the afghan files was published in 2017 . the author of the reports received a medal for the magazine.
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an abc journalist renamed this operation operation black hole. afghanistan became a black hole in which some events took place, but what happened there in the fields remained in the fields. in as a result of the publication of these documents , only the whistleblower david mcbright himself was arrested, but not the military accused of crimes committed in black holes on unanswered fields. in the second half of may, that is, from the day. today, a court in london must decide whether juliana assange can or cannot challenge the extradition decision to the united states. asange's case is similar to mcbride's, and not just because they are both australians. and sanch, as a more prominent figure, can end up on nara for not five, but 175 years. but the essence of the accusations is similar. the american or australian authorities
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who are prosecuting them both consider it a crime to reveal war crimes. on the wikileaks website, assange published, in addition to approximately 700 thousand other documents, a video from 2007 with the shooting by the american military from a helicopter of residents of baghdad who did not pose any danger to them, including reporters, one with a camera, the other with a phone in his hands, video accompanied by a commentary from cheerful american soldiers. i got it, oh yeah, look at these dead bastards. in that there were no cases. iraq, libya, yemen, afghanistan, arab spring, escalation in the middle east, sudan crisis, ask your minister
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memeron, he then voted for the invasion of iraq, and later tried to stop. this concludes the program for viewers in central russia, thank you for being with us. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 17% per annum, open a deposit
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anadar, winter snowstorms, strong winds, and zero feels like -10. it will still drizzle on the islands in the south of the khabarovsk territory. but soon very warm air will reach there from transbaikalia. in chita today there are almost 25, in vladivostok so far 13. siberia, atmospheric front. divided into a warm but rainy east and a cool, sunny west. remnants of heat still linger in altai and khakassia, but in krasnoyarsk it is already raining and +19, the bezhik of the urals is colder and more noticeable up to +15, in tyumen it is only 11, in yekaterinburg 10. warmth is finally returning to european territory. the northern regions are the first to receive it, and deservedly so, because it is the northern cyclone that is responsible for the process, it was he who blocked the road arctic. and in the north it was cold and snowy for so long that you could ride in the khibiny on the may holidays.


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