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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 15, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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beauty, friend and strategic partner, why is the visit to china the first after the inauguration, what else did putin talk about in the interview.
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"hello, good neighbor, reliable friend, and another one of the main strategic and economic partners. vladimir putin gave a detailed interview about the relationship between moscow and beijing to the chinese xinhua news agency on the eve of his two-day state visit to the prc. the russian leader has repeatedly emphasized: bilateral interaction has reached highest level in history continues strengthen. our countries have similar positions on key international issues. the agenda is the supremacy of international law, equal, indivisible sustainable security at both the global and regional levels. at the same time, all attempts by the west to impose its order, based on lies and hypocrisy, are unacceptable. the president paid special attention to trade and economic relations. they are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges and crises. over the past 5 years, trade turnover has doubled; last year it reached almost 220. another topic is the resolution
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of the ukrainian crisis. vladimir putin emphasized that moscow positively evaluates beijing’s approaches to this issue. the prc is well aware of its root causes, which is reflected in the february twelve-point plan. in the interview, vladimir putin also touched on cultural relations with china, the brix chairmanship, cooperation within the sco and more. let me add, this will be the president’s first foreign visit since he took office. the so-called zelensky peace plan, which the west intends to promote in switzerland at a conference on the ukrainian crisis is completely divorced from reality and will not lead to a resolution of the conflict, since it ignores the interests of moscow. russia's envoy stated this at a meeting of the un security council. vasily nebendi especially noted that the united states and its satellites have been preparing ukraine for confrontation with russia at least since 2014.
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tulip, capable of destroying even deeply fortified positions and control centers. report by evgeny golovanov. when the world's most powerful self-propelled mortar tulip gets out of the shelter, even the earth trembles , almost 30 tons of iron. an engine of more than 500 horses accelerates this colossus. up to 60 km/h over rough terrain, of course, a little slower, but quite enough to keep the lights on for a long time when rolling in open areas. i choose the shooting area and firing position in advance, so that later, when the order to open fire comes, i don’t waste time searching for it. a small clearing in a forest belt with low trees that hide cars, but do not interfere with the gun, perfect, unfold rhythmically. while
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the crew is planting the tulip in the ground, the gunner installs the bead, with its help the azimuth is measured and the elevation angle of the barrel is calculated, for accuracy... the complex thing is learned over the course of several years in special military artillery schools, but here at the front recruits master the skills in a short time , of course, there is shooting training at the firing range, but truly all the subtleties and nuances of this
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military craft are learned only on the first combat trips, everything comes with experience, charging with the call sign black in civilian life , he worked with an electrician at a car repair plant. he recalls that in the first month in the svo zone it was difficult and unusual, but he quickly got involved, now he is in the role of a mentor. you can get used to it, gather your strength, and just work. it’s normal, that’s it, everything’s fine with everyone. everyone has been taught, everyone is being taught. even our new ones are transferring, we also train them. the crew commander with the call sign gemini at one time served as a conscript in the border troops, and here he had to master the skills of artillery. there are three of him fighting in the northern military district nephews. the family at home provides a reliable rear, and it is easier to fight. son, by the way, by age they are his sons and
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are suitable for him, as a father he can even shout, he worries about each soldier as if he were his own , if someone hesitates, they must leave after firing even faster than they turned around, before the ukrainian artillerymen tried to cut him off in response . evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, sergey pikulin and alya rebzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. now one of the key tasks is for russian units in the zone special operations to push the militants away from populated areas. this will prevent shelling of civilians, including in belgorod. there, the identification of victims of the may 12 tragedy continues, when part of a ukrainian missile shot down by air defense hit a multi-story building, causing the collapse of an entire entrance. 17 people died. the fate of one resident is still unknown, while the city remains under constant threat; during the day , the missile danger siren sounded at least 16 times, pavel rybalchenko reports from belgorod. vlada oleynikova arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack immediately after they called her and told her
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the terrible news: it was her mother who was found under the rubble. i didn’t have a home, i arrived, there were no walls, everything inside was burned, they didn’t let anyone in. the ministry of emergency situations came, cleared away the rubble, they couldn’t do it earlier because there was a threat of the entrance collapsing, now they cleared away the rubble, she was hiding in the bathtub. neighbors who are not anywhere near us all died there, a family with a little girl, they all died. olga slyusarchuk points to the window of her apartment.
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our granddaughter was born in moscow and he saved us. on the day when the whole country was shaken by the news about a rocket that hit a building, another one happened in belgorod, right on the street; a student of the belgorod state institute of cultural arts was killed by shell fragments. funeral wreaths are carried at funerals, and
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sirens about a new missile attack are also heard. every day people die here, we look through all the reports, we look at everything, yes, every day they die somewhere, every day they are buried. emergency services to step-by-step algorithms in case someone gets injured. take cover it doesn’t always work out from shelling, especially if you’re driving at the time of arrival. a few days ago i was leaving the house, the siren went off and i don’t remember. where the fragment came from, well, it caught my arm,
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nothing serious, i pulled it out myself, i’m a former military man, i came home, where should i go, i lost my leg, oh, excuse me, well, yes, there is such a thing, wow, you’re all wounded , we’ve already returned here, now we’ll do the prosthetics, let’s go back to fight. according to the ministry of defense, last tuesday russian troops liberated the village of bugrovatka struck significant concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of veselovo, volchansk and leptsov in the kharkov region. it was from these territories that the militants fired at belgorod. pavel rybalchenko, alexey ermakov, alexander mikhailov, ntv television company. next, a short advertisement, after which we will tell you about the list of medications that the ministry of health does not recommend for use by drivers. artificial intelligence is connected to google search, what washington threatens georgia with if
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the so-called law on foreign agents comes into force, well as well as an unusual experiment in the altai territory to resolve the personnel issue with medical workers in villages. ice delux is a mountain of pleasure. sweet waterfalls and a filaria of tastes. try your favorite ice delux and new flavors. mango is just a tasty point. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases. you receive a supercake in rubles every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. what's profitable alpha profitable magnet - price, what's needed, barney bear from
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final on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. you are looking ntv. we continue the release. the ministry of health has compiled a list of medications that are prohibited from driving after consumption. this list immediately began to be actively discussed, because it contains more than 200 drugs, and many of them are very popular, but the ministry of health itself tried to reassure drivers. business news marina piminova. marin, so what’s the end result? is it possible or not? mezdravye says that the list is for informational purposes only. the ministry of health has prepared a list of drugs that are not classified as narcotic or psychotropic, but after consuming which it is forbidden to drive. the head of the expert center there are no traffic jams, alexander shumsky, announced this in his telegram channel, noting that the public learned about the list thanks to a deputy request from yaroslav nilov. as the newspaper kommersant notes,
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the ministry of health provided such a comprehensive list for the first time, but this hardly made drivers feel any better, because the list, as ... says, contains more than 200 drugs, including a very popular one. there, for example, antipyretic drugs teraflu, firvex and antigripin, coldrex night, maxicold and coldukt, painkillers salpodein, nurofen plus and spasmal and allergy drugs, tavigil, suprastin cloritin. true, the ministry of health clarifies that this list is for informational purposes only; currently the law does not stipulate any punishment for drivers for using these drugs. the russian stock market continues its sluggish movements; alor broker analysts say that players see no reason for either aggressive purchases or similar sales. ruble in the morning still thoughtful, dollar 91.32, euro 98.95. today, the dollar exchange rate can significantly move inflation statistics in the united states. the russian
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direct investment fund, together with chinese partners, have made more than 50 investments that have attracted investment into the russian economy. fpill dmitriev, general director, spoke about this on the eve of vladimir putin’s visit to china. over the past 12 years, it is rdif projects with chinese partners that account for more than 60% of all projects between russia and china. and accordingly, these projects, which affect a lot various sectors and infrastructure, and industry, and new technologies and other sectors, pharmaceuticals. and others, they play a very important role for the development of russian-chinese relations. as kirill dmitriev added, rdif will soon announce new investments in china, for example, in a port for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the khabarovsk territory. they will also sign agreements on investments in russian technology companies and the localization of some medicines from china on the russian market.
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dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina pimenov with business news. continuing the themes of big business. google corporation announced the introduction of new algorithms into its search engine by the end of this week. now, when you make a request, google will add answers to the page that are generated by artificial intelligence. according to the wall street journal, billions of users will soon be able to see his answers at the top of the search page. the company is confident that this will help attract new customers and change the profitable business in the field of internet search. is it true, journalists are wondering what to do with the reliability of the data, after all. artificial intelligence is often caught with fakes, invented information that does not correspond to reality. this applies not only to images, but also to facts, events, people, and so on. google knows about this feature, they assure that they will improve the system, but they do not promise that it will work without errors. it will soon be very
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difficult to obtain reliable information on the internet, and more and more people and organizations are acquiring the habit of double-checking it. this is exactly what the court in australia is currently doing. the case of one of the army officers who provided information about the crimes of the australian military during the afghan campaign is being examined. we are talking about the killing of dozens of afghan civilians. the officer spent a long time collecting uninvented evidence, but instead of being rewarded for his pursuit of justice, he was deprived of his freedom. elizabeth gerson on how truth becomes inconvenient in the standards of democracy. served in afghanistan in 2011 and 13, left the army due to post-traumatic syndrome, because of this , he was allowed to come to court with an emotional support dog.
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he knew about ten murders of unarmed men and children, military personnel, be they british or australians, which the leadership traditionally defended, arguing that the afghans, after being detained, took out weapons from under the covers and posed a threat to the bearers of democratic values. it is impossible for such unprofessionals to work in the special forces; they would be fired, saying that if under your nose an afghan can grab a grenade hidden behind
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curtain, you don't deserve to be in the special forces. mcbright appeared as an expert on a bbc program about similar war crimes by british special forces. he also passed on the evidence he collected to australia's abc. in australia, a series of reports called afghan. in the second half of may, that is, any day now, the court in london must decide whether juliana asange will be able or not to challenge the decision on extradition to the united states. the asanja case is similar to the mcbride case, and not only because both they are australians. assange, as a more prominent figure, may end up on naar not for 5, but for 175 years, but the essence of the accusation. similar: the american or australian authorities who are prosecuting them both consider it a crime to reveal war crimes. on the wikileaks website, assange
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published, in addition to approximately 700 thousand other documents, a video from 2007 showing the shooting by the american military from a helicopter of residents of baghdad who did not pose any danger to them, including reporters. one had a camera, the other had a phone in hands. the video was accompanied by a comment from cheerful american soldiers: a-ha-ha, i got it, oh yeah, look at these dead bastards. in this case , the american military was not arrested, but a sophisticated persecution began against asandzh, who was trying to hide from the americans in britain. maria zakharova reminded prime minister sunak the day before that the british authorities were similarly covering up the war crimes of their army. iraq, libya, yemen, afghanistan,
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he says, if the speaker, of course, can reach the hands of london, washington or cambera. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, maxim zaeychenko and alexander gusev, ntv television company. london. georgia, unlike the kiev regime, turned out to be not such an obedient dependent for the united states that washington even threatened to fundamentally reconsider relations with tbelisi. the reason is the adoption of the controversial law on transparency of foreign influence. the day before, georgian deputies literally fought and approved it in the third reading. the deputies' fervor was supported by activists outside the parliament. opponents of the law again tried to break through
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barricade, but were eventually pushed back by the police. the president of the country has already stated that she will veto the decision, but the deputies will also be able to bypass it if they wish. and in washington they directly stated that if the so-called law on foreign agents comes into force, georgia’s integration into the eu will be in big doubt. the us congress has even sent a letter threatening to make it difficult for citizens of the country to obtain american visas and introduce personal sanctions. the law is required to be revoked in the european union. at the same time, the georgian document essentially repeats a similar norm, adopted in the usa in 1938 and still in force. state duma deputies proposed introducing benefits for employers who employ minors. now in the lower house of parliament. there is a shortage of personnel in the country, nikita
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korabenkov, more details and an elbow, as if you are fluttering with a wing, uh-huh, tanya’s piano tutor is not much older than her student, but sasha, even though she is only 15, for tanya she is alexandra sergeevna, a guide to the world of music. i decided to do this because i wanted to have my own pocket money, i looked for vacancies and looked. i’m scared to work as a courier, and handing out leaflets is not my thing, and i recently graduated from music school, so i decided to do tutoring, sit, sit, sit, my wife’s students are not so diligent, but she rather likes it, in the near future she will be a girl dreams of connecting her life and profession with dogs, so at the age of 15 she chose dog walking as her job, i came
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to work to... gain experience, well, for my own small expenses, so as not to ask my mother for money, well, little by little save up for my dream, my dream is a dog, i want to become a police dog handler, once i saw a video with dog handlers, how they rescue people, look for all sorts of prohibited substances, i realized that this is mine, and there are many such teenagers in the country, some are looking for part-time work for the summer, others want already from school to gain work experience, the state duma decided to have such zeal: to support the children, now legislators are working on creating a register of bona fide employers for minors, getting into it will give preference, like a ban on inspections, and for the children themselves they are forming list of professions recommended for minors. 91% of our teenagers want to work part-time during the holidays, and we must respond to this request by simplifying this employment. the list of professions, it is based on the requests
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of the guys themselves, and where employers attract our guys more, here are couriers, here are vozhatov’s assistants, here are landscapers, here is actually a winegrower, for those who already know what they want in the future , experts advise starting to build a career even before passing the unified state exam and paying attention to those vacancies that involve intellectual work. the more intellectual the work, the higher the potential for career growth, but at the same time, the less money they pay you. here everything is the same...
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in the altai territory postmen, teachers, housewives left their villages for a while to learn a new profession, assistant felcher, age is not important, medical education too, the main thing is desire, a pilot project of the regional ministry of health should provide personnel, which are now sorely lacking in remote villages, what the novice helpers have already learned and why they decided to change their lives, vlada kopolovskaya found out.
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a year ago,
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something new was being added to the training program, so the students asked to arrange an internship for them in a hospital, so that they would have practice not only on mannequins, they have a great need for knowledge, for knowledge, for skills, that is, they are all very absorb like a sponge, they are very interested, ask a
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lot of questions, practice skills, well, how motivated are people, love at home last 2 i took care of bedridden relatives for years, practically lived in the hospital, studying after such a school of life is easy. and there is also fear of resuscitation and fear of losing a person, this is probably difficult, well, we must be able to do it 100%, because the village is located far from the region, until he arrives soon, everything is in our hands, here they teach how to resuscitate, use devices , take care of stomas, but for example, only a felcher can give vaccinations, and for doctors it is important that information about the condition of patients in remote villages quickly reaches area. hospital, we have problems - these are silent people, this is a population that does not go anywhere, does not apply anywhere, we need to raise these people, the assistant felcher, as the first person in the village, that is, for this purpose,
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that he will go to the house, invite they, those who cannot come on their own, are also visited by a mobile factory, there are 44 of them in the region, buses go to small villages where there is no felcher and no one is expected, inside there is a full set of stationary station, an examination room with a gynecological... chair, manual apparatus for artificial ventilation of the lungs, an electrocardiograph, in fact, a medical office itself, there is even a waiting area, four places, there are also more than 800 inpatient medical centers, but there are clearly not enough workers in them, assistant assistants, of course, will not be a full-fledged replacement for specialists with education, their task is different, to provide assistance more accessible, so irina brezhneva notes, often people are not waiting for help, attention, they don’t like how the pressure is measured there, that they are sick, how do they communicate?
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altai territory, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon, how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflexovolar, movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow, in the studio irina polyakova. hello! european territory of russia, we have a cyclone in the north and an anticyclone in the south, they both, to the best of their abilities, are determined to bring the weather to may standards. the cyclone stopped the icy river of arctic air with its body, the anticyclone in its quiet atmosphere will
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transform the cold that has already arrived. moreover , the heat that today reached petrozavodsk and arkhangelsk will tomorrow move from there further south to veliky novgorod and kostroma, and there it will warm up to almost 22°, in kostroma to 19, and even further south. all hope only for the sun to work, here in voronezh, the maximum so far is only +14. and it’s completely uncomfortable in the south: rains of varying intensity, five degrees colder than expected and cooler than in veliky novgorod or pskov, +22 there, in st. petersburg tomorrow +19, no precipitation, in moscow, the thermometer should show +18:20, too finally, it’s almost normal in may. purely? what does clean mean? that there is no one? strange. about.


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