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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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similar positions of the two countries on key issues vladimir putin gave an interview to chinese media on the eve of his visit to china. first meeting of the renewed government. what decisions have already been made? to remove the constant threat, our military takes the positions of the militants, from where they fired on belgorod. the ministry of health has released a list of medications that prevent you from driving, which we will cover in this list in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. relations between russia and china have reached their highest level in throughout history, continues to strengthen. this is the point of view of vladimir putin. expressed in
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an interview with the chinese xinhua news agency. the conversation took place on the eve of the russian leader's two-day state visit to beijing. putin emphasized that china was the first country he would visit after taking office, all thanks to an unprecedented level of strategic partnership. states have similar positions on key issues on the international agenda. this is the supremacy of international law, equal, indivisible, sustainable security in global and regional levels. at the same time , all the west’s attempts to impose its order are based on lies and hypocrisy. unacceptable, the president paid special attention to trade and economic ties, they are rapidly developing, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges. over the past 5 years, trade turnover has doubled; last year it reached almost $228 billion. another topic: the ukrainian crisis, vladimir putin emphasized beijing’s ideas could form the basis for a settlement. moscow positively assesses beijing’s approaches, because in the prc understands well the root causes of what happened. this is reflected in china's twelve point plan.
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called china a good neighbor and reliable friend. the so-called peace plan that countries implement all of zelensky’s plans, which will be discussed in switzerland at a conference on the ukrainian crisis, is completely divorced from reality and will not lead to a resolution of the conflict, since it ignores... moscow. the permanent representative of russia stated this at a meeting of the un security council. vasily nebenze especially noted that the united states and its satellites were preparing ukraine for confrontation with russia since at least 2014 . and in the end they were forced to fight for their western geopolitical interests. there is only one goal - to weaken russia. addressing directly to representatives of developing countries, vasily nebenze stated that by allowing himself to be drawn into a discussion of the kiev form of the world and those states, at best, they would waste the time of collective self-hypnosis. at worst
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, you will become accomplices in efforts to prolong the reign of the kiev regime, and the price for this will be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives ordinary ukrainians, who are being thrown into a senseless meat grinder against their will and against the interests of their country , can it be stopped by sending zelensky and his gang, and all the maidan power, to where they deserve, the dustbin of history, this is exactly what we are doing now. a conference on the ukrainian crisis, initiated by the west, is expected to take place in switzerland on 15-16.
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i wasn’t at home, i arrived, there were no walls, everything inside was burned, they didn’t let anyone in, the ministry of emergency situations came and cleared away the rubble, they couldn’t do it earlier because there was a threat the entrance collapsed, now the rubble has been cleared away, she was hiding in the bathtub, neighbors who are not there, where the passage is, everyone died there. according to the woman, a few hours before the tragedy, she went to visit her neighbors, talked and left, this was their last conversation. i left for the village in the evening to pick up the child. did you have someone close to you? no, i’m still alive, but my friends, neighbors, wonderful people, died.
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which we will miss very much, not only the pictures of monstrous destruction remind us of the terrible tragedy in the house of nashchors, but also the incessant sound of sirens in so, as if mockingly, continues to torment: all these people came to house 55 to see what was left of their apartments to take away the surviving things, hiding from the shelling in the next entrance, we learn another rescue story, the apartment collapsed end-to-end, our apartment is hanging, and where were you at the moment when everything was there?
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attributes of the life of belgorod residents in recent months: sirens, notifications about missile danger in instant messengers, blocks like this, a new, gloomy architectural trend. reinforced concrete shelter, such as in belgorod at almost every step, inside there are stands with all the necessary information from emergency phone numbers to step-by-step algorithms in case someone gets injured. it is not always possible to hide from shelling, especially if you are driving at the time of arrival. a few days ago i was leaving the house, the siren went off and i didn’t understand where the fragment came from, but my hand got caught,
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nothing serious, i pulled it out myself, i’m a former military man, i came home, well, where should i go, i lost my leg on... " oh, excuse me, well, yes, there is such a thing, wow, because you were injured, everyone has already returned here, well, now we’ll do the prosthetics, let’s go back to fight. according to the ministry of defense, last tuesday, russian troops liberated the village of bugrovatka and struck significant concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of vesely, volchansk and leptsov in the kharkov region. it was from these territories that the militants fired at belgorod." pavel rybalchenko, alexey ermakov, alexander mikhailov, ntv television company. mikhail mishustin held the first meeting with the new cabinet of ministers today. opening the meeting, the head of government noted that a lot of work awaits the ministers; in order to justify the trust of the president and citizens, they need to act clearly and effectively. in
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the current difficult conditions, we need to act in unified formation and organize all the work without any pauses. colleagues, please. pay close attention to achieving the updated development goals of our country until 2030 and for the future until 2036, as well as the implementation of all provisions of the president’s message to the federal assembly, they should be priorities in your activities and i ask everyone to follow this closely, and not to forget about the main thing: our task is to carry out the president’s instructions in full and on time. is doing everything possible to improve the quality of life of people in each region, including in the near future it is necessary to determine financial support for plans to support families, citizens and businesses, by the way, we talked about this yesterday with the president of the region, kurgan region, so
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the government will allocate additional rub 4.5 billion respectively kurgan orenburg regions to combat the consequences of spring attacks and pay people. in addition, enterprises affected by floods in the orenburg region will receive. the ministry of health compiled a list of medications, after the use of which it is prohibited to drive a vehicle, this list immediately began to be actively discussed, because it contains more than 200 drugs and many of them are very popular, but the ministry of health itself tried to reassure the drivers, further on the air business news, with us denis valaev, denis, well, in the end, is it possible or not, well , at least the ministry of health says that the list are of an informational nature. has prepared a list of drugs that are not classified as narcotic or psychotropic, but after using which it is prohibited to drive . the head of the expert center there are no traffic jams, alexander shumsky, announced this in his telegram channel, noting that the public learned about the list thanks to a deputy request from yaroslav nilov. as
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the kommersant newspaper notes, the ministry of health provided such an exhaustive list for the first time, but this did not make drivers feel any better, because the list reportedly contains more than 200. they clarify that this list is for informational purposes only; currently the law does not stipulate any punishment for drivers for using these drugs. more clarity on this issue may appear after the state duma considers amendments to the code of administrative offenses, which regulate for which drugs a driver can be deprived of his license. as gazekommer was informed by the duma committee on state construction, this bill may be considered next in the first reading. the list of drugs that everyone is talking about now
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is not a draft regulatory act. federal the customs service in russia has received a new head. valery pikolev was appointed to this post by order of prime minister mikhail mishustin. he is 55 years old, a graduate of the university of the ministry of internal affairs, and since november 1919 he has been vice-governor, head of the administration of the governor of st. petersburg. and before that he worked in the governments of leningrad. russian stock market continues its sluggish movements, alar broker analysts say that players now have no reason for either
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aggressive purchases or similar sales, the ruble is still thoughtful for the first half of the day, the dollar costs 91.25, the euro 98.80, but inflation statistics in the usa can move the dollar exchange rate today. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin said that before august it is necessary to pass a law that will prohibit the sale. energy drinks for children, he wrote about this in his telegram channel, if the law is adopted within this period, it will start working on september 1, proving the need for a ban, vyacheslav volodin cited statistics according to which every fourth russian youth drinks energy drinks from every second person is 18 to 29 years old, vyacheslav volodin reminded the readers of his telegram channel that he had previously discussed this topic with them, conducted a survey in the telegram channel, should the sale of energy drinks to minors be prohibited? and 90% voted in favor. currently, a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children
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is already in force in more than twenty russian regions, for example, the voronezh, saratov, kursk, moscow, leningrad regions, as well as st. petersburg. but at the federal level, according to the chairman of the state duma, the problem is not solved. there is also a region in russia where the sale of energy drinks has been completely prohibited since the thirteenth year, this is chechnya. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talolaev with his economic review. washington threatened to fundamentally reconsider relations with tbilisi if a law on foreign agents is adopted in georgia. the day before, deputies literally fought and approved it in the third reading. their fuse was supported by activists near the walls of parliament; opponents of the law again tried to break through the barrier, but in the end they were pushed back by the police. president of the country has already stated that they will veto the decision, but the deputies will be able to bypass it if they wish. washington directly stated that if the document comes into force, integration will take effect. georgia's entry into the eu will be a big question mark. the us congress has even sent a letter threatening to make it difficult
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for citizens of the country to obtain american visas and introduce personal sanctions. however, washington prefers not to remember that the united states has had a much stricter law on foreign agents since 1938. due to ukraine's failures on the battlefield, the collective west, led by america is increasingly using terrorist methods in its war against our country. about this today. in st. petersburg they spoke at a meeting of the commission on security and defense of the parliamentary assembly of the union of russia and belarus. against the backdrop of a bloody terrorist attack that took place in crocus city hall, which resulted in the death of more than 100 citizens of the russian federation against the backdrop of political murders of citizens of the russian federation by blowing up the nord stream. it becomes obvious that the collective west, led by the united states
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the united states of america is increasingly using its favorite tactic, which is achieving goals with the help of controlled terrorist organizations. deputies proposed creating a temporary commission of the parliamentary assembly to investigate terrorist attacks, war crimes, corruption, as well as acts of aggression against the union state and... adults, and companies included in it will be able to apply for benefits from the state, a corresponding bill is now being prepared in the state duma, as this will change the labor market, i found out nikita korabenkov, and his elbow, as if you were fluttering like a wing, uh-huh, tatani’s piano tutor is not much older than his
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student, but sasha, although she is only 15, for tanya she is alexandra sergeevna, a guide to the world of music, i decided. work because i wanted to have my own pockets and money, i was looking for vacancies, i looked as a courier, i ’m scared to work, and handing out leaflets is not my thing, and i recently graduated from music school, so i decided to do tutoring, sit, sit, sit, here zhenya’s wards are not so diligent, however, she rather likes it, she will be a girl in the near future. dreams of connecting her life and profession with dogs, so at the age of 15 she chose dog walking as her job. i came to work to gain experience, uh, well, for my own small expenses, so as not to ask my mother for money, well, to slowly save up for my dream. my dream is a dog. i want to become a police dog handler. once
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i saw a video with dog handlers, how they rescue people, look for all sorts of prohibited substances. i understood what it was. and there are many such teenagers in the country, some are looking for a part-time job for the summer, some people want to gain work experience right from school, the state duma decided to support this enthusiasm of the children, now legislators are working on creating a register of bona fide employers for minors, getting into it will give preference, such as a ban on inspections, and for the children themselves they are forming a list of professions recommended for minors. 91% of our teenagers want to work part-time during the holidays, and we must respond to... this request with precisely this simplification of this employment, the list of professions, it is based on the requests of the guys themselves, on where employers attract our guys more, here are couriers, here are assistant counselors, here are landscapers, here is actually a winegrower, for those who already know what they want in the future, experts advise starting to build a career
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even before passing the unified state exam and paying attention to those vacancies that involve intellectual work. the more relevant the work, the higher the potential for career growth, but at the same time, the less money they pay you. it's the same here, everything that concerns people minors, if the work is some kind of primitive routine, are paid a lot, they can pay 55-60,000 rubles there. if we are talking about intellectual work, then we are more likely to hit the 25-30 bar. personally, i recommend finding a talented leader there , going to work with him with an assistant, an assistant, in order to learn a lot from him. in the future, the parliamentary initiative assumes the emergence of a larger number of minors in the labor market. such workers are the most valuable asset for the economy in the future. now experts note there is a shortage of personnel in many areas, there are almost no free talents on the market, everything is at its limit. first of all, the labor market of the applicant, rather than the employer, has been formed, that is , there are vacancies that various
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organizations provide much more than the resumes themselves. one of the ways to solve this problem is precisely attraction. at first glance, completely in need of nothing, she was desperately looking for her mother, the sellers began to help her, of course, but a day later the mother could not be found, at that time she was already on the train and approaching moscow, in in the capital, a woman was detained, what prompted her to commit such a terrible crime, the woman’s explanation for all the details, see the episode ilya, yes lera, thank you, this is not only in
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the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to ntv. see you. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don't create fashionable things, you give opportunity be the center of attention. for each of you , this is not just a business, but... and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. if anyone knew how
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on ntv the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello. the inadequacy of the heroes of our first story is off the charts. a company of young people in sterltamak suddenly attacked schoolchildren taking photographs, visible and invisible reasons for the conflict and aggression in their direction... the teenagers did not give in, the events developed rapidly, fortunately many turned on their mobile cameras, and now, against the backdrop of these images, the attackers’ excuses sound extremely unconvincing. dina rusmanov about the consequences. the attack on schoolchildren in the bashkir solovati happened suddenly, absolutely inadequate milkmen seemed to have fallen into our time straight from the nineties, all the attributes from that time, a rusty tinted lada, a tracksuit, a blank look and absolutely causeless aggression.


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