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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 15, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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moscow region. that's all, valeria gavrilovskaya was with you. stay on ntv. today in our program. attack: kiev scares kharkov residents with a russian invasion and calls for evacuation. what is the mood in the city? from now on, evacuating residents is impossible. monkey with a grenade. the british allowed the ukrainian armed forces to fire their missiles at crimea. will ukraine use its license to kill civilians? and the affairs of the past days. 26 years ago the g8 summit was held for the first time. will
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russia ever return to the western world or will we finally rushed to the east? we look forward to visiting our partners at any time. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. the approval procedure is ending. new governing structures of the government of the presidential administration on our side. vladimir putin has already signed almost all the necessary decrees, as for the members of the new cabinet of ministers, he has even met with them, we now want you to at the beginning of the program, show footage from this meeting. in his welcoming speech, the head of state noted that six new ministers had appeared in the government, four of whom came to the cabinet from gubernatorial positions.
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among them are the former head of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov, who headed the ministry of industry torque, and the former governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev, who took over the post of minister of sports. in his speech in the state duma, mikhail dekterev stated that the key task of the ministry would be to implement life of the president’s instructions, namely the development of mass sports, children’s and youth sports, the construction of sports facilities in the country, especially in small settlements. the new minister of defense, andrei belousov, also spoke about the tasks set by putin, well, it ’s true that it is no longer in the duma to establish federations, naturally, according to him, the president instructed him to ensure the integration of the economy of the armed forces into the general economy of the country, this was a quote, well, increase openness departments towards innovation, of those who retained their posts in the government, the head of mit sergey lavrov, the head of the ministry of internal affairs - vladimir kolokoltsev, the head of the financial block anton siluanov, as well as the ministers of culture, education, health care, according to the president, have already been given to all of them. relevant
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instructions, we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not only, we also agreed that we will build, build our work for the six-year period, and i ask about this also, don’t forget, alarming messages came from tatarstan this morning at two airports in the region, not only in kazan, but in nizhnekamsk flight restrictions were introduced. this was connected with a drone that was shot down on the territory of the republic. in general, tatarstan is far from the only region of russia where air defense worked intensively this morning and at night. the ministry of defense spoke about ukrainian air attacks on crimea, belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions. all these attacks were repelled. according to the department , 10 atacoms missiles were shot down over crimea. the governor of sevastopol, mikhail razvazhaev, said that air defense forces worked over the waters of cherny. sea ​​in
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area of ​​the belbek airfield. due to falling debris, a fire occurred in the area of ​​the village of polyushka. in sevastopol, debris fell in the private sector. no casualties were reported. the ukrainian armed forces tried to attack the belgorod region with foreign weapons. two french-made hammer guided bombs and two american harm anti-radar missiles were destroyed there. it was also reported that missiles were arriving from the alha systems. one of them, according to the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov. ended up in a residential building in the village of dubovoe, two people were injured, five more drones were destroyed over the kursk region, three were intercepted near bryansk, there was no data on casualties or damage from there. such activity of ukrainian terrorists is not surprising, because their western sponsors and curators openly call for hitting our regions with all the weapons that are available; the head of the british ministry of defense, grand sheps , refers as an excuse to certain...
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an integral part of ukraine. i won't go into too much detail about tactics, but i i will say that britain allows the use of its weapons in ukraine in other countries only based on the principles of international humanitarian law. well, the spanish agency efes reports the cancellation of terrorist zelensky’s visit to spain and portugal. here they provided characteristic photographs with this message, something incomprehensible in the form of a kitten, terrorist zelensky. nevertheless, it is said that it is official. that there are some security considerations, because of which the terrorist zelensky will not go to the west of europe itself, but it is unofficially stated that the real the reason is the difficult situation for the armed forces of ukraine that has developed in the kharkov region, so the ukrainian general staff officially confirmed the withdrawal of ukrainian troops in the areas of volchansk,
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the village of lukyantsy. the pro-ukrainian military channel deep state is forced to agree with the data of our ministry of defense about the advancement of our troops and liberation. bugarovatka village. it is reported that during the battles, russian military personnel captured militants from the neo-nazi formations krakin and brotherhood, these formations are prohibited in russia. here you go today we will talk in more detail about the situation, the difficult situation for ukraine near kharkov, about the ukrainian soldiers surrendering. yes, we wanted to start our discussion part with the situation in the kharkov region, once again i should draw attention to an interesting point, we mentioned this in one of the programs, either yesterday or the day before yesterday. i remember that on our part, the ministry of defense, and, let’s say, unofficial military sources are all saying that guys, let’s be a little calmer in assessing what is now in what’s happening in the kharkov region, that is , let’s go without any hesitation, information comes in, we check it, we give it, on the other
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side there really is what i just quoted, this is a small, small part, there is really some kind of panic wave accelerating there that russian orcs are already on the doorstep, they are all there...
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the publication writes that the residents are allegedly under enormous stress from the russian offensive. french journalists also tell false stories about the atrocities of our soldiers. from now on, evacuation of residents is impossible, here are the scenes chaos, shown in footage taken by the military,
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the city center was completely destroyed, and this is not only in this area. fighting is taking place on almost all sections of the border north of kharkov. in fact, the situation in the kharkov region is as follows, the residents of kupinsky. the districts refuse to evacuate as the russian army approaches. local officials say people are staying to plant their gardens. at the same time, in april, as military experts wrote, residents of the kupinsky district massively informed our military about the places deployment of units of the armed forces of ukraine. so, here i cannot help but quote the classic, and i must repeat it after the polygraph-polygraph ball. oh, fuck you, professor, come in and check out.
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successfully for one simple reason: for ukraine, for the ukrainian armed forces, this kharkov direction is not a priority, and yes, yes, no need to laugh, because it is so. is not a priority and there are no serious forces in the ssu in the volchanskaya area in other villages there kharkov, but with kharkov the situation is different , what is the situation today? the fact is that the defensive line in the kharkov region, it is located approximately 15, 15-20 km from the city, is a well-prepared defensive line with concrete shelters and so on and so forth. this is the first , so the second, a so-called mine arc has been created there, just on the eastern side
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, a so-called mine arc has been created, on the eastern side of kharkov, it’s just not, not closer, it’s just not far, the fact is that the border areas , area, well , approximately where, here, here, 20 km from kharkov to the side, yeah, it was created there like this the so-called mine arc, very serious, this, secondly. the most important thing is that the ukrainian general staff proceeds from the fact that the forces of our northern grouping there are completely insufficient for - not just advancing to kharkov, but even more so for encircling kharkov, yes, because passing this line of defense will be very difficult, well understood , then immediately, and what is the priority, the priority is kharkov itself, the priority is kharkov itself, if we are now not talking about the kharkov region, what do you mean, not and you said that khakovsky direction.
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i immediately began to be indignant about something, an important and unimportant direction, of course the kharkov direction to ukraine is important, this is the flank of the group that occupies kupinsk, which occupies the territories of the north donetsk region and so on, that is, these are not just two separate site, but come on, if they, here andrei vladimirovich tells us about their plans, if they believe that kharkov itself is fortified so much that...
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the situation, on the one hand, really, of the groups we have, the groupings not enough to liberate this city, yes, we can build up this group, if now, what is the problem of ukraine, the problem of ukraine is that it does not have enough trained troops for all sectors of the front, they will start to grab holes, if they think that in kharkov they have everything in their sights, they will conditionally transfer these units under the clock or in order to stop us after volchansk and so on, we can try to attack there, we have trained...
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kharkov there is another very important aspect that the kiev regime understands very well , he understands that we are now working to dismantle the ukrainian regime to weaken it as much as possible, if anything.
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actions of the military according to the regulations, here comes an artillery attack, that is, nothing special is happening from the point of view of the general staff of ukraine, well, this is the first, second, and what is happening politically and for the population, the population, you asked a question, the rural population, which you they showed what the fields are sowing, they say the russians have already arrived, that is, the russians came for the second year, then they left, the ukrainians came, now the russians again come.
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kharkov from the villages, yes, since the russian army is advancing, the residents of the villages are fleeing to kharkov, that is, some people leave kharkov, and some villagers come to kharkov, this is the dynamic, this is what the mayor of kharkov says, now what is really happening from people began to run away from kharkov back in 2022, and the first place in terms of the number of people who fled was dnepropetrovsk or dnepr, because well, the townspeople are going to a similar city, some of them went to western ukraine, now there is no panic.
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the central committee or military commissars in kharkov are rampant, that is, kharkov residents are exactly like dnepropetrovsk, all the men who can be stolen.
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crawl away, he begins to crawl away from responsibility, it’s not me, i’m everything, i sent everything, i did everything, i’m not responsible now, who ’s responsible, sirsky or something, but syrsky goes back and forth, he says, i’m all...
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people , which, so to speak, were raked in yesterday, today they were sent to the front, they immediately somehow surrendered there, no, there are even personnel with the so-called elite units, absolutely neo-nazi-minded, prohibited in our country, dozens of people surrender there too. the day before, russian artillery in the southern donetsk direction showed how they were calling on the armed forces of ukraine to surrender. the military is bombarding the positions of the ukrainian army with leaflets calling for them to go over to the side of good. they are made in the form. dollars and euros, so, according to our fighters, the leaflets will attract more attention, about 10, 1000 pieces of paper, i don’t even know the amount, not so
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long ago similar propaganda shells appeared in krasnolimansky, kupinsky and ovdeevsky directions, and it works, it was written there, soldier of the ukrainian armed forces, surrender if you want to live, we guarantee security, otherwise you will be destroyed, and instructions on how... to surrender, they don’t beat me, they don’t hurt me, they fed me, gave me water, were treated to a cigarette, in addition to leaflets, more and more videos appear on the internet with calls to voluntarily surrender, for example, in this video, an armed forces officer first says goodbye to his brother, wife and parents, later they themselves find themselves at the front, the authors remind that kiev intends to fight to the last ukrainian, entice tsikh, and here is another video about total mobilization in ukraine, in the video they compare
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the idle life of the children of ukrainian oligarchs , the trench life of those who did not manage to mow down, yogo synok elite, and ti - chi ready ti, not only the grief-stricken are now ready to lay down their arms wayaks, but even notorious nazis.
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here - as it were, i differentiated between ordinary landowners like krakens and other scoundrels, why for the simple reason that since the fourteenth year, in the fourteenth year i was involved in the first exchanges of prisoners, when we still didn’t have any system, we had filtration measures, since i knew a lot of people, well, nazi fighters, of course, then at the end i myself looked at who had what version, there was one character, i won’t advertise for him from zaporozhye, who is like this, you know, well, pluners for three, the kind with susa, so... so small, sitting, crying, telling that his son was taken away, and he begged the military commissar there that he would go instead of his son, yes, so that his son would remain alive, and so on, so on, until i came out to him,
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and well, we knew each other, because he was one of the leaders of the nazi group in zaporozhye and he, sorry for the details, wet himself, but there was no violence at all, i’ll say right away, he had diabetes, he was treated, he was repaired there, everything was done, then he left after an exchange of prisoners, as soon as he got there... uh , after the exchange, he began to tell how he was tortured, how his arms and legs were broken there, what damn muscovites are there, what they are doing, this is about krakin, other characters, regarding all-earphones as such, i have a bot , i can show you not for broadcast, he inundated with messages, yes, how they took me away, my son was taken away, my husband was taken away, he is there now, he will contact you, how you can move on, and so on, here this is a very serious task that we are working on as a civil society, yes right now. it was a little interesting to understand how then these two propaganda lines come into contact, that is, you say that a huge number of people who would like
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to give up, at the same time... they are treated all the time, like this young guy stood, that captivity is prohibited under no circumstances, because they also scare civilians, that is, it turns out that little by little they begin to disbelieve in this , they definitely begin to disbelieve, but i will even give you an example of the year 22, the spring of twenty- two, when i was with my fellow countrymen, the cossacks , with the sushi men, yes, he agreed that they would go over to the peaceful side, i don’t often call on people to surrender, maybe the russians don’t surrender, i myself witnessed that when they surrounded.
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we sit with them and their senior commander says: are you going to beat them? says: who beat you will? well, you haven’t fought yet, you say it yourself, there will be filtration measures, if everything is normal, that’s it, live happily, calmly, yes there, call your families through the european union, let them come to us, to the liberated part of the zaporozhye region, to restore peaceful life, passes for about 20 minutes, and the same commander again asks me, rape, that is, you understand what was in their heads, and he says: listen, you keep your fantasies for yourself, but the point is that they beat and rape. it was absolutely serious, but they were even ready for it, so as not to turn into meat. further , whenever there is a process of exchanging prisoners with the opposite side, they take receipts that they will not take part in hostilities and so on, recently they will do it, but for the ukrainians, for those receipts that they gave their soldiers prisoners of war, they all the same, he gave, he didn’t, absolutely right, yes, now several militants from azov, which is banned in russia, were destroyed
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exactly later. year after the exchange of last year, they were captured in the twenty-second year in mariupol, were exchanged and so on, i ’ll even tell you this information is quite interesting, now there is some kind of hysteria on the other side, apparently some very important valuable people have begun to be captured by us, because now there is a storm at the level of commanders units, yes, they contact regiment commanders there, yes, well, i’m not even talking about closer to the ground, even brigade commanders on the subject of that, let’s change, it’s not like...
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data killed 50 employees of the city police department of the city of mariupol, who were with people, then there is against the junta, this one, remember the footage when the bmp directly jumps over the barricades, the burning barricades in mariupol and moves on, here in these footage, just like that.
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our client, why do you see anyone else who looks like a corpse? where is our patient? i ’ll teach you how to work, the prime minister’s emergency exit, i’ll bring you all into the open, hide things from the public, what ’s going on here? to be honest, it's complete madness. today at 22:15 on ntv. stars final. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get supercake up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in
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in ukrainian social networks, the way blinkin supports the people of ukraine caused, to put it mildly, bewilderment, even more questions were raised by the first words in the song, which is the fragment that you just heard, and it was called the soundtrack to the fall of kharkov, why? the thing is that this song it's called rocken in the free world, by a canadian musician, the first words are there. on the street the flags are red, white and blue, well
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, it’s clear that these are not the colors of the ukrainian flag at all, to put it mildly, an attempt to explain what all this was all about was made by the american publication hill, they say that blinken deviated from the protocol and spoke without tie, because there is a quote: ukraine’s best friend, and what wouldn’t you do for your best friend? moreover, it is typical that the secretary of state actually does n’t come to ukraine very often, the last time was in the fall of 2023, then it just happened...
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at the same time, he’s walking around kiev, everything there is somehow quiet, peaceful, you can eat pizza, play the guitar in a club, how is it that i still can’t understand, how does this fit in with the horror that supposedly reigns everywhere, if you believe the ukrainian press, and at the same time they, and at the same time, they also force european countries there, be it a carcass or a scarecrow, to return back those who fled. in order to send them to the front, i just don’t understand, i have the impression
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that the consciousness of ukrainians is like a layer cake something like that, there are different layers in it, here ’s a terrible layer, there’s a wonderful, votistic one, because i need to plant potatoes in my garden, well, some kind of nonsense, well, since i mentioned these people who left, let’s take a look now , because there are really some new attempts, kiev is trying to somehow influence europe so that the fled ukrainians are returned back.
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when someone starts to think that draft dodgers who fled abroad are happy there. happy in what? by saving their lives, they doom themselves to dishonor. on against this background , dissatisfaction with ukrainian refugees is rapidly growing in europe. in the netherlands, as the local press writes, they are increasingly being refused to be placed in shelters, citing a lack of space. german bilt
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complains about ukrainian residents of tunyad who do not want to work and live on benefits from the state. polish authorities are now planning. can we still interrupt this wave of information, and well, for example, using these increasingly frequent facts about surrender, including all sorts of azov krakinites who say, it turns out that russians are not orcs at all, but
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this layer cake, which is in the brains of the ukrainians who fled to europe, somehow still takes on the appearance of brains. i’m not saying that we need ukrainian tunisians, we don’t need any tunisians, especially ukrainians, but in principle, maybe, listen, we will find work for them, a lot of things need to be restored, you mean those sitting in europe, offer them to come to us, he tells us that everyone asks him how to come, you know, first of all, the russian federation, excuse me, solves its own problems, and the problem of ukrainian refugees who left for europe is a problem of ukrainian refugees, excuse me, of course, but... migrants from central asia are somehow a complicated issue for us now, secondly, i believe that this the solution to our problem, because the attitude towards our country
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that they have formed there over these decades has been put into their head, it will be necessary to get rid of it, the sooner we start, the better, we cannot today carry out a mass repatriation of ukrainians from europe, firstly, secondly, they don’t really want this for the most part, because people who want to get to russia are afraid, but they are not afraid, they , you understand, have existed in ukraine since time immemorial, and especially in the last 30 years, such a history of hot-skrayism, they are not interested at all, in fact, the problem there is ukraine, the problem is there, i don’t know, europe, russia, they are interested in not being touched, that’s what i’m talking about, let’s press, what we will press? that he will get a normal place, he is ready to work, well, if a person is sitting there on benefits, he will come here to you, not everyone, probably, sitting there is cynical and so on, as much as possible, for god’s sake, if you want to get there, then look for the tools to get there,
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because people, those who want to come here, people won’t let them gather, those who know, they come here, but it’s difficult, those who were able to leave somehow, when it started, it was easier for them. you see, the situation is this: these people at one time chose to flee to europe, hoping that they would be treated as citizens of the european union, and it has been explained to them here many times, this will never happen, but perhaps they simply didn’t hear what was explained to them here, because, because the media space, we actually have , let’s be frank, we don’t have effective tools for saving ukrainians from western europe, guys, take a ticket and anyone there, i don’t know the american country.
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they are moving to belgorod, they are used to the garden, so they will be in their own garden all their lives, there is no way they can, they really are us, when we get there, there will be a wedding again.
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the only way, all the people who have it written in their passport, even citizens of the russian federation, were born in ukraine, they fly to sheremetyevo, they are checked there, checked thoroughly, these are the ones, these are the ukrainians who even have a residence permit in the russian federation, their they keep them there for 24 hours, 48 ​​hours, check everything, many of them are not allowed here, but now imagine, against such...
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then naturally the eighth, abkhazia is independent, the georgians consider it occupied territory, which means that if you cross the russian-abkhaz border, which
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can be crossed with a russian internal passport, you will go with citizenship of the russian federation, but at the same time a georgian surname, as relatively speaking, sikharulidze, i apologize to anton sikharulidze, well, it’s come in your head, the abkhaz will not let you in, yes, even if you are a citizen of russia , you just have a georgian surname, you are in the territory...
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the first information show about the events and people of the week. there is a new government in russia, in a new the cabinet of ministers has a new minister of defense. what tasks did putin set for the head of the military department? why do new appointments scare the west so much? the curse of the kennedy clan, why is america's most famous family haunted by murder and tragedy? and could it be a mere coincidence that the brain of the nephew
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3:00 pm
they are threatening, everyone is threatening sanctions there, but let us first take a look at some pretty vivid footage from the capital of georgia, because in essence, well , practically all the major cities of the country are engulfed in mass protests against the law on foreign agents adopted by parliament, i will remind you what it implies, what if a non-profit company or press receives 20 percent or more financing from abroad, then they must register as a foreign agent in a special register, in general, the whole essence of this law. the riots in tbilisi continued all night, a crowd of opponents of the new law, mostly young people, blocked the central streets, the parliament building was surrounded in a tight ring, the protesters were openly egged on,
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deputies from germany, the czech republic, poland, lithuania and finland arrived in georgia without an official invitation , they called on those gathered to increase pressure on the authorities, declaring, i’m here i’ll quote, your battle is our battle, the police arrested more than a dozen... georgia’s western partners really didn’t like it and they are now trying to threaten the country in every possible way, so the old fascist jose borel threatened that the new law will slow down georgia’s admission to the european union, if at all will not stop this process. the head
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of the estonian ministry of foreign affairs threatens that the european union may cancel the visa-free regime with georgia, washington threatens to stop all kinds of financial assistance and impose personal sanctions against non-profit programs georgian leadership. this will not absolutely correspond to the values ​​of the united states and is contrary to nato and eu norms, although the law is approximately the same.
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we cannot, well, maybe for a short period, in a global perspective, we cannot build some kind of mutual understanding with the western powers, so that everything is clear, everything works at the same, you know, pace, without fighting, well, how to deal with them, that is, the united states passes such a law, but the georgians, and the georgians are simply not only very similar, they just took a tracing paper and rewrote it, but this law is for georgians.
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either we really don’t understand what needs to be understood or we don’t understand the way we need to be understood, or they don’t understand us, the devil knows, let’s first remember a little how it all was in ninety- eight. on may 15, 1998 , the g8 summit was held for the first time in birmingham, england , when russia entered the elite club of leading industrial countries. boris elson actively participates in all g8 discussions, defending russian interests.
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so what do we offer? creating a harmonious economic community from lisbon to vladivostok. a free trade zone and even more advanced forms of economic integration may also be considered in the future. in essence, this will create a common continental market with a capacity of trillions of euros. by the time of the first g8 summit, russia...
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can already take an equal part in the development of a further trade and economic strategy for global development. however, friendship with the west has not stood the test of time. in spring 2014, after the reunification of crimea with russia, the g8 members freeze preparations for a joint summit in sochi. a few months later, the west unanimously condemns russia's actions and the g8 falls apart. the summit without the participation of our country takes place in the summer of the same year.
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this path itself, as it were, of our rapprochement with the west, it’s probably still when it was with you, and in the early nineties, why this rapprochement did not work out in the end, primarily because within g7 then within g8, there were certain internal rules and until the fourteenth year everything was really quite normal, there were good decisions, that’s all. then, relatively speaking, it was said that russia violated the rules of internal order, what kind of rule is this, well, this is crimea, this is history, i understand, but as a rule it sounds, the rule sounds that in ...
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there is there is still a very strong opinion that russia is unpredictable in its politics, within the framework of such an association as the g7, g8, yes, there should be predictability, that’s it the main thing is that if the united states is going to bomb iraq, it should be predictably announced in advance six months in advance, if france is going to bomb libya, it should be predictable for all other members of the seven, but because of course, yes, i understand correctly, let me i forgot, sorry, there was a survey, come on. vote, then at the end we will sum up the results, we want to ask you, we ask you to answer the question, how do you see, very simply, the future of our country, andrei vladimirovich said that this is all,
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now never, that means, with the west, with the east, well, the third option, i don’t know, there is a special path, we’ll probably write it down, you can add your own options in the comments. offer an answer, that is , everything is very, very simple, so alexander davidovich, now you, you also have a little experience, as it were, of communicating with friends, with partners, your opinion, why things don’t work out for us with them, well, first i’ll say that tanga with js7 began even earlier, in london in the ninety-first year mikhail gorbachev still managed to visit it, that’s why redrawn the first question, it turned out that the goals are different, but the goals are different, i want to recall the words of the president on december 12 last year at a press conference, when vladimir vladimirovich said, from now on there is no trust in them, and contracts with them are not worth even the papers on which they were written , and we know,
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it turns out, then over time it becomes clear that all this time they were lying to us, that is, behind the words about the common economic space, about the joint development of... the minsk agreements, you remember, any this is a deception, they deceived us and then with these communication supposedly with friends, after a year, after
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two, after many years, deception arises, i again want to remind you of the final words at vladimir vladimovich’s press conference, he said that i regret that i trusted them, and they trusted us. .. we trusted them with everything, we were naive, and they trusted us, they looked at us with trust, even when it was gorba, and this mistrust, it did n’t start in the ninety-first year, it started many decades centuries ago, because that we are not like that, we do not dance to their tune, we are not we accept their canons, so figuratively , you know, diplomatically, for maybe some kind of gain time.
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it so happened that they can now be called either european values, or, which in my opinion is more correct, universal, humanistic, for example.
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high, he threw away some billions to us, why couldn’t it be, since these are some general humanistic values ​​and we all want to live
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in peace, but if you hug russia, which is standing in an awkward position at that moment, you can imagine how it’s possible to hug all of russia like that nikola about the general humanistic van, look, it means the first point, russia could not be in that idea, as you say, to transform a western country, because russia is already a western country. in the country, institutions that in 30 years could have been the parliament, the court, the
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media, could have been such that they could have resisted any changes at the moment; instead , a small handful of people were enriched, which is what happened, but the institutions were not built, therefore these values, which i just told you about, strictly speaking, there is practically no one to defend, this is also the result of western policy towards us now... the concept of the west dates back literally 2-3 centuries in historical terms, no more, that
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is, we cannot be a western country, because that we have a history of 11 centuries, we cannot be a european country, because the concept of europe is literally the same, well, three or four there, maybe five centuries, how to interpret this concept, because we developed in a completely different paradigm, this is a post-byzantine civilization, russia, we heirs of completely different roots, europe is...
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come on, vladimirich, this is one of the most sinful ideas that we promoted, this is a single european space from lisobon to vladimostok, yes, because you are now being ironic, or, of course, i am being ironic, why yes , you’re scared, look, as soon as we came out with this concept, we immediately came into conflict with both washington and london, because they certainly didn’t care about this single space from lisbon to vladivostok. they began to point out our place, gentlemen, we invited you to the club of respected gentlemen, not so that you here begin to develop your interests, but so that you listen to what smart
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people there are, it was necessary, francis kukuyamo wrote the end of the story for you, re-read it, and ... you have the status of a gas station country, keep this in mind, what the hell do you need production, here's a dollar, buy it for yourself, here's everything you need, and don't be a jerk, please, what kind of space do you need from lisbon to vladivostok, and we then what to do, then this one gap, we realized this, or they realized that they were just taking advantage of the situation with us in the wrong way, they understood, so they began to press us, well, simply pointing to our place that side chair in the g7 that we had initially, it remained side-by-side . and vote, please, as you see, how you see the future of russia with the west, with the east, there is your own way, your own option, we will continue after pauses, if they killed the girl, then where did they divide the body, they could easily drown the body in the sea, well, you understand that you are in
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you won’t find anything in the sea, we’ll see about that later.
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see the future of russia with the west, with the east, well, and there it is possible mixed or your own options, with the center, yes, yes, play, we are waiting for your comments, at the end of the program, as always, we will sum up some results on this issue, but for now, let us look at this story, now... they think that we have nothing with the west connects, or what connects is all somewhere very distant, and so on. we tried to show you in such broad strokes that in fact, it’s just that nikolayevich says that we are a european country, and mikhail boevich says that we cannot be simply by definition, nevertheless, many many of what we have today as usual, this is borrowed from the very west, what not to call it, traditionally the person who cut a window to european innovations for our country is called peter i, who gravitated towards foreign innovations. under him, potatoes, tulips, sunflowers, billiards and ice skates appeared in the country, as well as the tradition of drinking coffee, wearing wigs and shaving beards. under peter, the construction of the first warships began
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. the tsar brought knowledge, as well as foreign masters, from england and holland. i want my russia, like an unprecedented frigate, to descend it’s smoother from the stops. the envy of all powers. already in the 19th century, those demanding reforms were oriented towards the west. examples: the decembrists dreamed of a constitution, and the narodolist terrorists dreamed of universal suffrage and other freedoms. the bolsheviks, who seized power in 1917, were also guided by what was, at that time, advanced european thought, the teachings of marx and engels. the new government also did not forget the advanced western ideas of emancipation. women received the right to vote, receive education on an equal basis with men, and even the first in europe right to legal abortion. comrades, workers. the christian revolution, which the bolsheviks were always talking about as a necessity, has happened. human rights, already enshrined in our current
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constitution, are the result of the work of international institutions. in 1948, when the declaration of human rights was adopted within the un, the soviet union did not support the document; our press then wrote that the anglo-american majority intended to use it as a screen to cover up the lack of rights in capitalist countries, but for the first time. igor sergeevich, well somehow we weren’t inspired by the east, but here we are. somehow they always gravitated, if you look somewhere to the left geographically, you know, depending on what period of our history we take, and i would show peter the great here, i believe that the role of peter the great in the history of russia is approximately the same as and the role of alexander nevsky, this time, secondly, it sounded right here, they won’t understand you , they’ll say how it is, the great one is much cooler than
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over its history, russia has changed the vector of development many times, the vector of cooperation with those or other countries, when it comes to the west, it is known that even over the last 100 years , russia has been at war for a little more than 100 years.
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powers, it all changes, nothing is permanent, you understand, in the life of a country, as in the life of a person, there is only one final thing, that’s never, this is death, nothing, but for now the state, and god willing, our state will be alive for many centuries, until , while it is alive, it can change its vector of development, you have always said, and today you once again repeated in the pre-interview, the thesis that the russian eagle looks west to east,
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that is, it turns out as if... well , he looks, but the borrowings are actually from that very left side of the map, it’s easier to call them now, that after all, we are doomed to some kind of uniqueness, inimitability, russia even with its geographical location and its size is doomed to be unique, this is quite obvious, and its history too, but here you should also not forget the following, we are talking about the east, you will repeat some other east. china has one system, in india, india is the east, not the west, that’s right, it’s completely there, from kipling’s, as if characteristics, because the west is the west, the east is the east, when you say this, you show yourself as an absolute
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westerner, that’s right, because you are operating with an absolutely western concept of origin, that is, you are operating with the same concept according to which the west will move with a certain perception of russia, they perceive such western orientalism.
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the retransformation, in a nightmare, i couldn’t you imagine the song will be sung by louboutins, what you did was more than i expected, hooligans, boys. our passions are always running high, the premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, let’s do it again, here is russia, yes, west-east, what is typical for us, what is typical for them, let’s take this example, maybe it’s unexpected, but it seems to me interesting, attitude to state symbols, to state symbols, in great britain desecration of the national flag is a crime does not count; in the european union countries , desecration of state symbols is at least prohibited, but courts, as a rule, equate such actions with artistic or political actions, and they are protected by the right to freedom of expression. a similar situation in the united states in 1989, after a high-profile case of the public burning of an american flag, the supreme court issued a verdict that this form of expression is guaranteed to citizens by the constitution. i think it's great, basically the supreme court was just forced to back down. i think he's in trouble situation, and if they ruled against me, it would be an outrageous case for many people in this country.
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the situation is completely different in the east: in china, insulting the national flag or anthem is punishable by up to 3 years in prison. it is forbidden to even turn the panel over. a few years ago, qinghai province arrested the owner of a local restaurant for such an offense, but he hung the flag in the kitchen, upside down, instead of a curtain. mocking the flag in china is done only by those who are in opposition to the government. in russia's attitude towards state symbols has always been reverent. before the revolution, disrespect for the flag was equivalent to insulting the tsar. in the ussr, such a thing could have been accused of counter-revolutionary activity. in modern russia, insulting a flag or coat of arms is a criminal offense and is punishable by imprisonment, and god forbid you appear in a swimsuit or shorts in the shape of the national flag, although in the usa, for example, in brazil. is considered very fashionable, recently
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a compulsory ceremony was held in russian schools, now every school week begins with the ceremonial raising of the flag. in the states, americans generally do not have much reverence for the head of state, presidents are publicly ridiculed, parodied, a visit from the owner of the white house, a social ceremony or an evening entertainment show is quite a common thing, when you are at home, can you go to the kitchen in shorts in the middle of the night if you...
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russia is developing a new imperialist ideology, because in their opinion, the country’s culture now combines elements of the way of life of the russian empire and the soviet union. taking into account the fact that the majority of russians do not regret the past, everyone who follows the events of the russian world will immediately understand that the inhabitants of russia have a positive attitude towards both eras. based on these examples, we are, in general , more of an eastern country. well, you know, take it there, i don’t know, count it.
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i remember that we have mikhail sergeevich - desacralization of power, yeah, then, boris nikolaevich - desacralization of power, vladimir vladimirovich - sacralization of power, dmitry anatolyevich, desacralization of power, the second coming of vladimir vladimirovich - sacralization of power, that is, with us, too, everything is ambiguous, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, well
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, you can read the same leskov, the middle of the 19th century, for example, his story is either an ardent patriot, or a patriot, i don’t remember, and there is this idea about why it’s not like that with us , like theirs, and they, naturally, in the west, it comes through and not only from liskova, you can read it from dostoevsky to the tsar’s bride, god forgive me, he has it there, and what kind of houses do the germans have there, everything is rude, everything is there bb, and wives, they walk around dressed up, they show out everywhere, and not like us, we move on, bastards, we look turkmenistan, we look at the same korea, but where is the sacred concept?
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to compare the west and the east, that in the west it is not sacred, in the east the tsar and the flag are all, well, i’ll probably sweep it away, yes, in the east there are relations to... to the emperor, to the tsar, but there are such countries in the east, where the tsar is a kalashnikov assault rifle, and the flag is a bandage on the forehead, that’s it, we’re not like that, no, so i think our attitude, we’re not like that, that we can burn the sides of our legs, are also not like our values , not because they are written on paper, not because they are even in the law says, no, our attitude to value has two sources, the first is our scale. the russian federation is a large-scale country, 17.5 million square km, it is a large country with a huge population,
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the scale is impressive, the second in our history, because it was the symbols, first of all the flag, that helped us survive, remember the period of the great patriotic war, the flag was more than an attribute of a military unit, the flag was everything, it was a symbol of hope for victory, it remained in ours. so you understand, i have already said that on imaginary, in the west, essentially in russia, in the east there are also very different systems, and there is no sacralization of power in india, for example, there is one prime minister, there is an opposition, there is no sacralization, who, when we talk about the difference between different countries , there is loyalty to sacralization, reverence for the system, and there is for the individual, that is, in the same united states and great britain it is very large. trump can
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scold them all he wants and so on, but they literally turned the system itself, the system itself, the political system, the constitution of their country into civil religion, they respect it very much, when it comes to some dissidents there or those who oppose, it’s not about the fact that you can criticize the current president, ministers and so on as much as you like, but the one who radically...
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the police said that this had been going on for 4 years, 4 years, i was just generally in a daze, but the locals didn’t
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believe that he was a criminal, we all couldn’t believe it at all, any person can incriminate another man, this is a moral monster, this is what you are defending, i want find out the truth, why the locals are sure that the man was slandered in order to take over his business property. after the arrest , information comes that alexandra wants to turn herself in. the garage is already rented, she began to prove to all her relatives that this is her home. this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday 2020 on ntv. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a sim cardf mobile protect your bank accounts from your phone. moscow coffee shop on the fields, a combination of traditions and
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600 68 05 or on the angelkhrani website. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. at that meeting point, let's see how you voted today. we asked you, dear friends, to indicate your attitude, how you see the future of russia with by whom, with the west or with the east. well, to be honest, today ’s result is probably predictable, you see, most of all 67%, we have a special path.
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at the end of the discussion we moved on to symbols, it turns out that we can combine both themes of today’s final story, which means that a foreign ship comes to odessa, the crew goes ashore, in front is... the captain all in white is walking along the sidewalk and straight falls into a hole the sewer crawls out all in this very thing and starts screaming on the opposite side of the street there are two
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one of the local old men says that he is screaming like that, he listened, he says that the pits with shit need to be fenced off with flags, he says , i beg you, they entered the port, there are ukrainian flags all around, he didn’t see them, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 will be... ntv, goodbye. first meeting of the renewed government. what decisions have already been made? to remove the constant threat, our military is occupying the positions of militants, from where they were shelling belgorod? an inconvenient truth. the officer who spoke about the killings of afghan civilians with australian military, arrested.


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