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tv   DNK  NTV  May 15, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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did you know that he has an intimate relationship with your daughter? no, you persuaded your daughter to lie about intimate relations with your husband, no, of course, you slandered your husband in order to take possession of his property? no, the girl herself answers questions in the presence of her mother. did your stepfather touch your private parts? yes, did you have sexual intercourse with your stepfather at least once? yes, did your stepfather force you to have such intimacy? yes, and you... resisted when he pestered you, yes, and did you provoke your stepfather into intimacy? no, until your stepfather's arrest, did you tell your mother that he had sexually assaulted you? no, did your mother encourage you to lie about having an intimate relationship with your stepfather? no, i invite polygraph examiner oleg baroshev to the studio. hello, hello, good afternoon. what did the polygraph show? the polygraph showed
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for the mother, for alexandra, that there was no conspiracy between her and her daughter. that is, alexandra does not pursue selfish goals, to take possession of property or anything else in order to slander her ex-husband. now about the most important thing why did the stepchild rape him? based on the results of the research, we can say for sure that he is a stepfather. lasted for a long period, when asked if it was when you were at home alone, she calmly answered: no, everyone was at home, we forced our stepdaughter that it was really just in another room, we apologize for thinking so badly about you, sergey, you don’t want to apologize to alexandra, you don’t ask me for anything, love, but you don’t want to say anything to alexandra for your selfishness. in front of my daughter. ekaterina,
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can you work with a girl? yes i can work. olga, for your part, can you protect the interests of the victim? of course, of course, i'm ready to help. remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. tomorrow in the program beyond. in the moscow region, the parents of a newborn girl suddenly fell asleep next to the stroller right in the middle of the street. there was a stroller and the baby was born. it was simply unbearable to watch. the baby’s mother assures that she and her lover simply felt ill and begs for the return of what was seized child into the family. however , the woman’s former partner believes that she cannot be trusted under any circumstances, because she abandoned her elder.
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they call my mother my mother, i have never seen love for a child in her, why then have children if you are not ready to take responsibility, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the husband and wife were offered to adopt a newborn girl, and they agreed, but a chance meeting ruined all their plans. in our studio tamara and vladimir butin, vladimir, tamara, hello, please come in sit down, tamara, what kind of meeting changed your plans, well, my husband and i got married and we didn’t have children for a long time, 7 years, and we decided to adopt, place them in a home, we knew a chief doctor in another city, we picked up a child, but at that time ... i was just working
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as a caretaker technician and a mother came to see me after the maternity hospital with her daughter, her rent was unpaid and her electricity was turned off for non-payment, she came to the reception to have the lights connected to her, but in general tamara, what they were talking about debts, some kind of unaffordable amount for many years, well, for her yes, she didn’t work, she was 40 years old. and i asked her to give me this child, and i will pay, i will pay, i will sort out all these debts. how did the woman even react to your request? well, she was already going to leave this girl at the maternity hospital, but her friend was persuaded to take her. in the end, the woman agreed to your proposal, as i understand it. well, in the evening, it was tuesday, we had a housing and communal services appointment on tuesday, and in the evening my husband and i went to look at this child at her house at... time in the evening was not
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it was, she was walking somewhere, they came on wednesday morning, she was already at home, she also had a son, who was about 7 years old, she... had an older son, he was even older than this son, he was seven years old, and he was not, and i don’t know where in the special vocational school or where he studied, how old he is, i don’t know at all, and we have already agreed that she gives this child away, she herself, having gathered this girl, taking with her this boy , which she had, we lived on the same street, almost a few houses away, she...
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his mother, 7 years old, i think, understood at that time the moment when you saw this woman’s son, you didn’t have the desire to take away a boy in addition to the girl, but unfortunately, at that time, no, i was so happy about this girl that i didn’t even think about it, i would have him i asked for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart, i just want him to forgive me, it would be possible to return everything back, everything would be different, i would first show it. her - her mother and would not have separated her from her brother, when you took the girl, did she already have a name? yes, her mother named her olya, but i, she was born on february 8, and i i renamed her according to the calendar, maria, and
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moved her date of birth, well, probably, at that time i still had the idea that if she wasn’t found, they were afraid of it, yes. they suggested that i should go with my mother to this. in this sense, what you did was, to me the zak, if there is a dash there that she doesn’t have a dad, then my husband recognizes paternity, and we went to the zak, there really was a dash of the father’s dash, and my husband admitted paternity, then she... says this as a joke or not, i don’t know, but now she says and there is someone to take the elements, we are here in a taxi to the notary so that she, so that she and i officially refused, and i adopted her, and the husband passed as the father
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of the child, and you, as the official wife, could, in general, adopt her without problems, official wife , we had no problems with this, we were not hindered anywhere. vladimir, you immediately agreed to become the official father of the child of another woman, not your wife, that if you don’t want to become a father, i say i’ll raise her myself, and you can go, and i had to support my wife, i also wanted children, after all, we lived with her for 7 years, but how did you initially find out that your wife had changed her mind about taking her away from the executioner, she had already found another girl, well, i was just at work when this happened. she called and said, come, there is a surprise child, i came, she explained that now i want to take the child, let’s go look, but when they looked, she brought it to the child, she said, help me formalize this, vladimir, that’s when you just looked like tamara, you
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thought, if only it was ours, well, when i saw her for the first time, she had such a face i’m pleased and happy that i liked everything, it all sunk into my heart right away, right? you, vladimir, to this day remain the official father of the girl, i adopted her, and he recognized himself as the official father. evgeniya, if someone found out about such a complicated scheme to become the official father of a girl, could they make any claims against this family? and you know, the question here is not even about the design that was made initially, yes, the question is that in fact, if we speak... in plain language, the child was bought as it might be unpleasant to hear this, but that’s the way it is, so, probably, there could be serious questions about this, up to criminal liability, it was necessary to at least
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not give the child away for something, for material reward, of course , we didn’t have any material reward, the only thing was that we connected the light to her , paid a fee for her, that’s all... and that was the material reward, alas, as unpleasant as it is to admit, the biological mother, tamara, she no longer appeared in yours life, one day we lived on... a neighboring street on our irevan street, and when i once went to give us an apartment in another area, she appeared near us, i don’t think that she could be by chance, maybe not by chance, she she came up to me, walked up to the stroller, i told her, she doesn’t need to come up, but what does she say, i’m no one now, i say, well, you yourself gave everything, now you’re no one, if you come up again, i’ll report it. to the police, more and more after that i didn’t see her anymore, you remember her name,
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valentina, her name was denisova, i don’t know my patronymic name, but why did you want to get an apartment in another area, in another area, so as not to meet, not to intersect with your biological mother, i was afraid that she would hurt masha, we moved further away, well, from tsaritsa, and to orekhova borisov for us they provided us with the apartment in which we currently live, and did you really love masha as if you were your own? dear, it ’s still there, it’s a part of me, vladimir, you too, i have nothing to say, i ’ve never hit her in my whole life, i was slapped on the butt once for something, so she’s so at me i looked, i still remember this moment everything, even i also have granddaughters, the same thing, they , well, i think that they love me more, because my grandmother treats them strictly. tamara, vladimir, your adopted daughter will never
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forget the day when she found out that she was not related to you by blood. in the studio maria sharkova. hello maria, hello. how old were you when you learned this truth? i was 11 years old. i was shocked. how did this happen? my girlfriend and i were at my house jumping with my parents. on the bed until they are gone it happened, the bed was broken, i lifted the mattress to see if it could be repaired, it couldn’t, i found documents, and from the context i understood that these were adoption documents, that’s what was written in that document, and the refusal and the name olga, that’s clear to me stuck in my memory, we went to ask our parents questions, of course, in the evening, when my mother came home from work, and i immediately asked her what kind of documents these were, where they came from, what it meant, my mother
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then admitted that yes, we adopted you , but you are dear to us, you are our beloved girl, my dad supported me, the quiet guy said that well don’t worry, it’s my mother who is friendly, but i ’m dear to you, for some reason it intuitively seemed to me that both parents, mom, dad, were not my family, it was like this... the state is incomprehensible, i cried, i retreated into myself, 11 years old, this is hard to realize, probably before you found this document, did you ever have suspicions that you were not the natural daughter of this family? yes, there was such a case, at my grandmother’s in the village a girl ran up to me and started teasing me, saying, you know, you are not related to your parents, you adopted, i naturally ran to... in tears , i said, how come, what is it? she and the grandmother say, no, don’t worry, but
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these are all evil tongues, she’s just jealous of you, a girl from the village, and you’re from moscow, such a metropolitan thing, it’s all just envy, don’t pay attention, and that calmed you down, of course , i believed the adults, maria, and my mother told you the details of your adoption, my mother told me about the details when i was already 30 years old. then we had a conversation in the kitchen over tea, at my own peril and risk decided to raise this topic and my mother told me that she worked in the zhek , a woman came to her with a baby in her arms, and she had problems with the light, the light was turned off due to non-payment, she came to investigate and said that she had no money i'm not here. i have a child, maybe we can switch, yes, we will help each other, the parents did not have
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children, they began to re-register documents, that is, you know this story, that your biological mother herself offered to take you, yes, yes, for some reason i remembered her so much that the biological mother herself suggested, rather than your mother suggesting that your biological mother take you, maybe, maybe, since there was a family. half-parent and i was not the first child, perhaps, yes, but you were shocked by this story, yes, yes, this... such an exchange as how to sell a kitten, and something else about your biological family, your mother told you ? yes, she told me that i have two brothers, at the time when i was born, the older brother did not live at home, the middle brother, who at the time i was handed over to my adoptive parents, was with my mother next to him, all this happened before his eyes,
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my mother told me, he asked me not to give it up. he said that he would raise me himself, he would feed me himself, he asked, mom, please don’t give me away, that is, a seven-year-old boy asked his mother, don’t give up my sister, mom, yes, that means he loved you, little brother, yes, i him i love him too, in absentia, i don’t know who, but i’m very grateful to him for his indifference, i don’t know the person, you already love him, right? i love, this is my blood, these are my family people, i never had blood people, i was so envious of everyone who had brothers, sisters, they know each other, they communicate, but i don’t have this, i always really wanted to find my blood relatives, and do you think your relatives
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would like to meet you, i think so, because i.. i know that my brother was looking for me when i was 18-20 years old, and my mother met with a friend, a mutual friend, she said that her brother was looking for masha, he wanted to see her, but my mother was afraid at that moment, wait, here. what kind of brother is this, who was he looking for if your name was changed, if you were taken to another area? and he was looking through general acquaintances and somehow got in touch with your mother, yes, but do you absolutely know that it was your brother? yes, i think it was my brother, the middle one, he went, this brother, who is seven years old, he went to the same family, i knew this family, galya, she met me by chance, she graduated from masha
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institute, she knew this is galya, that i adopted this particular girl... this girl, she says, her brother is looking for her, i said, wait until i need them to meet, why? i was afraid, now i of course regret it, but i can’t get it all back, i lost this woman’s phone number, maria, if this meeting had happened then, would it have been good or bad? of course, that would be good, but again i can’t be angry and judge.
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went with me to the theater, to the circus, my dad and i went to the sea, i read fairy tales, they gave me a lot, and they helped me a lot, supported me, of course, i know it, i feel it, they are like family to me, now support, i'm sure, yes, yes, the most important important moment for me, they i was supported in the search issue. maria's family, who are you especially looking forward to meeting? i look forward to meeting, especially with my middle brother, with that boy who was looking for me, who didn’t want to give me up, especially with him, her lover cannot hold back his tears, remembering his younger sister, from whom he was separated when he was 7 years old. in the studio of
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svetlana rybina. hello. to come here to connect with my sister, as it were, and how did he react to the fact that his younger sister might have been found, oh, when i told him, he burst into tears, he didn’t believed. he was in a state of shock, of course, your lover often remembers his younger sister, very often, but he doesn’t like to discuss this topic, he doesn’t like it, because well, it’s a difficult family situation, as if they
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had a situation, tell me what he remembers about the younger one to his sister, oh, he remembers how they took her, she was little, he was against it, he said that there was no need to take her, but he remembers his sister’s name, yes, her name was olga, what is your beloved’s last name, his is denisov, then there is a possibility that she was too. well, yes, probably, and she also has native? well, his brother seems to be older, as far as i know, but he seems to have disappeared, we don’t know where he is, when, well , they haven’t communicated for a long time , they probably haven’t communicated for about 20 years, they haven’t seen each other, they’ve disappeared they didn’t see each other, as it were, with their mother, and his mother died, a long, long time ago, your vladimir tried to find his sister someday, but he tried in the old way, somehow, well, yes... something didn’t work out , he despaired, well , as if he had forgotten about her anyway, well, according to old data, i understand that, olga denisova or according to some other data, well, where did they live there, that’s it, well, anyway, someone
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might have seen it, knows something, as it were, that is, i asked people, and tried, but nothing worked out, svetlana, then let me introduce you to maria, it’s very nice, her adoptive mother took her from her biological mother when maria... was very young, she knows that this all happened in front of her older brother, it’s terrible, of course she finds out this, it looks like maria, outwardly, well, there are some similarities, their noses are all clear, there, well, maybe the lips a little bit, but somehow, tamara, do you admit that svetlana’s beloved may turn out to be that same boy? yes, he knows the last name, he knows the name of this girl. svetlana, tamara is maria’s adoptive mother, she knows that her brother and her daughters once tried to find her, but at that moment
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tamara was against this meeting, i was afraid that somehow he would separate from me, no, neither in any case, well, i was afraid. tamara, what have you heard about the future fate of your daughter’s biological mother? the sarofan also reported to me on the radio then, we... i i knew people there too, they knew him, that they very soon sold this moscow apartment, and their mother moved them, it seems to the ryazan region, then his mother died, but i didn’t specify how old he was, and maria, here our daughters talked about it, well , yes, we even wanted to go to the grave so that she could be taken there to visit them. maria, would you like to go? yes, yes, that's a must. i would really like to visit the grave of my biological mother, yes, i knew that she died, maria, and if i met with that same
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brother, meeting with whom is most important you dream and consider the main thing in your life, what would you ask first of all, i have so many questions for him, about his life i would ask, how was his childhood, would i ask about his mother? i have a lot of questions, i want to know everything, i would tell him how much i love him, how grateful i am to him, for his concern, for the fact that he was looking, trying to find me, that it was very emotional for him, will he be able to tamara... today ask forgiveness from the brother of her adopted daughter maria, because she separated her brother and sister 38 years ago. we'll find out right after a short ad. childhood
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memories are amazing things; important facts are somehow lost. at the age of 10, irina ended up in an orphanage. why did you take it? me from my mother. your mother died, that's all i remember. there was a dad, i don’t remember anything about my dad. but i recently found out that someone was her. is looking for, maybe you corresponded with someone, didn’t correspond, and don’t recognize the text? no, i understand that you have a huge number of questions about yourself, about your past, some information may be enough unpleasant and difficult, as well as the incredible story of elena, who is looking for the double of her late cousin, the unusual story is actually similar to mysticism, a man came and rang the doorbell, it’s practically... on ntv.
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the most... fast call right now 8 800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for just 1 rub 8,800,200 exactly 7567 call within russia free stars finale on saturday at 21:20 on ntv airing the dna program a woman worked as an inspector in the housing and communal services sector and drew attention to...
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the commander immediately granted you leave at your first request, no, not right away , there was one battle, they didn’t send us to the second battle, he said, you have to do it anyway... he was walking there, this little man came, smiled at me, i said: mom, we can’t give her away, she’s ours, she she says she
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will be better there, well, she had her own motivations or something, i don’t know, she tried somehow explain these very motivations, yes, that she could not pull it off, it was a difficult time, and there was also an older... brother , so i didn’t want us to go hungry, at that time she was alone, yes, there was no support for her, and how those people looked, you remember, to whom my mother gave her sister, how much from childhood now and, as it were , to the subconscious, and there was a woman who was not very tall , but well, plump, it seemed to me , and...
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she left for some reason ... then to my affairs, i said that i was not very willing to be alone, yes, she says, well, you’re a man, your mother raised you alone, but your father was never around, no, my father died when i was 3 years old, and some other men who maybe tried to replace you with some... they were, but they just passed by, let’s say, and you didn’t have an older brother, was he like a brother? his name is sergei, but he was always in prison, he came literally for a month or two, he was imprisoned again, he never took part in your life, he took part, even tried to educate me at one time, there was a month or two,
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he tried somehow, you should behave like this, you should behave like this, you should do this, the brother knew how his mother acted with his sister, but he was looking for her, really looking for her, he was there for some time. .. he was sitting and came home, yes, he found out all this from somewhere, and some people told him all this, well, i mean that your mother gave away her daughter, yes, so he beat, beat the mother, brutally, then came to me and said, you knew about this, i said, yes, he beat me. that's why you didn't tell me this? i say: well, because i’m a mother she said that this is a closed topic and cannot be discussed, after which he started looking for his sister,
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he says: i’ll find her anyway, so it won’t cost me, then at some point it all stopped, i don’t know why, because he was an adult, he himself... would never let her go at all, i want her to walk next to me through life and so that such restorings would never happen again in my life.
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vladimir, today maria came to our studio, her birth name is olga, adopted. "well, probably yes, she looks like a mother, i think so and i thought, i look, i think it’s mom, i just, you look like, mom, you look like, thank you very much, thank you, please don’t cry, i’m crying here, my dear!” heart,
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forgive me for everything that to forgive you, i am very grateful to you, thank you very much , thank you very much, everything is fine, i just thought that it was you who was watching, i think, damn it, am i really going to look at you, i finally came, vladimir, bye . maria, whose story is very similar to your story, but we just don’t know for sure yet whether this is the same person, your our olga maria, i think it’s her, she even looks a little like my mother, the expression on her face when she was young, she was the same, my adoptive parents also said that i am very similar to my mother, she is the same. she's tall, and even her figure,
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it seems to me, is the same as her mother's, she's so petite and short. vladimir, this is tamara and vladimir, adoptive parents, i remember vladimir a little, i don’t see your expression at all, well, your faces, well, there’s something similar, when we were walking with him, well, masha they carried me, he tells me everything, look how he says, i can do it. i really want to ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart that
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i did this in front of my eyes, took you away and separated you, so sometimes i even thought, if i had asked you, i wonder if they would have given you away, or if you would have run back to your mother, i would have come to you arrived, but i would have run back, anyway, i was drawn to my yard where i lived and those circumstances. it seems that i would return to my mother, no matter what she was like, i say the same thing, yes, but from the bottom of my heart i want to at least take you away, it would not be necessary for you to be present, i agree with you, well, this, this is my mother, i , your mother, decided that we all went, you are your mother, olya, let it be me too, we came to our apartment where we lived, she left maria with me. and you left, i don’t remember that we
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sort of came there, i remember, i remember the park, that they stood side by side, wow, you didn’t come to us anymore, once you met us on the street, i just don’t remember, i was walking with a stroller, and i don’t remember whether you were there or not, but it was yours, so i remember i approached the stroller, and then, of course, i drove yours away i told my mother that you are no one anymore, you yourself... i guess all this was probably left behind, you deliberately gave it away, this stroller , this little park, that’s probably what i remember, but it was in the little park, here we are nearby we lived on one in neighboring houses, we lived, this is what i remember, this is what stuck with me, but for some reason it stuck with me that right at that moment they were broadcasting it, it turns out that the entire transfer had already taken place before that moment until then it's a month from now. it probably happened at two, a month, she lived with me, but they gave her away
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her a month, a month and a half after birth, right away, yes, but for some reason it seemed to me, no, she lived with me for a month, we couldn’t register her, even so, yes, she wanted to leave her in the maternity hospital, that’s what it was it would have been even worse, he probably wanted to leave her in the maternity hospital, your mother was a friend, she really persuaded your mother to... take her from the maternity home, gave her all the things, gave her diapers, baby clothes, all sorts of blankets, well, nothing stopped your mother from giving it anyway, she was just... it seems to me that she was just afraid, poverty, hunger, everything, everything, everything negative that could have happened happened the way it happened. vladimir, tamara is still very worried that she separated you from
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your sister, but tamara is grateful to your mother for the best daughter. we already have it. attention to the screen. tamara butina shows a house on caucasian boulevard. here she saw her adopted daughter maria for the first time before taking her to her place. i found my happiness in this house, i took my baby here. and since then the child has been living with me. tamara and her husband gave their adopted daughter the most spacious room room in your apartment. there was a chest of drawers with a mirror here. here was her sofa. there was a sofa, there was a tv here, there was a wall, she loved to read, there were a lot, a lot of books, our dad is a book lover, so she took a book, opened it, for example, doctor ebolit, and read it by heart, now maria lives in the village of podstepki, samara region, she is
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a mother of many children, a happy wife, her beloved husband sent such a surprise yesterday, it was unexpectedly very pleasant, and... she doesn’t forget to do little joys for me, even at a distance, until her husband works in the capital, maria makes the house cozy, looks after the household, takes care of the garden, feeds the chickens, collects eggs, we don’t use or buy store-bought eggs, because we have our own chickens, our girls are led by a cockerel, with drink , when a free minute appears, maria makes herself more comfortable on the second floor of the house, knitting soft toys, i like to sit here and create, knit, i have another toy in my project, this is for my eldest daughter, while only the face is ready, i knit according to the master class, and those that are in free access, and if i
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really like something, i buy it. vladimir, how do you like the life of your supposed sister? i think she's like a mother. mom also loved to embroider, she knitted socks there, and something else, i remember, yes, it was so bright, you liked the way your supposed sister lived, well done, she’s really smart, such comfort, just like a family hearth, you’ll go to visit, if they invite you, well , of course we’ll go, of course, i was there often, in fact, since my job before the northern military district was as a truck driver. i was there very often too often, if i knew that she was there, damn it, they would want maria to turn out to be that same sister of yours, i think she is this, it cannot be otherwise, elena, you can assume that these are relatives in front of us, you know ,
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i really want you to be family, but you are completely different, and this worries me, that’s okay. in general they are absolutely not similar, the figures are different, appearance, hair color, look, eye color, in my opinion, even maria is dark, well, with black eyes, but you don’t look alike at all, i think they are similar, that’s how they are a real brother and sister, when they stood up to each other, it was some kind of real call of blood, i don’t know, maybe i just got emotional, and how they both sat, how they... themselves, some kind of their intelligence, the way they talk, they are very similar, she behaves the same as mother, she behaves the same as mother, she says, i don’t know why, i can see her, just like mother, mother, did they really meet in our studio today? brother and sister by blood,
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the tnk test will show in just a couple of minutes, you can perform in single skating, but football to play together with... full years in some places very full overcame cancer, there was no such thing, that’s it, i give up, no, i give up, it didn’t happen, i saw my pregnant wife, it ’s the brain, that is, a little to the right, a little to the left, and are you touching some important centers, how many? from comedy star nadezhda angarskaya was looking for her happiness, i think that you are so small, damn it, again in general, smaller than you,
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1.299. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a tenkov mobile sim card and protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tenkof, he is the only one. this is the dna program. a 38 -year-old woman dreams of asking for forgiveness from the boy she took him in front of. sister to their biological mother. vladimir, maria knows that her biological mother died. what about your mother, when did she pass away? well, it's been a long time since she died, she was 51 years old when she died. and... what happened, some kind of vessel burst in my head, that’s all, it happened in vyazniki, we had a house there,
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at that time it was, well, it was before lunch, and my stepfather, who had been living there recently, came running with us, well, he said that there was trouble with his mother, so i came and... “she was already lying on the floor, her eyes were open, that’s how i hugged, cried, mom, mom, after probably 5 minutes, there 10, she closed her eyes all, how old were you, i was probably seventeen years old, well, i went out, went to some neighbors, some neighbors gave me boards, others gave fabric, they said that uncle vasya, who lived opposite, was there, he said: “stoler, he will help you put together a coffin.” i came to uncle
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vasya and said, help me make a coffin. my mother died, he says: sit down, read this diagram of how it’s all put together, and we’ll continue to cut with you, i’m fine, fine, he just nailed everything together, he says, nails shouldn’t go inside, because it’s a bad omen, i remember this, he collected everything, knocked it together, then i went the next day to the gypsies, they gave me a horse and a cart. i took my mother to the vyazniki, brought her there, a woman came out, she said, who did you bring? i say, mother, she says, do you have money, i say, no, she says, who will wash her, will you wash her, i say, no, how am i
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going to wash my mother? she says: okay, come the day after tomorrow and pick her up. all i went home, then they allocated a plot where she was buried. again, he also came on a horse, already with a coffin from everyone, took it, took it away and buried it, then the people who vouched for me, yes, they say, you ’ll somehow be bad.
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stole, because my brother and sochi left for moscow, and what should i do, a young guy who, damn it, i couldn’t get a job for her, well, where should i get a job, and then a neighbor came who helped bury my mother, he says there is warehouse, there are potatoes in it, although they were covered in frost. they held her, do you want eat, go there, that’s it, i took the bag, went there, well, if i had been caught, i would have been imprisoned for these potatoes, it turns out, but i didn’t care anymore, because i wanted to eat, that’s how i lived, army helped.
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the army, yes, firstly, i matured a little into the army, and then the guys who were in afanasy in the village, before i was demobilized, they said, well, you have nothing to do in the village, your house is falling apart, not very, not your brother doesn’t show up there, you sell him, people from the village will help you. and you come to derzhinsk, nizhny novgorod region, we will give you a job , you will live on your own, they gave me a hostel, i got a job in a industrial bdpo, began to work as a metal worker, by the way, since there was, well, little money, yes, i sort of saved everything, and
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made a tomb for the mother, this... i made everything with my own hands when i was a child, i even came here now, we looked, everything was done like velcro, but it still stands, because the first cross that was there was wooden , it rotted, and since all this is hard for me, naturally i’ve been i haven’t been there at all, well , it was hard for me to go there, i had a little son, we came there, i say, this would be...
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in sochi we went here to catch rotans, there on that tree - we rode on this one, as it’s called ? on a swing, now in place of a house, wasteland and ruins, here was my room, here was a cat, nothing happened, there was a stove, there was a yard, a boiler room, vladimir’s mother, valentina denisova, is buried 8 km from here, in the old cemetery, an unkempt mound and a metal monument from which a young woman smiles, vladimir asks... i'm sorry, he rarely comes here, it was hard to come here, so you can see for yourself the state in which there was a table, a bench, you see, they removed everything, they cramped it a little, i
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saw a small photograph, there really is some resemblance between us with her, yes, yes, yes, very similar, very similar, very similar to my mother, here is the oval of the face, and the eyes, this caught my eye instantly, it’s like one face, very, very similar. the nose is generally similar , for some reason right away i looked in half profile and it’s immediately clear, it seems to me that there are no questions at all. tamara, vladimir, do you think your daughter will find a brother today? i think yes, yes, there is still some similarity, i have no doubt. maria, what do you think, is your brother? yes, i'm sure of it. i'm sure. vladimir, we are ready to find out if your sister olya is in jail. now opposite you, yes, i would like to know, i invite our dna specialist, daria popova, to the studio,
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whether maria will find an older brother today, whether tamara apologized to the right man, we will find out the intriguing result of the dna test immediately after the advertisement. watch at 19:00 on ntv. in slovakia an assassination attempt was made on the country's prime minister robert fitz. he was injured. the shooter was detained on the spot. who prevented a european politician who advocates refusing to supply arms to ukraine from establishing a dialogue with russia. the ministry of health has published a list of drugs after use. which are not recommended to drive, among them theraflus, pasmolgon and suprastin, why some people thought that taking these drugs automatically means a ban on driving, and what they say about this in
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one, if you want to know more, call 8 800 100 exactly 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30-27 find out details about the emperor’s secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love, emergency exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. if they killed girl, then where did she fly? they could easily drown the body in the sea, well, you understand that you won’t find anything in the sea, we’ll see about that, a war is brewing in yuzhnomorsk, business interests, but it will just be a massacre, no more clues, except for one, which, maksimych, please let them go, just like they released the dolphin, today at 20:00 on...
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ntv. dna is on the air. maria sharkova and samara region was shocked by her adoptive mother’s story about how she took her from her biological mother right in front of her brother. and i decided, in find him no matter what. daria, you have the floor. today, maria sharkova from the samara region is waiting for the result of a dna test. however, it is no less important for its reception. a positive genetic test result in front of her little brother will mean that in our studio maria met her brother vladimir, and it was 38 years ago that tamara took maria from her biological mother to adopt her. in exchange for the girl, she offered the woman to eliminate her utility debts.
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for years tamara dreamed of asking the same the boy apologized for the separation from his sister, and maria wanted to find out how his fate turned out. maria, are you ready to find out the result of the dna test? yes, vladimir, can i open the envelope? yes, of course, open it. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, it is assumed. sister, maria sharkova, on the other hand, her supposed older brother, vladimir denisov, the probability that you are related by blood is 99.9, congratulations, damn it, i knew that it couldn’t be any other way, that -that.
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me, my parents need it, thank you, god, forgive me i ask you from the bottom of my heart, not for the sake of rhetoric, you raised her, saved her. vladimir, you have finally met the girl from whom you were separated, this is a great happiness, now that maria is in your hands, vladimir’s hand, i know for sure that my brother will never lose or give up his younger sister to anyone for a second , so it is, so
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it will be, it makes you happy, of course, of course, that i will have support, support from my family, blood. tamara, is there a place for vladimir in your family? of course, always at any time, together with the children, together with his lover or wife, always at any time, our doors are open. if you require genetic testing, please contact us and we will definitely help you. new dna test available tomorrow. assalomu alaykum, biz gaz qaramollarini tekshiraverim, mumkin.
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aha, rahmat, qo'ldi, qayda yuvib olar ham mumkin?
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assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz was shot when he went outside after a cabinet meeting, who attacked him and why? the general staff of the russian armed forces will continue to work without changes, and the new minister of defense andrei belousov is tasked with monitoring the balance between guns and oil, and who is responsible for what, the supreme commander-in-chief explained. nikita is overseeing the transformations in the military department. the shelling of belgorod continues, there are wounded, dozens of residential buildings are damaged, repair teams do not have time to eliminate the consequences of missile attacks, report by olga chernova.


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