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tv   Fors-mazhor  NTV  May 16, 2024 12:55am-1:51am MSK

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was killed in battle with the troops of prince vladimir , buried with three wives, one of them a temple and a dog, the dog also turns out to be historical, yes, yes, lack of spirituality, excuse me, professor, ah, i see everything, but his son, the prince, buried them.. , shishka, after the funeral he converted to christianity, that’s it, the puzzle fits, but congratulations to you, saikin, you solved the crime of the century, your maniac’s name is shishka, shishka, almost like you, these are not relatives by chance, you’re at the bazaar. follow, filter, and you sorted it out with the grandfathers, formalized everything there, right? yes, both are fine,
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let's go, i'll take a look, come on, let's go, pach, let's go, let's go, isolnitsa stepanovna, please help me, collect everything here for the museum for transportation, of course, professor, of course, now colleagues should also join us, yes, colleagues, and colleagues they'll join us too, yeah, yeah, so, who's the sack, the sack? uh-huh, but there’s no bump, yes, my dear, i hope you stole all the things of this dissolute man, mom, well, maybe you saw something wrong, my dear, i’m not blind, and i’m not a fool, i’m still like that saw it, dmitry anatolyevich, here are your things, let’s do it somehow without long goodbyes, my daughter doesn’t need it.
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behavior, entered into exclusively verbal contact with them on my orders, the head of the investigative committee, colonel sutyagiy, well, you know, don’t miss tomorrow, but because of this crook from the department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day, kolya, put it away. need kolya, who
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are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and urka with four convictions, packed your things, get out of here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor, the patient woke up, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t arrived yet, so he won’t come, they’ve laid him off, what’s happening, we’ll operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, tomorrow at 22:15 on... tv, sleep, now i’ll give you some painkillers, i am a murderer, we will now hide the corpse behind me.
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therapist from this day on we don't do drugs, after all who are we, a gang or what? what is it, you show up with your own hands for the soul, let me in, he needs to be stopped, why are we going down through the window and not through the portal, because he broke portal, you fell in love with your own sister, for her brother is the ideal man, the ideal man whom you killed, you buried the corpse closer to the vase or further into the field at the grenade ford, well, what was i talking about, i knew it, so and i knew that this would all end, it’s all because of you, why are you silent, tell me something, it’s good for you, you’re with us, and i’m too handsome, which puts me in prison,
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i know that there with someone like me, uh-huh, you hear, light, die, and, vitya, we just got imprisoned, and he wants to kill me. "tem, you calm down, really, i found someone to be afraid of, the snoopy kozliny, what did you say, who did you call the goat, i trampled the zone for 10 years, from bell to bell, i realized, 5 years with a six, two in the asset, freed the paudo, do you think if the suit interrupted the tambourine?" "i can’t tell, or something, but stall in the corner so i don’t see you, he won’t be back for interrogation, alexander,
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wait, and i, we’re together, vitya, vitya, vitya, don’t leave me here, vitya, vitka, vitya! listen, what kind of authority is this? on june 20, while on duty, i injected a painkiller patient kolesnikov, but rather, i didn’t yet know his last name, but i didn’t know who he was at all, but as a result of my medical error , the patient’s death occurred, how... do you think in the federal security service of the russian federation there is nothing else to do except how about your medical error? you don’t want to tell me anything else, are you talking about a bag of drugs and a box of grenades? kolesnikov, nikolai
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sergeevich, who is also a therapist, entered into a deal with the investigative authorities. pledged to assist in reducing the term of imprisonment the arrest and indictment of gogi aslanovich, the devil, nicknamed gogi the himalayan, the himalayan ordered the murder of a therapist, we introduced the killer step by step and were even able to replace his syringe with poison with a syringe with a drug that simulates death for a short time, the killer had to become a witness accusations, because only he could confirm the fact of ordering the murder. the therapist would have woken up in a few hours, but kolesnikov, buried alive, died by suffocation, already a corpse, was dismembered, and then fed to a circus animal. the body of the killer's main witness was found at the medical institute
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as an experimental corpse. this is such an interesting situation. victor valerievich. and what will happen to me for this? think for yourself what a double murder with dismemberment could be like, not counting a box of grenades and a bag of drugs.
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well, now everything is clear to you, alexandrov, it’s clear, i just don’t understand one thing, why didn’t you arrest us right away? well, let’s just say, they had their own interests, but clearly, what if i get your interests, well, about what, about gimolaisky? hmm, you are not as stupid as it is written here, himalayan, i am still sure that i am a therapist. that's right, that's right, i'll make sure that he not only orders my murder, but also comes here in person, and you can catch him in this case and imprison him for 10 years, and what do you want in return, how many years
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are you bargaining for, or no matter how much, and not for myself , i am asking for my condition to release artyom, he is here... and i need to consult with my superiors, so keep in mind, alexandrov, you will be monitored around the clock. observation, where is artyom? we have we agreed? it will happen now, and don’t waste time, if in a week you fail to provoke or lure the himalayan, you will sit down for a really long time, together with your friend. idritgo madrid, freedom! and this is not my friend, right? yes. sure, yes,
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oh, short-willed!
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yes, calm down. it’s me, it’s me, that’s what i’m afraid of, but i’m not crazy, i’m not crazy, listen to me, i beg you, what are you wearing? i 'll explain everything to you now.
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i myself will figure out what to do, where to be , when to spend the night at home, clearly, clearly, and in general, it’s high time for me to live separately, so i i’m moving out, it’s clear how you move out, where, here are the crits for the communal apartment. here’s money for food, it’s also better to buy vegetables, tents,
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installations, it’s not heavy there, it’s better to go to the post office from three to four, there’s a shorter line there, in general, you’ll figure it out, mityusha! you're a good, but advanced kid, you want to communicate with the lads online, but you're sick of the scales, the homos are stupid, then download the new mobile application, oh beautiful, oh beautiful, a new
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generation social-criminal network, voice recognition. life for thieves, recognition of suit by tattoos, denied, oh beautiful, only for specific boys. what the hell? what, a startup? what strotan? no, melon, you
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're in trouble, of course, the therapist set up the wine business for you, the rook and i, what should we do, shake the taxi drivers and traders. that’s not what i was hankering for when i was 2 years old, what do you want from me, well, you suggest a therapist, we need an investor, he won’t shoot at you, if anything happens, melon, that’s all here, here is a presentation, reference, target audience, everything is there, the melon is behind me, the rest are here, take the melon, you are out of sorts, man, then. okay, no sour, we’ll find another investor, we ’ll enter the foreign market, we won’t start a war with the clan, he
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has enough fighters for a whole regiment, but i don’t want military clans, i need a himalayan one. gogi is not a fraer to fly 300 km away for a showdown, you declare war on him, he will send all his thugs. the ears, the ears are different, and the nose, right here, it just seems like it’s actually a clumsy job. believe me, i’m not crazy, he came to me in a mental hospital, he confessed everything himself, who, vitya, what vitya, vitya is no longer there, therapist, laughed he promised me to my face that i would never get out of there, so i had to run away, he probably already knows about this and is also looking for me, but i have to get to him before,
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otherwise our family is in danger, i don’t blame you for giving up . to the clinic, because you didn’t know anything then, but now, lyuba, when i told you everything, you believe me, lyuba, i’m sorry, i’m sorry that i didn’t believe you before, it’s okay, everything is fine, now you believe me, but this is very important to me, now i can find him to kill, it's too dangerous, i i’m not afraid of him, i believe, but how will you get to him, especially if he knows that you ran away, what are you suggesting, sit with your hands folded and wait for him to get to us himself, no, i ’ll help you, i have a plan, you have, yes, after all, my brother, i have to avenge him, what is your plan, i’ll explain on the way, on
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the way, well, we can’t waste a minute, of course. this is what i understand, my girl, there are more and more serious crimes, these non-humans should get the full punishment, i offer help in any format and volume, but we do everything is quiet, stand there, police, you need to think ahead, zhenya, as i understand it, you came to detain him, the likelihood of a mistake is negligible, do you understand, vasilis? until i find these scumbags, there will be no peace of mind here. dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available.
1:16 am
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1:17 am
my name is viktor anatolyevich mishchersky, i i suggest you take part in one experiment, placing criminals and their victims in an isolated space. natasha, the person because of whom you are sitting in this chair now. what is he doing here, i’m in the same room with him? i 'll get up, professor, open it, the premiere of the colimbo series is may 16, only in the okka online cinema. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 90. six capsules. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. interest rate
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1:20 am
petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, just a moment more and the scammer would have suspicious access to the money on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they can transfer money to a secure account, calling the window to the bank herself and... hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, so that get money out of you, hang up without talking, they are successful, rich, loved and value every kilogram of theirs, i have dictionaries of antonyms, there are words like stairs, on foot, far, my only dream was that i would walk, and follow me they shouted cornelia mango, as the actor roman popov put his body to work, roman popov, 39 plum years old, in some places very plump, defeated cancer, there was no such thing, that’s it, i give up. no, i give up, it wasn’t, i saw my pregnant wife, this is the brain, that is, a little to the right, a little to the left, and you touch some important centers, how many years was looking for her happiness, the comedy woman star,
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nadezhda angarskaya, i think what? you're so small, damn it, again in general, smaller than you, of course, like cornelia mango almost lost her life because of her obsession with losing weight, girls, please don't do bullshit, and personal drama, the stars of the series dayarka from khatsapetovka, and her husband why he left, love ended, stars in big weight, a million-dollar secret, you were so thin as a child, and what happened to life on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. hi, where have you been again? i was worried, hi, i, what are you doing, he says, i, i have to, there's something you don't know, when i tell you this, everything will change, you know, i, i have to confess to you, what a coincidence, i also have to confess to you today, you don't know it either, when
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you find out, everything will change too. “you don’t understand, i want to tell you something very important, believe me, it’s no more important than what i want to tell you, i have a surprise for you, what a surprise, wait until the evening, they’re already bringing him, when they bring him, we’re together to each other and admit, it’s great, super.” mom, where are you going? alesochka, mom needs to leave for a while on business, okay, you go for a walk with vika, please, okay? it's not good, i'm not friends with her. why else? she says that my dad is crazy, that’s why i threw poop at her. lord, aliska, what kind of poop? dogs, she’s probably lying, mom, our dad is not crazy,
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no, of course, that’s it. our dad is not crazy, what are you, your wife made it all up, then why did you say that if i see dad, quickly run home, just, just warn me so that i meet dad, so that i can cook dinner for him, our dad is with you on a dangerous special mission, cool , you have the keys to the house, you will also have a special task, okay, stay at home, don’t open it to anyone, okay? okay, come on, come on, go, i didn’t want to bury your brother alive, i thought that i killed him, or rather, i didn’t want
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to kill anyone. i don’t, i don’t expect you to forgive me, i just want you to know, i’m a surprise for you, meet me, this is wil, hello! “i have long dreamed of introducing you, but our relationship did not allow it, and now that everything is so good with us, don’t worry, you can in front of him, he only says hello, hello in russian, well, in general, meet william kaningen, my fiancé, hello, it’s very nice." is
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hisai driving? he said that he would be glad to meet you once you’ve had a good rest. now it’s getting dark and we need to go to the mansion. i made a cache in the forest, i had a weapon there. i did better. i called the veterinarian and made an appointment. why? he doesn’t know that i know that he is not vitya. he said that this is an important family issue. bandits, well , it’s like he’s not a therapist, but just vitya, great, well done, where’s the meeting, right here it’s not far, so let’s go to bed and cover ourselves, why, so that he doesn’t notice you ahead of time, well, yes, that’s right, maybe you can explain
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to me what’s the matter? are you okay, open up! well, soon? yes, we’re almost there, when we get there, don’t turn off the car, park backwards, okay, and give me some kind of sign that you can get out, uh-huh, sound the alarm, okay, okay, lie still. so, so, who is it here with us? so this is the famous space ranger, how many light years, how many light winters. sorry,
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kulinka, it will be better for everyone security. this is becoming too dangerous, we can’t take risks like this anymore, suddenly he told everyone about us, i don’t think so, who will believe him, he’s crazy, anyway, nagnemesid, prepare the patient, treponation, okay. here he is, a strikebreaker, woke up, a traitor, damn him.
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a message from a therapist. here is another letter, read, the himalayan goga is recommended to rest, bed rest, long
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trips to the north, are strictly prohibited in order to avoid intestinal failure. gather people, i understand where, on the road.
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have you already run that fast? tell me, why did you gather them all here? i told you that i myself, well, this is my business with the himalayan, your business, that means three times to rewind your case for me, but my sister needed a transplant operation, it’s also your business, i sent her to germany, i took out half the thief’s cash register, don’t you remember , many were dissatisfied, even though you returned everything, by the way, after that moment you and the himalayan graters went haywire, so... your business is always my business, it just so happens, maybe someone
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will explain to me what’s going on here , where are you why are you kidding me, why is there a thug festival in our yard in the morning, vili is afraid to leave the room, who is he afraid of, problems with the law, imagine, there are such people, an englishman, he has a different mentality, what have you done here, admit what , yes, we are filming a movie here, a movie, yes, the guys were asked to come as extras with their props, so what is the name of this movie, a deadly arrow, and a comedy, right? thank you,
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come again, yeah, sidima, sidima, no, i don’t understand english, only armenian, moldavian, gypsy, albanian, i’ve never sat with the british, well, in the sense of making a movie, so come on. you go for a walk, everything is so interesting here, come on, come on , okay, hear, speck, it’s him, well, yes, buffoon, sisters, boss, no, foreign investor, yes, yes, i found out everything, he’s a financier , this is our chance, you understand, well, we need to grind it out somewhere, re-sell it, it’s called peaching, what happened to you yesterday, you didn’t like it, no, you liked it, you even really liked it, it’s just so unexpected, you know, but i’m
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all rumpled at home, stop it, he’s one of his own, perhaps a future family member, but i didn’t know that you were so serious about all this, of course i didn’t know, i didn’t tell you, and there was nothing to say, we just met, and recently he proposed to me, and what did you answer? i said that i would think about it, it’s right, but i had already thought about everything and decided to accept his offer, only he doesn’t know about it yet, when do you want to follow him at all, as soon as i receive a blessing, and a blessing, yes, i would love to. brought him to his father, but in general, well, i understand,
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yes, if you get along with him, then i will announce this right here, i think we 'll get along well, this pitchfork seems to know how to please you. oh, vitka, vitka, what are you up to, don’t move, throw away the binoculars, here’s one, if you said one, then you mean that there is a second, but this second is actually the first, and it seems wrong to me. starts with the second one, while the first one is walking around, shut up, pray,
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yeah, very ours, you’re in heaven, shut up, i said, but then you said, pray, it’s me figuratively, that’s what they would say, yes, goal, goal, we are our forest for you we'll show you, rashin foris, and you really finances, quiet, don’t worry, you ’re used to it, we’re starting, i’m a supersta. the topic of today is out of place, such a transformation of these artists.
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wernum in the throat is the song of our time now. via superstar. this is unfair. this was by design. our passions are always running high. premiere. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. stars. the final. saturday at 21:20. on ntv. troxivazin experts know everything about varicose veins. troxaktiv tablets and troxivozin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help strengthen capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxaktiv troxyvosin. an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy at a discount in pharmacies
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in the capital. coopersberg dishwasher with automatic opening coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to 40%. ru. my name is viktor anatolyevich mishchersky, i invite you to participate in an experiment. 15 days is all i ask for. colimbo, series premiere on may 16, only in the occa online cinema. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a game. if you knew how delicious it is, you wouldn't be so busy. zvezdnoye combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. i love it, it was delicious, period. we select ripe fruits and vegetables for
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our global village products from the sunniest places on the planet. and when you try our 100% natural apple juice, others want a sip too, since they bought it. immediately fell in love with global village is ripe for your table. pyaterochka helps out. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin. let's do without pain. some impressions last forever, but some are only temporary. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. there are no stains, no fees or interest are charged for transfers from the tinkov platinum credit card. tinkov platinum can do this. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tenkov, he is the only one. robot vacuum cleaner midea with wet cleaning function at a 42% discount. and silver sergegi sokolov
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with 81% discount. on yandex market. benefit generator in imvio eldorado. buy at a super discount. in one experiment, criminals were placed in an isolated area with their fires. natasha, the person because of whom you are sitting in this chair now. what is he doing here? i won't stay in the same room with him? professor, open the door! series premiere:
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colimbo on may 16, only in the okko online cinema. try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles. in rostix. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. we reveal the secret of an excellent grill. we buy everything in a magnet. we play in the application. we get grill prizes. the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet. coffee maker or upright vacuum cleaner keithford with discounts up to 15%. on the yandex market, each of us values ​​something different, honor according to... the present and the future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out
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phrase from a sticker. we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own. join yours. is gradually becoming obsolete, and this naturally, because you have nothing natural, you have all endless props, some kind of graphics, special effects, art does not tolerate conventions, as our chekhov said, the great chekhov, if there is a gun or a machine gun hanging on the stage, for example, it must shoot, you know, you know our czechs, rook, translate it, why translate it, about chekhov with a machine gun? he’s actually an englishman, you ’re telling him about hollywood, and the english girl, this is
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your president . president, then not a wild boar pig, okay, i ’ll go and look for a suitable place for pitching, but you know in zuckerberg,
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take him out of the house, take him out of here, he already knows so much, it’s easier to kill him, let’s say that they’ve lost him. i'll kill you, kill you, i'll kill you, you forgot who it is, this is our investor, you remember,
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the investor, so, forest, run, that house and that basket, basket. how's the cat? basket, basket, basket, basket, basque, basket, basket, and we'll look after the mushrooms, and you run, run, go, go, oop, speck, speck, speck, here's the therapist, you always have to clean up after him, but they took it to the market, wow!
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don’t talk, you’re a corpse, you see he’s scared. sunstroke, we help, help, give
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it up, give it up already, give it up. yeah, we 're saving sunstroke, saving the guy, yeah reanimation, okay, yes, yeah, reanimation, reanimation, reanimation, that's reanimation, exactly, oh, reanimation, okay, okay, yeah,
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because our state, our state, it, it cares, cares, about our healthcare, where are you going to live after the wedding, i haven’t thought about it yet, and in general i haven’t decided about the wedding yet. he
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you really like him, if you like him, then i do too, yes, you said that for you the ideal man should be strong, brave, courageous, i don’t even doubt that he is like that.
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