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tv   Obyavlen v rozisk  NTV  May 16, 2024 2:50am-3:36am MSK

2:50 am
who is this case, the case was handed over to major bilitsky, if the inheritance lands, then that’s it, you must make sure that the chain breaks, i don’t think so, i’m not afraid of anyone, neither you nor ilyin, i will see this matter through to the end, i’m sure. i'm coming, i'm coming, vadim, i'm finishing, i'm coming,
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that's it, sit, let's work, move, let's go, let's go, yes, we had a lot of fun, guys , thank you, thank you, but you're welcome, olenka, thank you. do you think you've already called?
2:53 am
thank you again, good luck, great, comrade major, hello, sanych, listen, cool car and the girl is beautiful, it’s like this, you see, sanych, what kind of fans overcome you have no strength anymore, you understand, oh well, you’re driving, no, yes you’re driving, no, my comrade will tell you the honor. yes, this minimacho and i caught a hooligan yesterday, in addition to murder, he is also involved in car thefts, well, in sanych’s yoke, he takes , steals a brand new car, twists and turns, changes the license plates, then puts it on sale at a price a third lower than the market price, and why this the car was stolen, we identified the owner by the numbers, she took us here in gratitude, why it’s not clear, it’s clear, it’s clear, it’s clear, but i still don’t understand why you sent the guys here, it’s usual here. yes, and comrade major says that
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she’s unusual, who to believe, oh, and albinochka is here, sitting alone, airy, beautiful, look, comrade major, yes, i saw that you are silent, sanych, tell me, but they didn’t tell you why they sent it, so smart guy, let's get to the point, well, they were taking it in sequence , they didn't get to the place, the driver of the paddy wagon managed to drive into the oncoming lane, hello, hello, y... yes, there was no bomb, there was gasoline in the lada caught fire, then exploded, they found three corpses, all were burned, there was a gas cylinder in the paddy wagon, so he took his partner away, there was little left, but we determined their identities, but their identities are of little interest to me, these are the ones that... the cars were , we need to break through,
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uh-huh, so that means three here, two there, five in total, yes, and you say they were taken away under investigation, so everything is correct, guys, now they’ll open the prisoner, we’ll get to know them. yes, i think it’s useless, there’s probably already a burnt head there, i don’t know, albina yuryevna, fireworks, fireworks, well, let's go see what's there, hello, hello, haven't seen each other for a long time, yes, it's been a long time, although we work in the same department, which means you were assigned to this case, me, that's him, it's strange. moscow region, why were we called here, yes, it’s hot today, like my son, andryusha, well, he’s drawing dinosaurs, what are we going to do for
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our birthday, and what are we going to do, well, maybe i ’ll come? i’ll bring some stegosaurus, a cake, we’ll blow out the candles, you’ll come, you’ll come, do you even understand that he’s offended by you, let’s get to work, there’s something interesting, first, the driver of the paddy wagon and his partner were killed, we found the bullet, yeah, so they flew towards them, these guys from...
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i almost didn’t understand, and i didn’t understand, where is the person under investigation, no, sanych, no, i mean, where did he go, evaporated. that’s it, that’s it, everything is fine, the client has left, thank you very much for
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the delivery, if it happens, if it doesn’t happen, too.
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vitos, what will you do in the evening, as usual, in the bathhouse? you'll get drunk again, and why are you so sad andres, and the woman left him, and he 's sad, i'll kill both of them, listen, yesterday here was a cd with girls at the market i bought it, will you check it out? it’s not allowed, it’s not supposed to, but a movie means it’s supposed to be watched, a movie about the life of cops, so it’s supposed to be so that you don’t lose your vigilance, otherwise there was such a story, one convict felt bad right in the courtroom,
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they called an ambulance, he was on a stretcher in the car, the guards hesitated , they pushed her back, the car rushed, and he left, and you said, girls... look at us, increase your vigilance, what do fathers need? it's time to receive guests.
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3:02 am
you have to make sure that the chain breaks, you understand me, horns, horns, what
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well, you humanly could not die, hello, lad, we need to meet, but i don’t care that you have a business meeting, cancel it. let's go, alice, are you home? alice, alice, where are you? alice, well
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, we agreed. alice, are you sleeping? alis, alis, alisa, lord, lord, lord.
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yes, comrade general, i just don’t understand one thing, where these representatives of the department of execution of punishments go for so long, we have to look for their ward, but we don’t even have a photograph, i understand, comrade general, we’re sitting, waiting, communications, what’s there, nothing special, with from now on, i’m officially handling this case,
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congratulations, and listen, it’s good to talk, look behind me. better, what kind of guy is rubbing himself next to the black jeep, damn, which one of you is major belessky? you are almost captain krupitsin, i am beletsky, what did you want, and i am sirotkin, oleg ivanovich, assistant prosecutor, where have you been oleg ivanovich all morning, we really miss you, comrade captain, i would ask you, but you don’t ask, oleg ivanovich, it’s useless to ask me, oleg ivanovich, you
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brought information on your ward, of course, here. vadim rogov, documents, please, they are in your hands, your documents, and of course, just a second, please, here’s what, dear junior counselor of justice, thank you, if it’s not difficult for you, please tell us who vadim rogov is, you transported, and what can we expect from him now, horns, horns killer, only that means transported, which means that he disappeared, as he disappeared, evaporated, exactly
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until everything here burned down, that is, he is not there, unfortunately. there’s no body, no, i need to call the prosecutor, borrow my cell phone, no, thank you, there is me, well, let's see, yes, what is there,
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rogov, 35 years old, 85 meters, 92 kg, about... his own wife, with extreme cruelty, normal, yes, you heard right, he is not there, there is no corpse either, there’s nothing there at all, how do i know, maybe you escaped, here in general other bodies are now dealing with this matter, which means winding everything down, i’m telling you as a lawyer, i can’t do this, because i don’t have such powers. the only thing i can do is observe, and there is no need to yell at me, the circumstances are not in ours yet benefit, you understand that there are people who do not obey us, they have taken over everyone,
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damn it! i couldn’t choose another place for the arrow, the slippers cost 900 bucks, damn, you must be a millionaire, you have such money, you’re ready to hang yourself for a kasar.
3:11 am
knows him, in short, i’m dialing another team, what do you think, old man khatabych or aladdin, i rubbed the lamp i have rotakillers here now, or what? what do you say, marat? yes, what can i say, i would shoot such monsters on the spot, but they took him to court, maybe to... give it a go, the salary is good, but you like to shoot, why? it’s a tempting offer, maybe you really should give a damn about the killers, at least they have constant weekends, yeah, you
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remember about the vacation, okay, let’s get down to business, well, what do we have, two people in the paddy wagon were shot, plus three in the car, that’s five , so five, well, well, yes, don’t slow down, there are versions. well, let’s say these guys with tickets from the car shot these two into the paddy wagons, hit them, they lost control and crashed into their car, this may be, maybe, maybe, but maybe not, okay, let’s wait for the examination, i’m now wondering where this missing rogov is, yes, if he wasn’t kidnapped by the planets, then he’s probably a genius. since this genius evaporated through a closed door, and the door could have swung open upon impact, rogo got out, the door slammed, then the gas exploded,
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the door was tightly sealed, uh-huh, it was sealed itself, sanych, you said it yourself, there was a torch, well, there was, it sealed the door , that's it, i 'm right, comrade major, yeah,
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the controls are busy with the killers, yes there is interest, oh, albinochka is here, big-eyed, yeah, comrade major, comrade major, i'm off, keep me informed if anything new appears about rogovovo, call, agreed, anything else, no, no, nothing, hello, pete, i think there is no point in calling a dog handler, because rogovovo was most likely taken to third car, maybe everything is planned, everything... maybe, but i think it’s a hitch, which means i’ll have to fleece all the locals and summer residents too, i agree, by the way, today is saturday, the summer residents are there, there is someone to short, personally, i’m ready to work according to my grandfather’s
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method, surveys, interrogations, requests, witnesses, desirable, car when it will be, our people are stuck in a traffic jam, i tried to negotiate with the locals, they promised to help, well , where is she, well, it should be any minute, let me give you a ride, but no, thank you sing, we need to talk, talk, but you fools, why do you need horns? yes, you don’t come for little things, little things, i just really love my job, that’s all. you know me? i don’t turn on the rear, i’ll find people, just where should i look for this bastard? in short like this.
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well, excuse me, please, but if you suddenly call them 02, thank you, hello,
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by chance you don’t have this person in the village did you see? no, no, yes, well, if you suddenly see it, please call this phone number, and thank you, okay, good afternoon! excuse me, please, did you happen to see this man in the village? no, i haven’t seen it, no, yes, it’s a pity, well, if you suddenly see it, please call this phone number, okay, thank you, yeah, all the best, goodbye.
3:18 am
master! go, it’s open, thank you, good afternoon, good, captain krupitsin, mm, please, what’s the matter, you had an accident, zach ran away, didn’t run past for an hour, didn’t pass by was running, look, please, this man, no, this... i didn’t see it, well, in
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general, i thought so, but if he suddenly runs, please call, on this phone, definitely, definitely, thank you, car , look, they hit me somewhere, someone was driving in the ass, not me, i gave a neighbor the store to go, and he returned this one, it’s not good, it’s not good, well, if you suddenly notice something, please call, be sure, sorry for the trouble.
3:20 am
excuse me, who are you? me, lyosha, and you? vadim. drink it in one gulp, it will help you. and this is yours where? the cops have come and are looking for you. artyom, artyomka, help. let's go to the sofa, carefully, come on, thank you, why didn't you turn me in, i have my own scores to settle with the cops, on a personal level, how did i end up here, and don't you remember anything at all? i remember, i was driving in a paddy wagon, i don’t
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remember further, i was driving behind your car, and suddenly i heard shots. the van flew into the car, well , in short, i see that you are lying unconscious, i dragged you to my car, i wanted to return for the others, suddenly there was a bang, fire reached the sky, in general, i didn’t have time to the rest, well, thank you, please, and what are you accused of, the murder of your wife. rogov, a normal guy, it seems, yes, he has everything, a serious business, a family, a daughter, suddenly bam, he killed his wife, why all of a sudden? jealousy, well
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, the rich also cry, are jealous, kill, rape, steal, everything is like that, sing, everything is like that, only horns, as you noticed, the guy is not poor, and he didn’t hire a lawyer, this time, and he signed a confession on all counts. that’s two, well, we’re abolishing such a thing as conscience, maybe he repented and confessed to everything, conscience, yeah, conscience is a good thing to sing, let it be, but why sign a life sentence for yourself? i returned home, she was lying on the sofa, i was strangled, then the cops grabbed me, you know, in our prisons? people are sitting there, everyone is sure that they are not guilty, i was going crazy then, interrogations by the investigator, everything is in a fog, no one wants to go to prison, so you understand, lesh, i have a daughter, 7 years old, how will she
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be without mom, you understand, i have to take her to school, so you saved me, you gave me a chance to hide? to find the killer, that means the motive for the murder in the rogov case there are none, the motive as murder in a state of rage does not give us anything, maybe the prosecutor knows something about his motives, i would talk to him if i were you, you never know, but you are in my place, for now. denis, albino chose me, let’s close this topic, well, yes, i couldn’t find anything better, i ’ll talk to the prosecutor, talk, maybe he ’ll explain to me what conscience is and where to look for it,
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oh my god, how boring you are, and what do drugs have to do with it, i’ll be happy to sing, but if i’m happy, then there’s no point in turning faces, but no one turns faces. at i have just a couple of questions, if i tell you what i have to do with him, you will believe what business, official, what else, well, wait until we catch him then decide your affairs, but i would wait for beletsky, just what with the corpse is good, even so, just like that. there will be details, no, not yet, and this is called, he helps me.
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sanych, let's hurry up, now, now, i'm already finishing, hmm. please, i filmed everything from different angles, as if in a movie, look, thank you, denis
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will have something to watch, sanych, you’re not go where they don’t ask, so what? said something like, hi, sorry, i didn’t have time to say hello to you, yes, everyone is so busy today, yeah. especially marat, who is still skating somewhere, but sanycha, i also look without a bag of suspects, but i puzzled all the district police officers, i got a chocolate medal, i got a chocolate medal too, thank you, ala, what do you have, it seems, except for rogov, you still have to look for the killer, the driver of the paddy wagon and his partner, and why isn’t he one of the three guys in the car? no, those guys only had berets, but the bullet,
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which we found in the paddy wagon, of a different caliber, which means there was someone else. great, petya says, there is reason to believe that they want to remove rogovo, but from what you say, it turns out the opposite, someone wants him to survive, so what? so, just who? verochka, please tell me, kostya, yes, okay, write, oh, kostya, kostya, why
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are you setting me up, i went to meet you, hired your relative, and he not only turned out to be an idiot, but also and an alcoholic, which is not enough for one relative, and he, by the way, is the boss guarded, in general, the first thing, i hope you understand that your relative no longer works for us. second, make a schedule on monday for your entire staff to come to me one at a time for an interview, i’ll talk to each of them personally. any questions? no, i'm free! hello! great, gen, you can talk, vadim,
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you’re like a daughter, alyonka, yes, everything’s fine, keep an eye on her, you’re fine, so to speak, today we’re burying aunt lena, when at 4, next to alice, thank you you. you were the only one who helped me, you know, i didn’t kill alice, dammit, i i understand everything, but you too, gena, i didn’t kill alisa, vadim, i love you, if you had come earlier, i would have been alive, alive. “if
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you had come earlier, i would have been alive, vadim, where are you? yes, it doesn’t matter, i’ll get to the city, i’ll call you, take care of yourself, connections. thank you, don’t worry, for the razor, thank you, especially, don’t worry, lesh, you just saved me, i ’m telling you, don’t worry, tell me, why is he silent all the time, artyom, my nephew, not mine from birth, tell me, vadim, you want to prove to the whole world that you are? not guilty, right? yes, but to get out of the shit clean, you need
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money, and you also need friends, and preferably on both sides of the code, lie, money is not a problem, as for friends, you know, when all this happened to me, they all disappeared somewhere, well and this one you called, genka, friend, is responsible for security. oh, you have your own company, to be honest, only half of it, so if you need money, it’s not a problem, we’ll solve it, listen, you need money more, here before moscow. by bus, but first, let's change you into human clothes, thank you, something is a bit stuffy here, guys, maybe i should bring you some water, but i’ll bring it, well
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, bring it, sanych, you want a drink, yes, come on, what have you got, just some kind of naiad, stop it. you just can’t let her go, and i don’t think that she’s gone forever , we had a fight, so we’ll make peace, no matter what happens, well, yes, we’re almost getting a divorce, yes, listen, mora, okay, okay, okay, okay look, lesh, tell me, why aren’t you helping, the article for... no one has canceled participation yet, well, i started helping, i can’t stop, but to be honest, vadim, i believe you, now artyom will take you to the road, there in 10 minutes the bus will go to the city, and also, thank you, here are the coordinates of the person,
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you will dial him when you are in the city, he is aware of your affairs, thank you alyosha, good luck, denis, general potapov is looking for you , is your phone turned off? yeah, okay, it can't be. well, are there new versions? yes, albina yuryevna, how old are you? kilogram? oh, oh, thanks. general petya, thank you. no, we decided not to try. i think you should inspect all the cars in the area. maybe someone's headlight is broken. marat, again
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should you ride? no, guys, i understand, i will. now you won't have to. people, potap is calling me. i soon. marat, call me anyway. dog handler, try, okay, master, petya, master, master.
3:35 am
master, hey! mara, there's also a dead boy in the kitchen.


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