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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  May 16, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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we’ll do it, okay, okay, we’ll do everything technically, i understand. cool, so we went for a ride, yeah.
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yes, i watch my films at home every day before everything, i watch my films at home every day before the break, i watch my films at home every day. ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities. the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb. he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. sirov olga yuryevna, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask. agency. hidden
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cameras, well, thanks for your work, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, mikhailovich, thanks for the ride, work, maybe a video chat, maybe... potential client, are you in a hurry? where should i rush? good evening, is this a hidden camera agency? yes, hello! oh, sorry i'm so late, i just saw that you're still online? is everything okay, what happened to you? don’t think that i’m crazy, but there’s some kind of devilry going on in my house, i’m very scared, i don’t know what to do, and my husband is on a business trip! wait, try
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to calm down, let's go in order, how can i contact you? lydia, very nice, lydia, my name is mikhail, and this is my partner olga, what scared you so much? the doll, she’s alive, i ’m telling you for sure, she looked at me, turned her head right at me, on batteries doll, yes, she danced before. danced and twisted your head? i understand what you 're getting at, but it's been broken for a long time. do you have children? no, my husband and i are alone. where did you get this doll from? he gave me her wedding gift 10 years ago. did you call your husband and tell him what was happening? she called, but her mother-in-law doesn’t believe in mysticism, and this doll is very dear to him, he asks not to throw it away. i am begging you.
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put cameras on me, i want to be sure that i didn't make this all up. okay, we ’ll come to you, give me the address, cottage community trinity lykova 65, building 10, let's go, thank you, thank you very much, the route has been built, well, to be honest, i still have to keep an eye on the animated dolls. i didn’t have to, but in my opinion this lydia simply has nothing to do, maybe a business trip, no work, no children either, so she’s having fun as best she can, she’s seen enough horror films, she ’s really scared, well, you go or go home, how can i care about you? i’ll let one go into the damned house , let’s go hunt for a ghost and do nothing else at night.
4:25 am
come in, have a seat, pavlik, we're on is there anything? yes, i'll take it out now. people, look, is there anything familiar?
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this is our bedroom, this? yes, but what does all this mean? this? it means that your house, as i thought, is being monitored without us, that i asked our colleague to find a signal from all cameras within a radius of 50 m, well, we did not install any cameras, maybe your husband installed them for security purposes, no, kesha would have told me, maybe he only installed it for the duration of the business trip to monitor you? well, kesha is not like that, he wouldn’t, don’t you think? it’s strange that the camera is installed only in your bedroom, all the other cameras from other areas are external, you think, we’re just guessing, i suggest installing our
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cameras to find out for sure, no, you’re right, it’s tesha, there’s no one else, we have the bedroom is on the second floor, and we don’t let anyone in there, how disgusting it is, we’ve been together for so many years, and he comes out with this opinion about me, don’t be dramatic, men, they are jealous by nature, come on, spy on me, tell your husband, what do you know about the camera, and so that he thought that i was cheating on him somewhere else , if you are so offended by your husband’s surveillance, you can accidentally block the camera with some object, but how will i find this camera? let's figure it out, this is what it is, and this is my bag, and where is it now, on the nightstand, and the camera is in the doll, in the same one
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that looked at me. then this explains a lot, when they put the camera in the doll, apparently they touched the oxidized contacts, it started working again, that means there is no mysticism, you can’t imagine how creepy it is when the doll turns its head by itself, well, man i tried, i installed the camera, we ruined everything, in general it’s normal that we pay people for money... lydia loves her husband, she won’t cheat on him, where does she get such confidence, didn’t you see how she defended him, she believed that she has complete trust with her husband, if she didn’t cheat on him, then why
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hide from the camera, and if you found out that someone was constantly watching you, what would you do, and there’s no one to spy on me, i think that since my husband is keeping an eye on this lydia, so there is a reason for it, it’s her own fault, no there would be doubts, there would be no camera, there would be no camera, we wouldn’t have work, maybe, well, let’s go home, yes, i want to sleep, let’s go. help, that we are alone at such a late hour,
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mikhail gave me a lift, but it’s hard to take me home, i actually went to the store, but should you, well, be careful, you’ll break eggs there, so what? it’s okay, the omelette will have shells, oh, you ’re inviting me to dinner, i agree, what’s wrong, i was coming to see you. for what? oh, i wanted to hold an operational meeting about our affairs at the detective agency. okay, sure, go ahead let's have a meeting, i'll call the boss now, he's probably not far away yet. why do we need a boss? we don't need a boss. we will hold a secret meeting. it won't be possible to do it secretly. why? you understand, the boss is watching me, camera, microphone, all the time, well, we’ll do
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everything like this, it won’t work either, what will he do with that camera, with which one, he with that one, and there are three more at home, and there, over there , where, yes, there she is, where? bye, egorushka, what would i do without you?
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hello people, come in, good morning, what's wrong with you? doll, me last night i threw a jacket over it, as you told me, and in the morning the jacket was in the chair, the doll was again looking straight at me, well, you have no idea how i... his number is 8916, yes, i’ll check both, and the one on 1833 ends, and the one
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with all eights is professional, so russian citizen volkov, petrovich, at the moment, judging by geolocation, is in dubai, more precisely, yes, thank you, pasha, that’s enough, but you can find out how long he’s been there ? do you also want to follow your husband? well, you don’t think that he took off his jacket in an instant ended up on the other side of the world. yes, you're right, sorry, yeah, since last thursday, thanks, pavlik. well, if kesha is in dubai, then who came to the house at night? lydia, excuse me, maybe you yourself, i know how to make our observer show up, we just need you... to be away from home for a while, okay, we will jam the signal from his
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camera and he will come to fix it, by that time we will install our cameras operating on a different frequency, we will film his face, and if he does not come, but if he came at night, so that take off your jacket without waiting for the morning, because you could have done it yourself in the morning, but it didn’t suit him, olya, take the cameras, put them on the ring in the bedroom. lydia, we will need to drive your car away and install an alarm system for the house. we must do everything to ensure that our peeping tom is sure that no one is at home. okay, do you think he'll come soon? i think very soon. if you want, you can watch the house with us. i'll drive the van around the corner. i don't want to scare off our guest. let's go.
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oh, how fast he is, not even half an hour has passed, you recognize him, no, you should see his face. have you seen him? key cat for the alarm system, but could one of your friends make a duplicate key? come on, we don’t give our keys to anyone, even when we leave for a long time.
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that he fixed everything, pay attention to the screen, you know him, this is kesha’s brother, seryozha, why, why is he watching me, maybe
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your husband asked him, it’s unlikely, their relationship is so-so, maybe... “i don’t know what the reason is, but kesha and seryozha, they hardly communicate, in public they smile at each other, pretend that they are happy with each other, but in private they just hiss at each other, but why? i don’t know, i once caught them talking, asked what was the matter, but kesha refused to answer, maybe your husband knows about his brother’s inclinations, about his passion for peeping, or, for example,..." he is secretly in love with you and because of this he’s watching you, but i don’t know, i don’t know, well, in general, well, where, where did he get the key, where did he get the cat for the alarm, don’t worry so much, lidy, we ’ll figure it out, let’s go get him be careful, okay, don’t worry, my husband’s brother
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spies on me, comes into my bedroom at night, how do i know what’s on his mind, so that’s it, i’m calling... teshe, my experience tells me that it’s better not to rush in such matters, but what can your husband do while in dubai? well, yes, you’re right, it’s probably better to call the police, but what will that do? well, in fact, sergei is your relative, no one will take your statement seriously. well, i assure you, calm down, we will figure it out very soon and establish the motives of your nine. well , what should i do, well, i don’t want him to keep spying on me, well, can i buy this jammer from you? well, so that he comes again to you at night? calm down, be patient a little, lidi, very soon we will figure it all out. well, okay, i'll be patient. the main thing is to be
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visible, don’t hide from the camera, let sergei think that he has everything under control. it looks like our hero is in no hurry, we followed him all day, i wouldn’t be surprised if he noticed us at all and decided to arrange a tour of the capital, he doesn’t know, otherwise
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the tour would have taken place at a more vigorous pace. i see, but what about specific inclinations? it’s okay too, i bought a camera. in the online store 2 weeks ago, the key was made last time around the same time, how do you know about the key? i found in his queries in the search engine the phrase to make a key after the key, and also
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found a correspondence with his brother, shortly before this sergei was visiting our customer, the whole family was going to his birthday, i think it was then that he made a cast, and the alarm code could look, well done, sit down with five, will you give me a bonus? you ask, of course, thank you, i wrote it off from your account, i can return it, the commission is at your expense, pavlik, that’s it, no time for jokes, we’re clearing out the facility, boss, he’s leaving, don’t throw yourself under the wheels, hold on. in the field of view, he noticed you, i don’t know, i think not,
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boss, i see him, everything is fine, apparently there’s no green one. come closer, look what’s on his phone. oh, good fellow, mind your own business, don’t look in his direction.
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it’s strange, he even squanders the footage of the customer, it seems our spy is not interested. sorry for disturbing you again, but we need to turn off the cameras, what happened? kesha arrived, i thought he was only returning tomorrow, everything was mixed up, i don’t want us to be filmed, of course, not a problem, but you understand that this will not prevent sergei from coming again to set up the shooting.
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did you find out what he needs? but in the meantime, what to do? come to think of it, is this your husband? yes, i'm jamming? yeah, wait. cinema, right now, yes, but until we figure it out , i don’t know, invite him to go to a restaurant, with sergei, i understood what he needed.
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15 minutes, this is a record, well, guess what sergei wanted to see? yes, he needed cat otey, well done, let's see why, i didn't see any money in the safe. pavel, now we need you.
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did he take any documents? pavlik, come on! the police won't make it in time! olya, stop, stop, quickly,
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the police! olya, how many times should i tell you? i wouldn’t take a step without my command, but he would have left, he would n’t have gone anywhere, we would have cut him off in the van, but you didn’t kill him, i don’t think so, thank you, for what? for saving me. well,
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thank you very much for your work, if it weren’t for you, i would have remained poor. what was on the flash drive? what a question? no, it’s not a secret, there were access codes to my company accounts. i took seryoga as a brother, as an assistant, and was also happy that we would have a family business. here. and then i found out that he would be punished by taking kickbacks from suppliers. so i spent years building my reputation, and he and you fired him? i had to, well, seryoga, it seems he was holding me offended and decided to rob me in revenge. “you are my savior, but it’s not me, it’s our doll, it saved us, yes, we ’ll have to fix it for that, but what will happen to sergei, well, they will be judged, at least for attempted robbery, and then, as you decide , if you want, ask the judge to commute the punishment, well, thank you very much again, and we’ll go to the investigator, of course, happily goodbye, thank you, what a wonderful
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couple, and what is the moral? a gift given to a beloved wife, even a simple doll, not only strengthens the relationship between the spouses, but has a positive effect on the financial component of the family and our agency. olya, i'm sorry.
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