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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 16, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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well, for my three irreplaceable deputies, borya, a wonderful toast, for us, for you, for you, so what’s the occasion, son, what are you talking about, well, you said that there is. a reason to get the whole family together. eat. natasha, this is for you. what is this? open up, open up. be brave, be brave. 3 million. boris leonidovich. thanks a lot. yes, but on one condition. these are the documents. about divorcing my son. sign and. dad, what kind of
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show is this? what are you saying? son, for your own good, you don’t know much, but you know a lot, choke on your money, thank you for dinner, thank you for dinner, lenechka, lenechka, you’re already leaving, here are your loved ones, uh-huh, thank you, well, why did it have to be done like that, don’t you agree either, your son is up to you, well... to judge, you need to have information, if only you, boris, anton, knew what was wrong with you, god, anton, if only you could object to him.
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didn't you object? i don't know. what do you not know? i probably should have taken the money. oh, so you spoke? i had a fight with my father because of you, and at such a moment. which? do you think he will give it to you at the factory? he will bankrupt it, then sell it off, and you will be this is to watch. that's how it will be. shut up and mind your own business. stop it. what? stop it. i said, stop it, take it to the car, but don’t take it away, i still have to watch it, so, well, alexey, how long have you been here? haste is needed when catching fleas,
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please give me the chicken, please, alexey, help yourself, yeah, thank you, that's enough, listen, borina corporation is essentially a family business, we have been friends since university, lenya and larisa gave their lives to their father's business, now the company is decapitated, listen, give me this, hold it. wow, pasha, we have a clear leader. appreciates? it seems so. yes. mr. olenin's death was presumably due to poisoning. the poison somehow got into the food at dinner. apart from the whole family and servants, there was no one in the house. in vain you suspect us and the servants, too. everyone in this house is a huge loser from bori's death. well
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, why, not everyone, not all, children, are direct heirs. no one can replace borio, he is a brilliant strategist, unlike lenya, who was inclined between us. clearly disagreed on running a business, say so, on a couple of issues of principle, they could not find an agreement. okay, did this confrontation go far? children have nothing to do with it. so, let's think about how poison could
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end up on your stepfather's plate? i have no idea at all. this is not possible at the table. can we imagine that someone broke into the house to poison our food? who did the cooking anyway? marya vasilievna, our cook, but she has been feeding us for 20 years, uh-huh, marya vasilievna, what time did you serve hot food, exactly at 8, we are very strict with this, at 20:00, when they were preparing the food, they tried, of course, but how could it be otherwise, well, of course i tried, in the kitchen, who else came in besides you, oh, yes, everyone came in, well, larisa, we had tea with her, and of course, the dead man , boris leonidovich, looked in and said that the soaked apples,
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masha, must be yours, well, we can exclude the deceased, who else? well, zhenya, zhenya, our driver, came by and i gave him these pies. i treated you, by the way, and you don’t want pies, very tasty, pies, yes, with what, so with meat, and i came there for lunch, spent the whole day wandering around the services, and then again i started dry cleaning the interior, and approximately what time was it? i don’t know, i parked the car and went, about half past seven, but it was just leonid and natalya who came up to say hello, and why were they on such a warm relationship? so marya has been working here for 15 years, lenya has known since then, and i probably no less, tell me, but the deceased’s daughter was not in the kitchen, i don’t know, she’s not with me, oh, this one came, mironov, well, yes, why, he ordered black bread to be served to the table, without it they wouldn’t have figured it out,
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i understand, zhenya, it’s true, yes, where? the controlling stake in the plant that boris wanted to demolish, uh, almost froze our plans, there is no price for this plant, invest a little in it and it will start working, your plans are known, bankrupt, cut up and sell in pieces. lenya is a romantic, dreams of some
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mythical, creative effect from business. borya, when he heard these conversations, simply boiled. it’s interesting, it’s a common thing that the truth is born in a dispute. so you think? that speridon is the killer, well, he didn’t poison himself, but he could very well have sent a killer to the house, or persuaded someone from the family, yes, you are talking nonsense, excuse me, of course, but which of our people would kill, marya vasilievna, driver zhenya or anton dmitrievich, that’s enough, it’s absolutely clear that comrade captain is hinting at me and natalya, where did you get the idea, pasha, yes, look at the intriguing photographs found in the jacket of the murdered man, uh-huh, look carefully, who is this? it can’t be, wow, but it’s impossible, this is spiridonov, and this is natasha, his wife, and where is your wife now? on the air crime news of the northern capital. a few hours
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ago, he was killed in his country house director of the avan lodge holding, boris leonidovich olenin. our correspondent turned to the head of the criminal police for details. st. petersburg, there have been no comments yet. and now about the weather. the air temperature in the northern capital is -3°. hello, did you see the news? humidity in the air? how did it happen?
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well, any of them, who do you think? anyone? yes, but what about the cameras? i took the recordings, but i’ll watch it tomorrow, tomorrow. okay, then i'll hit the road tomorrow. natasha, natasha, let's talk. i won't let you in why blame, i know there is some
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reasonable explanation for everything, i really want to hear it from you. natasha, are you here? natasha! is the called party's phone turned off or located? now, let's see, yeah, the driver has arrived, so, okay, this is interesting, come on, son and wife, come on, come on, come on , more, more, shake, shake, stop, here they come out, strange, for some reason a bit crap. “listen, andryukh, what is she doing, what is she
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doing, rummaged in her purse, threw something away, what did she throw out? that’s the point, i wonder what she threw away, come on, back, examination showed that the death of alenin boris leonidovich, born in 60, was the result of poisoning with cyanide, a poison, a huge dose of which was on the table in pickled apples, yeah, and the poison was in the dish that was served on the table, in a jar of apples, we didn’t poison discovered." that is , it turns out that the apples were poisoned a few minutes before serving, yeah, but this narrows the circle of suspects, it doesn’t narrow it at all, because 5 minutes before dinner everyone showed up in the kitchen, they made an agatha christie here, well who are the suspects and me now i’ll tell you who our suspects are, leonid olenin and larisa bushko, this is a son and daughter, then natalya olenina, daughter-in-law, anton mironov, a family friend and financial director of the deceased, as well as a cook and driver, it’s a pity that there was no gardener and butler, in agatha christie, the killer is usually one of them, sorry,
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by the way, most of them name a possible poisoner of a certain sergei speredonov, like he hired someone to sneak into the house and poison the dish, but these tales about an evil guy, they let them tell their grandmother this is true, but this spiredonov still needs to be checked, first of all, i would say, because he had some kind of connection with the daughter-in-law of the deceased. yeah, come in, well, pash, you get to work on this, that means we have six participants in the events, yes, six, we need to check which of them, well, at least formally had access to cyanide, we need to somehow narrow down the circle of suspects , there is a way to narrow down the circle of suspects, hello, hello, natasha, what should i do? natasha, where are you? why is your phone turned off? lena and i are on our toes, it’s like this
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is going on. i was walking and thinking. about life? well, okay, i'll come now. i need to tell you something. it is important that someone in the family knows this. come to me immediately. hello, hello, natasha! so what is it? you did not understand me? sergei viktorovich is not at work today. i know all your tricks. now he will appear quickly, maybe you can’t hear well, spiredon’s truth is not there, he’s on a business trip.
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the whole office is with me for all questions, literally for everything, i’ll tell you frankly, i would also go to someone like you for all questions, so you come in, don’t be shy, certainly, well then the first question is, you know this girl, this is the first time i’ve seen her, well, dig into your memory, what do you remember? mister policeman, i have a professional memory. well, okay, don't you think it's strange that your boss isn't here? no, just a normal business trip. it was added to the schedule a week ago and is returning this evening. by the way, think about it, maybe you remember?
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listen, i know speridonov’s girls to name a few. yeah, even those who only do it once or twice. i have never seen this one, what makes you think that i am showing you a photograph of a girl with peredonova? me, is that you? what, i just showed you a photo, you misunderstood me, you did it on purpose, i wanted, you wanted to shield your boss, this is a completely understandable desire, i don’t blame you, but now tell me honestly about their relationship, yeah. well, where is this important evidence of yours? yes, somewhere here, but what are we looking for? some small object, go there, i don’t know where, bring something, i don’t know what, we’ll find it and find out what, oh, then hold it, captain, a weapon of the proletariat, thank you.
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is there one that? driver, before kolenin got a job, worked in the derotization service, where? well, in short, the rat was poisoning. yes , little girl, why is my voice so out of breath, i’m working, working, in the literal sense of the word, okay, i understand you, okay, i’ll talk, i’ll talk, that’s all bye, see you, evgeniy, see you at alenya’s service, where you
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worked, yes also behind the wheel. one story, what kind of office is this? they poisoned rats, cockroaches, mice, some kind of rubbish, the cabin stank so much, then for 2 years this smell was amazing. did you have access to poisons? well, of course, huge sacks, they were loaded there directly, but this is not zionite, zionite is not used in such matters. yes, i understand, i understand. what was the name of the company? yes, she is no longer there. didn't survive the crisis. in ninety-eight it fell apart, i worked for a year, and then boris leonidovich got a normal job, and in my opinion this is what we were looking for, be careful, pay him.
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okay, natalya alenina, yes, good afternoon, hello, captain rydanov, criminal investigation department, we have a couple of questions for you, you need to come with me, let’s see your file, from yesterday’s battle, or something, you have a yard right here mary of meditation depicted, yes, a great story of poisoning. judging by the smell of cyonite. lyosha, you will write conclusions based on this criterion, but if you don’t trust my nose, then we’ll use the scientific method. so. we take your bottle, a solution of iron salts, pour it into your bottle and shake it for 5 seconds, you’re
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just like an alchemist, looking for the philosopher’s stone, uh-huh, then we take disseminated voodoo, pour it into it, and if a blue precipitate falls out, then it’s cyonite, and so, like this. i always knew you were a magician. natalya, tell me please, what kind of relationship has your husband had with boris leonidovich lately? they have been quarreling very often lately. because of which? yes, because of this damn plant. what kind of plant? in yaroslavl on the outskirts. now it’s not on the outskirts, but in the center of the new district, and boris leonidovich wanted to demolish a factory and build some kind of factory there. shopping complex alenya, on the contrary , wanted to continue production, develop the plant, yeah, and how his father reacted to this,
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he called him a fool, said that lenya grew up on everything ready-made and doesn’t know life, but he doesn’t he believed neither in lenya nor in the plant, and the papers were almost signed, so there was a plant and there was no plant. oh, andryukh, i need you, here i come, georgivich, is there any news? yes, they did an examination of the bottle, which olenina threw away. there was cyonite there. what are you doing? yes. is it abnormal, or what? first , poison it, and then throw away the vial under the cameras? well, anything can happen. the question is, where are you housewives from, access to cyanide. the fact is that ritka dug up information, and lenina studied for 4 years at the university of chemical technology named after academician gubkin. chemist half-educated. okay, i’ll go to krymova and listen to what she says there, thank you. a unique country with
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a unique destiny, a unique culture , unique people, original and full of mysteries. with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, are you because of this crook from the department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day, kolya, remove him i need it, kolya. who are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and urka with four convictions, packed up their things from here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor,
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the patient fainted, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t come yet, so he won’t come, he ’s been laid off, what’s happening, we’ll operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today at 22: 15 on ntv. so, let’s look again, this recording clearly shows how, before getting into the car, you
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take a bottle out of your bag and throw it into the snow, what do you say to this? i don’t know, natalya, you understand that you’re only making things worse now, well, i really don’t know where you are. have taken? i found it in my bag, i reached for my medications, what’s the matter? but the fact is that in this bottle there was cyonite, which was used to poison your father-in-law, here are the results of the examination, you understand what this means, stop pushing me, i don’t understand anything anymore, we were about to leave, i went for my medicine , here, here, i have an eternal mess in my bag, i came across this bottle and threw it away in my heart, you didn’t look further for medicine, lenya called me, he swears when i dig, and i always dig, that is, you think that ... poison to you someone planted it, i don’t know, maybe that means, before you start crying, i ’ll explain to you what will happen next, we’ll find out where the poison came from, and we’ll send you to
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court with all the evidence. there you will tell about the bag, about the insidious villain who planted the bottle on you, and then you sit down for a long time, or write something sincere, the court will take this circumstance into account, you have read the order, no, every operational worker must draw up a work plan in the morning and approve it.
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raoul is here, come with me, okay, but she didn't say that if you gave her the word to say, she would definitely inform you, the girl is now depressed, she almost broke up with my client, and the evidence is exclusively circumstantial, it seems to me that we are talking here at most about signing, and not leaving, then we don’t give move forward with all those complaints that a more scandalous person would have written in our place.
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so, a sign not to leave, how nice it is to talk with an intelligent, understanding person, excuse me, i’m listening, where, when, well, who should i tell, lenya and i are constantly quarreling, we’re about to get divorced, but i don’t want him i don’t want to keep a child, you see, uncle seryozha only... knows, uncle, yes, sasha natashka’s father and i started a business together in samara, yes, in the ninety-third year our car was shot at from a machine gun, i survived, sasha, no, natasha was not yet 3 years old, and now i’m like a fairy godmother, that is, you, of course, are not, but everyone thought that it was not
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in vain. natasha, when i entered the institute, i lost track of her for a while, but when the connection came out, i almost spent time in jail, i left the institute, i got in touch with some producer, who released her scene almost naked, and had to take natalya’s patronage, but of course, everyone immediately wrote her down as my mistress, and on their own.
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they killed her, yes, it’s clear, it’s clear, but we thought she’d dump it somewhere far away, but she’s right here right under our noses, so, well, they examined the inside of the car, looked at it, no notes of repentance, no bottles of poison, unfortunately, it’s clear. shot down and disappeared, why did this mironov interfere with her? so what do you and i have in the bottom line? after the murder of mironov, larisa and her brother become the only heirs the company of olenin, who, before his murder , had a conflict with his son over some plant, which lenin was going to bankrupt, and his son , on the contrary, was going to restore, right? so maybe larisa decided to help her brother in this way?
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yeah, yes, i understand, that’s it, then i’ll go to these olenins. no, well, did she go on the run? on the run, not on the run, but the fact is clear to her, she’s not there. boys, did you happen to have the wrong door, maybe you should come to us? maybe to you, but sadly, it’s still not to you. it's a pity. otherwise we have a catastrophic tie in terms of ladies, they would dilute it, they would gladly dilute it, but the service, unfortunately, we are with your neighbor, with lariska, yes, with her, you’re trying in vain, she’s never home on weekends
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, mm, but i wonder why, she says that she goes to the dacha to take a break from work, but it seems to me that she has a problem, who would run away from work so often, yes, please, tell me the address of the dacha, please tell me, i don’t know, listen, think, come in, here’s comrade captain and some tea, okay, here are the pies by the way, help yourself, i made them myself, yes, i’ve heard a lot about larisochka, so i’ll tell you, it’s like this, every night, from saturday to sunday, she goes out of town, to the dacha, uh-huh, ah...
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andryukh, great again, now i’ll text you the address, larisa bushko’s dacha, uh-huh, oh , comrade captain, it’s late, and you’re like, somehow, somehow, so, somehow, i’ll go wake up my little wife now, he ’ll get you there in a moment, igor, but it’s already late, i’d
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go myself , would you spend at least once in your life an evening with your wife and children? no, andryukha, it’s better together, maybe she’s actually a murderer, you know, you can’t fight such crazy women alone they're walking, so let's go. oh, that wasn't enough yet. no, andryukh, let’s stop it, let’s not exceed our authority. okay, let's talk to our colleagues. good night. good evening. inspector pilipena. very nice. our radar recorded a double speed limit. seriously? that’s at least five thousand, you and i got 5,000 rubles, what are you talking about? oh, you’re also drunk, are you really drunk, look at your people, we’re still drunk, you and i, who cares, lieutenant, and you’re
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sober yourself, i don’t understand how you’re talking to employees of the road patrol service of the russian federation, and how do you talk to employees of the homicide department, i understand, it’s my fault, have a good trip. lieutenant, present your documents yourself, now, well, what, what happened, wow? well, go after him, wow, miracles, these charlatans need to be taught, igor, these are not charlatans, these are werewolves in uniform, you can say the same thing, mummers, mummers, real clowns, children love clowns, and these are clowns, that’s what we should do with you have nothing else to chase after them, nothing, nothing, andryukh, this larisa won’t get away from us, let’s push, oh, another one, listen, what if these real ones, if the real ones follow us,
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oh, let’s go, real one! what kind of racing were you doing here, how fast were you going? calm down, lieutenant, what kind of chaos is going on on your highway? in terms of? i mean literally? why do you have warriors in uniform here? are all sorts of mummered clowns walking around calmly? these werewolves, depending on the weather, by the way, cast a shadow on your department. along murmonk 15 km. i often take larisa here, so we’ll fly there in 5 minutes. well great, thank you for... and what
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the circumstances are, sorry, but i can’t expand on this, it’s the owner’s business, oops, and these are not yours there, i understand everything, we’ll sort it out, now we’ll catch up, goodbye. good evening, something happened, larisa
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aleksandovna, you have been detained on suspicion of murdering anton dmitrievich mironov. where is he? did you hear what i said? yes, anton is dead. 4 hours ago he was hit by your car. i, i can change my clothes. well, yes, of course, ah, larisanovna, and how did you get here, by taxi, as usual, i had a drink in the office after work, i decided not to drive. is your car left in the parking lot near the office? no, in the courtyards, there was no parking space, and
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what caused your quarrel with mironov, and this is none of your business, you understand that we are talking about your freedom, i don’t care why, no, anton, more, no, everything else is not interesting at all, yes, but your family, they didn’t care about the family, they didn’t care, you know? so you want to say that someone stole your car and hit your lover with it? he was not my lover, what do you even know about this? it’s none of your business, it doesn’t concern you and that ’s enough, leave me alone, calm down, calm down, you want to arrest her, but that’s enough, well, do you believe her, it seems convincing, but she’s worried? seems sincere, in any case
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, you still need to turn it, i’ll go talk to the watchman some more, come on, guys, i’m going to go to bed, maybe i’ll grab someone, igor, maybe you’ll let me go, otherwise i’ve been on my feet for a day, i can’t take it anymore, comrade captain , you’ll give me a ride home, thank you, we’ll handle it, goodbye, thank you, go, pasha, you’re an oak head, thank you. get out of here already. in our business, the remedy is the main thing, there are voles all around, they fill the basements to the brim in the winter, here i immediately seem to help, like, poison with arsenic, but what about arsenic, god, arsenic, yes, anyone
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will say what it is bullshit, in the nineties you could get cyanide, that was the thing, yes. and i’ll tell you straight, how was it possible to get cyonite in the nineties? well, anyone who has done it knows, our driver gave me one recipe, lazarenka, a special recipe, this recipe, the most important thing is not to put sugar in the bait, pasha, you are far away have you left? hello, igor, well, yes, i understand you, igor, i’ll prepare all the papers by morning, but i’m tired! at least get a couple of hours of sleep, now i’m stuck, but i see that you also have a lot of work, but you don’t have sugar, well, we are habitual people, i can sleep at any time of the day, the main thing is that the total runs up to 6-7 hours, and you are a valuable worker , yes, but there is no work, especially now
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after the death of boris leonidovich, it is still unknown what will happen, they will leave or ask for a turnaround. this month we’re finalizing it, and then you’re welcome, i don’t understand why to kill speridonov, so who would care about going bankrupt, after all, it’s a matter of the plant, what are you talking about, you understand perfectly well what i understand perfectly well, you work for spiredonov, i’m the boss, i work for myself, you think, if it’s a servant, then nothing, then i can’t go to their garage, right? well, citizen lazarenko, let’s tell you everything in order, slowly, yes, now there’s no hurry, that’s
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for sure, i don’t understand one thing, you worked for lenin and his family for 15 years. how did your hand even rise? as they say , nothing personal, what should i watch? yes, i decided it would be stupid to walk with a pig’s snout into the kalash line, or more specifically, olenin’s car, it’s an office on wheels, all the boss’s business negotiations are in my ears.
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not a shameful amount at all, but what happened on friday, but the fact that i bet everything on my son, i invested all my savings in shares of the plant, which leonid was supposed to develop, and boris leonidovich decided to bankrupt the plant, it’s easy, all my money turned into would be a bagel, that is, there was only one little thing left, to kill olenin, but do you know another way out? yes, it was very a very difficult decision, believe me, but i made it, it turns out that mironov decided to follow in the footsteps of the late lenin, had already crushed his son under himself, and signed his own death warrant, nit, i
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didn’t have any poison by that time, and there was no way to use it, i decided to use larisa’s car, fortunately she was standing two steps away from... the office, i thought confusion would begin, larisa would be included in the number of suspects, this and that, this would give me extra time, i still don’t understand , what did you expect, early or it would have been too late for the investigation to have come to your attention, but by that time i would have already dumped the shares and sunbathed somewhere in the bahamas, it’s too hot in the bahamas that re-acclimatization would have been tormenting. that's right, you didn't live richly, it's too late to start, that's what, friends, go home, sleepy. igor, look, the real wisdom of a leader, otherwise i’m done. here you are, and i
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’m looking for you, the pleasant appetite is over, and you are still receiving gifts? oh, boys, no way, what is this? and, georgivich, these are employees of the road patrol service, igor and i have a report on the capture they sent false traffic cops, whom we ran into at night. so this is apparently a gift, so come on, and they presented us with a little coy, what responsible employees, i suggest you drink 50 each right here, right here, here here here, here here here by no means everyone, come to my office , i'm with you, is it possible? uh-huh, let's leave, remember, there was an ice cream maker here, uh-huh, oh, and then i
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was working as a driver, i brought you here after college, and you were shy, didn’t want to order anything, said that you weren’t hungry, well , in fact, i really wanted this ice cream, but i decided that they would think that the glutton was some kind of indecent, you know, i then thought, i will definitely marry this girl and feed her. oh, sash, it was so long ago, it seems like i just finished school yesterday, well, tell me , well, it’s true, i know all the streets here, sash, let’s go to my front door, look at the windows, come on, hey, lovelies, let’s empty our pockets , well , live, live, it will kill, please, don’t, we’ll give you everything, police, help, police. people, someone, why did you kill her, so as not to scream, you fool, take the shell casing, let's leave,
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well, i was evacuated like the last blonde, but tomorrow i have a date, hello, great, so what, ed shtravdal? yes, and he gave a fine, can you imagine, yes, great, good evening, well, he trampled all the traces, hello, wow, trampled, well, if they sent you, wait all day, on the tongue, meet, margarit potapenka, my colleague, sergei vasiliev, very nice, well, tell me, sergey vasiliev, what happened here, marina krichevskaya, a native of the city on the neva, yeah.
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there they have a point, to raise regional services, of course, well, thank you, there is something to tell, straight to the head, apparently pm, that's it, i left, yeah, let's go, happily, no, wait, listen, igor, when will you finally prepare the monthly report for me? all the signs are out, georgievich, well, rydanov is working on this, as soon as it’s ready, i’ll let you know right away.


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