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tv   Utro  NTV  May 16, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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that's right, it hurts, of course, i'm sorry, let's go get you some tea, with milk, with milk, we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we'll tell a... stories in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the circumstances of the conflict between two not the most balanced motorists in st. petersburg are being investigated by the police. witnesses to this conflict in the parking lot of a st. petersburg hypermarket could not have imagined that in a second they would become eyewitnesses of a real western. for some reason, a man in a pink t-shirt with a gas canister in his hands blocked the crossover’s path, the driver. foreign cars tried to pass, but at
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some point his nerves could not stand it, a pistol flashed in his hands, what are you doing, the shouts of shocked eyewitnesses and the siren of the fire brigade, which was nearby and tried to calm down the opponents, the unequal duel continued, fill in, what is it, car video, she was the wounded man’s companion with amazing calm and concluded that we should call an ambulance, the shooter, of course, promptly left, the way was clear, however, this shooting was already the culmination of the conflict, the recording began with the words: don’t leave, now the traffic police will arrive, come out, the man himself, so come on, come on, come on, where did you go, i understand, come on, this is it already a threat, come here, i filmed it, lazy, calm down. the blow
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with his fist on the car did not go unnoticed, leni’s opponent, and this can be heard on the recording, clicked the shutter of the weapon and demonstrated the seriousness of his intentions to continue the journey, come on, get it, this is already a threat, let’s get out, lioni turned out to be not so easy, for several minutes he stubbornly pursued the offender, clutching a gas canister in his hand, he kept freaking out, a child in a car, what did i tell you, and what did i tell you, a child in a car? the police were called, there are numbers. lenya’s amazing tenacity, it must be said, raised many questions, which is why he so fundamentally did not let go of the other driver, threw himself on the hoods and banged his fists. the preliminary version is as follows. most likely, one blocked the other in the parking lot. currently, the internal affairs bodies have opened a criminal case on this fact. hooliganism with the use of an object used as a weapon. although the results of the investigation...
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and he feels fine, investigators are now eagerly awaiting the shooter to testify. good morning, the first program is on the air: return the money. the insurance company demanded back payment from the victim in the accident. what the heck? on what basis? so, they say, so, the insurers explain. the reason is good. payment, and you try, take it,
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the client reacts calmly, how the conflict ended, he will tell you with all the details anton kraev, anna landysheva, it’s a sin to complain, god protects the safe, this is about her, we can say that they got off with a slight fright, her husband sergei was driving that day, approaching the intersection, the red light comes on, i pull back and look in the rear mirror.. that a lada priora was rushing towards me, the blow was tangential, the headlight and the fender were hit, the culprit admitted that it was his fault, as they say, understand, forgive, forget, the next day they immediately contacted the insurance company, the insurance company recognized the accident as covered by insurance. by chance, she paid me an insurance compensation, and anna forgot about the misunderstandings, however, with... the osaga policy, and
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accordingly, the compensation that was paid to me is illegal, they demand it back, that is, the insurance company paid for nothing , so it is, since we even told everyone we knew, they were all surprised, and the lawyers with whom we consulted, they threw up their hands in such a practice, they had never met, so the insurance bosses moved their hair, we need to deal with this, that’s interesting : inspector on site stuck on social networks, or what? the inspector checks the composition field for quality of execution. we have his responsibilities, i can provide the inspector with a fake policy, he
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won’t even check it, it’s just that in fact there is, there is everything, absolutely right, yeah, regarding fines, but it’s much more interesting to break through, in the meantime, the insurance company has caught up on a horse. conversation in favor of the poor - retorts anna landysheva. my position is this: if i did not violate anything, then i have the right to count on insurance compensation. the compensation was paid to her voluntarily; anna did not steal it. which
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questions? the judge read the case materials, listened to my position and denied alpha insurance their claim. in general, when the person at fault for an accident does not have an osaga policy. either it is expired or the driver is not included in it, the victims will not receive a penny for car repairs from the insurance company. they will have to make all financial claims directly to the culprit, only to him, so anna can be said to be lucky, first anna’s insurer, he transferred the money to her without making sure whether the culprit had a valid policy, then the culprit’s insurer he also blindly parted with his money, compensated the loss to anna’s insurer, and now the culprit’s insurer cannot demand anything from anna, the courts have refused him. since there are no relations between them, neither contractual nor financial, she received the money not from him, but from her insurance company, while anna’s insurer itself does not make any claims against her. in general, earlier it was necessary to itch the insurance boss, we are welcome.
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to no avail, the district court also supported the car owner, they paid, well done, throw more. so happy for the victim. situations happen literally once every 100 years, you shouldn’t count on such luck, so in case of an accident, i advise you to immediately check the policy of the culprit on the site of the russian union of auto insurers, the database is open access, you only need a smartphone and internet access, by car number or policy, you can instantly see whether there is a policy, whether it is valid, and if not, the victims should apply for compensation for harm to the culprit himself. persistence and self-confidence helped the heroine of another story, the first one. defend with the transfer their interests and return ownership of the car, although it is possible that this is not only a matter of character, perhaps the perfume helped the woman, not the perfume, i didn’t make a mistake, perfume,
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the best thing for today, 22:15, big premiere, action-packed series spare exit , the former opera and the former zack work in the morgue and are conducting their own investigation. me and klano go in pairs, orderlies, me and klava. watch today's episodes. and what about this crook from the department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day. kolya, clean it up i need it, kolya. who are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and a criminal with four convictions, collected things from here. emergency exit, premiere, doctor, the patient woke up, it’s too early, the anesthetist hasn’t come yet, so he won’t come, they’ve cut him off, what’s going on, we’ll operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today at 22:15 on ntv. good morning,
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i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for today. in yakutia, spring takes a break, it gets colder here, it starts raining, in the south of the mainland it’s the other way around, every day it gets warmer, warm air stretches to sakhalin, where it’s already +20, in the south of primorye and khabarovsk territory. also 18:20, well, transbaikalia is even setting hot records, but the first harbingers of a cold snap have already appeared, powerful thunderclouds, in the chat during the day the air will have time to warm up to 26°, but in the afternoon thunderstorms will begin and even hail is possible, the cold atmospheric front pushes out warm air from the siberian expanses, in khakassia and the irkutsk region it will get colder to +15, but without precipitation, sunny coolness will be closer to the urals, in the urals there will be rain in places, but they are very light and warmer up to +17. and warm spring is finally returning to european territory. the northern cyclone has blocked access
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to arctic air; it is actively warming the northwest. this is such wonderful weather now in the baltic resorts of svetlogorsk and zelenogradsk. there it is sunny up to +20 during the day, and in the evenings there are incredible sunsets. but in the south the weather is not resort-like at all. rains, thunderstorms, in sochi it’s only 18. it’s even cooler in rostov-on-don, not hot in crimea, but at least no precipitation. in the middle zone. the cyclone has dispersed the clouds, the sun is warming, from smolensk to kazan 16°, tver 20. in st. petersburg today it’s up to 20 without precipitation, in moscow it’s also up to twenty and no rain. see below. morning is the best. we learn to turn on the main road, we study the properties of packaging with sergei malozyomov. we are surprised by the event in the world of show business. eyes, not only. where you
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look is where you will arrive, driving a car with your eyes closed is dangerous, but some people even manage to do things with their eyes wide open, let's go where we're going straight. greetings, good morning, alexander, actor alexander poranovsky, what can you do, everything specifically, everything in general, a lover of all -wheel drive and custom motorcycles, when you ride, right now, what a waste of time, he wouldn’t mind riding like a breeze, catch up, every driver is a little psychic, today we will learn how to control both a bicycle and a car with the help look, ask.
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today, with the help of it, we will watch how you lead your gaze, our task is to try to reach 40 km/h and turn left out of the box, there is a limited space there in the form of one lane, we will see it, we must see it, ah... sorokovochka yes well yes 40 you need to dial and left turn, uh-huh, we hit the external limit, now let's see where we were looking, we hit it, right? yes, and that’s how it should have been, naturally, if you glance at him, you’ll take him wide out, it’s grown together, now we’ll see, we’re good to go. okay, let's go, here it is, my gaze was just clearly at the cone, where i looked, i arrived there, well, somewhere nearby,
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yes, well, approximately, yes, yes, straight clearly at it, you need to look not at the obstacles, but there where do you want to be after you go around, we’ll conduct an experiment, the white line is as you wanted, so, your task is elementary, you can drive along this white line strictly straight, on bikes. try, in a straight line, in a straight line, in a straight line, sasha, yes, you were driving along the white line , turning the steering wheel in the direction you were turning, well, that’s right, here it is, a manifestation of the cervical tonic reflex, now i’m rabakov, that’s it it was possible, of course, it was even necessary, i don’t play like that. look, i accelerated, dialed 40, entry, i look here, so, entry point, where am i
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i turn the steering wheel, look past these four cones, towards the exit, yeah, that is, i look through the obstacles past it, i understand, yes, plus the approach radius that takes away, right, you look past and don’t brake, right, exactly, no , you can slow down, but slow down before... the maneuver, the best training for controlling your gaze is a tempo snake, your task is to look past this cone all the time, behind it, and pull the steering wheel to the cone, pull the steering wheel to the cone, look behind it. be sure to look at the straight sections between the cones, we try, we try, yeah , okay, yeah, and here we’re already slowing down, finally, a turn with a surprise, let’s go,
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well... great, don’t get distracted, but how did it happen, and we drove past, we ’re living wrong, yeah , well, let’s not hit the cone, let’s do it one more time, so we didn’t hit anything, well , we pulled this one with the rear rear axle, oh well, i got distracted, my, remember where you look, that’s where you’re going, no don't get stuck on it, it's not that difficult to look around the corner, don't be distracted from driving and watch the main road, live food on air, a program in which i, sergei malozemov, find out what
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is harmful and what is healthy, how packaging made from different materials affects food, this topic is investigated. weeks right now is its final part. in the first part of the program, i met daria, who avoids plastic for the sake of her health. and together we passed tests for toxic substances from polymers. the results will be announced very soon. we also talked about the fact that wrapping food in newspaper is dangerous because of the paint, but metal poisoning from foil and cans is practically possible. unreal. the biggest question is, of course, plastic. which is now everywhere, even on the inner surface of cardboard bags for milk and juice, such packaging began to appear in the soviet union in the seventies, at first it was imported, and it was quickly appreciated, milk in such triangles was stored three times longer, they began to make their own, well as soon as they started making their own, the edges naturally began to peel off, this is the whole story that we remember from
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soviet grocery stores, when these round metal ones stand in a puddle of milk. microorganisms are reduced to zero, the advantage of any plastic is that it is durable and at the same time light, but the problem for the concerned consumer is that there are a lot of types of polymers and not all are safe for health, how to figure it out? first of all, according to the markings, you should definitely look for this “glass of a fork” icon. it means the material is food grade. if there is no such designation, it is worth looking at the numbers in the triangle and some are best avoided. as un chemical safety expert valery petrosyan says, he is already more than has been involved in environmental chemistry and toxicology for 50 years. first of all, this is a triple,
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polyvinyl chloride or pvc, it contains carcinogenic vinyl chloride, undesirable item with index 6 is polystyrene, which can, under thermal and photoexposure, release a certain amount of monomeric sterol molecules, which are a carcinogenic substance, it is definitely safe to heat polypropylene, it is hidden under the number five , it is from this that reusable containers are most often made; for ease of perception , a microwave icon is usually placed here, there is also other polymers, like... which the instructions even allow you to put in the oven, however, they are often marked with the number seven, not the best option, most often this designation hides a combination of materials, and the additives can be very different, they are needed for flexibility or on the contrary, hardness, it is these additions that cause concern among scientists; sterol, phthalates, benzhenols and many other
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substances show a carcinogenic effect in studies and have a detrimental effect on hormones, in particular sex hormones. the new season of bridgerton's costume-romance premieres today. drama unfolding in an alternative england at the beginning of the 19th century, which heroes will now be at the center of history, how this series became a hit on netflix, why it was criticized and how it brought back into fashion carnets and tailcoats, this is the news of show business today. bridgerton began immediately after starting 4 years ago. netflix's most popular english-language series, it was immediately renewed for a second, third and fourth season. in total, there is enough history for eight, because that is how many novels the writer julia created. sold the rights to them film adaptation. by the way, the series gave her books a second life. queen released the last bridgerton novel back in 2006, and
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after the show was released, they had to urgently reprint the entire series with the actors on the cover. according to the writer, even those who had never read romance novels suddenly began to buy her books. all eight parts simultaneously hit the new york times bestseller list. this was a record for adult fiction. talks about the life of english high society during the regency era, that is, the beginning of the 19th century century, but history is alternative, the aristocracy in the show is colored, even queen charlotte has african roots, it was her origin that made the secular society in the series racially equal. this feature added bridgerton a unique flavor, popularity, and at the same time hate. the series was accused of distorting reality and promoting wok culture. just as the creators of the show say that there is no need to look for authenticity in it, on the contrary, they are proud of the fact that they go against the stereotype. each season of the series, like each queen novel, is dedicated to love
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the story of one of the bridgertons, in total there are four brothers and four sisters in this noble family. the first to marry was the elder sister daphne, who developed ardent feelings of love and hatred for the dark-skinned duke of hastings. he was played by a briton with zimbabwean regegan roots. who became a sought-after star after this series and decided to leave it. in the second season , the plot centered on the story of anthony bridgerton, who was expected to marry the beautiful debutante of indian origin, edwina sharma. but in the end he married her older sister kate. well, the third season will be about another brother, colin bridgerton, and his childhood friend, penelope, featherington. she has been in love with him for a long time, and the young viscount keeps her firmly in the friend zone. at the end of last season, the girl heard him mockingly say in a conversation with friends that he would never court her. now penelope intends to suppress her feelings for bridgerton and
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find another husband, and colin undertakes to help her with this. it is expected that this season the heroine will become more merciless in her descriptions of social life. life at court, because it is penelope, under the pseudonym lady whistledown , who writes a popular gossip column about romances in secret from her loved ones. aristocrats is such a prototype of the scandalous anonymous telegram channel. the success of the series lies in the ability to tell a story that happened two hundred years ago in a modern language and connect it with today. the authors are not afraid to add signs of the present time to it. for example, instrumental covers of fashion hits by ariana grande, billie eilish and taylor swift are played at the balls. the series itself changes fashion. after release bridgerton has seen a surge in demand for high-waisted, long dresses. chats, corsets, tailcoats, capes, shawls, hair accessories and other wardrobe items of that era. the actors actively share news from
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the filming on their social networks and shoot videos for netflix, in every possible way fueling interest in the premiere. today only the first part of the season will be released, the second is expected in mid-june, well, during the break, the stars of the show will organize a promotional tour, in which they promise to meet with fans and reveal to them some secrets about their heroes, just like lady whis. this is the news in show business today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, smiled, it means you recognized it, you smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize you, hmm, they love you, they remember you. they truly value psb - a bank for the present, they are successful, rich, loved and
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value every kilogram of theirs, i have antonyms, there are words like stairs, on foot, far, my only dream was that i would walk, and they would shout after me cornelia mango, as an actor roman popov put his body to work, roman popov is 39 full years old in some places .
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at 13:00 on ntv via superstar premiere in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. persil enzymes work on the surface and inside of the fabric. let the memories remain, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we take all credit card debts onto one halva card from sofkubank, refinance them for 24 months, conveniently pay them off, and with halva of the fathers of combank we effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. pro or you suck myself? for any ideas, metillan wallpaper adhesive, quick to mix, easy to apply, professionally hung. there are many wallpaper ideas. the glue is always methylane. when you cook with
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moisture mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use cyrisit grout glue together. try hit comba 3 for 150 rubles. vrostix. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. forest fires occur. through the fault of man, stop defeating the fire of the calling of the strong forest firefighters, aviation forest guards ros leskhoz, 90 years old, guarding the forests of russia, the morning continues, the best, we are checking with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will go to buryatia, we will eat a national dish with federico
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arnaldi. trying not to turn into a dump of counterfeit goods, the three largest marketplaces, even forgetting about competition , created a common base of violators so that arrogant palyu traders would not wander from one platform to another, but the sellers were disappointed katya quietly came up with an idea how to get back, even if you are on the stop list of marketplaces, it’s easy to return to the site, traders whose reputation cannot be restored look for cleaner ones on the marketplace... whose business is not going well, not well, but honestly, they sell cleaning rags there or salons, the volumes are small, but the reputation is impeccable, they are offered to sell their display case for a lot of money. so, under the sign of one store on the marketplace there can be dozens of different sellers, unfamiliar with each other, with the goods of the of different quality. they downgraded the rating of this organization
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or individual entrepreneur and went looking for a new one. shelter, and mark and maxim found a way to increase profits without intermediaries, so that the sales of panties, socks and chinese toys would be faster for aspiring businessmen... there were 50 used sim cards, the former owners of which registered cell numbers on marketplaces, yes, that is all it was done through the guys who worked cellular communications, it turns out that they provided us with those sim cards that already had some reviews, there were sales, from linked accounts to the numbers, businessmen began to buy back their own goods, give themselves five-star ratings and write admiring reviews, but with what?
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anything, for what amount of money you sold, you have some place, the one who sold the most, he is in the very first place, he is top number one, who sold, for example, in a little less a month, he is in second place and so on, it's called. ransom, so mark and maxim raised the rating of their products, then they started helping friends for a percentage, from a million turnover we brought a person to 5 million, and it all turns out in a month, in the end they stopped trading consumer goods and founded a company that deals exclusively with self-purchase, and now there are hundreds of such companies, although internet platforms are trying to fight those who hack algorithms, this is done by artificial intelligence or our ml -models and then this... suspicious activity falls into the hands of people who are engaged in monitoring and verification, and we can block sales to the seller who violates, but not a single client has been blocked, mark and maxim boast, and because everyone is almost cheating, otherwise
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you will languish at the bottom of the search results, no one will see your good products. there is a certain strategy of making one ransom per day, alternating one ransom every other day. then do a little more there are three , again there are five now we have about 1000 such accounts on our service, so the entrepreneur is frank because the scheme is still absolutely legal, well , sellers buy goods from themselves; laws do not prohibit this ; they buy and reviews are frank; for one comment they pay 50 rubles yes modestly therefore.
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places began to struggle, you have to actually order goods to your address, the entire cost after publishing a review is reimbursed by sellers, so anna chooses only those things that she really needs, but she, as before, writes well about bad goods, there was a skirt, it’s generally impossible i had to wear it, because it was simply made of mega-disgusting material, but i had to write a review, well, now about the bandage for pregnant women, first of all we write: it’s very comfortable to wear, because this is the main criterion, sometimes you have to to come up with what super properties this product has, sellers have no remorse, confirms another, even more vile scheme: they sell notebooks, for example, high-quality and inexpensive,
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earn a strong rating and honest, sincere reviews, and then photographs. they change the pictures of expensive headphones, they edit the description, it seems that this is the equipment on this page that has been successfully sold for a long time. thousands of orders, no one dissatisfied, at first there was one product, then this product was removed, the photo content was removed, another product was installed so that old reviews, the old rating covered how to recognize cheaters, what schemes sellers on marketplaces still use, whether it is possible to identify a fake from a photo on a website, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it. marina velikova, lawyer. on october 26 , 2023, a new citizenship law came into force. and today we will talk about what will change for russian citizens and for foreigners with the introduction of a new law on citizenship. let me remind you that the basis on which
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you can obtain russian citizenship is by birth, as a result of receiving citizenship, in as a result of choosing citizenship of the russian federation when crossing the state border, as a result of signing an international treaty, and also as a result. recognition as a citizen of the russian federation. the last point is an innovation and it concerns mainly citizens of the ussr who, after february 6 , 1992, left the territory then.
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foreigners who have not had five years of residence experience on the territory of the russian federation can do so, this applies to contract military personnel, and the contract must be a period of at least a year was concluded, refugees, including... well, this also applies to participants in the program for the resettlement of compatriots. we have an innovation in a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, if you marry a foreigner, if previously you had to live in a registered marriage for at least 3 years, then in connection with the innovation, now it is enough for you to have a common child, natural or adopted, in in this case, you can also obtain citizenship in a simplified manner. besides, it's new. norms, if one of the spouses and
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parents lose russian citizenship, but the second one retains it, then the child also does not lose russian citizenship. in the new law , we are introducing a new institution, the termination of citizenship, it can be either voluntary or forced, well, if with voluntary everything is clear, you just write a statement about renunciation of citizenship, then with compulsory the competent authorities are here for a crime against the fundamentals of security. russian federation may deprive you of citizenship, this includes the following crimes: this terrorist activity is the sale and production of drugs and false deception. who will now be accepted as citizens? if previously this was done exclusively by the president, now the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of foreign affairs will deal with this. the time frame for considering applications for admission of citizens of the russian federation has also been reduced. if you submit documents through the ministry of internal affairs, then within months. you should be given an answer, if you submit them through the
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ministry of foreign affairs, through the consulate, and so on, then here are the deadlines are six months, our president will also accept, the president of the russian federation will also accept citizenship, but only for special merit to the state, we also have such concepts and grounds as refusal to admit citizens, well, firstly, it is impossible will obtain citizenship if you are in the area. imprisonment, as well as if you have an outstanding conviction for a crime on the territory of the russian federation and abroad. refusal will also be given to those persons who are convicted of dishonest behavior, which also concerns the security of our state. this is a speech for a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system, participation in armed conflicts or committing actions directed against the armed forces of the russian federation, as well as.
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authorities of the russian federation, if you still have questions, send them to our email; remember that you have the right to know your rights. friends, do you know what yohr is? i didn't know either. before i came to buryatia,
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this is ulanude, the capital of buryatia, for starters i i suggest you walk around the city by numbers. 1666 is the year of foundation of the udin winter hut, that’s what the city was called in 1666. why everything? because it stands on the uda river. over the course of its history, the city has changed many names: udinsky ostrog, udinsk and verkhniy udinsk, in the end, the familiar ulan ude. and where
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did the uda river go from the name, you ask? ude is the buryat name of the uda river. that is, ulan ude is translated as: red uda. so, let's get back to the numbers. three. this is the largest population in the far east. the first and second are beyond khabarovsk and vladivostok. 42 m. i’m talking about the largest monument to lenin. true, it’s only a head, but it’s the size of a two-story house. impressive. and not just me. in 1970 . this head won first place in a sculpting competition in montreal. there is another attraction in buryat, a bright , warm one. there are a lot of sunny days here, so they say. well, today is definitely sunny, perfect weather for a walk. the city is not much
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different from other russian cities, but there are places in it where even with closed with your eyes you will understand that. in buryat , we will walk through these places with valery, he is a local kvn star and just a positive person. you can do it in russian, don’t worry, i welcome you, here in buryatia, it’s generally cool. so, friends, meet me, this is the best guide to booze. you can try all types of buz right in the city center. there are a lot of authentic coffees here, in which this iconic buryat dish is prepared, oh grace, but wait, they make the mustard themselves, it’s a little sharper, oh, the back of the head shrinks when, when even the nose,
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here the buzas are chopped, chopped, chopped , yes, that’s how they cut the meat with an ax and small pieces with a knife. well, yes, yes, yes, alura, as it should, as usual, that means we take a bite, yes, already this, so as not to burn yourself, blow here, you can let the juice cool down, and drink, and drink, just like that, yes, yes , buzas were invented in the second century bc, what? well, there’s a lot there, they say, the chinese invented it, but the mongols say, in china there were meat pies, they were called baodzi, baudze, baodze,
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buzy, badzy, buzy, it seems, it looks like it’s baking. they made meat grinders for them, oh, the richness is delicious, mmm you can feel bitter, i know that the number of warehouses you can understand how skillfully the buz was prepared, yes, yes,
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ideal buz, 33 defenses will talk about why they look like that, indeed, it looks like a yurt. “we are nomadic people, i never even thought about it, it’s amazing, we will migrate too, so what kind of place is here, yes, you know what we will do, we are there, probably not, we will play with you giveaways, giveaways from bugs, i don’t understand something, now here, here they are, oh, yes, now everything has become clear, here is the difference in color, you have white ones, i have black ones, if i’ll eat you in... like this, i’ll eat you and
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then you’ll eat me, yes, and i’ll eat you here, and i ’ll eat you like this, i like this game, and i’ll also eat you, like this, you can’t imagine, i i played with my grandmother so often as a child, but i never played so quickly so... willingly with such enthusiasm, that's it, that's it, congratulations, thank you opponent, thank you, thank you for the game, it was very, very tasty, i smiled. that she knew she smiled, it means she’s real, they recognize her, hmm, she loves her, she remembers her,
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she appreciates her for real, psb is a bank for the real thing, are you too lazy? this one from department, one day, don't quit, well, one day, kolya, he needs to be removed, kolya, who are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and urka with four convictions, packed up things out of here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor, patient i woke up, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t arrived yet, so he won’t come, he’s been laid off, what’s going on, should i operate?
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good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for today. in yakutia, spring takes a break, it gets colder here, it starts raining, on the mainland, on the contrary, it gets warmer every day, warm air stretches to sakhalin, it’s already +20 there, in the south of primorye and khabarovsk territory it’s also 18:20, and even in transbaikalia they are setting hot records, but the first harbingers of cooling have already appeared. powerful thunderclouds. in the early afternoon, the air will have time to warm up to 26°, but in the second half of the day thunderstorms will begin and even hail is possible. a cold front pushes warm air out of the siberian expanses. in khakassia and the irkutsk region the temperature will drop to +15, but without precipitation. it will be sunny and cool closer to the urals. it rains in places in the urals, but they are very light and warmer up to +17. and
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warm spring is finally returning to european territory. the northern cyclone blocked access to the arctic. it actively warms the air northwest, this is such wonderful weather now in the baltic resorts in svetlogorsk and zelenogradsk, it’s sunny there up to +20 during the day, and incredible sunsets in the evenings, but in the south the weather is absolutely not resort weather, rain, thunderstorms, in sochi it’s only 18, in rostov it’s the bottom is even cooler, not hot in crimea, but at least there is no precipitation. in the middle zone, the anticyclone has dispersed the clouds, the sun is warming, from smolensk to kazan 16°, tver 20. in st. petersburg today up to 200 without precipitation in moscow also up to 20 and no rain, we wish you the best morning, further in program, we’ll talk about health with your doctor, we’ll cook a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, we’ll discover wonderful new products with sergei malozyomov, we’ll talk one day with an opera singer. cystitis: what
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causes it, what can provoke it, how is the condition of the intestines and cystitis connected, which doctor should you really see to get rid of this disease? let's talk about this with the head of the evidence-based medicine clinic, candidate of medical sciences, alexey paromonov. good morning, the “your” program is on air. doctor and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello alexey dmitrievich. dmitrievich, today i would like to talk to you about a problem that we have already raised more than once on this program and in general, which has been raised many times, i think there will be many more programs and conferences about it. this is the problem of cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, such an exclusively female problem, 99.9 in the period is
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the fair half of humanity, moreover, some urologists believe that in men generally cystitis. uh, as if acute cystitis does not happen, this is only an exclusively female story, i have spoken on this topic with urologists more than once, now i would like to talk to you about this topic as a gastroenterologist, because we understand perfectly well that due to the anatomical characteristics of women body cystitis, and one way or another, they are probably mainly associated with escherichia coli by the name e. coli - that’s after all - probably gastroenterologists are also to blame here. what can you say about cystitis? it's good that you asked me about this, i i very often feel awkward at an appointment when a patient comes to me and says: i have very frequent cystitis, and i was told that this is dysbacteriosis, i should come to a gastroenterologist, what should i answer to such
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a patient, what do you answer to such a patient, yes i i'm studying the situation. i’m studying the situation, indeed, most often e. coli is there, sometimes prote is there, sometimes some other inhabitant of the intestines, and indeed they probably initially come from the intestines, but what do my colleagues, doctors, colleagues suggest? who referred this patient, they suggest treating the intestines, curing e. coli, yes, well, somehow treating the intestines, removing dysbacteriosis. uh , so that there is at least no evil e. coli, which, yes, which can penetrate through the layers that are between the rectum, well , they are unlikely to pass through the layers, probably, after all, naturally, i i’m trying to imagine the logic of the person who directed that i’ll correct the intestinal flora and the evil rod will go away and will not be able to penetrate
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the bladder, in reality, it’s clear, that the reasons are urological, there are a lot of them, e. coli, it comes out, it’s clear how, and here it has a fundamental role in hygiene, yes, that it... can only get in externally and not because it is somehow evil, a completely ordinary e. coli can cause inflammation, then conditions arise under which this all happens, if hygiene is insufficient, there, if a change of sexual partner has occurred, the anatomy of the same urethra can predispose, and there are a million situations that can do this, but that's the best... my message is that there is no need, colleagues, there is no need to refer such a person to a gastroenterologist, well, maybe urologists should, urologists should treat, a gastroenterologist can sometimes be
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useful if she has constipation, yes, but with constipation, the likelihood is that there will be contamination of the entire pelvic floor , she’s taller, well, in reality it’s taller, of course you have to fight constipation, but not with any... some kind of surgical interventions are being done, it’s very interesting, after all , the topic is really such an inexhaustible, because cystitis, well, it’s a very common thing, to unfortunately, many patients suffer
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repeatedly, this is a chronic story, it is very important that gastroenterologists are not the doctors who can, who need to send patients with chronic periodic inflammation. i love shortcrust pastry, firstly, it’s wonderful because it can be made in advance and frozen a lot, and secondly, well, in my house they really love homemade cookies, i experiment in some pastry shops
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, i try cookies, in restaurants, i buy some stamps, sometimes they help out, for example, to make some kind of crust there for cheesecake or for some kind of base for some kind of creamy cake, but still there is nothing tastier than homemade cookies, a tablespoon. i need this kind of dry lavender, it smells incredible, just wonderful, here i add a small amount of sugar to the lavender, only 50 g, and we will grind and chop it to get such a uniform crumb, so we got what is called this lavender sugar, and now flour, i need 150 g of flour, and... i will add rice flour to this dough, i need 20 g of this flour, first mix the flour, two types of flour, a little salt, a pinch, sugar and lavender,
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combined, now i have 125 g of cold butter here, cold butter is best for cookies, because then the cookies will melt directly, that’s if you need a crust, then warm butter will be good, because the cake will hold its shape better, it will crumble less, and cookies are great, when they crumble, i add chopped cold butter into cubes, beat, look, the two structures are the same, at first we had in general it’s just like that a structure reminiscent of crumbs, bread crumbs, i mean you know, like breadcrumbs, now you can see how the dough comes together, you see, butter and flour become. one whole, you see how good it is, now it’s best to put the dough into a bowl and knead it with your hand, carefully, quickly combine it, if suddenly, well
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, the dough just doesn’t want to come together, into a ball like this, like i’m doing now, yes , then you can add a little drop by drop, a teaspoon of ice water, knead the dough for about three minutes, two sheets of paper for... and between place the dough in sheets. we roll it out with a rolling pin, i cut out an equal number of large smaller circles, and now i am absolutely convinced that lavender works very well, you know how delicious it is, i ate it, for example, so
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we put our large circles on the opposite side, the trimmings will naturally also be used later, so we got eight larger circles, lower oven temperature 180°, it bakes very quickly, 10-12 minutes, well, it all depends on the power and talent of your oven, while the cookies are baking, the oven should be good preheated, that is, before you start making dough, you already turn on the oven, the cookies must be completely cool, in general the british call such cookies: shortcakes
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and such shortbread cookies they are served , this is just such a may-june story with whipped cream, with berries, with strawberries, with raspberries, with strawberries - this is the most common combination, it seems to me, we take strawberries, i’ll leave some straight with tails to decorate, the rest of the berries are for beauty, the rest of the berries from... let's get rid of the tails, i also cut them into quarters like this, if the strawberries are not so large, you can generally just cut them in half, then sprinkle the strawberries a little with sugar so that it is better, even with powder, so that it is a little, so it becomes softer and sweeter.
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if you want, you can add vanilla, i don’t add vanilla, if my cookies were classic without lavender, i would probably add vanilla either in cream or strawberries, but since i have a very bright, delicate lavender aroma, vanilla here completely optional, whip the cream, cream, i don’t add powder, because there is a little powder in... but it is present, so i think that we can do just fine without powder in the cream, now our base is , as it were, large cookies, that is, , which is larger in diameter, i put it here, put a spoonful of cream, a little strawberries, like that.
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this is how mini cakes turn out , mini cakes, like this, a cap on top, like that, like that, a little more cream, like that, now that strawberry with a tail that we left for decoration, well, look how elegant, simple, very spring-like, well, bon appetit everyone to the table! there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in
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which i, sergey molodemov and my team test everything on ourselves. and what did scientists and inventors from different countries surprise us with this week? right now the miracle of technology is on the air , fifth place in our traditional hit parade. scientific and technological news. in russia, a new type of communication, previously used only by the military, has become available for civilian use. in the krasnoyarsk territory research and production enterprise. radio communications the ruselectronics holding began to produce tropospheric communication stations intended for hard-to-reach, primarily northern regions, where even satellites often cannot reach. new antennas, in order to reach beyond the horizon at a distance of up to 210 km, use
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signal reflection from the troposphere, the lower layer of the earth's atmosphere, and to increase the reliability of communication , algorithms based on artificial intelligence are used that highlight the necessary codes from background noise. at the same time, by the way. not you still have to pay for the expensive services of satellite operators; the technology has already been connected to the medical and obstetric center and to sections of the road in the krasnoyarsk territory. this is a miracle of technology, i am sergei malozyomov and we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? after listening to this news, you will probably start brushing your teeth better, because something like this is happening there, as we found out... microbes, it turns out, literally rush along the surface of the teeth riding on fungi, forming entire superorganisms with them. experiments have shown that fungi of the genus candida with their mycelium very quickly capture the territory during the development
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of caries and transmit streptococci bacteria, which do not have their own organs of movement. perhaps this discovery will lead to the creation of new, more effective remedies against caries, because now we will take into account the role of not only bacteria, but also fungi. and now it’s in third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. why don’t the builders of the future take an example from bees and work in flight, researchers from britain and switzerland and created a system of printing drones. these flying 3d printers are capable of creating custom structures out of concrete. for example, to build on mars or more mundanely, to carry out repair work on bridges, television towers or skyscrapers, without expensive high-altitude cranes, scaffolding and industrial climbers. some drones are directly built, while others monitor the correctness of the work using artificial intelligence cameras. you are looking at
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a miracle of technology and this is the news that i, sergei malozyomov, put in second place for our hit parade of discoveries and inventions this week. scientists have found out which sense dying people lose last. apparently this is a rumor. during the experiments, physiologists from canada played different melodies to dying hospice patients and recorded their brain activity. it turned out that he responded with impulses to sounds even in those moments when the body as a whole was no longer functioning. but there is still a lot of unknowns. what we don't know is whether they understand the words and... are they comforted by them? - commented on the work its author, doctor lawrence ward. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place - hot five. humanity has hope
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of protecting itself from asteroids that could potentially threaten the earth in the future. at least the first experiment in this direction, apparently, ended successfully. scientist from. reported that the dimorph asteroid hit by their probe actually changed its trajectory as planned. they wanted to reduce the period of revolution around the larger body of didymus by at least 73 seconds, but ended up with a full 32 minutes. the dart umbrella, weighing 570 kg, was sent on this mission last november and on september 27 successfully crashed into the dimorph asteroid, which was safe for the earth and simply served as a test site. 60 m in diameter, all the phenomena that occurred have yet to be studied, but the researchers received the main thing, confirmation that a person is, in principle, capable of changing the paths of movement of celestial bodies in this way. good morning, the best
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morning on ntv, this is the morning edition of the project one day, i’m sergey mayorov, hello, an irreplaceable member of the kvn team for... izbak, a student of the great galina vishnevskaya, a leading soloist of the bolshoi theater, a world opera star, people's artist of azerbaijan and finalist of the mask show elchin azizov, invited us to visit to talk about how to make a big leap in art in love. one day, kvn star elchin azizov began to sing, so good that today he is a soloist of the bolshoi theater of russia and a welcome guest of the world's best stages from tokyo to new york. after all, until the age of 30 he was engaged in the restaurant business, acted in tv series, produced commercials, joked and never even dreamed of becoming world famous.
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year, my friend, national artist, now director of the philharmonic zade, had a presentation of one of his first discs, he is an amazing pianist, he invited me, he said, listen, maybe you can come, i’ll play at the presentation, sing something, at the philharmonic, he he says, well, yes, but what, he says, well, let’s choose some kind of romance, some...
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at a party, at some holidays, weddings, always when there are such feasts, ilchin was always asked to sing, and definitely by the end in the evening someone came up and said how wonderfully he sings, how amazingly he sings, but he needs to sing professionally, or maybe he will record a disc, or maybe he will sing in the opera, and i suddenly realized clearly that if i , i imagined myself if i was 60 years old, this is how everything would continue again.
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ari me, i chose, as it were, from what was good for me , oh, how good it was, but it suited me, it didn’t suit me, well, in general, it so happened that , indeed, on august 15, 2005, i and my wife, we are flying to salsburg for our mine courses, i ended up with a professor, american richard miller, at that time he was already 80 years old, he is a professor of talingology and a professor of music. amazing theater, i go out to sing, well , everyone takes turns singing, well, in front of him is mine, i
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had to have a biography and so on, but how could i explain there what it was? kvn, i work in restaurants, i shoot advertising there and so on, he reads all this, i sing, he stops, he suddenly doesn’t say where you came from? i say, azerbaijan baku, okay, i finish singing, he finish, he says, and i want to leave, he he says, wait, tell me, in azerbaijan everyone sings like that. i say, i don’t know, he says, i just can’t understand how, having such vocal abilities, you do this, it became like this for me, well, not that, well, recognition from the outside and a push for the fact that this is what it is not because i’m a good guy, not
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because i’m a guy from baku, not because i’m a fun guy there and...
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last year, the number of people injured in road accidents amounted to more than 166,000 people, and the death toll exceeded 14,000. the main cause of road accidents is the driver's drunkenness. few internship, inability to navigate the road? most likely inattention and distraction by gadgets. it seems to me that most accidents occur due to the driver speeding. according to statistics , last year fans of fast driving committed more than 26,000 accidents associated with violation of choice. speed limit, in fact, 98% of incidents are associated with this factor. in russia, about 132 thousand road accidents occur annually. let's assume that 100,000 of them were completed because they chose the wrong speed. height speeding accidents start in may and reach their peak in the summer months. most often, such accidents
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occur on stretches and unregulated intersections in places with a maximum speed limit of 60. 90 km/h. 28% of road accidents due to speeding violations were committed by drivers aged 30 to 39 years. violations of the speed limit in most cases were recorded during exits from the road, collisions, collisions with obstacles, and collisions with a pedestrian. at the same time, the severity of the consequences in such accidents with pedestrians are almost twice as high. there are a lot of points here. first of all, it depends on the driver’s reaction, his state of health, and the condition of the vehicle. on the condition of the road, on weather visibility conditions, as well as on lateral visibility. compliance with the rules and choosing a speed limit, depending on the current situation on the road, in 90% of cases guarantees the safety of all road users . the best for today, beyond. while walking with their newborn daughter,
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the young parents passed out and the girl left in the middle of the street unattended. he was lying down. like this, she was lying there and there was a stroller, and the baby was born, it was simply unbearable to watch, the mother of the baby assures that she just felt bad, begging not to deprive her of parental rights, we were walking, nothing despised trouble, i felt bad, and you woke up where ? in intensive care, in intensive care, yes, you hope to take your daughter home, but the father of the eldest child always considered her an irresponsible mother, he was in the hospital, she left the mother’s child and left, he is such a wonderful child and he... needs his mom, she doesn’t love him at all, did the parents really oversleep, daughter, who will the newborn girl stay with? a friend came, he poured some alcohol into his glass, we mixed up the glass, drank water from this glass, went outside, that’s it, i lost consciousness, i consider myself a good father, i did everything for the child, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, how tired am i? what am i doing here, like
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everyone else, resting, good, good. how do you like it? bad, why bad? too bad i didn’t know from seabreeze before, this is a star show, a grand finale! that's it, the finale! i'll be in this final do what i do best, get a divorce? participates in the show! until you pour in again, moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very, moscow, friendship, i want to understand why
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people are dying in our village, because you extinguish them, what are you talking about, who is it , yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, the money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, like i’m sparring on... today six finalists will perform before us, but there will be only one winner, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv . spare release, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. discover yours. style with oha. beautiful, comfortable, fashionable. new collections at competitive prices. with discounts on wildberries.
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it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 17% per annum. open a deposit on rabiprol northern star. enjoyment of life without heartburn. assalamu alaikum. biz gaz qaramollarini tekshiraver mumkin, aha, rahmat, qoldi qaydan yuvib olir ham mumkin, offaring,
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for business, and we work on an all or nothing basis. everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. you prevent its deposition in the joints. revflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning weather for today. the southern regions of the far east are dreaming of summer, in yuzhno-sakhalinsk in khabarovsk it is almost 20, but
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the warmest... but the cold front is already approaching with thunderstorms, tomorrow it will become sharply colder, there will be almost no rain in siberia, calm spring weather, with temperatures slightly lower norms, from perm to krasnoyarsk +16-17. european territory is warming up in warm western currents, night frosts are a thing of the past and there is hope that they will not return until the end of spring. in the afternoon +15:20, warmest in the north-west. in pskov +22, in the center in the chernozem region it is more modest, in rostov on dano it is only +16, with rain every day, in the northern caucasus, in the kuban, thunderstorms only in the crimea without precipitation. it’s sunny in st. petersburg and +18:20 in moscow, the same pleasant weather, up to twenty without precipitation.
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friendship at the state level, vladimir putin began a two-day visit to china. artificial coma after four hours operations. the latest on robert fitz's condition and what the prime minister's shooter has to say. well, is it also possible to talk about science, in a fascinating and interesting way, the results of the video conference, you know, teach, this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoisky, hello. a few hours ago , vladimir putin’s big two-day program began in beijing; the president arrived in china with the state.


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