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tv   Pyos-3  NTV  May 16, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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incredible sunsets, but in the south the weather is not at all resort weather, rains, thunderstorms, in sochi it’s only 18, in rostov-on-dano it’s even cooler, it’s not hot in crimea, but at least there’s no precipitation. in the middle zone, the anticyclone has dispersed the clouds, the sun is warming, from smolensk to kazan 16°, in tver 20. in st. petersburg today it is up to 20 without precipitation, in moscow it is also up to 20 and no rain. superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mom, write us a message. for what? well, or we'll call. we found out that the phone was working. even at zero. they rejected the bill, you didn’t listen to the end. how's that? this safely. with belain you are safe even with zero account. calls, messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beeline application. girls, let's talk about safety. so we already have beline. beline is
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the safest operator. emergency exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. let's quickly count your earnings. you'll be patient, well, of course, then you'll go straight home, and i still have to set an alarm, hey, dogs aren't allowed in here and we're closed, go out on the floor!
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wait 5 minutes.
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there is doctor's sausage. smelly, well, sorry sir, they didn’t bring any refills, listen, max, what were you doing with the dog half an hour ago, only honestly, most honestly, most honestly, yes, in spirit, exactly. they vacuumed the house,
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that's for sure, well, you want to ask, well, come out, what happened, in my opinion, half an hour ago you and your dog robbed a jewelry store. “so you say the robber was bald, yes, bald, that is, like a tambourine, great, but could you write him in more detail, what he looked like, here he is, arrest him, this is him, that’s it,
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come on, go, you, go, go, ugh, attack on a policeman, you must obey me in any case, even if . i say, don’t touch the nest catcher, you hear me, where, you will chase him in your free time from work.
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yes, the clothes and shoes are really similar, well , that’s it, you’ve been caught, murder is a robbery, and you can set your dog on me as much as you want, where did you throw the gun, what gun, where’s the motive? what is the motive? he has nothing to live for, but he’s enlightened everything, and the fact that he hasn’t enlightened, he’s drunk, so he wants to be born at the expense of someone else’s grief, and i’ll order it, but just be careful, don’t overexert your brain, max, it seems , we really cannot definitely prove that it’s not you in the video, but you
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can’t, well, if you had some kind of alibi or someone could confirm, well, who can confirm, but he was offended by me, lesh, what to do, these are ordinary things between criminal... elements, the criminals did not divide the loot over there, please listen, we probably need to look for a double, there are some thoughts, i don’t know, well, there’s a purebred dog, maybe look through the dog breeders club, which specializes in shepherd dogs, maksimov, you will sit, i said. it’s good that you immediately contacted our club, we have the most complete catalogs of purebred dogs in the city, especially shepherds, well, that’s what they told us, yes, well , they said it correctly, what exactly do you want to find, we want
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to find the exact same dog, pick a pair for mating, we’re looking for a lost brother what a romantic story. and you have a very beautiful dog, what is his name? that’s the dog’s name, what about the pedigree? but i don’t know, i haven’t seen her, the dog is clearly a thoroughbred, he must have a pedigree, what club are you a member of? we are part of the police, are you a policeman? well it happened mine is not special, but i always have it. i liked the police, it’s so cool to protect civilians from bandits, and that means you’re a real police dog, yes, he probably follows commands very well, but today he
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doesn’t follow them at all, today he was offended by us, very bad, you can’t give in to such grievances, over time the dog may completely stop respecting you, it will become completely wild, then you just have to euthanize, euthanize, it won’t come to that if you work out the dog well, and you don’t want to sign up with us, that’s inexpensive, and for such a handsome man, i could even give a discount, with pleasure, we just don’t have time today, but maybe first the address of the owner of this dog. “of course you can, but only in exchange for your phone, i mean phone, but what’s incomprehensible here, i’m saying that i always liked the police.
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that’s what i do, i was looking for evidence. and i found it, by the way, right in the hole they’re lying in the door over there, oh, and shit - i endured it, but you’re a robber- killer, and you don’t have to rock the boat, special forces are already coming here, they’ll put you in prison, and i’m your dog i'll rent it to a chinese, i understand, to a korean restaurant.
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you check in his pocket, that you, yes, i don’t have anything in my pockets, here you go, and you, this is not mine, he was the one who threw me, guys, what are you doing, i’m men, bitch, i ’ll show you anyway, we'll talk at home, traitor,
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oh, i need you like this, hello, what do you need, i have the exact same one in my car, huh? tell me quickly what you need, i won’t be able to hold him for long, he’s always so aggressive, with strangers, yes, what did you
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want, we’re from the police, i wanted to talk about the dog talk, wait, i'll close it, jerry's place, tell me, and in the morning where the dog was, i didn't understand, today...
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he was lying like this, she was lying there and there was a stroller, and the child was sobbing, it was simply unbearable to watch, the mother of the baby assures that she simply felt bad and begs not to deprive her of parental rights. we were walking, nothing foreshadowed trouble, i felt bad, and where did you wake up? in intensive care, in intensive care? yes, you hope to take your daughter home. but the father of the eldest child always considered her an irresponsible mother. ran to the hospital she left the child with her mother and usha. he is such a wonderful child, and his mother doesn’t need him, she doesn’t love him at all, did
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his parents oversleep, his daughter, who will the newborn girl stay with, a friend came, he got drunk on himself in a glass, we mixed up the glass, drank from this glass water, went outside, that’s it, i lost consciousness, i consider myself a good father, i did everything for the child, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration of youthful eyes. toufon - triple action for eye health. robot vacuum cleaner midea s'.
8:41 am
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lyosha, don’t think about it, i’m conducting an investigation, i found these sneakers in max’s car, and he bitch set the dog on me, or rather, he didn’t have time found it, i just got in the way, managed to, well, under the seat in the car, these are trinkets and stolen jewelry, and you’re sure that these are trinkets from stolen jewelry, right? i'm giving my head a cut, uh-huh, you say diamonds, yes, look, oh!
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sorry, nastya, things have been delayed a little, it’s okay, well, if you agree, we can start working on it today. he directly agrees, he’s not sure, do you hear, uncle, to re-educate you though, out there, completely ignored, well, can i try, yes, please
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try, what, dog, come to me, come, go here, my dear, okay, maybe i’ll take him for a few days to re-educate him, yes, please, but i think he’ll be against it. nothing, i think i can handle him, first let's start with the commands, stand, lie down, ugh, next to me, please, nothing, don't worry, i'm a professional, i'll be fine, yes, there's nothing to worry about, let him be here now he’s worried, okay, bye, and you ’re leaving so quickly, i thought you’d stay a little longer, but today i just can’t, i have work to do, but tomorrow. i'll call you in the morning, okay, i'll wait until tomorrow,
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who, you're already bored, well, let's go, like... me, ugh, get out, attack, hey, you, wandered, get up, hurry up, don't twitch, run, yeah, hurry up, come on, in the center, in the center, in tentre,
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everything, everything is in place, the dog, the dog is behind me. you say, he was bald with a dog, yes, so, uh-huh, great, so, tell me, but he didn’t call the dog at all, well, there was a dog to me, for example, i don’t remember, don’t remember, yes, maybe the dog was like him - he called, well, there’s max, no, why are you looking like that, you know, anything can happen in life, yes, yes, tell me, but he didn’t come by chance in a red car, and i didn’t
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saw it, didn’t see it, no, but you can’t say for sure that you can’t drive a red car, no, great, so let’s write it like this, perhaps he arrived in a red car, is he digging under max? especially on stupid things, sometimes even on crimes.
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maksimov, where is the dog, cynology, you are leaving the dog with her, what’s wrong, alisa promised to work with him, so she is already alisa, and what bothers you, nothing bothers me, you spent the night with her, are you jealous? are you because of this crook from the department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day, kolya, it needs to be removed, kolya, who are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and urka with four convictions, packed up his things, out of here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor, the patient woke up, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t come yet, so he won’t come ,
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to hide it. and what's going on? we will operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today at 22:15 on ntv. stars. the final. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new. afobazole retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabozole anxiety can and should be treated. for ms freshness products, we grow, harvest and deliver from above.
8:53 am
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8:56 am
call from... order fixpro 3 in one from leamax black, white or transparent for only 999 rub. but call us right now and order fix pro three in one. at a super price of 399 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website stars. the final. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. slanna petrovna. good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and mashiru would have access to the money ; a suspicious transaction on your account. hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking, hello,
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hello, what do you need, everything is the same, dog, on what basis is this, and, by the way, on what basis is this? shut up, just show me your dog, maybe show me yours, and by the way, i haven’t seen her for a long time, and i don’t have a dog at all, and she doesn’t have a dog at all, what’s going on here, get out of my house, get out of her house, you you'll be annoying everyone, no, why should everyone, even those whose ring was stolen from a jewelry store, oops, i'm not guilty of anything, he didn't say why he took the dog, who he is, last name, first name, patronymic, gender, quickly , my cohabitation. former eagle owl alexander, who is a thief, repeat offender, or something, yes, yes, but wasn’t he already released, yes, a month ago, he found me himself, demanded jerry for a while, he threatened who jerry, well, forgot me, now
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i remember you well , it would be too easy to kill you, i want to put you in jail, all the same, someone else’s fact. they gave back his car, quickly, i’m not going anywhere, who’s asking you why you need it, maksimka, well done,
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what are you thinking about? about nothing, oh well, i see. maksimov worries me, and these robberies, where is the dog? you know, he gave it to the dog handler, who ran away. do not you does this seem strange? what's strange? well, it doesn’t
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look like the dog handler and maksimov are hiding everything from the examination? wait, do you think that's max too? i would really like to be wrong, lyosha. i would really like to be wrong, but think for yourself. the criminal in the video has a dog. maksimov has twice no alebi, dog fur at the crime scene, fur, didn’t say anything about fur, i didn’t say anything to anyone except maxim, well, as he explains it, he was at the crime scene after the robbery, but i really don’t like it, lesha , this could be bad it’s over, let me call him now and he ’ll tell him everything. he probably turned off his phone, so let’s have some tea, some tasty treats,
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what a bitch, and he stole the car, oh! creature, oh, damn, we need to shoot him with something, we need to, we need to throw some kind of stick at him, idiot, is that my beau? and the one who was there, the one who was there, accordingly, is not mine, and this is what is yelling at me, because he is mine, he doesn’t listen to you, maybe he’s not yours, but no, no my, let me go, i beg you, what did you tell them? i'm nothing to them i didn’t say, i swear, how did he find you? i
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don’t know, he, he asked about the dog, yeah, that means you ratted me out, no, i didn’t tell them anything, i didn’t tell them anything, no, i’m asking you, let me go. trunk on the floor, foot towards me, lie down, you got up, load, faster! yes, hurry up, i said,
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max is calling, it’s not max, it’s leonov, yes, max. this is not max, this is leonidov. are you using the wrong number? this is max, he just robbed another jewelry store and disappeared with the dog. are you crazy or what? yes, i didn’t believe it at first either, but it seems like everything is true. his car and the murdered woman were left at the crime scene. what kind of woman, dog handler? i don't know, we'll figure it out. in general, come, polevaya street 12. i warned you.
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can you describe the perpetrator in detail? yes, of course, he was bald, dressed in black, a dog, a shepherd, well, he had some special features, maybe the scars were tattoos. some, i didn’t have time to look at it, i immediately fell to the floor, this dog, this one, toast him, they’re both bald, which one is the one on the right, no-no, which one is the one on the left, not the right one, oh, that’s yours grandma, listen, max, your car is on the street, huh? there are three corpses here, can you explain, yes, please, this time i have an albi, a little ugly, but still an albi, don’t, i don’t remember anything, he knocked me out,
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what are you talking about, you bastard, what is it, i i don’t know anything, i don’t know anything, i didn’t see anything that you, your witnesses were late, your dog was late and your car was late, address him, quietly, quietly, well , you understand that i don’t need to restrain yet, i understand, yeah, yeah, we'll figure it out, yeah, we'll figure it out, that means you have the right to keep the moo, everything that is said against you will be used, take him to car, i'll take you personally. i’ll take the camera sber introduces a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to immediately get everything you’ve dreamed of for a long time, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan in
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9:07 am
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meet you. finally she came. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition, i don’t know, i’m telling you, follow the note, it will take you to a film, which film are you taking, go, let's get in the car, it's good to drink a nest, a woman told me about you, i don’t remember anything. i was shell-shocked, so catch the dog, or even better shoot him, he’s just as much a criminal as this one, let me immediately apologize to you for knocking you out three times, why? i only remember two
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hey, nest, wake up, gnezdilov, wake up, what, who, where is max, what max, did he run away, with a van, who allowed it, you allowed it, you stayed with him, keep quiet, you will answer me for everything, quickly car. wakhan, why are you standing, give chase, hello, the police are bothering you from the start garage cooperative. there's a bald man and a dog runs around, they put him on the wanted list.
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what's hungry? it’s okay, just be patient, let’s get out of here with this, and then we’ll celebrate properly.
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stand with your hands behind your head, put your hands aside, it’s not the same one, it’s the other one, it’s not the same one, well, yes, i saw someone fumbling around there with a pistol, we heard someone fumbling around over there with a pistol, forward. well, i 'm off, come on, come on, hide, there's a police special operation going on here, the killer, i wish you good luck, thank you, here he is, don't be stupid, the killer himself, who robbed stores, don't say bad things, stand, stand. i don’t
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understand, what is this, what kind of colonnade? they shoot, a pistol, it looks like makharov, but it’s strange, yes, you should have taken the criminals, or not, nest, it’s not difficult to rise to the rank of lieutenant, i won’t help you, bitch, let me go quickly, let me go, i’ll sort it out without snotting, and i’ll go around, take... everyone into the cauldron, behind me, in front of me, what are you lying there, take it, and not hunt under a bullet, okay, you go to the left, i’ll go to the right.
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i almost shot you, where is he? let's take off our clothes, jerry, jerry, and damn it, jerry come to me, where are you, jerry, jerry, are you crazy?
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well, ment, you didn’t want to sit, you’ll lie down to the cemetery, the dog back,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, that's what it means, the operation was carried out under my competent, sensitive hands, the criminal was detained, the jewelry was found, there were no victims, the dog, well, let 's give the medal posthumously. the dog has gone crazy, really gone crazy from grief,
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psychology, first year, maybe the orderly has been called, collar, who is the collar? the collar is not the same, pack it! how did you scare me? so why did you scare me? i get it, i get it, i get it.
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i wasn’t at all offended by it, well, thank you very much, please, this size, maxim, hello, hello, so you found me, they say that dog handlers have a good sense of smell, okay, to be honest, i just made inquiries, inquiries, why, i wanted to know how the dog was doing, i’m glad that he found him, yes, but
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maybe you could still come to our classes with him? we seem to have established communication with him, this will be very useful for the dog, to learn to follow orders unquestioningly, this is very good for the dog. listen, stop it, give your food here, everything has already spoiled and throw it out in the trash. that's a smart girl wow, yes, you don’t need to train such a dog, but you come anyway, just like that, you can even without a dog, okay, all the best, maxim, goodbye.
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it’s possible, it’s necessary, i brought it, sure, here you go, i, igor nikolaevich gnezdilov, honored police captain. being under the influence of kenological misconceptions associated with the similarity of animals, breeds, dogs, shepherd dogs,
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this is what, as you asked, explanatory, i asked you to clearly explain why the hell you drove the state-owned special forces, to arrest maksimov, and you give me comparative characteristics of breeds, shepherd dogs, dogs, well , that’s just where it all started, i... i thought it was that dog, but it turned out it was not the same dog, and i thought that the dog was his, but it turned out not that dog, and i thought it was his dog, but it turned out that it was not his, and the witnesses were too late. can you imagine, some red car almost hit me, and in general it seemed to me that there was a dog behind the wheel, well
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again, imagine, so, a red car with license plates sm 3948 t2, a dog driving, end of recording. insure, oh, give me your paw, i asked you, but give me your paw give, ah! yes, that’s it, ainspiel for you, leonidov, you think, yes
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, i’m sure, you showed up more carefully, you look good, i would, of course, put a blank check under your eye, or even two, and i say, make sure you don’t get one, yes , do you hear, give me this without these vile institutions of yours. by the way, i have a black belt in hibiscus, just so you know, seriously, and natalya is still coming together, what kind of natalie, where else are they coming together, what are you talking about, have mercy, talk, sit down, what’s this time, soon, keep quiet, last time since there was a paddy wagon, you think they’re the same ones, i’m sure they knocked them out him...
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no money, no conscience, so that your moronic arguments are games here, igor, igor, don’t you sleep, illegal betting again, no, that’s right, i banned your foolish betting, in general, he’ll come here now one writer, she is collecting material for a new script, sorry for being late, the tram went off the rails, the gas ran out, there was an earthquake in general, she’s joking, boss, what is this, this is monica, she loves to write, now she’s composing a script for a new one.
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detective series, monica will work with you, or rather watch how you you work, yes, yes, i need, you know, lively characters, sharp dialogues, tasty details , and in general i want to watch the best detective of your department, who, who is the best detective of your department here, that was nice, we use it, allow me to introduce myself, i'm sorry, how are you... monica, bill clinton, just a joke, captain gnezdilov is very happy, very much, i think it will be better if monica watches how max works, why, why immediately max, better than gnezdilov, he's like he looks at her with his back turned, well, i usually don’t i agree with maksimov, here i am absolutely right with him, she should look at the best, but can she do it herself? well, of course you can, i personally bet on
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max, although i am against all betting, the sooner you solve the case, the sooner monica will write her script and return to the world of big cinema, she will only watch, she can watch silently, yes, yes, yes , i will only observe, i will not interfere, i will not interfere, i will not participate in chases, in torture, i just have a couple of questions, yes, please tell me, that’s when you guess that now... is this evidence in front of you or just garbage? garbage? we've known about this for a long time, little tail. so good, next question: how do you distinguish criminals from normal people? how many rounds do you use per week, how many versions do you develop for each case? his name is max, he takes his time answering. he’s thinking about it, that’s right,
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a real detective doesn’t talk much, but i didn’t understand that it was you standing and spying, i’m not spying, i just happened to walk by, you... near the column, so i say, i’m standing near the column by chance , in general, i’m ready for what, for everything, for starters i can show how real cool cops work, like, for example, provesional, come on, come on, come on, come on , forward, forward, forward, oops, oops, oops, oops , oh, i liked the way they were running so much, we went ballast, they found an ambulance there. great, we take
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the guns, we take these bracelets to the point, yes, the ballast is me, i’m in the car, it’s catching up with what you were carrying there, we take the weapons, we take the handcuffs , we go to the crime scene, yes, yes, and you have a weapon, no, thank god, but they will give it to me, of course, it’s an armory, and choose it there.
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come on, hey! nicotya, a deceiver! q.e.d? i got it, after all, just think, you might think, i got it, any moron would get it, what, even someone like you? even someone like me even thinks that i have a bee belt in shooting, which he said is a bee! what are you doing, horses, show me! oh, oh! there are so many holes, so many holes, come on, even gnezilov’s arrow, did you
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shoot with whips, or what? no, no, no, he got right into the holes, here i am, i’m right in the hole, i understand, well done, leonida, you’ll do anything, okay, let him amuse himself. while you can't shoot in a fool, that's right, yes, it's prohibited by law there, yeah, congratulations, you won't get rid of her so easily, tomorrow she won't be here anymore, remember, reminds you that... okay, so what's going on here, and you, excuse me, yes, the criminals were very apologetic, they didn’t wait for you, they said hello to you, very funny, very funny, why did you lock me up, it’s an accident, you forgot about you, hey,
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you better remember to change your pants, otherwise you’re walking around with them chewed, compared to your bag, just ironed, and you know what kind of bag it is, you know, yes, i know, it’s yours? actually i want help, i have a version, which means, look, rabid criminals kill drivers, then hijack ambulances, disguise themselves as doctors, come to the patient, give him a lethal injection and rob him, robbery version, are you dreaming, no, then this is murder with intent robbery, that is, the version is correct, yes, no, incorrect, why? not only were there ambulances there, there, please give me a bushel, and for god’s sake, i also have a version about rabid criminals too, which means that the first contact was unsuccessful,
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the object is closed, the object is trying to get rid of me, but the object does not yet know who it is dealing with, end of recording. “let me help you, i’m, in fact, the only gentleman here among all of these, you smoke, i, no, no, i just thought that all the cool detectives, they smoke, so i, you know, took it to make contact , give me a treat, here, and maxim smokes, who, max, what a cool detective he is, but he’ll die from one brace, so i smoke, i’ve been smoking heavily since childhood, since i was 3 years old i smoked three packs a day today, i’ve run out of cigarettes. , thank you, i'm grateful, of course, oh, lighters, no, i'm out of lighters,
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i burned three lighters today, i'm all out of gas, oh, oh, what's wrong with you? no, i’m just analyzing versions, but what version are you considering now? 14, yes, the fourteenth, the previous 12 turned out to be false, and i also have a version, so, so, that means, look, the version is drug mafia, which means rabid criminals, then we go, well, yes we, why we, well, how we, i can help with any advice and i wrote a lot of detective scripts, well
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, very, very many, two were even shown on tv, yes, can i help you, please, okay, while you're at it, get some air from the crime scene, what? why, well, i ’m going to hand him over to the dog, i don’t care for him to find the criminals, but that’s it, that’s it, i understand, i understand, i understand, okay, okay, look , look, glove, this is the street, evidence, look, go take her straight to lena’s laboratory. let him take fingerprints from the inside, but ok, ok, then let’s not waste time, i rushed off, address, that’s it, i came by sms. yes, come on lena let's warn you, he's gone, you 're going to ruin such a surprise, you're a nester in a skirt, come on,
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let's go and see what's in there, what do you think, what's in the boxes, electronics,
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a fussy thing, but all three of them glitched, well , i was mistaken, but i did everything in a cool way, but an argument is an argument, you've exposed your brain, well, yes, yes, yes, let's go, that's it, that's it, that's it, and two hot dogs, well... that's it, wow, how's it going? everything is great with you, hello, but i imagined you completely differently, you know, such a crazy professor, with scraggly hair, rich your imagination, who exactly are you, weren’t you warned? about what? and they even forgot to send me the address, but i found you anyway, i’m
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monica, monica, should you have told me something? do you watch tv series about the police? no, i hate them, but it doesn’t matter, they asked me to tell you what it is? well, in a bottle, the air smells like a criminal. and these are gloves, you need to take fingerprints only from the inside, are you serious, well, yes, then it’s clear, maksimov sent you, yes, yes, and what’s clear, you’re a writer, yes, yes, yes, i didn’t understand me that they played it, well, it won’t hurt him, i’ll take revenge. get in line, they are successful, rich, loved and
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value every kilogram of theirs, i have dictionaries, there are words like stairs, on foot, far, my only dream was that i would walk, and they would shout after me, cornelia mango, like actor roman popov put his body to work, roman popov is 39 full years old, in some places very full, he defeated cancer, it didn’t happen, that’s it, i give up, no, i give up, it didn’t happen, i saw my pregnant wife. a million dollar secret, you were so skinny in childhood, and what happened? life on saturday at
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boss, don’t you think that this is already a mockery, some redhead is interfering in the investigation, and until you finish the case, she won’t leave, well, that means, as lena once said, it’s either me or her, well, since you pose the question like that, of course, she, i wanted to leave, but now out of spite i decided to stay longer. harmfulness is your second, i’m watching, but i only need one plot, that’s all, no, what about your order from the boss, i didn’t care about the boss’s orders from him, oh well, i wrote everything down on recorder, just like that, damn it, i’ll still solve this case with or without you, please, without us, good luck to you, but i only have
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one day to watch everything, or just watch it, i’m working alone without spectators, and like this voice recorder of yours is awesome, only i’m a dog, and i, no, but i need to visit the most. thicker, no more animals, well , for the plot i need to visit the thickest, most interesting, most real investigations, you know, the thickest, uh-huh, well, let's go, okay, oh, what is this, a cell for a criminal? it's somehow disgusting here, how they ordered it, right in the thick of it, yes, so i don’t seem to be a criminal, it seems, you know, in the garden, uh, uh, well, let me out
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immediately, this is lawlessness, well, yes, as promised, let me out now, you bastards, when? i understand, they just reported an attempt to steal a fire truck, the driver was knocked out with a shocker, i wonder if the girls are on the beach, a fire truck, an ambulance, a police car, a garbage truck, what do they have in common, the steering wheel, as he said, gnezdilov, you’re growing, lesh, you’re growing, no, theirs they don’t suspect, they practically don’t stop, i understand, you can calmly. well it would be necessary warn all drivers of such cars, come on, i think the next one will be an ambulance, well, cheese factory, and he also said that
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he didn’t give a damn about the boss’s orders, i have everything recorded on a voice recorder, lonidov, get out, you stay, hold on, monique is working with you, chief, until you solve the case, i promise one thing, chief, i... i may not be able to stand it, a nervous breakdown, alcoholism, suicide, dismissal, that’s the consequence, i always achieve what i want, and if she herself doesn’t want with work with me, well, if she does it herself, then yes, of course, of course, she won’t refuse, just as she refuses, will beg to remove her, maksimov, you bitch, oh, i’m sorry for your health, comrade colonel, yes, i’m burning, what, yes, i don’t know what? he said, but i absolutely do not lie to him, an excellent candidate, look, she’s all black, a black mercedes, a black crocodile belt, and monica will
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all disagreements and investigate this case together, what versions do you have, none, no one has a white worm, but i have one version, if the store didn’t report the loss, then they themselves are involved in it, no, but what’s a good version , let’s say a store sells a gray product, this is the one that... that’s exactly what i immediately thought of, that’s what i immediately thought of, bad version, bad version, why bad version, why? well, because it’s immediately obvious that you’re into bad
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tv series. we've seen enough of all the problems from this, well, of course, all the problems we have are because of television, then why, i agreed, wherever the ripper, knock, knock, i ran in the know, how many years i’ve been working, i just noticed that it wasn’t according to feng shuet, damn, no, it’s ruined through. .. seconds, boss, call, i bet it’s not, 1, 2, 3, wow, miracles, next, maxim. i think we need to check monica’s version, and i think we shouldn’t involve outsiders in the investigation, right? maksimov, you didn’t understand, it was an order! i threw the corpse away,
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i’ll kill this red-haired creature, and what if they put you in prison? that they’ll put me in prison, i ’ll kill you with your pistol, you see here, give me the pistol, and with mine, where with mine, you’re normal, then they’ll put me in prison, let’s shoot with leonov. no, i won’t give it, but on the whole i agree, give me a gun, that means i have an official statement, today i am without a weapon, without a pistol, i forgot it at home, so record it on your microphone, why should i record it on my voice recorder, well, you never know what can happen in this life, so that’s it, i’m not here, i’m drinking, it’s really in vain, because we’re now going to check my version, fuck you, for the sake of god, boor, do you know what this is?
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friendship and partnerships on a national scale. vladimir putin began a two-day visit to china. artificial coma after a four-hour operation. the latest on robert fitz's condition and what the shooter has to say in the slovak prime minister. and also pogroms, a state of emergency, the entry of french troops. what is happening in new caledonia, how washington is putting a spoke in the wheels of the chinese auto industry. and how might the rules for purchasing sim cards by russians change? this is the program today in the studio dmitry zaboistoy. hello. a few hours ago , vladimir putin’s big two-day program began in beijing.


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