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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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everything passes there literally 10 minutes, he forgets about it and it continues again. this time, seeing a crowd of residents in the yard with television cameras, anatoly ryazantsev decided to perform himself, for some reason on crutches, he made it clear that music connected them forever, and people did not appreciate his efforts. it turns out that he spends time, compiles playlists and for a reason, in accordance with the time of day, year and other context, the way i listened to it, i will listen to it, well, that’s the whole result. and how, somehow it is possible, and why you you consider yourself better than others, explain to me, he expects that over the loud music he will hear the voices of those around him, it’s not necessary, because he doesn’t even pay attention to the family of four children who actually live on the concert stage, according to some reports , ryazantsev’s fifteen-year-old son after another drunken spree of his father left the house, the neighbors searched for him for several days, returned on his own, the residents wrote to the guardianship authorities to have the family checked, but so far the appeal has remained unnoticed... tamara simonova,
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radu gurdish, dmitry salnikov, television company ntv. even more news on our website in the telegram channel "chpntv". that's all for today, thank you for being with us. today. in our program, for political reasons , they tried to kill robert pitz, an opponent of aid to ukraine, in slovakia and why are the balts inciting the maidan in tbilis? we will go further together! strategic partnership! vladimir putin arrived on a state visit to beijing, what is the west dissatisfied with again? connections between states must be built. some kind of game: children
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put on tails, run on all fours, growl and flock together. is it necessary to fight the fashionable hobbies of the younger generation? our kids are truly being driven crazy. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan truzhkin, we are working. live, today we will start with a message from china, where, at the invitation of the chinese leader, comrade xi, russian president vladimir putin is visiting this visit very carefully, so to speak, excitedly, i would say, watching the western press, the same western press that once began to say that russia is in complete isolation, no one there wants to deal with it, and now they say, look, what a horror, what a nightmare, putin’s first visit after the inauguration committed.
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and they walked along a long red carpet past a guard of honor, they were greeted by children with flowers in their hands, there was an artillery salute, a military orchestra played the anthems of the two countries, as well as the song moscow evenings, then negotiations began, at about 3 o’clock house of the people, in a narrow format, then in an expanded format, a joint statement was signed on deepening relations, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, details have not yet
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been given, but i think it will follow, and then personnel from the beijing grand theater, where the leaders of china and russia went to a gala concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, in addition, today the cross cultural years of russia and china open, more than 200 events will be held, today at putin’s, an informal dinner then one-on-one negotiations, presumably there will be there
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. please excuse me for speaking for a long time, the translator did not provide. i feel, i just feel at home, so i decided that... the situation is much less favorable now in central europe, urgent messages are coming from serbia today, the local ministry of internal affairs detained a man for threatening the country's president aleksandar vucic. these threats came exactly after the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz. according to serbian ministry of internal affairs, as soon as the country’s authorities expressed support for the victim of fitz’s attack, threats immediately began to be received against the head of state.
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conflicting information continues to be received about the condition of robert fitz; his associates say that the prime minister’s condition was stabilized after a multi-hour operation, but it did not go entirely smoothly; it took a long time to stop the internal bleeding from his injuries; as a result , fitz is now in a state of induced coma . vladimir putin has already sent to slovakia a telegram with words of support, where he calls fitz courageous.
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a controversial figure in slovakia and in the european union, so it is not surprising that an event of this kind happened, because this is a very unhappy country, now slovakia is determining how to develop in the future, like an authoritarian country or a more western european one, the humane british tv channel skynews,
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the pro-russian position of leader, well , it’s not surprising that they are trying to kill him, normal logic, the slovak people there are unhappy and stupid, they don’t understand how not to got it for now, i think so. when there is an attempt on the life of a politician, then politics probably comes first, you and i just figured it out like this, i say, when we had such a wave of assassination attempts, in general , he and i somehow came to the conclusion that probably , this is the end of the sixties, the very beginning of the eighties, this is the decade, well, for europe, probably here, here, then, because now of course, well, this happens, thank god much less often, nevertheless, unfortunately, it happens successful assassination attempts, but not at all...
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well, here you are now, here’s an example, here’s a sky news story, this is exactly what it is, you ’re unhappy, you don’t understand how you should live, pro-russian things shouldn’t exist , shouldn’t exist at all, the devil knows what... he had it in his head, there are still very serious questions there, because of course, again, even from these frames it is clear how irresponsibly the prime minister’s guards behaved, but they simply did nothing, did not understand anything, in as a result , i was able to fire the attempted five shots, let us see how all this happened, and then we will talk about who might benefit from this, shots rang out on wednesday afternoon immediately after the retreat of the slovak government in the city... roba, come
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here, after which five shots were heard, the ifitsa fell. the prime minister was seriously wounded in the stomach, the shooter was restrained on the spot by the guards, while the bodyguards, judging by the footage, reacted to the criminal belatedly and immediately realized what was happening. then, as the slovak press writes, his name is juraj cintula, he is 71 years old and writer. tsintula, judging by his social networks, is a supporter of the pro-western opposition party progressive slovakia, and robert fitz’s associates are confident that the assassination attempt was a political order. you liberal media, the political opposition, what hatred you spread against robert fitz, the party you built for him, this anger, this rage. this is the hatred that is the result of your actions today, this is an attack on every slovak
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citizen, each of them now experiences frightening hatred. slovak opposition in every possible way disowns the shooter, who was active on the internet, desperately defended liberal values, defended the rights of minorities, and demanded that beggars and gambling be dealt with. centula calmly carried the weapon past the guards and shot the prime minister almost point-blank. the criminal's explanations during interrogation were more like delirium. i don't agree with the government's policies. the media is being liquidated. why is artvs being attacked? why people? conspiracy theorists believe that the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia could be directly related with his political views. since his election last october, fitza has been vocal in his opposition. sending western military aid and money to ukraine, said that the special operation began because of the discord
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of ukrainian nationalists, was against ukraine’s entry into nato, and generally criticized the policies of the west and promoted the topic of negotiations with moscow. we sa kushame. we are trying to open the topic of an immediate ceasefire, fighting and negotiations. i think it’s better to argue at the negotiating table for 10 years than to leave the russians and ukrainians kill each other. the question is who wants what. it seems to me that the west is extremely supportive of this war. so, when the story was going on, my colleagues presented me with messages, they came from the security forces - slovakia. ah, so, they claim the slovak security forces that this centula, who shot at prime minister fico, at least in the past months, participated in pro-ukrainian actions of the local opposition. they even distribute footage. can you show it to us already? so, look, it's april,
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centula, now we will see him, he is in a striped sweater and cap, there he is, see him, yes, yes, he has a poster, on this poster it is written, traitorous collaborators, long live ukraine, activists then tried to interfere with the movement of cars with officials, well, they shouted slogans, by the way, they themselves filmed it all on camera, but as i understand it, these shots fell into the possession of slovak law enforcement officers, now... they’re probably unwinding this somehow, there ’s another point there because the fitz some time ago, i can’t say for sure now, i think a few weeks ago he was just talking about how this whole hysteria could lead to attempts to get rid of certain politicians, in april he said, well, i remember that something recently, so georg valeevich, then if, even if we accept the version of the assassination attempt, here is the criminal loner, clearly.
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intimidation, a series of insults, or only this kind of threat can work in relation to him, that is, actions on the irrational, emotional or absolutely illegal level. of course, behind this killer there most likely was not some american agent or the main
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gynnikology of europe, who gave him a written order to attempt murder.
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perhaps it will be possible to intimidate, but we will definitely see this at the polling stations in slovakia, if i’m not mistaken, elections there should be held in the near future, and we’ll see how many votes you get now, it looks like he just came to you recently, maybe we’ll see who gets how much, i think victor didn’t agree, if i’m correct, look, this is a double-edged sword, no matter who was behind this assassination attempt, but while it’s too early to draw conclusions, on the one hand, of course, i don’t want to.
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they will be afraid and will not contradict washington to the same extent, to the extent that they will reread and will not contradict brussels. victor zhezovich, what do you think, the politicians you named, how will they behave? you see, everyone has their own conditions, reasons, circumstances, of course, but if we look at the behavior of the same leader of serbia
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, vucic, who recently literally visited my wife visited belgrade. finished his first or second term, which means, accordingly, he may have a much worse rating and even with an anti-rating, that is, this assassination attempt, it seemed to leave, well, kennedy did not survive after that.
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now you understand, exactly 9 years and 1 month ago oles buzina was killed in kiev. europe saw perfectly well that this was a political murder, knew who committed the murder, and why? we looked at the fact that
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these people were not punished, why? because there was an understanding inside that it was convenient political murder. this, of course, is not openly approved by media figures there, of the first level, nevertheless, everything that happened next was a step-by-step resolution of such things. i just.
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was supposed to take place, there one of the ladies who spoke said that in such a style that they brought it, they brought it to the point of sin with their disgusting policies, you know, this is the legitimation of political terror in europe, this is...
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that putin is in general goal for elimination, well, it was a year, well, it doesn’t matter what the difference is, it’s still in the period that designated andrey nikolaevich, yeah, i still think that the giant escevo toad acts with more sophisticated methods, we say yes there is a writer, this is not a writer, but as people say, well, he literally sucks legends, but this is a man with an unstable psyche , worked as a security guard in a supermarket and sort of...
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assassination attempt, then the voters, naturally, in a wave of rage, will elect a citizen who will be twice as numerous, this annoys them, we elected him, and you are killing him here for us, what would mrs. fondelien want, she would want, so that this atmosphere of intolerance, an atmosphere of hatred was created around fitz, and he was thrown to hell from his workplace amid hooting and screams, and the murder provokes a response, they would not have thrown him out soon anyway.
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a high-ranking person should be ready for an assassination attempt, so i agree that any politician is an absolutely normal thing, if you become a politician in the state, you must be prepared to be killed, no andreila, it’s a little wrong if you are a worthless politician and empty place, no one is trying to assassinate you will not organize, even a person with a destroyed psyche.
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it really was terror, and this is crazy, this is crazy, and crazy cannot be a terrorist, well, i also don’t understand how those speeches, yes, that our colleagues made, are refuted, let’s take a short break, and there antonich recalled about georgia , we just wanted to continue, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, there is a new government in russia, a new minister of defense in the new cabinet. what tasks did putin set for head of the military department, why do new appointments scare the west so much? the curse of the kennedys: why america's most famous family is haunted by murder and tragedy. and could it be a mere coincidence that the brain of the nephew of the us president who was shot in the head was eaten by a parasitic worm? nuclear weapons for the poor? is it really lyme disease and other terrible deadly diseases
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that are transmitted to... in fact, weapons of mass destruction created in secret military laboratories, this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. the prime minister's emergency exit is today at 22:15 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. bank: the best bank for business. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive? no, mom, it’s not very expensive, i saved money on my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran, we make comfort
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best they can. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tinkov. he's the only one. hey, what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. so a scarlett kettle with a volume of 1.7 liters for 890 rubles. rbt, we make comfort accessible. all is good. i've never felt so normal before. it's normal for me to wake up earlier than before. rise above yourself and your circumstances. finding the strength to do what i put off, devoting time to the most important things, when sports are the norm of life, everything is fine for me. find energy at stars. the final is on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. hello. great. why are you so happy? oh yes, i'm here again today
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it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market; men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. no one should be disappointed by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up! women, hurry up and try prostatricum gold. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything
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becomes clear. we continue this part, let's start with news from the russian ministry of defense, they reported on the successes of russian forces in the special military zone operations. ukrainian military intelligence managed to hit the point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, the national formation sonechka. the strike was carried out by operational-tactical aviation, drones, and missile forces. and artillery in the zaporozhye direction. a warehouse for storing unmanned boats was also destroyed , and concentrations of enemy armored vehicles in more than 100 areas were hit. near the settlements of nesteryanka and pyatikhatki, units of the dnepr group destroyed manpower and equipment of 65 mechanized and 128th mountain assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to forty military personnel and four vehicles. the ministry of defense was informed about the progress. russian units near volchansk. this is a kharkov direction,
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relatively new to our information reports. in the footage published from there, you see our military unfurling the flag at the entrance to the city. advancement from the northern outskirts to the center of volchansk is reported. as confirmation of the successful offensive, there is another video, this video is from a district hospital, and it is located in the central part cities. in the meantime, he secretly went to kharkov, where he held a meeting of the headquarters, there he was with a serious face, here are these shots, listened to the reports of his military commanders, scratched his head , once again admitted that the situation in the kharkov direction remains extremely difficult, well, he promised to strengthen the ukrainian units there during the break, andrei vladimirovich remembered the sign: if zelensky is photographed somewhere, then expect trouble for the surrender of the city at the signs, at the signs with the name of the city, if he was photographed. the city was handed over after a while, let's do it
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let's return to our topic, the names of some european politicians have been named who are trying to resist external pressure. anton valeevich, if you remember, yes, at some point he mentioned georgia, in georgia this protection is of such a collective nature, because there is a government and a parliament, well, maybe president zarubishvili, but she is generally a citizen of another state , it can’t even be considered, so they are trying to somehow resist, because... the pressure is completely shameless and on georgia, well firstly, there are now threats from all sides regarding sanctions, both personal and against the entire country, there are attempts to organize this street riots, this maidan according to the ukrainian principle, but in general there are no particular differences there, the georgians are still hold on, let's see, the protesters against the law on foreign agents the day before remembered the entire center of tbilisi and blocked the main streets, rallies...
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in estonia and iceland, by a lucky coincidence for the protesters, all these citizens stopped in tbilisi to talk with the georgian president, there’s a rally under the windows, and they think we’ll go in, they’re already being led to the podium, such a chain of accidents and surprises, we’ll move on together, the georgian law on foreign agents is very similar to the law. in the usa, but at the same time brussels calls him
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undemocratic, believes that he will interfere with the integration of georgia into the european swedish family, and if the georgians do not come to their senses now, then there will be further sanctions, personal ones against georgian politicians, and for everyone without visas with europe will be canceled. the adoption of the law on foreign agents, as well as ongoing repression against georgian civil society will stop georgia's further progress in the european union and nato. however, it is not too late, we heard from the lady. president that she plans to veto the bill and that would be the way out. they missed the opportunity to remain silent in washington. american senators called may 13 a black day for georgian democracy and are now threatening to reconsider the terms of financial support for the country. this week , assistant secretary of state james o'brien visited tbilisi. it’s clear that you shouldn’t drink borjomi, but threaten to persuade. before this, georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze pointedly refused a planned trip to the united states, and the white house is here. i remembered the word sanctions. we are extremely
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concerned that a kremlin-style law has been passed in georgia. if this law is passed, we will have to fundamentally reconsider our relationship with georgia. in reality, what scares americans and europeans is not the law, but the rapprochement between georgia and russia. now moscow is tbilisi’s second trading partner after turkey. this year, supplies to our a country of mineral and press water, wine, lemonade, citrus fruits and other fruits. russia remains a major grain supplier for georgia. oil, gas and steel, from may 1 , candidates for georgian citizenship are no longer asked which country occupies 20% of georgian territory, and there is no longer any need to talk about shivardnadze’s achievements with...
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which receives more than 20% of financial assistance from russia, uh-huh, yes, here, here, here he says, we don’t know, maybe you talked to a not very competent person, it says there, 20% is there, then we give, 20% no, then vegetarian doesn’t,
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in the case of russia, it’s absolutely fine, andrei vladirovich, we remember 3 weeks, this means we will have the beginning of june, so let’s do it. which is financed by the west or russia, that the government, this is not the first time he has predicted this, he has already predicted about three weeks, very very briefly,
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one more point very short, very short point about, we of course criticize the orange revolutions, technologies that anton spoke about, but you know, to criticize an enemy or a rival for that it works effectively, of course. naturally, it’s up to the georgians to decide, and we won’t advise them what to do now, but it seems to me that georgian citizens saw that the west ultimately doesn’t give anything, it gives without
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visas, it dangles somewhere, which means the prospect of joining the eu, but this prospect can never be approached, and even if now the khachupur maidan takes place and the government is demolished, then this law will still be adopted, because all over the world there is a process of countries re-acquiring sovereignty.
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understandable, but this cannot be said to the world, the world create sources of destabilization, this needs to be shown that american intervention leads to prosperity, this is the only georgian... experiment is prosperity, estonia is a georgian experiment in the post-soviet space, this is different, we are partly pissed off, which means that in this situation in this situation the americans will not publicly and openly put pressure on georgia, in georgia they believe that a they will calm down and b, georgians believe that we just need to endure a little, when the situation in ukraine changes, they will be left behind, at least we have time, anton valerievich, no, we forgot about one thing, let’s forget about what?
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in order to precisely try to win , the west will fully utilize all its resources for legitimate elections, and if it is not possible to legitimately organize all sorts of street protests , everything else for this, that is, by october we can wait for some time now, i counted 3 weeks, this is june 6, colleague.
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yes, therefore, if, god forbid, they are able to pull this off, then there may be a scenario with the introduction of sanctions, more enhanced ones, pressure, pressure, pressure and further demolition may happen, but it seems to me that most likely all efforts will be made during the parliamentary elections, well, on june 6 we will still be working, in any case, our vacation will not start yet, so if andrei vladimovich does not guess correctly, we will all collectively, there is no need to call yusin so that he, no, we can all collectively just get a bottle from him, and then what will we do with it differently.
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prime minister's exit, doctor, the patient woke up, it's too early, the anesthesiologist hasn't come yet, so he won't come, he's been laid off, what? is happening, we will operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today at 22:15 on ntv, stars, final on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law has come into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not easy profitable, alpha profitable. try hit combo 3
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your vote is in the telegram channel, but here we will have a story, first we will have news that concerns the course of the election race in the united states, it seems that things have come to the point that there will still be a debate between the two. a fight between two yakozuna live, so it was like this: joe biden, for the first time in this election campaign, said that he wants to hold a debate with donald trump, cnn previously approached him with such a proposal, this is the first time biden has said such readiness, i even recorded a kind of video call to trump, you know, remember, leopold, come out, you sneaky one coward, head like a watermelon, something like this,
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are you parents or grandparents? anyway, you don’t live in a vacuum, so of course you know that children, i mean primarily teenagers, periodically fall into some extreme,
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extreme forms of self-expression, and this primarily concerns appearance, appearance, the weirder the better, but sometimes some kind of activity also follows this self-expression, in principle this is all called... such a clever word is subculture, all these subcultures in in principle, they are borrowed, well , unless i don’t know, i thought when before today’s program, perhaps... the culture of lyuber, there were such lyuber, they hardly came to us from america, although they have some local lyubertsy of course , there is also, well, in my opinion, this is purely ours, everything else, this all comes from there, as a rule, this causes a negative reaction in older people, some see this as some kind of senseless fooling around, some sees more serious problems, these are those who see more in this serious problems, they are trying to solve this...
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children not only dress up in animal costumes, but try to behave like animals, let’s watch, because it’s quite difficult for me to explain all this further, it’s such a quiet horror, videos with unusual behavior of children are appearing all over the country , surprised passers-by post them, in these shots russian teenagers and primary schoolchildren behave like wild animals, they call it quadrobics, the point of the game is... how to move correctly on
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four limbs, children also explain to each other friend in numerous videos on social networks, plus you must make believable sounds, meow, growl or howl. social activists who have seen enough. such videos announced that children need to be saved from this subculture called furries. last year, roskomnadzor proposed recognizing this movement as extremist for its destructive influence on young people. in april, the commissioner for children’s rights in the republic of tatarstan, irina vylynets, asked to introduce administrative responsibility for involving minors in the movement fury. they dress up as cats and dogs, copying the behavior of animals. there are even those who imitate, for example, pigs. they are coming out of the trough,
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parents are touched, and sane people, of course, understand that we are probably watching our children being truly driven crazy. the opinions of russians are divided, some remember their childhood when they danced around the christmas tree in bunny costumes, others ask to ban the movement, considering it dangerous. the furies subculture itself originated in the usa under the influence of disney animation. there people dressed up in animal costumes, but when they walked and carried on with this.
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imitate cartoon characters, quadrovers imitate simply wild animals, some even consider it a sport like parkour. the inventor of quadrobics is the japanese kidnichi ito, aka the monkey man. in 2015, he became a record holder after running a hundred meters on all fours in 15 seconds. i really love monkeys, especially patos the monkey, who can run very fast. i saw a monkey. i also tried running in the park, and that’s how it all started, there is only one championship, which takes place once a year in japan and the record belongs to me. no, man, well done, i probably won’t run a hundred meters on all fours, but so, irina vladimevna, come on, since you were present there, and yes, from what, look, you are sure that every child who plays into such an animal... into
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some kind of little animal, having become an adult, this will continue, well, like in the circus princess , remember, but the little pig grew and grew, grew, that grew, or still, maybe maybe they will play, and then, well, they will even forget about it, because everyone will eat from the trough, or something, but the key word here, andrey, is what you said, when he becomes an adult , will he become a man? , when he becomes an adult, if as a child he ate from a trough, by himself. representatives of the same subculture, in the same community, i have already received threats to my life , at the same time it is quite aggressive against each other, we are talking about the fact that this is ours, our loved ones from these cute little animals with tails and ears, that is, from them
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rabies must be vaccinated, yes, yes, i think that we are seeing the very real dehumanization of a person, and excuse me, for god’s sake, i forgot the question again, i should be prompted now, let’s return the words, then look, rabies, from rabies, of course. and moreover, where is the guarantee that when we come to school in the near future we will not find ourselves in a real zoo? well, somehow i doubt that they will come like this, wait, that means, our dear viewers, look at the screen now, see the qr code, our telegram channel, come in, register, if anyone hasn’t done this yet, or you’re just taking part in the question, then, what should we do with these furries and other wild children’s hobbies, entertainment, that means, the answer options that your colleagues offer you, flog these children, that means, second, wait a minute, alexey gennavich, your answer, by the way, is to talk, to explain something, that means the option is to load the children with some kind of
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additional load, maybe even physical, in the sports section, because here in general there must be good physics, just go jump, that’s the option we offer you.
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so who did you want vladimir, yes, i’ve just lost my absolutely disgusting question to irina vladimirovna, how disgusting, tactless, who would be better off if
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the children imitated irina volynets of the 1998 model, or the little animals running around in the forest, it’s also an ethical dilemma. as if, well, you know that in general irina volynets is not the only role model in our country, there are a lot of little animals or irinevo, he hints that then you were young and as beautiful as you are now, then with vladimir viktorovich’s point of view, apparently, but what happened in 1998, i just don’t see everyone, he was so stuck, i wasn’t stuck, so the children are stuck, remains.
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you are discussing, everything is described here, how late we are in protecting our children from
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the destructive western art cults, you know, in the conditions now, it just amazes me, what are our soldiers fighting for, what are our soldiers dying for, so that these western art cults teach their children to walk on the tray for this or something, we simply do not have the right to have our future generation... well, an extreme case , the gas mask department of the ozk, train, it will be more useful, well, then, let's be serious then, but we ban children's matinees - dog and bunny costumes are two different things, then explain why it is necessary to ban not only these cartoons now , after they use technology to molest children about tarzan, but the bremen town musicians, this film, where the humanoid earthling is also no longer needed, will come.
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this is still up to 5 years, excuse me, now we see quite conscious ones, we can already say citizens, yes, who are quite capable of carrying out some useful actions, we generally seem to be abandoning the carnival culture, well, you see, these are small children, these are 3-5 years old, that’s it, that’s where it all ends, here, sorry, you know.
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it’s good when the kids go on a hike, gather to sing songs around the fire, yes, well, it’s probably not bad, but if you go by this
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logic, then everything can come to the night of ivan kupala, on the night of ivan kupala such things happened in russia, traditional, yes, i won’t describe them on air, but if if we go by this logic, then all the singing of temporary musicians around the fire, most accurately, this was my argument, by the way, about the matinees. in kindergarten, when we voluntarily, so to speak, sewed our children ourselves or went to buy costumes, very often animals, especially in the soviet union, since there were no heroes, i already listened to bunnies, squirrels, foxes, wolves and so on, this others, others, listen, if we vote today, your audience in the telegram channel, just curious to see how many of them have an avatar? there are cats, dogs and others, that means animals, just look, but this is
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a social network, social, that is, in a sense, they are looking at their avatar. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit at order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake
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do not give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, do not create fashionable things, give... the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. via superstar, premiering sunday at 8:20 p.m. on... tv. the soviet union is the country of our childhood. we fondly remember going to demonstrations and pioneer detachments. song by the bonfire and friendly companions. we are proud of our common homeland, its endless fields, labor exploits and scientific achievements. we comes from a country with a great heritage. in honor of
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the centenary of the founding of the ussr, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal covered in pure gold. collective farm workers against the backdrop of the rising sun personify faith in a bright future; the five-pointed star is framed by oak and laurel branches, symbols of the valor of glory. order a commemorative medal plated with pure gold for only 990 rubles. call toll-free 8800 600 68805 or visit the website 100 yearsmedal.rf: keep your pride in a great country. stars final on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, in our telegram channel the survey continues, in fact, how to fight, how to make sure that children do not get carried away
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by all these oddities, and so on and so forth, we will show you the oddities now. andrei vladimirovich’s favorite option, what to do with the children, flog, flog, that’s right, well , all sorts of options are simpler and somehow calmer, vote at the end of the program, as always, we will show and tell you everything, let’s just have others. options weirdness, or maybe not weirdness, maybe it ’s so fashionable now, we’ll show you. in april , a hobby horse racing competition was held at the krasnodar hippodrome. this thing is called a new sport that originated in finland and is now practiced in twenty countries around the world. horsers' hobbies imitate horse riding. they have a special stick with a horse's head, which you need to hold between your legs and gallop like a horse. and the jury will appreciate technique and grace. we take the chord. and with our left hand we take the reins of the stick, sit down, with our right hand let's release the izinets, take the reins and gallop
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on, the legislative assembly of st. petersburg recently watched videos popular with today's children called skibedi toilet and came to the conclusion that they are very dangerous. st. petersburg commissioner for children's rights, anna mityanina, believes that children become cruel and aggressive after watching them. meanwhile, a video of a toilet with a singing head sticking out of it. themselves as agers. high school students and students suck pacifiers, play with rattles, put on baby suits, wear diapers and use them for their intended purpose. they also behave
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like children, they are capricious and communicate like kids. seventeen-year-old blogger alina, under the nickname nalane, says that she became an ager when her younger sister was born. now the girl posts photos of her favorite rattles, shows coloring books, sells homemade pacifiers and gives advice to beginners. nikolai viktorovich. i wanted to correct the mistake, you said that some japanese guy came up with the idea of ​​jumping on all fours, actually my daughter came up with it, 15 years ago she watched hollywood movie alone on the sofa depicted a rock where lions sit, she growled there and that’s it, then she... was interested in equestrian sports, she is now involved in it, she began to depict horse racing, and she pretended to be both a horse and a rider at the same time,
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for some time this bothered me, but i want to tell you, the girl has grown up, big, beautiful, reads books, doesn’t jump, walks on two legs, a real horse and her hobby has gone well, and as for the hobby of horse racing, it’s really, well, probably... . yes sport and i will explain why: there are a lot of horse lovers, not everywhere there is infrastructure, because it is expensive, you need to have a horse, so teenagers in this case are simply realizing their craving for horses in this way, that is, there is nothing wrong with that, now the most important thing is when we see here is a girl who suddenly decided that she is a baby, a question for parents, here is some child who suddenly said that he is a baby, do i need a large crib?
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money appears a second time, here you need to understand, for example, in my youth i was a metalhead, then i thought the internet was a hobby horser, no, thank god, no, it was god ’s mercy, as they say, but has anyone ever been anyone, then look, the internet has not yet been invented, so to say that it must be closed internet, ban, it all sounds very nice, but it all leaks out, so on the one hand... children will get over it, become normal people, but there is one big thing, but as soon as it leads to self-harm, to suicide attempts, i don’t know, eat dry dog ​​food and
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people will ruin their health and everything else, this should be strictly suppressed, but it is advertising, advertising of those who say, let’s throw ourselves from houses, that is, if i understand you correctly, you are proposing to treat all these things. children, but as soon as we see that this leads , like my daughter and a huge number of others , to something sad, irreparable, advertising of this should be strictly suppressed at this level, harshly, this is the resistance that arises when they see something incomprehensible , the same horsers, the same furies,
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this is such a conflict between fathers and children.
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it’s so serious, she assures me that it’s serious, i don’t encounter this, i see it all only here on our screen, so i can’t understand the scale of the problem, maybe after the program , look carefully in the park, you’ll see 100%, in any park after the program he takes a walk, i walk through the park, i didn’t see it, i would have paid attention, in the center of moscow, so what, there are these furies in t-shirts walking, and there is such a swear word, so these are furies in t-shirts, yes, there in these complaints and so on, it’s simple, you know, they proved to us that charles darwin is there, yes proved that from the monkey man has been hundreds of thousands of years old without god there, or rather the monkey has turned into a man, now i see for sure that without god a man can sink much lower than a monkey to some kind of bestiality, i asked mine yesterday, i have three who go to different
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buildings of the same school, a large school.
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we are starting a superstar, the topic of today is out of place, of course i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, i ran away, but where is the re-transformation? louboutin, in a nightmare i could not imagine, if the song is to sing louboutins, what you did was more than i expected.
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in the comments, it means that nikolai nikolaevich has a radical position, well, about flogging, it’s clear that i’m throwing it out like that, no one supports it, well, nikolai nikolaevich says, everything should be banned, including tarzan, the brimen musicians and cheburashka, nikolaich is so quite unexpected , maybe for someone. suggested that there is no need to go crazy here, to go too far with this stick, which a normal girl will not jump, more carefully, quietly, and as if simply well, nailya also talked about this, there in a normal family a normal child will play this and then stop, look, let’s take you and me on a short excursion now, i probably can’t see it, here behind me there are also representatives of other subcultures, we let's take ours now.
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so good in 2016
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, the frightening blue whale movement appeared in russia, which was later recognized as extremist, and because teenagers joined some secret online death groups, where, on instructions from anonymous curators, they performed terrible tasks, for example, they cut themselves or spent hours watching murder videos. the endgame of this dangerous game, as some experts have argued, is committing suicide. law enforcement officers, however, did not find a direct connection between suicide cases and these groups. death, but took action and blocked all communities on social networks that were in one way or another connected with the extremist whale. i remember that i constantly broke razors, hid the blade under the pillow, and just, just from the thought that i needed to cut myself, deliberately inflicting this pain on myself, this distracted. a few years ago , the culture of the au movement, which in 2020 was recognized as extremist, suddenly became popular among russian schoolchildren. inspired. romance and teenagers studied the criminal world,
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ridiculed police officers, posted prison slogans on social networks, all this was identified with strength and courage, true friendship and care for relatives. some got so carried away that they ended up in juvenile detention. aye, aye! last year , a teenage hooligan movement emerged simultaneously in russia and the cis countries pmc ryodan, which was based on. japanese anime and its characters. children wore plaid pants, clothes with a spider and the number four on them, and attacked people in droves in shopping malls. the ryodanovites declared football fans, skinheads and migrants their enemies. the police acted promptly and within a few days put an end to the chaos. the ryodan pmc itself existed for several months and was condemned. i'm kamalia, i'm 14 years old, i support redan's position, because everyone can... express themselves the way they want, well
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they expressed themselves, nikholavich was a metalhead, i mentioned lyubi rovt, and before that there were still stelagi, this is all a subculture, not all of this was necessarily prohibited, basically it somehow dissolved by itself, and how it dissolved well, we see that you came out of this emo, sorry blue whale, and still, blue whale, here comes a blue whale from this series, this is completely different. well, to stand out among your peers, among
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your friends, is it really something you do, i don’t know, well, you didn’t try to do this, listen, once again, let’s still do a gradation by age, but up to 3 years old you can make a fool of yourself and so on.
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no, no, why does he end up in this sect, because he has the trauma of being rejected, abandoned, he doesn’t have enough understanding and attention at home, and he goes to get it outside, and he gets this recognition, increased attention, and manifestation, he gets it in in such a society, because parents somewhere don’t understand, they prohibit it during the soviet era, when we had it.
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normality, as if normality, fights against abnormality, and not normality in this in this case, it’s just a desire for self-expression, people want to be different from the gray masses, they are looking for, here i agree with ilya, for exactly the same reason.
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after all, as if out of duty, as a grandfather, we made a request to our partners , the rosetstvo research institute , so that they prepare an expert assessment of all this disgrace, depending on this we will make a decision whether to recognize it as destructive or not to recognize it, but you must agree, no matter what my self-expression is, when
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they attack me as a passerby, bite me, bark, and can drive me to heart attack, if it happens at night, it's clearly abnormal, it's clearly psychiatric. years, months, yeah, a new one appears , i’m just imagining, some new one appears, you yourself said that some subcultures live for months, not even a subculture, we send it for examination, carry out an inspection, in principle it’s not bad, years later we ban it, but it no longer, but she is already, and already another, we repeat the cycle, check, these are the ones to react, the last ones are these.
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it seems to me that we have now just come to what i immediately started talking about, that the border is where people are pushed to break the law or commit suicide; there are many different subcultures. he should immediately ban all these groups, because the death of people, if someone says: let’s come up with some kind and beat someone, this should also be closed immediately, but the most important question, right now ivan asked, if this full-length dog suit costs 1,100, your son vanya will come to you and say: i want a dog suit, give me dad 100,000, what will you tell him, and son? it's not time yet to engage in such nonsense, option two: son, go, earn yourself 100,000 and wear
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whatever suit you want to a ten-year-old twelve-year-old child, you are unlikely to say that, son will leave why and nothing you can’t earn it, they encourage you to sew such a suit for yourself, he can’t, as for the mask when they jump on all fours, it’s just a childish indulgence that goes away after a few days, let’s now compare everything, here’s the opinion of our guests. with the conclusions that you made in our telegram channel in a few minutes. in while walking with their newborn daughter, the young parents passed out and the girl was left in the middle of the street unattended. he lay like this, she lay there and there was a stroller, and the baby was born. it was simply unbearable to watch. the baby's mother assures that she just felt bad and begs. not to deprive her of parental rights, we were walking, nothing foreshadowed trouble, i felt bad, and where did you wake up? in intensive care, in intensive care, yes, you hope
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to take your daughter home, but the father of the eldest child always considered her an irresponsible mother, he ran to the hospital, she left child's mother and left, he is such a wonderful child, and his mother doesn't need him, she doesn't love him at all, did the parents oversleep, the daughter, who will the newborn girl stay with, a friend came, he got divorced on cottage cheese in his glass, we...
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the website angel beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. on this meeting point. so, let's see how you voted today in our telegram channel. we asked you how to deal with the children's craze for culture, furries and other wild games. but if you look at...
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3:59 pm
go talk to your son, go talk to your son, he says, why is he talking, well, like at school at a parent-teacher meeting they say that you need to communicate with the child, get to know his inner world, what if he’s somehow...
4:00 pm
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