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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 16, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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sberbusiness: hey, what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible! so a tefal iron with a power of 2,400 w for 3,790. rbt, we make comfort accessible! remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? custom jewelry, who will buy it? but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue! send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from anywhere bank, by phone number without commission. open a vtinki deposit with a rate of 17% per annum. timkov, he is the only one. once upon a tanned shoulder. but alena’s little
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mole appeared, alena didn’t notice it, and the mole made a girlfriend, and then another and another, and alena’s husband nikolai noticed this and said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. beyond. mother and father were fast asleep right in the middle of the street while their infant was crying crying in the stroller. in our studio, a neighbor of young parents, nina podgorelova. hello, nina. how did you find out about what happened? i myself personally saw how they were filmed, that they were lying, he was lying spread out like that, she was lying and there was a stroller, and the child was born. it was simply
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unbearable, i thought, i won’t survive this fact, we have that very video, oh, terrible, some kind of horror, it’s terrible, the child is crying, my heart is literally breaking, it immediately hurts, i really want him like that take this one too, who is lying here, it hurts from the feeling here this helplessness, a small child lies in a stroller, crying and no one can help him. tatyana, what are your emotions? it’s difficult for me to justify such actions of parents; i always want to ask why have children if you are not ready to take responsibility for raising this little person and putting him on his feet. andrey, well , it’s just a miracle that nothing happened to the child, anything could have happened, he’s alone, for how long, god knows, it’s a miracle. because that's what i am
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now i saw that they were absolutely adults, parents, they were lying motionless, it was unknown what was wrong with them, why, that the father was lying motionless, that the mother was lying motionless, the child was crying sorely. vladislav, what dangers do you think could lie in wait for this baby? firstly, the situation itself is quite inadequate, what actually happened to the parents, this is the first question, it initially raises... the feeling of some kind of big misfortune, in fact, that anything could happen to the child, that is, he could fall out from the stroller, he could have caught a cold, and of course, this situation is very alarming in itself, it was really very cool there, marat, how could this affect the health of this baby, everything could lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, yes, that is, respiratory diseases, or god forbid there could be frostbite in open areas of the body, such as the nose, ears, hands. in this regard
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, parents must be responsible, the child can only cry and call for help, he does this, but while crying, he could choke, suffocate, because it’s very small but, of course, yes, absolutely right, he is asking for help so much, this child, we are all pierced by this cry of his, that yes, and he is dressed quite lightly, that is, it is clear that before this, it means that no one was watching him anymore , he is clearly either hungry or thirsty, to his parents...
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what we see in these footage can be interpreted as leaving a child in danger, definitely, yes, but what kind of responsibility is there for leaving a child in danger? the criminal code provides for up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is, this is a crime of medium gravity. nino, and you? do you know the baby’s parents well at all? i ’ll start with the fact that this apartment they rented in is a dysfunctional apartment, but when they moved in, and they moved in before the new year, we didn’t know that she was pregnant, nastya.
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the crib, when i arrived, she stood right above the crib, only very quietly, and so she, you know, i got the impression that she was, in principle, a good mother, but in general they live quietly, peacefully, or they cause problems, you know , they basically live quietly, but their intercom doesn’t work, here’s some kind of there’s always some kind of walking around, and they call other apartments, the child was taken away from them after what happened, yes, the child was taken away, guardianship authorities, your neighbor? anastasia matorina considers what happened to be an unfortunate oversight; she considers herself an exemplary mother. hello, hello, how did it happen that you fell asleep in the middle of the day while walking with your child? well, we were poisoned, no matter how we
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walked, nothing signaled trouble. i felt bad, that is, i felt it, i felt a fever underneath. at the same time it became feel bad for you and your husband? at least about my husband, i don’t know, because i myself felt something was wrong, then they told me that my husband regained consciousness literally immediately, and you woke up somewhere in the intensive care unit, in the intensive care unit, yes, how long did you stay in the hospital, overnight the next day, probably half a day, then i was discharged, you were diagnosed, the doctors said cardiac arrest, you had clinical death, well, that’s what the doctors told me, and you guess what you could have been poisoned with, what you ate , we to my husband's friend came to see us. as if we ate home-cooked food, tell us in more detail how events developed that day, as usual, we woke up, were at home with our daughter, went outside, walked, then, well, we were waiting for a friend near his house, that’s where it all happened on the bench, when you went for
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a walk, there were no alarming symptoms, no nausea, no dizziness, nothing, nothing at all, i felt good, yes marina, and anastasia’s story is similar to the truth, no, well, there’s also some kind of in this story that is... death so quickly no one will let you out, which means go, i wrote a refusal, i wrote a refusal, because i was worried about what was happening at home, well, i was kind of worried about my daughter, why did you lose consciousness, they had to take some blood from your eyebrows , but they didn’t tell me anything, the doctors didn’t tell you about the same poisoning, no, well, you were discharged from the hospital, it doesn’t matter, but they give you a discharge to which you have. all the tests, diagnosis upon admission, symptoms upon admission, they did not give me anything, that is, i was discharged without any paper, this cannot be, but it can’t be, because this is a government agency, they are required to provide an extract, now it is given in an electronic card, as far as i know, you can go look, i didn’t think about it at that moment
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; you don’t need to take anything on an electronic card, you just need to go to application, even if you wanted to refuse, the doctor should have had a conversation with you about what happened to you, this, that, that. there was a round, and how would i, excuse me, you ended up in the hospital and you say that you had clinical death, after which you write refusal, the doctor had no right to let you go, but on the other hand, ekaterina, you can understand the position of the mother who wrote the refusal only because she was worried about her child, did not know what was wrong with him, where he was, this seems logical to me, of course , as a psychologist, as a mother, it seems to me that this is logical, then it is precisely that moment that worries me. well, no at all, my phone number stayed with my husband, so i was forced, as if they transferred me to the usual therapy department, where i wrote
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a refusal, well, i went home, and how old is the child? a month for, of course, her condition, her condition can be understood by this anxiety, especially with a one-month-old baby, and you are breastfeeding, well, in general, and with weights, and how... we eat like a mother, i can understand her, naturally, the first reaction is like a child, anything can happen with health, but first of all for the mother, the main thing is the child, the child. marat, was it possible to get poisoned in such a way that it would lead to such consequences? a person, yes, can lose consciousness, yes, there is a kind of intoxication of the body, and maybe, yes, it’s like a stop heart, yes, that is, lead to death, but in any case, yes, to be honest, it’s also not clear to me why the diagnosis was not made, all this should have been indicated at discharge, yes, but well, if it was there and a stop heart, then it is accordingly possible against the background of a heart attack of some kind or there or... a heart attack, that is , there may be a lot of options here. anastasia, did you take any medications
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that day, no at all, i’m breastfeeding, of course not. i have a question then, and you had some kind of emotional outburst, well, everything was calm for me, no, of course, everything was calm at home. anastasia, when you left the hospital, what did you do next? well, i immediately ran home, well, upon arriving home, i found out that my daughter was not there, that she was taken to the hospital in the nursery, well, for a temporary period, as it were. content, did you go there right away? no, the guardianship authorities came to me, the law enforcement authorities, first the law enforcement authorities, we went with them, gave an explanation, then we were sent to the authorities guardianship, where i was told that everything was fine with her, she didn’t need anything, i wanted to give her sauce, bottles, well, there were some things, well, they said what was not needed, nothing, that’s it you can’t visit her; before this incident, your family never came into view? in guardianship with the first child, no, we fell under guardianship authorities, since i separated, and you have the first
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child, yes, i also have an eldest son, how old is he, and where is he? 3 years old, he lives with his dad, why did this happen, well because we broke off the relationship, at the moment when i sort of left the relationship, i did not have the opportunity to support my child, since i lived with my mother-in-law, all the things basically necessary were in the apartment of the child’s father, and i as if you were homeless and without money at that moment, but do you see your son? well, i saw him for the last time in october of that year, but no, i haven’t seen him again yet, why do you see each other so rarely? well, because i lived in moscow, i was, well, pregnant, and for that your family has come to the attention of the guardianship authorities? well, because the child does not live with his mother, that is, they found out, well, and how about the father of my first child, he didn’t work, and the child stayed with his grandmother and father, but you are not deprived of parental rights to your son, there are no restrictions in parental rights, no, no, no, and before... is this your long-awaited child? yes, of course, we planned, bought something, probably
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chose a name, chose a name for a long time, yes, when my daughter was born, she had everything she needed, when she was born, march 11, well, i’m home i gave birth, that is, it turned out like this, that i started having contractions, we called an ambulance, compared, well, that is, with my man, while the ambulance was going up to the fifth floor, and she started to see light, therefore, when she arrived already.. . soon we were born , we went to the birth house with our own legs, and what, did your birth happen prematurely? well, literally yes, for half a month, but the pregnancy was going well, yes, what did the doctors say, i was not monitored, because i lived in moscow, i lost my passport, you were not monitored at all, that not once during the pregnancy, yes, i couldn’t register the antenatal clinic, and why didn’t you restore my passport? i had to come from moscow to istra, to the islansky district, that is, to get a passport, if a person... is in the city of moscow, he can contact law enforcement agencies of the ministry of internal affairs and
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, accordingly, write an application and receive a reinstatement; it is not necessary to go somewhere, but without documents, she really could not register for pregnancy without documents, but banastasia could not, and your daughter has a certificate of pregnancy you received it literally recently because you received your passport recently before this incident, you received a birth certificate at the moment you have documents, you are worried about what happened after the incident. can they deprive me of parental rights? of course, there was already a conversation about this with the guardianship authorities? well, the guardianship authorities have not yet raised such a question, well, the commission should know. do you hope to take your daughter home, is it difficult for you now without her? of course, you were a good mother for your daughter? yes, i think so, well, we were good parents, i looked after her, we got up. by at night it took a long time to pick up formula, my daughter ate more formula than food, and your daughter had a crib and pennies, of course, she had everything,
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a crib, a toy and a stroller, beautiful things, everything was there, you’re crying now, but how are you? - you’re living without your son now and it’s okay , you’ve calmed down, at first you were probably worried too, no, it’s a little different, but it’s just irresponsible, starting with everything else, well, in terms of documents, i agree, that’s why i’m not looking for anyone to blame . anastasia, by the way, did your daughter’s father have a passport? damn, same thing most importantly, he lost it, this is wildly irresponsible, in my opinion, in the matter of registering for pregnancy. this accounting, it is necessary from the point of view of the general future health of both the baby and the mother, there could be some elementary biological moments that would not have been identified, very good, and it is a great miracle that the child was born healthy. anastasia , don’t you have your own home? no, i do not have. how much did you pay for the rented apartment? 17.000. and someone who could help you? your parents,
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for example, they don't give you any support? no, well, basically i have such a relationship with my mother that... they have their own family, i never demanded anything from them or asked for any help, because i never needed it, i ’ve been working since i was 15 and i don’t ask my mother for money, where did you work, well, when and how, well, in general, a salesperson consultant, you had enough money, quite, i provided for myself, even in the family with the first, with my son, that is , my ex didn’t work there either, i worked myself, only you , i don’t work now, my husband worked for me, bureaucrat, that is, well, different places. you officially married? no, we are not married, but we are planning to. andrey, what impression did you get from anastasia’s story: do you believe that everything was as good in her family as oda is now presenting to us, considering that her eldest son does not live with her. this is some kind of devil-may-care attitude. what also confuses me is that anastasia does not even maintain a relationship with her parents. it turns out
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that the parents are not aware of the situation that the child, your eldest son, lives with his father. they live in the same house, okay, but the fact that you had a daughter, and how would you give birth at home? they don’t care either, she was aware that i was pregnant, there were tensions there too, being in the know and coming to your grandson to help a young family are two different things, well, this is a question for my mom and dad, she doesn’t want that , she doesn’t want this, well, again, the mother doesn’t want it, which means, well, this is already abnormal, any mother knows that her daughter has a daughter, a granddaughter, but she will simply spend the day and night. she will spend the day and night, if she doesn’t want to, this is no longer normal, well, that’s why i don’t maintain a relationship with her, there at times it turns out, you know, then she’s a good mother for me, then she’s not good at all, then she basically throws me out of everything with her attitude towards you, and she’s just not born with such an attitude. anastasia, do you plan to resume communication with your son? yes, i plan to maintain a relationship, of course, but why did you
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last see him in october, doesn’t your mother’s heart ache for him? i... just came, it hurts, i was working on my pregnancy, and anzhelika, do you believe that pregnancy with a second child can be a reason not to visit in the first place, no, of course, such a reason in general, in principle, i don’t believe that anything can serve as a reason not to visit a child. anastasia, maybe you are forbidden to see your son? no, i just wanted to sort out my problems, get stronger, and in the future , visit the child and raise him. and what problems would you have, what problems would you have? well, the thing is that i came again and i needed to find housing, but he might be sick there, bored, we talked, i periodically recognized him condition, as i say, i talked with the father, where the child is, in what city, the city of istra, so it’s 30 km, wait, it’s an hour and a half by train, in my opinion, even
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less, i’m saying, so i came to him, 30 minutes by car, well, i say, i came to see him in october, somehow everything is very implausible, it seems that she wants, sincerely wants to take her daughter, the tears are bitter, i believe in the sincerity of these tears, but everything else, it’s so special, it’s as if yes, it’s as if there are two different realities us for double standards, why anastasia’s ex-lover thinks that she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the children, she abandoned the child, love for the child, i didn’t see her child like... i didn’t want you either and who does the woman’s eldest son call mom? you feel sorry for her in vain, she is not so poor and unhappy, the most interesting thing is in a few minutes, this is a show of stars, a grand finale, that’s it, the finale, in this finale i will do what i
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do best, get a divorce, moscow and beijing in they've become very close lately, he says the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people like, yes, because you extinguish them, what are you, who is this, yes, i got microloans, these are collectors, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner . i’m a little worried that i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov away with sparring, bravo, bravo, your performance, just a complete merchant, stars, finale, emergency exit, premiere, today at
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7 567 and get clareol for just 1 ruble, 800, 200 exactly 7 567, calls within russia are free, emergency exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv, beyond, this. beyond. a newborn girl in istra near moscow burst into a heartbreaking scream in a stroller, right in the middle of the street, and at that time her parents lay motionless next to her. they were discovered by their neighbor, seventy-one-year-old nina podgorelova. they lay motionless, literally lifeless, you know, lifeless, it was just scary. well, the child naturally screamed at that time: the girl’s mother, twenty-three-year-old anastasia matorina , assures that she was with her lover while walking.
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growing up without a mother, i really regret that i left my eldest son in a family with a family, because she already has one child grandmother, with his dad, and i don’t participate in any way in his life yet, i really wouldn’t want this story to repeat itself with my daughter, so i did everything possible to prevent this from happening again. ekaterina, what is it like for such a little boy to do without his mother? well, this is generally very difficult, of course, it’s generally difficult for everyone here, that is, children suffer.
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how would i have stayed with my biological father, he didn’t look after me very well, he would have left me with my grandmother as a godfather, but then my mother took me away, as if, but you imagine now how to your son, now you remember now how you were seriously hurt as a little girl, well, he has a loving dad, who i am confident in, and a grandmother who gives him the proper upbringing anastasia, if a child needs a mother, you don’t communicate with the child, but you by the way, anastasia and your father? eldest son, were you officially married? no, where did you meet him, how did things develop in general, well, we met there in the village, as if the relationship was initially normal, but it provided for us, as it were in most cases, my grandmother and i also worked, but he didn’t, you entrusted him with raising your eldest son, well, at the moment he is educated, he works, and you do not plan to take the child for yourself, i do, the father of your eldest son and his mother insist, that you
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cannot be trusted with children. our guests are artyom and elena pshenichnikov. hello. hello. artyom, do you think anastasia is a bad mother? yes, firstly, she abandoned her first child, here is the second case, everyone saw, saw what was happening. is she not at all interested in your son? well once in a while i’ve been asking for the photo for six months. once she came, well, i took him out into the street. like, well, she played with him there for 5-10 minutes, then my comrades ran and played with him around the playground, how did you even meet anastasia, well, it was on the street, i was walking in my group, she was there with her friends or a friend for sure i don’t remember, well, somehow we crossed paths and exchanged numbers, the next day we started talking, and a week later we started living together, being together, so to speak, when she became pregnant, you were they were happy, but they welcomed you from the family home, and even took you there, why didn’t they get married if they were
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happy? met from home, i didn’t want to, this is very strange, you want a child, this is completely normal, now many people live like this in a civil marriage, the feelings just passed, well , it happens when people meet based on some emotions, they live together, and then they just understand that they are very, very different and they can’t have a family, they seem to be together, but there is no family, please tell me, but the child actually says something about his mother, he wants to mom, he calls mom my mom, and how do you feel about this? is it normal, when you lived with anastasia, you often quarreled, swore, did you have any misunderstandings? tired, tired, she was still on a spree at that moment, i was in the hospital, i had pancreatitis, so she left the child with her mother and went away, i started writing to my mother, where is nastya, anyway, i don’t need to go to work, then i unexpectedly discharged from hospital, i come home and a day later she comes, well, i told her that you should go away, but i don’t need it, yeah, how many years
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was there a son then? a year and a half, somewhere, it was once, this time, secondly, i tell you how they took care of you and how they sent you to the hospital, how your mother was also exhausted seeing you sick, uh-huh, uh-huh, she went to work, left me child, she didn’t return from work, i went to work, i worked, i worked after work, but i didn’t return home, it was at night, i was with a friend, i decided to do it, because before that we were very art and tatyana were treated for a long time, but could you? story the way anastasia acted at having a newborn baby? i would, of course, not, i even left the child for the store, when i left, i had such anxiety, it seemed to me that i was some kind of bad mother and felt guilty, the store was downstairs, as if in the house, i gave birth, i was 23 years old, this is youth, and you understand that you want to see friends and generally, well, just breathe out, i agreed with my mother, we had been preparing for this day for a long time, that i could leave in the evening, it’s like, well, that is no i
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can not. imagine, just leave, i left for no she just left, but she was really tired, she worked, then her husband, she treated him too, you can agree, you can say, i could. no, you know, no one argues that anastasia was tired, because being the mother of a young child is work, elena, and in general you often helped with the upbringing, constantly, getting up at night and doing laundry, well, everything is generally on me , everything is under my control. in your opinion, did anastasia cope with her maternal responsibilities? well, love for a child, i didn’t see it, i even thought that she doesn’t love him at all, the child fell, cried, no, not to come over there. hug, well, like any woman, she doesn’t have that, even though i didn’t want a child like you, you know, you see, here she had, you know, i even sometimes thought that she herself was deprived of this in childhood, so to i don’t feel this way for a child, well, since you understood this, you tried to talk to her, you
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know, she is such a smart woman, even smarter than me, she taught me that there is no need to feel sorry for the child. elena, when did you find out that your son and anastasia were breaking up, how to do this? did you react? i saw my son, he rethought the meaning. of his life, he went to work, he takes care of the child, after the breakup, yes, and before her he worked, he met her and so everything went, yes, yes, at his older brother’s company, and whose initiative was it for the grandson i was brought up with you in your family, but she left him, as she said, i’m leaving the child, that’s just all, i asked her several times, anastasia, come and talk, but you never came. that yes, it was not said from your lips, it was everything is rewritten, yes, i wrote to you on the phone, how come this is not from my lips, elena, well, maybe she somehow helps you financially, they give some gifts to the boy, no gifts, she receives 16-700 every month, like a low-income
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family, i don’t transfer a penny to the child in child support, anastasia receives it, but she doesn’t receive benefits, well, yes, she did, why didn’t you give this money to the baby, this is money for the child, because at that moment i had a need to use this money , but he kicked me out of the house without anything, without money, i just ended up just on the street, you live in the next entrance, you have an apartment, i have the same apartment, it’s written there, you have everything , i can’t just go in because i have the same the family lives its own life, anastasia, you say that you needed this money, but you didn’t think as a mother, just about how your son would live, that he needed this money, well, partly i understand all this, but it happened, it happened that the parents are obliged to support any child 50/50, this is the story of collecting benefits yourself - this is some kind of competition with your child, well, that is, i am a child and he is a child, well, it’s like they love him there now but they don’t love me, i’ll take the money for myself, this is
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a psychological question, but a monetary question, all these benefits are calm you can compensate, get more items back from your mother, ask, she looked at elena, who was caring and thought, well, of course she will feed her, put her to bed,
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completely from somehow supporting her in life, well, yes, she took the child, she trying to survive from the age of 15 in this harsh world, here judge. definitely a bad mother, a bad person, it’s quite difficult, in fact, yes, nastya, she’s still a child herself, she’s intimidated, she doesn’t know what to do, what to do, whether she did the right thing with the child, leaving him to her first husband , accordingly, what should you do now with the child, when she found herself in this situation for which we have gathered here, i really sympathize with her, i think that you need to take on things now...
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it was terrible, like for a woman, i am very painful i got over it, and now i’m like this i’m glad that my child, zenoid, is with me, but we heard that the child’s father and grandmother want to limit the mother’s parental rights. do you see any grounds for this here? this is not done at the snap of a finger, restriction and deprivation of parental rights is an extreme measure, which is established only by a court decision when all the circumstances are clarified, but from what i heard here, i see the chances, that is, it is quite possible. elena, why do you think anastasia doesn’t visit her son? doesn’t want to, that means why doesn’t she visit, and you definitely tell her don’t interfere, if she comes to visit your son, you will let her in, please, please, i personally don’t.
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feelings, no thoughts about either your children or yourself, it’s clear that it’s hard for you to think, you know, feel, you don’t have the situation with your parents, yes, but you must find the strength in yourself to start living, you know, for your own sake, for the sake of these children, this is for the sake of the girl who is screaming to this world, how will anastasia’s roommate explain why she and her lover fell asleep in the middle of the street? i’m already looking, and there’s nastya, in short, already on lying on the bench, i also don’t understand what
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sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension. to sberbank online or in a branch. childhood memories are an amazing thing; important facts are somehow lost. at the age of 10, irina ended up in an orphanage . why did you take me away from my mother? your mother died. that's all i remember. was there a dad? i don't remember anything about dad. but recently i found out that someone was looking for her. maybe you were corresponding with someone. didn't correspond. and don't recognize the text? no. i understand what you have. a huge number of questions about yourself, about your past, some information can be quite unpleasant and difficult, as well as the incredible stories of elena, who is looking for a double of her deceased cousin, an unusual story, in fact it looks like mysticism, a man came and rang the doorbell, it
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practically happened the same face, andre, yes, yes, my first question: andrei never wore long hair, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. she and her lover went for a walk with their newborn daughter and suddenly lost consciousness right in the middle of the street, and passers- by filmed it and called the police. twenty-three-year-old anastasia matorina from istra, near moscow, is crying. the baby was taken away by the guardianship authorities. i am very worried about what they might decide for me. i’m right that my daughter may not end up with me, not in our family, in the orphanage, i really want to return my daughter to our family, because she will certainly be better off with us, with her parents, we miss her very much, but anastasia’s former partner, twenty-four-year-old artyom pshenichnikov , assures her that she should be deprived of parental rights not
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only to her daughter, but to their eldest son, whom the woman abandoned 2 years ago, the child cannot be entrusted, since she is irresponsible and ... well, i don’t think so, i think that my mother and i will raise the child better than nastya, we will give him more love, care, fifty-five-year-old elena pshenichnikova has completely replaced three-year-old artemy’s mother, the happy grandmother admits, she dotes on her grandson, together with her son artyom, she tries to create all the conditions for the child, artemia has her own. play area, he has a lot of toys, he really loves construction sets, when he needs to assemble something, he builds houses, roads, he has a lot of cars, these are small cars, because...
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to develop his grandson, teaches him to play checkers, reads fairy tales, shows animals, loves books, he tells me everything, artemy, what is this, what kind of animal is this, who is dina wildly, this is not dinno, this is a tiger, that’s right, a tiger, and this one is, odikgo, a donkey with a yoke, in corner bedrooms, a boy’s wardrobe with clothes for every taste, season, shorts for kindergarten, t-shirts, panties, t-shirts, such floors, jackets, there are these warmer jackets, well, now the weather is like this, you don’t know how to always dress. it’s always readily available to him, something that dad didn’t even look for when he puts it on himself. in the kitchen , elena says that the food is always
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fresh, she cooks every day. baby artemy has a special diet. here are the cutlets for the time being, there is his favorite childhood pasta for him, well, separately, of course, there is meat stew it, so that it’s already like this with spicier seasonings, make the curds yourself. ride the slide, loves to walk, loves to walk very much, gets along very well with children, plays, we walk every day, go to the forest, collect pine cones, also loves very much, nastya, you have a wonderful boy, wonderful, don’t you want to see him more often, do you think, anastasia, will your son ever be able to forgive? i think no, i will try
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to at least see him, somehow participate in his life. elena, would you like your grandson to have a mother? i wouldn't want him to there was a mother, but you see what kind of life this girl leads, how i will give her a child if she doesn’t need him, that is, you don’t believe in anastasia at all, or maybe you have some for her? words to reach her, to shout out, she has a mom and dad, she doesn’t have a mom and dad, in fact they don’t exist, if her mother had said to nastya, bring the child, we’ll grow up, it would be completely different, it’s just that she has no protection, she is, of course, alone, absolutely alone, when they were arguing with artyom, she went home to her mother, her mother accepted her, they were going to register the child for kindergarten, they were going to help her, my mother told me about this herself, marina, what do you think of the conditions in which the boy is being raised? excellent conditions, from the outside, it’s generally happiness and thank you, elena is great,
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all the conditions, everything is correct, he calls her mother, although she is not a mother, tatyana, and if we talk about the boy, it’s clear that the child is sincere happy, it’s clear that he’s happy, that everything is fine with him, that he’s well-fed, healthy, dressed, walking, what a bump collects, eats cutlets for a while, plays with his own toys, what else does a child need, he needs this. women, well, how does he not know any other way, that means this is my mother, now he may not fully understand yet, but then he will ask where is my mother, why did my mother leave me, what ’s wrong with me, and this will be a psychological trauma for a person for the rest of his life, this must be understood, artyom, elena, but how did you find out about what happened to the youngest child anastasia, well, they sent me a video...
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they went to their senses, a friend hit him on the cheeks, that’s all , i already turned on, i got up, already, well, i looked, people were already around, where the child was at that
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moment, the child was in the arms of a friend, he was standing with some mothers, well, his neighbors, so he gave the child into their arms, i already got up, i looked, my child was in other hands, i had already come to my senses, i walked over, took the child, put the child in the stroller, that’s it, i looked and there nastya, in short , was already lying on the bench, i also don’t understand what happened to her, she was unconscious, she was unconscious, but who called the ambulance, the ambulance was called by the eyewitnesses who were filming that’s all on the phone, they took her away, but i took her to the ambulance, what did you do when anastasia was taken away, the police came for me, the police were called, i gave the child to a friend, i gave the keys to the apartment everything so that they could take the child away, well, how would have left you, had someone to leave you with, the police took you, the police took me, yes, i really asked the police to let us go home, the servant checked the child, she got up without me, took the child in her arms, came down with the child, we already left to the department, from the department the child was taken to the hospital, as events developed further, they released me, they drew up some kind of protocol, then i
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came home, i looked, no one was there, so... i went to the store, went, got some vitamins there, nastya took it to the hospital, you have fruit, fruit, yes, fruits, and after you accidentally mixed up glasses of drinking water with sleeping pills, as you say, you went out for a walk, you didn’t feel bad, there were no symptoms, no, we sat down on a bench, i got a fever, that’s all i got up from the bench, that’s how i remember everything, i fell back, the pain from the sleeping pills could have been like this the effect, yes, in fact, it could, but it would cause the person to just, let’s say, pass out, yes, as if to lose... consciousness, but here it seems to me, excuse me, there should have been a heavy dose. ravilya, do you consider yourself a good father? i consider myself a good father because i did everything for the child, got up at night, for example, made formula, rocked the child, changed diapers. do you think anastasia is a good mother? i think anastasia is a good mother, yes. there have been times when, after work, for example, i can’t get up to see my daughter at night. nastya definitely rises. how is the hostess, nastya? nastya
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is a good housewife, yes, she cooks, washes dishes, i just do wet cleaning two or three times a day. how did you meet anastasia and why did you fall in love with her? we met nastya at work, we lived in the same dorm. and what kind of work? well, it was a shift at the warehouses. what i liked about nastya was her eyes. did everything move quickly? yes, very quickly. she immediately told me that she had a son. how did you react? i reacted normally. and when anastasia became pregnant from you, were you happy? yes i was happy. anastasia said that this was a desired child, you planned it. we planned. his daughter is officially registered with you, at the moment we have problems with documents, as soon as we resolve this issue, i will definitely register my daughter, you mean the absence of a passport, but how is it that neither she nor you have a passport? i don’t know the passport there due to various circumstances, but due to various circumstances it was lost there, the passport is a necessary thing, i did not work officially, so it’s like, well, it’s for me you didn’t need a passport to work, and by supporting anastasia by working unofficially, you
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did it, it worked, you earned enough, right? are you working now? i’m working now, but not officially. are you planning to take your daughter? yes, of course, i plan to. you know that anastasia is thinking about raising her eldest son. yes, i know she talked about it. what do you think about it? i have a positive attitude towards this. well, the only thing is that, of course, at the moment conditions do not allow us to do this. you mean apartment. conditions, yes, the apartment doesn't allow it. and you will have to come up with something a little in order to earn more money. ravil, do you know what? anastasia’s failed mother-in-law wants to limit her parental rights in relation to her first child, i heard about this, yes, how do you feel about this? well, of course , i have a negative attitude towards this, you really want to return the child, you really want to take away anastasia’s eldest son, i don’t mind taking away anastasia’s eldest son, but i really want to take my daughter, and you found out from the guardianship authorities that you should to get your daughter back, but of course i found out, we just need to do the paperwork,
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which means the commission will decide... is there a chance to get your daughter back? yes, a commission on juvenile affairs is now being convened, which will decide whether to hold the parents accountable or not, in this case we most likely mean administrative liability, but in the future, after the decision of this commission, the child will most likely return to his parents, well there will be some observation from guardianship authorities, they will register them, and accordingly they will be monitored for a long time, if for six months. everything will be fine with them, and accordingly, they will be removed from this register. i will probably take control of the situation and provide all possible assistance to the young family, respectively, so that the situation is resolved positively. dinaida, what to do with elena and artyom’s desire to limit anastasia’s parental rights? in this situation, i would not recommend taking the child from this family and handing it over to his mother, because
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it’s settled, well, i’m considering some kind of positive option. when anastasia picks up her head, takes responsibility and becomes a mother and is interested in the child. in this case, no one will restrict anastasia’s parental rights, because this is a last resort. responsibility of the parents, but in this version, when anastasia does not participate in life in any way, and does not strive for this, well, because the reasons for not coming to the child are so far-fetched that it’s downright ridiculous to talk about them, despite the fact that that she i spent this allowance on myself, but it’s for the child, it’s targeted money, it’s the mother’s most irresponsible attitude, so if the situation doesn’t change, then of course there are chances, i also empathize with anastasia as a human being. but if nothing is settled peacefully, i will be happy to help a family that is raising a child who is completely happy at the moment, despite the fact that his mother abandoned him,
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will her eldest son, dad, recognize anastasia when they meet, say hello to everyone , we will find out immediately after a short advertisement, they decided with their sister that they could not leave their nephews in such conditions under any circumstances. my husband and i want to limit the parental rights of victor and his wife. who will the children stay with now?
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for which we ourselves are naturally to blame, i undertake, in general, to be more attentive, i love my child very much, i really want her back. vladislav, can you , for your part, make sure that the baby is not in any danger? well, yes, of course , including, of course, maintaining contact with the guardianship authorities, who are obliged, in fact, to directly, constantly, actually monitor this family now, i see from the guys that they are quite not antisocial, at least they look. i would
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also like to add, i really want to talk anastasia with your parents, with your mother, i would like to know her position and perhaps we will be able to provide even more assistance here so that the family really becomes more successful and happy. would you like, artyom, for anastasia to improve relations with your son? yes, of course, you know, how i would be friends with families, so to speak, because we agreed, probably a couple of hours before this incident.


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