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tv   Obyavlen v rozisk  NTV  May 17, 2024 2:50am-3:31am MSK

2:50 am
“sorry, nerves, as for the case of alisa rogova, you are right, this is a key document, it is where the testimony, the results of the examination are located, but i cannot get it , and i will not continue to work with you, they are listening to us, vadim”? i guess, vadim, calm down, i have nothing to lose, i was just following instructions, you can call me, but don’t, you think, die, bitch, quickly get into the car, but that’s okay, let’s go, let’s breathe, yeah. we can’t come here,
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we can, what happened, two guys didn’t share something in a cafe, were they drunk or something? i know, but it seems not, but what next, in short, they grabbed each other and screamed, then the third one appears with a gun, bang-bang, one guy on the spot, the second ran away, the most interesting thing is, the guy who shot was killed himself, who, but no one remembers him, there are bastards here. where were you at the time of the incident? was i here? so you saw everything well? that there are no witnesses at all, the bartender, the waitress, both are in shock, he brings their feeling, the waiter is good, and what is petya doing here? oh, great, petya, hello, hello, what about strangers here? who an outsider? i received an order to take everything
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connected with mr. rogovo myself, including this incident, i didn’t understand anything, petya, what didn’t you understand, there’s lawyer rogovo lying there, this is rogov’s lawyer, good dreams to you, tomorrow morning i’ll take the case, no singing i realized who ordered the transfer of our affairs to you, having tapped, the name is familiar, familiar, well, there you go.
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well, everything is okay, how they left, clean, like vadim himself, normal, understandable, i probably should n’t have offended you yesterday, pressed you, well... i don’t know, oh well, kostya, max, oh, give it to him cognac, yeah, just don't drink it yourself, yeah, hello? what are you doing? about what? about being
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a cretin? i have an article here, a double murderer in a cafe and two corpses, a lawyer and a killer. there is no horny one, how could this happen? i don’t know, the guy was with a partner, there’s not a word here, neither about the guy, nor about the partner. that means they’re both walking, you know, walking, you can find me, rogova, we’re looking, looking, looking, the lawyer had contacts in his phone, they shouldn’t end up in the hands of the authorities, i got it, go ahead, grab it, the lawyer is dead, and so is his killer, i think they took it immediately after execution order. gena, i’m alive, that means the order was not
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fulfilled, listen, wad, why did you decide that you were ordered, well, they killed the lawyer, maybe it was he who crossed the path, it’s not the lawyer. gen, i saw the hitman, i remembered him better, where, when the medical examiner was killed, he was chasing me, yes, listen, i have an idiotic question for you, why would someone kill you if i knew, gen, i have an equally idiotic question for you, when i was sitting in the isolation ward, why didn’t you come, you know, i really wanted to, but the lawyer insisted... i didn’t it’s worth it, well, just so that no questions arise, and i myself know, i did everything through him, in this case the main thing is not to do harm, you know, i think the lawyer was paid, and he did everything to close me down, but if that’s the case, then that
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changes things. well, yes, this is what we are actually talking about, so i recommend that you, naum davidovich, not to worry about your position . we have one last meeting left in manaco. do you want to get there or not? okay, then i'll call and everything will be sorted out there. no, no, there is no reason for this, this the tender will be yours. okay, just don't forget later. call, thank all those people who are involved in this, all the best, what kind of men they were, boring on boring.
2:57 am
good afternoon, good fellow, what's the news? the lawyer left us sadly, i didn’t even have time to say goodbye to him, however, how does the one who shot the horn know who it is? no, we accepted no documents, only a mobile phone, of course, which means rogov’s enemies are not asleep, but do we look like friends? why are you so gloomy today? the mood matches the weather, by the way, about rogov, everything is fine, he’s running around, looking for answers, he’s a man, stubborn, tell me, where did you find him, lord, why, you don’t remember anything, our dear matvey ivanovich should have protected you, and you he refused it himself, said that you
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don’t care, randomly poked at the first advertisement he came across, ended up at a law office, called, and this one came, talked to him and said: that only this person will protect you, you really don’t remember anything , but the devil knows, when i was in the isolation ward, there was some kind of food there with a taste, i still i thought, maybe it’s always like this behind bars, maybe they add armor there, maybe there’s a goal, i don’t know, i signed some kind of document, since that’s it, gen, but i don’t remember, i don’t remember. i don’t think i read anything, here’s the murdered man’s mobile, it’s blocked, our people will need to get the lawyer’s mobile, it’s with the cops, there’s nothing for him to do there, okay, we’ll sort it out,
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well then that’s all i’ve got, you’re not very sociable, are you, yes, i'm not very friendly, maybe you should... get to know me a little better before jumping to conclusions, although maybe you're just not used to it follow the woman’s instructions, i don’t like intermediaries, they distort information, it’s a matter of security, the owner is becoming an increasingly visible person, he has no opportunity to work with you directly, although whatever... you tell me, i will tell him word for word , maybe we will still remain new? ok, all the best, all the best, you must,
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must retract your testimony, well, your condition at that time may be the basis for a review of the case, gene, in order to start the movie from the very beginning, i need to appear in court. from this, surrender to the cops and even if the case goes to further investigation, i will have to spend all this time in the isolation ward, and i don’t want that, but then i don’t know what to do? witnesses, someone should know that i wasn't there, where were you? yes, i went home, left the office early, alice and i were getting ready to go to the theater, and as luck would have it, i got stuck in a traffic jam at the lighthouse, called her and told her to wait for me near the entrance, i arrive, she’s not there, i dial the phone, she doesn’t pick up, i get up, and there’s alice, are you sleeping? alice,
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alice. my business, that’s the only way i’ll know what to do next, you screwed up the bullshit, well , the matter is with the prosecutor’s office, which means he needs to be pulled out of there, well, what’s there, this is what you took in the last raid, yes, a week ago, yeah, this is the same heroin that appeared 2 months ago, several
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people have already died from it, there are too many additives, you need information on yesterday’s corpses, yes, of course, the first died from a bullet fired from a beret, the second from a shot in the head, caliber 7.62, the head is not thinking straight. this is obvious, but otherwise you would have noticed that beretta has already appeared in our in the case of rogov’s escape, like caliber 762, and we found the same bullet in the car that was chasing rogov, it means everything is adding up, it’s already worked out, it’s a kid, his prints were in the car with a shot through the wheel. we need to check his connections through our channels. and you ask denis, maybe he already knows something?
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yes, of course, i will definitely ask. did i say something wrong? no, no, everything is ok. how did denis react to the fact that you were given his business? well, what do you think? i didn’t see much delight? actually, what's the difference? petya, what's wrong with you? yes, cockroaches, cockroaches, cockroaches, i keep thinking how i can find a common language with your son, but the fact that i broke up with denis does not negate his paternity, andryusha is a little boy, and denis is a hero for him, and i’m a stranger, well why? i know, i know, i ’ll try to become his friend, i ’ll try very hard, well
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, yes, it’s clear, something happened, pete, come see me, how... i have some papers lying around there about our case, it’s good that more? no, you need something, no from you, i really miss you, well done, he doesn’t know why yet he was suspended. and you know, yes, signals were received for non-compliance with the position,
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from here, uh-huh, don’t look at me like that, i have nothing to do with it, this is rogov’s business, which everyone is watching so closely, so it all came together one to one, to sing, but i didn’t even think about it, sorry, i’m not myself today , cockroaches, right? thank you, bye, vadim, there is such a thing here, what you are planning to pull off can be done. but i need money, everything is fine, kostya, are you calming me down, i need a lot of money, kostya, money is not a problem, really, well, well, look, this is the first time i’ve seen a psycho who decided to break into the prosecutor’s office vault, well,
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we have to start sometime, kostya, max, what are you doing? you're bringing tea there, dad, dad, you know, i 've been wanting to tell you for a long time, i was just afraid to upset you, you know, dad, i don't believe that vadim killed alisa, ever. you know, i love vadim, very much, you hear, come in, masha, aren’t you ashamed that i, your eyes are wet,
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it was an eyelash that got into my eye, grandfather is fast asleep, yes, he is tired. he is resting, he is old, old, old, how i want mami, find a cart, hello, hello, uncle dima, hello, alyonka, well, how is he, in a coma, if you forgot, god, how terrible a heart attack is, here a person lives, lives, because of the hearts.
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what are you up to? masha, alena cannot belong to herself, she needs attention. unfortunately, to my great regret, your dear father, her grandfather, cannot even help himself. not to mention taking care of someone. if my dad is in pain. "this does not mean at all that i cannot take care of the child, i am her aunt, this my direct responsibility. masha, i sincerely want to help, i am a pragmatist, i live by logic, and not by images of the great and the beautiful, now logic tells me that i need serious
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constant care, and you are constantly disappearing at work. how are you going to take care? i will always find time for alena, if i could see you now rogov, he would absolutely admire you, you bastard, wonderful, and stop talking nonsense about vadim, that’s why it’s nonsense, vadim rogov, a murderer, taras knew evgenia, or rather knows, and he would yes said if you could, you can say whatever you want. anyway, did you meet your friend after he escaped, no, i think so, and write to me, or call me, if anything happens, and where to put the flowers, on the windowsill, here... the general archive,
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documents that require revision are kept here, here are the documents that are waiting to be sent to the court, this is exactly the part you need, there is your case, remember or write it down, it’s clear, well, what do you understand, this is the prosecutor’s office, a state protected object, but there is one topic that can work, in short, through a week in... the prosecutor's office will be parliamentary a control and audit check, for example , of how these prosecutors comply with constitutional norms, we can pretend to be deputies, for profit, thank god, that’s enough. we’ll draw such forces that not a single deputy will be able to tell the difference, kostya, i can’t wait a week, but there’s no need to wait a week, in short, there is a plan, a topic, a real topic, it can only work today, where are you being such
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a dandy, and i have there are no secrets, today is a reception with mairia, so i’m going to look at people, show myself, but is this serious? so what did you think? today there is a reception at the mayor's office and all the prosecutors the big shots will be blamed on him, it will be easier for us to come to an agreement with the lower ranks, so what’s the matter? in our country, denis, communications are a useful thing, right? i didn’t notice something, my uncle is a general, and i was removed from the case. suspended, but they imprisoned, i don’t understand, uncle, you have a general, if only
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you were just a colonel, you should be in a pre-trial detention center, dear, make a simpler face, i’m joking, you have jokes, comrade general, well, like me, oh, me too i think so, what else do they do at city hall besides competitions? well, some people are as old as death, and some have questions it’s time to decide, because no one has canceled career growth in our country either, tell me why you came, for details, tell me, before tat-tat, denis, the order came. from the minister himself, to remove the beletsky department, period, normal, why did i
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annoy the minister so much, so i thought you would tell me, i don’t even know, i behave well, i haven’t beaten people under investigation lately, i haven’t raped witnesses, thank you for that, so that’s what i’ll report to the minister today. “they say there was a mistake, we are not to blame either, thank you, comrade general, but seriously, for now you are out of business suspended, which means that no one will interfere with our business in that life, and you yourself will not endanger your loved ones, and what could have come to this, could, could still come, so..." think, denis, what you want whether to continue this business or not, what’s there to think about, i have to finish it, well then,
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as they say, keep your fists, so that’s it, well , what, oh, mikhalkov, so, so, these, no, this is already the supreme one. i’m glad, try the black ones, yeah, well, they look like a deputy, but not very much, the face is very smart, we’ll leave these, yeah, yes, i never thought that i would have to put it on again... oh well, don’t fuss, well, one thing surprises me, max, it’s too fast, mechino agreed to this business, but don’t worry, he always has his own everywhere
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there is interest, well, gentlemen, deputies, ready, ready, forward, to the cars. more or less, you take your hands out of your pockets then pull out the back of the back, not solidly, the main thing is, well, you see, just people’s deputies, that’s it, come on, it’s time to move forward, i ask you, people’s representative, please, please, i say, vadim, like on a first date well, it's a date. this is good.
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marad, what's going on, who is this? this is mrs. bychkova, a friend of the tragically deceased lawyer. you're wrong, we were removed from the case. do you realize what you're doing? the duty officer directed her to us. petya is not at the station, so we are clear in front of him. mrs. bychkova, please. take a seat, this is mrs. bychkova, this is denis beletsky, my assistant. hello, hello, mrs. bychkova, what could you tell us? well, in recent days seryozha has become not himself. in terms of? well, some strange calls in the middle of the night,
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strange meetings. and most importantly, he became very nervous, very, well, he’s a lawyer, he must have a lot of calls anyway, yes, yes, it’s understandable, but you know, before he took everything related to work calmly, now seryozha has started drinking, what are you talking about? what a horror, go on, that's all, and you know, it seems to me that he was shot by one of his... clients or one of those who called, so it seems to me, i feel, well, maybe, maybe , where is his phone number, well, at the docks, probably, where else, petya is there, i don’t want to intersect with him, mrs. vachko, and yours a friend had a notebook, yes, of course, like the one in the movies about miles, you know, where, well , in the movie about miles, so small, pray
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skin, yes, that’s right, i gave it to him for valentine’s, but by chance you don’t have it? no, what are you saying, he never let me watch it and never showed it to anyone, but, but i have a key to his apartment, he gave it to me literally a week ago, now i ’ll find a second here, allow me, of course, you know, in the interests of the investigation, we must take it from you and add it to the eternal evidence, well, yes, i get it. thanks. thank you very much for the information, as soon as we have something, we will contact you, and i’m free, yes, thank you, thank you very much, all the best, goodbye, what am i against, marat, i ’m seriously telling you, we’re not the only ones the case will be removed, we will scrub the floors in the department with toothbrushes for a week, but we’ll try.
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i have a feeling that we ’ll never get out of here, we’ll pull out three times, you deputies. how did i always manage to convince that we are deputies? hello, gentlemen, what an honor for us, what an honor, i am afanas viterovich, i will today, sorry, your guide, yeah, this is mikhail yuryevich, very nice, very nice, and alexander sergeevich, very nice, yes, well, as i understand, in a week it will start with
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you here, right? checks, yes, well, we are today, in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, yes, yes, yes, yes, how is albert novoch doing, and you know, today mary has some kind of reception and all the bosses have gone home, so to speak, to change clothes, so that it’s only me with you today, what a pity, yeah, i really wanted to meet him, well, that’s okay, next time, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, let’s go, let’s go, please, please, i think if he left everything to you, i don’t see any obstacles. there will be no obstacles, please, please, thank you, yeah, our building is old, it was restored twice, the first time after the war, because it was bombed, the second time after perestroika, because, but in general the walls are strong, they knew how to build, they knew how to build , uh-huh, no water, thanks, but excuse me, i’ll have a drink, by
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the way... speaking, we have a case in progress about one developer, uh-huh, built four houses, one collapsed, three people died, aphalanism? tell me, are cases often sent for further investigation? sorry, a lot of work. essentially, yes, new witnesses appear, new circumstances are hidden, that is, something new may appear. well, yes, new evidence, both direct and indirect, all this can be the basis for continuing the case, in fact, how... what kind of cases are you interested in? we are selectively interested in those cases that are already ready for trial, and those that have returned for further investigation, well then, here we go, please, uh-huh, please, come in, well,
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yes. how do you figure out the alphabet here, right? well, actually, first by last name, behind that closed door, closed cases, here are judicial ones, and there are cases that are pending further investigation, where will you start? well, we ourselves will decide where to start, yeah, what about you, or what about us? well, to be honest, i would like to look through the reports, but it will take about 40 minutes, no more, you alone can handle it, of course, we can handle it, go. you understand that in general, it’s not that i don’t trust you, but it’s not supposed to, but what if we take you away , steal something from your computer, you have it there security guard, go and do your reports, then we'll come back, we'll have a drink with you, yes, well,
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maybe you're right, but then i 'll be back in half an hour, that's enough for you, yes, of course, that's enough, go, well, then get started, yeah , let's get started, we're looking for two things, one, two, one thing kostya mechin needs, then i'm looking for mine, let's go. why are you going to sleep at your post, isn’t it too early? yes, i just closed my eyes, well, well,
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boxing, huh? i found it, well, congratulations, now let's put the second case of the falma here, what, the case of kostya balliny's brother, and he has a brother, yes, no dear, don’t sleep, don’t sleep, my friend, i found it, right. yes, yes, yes, well, gentlemen, did you manage to do anything? well, yes, you know, everything is going well, but then they called from the state duma, asking mikhailovich very urgently, we need to go, unfortunately, yes, uh-huh, ha, and i’ve already, oh,
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prepared everything, maybe we’ll check, but no, not today, but of course, let’s do it another time, when we come for an inspection, another time, yeah, it’s clear, that means, uh, you don’t have to worry about the inspection, afanasy viktorovich.
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well, vadim, are you satisfied? it's a strange feeling, like your life is in yours hands? where we go? yes, i want to give it to some idiot. yes, you have 5 minutes, or at least six, what happened?
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do you trust me, petya? what? do you trust petya? beletsky, what kind of question? alya, it may happen that he will be in serious trouble in the near future. like yours? no, much worse. what do you know? but i can’t tell you yet, i can’t yet. you make me smell like a shoemaker, ala, what are you starting to do, drink 50 g at lunch with kruitsin, do you think that’s drinking or something, and in general i don’t want to talk about it, that’s has nothing to do with the matter, no, it does, because if you didn’t drink, everything would be different, go away, go away. go away,
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comrade major, general potapov is calling you, there is chewing gum, just an apple, come on, hello, goodbye. yes, of course, but you and i understand that the process is not interesting to anyone, the result is important, and it will be, yes, in any case, if it gets too hot, someone will have to answer, then i will answer, all the best, yes, allow me, comrade general. called,
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called, i’m returning you to rogov’s business, oops, this how, just like that, it was not in vain that i went to the mayor’s office, in general, run, work, without fanaticism, that’s all. what happened, albina yuryevna? tell your drinking buddy that the great dane thing is missing, the phone number of the murdered lawyer, i don’t see the connection, and what does comrade major have to do with it, and given that before he came to see me, the phone was in this very place, what are you talking about?
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listen, bro, where are you, come out, i brought you a gift, that you went crazy all over the area, it will wake everyone up, i brought you good news, great brother, great, great, brother, honest. please go to the house, let's go to the house, well how are you, everything is fine, i begged you, thank you.


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