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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 17, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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everything, before communication, everything someday has its end, but why is it so cold, icy, and what kind of duk is this, at least i can warm myself up with some tea, why should i? prohibition was announced, i didn’t understand what kind of nonsense it was, not hot, not cold, the emergency room was listening, girl, hello, why on the small side 30?
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no heating, no hot water, no cold, there’s an accident, the whole area is shut down, we’re fixing it, um, i understand, but it will take a long time to fix it, but how do i know how long it takes, wait, it’s so cold to wait, but i can’t warm you up, but i i wouldn’t mind, listen, warm yourself, oh, how in general, this hearse ended up here, where the driver, whose corpse it is, will say, of course we’ll go. why is there a knife in the corpse, van, well, also ask who the killer is, where he lives, why he killed, how does the earth carry this creature, well, let’s start working, we’ll figure out what lesha is, well, there’s no cell phone or documents on the corpse, well what makes me happy is that the dead man is exactly where he is supposed to be, in a coffin, it’s logical, if someone is having fun, then i’m not, i smell a wood grouse that is on the corpse, well, kill 2 hours ago, well, kill not here, somewhere in another place, and then they dragged him into a coffin, just like that, and when they killed him, they hit him on... but they hit very hard in the right place,
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that is, apparently it was a man who killed, 99% that the man, however, did not leave us any prints, either he erased it, or he worked with gloves, then it turns out to be nonsense , came here in a hearse with an empty coffin, for some reason killed a man, put him in a coffin, abandoned the hearse, dumped, yes, nikita, hi, yes, i went through everything, which means the hearse is registered to the persifona funeral agency, based on the territory of the western cemetery , so?
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just as i discovered a hiding place in a coffin, it empty, but there are remains of white powder there, i’ll do an examination and report what it is, well , it’s not powdered sugar, it’s interesting in any case, so, in general, i’m going home to the murdered man, margot, take it and drive it to the company that the hearse belongs, and i will formalize everything that you just said as my order, a miracle donut, everything is your will, comrade bolkin, otherwise why is there a knife in trupen? eh, well, captain irdanov will at least read a book, it’s his legal day off, i don’t understand, wow, wow. so what
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is this? yes, it’s clear to me that the book is not destined read. strange, the plugs seem to be intact. what kind of nonsense is this? ay, i rested on my legal day off. yes, andrey. hello, pashka. so, how are you doing there? well, initially i was asleep, then krymov understood me. now i’m going to kriti, we’ll do slaughter. what kind of slaughter? okay, rest, i’ll tell you later. you can rest here, there’s an apocalypse in my apartment. in what sense? in what way, literal and figurative. the heating was turned off, hot water and cold. congratulations. congratulate yourself, because i will come to you and live for a while.
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hello, i’m from the police, a crimean major in the homicide department, quiet, quiet, quiet, besides you in the party, is there anyone else, you’re on the street, look, he jumped out the window, a long time ago, when he heard the door being opened, open it me already, just a second, you are nogtev’s sister. yes, i'm inga. where is andrey? inga, i'm afraid i have very bad news for you. he was killed? yes, how did you guess? i understood it immediately. first this freak came, and then the fucking business. what did he want? he first
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tied me up and then started asking me where some drugs, money. i have nothing , i don't know anything. why did he decide that you had drugs? it's not mine, it's my brother's. he said that he owed a huge amount of money, he stole drugs, yeah, he said that he would kill me if i didn’t tell me where they were, please help, inga, i’m afraid that we will have to search your apartment, do whatever you want, just find this one bastard, please, it was he who killed my brother, i ’m sure, now, pasha, listen, i’m in nogtev’s apartment, he was most likely killed because of the drugs that his company was delivering around city ​​in a hearse, call me an expert here. yes, igor, i understood you, thank you, bye. well, citizen kryuchkov? the information was confirmed. your company sells drugs. yes, this is nonsense. do you understand that this is nonsense? my company has never
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sold drugs and could not sell drugs. if this nail was making a mess there, skewer it with drugs. so it’s his business, i have nothing to do with it. well, pasha? i think it's somehow unconvincing. yes, you understand, i have an absolutely legal, official business, no crime, we ’ll look around, and you have this, what’s his name, well what's right, a warrant or a resolution to look around, scientist, no, you want it official, please, now we'll call the task force here, the investigator, we'll seal your office, you have nothing to hide, you say, let's see, we'll leave in 5 minutes, for god's sake, please look , open the safe for you, wonderful, tell me, please, what do you have there, there are wines and coffins, nothing interesting for you yet, but no, just interesting, but in my opinion very interesting, let’s see, yeah, the academy
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of russian television announces accepting applications for participation in... emergency exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. so, well, where do we start? well, i think
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from here. yes. do you really think that someone is hiding dope in coffins, or what? don’t worry, anything can happen, you know. both, well, why not, it’s clear for now, the next one, well, is there a catch? don’t worry, you have nothing to hide, it’s empty, yeah, let’s move on, yes. groin, do you have a knife? wait, why do you need a knife? behind the house? don't worry, we'll be careful. well, wait, you'll ruin it, it's up to me to hand it over. oh, what beauty! what is it?
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i don't know what it is, how did it get there? i have no idea. but i’ll tell you this, pasha, washing powder is definitely not suitable. yes, it lasts for 10 years, come on, no, it smells. for 20, maybe 20, it’s not mine, but whose, i swear, it ’s not mine, but whose, one of the future clients left it for a stash, it’s a nail, it’s his business, it’s... don’t shoot, oh your well, don’t, don’t shoot, that’s it, what are you doing here, moron, who is this? yes, this is vitalik, our gravedigger, idiot, local, don’t pay attention, boss, boss, i’m clean, i’m i swear, i didn’t touch that science, about your nonsense, i don’t know anything about it, my business is small, digging graves, what’s in a coffin? lay down to rest? no, i was getting ready to go home, i’m going to the cops, well, i
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haven’t come up with anything smarter, i’m saying, idiot, don’t turn me into hiding in coffins, i haven’t heard from the cops yet, yeah, alebi, you have for the time of the murder, there is, there is, i was here, this, by the way, concerns both of you, someone can confirm this, no, nice, but i give a damn, i was here, and you, i was here too, and no one can confirm,
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“citizen without a fixed place of residence, show your documents, oh, pashka, great, where are you roaming around, oh, help, you’re getting old, oh, i’m getting old, i’ve become quite a grandfather, well, will you shelter a comrade in arms, bye warmth won’t return to his house, where are you going to go, well, keep in mind, there’s only one bed, okay, two blankets, i don’t worry, that’s it, you’re left without a blanket”? because i like to sleep under two, head, i think the doorbell is ringing, i think the doorbell is ringing, the doorbell is ringing, who doesn’t ring the doorbell? open, the doorbell rings,
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the doorbell is ringing, wait, what day, tuesday, what, what are you saying, two aunts should come to me with their nephews and husband, what aunts, whose husband, with the aunt’s husband, get dressed, come on, get up, yeah, andryukh, my god, andryukh, get up, i say, what is it, lord, the jokes are over, it’s going to be awkward, get up, hello, uncle pasha, great, hello, how grown up, why haven’t you opened it for so long, you’re not alone, or something, yes, not alone, with a girl, not really a girl, with a friend. well, it just happened that way for me they turned on the lights, okay, that’s enough, okay,
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don’t come with uncle lenya with a suitcase, help him. oh, i know what suitcases you have, i can't handle it. let's go. oh, this is uncle pasha. at the moment, our version is nail business partners. so. we discovered a cache in the hearse; upon our arrival it was empty, but an examination established that there had previously been heroin there. there is such a thing. and here. the coffins that we examined in the funeral home where nogtev worked were not empty; there we found bags with a characteristic powder. the examination is ready, like heroin. yes, we have two suspects - this is the director of the funeral company persifona, kryuchkov. yes. and the local gravedigger malov. yes. yes. illogical. look, it turns out that the funeral home, in parallel with its main activity, was transporting drugs. why would the owner of the company kill his own dealer? take your own drugs from him, there is an extra, heroin, which was seized from the coffin in
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the office, a chemically pure substance, and the heroin, which was in the coffin in the hearse, was greatly degraded, why were you silent, this is changes things, this is a version, nails in secret from his own, he diluted drugs, but they found out about it and dealt with him, yes, absolutely right, we have this version in our work, in general, we will put the squeeze on these two, in order to put the pressure on, andryukha, you need real evidence. thank you, hello, it’s not for nothing that my head and i sat down with you, yes, we have a piquant request for you , what kind of request? no, if you refuse us, of course, we will understand you and won’t be offended, what’s the matter, pasha and i are left here without a place to live, we have nowhere to spend the night, i don’t understand,
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where did the housing go, it didn’t go anywhere, his heating was turned off, but my relatives moved into a one-room apartment, there ’s nowhere for an apple to fall, yeah. we thought that maybe, maybe, they could fall with me, well, if natasha, of course, doesn’t refuse, but we’re just for a day or two, well, at most, yes, two, yes, guys, you’re asking the problems, okay, we’ll come up with something, this is a real comrade in arms, yes, andryukha, listen, they took the navigator out of the hearse, go to nikita with it, let him do some magic, we’ll do it, but i don’t understand, why do you need me, vanya, vanya, no vorchi, unfortunately, we can’t get around without the major of justice. look, there's a whole drug traffic here, look, look, what a rush, what's the name, georgievich, nikitos worked with the navigator that we seized from the hearse, every 3 days noktev drove up to the panamo club in this hearse, we are sure that this was another new one shipment of drugs, this is quite possible, and what do you think about this? i propose a good operational development, i beg bulkin to provide assistance
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through the investigative committee. gerzhi, what other development, i don’t understand at all, why are you dragging me in, what’s the matter. is waiting for the murder to be solved, i think that this does not interfere with your work, on the contrary, it helps. okay, to hell with you, i agree. thank you very much, georgich, your assistance is also needed. make a request to the main office regarding the equipment. well, let's do it. yes, by the way, today is exactly the day when noktev is going to this club and in exactly 5 hours. georgich, i’ll make it in time. who are you? i'm rudanov. so why are you standing here? has anyone died yet? instead of a nail, i brought what he usually brought. i i don’t know any nails. but you don’t know, i went, let the elders sort it out. wait, wait, wait. where is noktev himself? fired?
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i even know why. look, we weren't warned about the postal service being replaced. our business is small. i brought it, you accepted it, come on, what did you bring, wait here, it’s cool. they ask you to come in, i had no instructions for this case, but i don’t care about your instructions, come in, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, calmly, i’m coming!
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"you know who i am, yes, you know that i am the manager of this club, the senior on the topic, yes, of course, you know what your nail brought last time bombed goods, yes, i don’t know whose fault it is, i was carrying a forwarder, or your common one, these are not my problems.” so this time there will be no money, tell your elders that this is compensation, yes, yes, well, what did you do, yes, yes, yes, you understand what you have to say, i understand, i have to say that there will be no money for drugs, because last time we deceived you, well done, right, i understand, but
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you understand that this is disgusting, obscene, that i repeat, this is disgusting, obscene, obscene, work at home, on. the earth that you are carrying, your job is simply to hand it over, wait a second, then put these in the car, we will talk a little more with the owner, this is a provocation, i will complain. of course, complain, we have everything recorded in the best possible way. i understood everything, gentlemen, i understood everything, i want to cooperate with the investigation, i, i knew the whole scheme, i will hand over the whole scheme, make me confess , that’s it. deliveries were made through persifon funeral home. noxev brought all the goods in his hearse. well, look how we started talking, let's go to the investigator. and there with
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with a dirty conscience you will make a purely heartfelt confession. we're taking you away. oh my goodness. most likely, the nail itself took the drugs. well, the man wanted some easy money, and then just such an opportunity presented itself. and the management of persiphone. to find out about this and deal with him, absolutely right, but these adversaries from the club, judging by the way they talked with rydanov, might simply not have known that noktev was killed, that’s what, we need to show nogtev’s sister all the defendants, maybe she will identify him - one of them is the one who came to her house, georgievich, i’m with her i called, she can’t be out of town today, we agreed on tomorrow, well, where is rydanov stuck, and now he’ll come up for 5 minutes, 5 minutes already? andryukha, well, i bought some sweets and flowers for natasha, she ’s still a strict girl, that’s great, that’s right, you at least warned her, but everything is fine, let’s hope so,
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especially since we’re not empty-handed, so you’re in st. petersburg, but you said it in vladivostok, well , hold on, that means the men are smiling, talking in a low voice, we’re not breathing in the fumes on... our wife, hello, natasha, hello, natasha, hello, hi, listen, here’s the thing: pasha and andrey will spend the night with us, is it possible? well, you can, but what happened? yes, we’ll put on some tea, fry some potatoes, and we’ll explain everything to you, right? this is for you, thank you. natasha, i’m very glad to see you, haven’t seen you for a long time, this is for you. thank you, come in. rydan, you said that you are on a business trip.
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when she bit through and i’ll call, nata won’t open it, i know her, so what, where will we go, well, come, guys, here you know everything, i have one sofa, well, there’s a small couch in the kitchen, well, a wonderful sofa, you can spread it out, yes, right, you and pasha are on the sofa, and ritka and i are in the kitchen, on the couch, do you want some tea? but we want, of course, let's go study the snack,
6:04 am
slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money ; a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. the bill went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you,
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hang up without talking, stars, the final is tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, can help in the apept, it helps restore memory and attention. on apppt for the head to work, this. security service call the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a tinkof mobile sim card and protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tinkof, he is the only one. magnet, macfa pasta 49.99. magnet, price, what you need. first like, first. friend, first post, first life. the first trend,
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps relieve joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, the weather for today. a storm cyclone hit sakhalin, there are torrential rains, it is sharply cold, and the khabarovsk territory will remain on the sidelines. it's almost summer-like warmth there, but a cold front with rain has set its sights on the amur region. the sibi cold snap did not last long, the may sun actively warms everyone, from tomsk to abakan +18:20. in the urals, the cold comes from the north, in perm it’s only +9, but in yekaterinburg +17. in european territory, on the contrary, the northern regions are preparing for the return of heat. it never left the north-west. the baltic is basking in warm sunny weather, +21 in kaliningrad. but the middle zone was covered with rain. the main ones passed at night, during the day in the center the precipitation is already light and +16-18.
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then the director of the nightclub and his people, okay, start, igor, well, everything is ready, let’s start, georgievich, sit down, thank you, andryukh, margo, come in, citizen nogteva, now the suspects will be identified, it’s him, it’s he who came to me home, what are you doing, what are you doing, shirking, yes , this is the first time i’ve seen you, yes, i’m seeing you now, quietly,
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she’s lying, no, it’s him, it’s definitely him who came to my house, the killer, so rita, take her away, bastard, let's go to the exit, to the exit, so the decoy citizens are free, men, you can go. so wait, where are you supposed to sit? no, well , she’s lying, she’s really lying, quietly, wait, as i understand it, she claims that i was at her house the day before yesterday, this is the first time i’ve seen her, but it seems to me that you ’re lying, why should we not tell her believe so i i couldn’t, i was in another place, where, in what other place, they took people from the club, it’s better for us to speak, and not be silent, tell me, on the day from five o’clock until your arrival they were packing goods, drugs, yes, there were not two of us, five, we will hand over the rest, three left 5 minutes before your people arrived, you will take them and check everything, but this woman,
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for some reason she is lying, the question is why she is doing this, it means it is beneficial for her, so she herself ordered her brother, there were goods in the hearse for 5 lyam rubles, that’s right... she has the money, her call me, what a great guy, and by chance you didn’t work as an investigator in your previous life, no, but i know how it’s done, i watched the tv series, that’s it, let’s get these guys into the camera and you haven’t forgotten about me at all, actually i’m an investigator here, oh , van, for god's sake, excuse me, in general, these are in the cell, which means you urgently take their accomplices in the drug problem and check, uh-huh, thank you, actually i also wanted to say that, well, sorry, van, right? excuse me, oh, come on in, come on in, what did you find out? well, georgivich, we took three accomplices of maly and kryuchkov, so, one refused, and the other two swam. in general, malov’s alibi is confirmed, nogtev’s sister is lying, he could not have come
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home to her, unless, of course, they agreed, besides, malov kryukov is right, this lie can only be beneficial for her in one case, if she is in the know and takes the real killer away from us. yes, yes, yes, we have no other options yet. this means that the drugs are either... hers, or her accomplice’s, i won’t try to hand them over, and we know that they are loose, yeah, handing over low-quality goods is risky, they can get exposed, that's it, set up surveillance on inga nokteva, check her connections, uh-huh, okay, but i need to meet with someone, the nail certificate is ready, yes, i'm almost done, right now , she has a very interesting connection, so, come on, well -ka, frequent calls with a citizen... yeah, and why is this citizen svestunov notable for his complex and interesting fate, he was convicted three times, two for robbery and one conviction for murder. well, quite a worthy representative of the criminal community. i hit his phone through the towers,
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an hour before the murder he not only turned off mobile phone, he took the battery out of it, then turned it back on after 2 hours. wait, that is, yes, yes, that is , you understand, you know, if you just turn off the phone, we can... monitor, right, and if you take out the battery, the phone becomes invisible to us, and well, yes, of course, i i know that, yes, and he knew it, yes, he took out the battery an hour before the murder, but you want to say that the dope was more diluted, we have reason to believe so, can you help with something, no, you’re late, you don’t understand, why am i late, last night one eagle passed such a batch, and the guys paid him, 5 million of our rubles, and why do you think that this is exactly the one i need? you yourself said that the party was a scam, and this morning people have been looking for this seller, if they found it, there will be you,
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a new businessman with a corpse, so what does the seller know, the whistler drove, three hots on the owner, the mother is average, uh-huh, the whistler, and his last name, svistunov, i don’t know him personally, but i’ve heard of him, he’s always the only one working, a sharp guy, he also has a woman, what ’s her name, i don’t know, i once sat in the same hut with her brother, but what’s his name? nail, svestuna the soldiers are looking for them, they are lazy, they bought a sick one, a famous person, okay, ven, thank you very much, come on, andryukh, well, our version was confirmed, drugs, inga svistonov was handed over to the fighters of lenya spelogo, i understand you, georgievich,
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i understand, we are sitting, we’re waiting in her yard, that’s it, that’s it, see you in touch, well, ritka, the version seems to be working, it’s inga, keep your ears to the ground, great, andryukha. girl, where is serpukhovskaya street, and serpukhovskaya, yes. “don’t give a damn, call krymov, where is your friend smestunov, who are you , what do you need, didn’t you understand the question, everyone lie down, criminal investigation, so turned
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to the wall, don’t twitch, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, so that i can see, calm, everything is fine, lie down, don’t twitch, this is what happens, inga, when good girls are friends with bad boys, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything, everything, everything, everything, so, the first and most important question is, why were you kidnapped? i don’t know, i honestly don’t know, i swear, i really don’t know, i honestly don’t know, but we know that yesterday you and your svistunov sold 5 million worth of ripe lenka to the bandits drugs, what are you saying, there was nothing like that, there was nothing like that, only you didn’t know that your brother was a chemical product specialist and the heroin was burnt, uh-huh, we, we, we didn’t know, apparently, lenya is ripe. he was very offended by you and , apparently, was terribly angry, and those with
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whom he is angry, inga, they do not live long, so you are already a corpse, of course, we are very sorry, your situation is catastrophic, but we can help you , how very simple, you hand over svistunov to us, how he killed your brother. after that we persuade lenya spelova not to touch. svistonov is sitting in a cell, but he is alive. you see, the ripe one will get to you in any case. in any. he will find you, and he will find svestunova. you know what he did three years ago with his partner who left him. how? he doused it with gasoline and burned it. and he buried his mistress, just back, who cheated on him. artyom is at the dacha, just save him, please, save him,
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oh, this is already good, fuck you, great, artyom, who, who, who, reed, my name is, i’m from tinge, and where is she, in the meeting, we spent the whole night with her today. cops they're pricking her about the murder of her brother, and what were you
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fighting for, it wasn't yours, they released her, that means for nothing, what's needed, she brought you a little thing from her, read, well, now you, five-charik, drive first, ah, well, come in, tramp , who are you? well, here’s the money for drugs, it’s good luck, who are you anyway, they told you, from inga, give me your hands, inga, like that, natasha, natalya, please wait, well, well, you know, i was yesterday behaved like an idiot, i'm really ashamed, it happens, wait, it doesn't usually
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happen to me, i don't know what it found me, i i fell in love with this crying fool like a fool, and for him there is only one girl, a job, and the rest all come later, yes, it’s true, i myself am married to a policeman, the same situation, true, that means they are all like that, well, maybe not all, but ours are like that, listen, maybe we can drink some tea? let's go, oh, what do you even want from me? what do you even want to find there, but i don’t understand, sit down, shut up, and why are you shutting my mouth? by the way, i also have rights, yes, you have rights, to give truthful testimony, and then atone for your sins, so 10 in the zone, you scare me, no, i put you in fame, and by the way, i
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didn’t kill anyone at all, you’ll tell the prosecutor, yeah, i have nothing interesting, guys, i have a very interesting thing. a cheap chinese jacket, but with traces of blood, why didn’t you wash the jacket, and this is my blood, i want to wash it, i want not, it’s clear, now we ’ll go to the department, we’ll give it for examination , we’ll understand whose blood it is, and i i’m not going anywhere at all, you have no right at all, what kind of chaos is it that you burst in here, i didn’t understand, i said everything, that’s it, let’s go, get up, yes you nothing. in the next office, thank you, no problem, but
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we also expect gratitude from you, artyom has all the money, i’m afraid you misunderstood me, we want to hear... the story about the murder of your brother, we can have a drink, yes of course, brother was in prison. and i met artyom, everything was fine until my brother came out, we live together in the same apartment, it became impossible to live, but artyom suggested him, and why they kept silent, that he offered to kill him, but
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his hand didn’t waver, brother still- so, brother, what kind of brother is he to me? he and i just have common parents, i i hated him, you just can’t imagine what a bastard he was, well, tell me, don’t be shy, but i won’t say anything, prove it yourself, well, your position is clear to us, rich prison experience, well, yes, everyone has their own experience in life. uh-huh, here’s your friend in the next office, more accommodating, they asked you to hurry up, it’s ready, well, say, in front of him or something, but you have good news, good, then go ahead in front of him, the blood on the jacket belongs to a dead nail, which is what needed to be proven,
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thank you, alyushenka, that means we have, the blood on the jacket belongs to the nail, inga is actively collaborating with us , we have enough evidence: andryukha, let’s get him into the cell, get up, wait, i’ll talk, well done, i immediately realized that sincere repentance is much more profitable, well, yes, yes, i killed inga’s brother, she lured him to a vacant lot, and i killed him, yeah, we know that, why did you put the corpse in a coffin? why, i still had to open the coffin to take the dope out of the bottle, besides, i thought it would confuse the cops, but you’re just a great confuser, and what’s so cool? it happened, the hearse driver is found murdered in a coffin in his own hearse, but i understand, yes,
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svistunov, listen, wouldn’t you try to write a script for a tv series? well, yes, there will be something to do in prison, my brother, while drunk, told me that he is not just the driver of a corpse truck, but also transports drugs, he told me about the cache in the coffin where they are hidden, we decided that if we kill our brother in the wasteland, we can still earn money , but how did my brother end up there in the first place ? i lured him there, and i also thought that when you start... the investigation, then i i’ll give you information, you’ll go to the funeral home, and then you’ll find drug dealers, think that they killed him. it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, andryukha,
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but you’ll have potatoes and onions, you also ask when sobbing people refuse food, what kind of question, of course i will, oh, i’m telling you, it won’t be enough for them to serve you, give me some salt get some stewed meat, of course, but there is no lard, stewed meat too, there will be sausages, eight. andryukha, please open the door, good afternoon, hello, and you are crying, my love, here they came to us, sobbing, yura, come on in! please tell her who came, retulya,
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some yura came there and asked to tell her, yura, yes, are you a fool or something, yes, wait, i messed up, i’ll fix it, that’s a normal person, no, well christmas trees, some kind of brazilian tv series, yura? stupid, wait, why , ugh, thank god, i caught up, now, wait, yes, natasha, hi, yes, of course, and forgive me, yuri, well, i’m sorry, but there was a misunderstanding, okay, okay, sorry, if anything happened , and to be honest, i personally envy you with white envy, ritka is simply amazing. a woman and a good person, i already understood that , by the way, another one of our comrades in arms, hello, krymov igor, igor, yura, it’s very
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nice, but you give, well, it’s my own fault, i chose a policeman’s bride, okay, i’ll go and show mercy, come on , listen, everything seems to be getting better for me too, can you imagine, natasha called herself, i’m on my way home, but for some reason she asked me to take you with her, no idea why, but because i always told you that natasha is a genius, diplomat, it's just a subtle diplomatic move. she wants me. use it as a buffer for mitigation or a lightning rod, and go change into a buffer-lightning rod, come on! natasha, forgive him, the fool, it’s me, the cretin, it’s all my fault, okay, everything’s fine, come in, hello, hello, come in, let’s go, hello, yeah. katya, well , forgive me for everything, everyone has already forgiven everyone,
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we listen to the car. history in the first broadcast. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. believed in his impunity, a member of an american sect native of ukraine. on social networks, he gloated and justified terrorist acts against russians, and at the same time lived in the tula region. and the degree of his passion can be judged by the amount of prohibited literature and correspondence with other sectarians. he planned to delete the message. but i didn’t have time, are you ready to voluntarily give out the phone or not, well, you’re ready, but why confiscate it.


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