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tv   Pyos-3  NTV  May 17, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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business account in alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. good morning, about the weather for today evgenia neronskaya. a huge cyclone covered yakutia. in its western part there is sleet, in the eastern part it rains until it reaches ten degrees celsius. but tomorrow it will become colder throughout the entire territory of the republic. chukotka can’t say goodbye in winter there. another coastal cyclone has caused a snow storm, blizzards, gale force winds, snowdrifts are growing and frosts persist even in the daytime. in anadar -2, feels like -10°. the weather in the south of the mainland contrasting, in khabarovsk -22, in buryatia in pryor there is a maximum of 15 strong wind. in siberia, from the urals to lake baikal, there is an anticyclone, there is little precipitation, the sun is actively warming, +15-17. in the eastern half it reaches 22°, but a frontal section is approaching the urals, and it will become sharply colder in perm. it will start raining; in
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yekaterinburg there is no precipitation yet, it is 10° warmer. on european territory, one anticyclone gives way to another, there are few clouds of precipitation, there is more and more sun and warmth, but there is also room for rain. they will take place in the volga region, in chernozem in the south of the central region, it will also become colder by a couple of degrees. cool, windy and rainy in the south today, but the weather will improve by the weekend. today there is no precipitation in the lower reaches of the don in crimea, but the northwestern regions are enjoying resort weather. the baltic coast has flawless sunshine. 20:22 in st. petersburg today no precipitation +18:20, in moscow there is light rain in places, also 18:20, it’s sunny again in the capital on the weekend. central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. meet the new washing gel kvalita. with a new formula of seven enzymes against stains. qualita effectively removes contaminants. kvalita perfectly erases
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, softens, freshness, softness, cleanliness, quality, we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in biline application - the safest operator, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv.
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we can't stop, we can't go out.
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maybe it’s time for me to change my shoes, i agree, i haven’t worn these yet, bring them, be a friend, and the phone.
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let's go. i decided to sit the dog, who’s here, you ’ll catch a cold in your head. that’s it, the crime is covered, well, that’s it, lesh, you see how good it turned out to be, it was a short case, you can fucking
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quit altogether, this is a button from the umbians, well, who is the criminal, judging by the holes, he’s a very sad guy. “i have important information, who are you? an unknown well-wisher, so what? i want to tell you about the robbery, but i will only talk to a professional. you’re lucky, it’s me,
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i can tell you where the evidence is hidden, i didn’t understand, you decided too make fun of me, i i want to help, look in the trash can around the corner. “you hear, i just don’t really trust any kind people, and if i don’t find anything, i will find you, i will punish you.
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it’s strange. they are categorically forbidden to stop, much less get out of the car. it’s strange that the driver was an ordinary collector and non-driver. what? it’s strange that your flea guy didn’t find a damn thing. can you relax? i’ve already found all the evidence for my school lunches. well, it’s not a can opener for you. , with which you can open the safe, where did you get this? there, unlike you, i work hard, that the evidence with my bare hands, bro,
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i decided to attach it to the button, it’s useless, it needs soap, yes. this is a show of stars, a grand finale, what a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until it hits again, moscow and beijing have become very close lately, he says, beijing is the last , very, moscow, friendship. i want to understand why people are dying in our village, because you extinguish them, but what spirit are you, who is this? yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as
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i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov out of sparring, bravo, vobra, maybe just a complete merchant, stars, finals, today six finalists will perform before... six finalists will perform, but the winner there will only be one. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20.20 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore cells liver, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate - bonuses in pharmacies - a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online
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or in a branch. buy construction goods at low prices on avito. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. apply for free connecting gas networks to the border of your site. by phone 8800 101004 call free secret of taste in the broth what men are silent about painful urination problems with erection these are the symptoms of prostatitis langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis langitase against prostatitis important announcement cheap loaf.
8:37 am
service for buying cheap air tickets, all goods have already arrived here, summer sale on ozone, bifree jeans for 1,199, bear electric scooter for 11,199, base hair set. behind 319 with age, changes in vision can change familiar things, the touphone is created for nutrition, restoration, preservation of youthful eyes , it is recommended to use daily for 3 months, the touphone is now in a new package, especially for course use, everyone, everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone is working hard, where necessary, rub in the right places, play the instant stoloto lottery.
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when my head hurts, i've been waiting for you forever, i
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was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition, russia, i of course understand that this will sound stupid, but in my opinion gnezdilov found serious evidence. oh, leshnik, it’s strange to me that gnezdilov didn’t find the robber’s passport at the crime scene. in general, the best detective in the garden finished the investigation, so they got up and ran away in shame. the crime has been cleared up at home , now give us five minutes, let’s leave, don’t do that to me, i found out the master keys from
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the crime scene belong to misha medvizhatnik remember this, i’m the only one now surprised by your efficiency, it’s not misha the bugger my information is cleared up , an unknown person called me, my reformer told me everything, by the way, i checked this car, a cash collector’s, they usually transport proceeds from stores, well...
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i, igor, i found my pistol in 10 seconds, how long will it take you to find yours, time has passed, my maximov barrel is always polished, and with me, so, bitch, give me the pistol, here. and i brought you a gift, lenochka. a gift, for what occasion? on the occasion of the attack on collectors. by the way, if you find gnezdely’s prints there, don’t be surprised, he was the one who found it. and i thought that the gift was really for me.
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didn't you like the one i gave you yesterday? i really liked it, simple. you didn’t bring it home, i thought maybe it was for you, you didn’t lose it, i never lose anything to lyosha, and i am very grateful to you for your attention to me, it’s nice, where am i doing with him?
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all sorts of nonsense, a real detective works. not with a pistol, but with a bully, it’s good to paw there, with dirty paws, this could be evidence wet, new, go away, talking to themselves, it’s stupid, and generally stupid, that’s why you think the driver ended up in the passenger seat, sheer mediocrity, the driver asked to steer, we agreed on...
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the dwarf, the dwarf, shot, everything worked out, before, use it, or velipud, one of the three, bitch, where did you put it, huh? you decided to tidy up, yes, it’s a mess, you were checking the closet, i already thought that, you don’t need to think, you’re still thinking wrong, yes, how to think correctly, think correctly, what is it
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investigative experiment, i noticed that the driver is uranus. carried from a position from bottom to top, so i’m lying there, checking the prophetic that the criminal shot from a position, i’m lying there, max, yes, can i borrow your dog, for a little while, why, well, i need to find something, okay, that’s it don’t tell leonidov, okay, why not tell? don’t say anything at all, okay, even say hello to him, so what, dear? help me out, i need to find a box, it’s a square one, it smells like leonidov, you’ll find it, come on, ugh, you moron, you scared me,
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that maksimov sent, to spy on... what you're sniffing out the widow there, oh, listen, come on, you 'll find something for me too, i'll give you a bullbard, then, what, three sandwiches, wow, huckster, okay, we've agreed, then... that 's not a blunder for max there, but that means you will need to find my trunk, which maxim hid, well
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, the trunk, how else can i explain it to you, well, it’s black, like this, in short, here is such a round hole, and here is the letter g, g, maximov also has this, what didn't you understand? explain again? no need, that’s it, go ahead and look for the cracks. maxima thought he was the smartest and i corrupted his best friend. “hello, look, you’re already getting better, since you’re holding the phone with your sore hand?
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- with difficulty, how did you end up unconscious, if it’s so minor early, i don’t know, maybe shock, shock, that is, you’re probably from “ we ended up in the driver’s seat due to shock, but i don’t remember, okay, why did we stop?” got lost or something, wanted to ask how to get there, probably because bandits blocked the road, i don’t remember, don’t remember, but you opened the door, no, not me, oh, how quickly you remembered, and the rest somehow slipped out of your memory, to be honest, i feel bad, of course, how your partner was killed, they saw, yes, he came out, the bandit ran up and shot, this one... very good, such a snag , the trajectory of the bullets such that they seemed to be shooting from below, so tell me,
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maybe you saw the bandit, was he a dwarf? i don’t remember, don’t remember, if you want to admit something, then the time to do it is now, you know, hello, hello! what's happened? he burst in and started asking strange questions, burst in. who let you in here? do you have permission from the responding physician? that is, from you? yes, then please kindly leave the premises. quiet. the wounded should not worry or talk,
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but what are you carrying? come on, come here, is that not what you brought? no, my friend, leonidov could not give me this, although it may smell like leonid. this is what i'm taking from you. and you look for a box, okay, a box with a bow and look everywhere, i’ve already looked through the whole laboratory, no, well, what progress, you won’t like it, the fingerprints really belong to misha the wrongdoer, interestingly, doubted that gnezdilov was hacking away at the truth, but i know so much about this truth that he will soon offer me, as the best detective, instead of the chief, by the way, he has already passed such a loop, well, judging by...
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hello, this is your familiar well-wisher, stop, i’ll call you back in a minute, there are too many unnecessary necks, but stop, stand, you brought this to me, look, maksimova. not sour,
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he hid my pistol, i would never have guessed in my life, or rather, i immediately guessed, i didn’t understand what this was, are you kidding me, i asked you to bring me what, my bagpipe, and you to me, and you what did you bring me, decalon, also a female one, you find my bagpipe, that’s it, come on, come on, you got up, fistula, come on, let’s go all over the candle area. foreign literature: there will be no future in russia, the state is dead, the country will fall apart. eropeev, ulitskaya, weller and shindorovich, where did they find a new homeland? they always had a different homeland, a different honor, everything, everything was different. why do they hate russia? russia has never been a free country. this is our historical destiny, apparently, to be a monster for the whole world. and their books are still can be found in ruins. every penny
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they earn. here a soviet writer can shoot at my comrade on the line of combat contact, who now lives in five ulitskaya apartments in the residential complex, well , she was judgmental for a long time, she didn’t like everything, like a foreign citizen shenderrovich, left his wife to look after the moscow real estate, and you share your own position on her husband, whether he plans to return, and how much weller is ready to sacrifice for nazism, a man who encroached on our integrity, security and some further development, written off pages for... at 16:20 on ntv. stars. the final. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. choose your favorite brands at wildberries. discover your style with oha. beautiful, comfortable, fashionable. new collections at competitive prices. with discounts on wildberries. what are men silent about? erection problems? these are the symptoms.
8:54 am
prostatitis langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis langidase against prostatitis. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit of vtinks with rate 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tenkof is the only one. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields - a combination of traditions. advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is a pleasure, moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it, rostix celebrates a year and is definitely waiting, gives real crispy chicken, rost calls everyone, he gives out gifts, gives everyone the mood for their birthday, celebrate with us, hits per ruble and other prizes in restaurants and
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the rostix app, in the global village we select ripe fruits from all over the planet, when you try our natural 100% apple juice, others also want a sip, once you buy it, you immediately love it, the global village is ripe for your table, the fiver helps out, buy it goods for construction at low prices on avita, sausages are just space, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears,
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sleep, go to sports, do the countdown, finish repairs. swelson, you can go to sleep in 20 minutes you can sleep soundly at night so that you can enter the new day full of strength and energy. beauty, why are you, it’s so expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive, i saved on my mother, liran refrigerator for 69,990, liran, we make comfort affordable, coopersberg dishwasher with auto-opening coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to 40%, on yandex market, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20.20 on ntv. has a pipe or radiator leaked, or has the heating element damaged the roof? a small leak can grow into a big one problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs. enough! save money and nerves,
8:57 am
order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from leamax. sealant, rubber glue in one bottle. quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks. spray the surface. elastic seal blocks moisture from entering and closes. any leaks, is not afraid of low or high temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants, and works on almost any surface, call order fixpro 3 in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price, 399 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our.
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challenge - national award in the field of future technologies, bonus fund, 55 million rubles. accept the challenge, let russia be proud of science. come on, stop, stop!
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are you raiding an armory or something? dog, dear, but i can’t cope without you, please find the box, it smells like leonid, why should i let you smell it, huh? what give you? well, here’s a photograph, it smells like me, but it smells like leonidov. listen, you and i will go and smell leonidov now. just sniff it discreetly, it’s good so that he doesn’t guess. come on, let's go, your gun. where did you get this, the dog brought it, strange, this weapon is from oh, please, i found it, it’s a pity
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maksimov is not there, it would have shown him your trunk, this is not your trunk, but whose trunk it is, hello, lenka, i don’t recognize my makar, here, please, “bnizdilov, this is your well-wisher again, i’m listening, i’m listening, it looks like maksimov is all over again ruined it, not everything is so tragic, took the lead for a while, maksimov wants
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to take away your glory, you also noticed this, you need to mix it up somehow, you need to send maksimov on the wrong track. that's right, that's right, i was just about to do this." tell him that the stolen money is hidden in the cemetery, row 13, grave 13, logical, but why, maximov will look for money in the cemetery and will not find anything, max will disgrace himself officially recognizes as the best, who? and i understand, i understand, yes, yes, that i’m so funny, it’s scary, because i found out here i found something, grandma, in the cemetery, row 13, grave 13, go, air it out, uh-huh, it’s burning the nesters. yes, leonov, go ahead, go ahead, go
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check it out, since i found it, i can’t, i have a card to see a doctor, whatever it is, i have to go check it out.
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you’re looking for a grave, but you want to help, yes, we want to warn you, don’t point your nose where it doesn’t belong, but that otherwise you’ll find out, “listen, maybe you can tell the secret of your
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unexpected brain insight, in the sense of luck, there was no brain insight , i was born just like that, you just don’t want to admit the obvious, it’s about to start, where are you, i’m in the cemetery, there’s no money here, this is a false trail, he sent me here himself , he was right, he said that the cemetery is to be checked, how so? that you can’t lose humanly, with dignity, so tell me, i don’t know how to lose humanly, you’re trending me here, but i’ll find the money without snot, deer gnezdilov, you can’t even find your gun, i already found it, i practically have it in the teeth, well, stand, stand, who did you say, bastard, stand, then...
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creature, wow, what are you looking for there? i'm not looking for anything, some cake, my friends treated me to it, do you want it? yes, do you know where maksimov is now? no, but i know he is on his way to meet a prostitute named. who's talking to me?
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this is your unknown well-wisher. hello workers. what people. police 40% discount. thank you. where's your dog? you squeezed out your ex. the water is flowing. usually after a divorce he takes the apartment. misha doesn’t swear to the cubs and swears that you will confirm his album, but like that, yes, he called and asked for confirmation. they themselves say that at that time the collector was bombing, he’s lying, that means he’s a fool himself, i’m not going to cover anyone for free, okay, good luck hunting, ciao!
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well, are you kidding me, or what? well, they don’t give girls such gifts. dear dog, look for the box, well, there will be some kind of nonsense in there, well, a teddy bear, a heart, perfume, well, what will leonid always hit?
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gnezdilov, i hope that thanks to my tips , your authority has grown, it seems to have grown, just not up, down and just a little to the side, part of the stolen money and the pistol from which the collector was shot, misha hid the key, number, cells and address in the envelope. with a pad, i 'll check it now, and i'll warn you if it's false trace, i’m scared and angry,
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this is not mine, this was planted on me. ugh, you fool, because of you i almost didn’t, you brought me my gun, but come on, come on, come on, can’t you tell a toy gun from a fake one.
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everyone, stand up, come on, start praising me, i found misha the bearcatcher’s bag, the bag and the loot, so maximov can now calmly take his place. loser, this idiot is doing everything right for us, there is now a lot of evidence against misha, everything will be pinned on him, they won’t look for anyone else, and maksimov, and maksimov now also thinks that the collector misha took it, just don’t speak for maksimov, i can do it myself, this is not according to plan, but
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i know him, you’re a doctor, kill him, i take the hippocratic oath. like a throat, by the way, i understood, that’s it, let’s go, oh, doctor, where are you going, come here, i said, oh, women haven’t jumped on me like that for a long time, men, damn it, what are you doing, i still won’t marry you. i have money and a barrel from which they shot an eknasator, of course
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there is a lot of money, but there is more evidence against misha the troublemaker, here you are, what a problem, yes, you know who you are talking to, you freaks, yes, i am the best detective, i'll lock you all up. i’ll get you bitches out of the ground, you’ll still gnaw at my earth, i ’ll put you all in prison with compensation, i’m an honest girl, they paid me, i did what i did - an honest girl, well, she said that misha doesn’t have an album, yeah , well, who paid, doctor, no, kasat. yes, he came up with everything with the doctor and organized a robbery, which went silent, the doctor
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called someone from the police and sent him on a false trail, that in vain she said all this for free, i won’t tell you where these bubblers are hiding with the doctor, you don’t have enough money, that’s how much enough? damn, they’ll cut me into pieces, well, it’s high time you had plastic surgery anyway, this is very insulting, now i won’t tell you anything at all, even for your money i understand, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about events and people of the week. there is a new government in russia, a new minister of defense in the new cabinet. what tasks did putin set for the head of the military department? why do new
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appointments scare the west so much? the curse of the kennedy clan, why is america's most famous family haunted by murder and tragedy? and could it be a mere coincidence that the brain of the nephew of the us president who was shot in the head was eaten by a parasitic worm? nuclear weapons for the poor. lyme disease and other terrible fatal diseases that are carried by cells are actually weapons of mass destruction created in secret military laboratories, this will be on your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of flavors. try your favorite ice delux flavors and the new papaia mango is just a tasty point. attacked by
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credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts onto one halva bank card, refinance them for 24 months and conveniently pay them off. and with halva from ottsovkombank we can effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. вnarus is the choice of millions for varicose veins. because vinarus is designed to reduce fatigue. heaviness and pain in the legs vinarus contains two components that enhance the effects of each other. viinarus can help for 1, 2, 3, one tablet in the morning, two components, three steps to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. вnarus is as simple as 1 2 3. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. uh oh, zeva expert paper towels
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are durable even when wet, you can wring them out, and you can handle even the toughest tasks. zeva, it’s good where the care is, do you want to stay in the future of your dreams?
9:17 am
“i don’t have enough strength for anything, everything irritates me, then a prospectus appears, i’m a prospectus, i’m a fairy good afternoon, i help to be active every day, my strength returns, memory attention, a new prospectus drug for your activity, prospectus, it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with the whole ": a year without interest on all purchases, you get super cashback in rubles every withdraw cash for free from any atm for a month, not just profitable, alpha profitable, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv guardian angel - the spiritual patron of each of us we present a medal with the image of an angel, covered with pure silver.
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999 proof. the guardian angel cannot be seen. but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering - 8 800 600 68-05. the unique characteristics of the medal give it special value. plated in pure 999 silver, a colored image of a scrawling angel on the obverse, a brightly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel, minted on... enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order a guardian angel medal covered pure silver for only 499 rubles by toll-free number: 8 800 600 68 05 or on the website angelchrani.rf. stars - final. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. there's still no money, so
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let's get started. no, no, no, no, maksimuvu is already bringing money, he’s already on his way, i don’t believe you, what’s the point in trying me, i’m safe, i’m harmless, i prepared everything perfectly, planned it, and you didn’t fulfill your part of the plan , maybe it’s not necessary after all, well , it’s not interesting to torture me, i’ll do everything at once, now maksimov will come, so i’ll torture him, sorry, but there won’t be anesthesia, i’m losing subconscious, max, yes...
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your style. wow, how quickly you got better, i had a good doctor, where, well, finally.
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stop the nest, now, now, now everything will be, even mine, why the hell did you do it, i’m afraid of the dark, my vision has disappeared, my eyes are bursting, oh, i let it go, and... that’s how it got me, where are you? i've been wandering around for a long time, i was already thinking about starting the operation without you, come on , untie me, with pleasure, you'll just tell me, you found waders so quickly, the evil doctor gave you information, no one leaked anything to me, it’s just my observation, and a little bit of luck, we’re just so lucky, which means now someone will definitely find you and save you,
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you love us role-playing games, don’t you? go ahead, what do you think, i won’t break free, huh! bitch, i missed, look, where are you, and here, dear, here, max, i lost leonid’s gift, and this is sad, but what does it look like, at least it’s a gift, look, well, i explained to the dog what to look for some kind of box, box. maybe i put it in a bag, i don’t remember the box, a bag, it’s different from us, it’s still a man, he doesn’t understand the appropriate words of endearment, that’s right, give the officer a task,
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you go find lyanid’s gift, right, max, where have you been before, and i’m always there, yes? there, here, it’s strange what ’s happening here, and i’m bragging about your gift to maximov, i honestly thought that you had lost it, how could you, lyosha, how could you, let’s go, leonida slina is a disgusting sight. you won’t sleep well, you’ll gnaw at it, so what’s always happening to you, everything that’s not yours
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bullshit, bandit bullets, painful wounds, fuck off, false leads based on someone else’s tips, not everyone can find this, i can find everything that’s convenient without otherworldly help, but what about my gun? by the way, your moron dog couldn’t find it either, i asked him, he doesn’t understand a damn thing, i ’ve already explained to you both the barrel, the bagpipe, and the puff-pow, the pupolka, i tried it on a human, dog, find the gun for the gnizdele, but i knew from the very end that he was simply not there...
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kakuna, kacoua. stand still, i'm too late, why stand, i he said, they sent me to the past, but it was too late, i didn’t have time to save him, write it down, this
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is very important, 23, 33, hello, good afternoon, what can i offer you? inhuman food, that ’s what you want for him, i can’t read minds, speak humanly, money, come on, so you
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wanted to warn about them, you said it back, left, left, where’s the money, eh, dya, that’s normal, he's sitting there eating, he's eaten up my whole life, hello, you're alive there, here you go, this is your reward, thank you, i had such walkie-talkies as a child, yes, now you can give all the commands... yes, i'll try, you would
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the police were called, otherwise your milk might run away, yes, goodbye, yes, the messenger of death, who was killed there again, let's go, what's the address, i understand, come on. disappeared, how did she disappear, how did i not understand, come on, voice, into the car, cool, well, she just disappeared. some kind of nonsense, she said
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to write down the numbers, uh-huh, i got distracted for a second, so i wrote down 233, so what do you think, how do i know, that is, you caught the killer at the crime scene, but instead of somehow- then you, you sat down to write down some numbers, hello everyone, and tell me what it is with pleasure, 45 years old, lawyer - this is his office, yeah, he was strangled with a belt, this one here, instead of me making a round, i see the light is on, so i came in to see what's what, yeah, here she is, who, inert death, fool, damn it, i, i listen, attentively, yes, yes, a girl, so, so, i don’t know how to describe,
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it’s strange, she says, she wanted to save pavel, but didn’t have time, because she was sent at the wrong time, from where , from the future, from where they sent it, from the future, konya, armenian five-star, this is only later, to calm down, i swear, i didn’t dream about her. i i believe i believe that you're lying, this is all quite possible, i 'm sure that in the future people have long learned to move in time, why are you waving, i've watched so many films scientifically in parnular, of course, there's no one, we know we've given, maksimov, i've read so many books i re-read about this, i know this about holes, i can tell you this about unconventional methods of moving in these holes,
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and telepay, and teletubbies could, well, where would we be without them, well, now we got to the judge’s question, well , i drank up the information, i'm going to the hospital today a killer will appear, you need to think it over, there is no time to think, and there is nothing to do, you need to act , you are lost, an electrician, not your wallet, a man, yours, mine, i thought it was a killer, but he remembers his hands purely by reflex.
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the numbers 23-33 mean? unknown. it's not the same for everybody? but the moron knows. and don’t look at me like that, but i have a moisturizing reason. well, i just forgot to congratulate you on your anniversary and not even weddings, dating, it’s dangerous for a girl, it would seem petty, so once or twice i forgot everything into the black hole of family relationships, right? yes, yes, leonida, grandmother’s affect, telepool, don’t start,
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igor, you and the dog will communicate with an equal. wow, keep quiet, well, well, keep quiet, huh. i’ll go and talk to leonidov, that’s all right, who? leonida, we must not forget about the anniversary, but yes, yes, yes, you, you think so, that’s what i’m talking about, i also think so. judging by the smell, the girl looks different, yes, yes, i agree, and
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the identikit is generally insanity and nesting, well, we need to check the apartment killed, then the apartment of the killed, so we’ll check, we’ll check this, i really want to bite the nest, don’t, quietly, don’t, don’t bite. gnezdilov, why? where better to grab yourself, in the leg or right in the throat, i know where to grab yourself, so, urgently, urgently check the apartment of the murdered man and interrogate his wife, don’t let the dog out, otherwise he won’t ruin it, well, otherwise they’ll ruin the operation, understood? that's it, let 's go ahead and work. after me, he was a bastard,
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or something, that you’ll take everything off, wait, that’s right, but your husband had enemies at work, unexpected, but in principle, the question is correct, no, there was, well, maybe a conflict with one of the clients, no, i didn’t hear, but anything unusual, strange happened lately, no, no, wait, there was one. strange situation: a week ago pasha complained that some
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girl was stalking him, nest, imisya, informing, and what kind of girl, well, i think she’s crazy, because she ran up to pasha and began to say that she was from the future , and that pasha is in danger, and so tall with different eyes, yes, yes, that’s right, pasha took a photograph of her, you... wanted to write a statement, what did you say, i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand something, nest, i mean, i agree, an identikit, not a damn thing, it doesn’t look like , so did you draw it yourself, well, it was under the influx of a sixth sense, indulgence, unconscious release of clever phrases, yes, yes, no, tell me, what do you think the numbers 23 and 33 could mean? i don’t know what
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to think, but these morons are here, it’s clear that you’re 56, listen, maximel, have you ever noticed? what is your dog talking about, no, that’s not it, that he talks directly, like my man, think so loudly, damn, no, i’m saying, i didn’t notice, your mother, the letter crept up unnoticed, maksimov, i’m serious, i ask you as a human being, forbid him to eavesdrop on me, well, that’s not enough what kind of intimate thoughts do i have, let’s go to a psychiatric hospital. “ let’s not make any arrogant broods, i feel great, that’s why i’m saying
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via superstar, this is dishonest, this was
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intended, our passions are always running high, the premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, what is it, no, but something is a little bit to me. on my own, i’m mandating something, but you’re afraid, yes, yes, no, i’m not afraid, no, well, well, stop, then stay here, yes, no, i’m not afraid, i’m just mandating a little, that’s it, mandarin on health, who’s bothering you, that’s it, quietly, don’t, i myself, without a member of interference, catch it. “hello, hello, where did you come from, vonok sivo in his back pocket, everything
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is written there, it’s clear, the dog, my dog, and also from the police, it’s clear, but this one - and this, i think, is a local who ’s stuck here, said that the dogs are talking to him, well, about this, they somehow got into a conversation, don’t let it go yet, and what brought you here, nothing, who is she, you know, mm of course, who is this, this is sonya, who is she, huh? no one knows, she came to us without documents, i didn’t tell anything about myself at all, well
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, of course, i told you that she was a traveler in time, yeah, from 20075 and that she had a responsible task, she was considered not dangerous and was released, okay, but the numbers 23-33 tell you something - no, nothing, go for a walk, that’s it, i’ll go upstairs then, stay, yes, at the front door, well, then i, and you, yes, all the black holes are yours, you can, just watch him so that he doesn’t mess up. and not sy, i’m talking about a tear, about a stingy, male tear, i don’t understand how you
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live with him, listen, move in with me, why the hell do you need this max, you and i together make so many bets. not a bad place for an ambush, yes, i think when sonya appears, you and i will take her first. we are a team, yes, partners, partners, we don’t bite each other, not by the hand, not by the throat, not by the rest of the body, it’s true, it’s true, well, here she comes, straighten up bye, where, where, where is she, no scare me off,
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act only on my team, yeah, i got it, i got it, partner, whatever you say, your team is more important to me than someone else’s team, yeah, i got it, we’re working, but stand there, legs up, legs down! who asked you to stick your head out, car keys, where are they here, don’t let her leave, detain her like i did her
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i'll delay you, what? she has my trunk, the dog is talking, i know, but how do you know, you also hear, of course, he has a melophone on his neck, this is a device for reading thoughts, in your time there are no such things. did you want to ask me something? were your fingerprints found on the belt that strangled pavel orekhov ? i tried to save him, how did you get into the office? i was moved there,
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it will be difficult for you. this is this robot from the movie, yes this is a man, he is also from the future, and the terminator is his name, that’s what i was thinking of last names, i see you you don’t believe me, well, somehow, we are trying very hard to believe, yes, but nevertheless you have in your hands a device for reading thoughts, this, this is a device from the future, of course, how i
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wish it were true, it's just a child's game. “unfortunately, you take everything too literally, okay, let’s say you’re from the future, that means you, we need to help you, tell you who the killer is, how to catch him, right, it’s impossible, why, because every action, even the smallest, carries with it unpredictable consequences, lesh, remember, for example, you, yeah, drop the pen, it will break." well, firstly, it won’t break, secondly, well, what consequences could there be from this, none so far, yeah, but then your wife breaks her heel, it would seem like a small thing, really , but as a result of the consequences of these events , something very important may happen, so what, for example, yes
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, in 10 minutes i will be transferred to my time, and this is a happy flight to you, daughter of gorigudin, we can listen about the future for a long time. , but this is not in our competence, we need to pass it, but we’ll pass it, but it’s you he taught her to talk like that about lena, screw up your legs, lesh, no, this is nonsense, yes, what
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did the suspect tell you, he said that we will be with you, no, no, no, she’s crazy, she was released from the clinic early, yeah , well, yes, he can’t be held responsible for what he did, i need to be returned to the clinic, that’s exactly what lyosha and i agreed on, by the way, your shoes are beautiful, they suit you very well, yes lyosha, thank you, i’m pleased, it’s surprising that you noticed , i ’m surprised, it’s about shoes, it, it wasn’t funny, why, i laughed in my heart, let’s go hand over, i don’t understand where it went, a very good question for the one who should be on duty here!
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the second day of the state visit , vladimir putin is greeted in karbin. what is the president's program? news from the nwo zone. the night hail covered the enemy under the watch and evgeniy golovanov’s report on the work of the assault troops on the front line. faces in masks, life in tents, but the session is on schedule. student movement in britain. this replacement, the name of the aircraft, roskehe announced the renaming of the superjet. well and also, that in addition to vaccination, it will help protect against the consequences of tick bites. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisky. hello.


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