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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 17, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the second day of the state visit , vladimir putin is greeted in harbin. what is the president's program? news from the nwo zone. the night hail covered the enemy under the clock. evgeniy golovanov's report on the work of assault troops on the front line: masked faces, life in tents, but the session is on schedule. elizabeth gerson, on the growth of the pro-palestinian student movement in britain. import substitution, the name of the aircraft, roskehe announced the renaming of the superjet. well, besides vaccination, what will help protect against the consequences of bites? ticks? this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. the second day
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of the busy program of vladimir putin’s state visit to china, today is taking place in harbin, one of the central events, the beginning of the eighth russian-chinese trade and industrial exhibition expo. vladimir putin took part in the opening ceremony. now this is one of the key platforms for interaction between business circles of the two countries. nakhit babayev about how the russian leader was greeted in harbin. harbin is perhaps the most russian city in china, it is still sometimes there. century, pedestrian street, small buildings of two or three floors in the style of eclecticism and neoclassicism, signs with street names are also duplicated in russian, in russian they are sung from speakers on the main pedestrian street.
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harbin was not only founded by the russians, but also liberated. vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers who died in battles for the freedom of china. it was the red army, with the assistance of russian townspeople and chinese partisans, that expelled from harbin japanese. helongjian province borders five russian regions. there are 12 border crossings here. russia's share in...dozens of regions from kviri to kamchatka, hundreds of companies. vladimir putin took part in the official opening ceremony of the exhibition. we have just laid flowers at the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers. and i would like to express my deep gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who keep the memory alive. our warrior-liberators, joint
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pages of military glory, are treated with care common historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. relations between russia and china are developing within the framework of strategic interaction, that is, the countries are ready to develop those areas that have an economic effect. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly, reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, environmentally friendly, affordable supplies. energy, light, heat. large-scale joint projects are being implemented in the field of industrial cooperation, chinese automakers are actively entering the russian market, and programs for creating wide-body long-range aircraft, heavy civil helicopter. let me emphasize that russia not only welcomes the spirit of chinese business to localize production on our territory, but is ready to provide it to investors. spark, economic
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benefits, assistance and support, as well as access to a unique russian technological base, our highly qualified personnel. over the past 5 years, trade turnover between countries has doubled from 111 billion dollars to 240, although it would be more correct to count everything in rubles and yuan, because more than 90% of payments are between our companies are in national currencies, so 22 trillion rubles or more than one and a half trillion yuan. overwhelming majority. subjects of the russian federation maintains contacts with chinese partners, both for their part and on the part of china, almost all provinces and administrative entities are involved in such cooperation, such as a wide network of direct contacts with china, so many interregional agreements on trade and economic cooperation on cooperation in the humanitarian spheres, russia probably doesn’t,
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honey, ice cream, flour, crabs, postila, the fair was leaving, there was no crowd in the pavilion, there was ice, the locals seemed to like the products labeled as made in russia. amazing, this detail, as an assessment of the current interaction between russia and china, is amazing. in all areas, from history to trade. nahid babaev, georgy ugarov, dmitry kolidin and marina gusarova, ntv, harbin, people's republic of china. immediately after the opening of the expo, vladimir putin had a conversation with the deputy chairman of the chinese people's republic of han jenom. first of all
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, thank you for accompanying me our delegation for. they have already contributed a substantial one. here is the development of bilateral relations, i hope we will do a lot more together to achieve the goals that we want to set, we will be glad to see you on the eastern economic platform, the northeast of china has been connected with russia for many years of cooperation, a joint struggle for independence. during his visit, vladimir putin discussed , among other things, the ukrainian issue in detail the president spoke with chairman sidinpin in a format reported by the assistant to the russian head of state. the chinese leader, in turn , said: for a settlement, a new
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security structure in the world is needed, and elements of this system are now being created by russian fighters in the zone of a special military operation. the units are pushing back the militants in all directions. one of the hottest spots now is the city of chasov yar in the donetsk people's republic. the russian ministry of defense published footage of the ivanovo paratroopers working on an enemy stronghold in the area of ​​this strategically important settlement. crews of hail installations are on duty around the clock and are ready to strike enemy fortifications at any moment, as soon as reconnaissance provides the coordinates of the targets. many kilometers from the contact line , iskander complexes of the southern group of russian troops operate. from the moment the order is received to the launch of the ultra-precision munition , only a few minutes pass. the range of the missiles makes it possible to strike the rear areas of militants, disrupting the enemy’s delivery of weapons and equipment to the front line. but already directly
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russian assault troops are working on the front line with air support from the ground. it is their strength, courage and professionalism that forms the line of contact with ukrainian militants. gradually and steadily moving further and further to the west. evgeniy golovanov from the south donetsk direction of the special operation. when here, not far from the front line, you move like this along forest belts, the military call them forest regiments, you can clearly hear the birds chirping. it’s spring after all, you can listen. but in fact, it’s better not to listen to these birds, the enemy birds the copters that fly here often have to strain your ears. in order to catch this nasty buzzing sound in advance , have time to hide in the greenery, the nightingale trills of a cavalcade somewhere in the distance and the noise of helicopters flying nearby, we get to the location of the assault unit of the motorized rifle group of the vostok group. equip
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the stores, it is better to take with you maximum ammunition, grenades and bayonet knives, if you have to engage in hand-to-hand combat, they will storm the ukrainian positions after dark, as has already happened. again, there's no one there at all we observe, along the trench, along the trench to the north, move north, forward, forward, forward, there should be cover, there should be cover, one of the ukrainian oporniki under the fruitful eyes of the operator of a reconnaissance drone with a thermal imager, he leads russian attack aircraft, controlling literally every one of them a step, or as they say here, highlights, everything is correct, everything is correct, move, move, move forward, there is shelter another 15-20 meters ahead, now there are holes, there will be holes there, holes are dugouts in which people take shelter. nationalists, the task of the unit is to knock them out of there or, if possible, to take them prisoner, they moved out in the dark at night, approached secretly, we were lucky, we sneaked up unnoticed, they screwed us, in general, they had a tripwire there from the beginning, too, when
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they threw a grenade, it exploded this stretch, then we slowly made our way in a chain gradually, the whole assault took no more than half an hour, first a shooting battle ensued, then hand grenades were used, we... suggested that the two of us take turns shouting all the way, well, when we entered, every they shouted for several minutes, suggesting that everything would be handed over quickly, in response they fired back and threw back grenades. well , there was no choice, we tried shouting at them to surrender, well, in general, we just threw grenades, there was no time for jokes, that’s it, handsome, handsome, come on, come on, come on, come on , move on, move on, the grenades have worked, that’s it come in, come in, as it turns out later, this opornik was held by four ukrainian militants, but despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, they took him, the three of us worked well together, we ourselves in general i almost understand without words, you just already know what actions need to be taken. when a person looks around with a questioning look in his eyes, you already understand that you
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have to do something, that it is no longer possible to stay in place, something must be done, otherwise we may remain there, when in the neighboring trenches the ukrainians realized that russian assaults came in, they opened fire on them, they started working on them, they are trying, and they are constantly firing at any of our movements, if the observer did not see our advance. this there will definitely be a couple of mints that will fly in, if not a mine, then a drone, which means a komikaze will fly in, and he did, but our attack aircraft remained out of sight of the ukrainian birds, thanks to one trick, know-how, we entered in the dark, yeah, covered with anti-drone cries , it saved, it helped, in principle, that we entered quietly, they didn’t see us, we didn’t linger too quickly, but the operator of the russian drone quickly found a nearby enemy shelter, where was he leading from? at that moment
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our infantry fighting vehicles were making their way from the left flank, ukrainian artillery tried to hold back their advance, but it’s clear, now the hail has worked, now it’s unclear, the battle went on until dawn, and the attack aircraft that occupied the trenches, the ukrainian military tried to knock them out with the support of armored vehicles, kept crawling in. golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special operation. russia
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is ready to expand the supply of humanitarian aid to residents of the gaza strip, but this can only be done truly effectively if there is a ceasefire and a stop to israel’s military operation in the strip. this was reported in our medical department. at the same time, the us congress had recently passed a law obliging the current administration to ensure uninterrupted supplies of weapons to israel. this is the response of congressmen to the hesitations of president biden, who, on the one hand , declares unconditional support for his ally, on the other, seriously fears escalation in the entire middle east region, tension there is really growing, so the leaders of the arab world called for an international investigation into israel’s actions in the gas sector , this statement has been accepted summit in bahrain. arab leaders also condemned, i quote, israel's unprecedented violations of international and humanitarian law , including.
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elizaveta hertsson is monitoring the development of the so-called campus intifada. british tv presenter christie, who himself did not study at oxford, describes students protesting against israeli actions in a pejorative manner. these are excellent students, but without top marks at oxford university. enroll, dyed their hair pink, put on masks and decided to live in their own shit in the middle of a field. we visited the camp and revealed obvious exaggerations, this is how the dry toilet is located, the tents are not pitched in the field, on the lawn in front of the university building. the area is quite clean, some even climb into the tent without boots, the students’ hair is natural shades. of all of the above , only masks have materialized; students are not afraid of covid, but of expulsion, hiding their faces. from television cameras, we have been protesting for a long time, we started even before october 7, while all our protests were
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ineffective, and we decided to escalate, inspired by the us prime minister. escalation, in addition to setting up tents, is that the students hung slogans around the perimeter of the camp and wrote a letter with demands to the university administration. provide an annual full report of the university's assets and investments, immediately sell all shares in all weapons. student protests take place in the midst of the session, it begins a little earlier than in russia, students claim that right here in tents they are preparing for exams , right here they are going to tests, however, participation in these protests does not at all guarantee them a pass in political science, rather vice versa. the university is boycotting calls
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from students to boycott israel, but they did not disperse young people, as in america, in england, but at columbia university. new york, after the administration refused students dialogue, the students refused the administration an office and seized it. the university building was then recaptured by police and more than a hundred people were arrested. the police said that the instigators are not students, that the protesters have their own, not scientific, but leaders. however, the tent camp administration of the colombian left the university, some. the students were not kicked out, they were released. one student showed up to her graduation ceremony in new york wearing symbolic handcuffs that made it difficult for her to carry out her political act in support of palestine. she awkwardly tore up her diploma. however, once it cools down, she will be able to request a duplicate. at the free university of berlin , police taught free students to obey orders after youths refused
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to dismantle a similar tent camp. in the camp near oxford there is still silence, he stands the tenth day, sublast - it’s already like a real hike, but no tourist romance, no bonfires, no songs with a guitar, definitely no stew. for some courses , the last day of study is today, so the deadline for the end of this student campaign against israel is close. the administration of oxford university can rest assured, students who are in the fight for peace.
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would help promote on the international market, but now the motives are obviously different. general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov revealed what new name may appear for superdjet aircraft. in an interview with bc , he confirmed that this brand will be abandoned ; he said that the yakovlev corporation is also developing superjets for ms-21 aircraft, and therefore it is possible that the superjets will be renamed yakovlev. this will not be the first rebranding for them. in a previous life, when boeing was still involved in the project, this aircraft was called russian regional jet. then boeing left in 2007, the plane was renamed the dry superjet 100. about the new unified name for russian civil aircraft in the united aircraft manufacturing corporations spoke back in nineteen. experts saw the logic in the fact that it would be more convenient to promote aircraft on the international
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market, if only because the name of the dry superjet 100 is associated more with military aircraft. now. the problem with international supplies has been resolved by itself, there is more and more talk about import substitution of superjets, soon they promise even domestic engines, in the current conditions it is quite logical that import substitution has reached the name. in march, the kommersant newspaper wrote, that the program for the delivery of all import-substituted domestic aircraft is being delayed by 2 years because they do not have time to test them on time. the russian stock market begins the seventh day in a row with growth, obviously, private investors continue. buy shares expecting dividends. the dollar has fallen in price against the ruble for 4 days in a row, and is trying to make up for it before the weekend, but so far it all looks uncertain, the dollar and the euro are both rising in price, but only by 7 kopecks. sales of used passenger cars in russia have almost stopped, as autostat calculated, in in april, russians resold a little more than
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half a million cars, which is only 1.5% more than in march twenty-four. for comparison, in march... sales grew by more than 26% per month, in february by 23%. last month , lada remained the most popular brand; its used cars were sold almost 20% more than a year ago. next, by a large margin, are the japanese and koreans, toyota, kia, hyundai and nissan. specifically by model, the bestsellers were the lada 21.07, the commoner seven, and the lado 21.14. both of them have been out of production for a long time. from april a procedure has been established for additional import duties on cars imported into russia through the countries of the eurasian economic union. now, as the executive told vedomosti. autostat sergei udolov imports fewer new and used cars into russia, and prices have increased. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina
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pimenova, for business news. and now the footage that we received during the release from harbin, vladimir putin, as part of his trip, visited the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, the only operating orthodox church in harbin. services are held there on sundays and religious holidays. let me remind you that the russian leader is on a state visit to china; the day before he had an extensive program in beijing. next, a short advertisement, after which we will talk about the consequences of the may frosts, how many crops were damaged, and also that, in addition to vaccination, it will help protect against the consequences of tick bites. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from
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one bank to another. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not easy.
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experts assure that the country’s food security will not be affected, and edmund dzholbynov found out what will happen to prices. we approach, look, touch, touch, the same leaves stand with a stake. sudden may frosts took gardeners by surprise in several regions of russia. tulips, beaten, everything, hats bent, beaten. all the bushes were helped by an ordinary bucket, covered, saved, and if summer residents are in a bad mood, but the situation as a whole is not critical, then professional farmers are at risk from the sale of farm products, because what will ultimately happen to the fruit and grain harvest is still unclear; quite large areas are affected by frosts, but the main damage is in the central in russia, about 21 regions suffered from returning cold weather, from the may
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frosts, but in general, if we say that... from the total sown area, but that on a national scale is nothing more than a statistical error, for a specific there is already serious damage to the farmer, if you think that we won’t get a harvest, then it’s millions there, the neighbors have to replant 500 to 600 hectares there, they have already sprouted the gerova that they sowed, all the frost killed them, the seed of doubt has taken root farmers of the voronezh region, they understand everything relatively simply, what goes around comes around, but what to do if, unlike the same spring wheat, the apple tree cannot be replanted so quickly, voronezh apples are sold in chain stores in many regions, during these frosts, and then in the following days, almost all of our harvest was lost, here the ovary is well represented, it is all dead, an apple will not grow from this ovary, the chisy regime was carried out due to frosts in the rostov, volgograd and oryol
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regions, and earlier in tambov, lipetsk. and voronezh. this decision should help local farmers receive insurance benefits. in the rostov region, for example, crops were damaged or lost in almost all areas. crops were damaged on an area of ​​more than 140 hectares. true, the total cultivated area of ​​the region is almost 5 million hectares, so the country's food security is not in danger, the ministry of agriculture assured. the crops that we sowed this spring, unfortunately they suffered, but that’s okay, we ’ll do the work and sow them again. we are with such stories. regularly, but this year, unfortunately, the volumes are slightly higher than usual, for example, the total area of ​​damaged land in the same voronezh region with plants killed or damaged by frost is 266 hectares. at the same time , the regional budget does not provide for additional payments to affected farmers, however, local officials plan to turn to the ministry of agriculture for support and convince them that there is no need to fear price surges after temperature changes. to date , nothing has affected prices, prices are stable,
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as they were, as they are. moreover, we have a carryover balance, as for grain, we still have 1,800 tons of it on the farms of the last harvest, and i want to say that this year we expect a normal harvest, the calculations are now being carried out by district commissions together with farmers, for whom it is important to understand what do you need reseeding whether the frozen sprouts really died, or they will survive, but will lose productivity, in any case, a decrease in the yield awaits us, analysts are already overestimating, well, in the range of about 5-10 million tons, from frosts to a minus from the total harvest, that’s nothing critical, according to the president of the russian grain union, this year the forecast for the grain harvest was within 145 million tons, so if in the end it is 135 or even 130, then the export potential will simply decrease slightly, because in any case no more than 85 are used within the country million
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tons and even despite the decline in export volumes, our country, experts assure, will not lose its leadership in the volume of wheat supplies to world markets. edmund zhelbunov, alexey sidorov, irina prochakovskaya, ntv television company. since the beginning of the spring season , more than 75,000 people across the country have consulted doctors due to tick bites. according to experts, if previously it was believed that carriers of dangerous diseases live in siberia in the far east, now more and more cases are occurring in central russia. repina figured out how to protect health family as possible. the fedorichev family from the ulyanovsk region has three children and one dog, a young german shepherd, rubin. rubin has recently grown up and now they walk with him not only in the yard, but in the forest, and where there is a forest, there are ticks. here he is, not only active, i would say, he is hyperactive. doesn't walk on paved paths. he definitely needs to go somewhere through the bushes onto the grass.
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accordingly, we... have been available to insurers in russia for about 10 years now; in general , this product is in demand due to the fact that it is not terribly expensive, which means on average an insurance product with a basic package, which is called a package, it costs from 200 to 600 rubles. how does it work like any additional medical insurance, that is, vhi, tick insurance - this is a very narrow variety of it. in case of a bite, the insurance company will send you to a clinic or hospital to remove the tick, have it tested, if... the patient is given immunoglobulins, the doctors asked, but his left side is always drooping, i say: no, of course, vanya was already seeing double. 3 years ago, vanya lomakina from the family of a rural priest from in the leningrad region, i was bitten by a tick, and not even in
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the forest, right next to the house. vanya developed a fever, began to see double, and paralyzed the left half of her body. the boy was taken first to tikhven, then by helicopter to st. petersburg. it was tick-borne encephalitis. who developed epilepsy, at the end of the third year he began to walk, before that he could not walk, he was in a serious condition, his left hand does not work well, he cannot even pick up a glass. more than a million rubles are needed for rehabilitation. we recently collected them with your help, perhaps you saw a story about vanya is on the air today. at the moment, the child needs constant support, medication support, this is a very expensive treatment.
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soyuz 21b with spacecraft on board, the launch was carried out by the russian aerospace forces, everything went as usual on board, as the department reported, the devices are in the interests of the ministry of defense, a progress cargo ship is scheduled to launch from plesetsk at the end of may, it will deliver a russian one. iss crew member provides fresh fruits and vegetables. and finally we return to harbin. vladimir putin visits the polytechnic university. this educational institution has extensive connections with leading russian universities, including moscow state university, bauman university and spbu st. petersburg state university.
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the president toured the museum exhibition of the university and at this moment communicated with students, graduate students and teachers. details of this meeting on the second day of the russian leader's state visit to the prc. look in the next news releases. that's all for me, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. how to reduce joint pain without harm stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if you get worried when the weather changes. joints , take rheumoflex, it helps reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid, rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, evgenia neronskaya is with you, about the weather for tomorrow.
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cooling has arrived in the center of european territory, but literally for one day, tomorrow the rains will stop, the sun will come out and during the day it will again be about 15°. in smolensk, bryansk and kursk it is closer to 20. the weather is gradually getting better in the south as well. the remnants, with the exception of mountainous regions, will cease, temperatures will instantly react in the kuban, crimea, in the lower reaches of the volga-idon +20-22, in the stavropol region a little lower. the anticyclone, despite its nordic character, allows the sun to actively warm the air in the northwest. indicators on the shores of the baltic do not lag behind those in the south. in the kaliningrad region +23 sunny. the same temperature in the pskov and novgorod regions will become warmer even in karelia; in petrozavodsk it is already about 20°. the coldest part of the anticyclone will be reached. coma, in the northeast it’s almost zero. in the capitals tomorrow there will be beautiful sunny weather, in st. petersburg it will be +23, in moscow it will be up to 20 degrees.


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