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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to china, what is the president's program in harbin? the prognosis is encouraging; slovakia was told about the prime minister’s condition after the assassination attempts. him. sales of used cars are falling in russia. what is the reason? we'll tell you in business news. it's tick season, how to protect yourself from dangerous insect bites? about the main thing, for this minute, in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. today is the second day of a busy program of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. the president came to harbin polytechnic university, where he held the meeting. with chinese, russian
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students and teachers. putin noted that the university is one of the leading chinese scientific and technological innovation centers; it has been inextricably linked with russia since the first years of its existence. the president called the university a source of personnel for the chinese nuclear industry. its graduates participate in the implementation of rusatom projects for the construction of power units of russian design in the territory of the people's republic of china. putin paid special attention to long-distance cooperation eastern russia with the border areas of china. here in china. in the province in this in harbin, here our friends, your senior comrades, have long been on the path of creating preferential regimes for the development of these territories, this province, and it is working out well, here we need to be very attentive to what we are doing and exchange experiences , use each other’s experience in order to create the best conditions, so...
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the same applies to, say, aviation, now in russia we are faced with these restrictions, but there is a flip side to the coin, yes, it’s not very good that we are faced with these difficulties, but the good thing is that this encourages us to work more intensively on our own work in this area, another direction is our helicopter manufacturing - our chinese friends at one time made an offer and a request to work together on creating a heavy helicopter, so in this direction we are moving quite successfully, i hope together we will create a good machine based on our heavy helicopter. also on at a meeting with students and teachers of the kharabin university, vladimir putin spoke about russian-chinese plans for the exploration of the moon. the president called
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one of the central events in harbin today, the beginning of the eighth russian-chinese trade and industrial exhibition expo, very interesting and promising. vladimir putin took part in the opening ceremony. now this is one of the key platforms for interaction between business circles of the two countries. nakhit babaev, about how the russian leader was greeted in harbin. harbin, perhaps the most russian city in china. it is also sometimes called eastern moscow. founded in 1898.
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not only was it founded by the russians, but they also liberated it. vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers who died in battles for the freedom of china. it was the red army with the assistance of russian townspeople and chinese partisans in august. in 1945, she expelled the japanese from harbin. hellundian province borders five russian regions. there are 12 border crossings here. russia's share in the province's international trade is 3/4. and the key place here is occupied by expo exhibitions, which are held every 2 years. there are hundreds of companies on one site in dozens of regions from tver to kamchatka. vladimir putin took part in the official opening ceremony of the exhibition. just now. we laid flowers at the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers, and would like to express great gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who preserve the memory of our soldiers, liberators and joint pages
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of military glory, and take care of the common historical, spiritual, cultural heritage. relations between russia and china are developing within the framework of strategic interaction, that is, the country. are ready to develop those areas that have an economic effect. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns with environmentally friendly, affordable energy, light and heat. large-scale joint projects are being implemented in the field of industrial cooperation, chinese automakers are actively entering the russian market, programs for the creation of a wide-haul... long-haul aircraft are being promoted, heavy civil helicopter. let me emphasize: russia not only welcomes the spirit of chinese business to localize production on our territory. we are ready to provide investors from china with economic benefits, assistance and support, as well as access to the unique russian
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technological base and our highly qualified personnel. over the past 5 years, trade between the countries has doubled from 111 billion dollars to 240, although that’s correct. will not count everything in rubles and yuan, because more than 90% of payments are between our companies go in national currencies, so 22 trillion rubles or more than one and a half trillion yuan. we certainly see great potential for deepening connections between the russian far east and the northeast of the people's republic of china. i would like to take this opportunity to invite chinese friends to the ninth eastern economic forum, which will take place in vladivostok.
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there was an assassination attempt, it becomes more reassuring, hungarian foreign minister peter szijjarta spoke about this after a telephone conversation with full responsibility chairman of the slovak parliament petr ziga. the diplomat noted that it will take a few more days before we can talk about recovery. fitz is currently in the roosevelt hospital in
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banska bystrica. and the doctors managed to stabilize his condition. they tried to kill the sovac prime minister in the city of gandlova in the west of the country. the attacker, seventy- one-year-old juraj tsintula, opened fire when fitz. went to his supporters to shake their hands. according to slovak television, the man fired five shots within 2.5 seconds later it became known that the attacker was a loner and had previously participated in protests against the authorities, but was not a member of radical groups. the republic's ministry of internal affairs believes that the crime was politically motivated; the attacker faces 25 years in prison to life imprisonment. the state corporation rostec reported how the superjet aircraft could be renamed, and their commercial operation has begun. 13 years ago, further on the air business news, denis talalaev is with us, denis, why a new name in principle? well, before the foreign one a brand for russian aircraft would help promote on the international market, now the motives are obviously different. general director
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of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov revealed what new name the superjet aircraft might have. in an interview with rbc , he confirmed that this brand will be abandoned. said that the development of superjets, the development and superjets of ms-21 aircraft is carried out by the yakovlev corporation, and therefore, perhaps the superjets will be renamed yakovlev, for them this will be... not the first rebranding in a past life, when in the boeing company also participated in the project. this plane was called russian regional jet, russian regional aircraft. then booing left in 2007, the plane was renamed the dry super jet 100. and the united aircraft corporation was talking about a new unified name for russian civil aircraft back in 1919. then experts saw the logic that it would be more convenient to promote aircraft on the international market, if only because the name was dry superjet sto. still associated more with military aircraft. now the problem is with international deliveries decided on
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its own, there is more and more talk about import substitution of superjets, soon they promise even a domestic engine. and in the current conditions, it is quite logical that import substitution has reached the name too. in march , the kommersant newspaper wrote that the program for the supply of all import-substituted domestic aircraft was being delayed by 2 years because they did not have time to test them on time. sales of used cars in russia have stopped growing actively, as calculated by the autostat agency; in april, russians resold approximately 51,000 cars, which is only one and a half percent more when compared with march; for comparison, in march sales grew by 26% over the month, in february by 23%. autostat executive director sergei odolov tells the vedomosti newspaper that the same thing happened in the new car market in april. even decreased compared to march, and he explains all this by the fact that from april 1 , the procedure for calculating the recycling
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fee for cars that came to russia as parallel imports from the eac countries, these are armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, changed. in as a result, says sergei udolov, prices have risen, and now fewer new and used cars are being imported into russia. the best-selling car on the russian secondary market is lada 21.07, aka vaz 21.07, aka seven. vaz classic, this model was produced from 1982 to 2012. russians bought sevens in april, approximately 12,000 units. in second place is another greeting from the past - lada 2114. third place goes to kia rio, which in modern realities is also a kind of past of the russian car market. the russian stock market is in the black for the seventh day in a row. obviously investors continue to buy shares expecting dividends. domestic companies, the dollar fell in price against the ruble for 4 days in a row, but before the weekend the strength of
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the domestic currency almost ran out, as a result, the dollar is now 91, the euro is 98.78. more than half of russians are forced to overwork, these were the results of a study of work services and online platforms for part-time work, writes forbes magazine. 56% of respondents said that they regularly work overtime, and another 32... the bank emphasized that due to a shortage of personnel , enterprises have to raise wages employees, regardless of
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performance results, which may have a negative impact on inflation. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. since the beginning of the spring season, more than 75 thousand people across the country have consulted doctors due to tick bites. as reported by rospotrebnadzor, most of the victims were in the sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk, and tyumen regions. if previously it was believed that carriers of dangerous diseases live in siberia in the far east, now more and more cases are occurring in the central russia. moreover, children who do not notice insect bites are at risk. alina repina knows how to protect the health of her family and pets. the fedorishchev family from the ulyanovsk region has three children and one dog - a young german shepherd, rubin. ruby has recently grown up, and now people walk with him not only in the yard, but in the forest, and where there is a forest, there are ticks. he... he’s so not even active, i would say he’s hyperactive, he
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doesn’t walk on paved paths, he always has to go somewhere through the bushes onto the grass, so we along with it, where are the ticks in the grass? to protect the family from bites, the eldest of the children, jaana, decided to try protection against ticks online, it’s like online protection from the evil eye, of course not, jana could at least apply for an insurance policy online in case one of her relatives... means on on average , an insurance product with a basic package, which is called a package, costs from 200 to 600 rubles. yana’s experience confirms these words, only that in a couple of clicks and 360 rubles. i insured my dad in case of a bite for 2 million rubles a year. dad, well that's it, the policy has arrived, everything is ready. how it works? like any additional
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health insurance, that is, dms, tick insurance is a very narrow type of it. when. i started, but i doubled and tripled, he said: i had such a serious attack from my mother, i, i have two beds. 3 years ago, vanya lomakin, from the family of a rural priest from the leningrad region, was bitten by a tick, and not even in the forest, right near the house. vanya developed a fever, began to see double, and paralyzed the left half of her body.
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the boy was taken first to tikhven, then by helicopter to st. petersburg. it was tick-borne encephalitis, after. constant support, medication at the moment, the child needs support, this is a very expensive treatment, this treatment includes ivs, all kinds of drugs, medicines, whether to insure yourself or
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not is an individual choice for everyone, however, it is much more important to insure yourself. the launch was carried out by the russian aerospace forces, everything went as usual, on board, as reported by the department of the apparatus in the interests of the ministry of defense, at the end of may from presetsk the launch of the progress cargo ship ms-27 is planned; it will deliver fresh fruits and vegetables to the russian crew members of the international space station. well, back to the topic of
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vladimir putin’s visit to china. at these moments , the president is giving a press conference to russian journalists. one of the questions that... was raised about the situation in ukraine, all today's authorities in kiev, the source of their origin has a coup d'etat, this is the source of today's power in ukraine, first, second, allowing the coup d'etat, and western sponsors are contributing by organizing for him, they created conditions for...
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belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious that they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a zone security, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, but as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, well, the president also reminded that... after yet another deception of the west at the negotiations in 2022, russia must now understand with whom may deal with resolving the situation in ukraine. on that’s all we have for now, go to... ru, there’s even more news, see you, only at
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