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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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fighters from all over the country came to the competition, masters of sports, prize-winners of championships, these people are all active employees, those who protect peace, our ordinary citizens, however, in these fights, as the participants themselves admit , sometimes it is harder than in training, i’m an athlete, it was hard for anyone to get through here, i pushed 6 kg under this weight and it was hard, guys of the master of sports level also perform here; they just ca n’t breathe a little, but they perform combat missions, the victory cup is dedicated to the anniversary. defeat of nazi troops was first held in 2010, before only fighters of the elite units of the russian guard, maroon berets, special forces who passed through the hottest spots on the planet could get here, they freed hostages in moscow and other cities, carried out counter-terrorism operations in the north caucasus, it is not without reason that their motto is always on guard . more than twenty masters of sports of russia are taking part in our event, many athletes-at-grade, including candidates and masters of sports. in the future, based on
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the results of this championship, a the national team of the russian guard to perform among the federal executive authorities, but this is not a closed club of interests, everyone can watch the battles , here you can hold in your hands the weapons that the russian guard use when performing combat missions, sit behind the wheel of a buggy or, say, come to exercise, which is carried out daily by twice olympic boxing champion alexey tishchenko, the competition ends tomorrow, pavel kuznetsov, and that’s all, thank you for your attention, today in our program, russian with chinese, brothers forever, the power of the east, the chinese reception of vladimir.
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today we will start with communications from harbin, the second final day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china took place in this city. the program was very intense, we will tell you about it briefly, in harbin, which is sometimes also called the most russian city in china, nikolai nikolaevich will not let you lie. vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers, and then he visited an orthodox church, the only one in the city, by the way, and handed over an icon to the monastery saved by man made. now you are just seeing these shots, then vladimir putin solemnly opened the russian-chinese expo exhibition, the forum on interregional cooperation went to the polytechnic university, there he communicated not only with the robot, you saw this, but also with students who for some reason - then they immediately started asking about chinese cuisine, what he liked best, but putin remembered his lunch with sidzenping and said that he liked peking duck so much that, contrary to his own traditions, he ate two pieces at once instead of that... one thing, well, then there was
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a final briefing, there were questions about a special military operation, vladimir putin said that our offensive in the kharkov direction is connected with the creation of a sanitary zone in response to shelling of our cities, plans to take kharkov “it’s not under control now,” putin added. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas.
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agreed on ukraine, in general they both both putin and xi said that they are not against the ideas of some kind of negotiations, while sidzenpin clarified that beijing will support peace initiatives only if both kiev and moscow participate in them. well, the russian president clarified to this that before this we need to understand who exactly in kiev we can deal with. but the swiss conference on the so-called peace formula, which is due to take place in a month, looks less and less presentable. it is known that... will not be represented there, russia was simply not invited there, but the countries of the global the south, seeing all this, one after another, say that there is nothing to do there without russia, this is what brazil, the brazilian leader luiz enacio lula dasilva, and the south african president cyrille romofos are already saying, and if the brazilian openly says that if there
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are negotiations without moscow - it’s not the negotiations that won’t participate in the conference, but the south african country, which more diplomatically states that the president has a very busy schedule, is very busy, well, it won’t work out, that’s who is definitely not striving for peace... it’s ukraine. at night on friday, kiev carried out one of the largest attacks on russian territory since the beginning of hostilities; our air defense intercepted more than a hundred drones over four russian regions. most of the drones , according to the defense department, were shot down over kuban and crimea. in addition, six unmanned boats that were heading towards the peninsula were destroyed. according to the head of the krasnodar region, veniamin kondratyev, drones.
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we didn’t do it, in general, it was somehow a little scary. let's see the plot. as soon as vladimir putin’s plane landed at beijing airport, the western press immediately compared how the russian leader was greeted and those who flew to xiyi jinping before him, the us secretary of state and the german chancellor. the cnn television channel drew attention to the fact that for the sake of western guests , the chinese did not bother themselves with either a ceremonial punishment or a red carpet.
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moscow and beijing want to strengthen the alliance to reshape the world order. the british guardian writes that china intends to challenge us dominance in everything from quantum computing to synthetic biology. according to the bbc, putin in the russian-chinese tandem is entitled to the quote "the dirtiest job."
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after a trip to europe and negotiations with macron. from this they drew a strange conclusion. this is a triumph for sidinpin, because vladimir putin is very happy to stand. well, the times newspaper correspondent admitted with undisguised regret that neither europe nor the united states is able to prevent
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the strengthening of cooperation between russia and china. for them, a multipolar world order is not one in which all countries are equal, where luxembourg has the same weight in the un security council as america or china. what they want is a world divided into regional blocs. they want to be able to handle things in their own backyards the way they see fit. after such compliments from pasha zarubin, we can go to china , but in fact this is a very important moment, when you don’t know what to discuss on air, here’s putin and xi, what, what did they agree on, what to expect from this new one, apparently union, china and russia, what it will be like, let’s better discuss russian correspondent, here we can spend 15 minutes of time on this, well , hello, pasha, of course, respect, respect, yes, and a big hello to the french, because then it works out.
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macron, who cannot understand who his main owner is, either the united states, or exchange for china, that is, china really never declares, this is not in the rules, we must always understand that it is not in china’s rules to declare to someone war, which means the desire for world hegemony at the beginning is hegemony, then a declaration, yes, then there is, of course, china has directed all its efforts. on the broad front of the confrontation between the west, this is industrial expansion, which is now trying to limit, and there are a lot
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of facts, that is, at the moment there is an important, most important visit in the entire structure of china, about this too, well, wait, if you agreed with me, let's try it in a simpler way, not the way chinese politics and diplomacy are structured, but the way i am structured, and absolutely like a sleeper of a live tv presenter, is that what they should be afraid of? i mean europeans americans, putin once again met with si, they met 40 at a time, yes, in my opinion, he just loves the number four, so he just rounded it up more well, today’s visit is the last one, why is it dangerous, what are the risks? for the west, well, first - switzerland, that is, this is essentially an undermining of switzerland; second - the military-industrial complex, belausov was appointed minister of defense for a reason, he had very close contacts along the line of parallel imports, that is. we are talking about the creation of new production facilities, saturating russia with components and machines, which is already
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went up after september '22, on a large scale, that is, at least these two points are already very much frightening the west against the backdrop of the lack of supplies from ukraine, and we understand that this visit is taking place against the backdrop of a large-scale offensive by russian troops in the kharkov direction, in fact this is another strategic defeat for the united states, that is, this is indeed, in a sense, a triumph for sidinpin, but not only a triumph, a triumph for the big two. and everything looked so rosy for nikolai nikolaevich, to me i really like listening to this, i would listen and listen, but maybe there are some pitfalls, you know, of course, you and i can hardly judge who worked how and where, we don’t have such information, but let’s proceed from , if there is no classified information, let's proceed from what is on the surface, this can also be analyzed. we know that - this time more than half of the government went, many people were new, many people
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were rearranged, but what is the west afraid of, if in fact there were more than 40 visits, this not the first visit, in general, and they see perfectly well that in the area of, say, military exercises , our contacts are constantly intensifying, that is, from the thirteenth to the twenty-third year we had, if my memory serves me right, somewhere around twenty joint military exercises, and in the twenty-second year alone there were about six, that is, constantly. everything is quite obvious, even without any conspiracy theories, the west, western countries, the same united states in general, those countries that we include in the west, they have been for the last 500 years develop as hegemonic countries, as countries that come somewhere at the expense of military force, gain a foothold there, destroy , begin to pump out resources, or in some other way, these countries have nato resources,
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now they are different, yes, so, in fact, these are the resources nato is different, and the resources are...
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that for 3 months now there has been an extremely difficult situation with financial payments, but it ’s not the chinese who came up with this, they are blocking chinese banks, they are looking for some way out of this, again, clarify the question with you right away , you say, here are chinese banks, yes there really are problems, and you were waiting for what it means that the si and putin will come out and say, we have solved everything here, or they will simply agree to resolve this issue, obviously so that it is an american one.
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no, no, that’s why, you know, china, by the way, just to look again, china in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 sharply increased its exports to ukraine, including those products that are used by the ukrainian armed forces, so what? let's be realistic, china will continue to play its game, we should not think about the details of the products, tell us what exactly he supplies yes. chips, what kind of chips, in detail, what it supplies for the armed forces of ukraine, specifically, already speak to the end, there is no need to create a shadow-weaving, accuse china of supplying weapons to ukraine, to say this directly is not weapons, i would even.
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goes bankrupt, and deliveries through our territory, and military, military products go to ukraine, aladimoroch first said to the ukrainian armed forces, but then he said that it’s like that to ukraine, yes, in
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general, a big barrel of honey and a small fly in the ointment have completely changed places, we now have a big barrel of tar, not even tar, right here, one hundred percent anton valevich began to object, come on then, listen, we have some other plot, well, yes, how it goes, let’s take it one step at a time, you asked the question why the united states and the west categorically do not like what is happening, this visit is categorically, well, i asked it a little differently, but in principle it can be like this, do they really have reason to be afraid, there is a basic story that in their plans, here is their entire sanctions policy, everything else should have been lead to the fact that russia should not have left money, this means it should have been isolated to a limited extent in terms of selling its resources to some products; russia should not have had any money left for what it needed.
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we are the fifth in ten trade wars, in the end, it means the first visit, why, by the way, like this, such a beautiful visit, because according to the protocol there are different types of visits, there is an official visit, a working one, it was a state visit, it is generally any person, according to the president’s protocol, can head of state use his authority once per time, they understand the level, yes what an impressive delegation, what a conversation, just during isolation you understand, putin’s visits are very eye-catching.
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if you look carefully in their statements, well , there is clear support for each other’s political course, support for sovereignty, what else do you need to understand, so that the level,
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there is nothing new here, we need about military cooperation, about military cooperation a couple more words to say, because words of military cooperation always excite the western press, not only the press, the minister of finance of the united states the states are also very afraid of this word, but nevertheless, military cooperation from the point of view of... the open part, but even there changes are visible over the last year. the west is concerned about the growing military cooperation between moscow and beijing. according to the financial times, the joint exercise program has expanded significantly over the past 6 years. now these are joint naval maneuvers and patrols using strategic aviation. two weeks ago , american intelligence officers devoted a report to russian-chinese military cooperation. we we see them, china and russia conducting joint exercises in connection with taiwan for the first time. "we recognize that this is a place where china definitely wants russia to work with it, and we see no reason why they shouldn't. the
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washington post goes further and writes that taiwan's successes on the ukrainian front depend on russia's success on the ukrainian front. " beijing's plans are being closely monitored in china, every move of the west against russia is being recorded in order to lay straw for the future. xi is especially interested in a russian victory in ukraine, because it can. influence his long-standing ambitions to take control of taiwan. everyone is closely watching what price putin will pay for using military force in ukraine, and what the punishment from the west will be. the white house has already announced new sanctions against chinese companies for helping russia. at the beginning of april, the head of the american ministry of finance, janet yelin , showed up in beijing and warned chinese banks against violating anti-russian sanctions, but less than a month has passed, and the state department is already incredibly concerned about the supply of military products. secretary of state blinken promises anti-chinese sanctions and an early visit to beijing. what really worries us is the support that china is providing to russia in
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rebuilding its defenses. let's arrange something like this, is there anything that can somehow influence it? well, first of all , i would like to say that this visit of putin to china is, first of all, a signal to the americans, this is a signal to the americans that china did not agree with the united states, they tried to put pressure on china, blinken, yelin and other american officials went there with the goal of exerting pressure, when they are actually asked how you can compensate for losses, that is, to do
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something pleasant... something for china, they cannot provide any economic advantages for china, that is, make concessions to china, they do not ready, but in response china says that yes, well, if you want to play this game, if you want to put pressure on us, well, let you suffer in this pressure, just like us, that is, yes, the united states has carrots and sticks for china, but they are not ready to share gingerbread with china times... we’re not ready to share, but this is such a pretentious visit of the russian president to china, that’s all, he uses this to show, look, yes, what if you don’t want to talk to us and agree on the issues that we important, you will get a rapprochement with russia, then what, then what kind of whips should the west get in response, so that, to say, they can do anything they want, here are sanctions against america
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against the chinese.
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latvia and estonia, okay, russia agreed with this, but then russia had its own red lines, ukraine, no, no, no, the west acted contrary to any, that is , in principle, any russian concerns were not considered, were not taken into account by the west, it was obvious that western pressure was increasing, sanctions pressure was increasing, the west was withdrawing from various agreements with russia that were reached with moscow back in soviet times, an agreement on...
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agreeing to neutrality, permanent neutrality of ukraine, that it will never join nato, they could agree and so on, why don’t they do? there are several reasons why they even brought themselves into this situation, when they are now confronting not only china, but china, russia, a number of other countries, iran, and so on.
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firstly, the triumphalism that developed politically and psychologically, including after the victory of the west over the soviet, played a role here.
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you just can’t afford it, it doesn’t work out, in general, in fact, we are now in a situation that neither ilyin nor lenin described, because china opposes the west immediately in the direction, then, that in the past the paradox is that it not only opposes as an economic capitalist, one of the strongest powers in the world, but at the same time as an ideological opponent, this number, just as a communist power, which everyone ignores, which, in principle, has disappeared from the confrontation global ideology.
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central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. europe's new powder keg is now slovakia? what forces are behind the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called pro-russian politician. oyster in flower
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sauce, peking duck, spotted perch in shrimp broth. what kind of political sauce was seasoned in the chinese dishes that the russian president was treated to in beijing? will the chinese peace plan for ukraine work? the beshimbayev case and its unexpected ending: the former minister, who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed the murder on a mobile phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and how he managed to pity the jury and the judge. this will be your central tv. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. with
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men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. viia superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and this part, let's start with statements from the russian foreign ministry, and specifically from the words of the deputy head of the department sergei ribkob, he gave an interview to the tas agency, describing the current manners of the american leadership, he used the expression political gopniks and said that the level of diplomatic relations with the united states could be lowered if washington continues to follow the path of escalation, this is connected not only with support for kiev with the supply of weapons there, but with plans to seize russian assets, however, that...
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kiev justified by the fact that it would be better to train fighters closer to the front line. in the united states , such initiatives have not yet been responded to with consent. the white house fears that when instructors are officially sent to the front, it will be necessary. involve nato air defense forces so that these instructors to protect, and this could drag the united states and europe into open conflict with russia. at the same time, as the new york times writes, the pentagon notes that sooner or later military instructors will still have to be sent to ukraine. the article sheds light on the scale of ukrainian mobilization. here are 150,000 recruits - this
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is exactly the number that appears in the official ukrainian request, and it is likely that these are the same conscripts who will go directly to the front line. at the same time in the american state department they recognize the very difficult situation now for the armed forces of ukraine, however, they continue to brag, they say that everything is not so hopeless, so we even found additional money to send you military aid, so don’t worry, the ukrainians will win together. obviously the situation is incredibly desperate, we know this is a difficult time, but we are also confident that military assistance can make a real difference on the battlefield. yesterday the secretary of state announced additional assistance.
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with reference to their sources, their sources they don’t name, they say that western countries are preparing coordinated diplomatic actions, this is a direct quote from the message to convince the president of ukraine to accept the principle of negotiations, they are doing this against the backdrop of a worsening situation for ukraine in the kharkov region, such is the breaking news, well,
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let’s go back for now to our topic, here are carrots and sticks for china, because you need to understand that the americans are putting pressure on china not just for cooperation with us, they have not had very good relations for quite a long time, such is the full-scale trade the war began under trump, then it subsided a little, but now the american white house is again trying to use some forgotten practices. biden increased the duties on chinese electric cars by four times, and also imposed 25% tariffs on batteries, semiconductors, steel and aluminum. in general, everything that is required for the production of electric cars. by the way, now the cheapest chinese car with an electric motor in the usa costs about 11 thousand dollars, that is, three times less than the cheapest american model tesla. judging by the statements, the united states decided to fight its competitor not only on its own territory, but wherever it could reach. i have made it clear that president biden and i
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will no longer accept this reality of the world market being flooded with artificially cheap chinese products.
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this is not an option for industrial countries like germany and sweden. yes, sweden is a big automobile manufacturing country, volvo and saab, i don’t know anymore, were
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bought by the chinese 500 years ago, so nikolai nikolaevich, let’s go back, the main contradiction should be our attention between the usa and china is leaving us, this is an economic contradiction, china is a rising economic giant that is trying to fill the whole world with its industrial products. the united states is a fading industrial power, including the only sphere that was the last bastion of technology. china is gradually taking this under its control, but the important point is what the europeans say or the americans mean about limiting china’s exports, that they say you have an excess supply, china cannot refuse excess supply, because it cannot consume the volume of production that it produces for the world within itself, it cannot, what does this mean, translated into simple language, the west proposes to china to deprive 600 million workers of work who are employed in export industries. quote from
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the context, he still proposes to create joint production, that is, this contradiction is unsolvable in principle, china cannot redirect, it produces 10 billion at a time with a population of 1.4 billion, it produces all the caviar in the world, which in general it does not consume this caviar, it produces 30% world automobile structure wants 50, wants to produce wide-body and therefore short-range aircraft, wants to produce locomotives and wants to flood the market with its infrastructure projects within the framework of one train one track, china and the usa are already leading a global industrial, economic already financial, because the yuan is already victoriously is going on all over the world, and the first victory is russia, let’s say frankly, we have had a certain substitution of the yuan dollar to a certain extent, then these are the countries of africa, latin america, and so on and so forth similar, in southeast asia, there is a global confrontation going on, as far as concerns.
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he may crawl back somewhere to the eighties or during the time of kisinger, no, this does not work, he also cannot give in on global issues, therefore, despite everything
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that he says, he will continue his policy and his line. alexey nikolaevich, well , about the chinese rising power, this was typical, well, maybe 10 years ago, today the chinese economy is sick, there is a huge amount of debt, there is a huge number of internal imbalances, and well, the american the economy is also not very healthy. but americans about americans, we don’t talk about their future, that means if we talk about the west, then no, if you don’t agree with the characterization of how the chinese trend is rising, the american trend is downward, you don’t agree with that either? this does not save china in any case, because china is not fit to be a global leader, a leading player in the global market due to , firstly, the limitations of its... economic capabilities, and secondly, they have there is no global development project that would be ready for the whole world, that is, a philosophical
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basis for well-being, there is a model of quality of life, the chinese have it... no, but it’s like an internal social structure, they also have a lot of their own problems, i won’t now to delve into this, that is, china still needs 50 years of development before they, or maybe 100, so that they can claim the second global leader, so the competition between china and the west, whether anton valerievich still has time or not, come on, just not really about the upward trend, downward, of course, this is a loud statement that there is a downward trend in the usa.
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yes, absolutely right, victor says, and now they are also proposing to raise it further, which means there are cochins or taxes on chinese ones, which means there are not only chemises, but also on chinese cars, because supposedly we cannot compete with them, but in reality this is a bad decision, because well, we’ll just deprive people as if it’s normal, we already have a chinese car in russia that costs two to three times what the same chinese car was, we were discussing when machines, then everyone built factories here and began to produce and stop here, that’s it,
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thank you very much, now we have a short break, let’s move on. already with a different topic. stars. the final. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems. but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum. tenkov is the only one. well, let's go to
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passions are always running high in our country, the premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting point of dtv, the place where everything becomes clear. and we continue, dear friends, i remind you that you have a week left in order to have time to buy a ticket somewhere to pyatigorsk, where i will be with you next saturday. on may 5, wait at the sofia palace of culture for a concert program, a different format, now we have a new topic, but first some disturbing, i say here without any irony, european news, van, yes, remember yesterday’s gloomy
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prophecy of andrei nikolaevich sedorchik, that the era of political terrorism is returning to europe, that’s a prophecy, it looks like it’s starting to come true, because that after the assassination attempt of the slovak prime minister robert fitz, a lot of his fellow ministers instantly received similar threats, this terrorist octopus, he is now trying to launch his tentacles all over europe, so because of what was received after the attack on fitz threats, it was decided to strengthen the security of polish prime minister donald tusk. in confirmation, he published a screenshot on social networks with one of the messages he received, it said that tusk should be shot following the example of fits. in belgium, things have already come to the point of lawsuits, because the belgian prime minister...
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in reports he was called the next target after fitz, later local law enforcement officials reported that they had detained a man with some dark intentions, he was suspected of planning an assassination attempt on the head of serbia, the state fitz himself after the assassination attempt is assessed as severe, it is reported that after the operation he is conscious, however... he can only speak in short remarks, on monday the issue of his transfer from the regional hospital, where he was taken immediately after the assassination attempts, will be decided on to the capital for rehabilitation .
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the prime minister of hungary and his long-time ally viktor orban spoke about fitz’s condition; he said that even if the slovak prime minister recovers, he will not be able to work for several months. and now is a critical moment, on the eve of the elections in european parliament, they will take place in early june. let's go.
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think about new methods for ensuring order on the streets of russian cities, well , the direction of this thinking is such that it would be necessary to use different video surveillance systems, plus a unified biometric system there somehow like this, here the reaction naturally begins a certain part of society, which doesn’t seem to like all this very much, calls it a digital concentration camp there. and so on and so on, that's kind of big my brother is already watching us, and here he won’t let us take a step in peace. it’s clear and the direction is possible, here’s a digital one, what a concentration camp we have, let’s go over this plot again from the very beginning. the state council commission on digitalization proposed introducing automatic fines for minor administrative violations; they propose to punish for illegally crossing the street, smoking, drinking alcohol in...
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they want to keep order with the help of artificial intelligence and cameras within the smart city system, their number in russia is already approaching to million. you know that in russia we have more than a million cameras that monitor security; in fact, every third camera is connected to a facial recognition system, which means that all the cameras that are on the roads automatically recognize license plates, and here artificial intelligence has already fully justified itself. in this it looks like we are going to focus on china. there is already a smart city system in place there. in large cities, security cameras are installed on the streets, subways, and shopping centers. the chinese system is not it simply records violations and also warns those who are about to violate traffic rules or public order. cameras not only recognize people, but also analyze their movement. by gait, body position, facial expression, the computer determines the intention to commit offenses and warns of danger. for example,
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that it is now prohibited to cross the road. a year ago, a video filmed at one of the pedestrian crossings went viral on social networks. the motion detection system displayed violators along with their personal data on road advertising screen. there is a big tv near the traffic light, when people pass at red, this camera takes pictures and his face will show on the tv, and it will be a shame for him, he won’t do that again. experts say that cameras with facial recognition alone are not enough to operate such an automatic system in russia. it is expected that the ministry of digital development will help combine the smart city system with the biometric data base of russians. this is not just an image of a person, but his personal data, the iris of the eye and a voice sample. now i will collect the image, look at the camera, don't blink. banks have been collecting biometrics of russians since 2017. telecom providers and
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some commercial companies. now the statistics are such that the database contains biometric data of every second russian. the number of biometric samples in storage reached almost 70 million as of february 2024. and the fsb proposed to expand and speed up the collection of biometric data the day before. according to the kommersant newspaper, delivery biometrics may soon become one of the... conditions for obtaining a sim card, the state council sent a proposal to the ministry of digital development on the use of cameras with artificial intelligence, with the help of which in the future it will be possible to fight crime, while russian laws directly prohibit this. it is impossible to track criminals using a single biometric system; this is prohibited by law. the ministry of digital development does not study or discuss this issue. the system is in no way connected with city systems.
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video surveillance and cannot be used in operational investigative activities. however, the development of technological progress, as is clear, cannot be stopped; sooner or later conditions arise in our lives when, yes, i really understand that the law is already outdated, it needs to be revised, so andrei borisovich goes to the front flank of defense , because you don't like it, right? why don't you like all this? andrey? forgive me, but i want to be the first, i was just visiting my friend and colleague, he was the hero of your program, vladimir nosov, a third daughter was born, he joined.
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the problem in the state is that we are dying out, and at the same time they tell us that we need to increase the number of cameras, increase the amount of control, increase the amount of biometric data collection, then i have a question, that is, do you treat your population as potential criminals, do you you form an image in people that they should walk under constant control and feel like potential criminals in this way, and i will now explain why, because...
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all civilizations that have developed highly, who reached their peak, yes, for some reason they ended up captured and enslaved by barbarians, you see, the cameras did not save us from the terrorist attacks of crocus city, you know, and you just need to understand if we are initially in our details.
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right now, you live in moscow, yes, yes, you are now already walking under cameras, it’s just that these cameras that are filming may even recognize your face specifically, they just don’t issue any, they allow law enforcement agencies to observe if something happens, a proposal what is this, to give these cameras the opportunity to do some bad things to figure out people to grab them by some soft place, to give big brother and people the feeling that he is constantly sitting in his life.
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i saw quite a lot in one story, well, 40 cameras are serviced by about one person in the center of moscow at once, this is not bad, this is just good, i think this is good, these are the costs and controls that a colleague talks about, they were at that time , when it was not the cameras that were doing this, when
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people were doing the same control, the human factor, it turned control into a mockery of people, if there was artificial intelligence, of course , under the control of a person... by the way, i have a business idea, for those who produce smart speakers, please give me
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the opportunity to rename it, i want to call my column comrade major, directly address them, comrade major, turn on my music, distort it, and we ourselves - we install cameras, we install eavesdroppers, there is no smart speaker in the bedroom, no, there is one, the grandchildren will bring it , everything will be fine - not yet, we are installing it all ourselves. believes that this can be stopped, that it can be stopped now it’s impossible, you may like it, you may not like it, but when citizens choose between freedom and security, they will always choose security, well, you’re exaggerating a little, but why not choose security, no, why should you oppose security and freedom.
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decision and signs that i have established that there was an offense, here is a fine for the person, at the moment we have an automatic fine, so exactly, can i turn you a little into a different plane, because you began to answer so technologically, and i here's a little ethical and you do you think this is a restriction on free development, right? your activities, by and large , is this a restriction of the freedom of mr. karpov, because you are working to monitor the security or the behavior of vladimir viktorovich, thus limiting his freedom core, well, i would like to clarify that i am not in this area i’m working, i’m a little it’s you who are all so neat, well, okay, not you, your friends, yes, it’s just control, control, it must be justified, that is, if we yes, but how do you and your colleagues justify the need for such control? you never know, trushkin wants the camera to show who is yelling under his balcony, i don’t need it, i need to immediately
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issue a fine, a social contract, what society considers acceptable, what society considers unacceptable, if society considers something unacceptable, if we don’t have control, then these are these restrictions, these braids, they don’t play a role, because people, oh well, then let’s talk about technology, to you, this is how it can even work, it means there are numerous cameras, a man is walking, i don’t know there, and he’s singing... vodka right on the street, well, or not vodka or something like that, he’s doing something so bad, how can we continue to work, it means the camera captured a creature with a bottle , he sent this signal somewhere, can you describe it, how it might even look technologically? yes, one of the possible ways to implement this concept is perhaps, for example, the very fact of drinking is signaled, and you can even specify what exactly is being drunk, and then a message is sent to the operator someone who decides what to do there call. here it’s clear,
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because the car has a license plate, the person has a kind of this, then for this it turns out that we really need to take biometrics from him, we need to take his face in many planes, plus there is such a feature that we are unlikely ... we will find two similar people in the same place, they also have a geolocation link to the area where they live, and you can determine with an accuracy of 99.9 who it is in which city, so actually speaking, the main thing that is needed is to collect data from each citizen, but here i would like, can i interrupt you, in my opinion, it was almost a story with the st. petersburg terrorist attack, when there was an explosion in the subway, and then there was an incident, he very loud. they detained a man, and it was him, you remember it from the cameras there, basically they mixed it up, the camera accepted it, you just
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said that we were unlikely to find him, but it turns out we will.
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after all, she misrepresented herself and generally considers a man a woman, how many people need to process all this? well, right off the bat, i don't i can, because i don’t know the scale of the offenses, well, for example, in the city of moscow, but if we limit ourselves to the capital, our capital is usually a pioneer, well , it seems to me, listen, well, the further you go, the fewer of these people will be needed, it will develop again, all these are the ultimate goal - the presence of these operators to teach the system to react autonomously without human intervention.
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the information is automatically combined with a number, and technically a fine is immediately issued, period, this is what ivan wants in relation to people, what is being proposed now, what is the key difference? the key difference is the question of our personal data, including our personal biometric data, which is essentially our passport, which may be lost, may be stolen, and then we will never prove to you whether it was us or not , because this system can work like...
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the demon of a biometric unified system, but only at your request, if you are not ready, no one has the right to force you, and this is the key fork in the road along which it will continue to work legislation, whether to make this mandatory or not, if it is mandatory, then the accumulated database will be stored somewhere, who will ensure the preservation of these databases, recently general baranov spoke in the moscow city duma and we asked him questions about crimes associated with leaks of these databases.
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premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sber card, favorable deposit rates. cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in the branch. attacked by
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clear, in the last part we talked about some kind of future, maybe distant, maybe not very distant, in the present we already have more than a million cameras, they are working successfully, they are already issuing fines. in 2012, traffic violations in moscow began to be recorded by street cameras for the first time, and since then there have been photo and video recording systems. spread across many cities and learned to recognize exceeding the permissible speed limit, driving on a dedicated lane and talking on the phone while driving. last year, 220 million rulings were issued 141. billion rub. the basic camera is a tool for improving road safety . installed a camera, minus 15-20, 25% reduction in the number of road accidents during the pandemic, quarantine violators received fines. in moscow and several other cities with a population of over a million, doctors were required to take photographs of sick people and transfer them to the safe city system; of course, there were not millions of people fined there, but still.
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implementation made a significant contribution. moscow state program, safe city, this the system has shown its effectiveness in monitoring citizens’ compliance with the quarantine regime, with the help of which more than 200 citizens have been identified who violated it. and in april last year , moscow military registration and enlistment offices began using the capital's video surveillance system to recognize the faces of conscript draft dodgers. smart cameras capable of this are installed mainly in the subway, at entrances and exits inside. in large cities, the ministry of internal affairs can use a facial recognition system, there are cameras everywhere, including at every entrance, in this the system loads your passport photo, which is in the ministry of internal affairs database, in case you are detected by some kind of camera, it doesn’t matter, maybe in the subway, maybe near the entrance, but the ministry of internal affairs system immediately receives a signal that the person you need find, was noticed, for example, at such and such an address, connected in large cities, facial recognition systems and video surveillance cameras of intercoms, thanks to them they manage to solve
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most of the current domestic crimes, they record who came in and came out when. in advanced houses, residents can use cameras track those entering the house, open the door remotely through the application and issue codes for access to the entrance. it is clear that not everyone can keep up with even such everyday digitalization. i didn't recognize you. why don't you let me home? stand in front of the intercom camera at arm's length. mikhail nikolaevich, well, this is again an imperfection of the equipment.
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i didn’t give my biometrics to anyone anywhere, but nevertheless the camera recognized that it was he and he was detained, that is, we have a huge number of people walking around moscow and not only in moscow people wrapped in rags who wear clothes there that supposedly correspond to their religious beliefs and so on, the cameras will record these people in niqab and paranja, they said about the crocus, that supposedly the cameras helped to detain them, they didn’t help anything, in mean?
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in principle, 95% of it has never been observed by anyone , that is, this is a complete discredit of this code, a tool is appearing so that this code begins to be observed, why are we opposed to this, that is, we have documents, laws that have never been respected by anyone spitting on you on the street or for drinking, well, maybe i’m talking 95%, in 5% of cases the police happened to be nearby and did something to you, but otherwise, in principle , it turns out to be a completely toothless law.
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considered it possible for themselves, to put it mildly, to cooperate with organizations that certainly violated the law in our country, i mean navalny, fbk, that’s all, wait, this is not a bite, come on, come on, listen, let’s not do it now going into this topic about the dull voting, it’s smart and so on and so forth, then law enforcement agencies had questions for some of your colleagues, if i remember everything correctly, then here’s the touch, it hit, well, i remember incorrectly. yes, a high-profile crime is being committed in moscow, and at the same time, this man is being filmed, but the one who stabbed a man to death for making a remark, he is being filmed, that is, directly from the phone, this stopped him, no, well, he
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was detained, it helped to find him, helped find him, helped find him, but helped him, well look, but it doesn't prevent a crime, this is part of the game, this was a very important moment, but even then football broke down and now they use video replays, several
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funny cases: i accidentally paid in a store with my face, this happened to me because i tried to swipe my card, instead i pressed button to pay with your face and did you press such a button? there are already such buttons - yes, well, there are terminals like these, yes the terminal is these squares, and tomorrow it will ask you to relax with another part of the body, plus this when there was a pandemic this is another one of the curiosities i mean i didn’t want to pay i paid with my face but wait how did this happen i mean you ’ve already settled somewhere and where you don’t remember in one of the banks in one of the banks i gave my biometrics this the bank has arranged the terminals accordingly, that is, it turns out. employees of one of the departments of the capital were entered into the database
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that they were supposed to move freely around the city, but they were entered into the wrong database ; offenders were entered into the database, so every time the department employees entered the metro they were detained by the police and taken away for a conversation. then the car owner has a serious problem, try to dispute it, then the running around becomes fierce, and it’s easier to pay these unfortunate few hundred rubles instead of getting involved. with our state, we need to think about
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making the system of challenging easier, more convenient for people, otherwise we will get into trouble, so let’s take a pause again, sorry, we don’t fit into the regulations a little, the personal life of a dictator, some of you have oil rigs, there are palaces, there are vineyards, palaces and yachts that hiding... in different banks. from may 1, russians can
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business in alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. buy construction goods at low prices on avito. to make money on my savings, i open a tenkov deposit with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tenkov. he’s such a great deal at eldorado, super discounts and interest-free installments, we approve everyone of the pico spiral machine for only 24,999 and also in installments in emedi and eldorado. retirement is profitable with sberbank. for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. this is the meeting place on ntv, there is little
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time left, let's talk a little about the attitude of citizens towards such things. technical, technological innovation. according to surveys in cio, almost half of those surveyed have encountered the submission of biometric data, but only a third are actively in favor, in their opinion, this will help security and progress. well, that’s great, in fact, i’m fine with it, if that’s the case is moving towards technological progress, then this is one of the ways to identify a person, so if this procedure, so to speak, of geometric analysis is protected, then in principle this is good. both government and commercial structures have begun to actively use biometrics. old transport is gradually switching to terminals with payment, so to speak, in person. now you can enter the metro simply by smiling at the turnstile; of course, first, your face needs to be linked to an electronic wallet. we stand in a little black circle, look into
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camera and go through. devices that read biometrics have recently appeared in the capital's supermarkets.
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the scandal then erupted against the backdrop of a proposal not to allow children whose parents refused to collect biometric data to attend classes in schools. and according to the newspaper kommersant, they wanted to connect school cameras to a facial recognition system. parents complained to the prosecutor's office already in december 2022, the state duma adopted a law banning the forced collection of biometrics. according to the law , it is still prohibited to collect biometrics from minors at all. this can't be done it is forbidden. but now they want to run some schools in our country, but this would be a violation of the law, so sultan, please tell me, as a specialist, you can convince a doubting person that the future lies with these technologies? well, i would like to say that any technological process with humanity is always met with hostility,
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remember autopilot cars, now we have chinese everywhere on the roads, who are chinese cars, who... drive themselves , everyone is happy with this, everyone is used to it, everyone has adapted , and here it is worth considering that technology, at this stage they are perceived there as crude and unfinished, because, roughly speaking, they have not yet been taken up, no one has yet begun to fully implement all these ideas that are being discussed, but technologically, this is some kind of irrational fear, that they will be watching me there again, when they reproduce, like chipping,
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this is an inexorable progress that humanity will have to adapt to, and we just have to find it, and you yourself, you personally are ready now, your biometric data, data eyes, fingerprints, entrust this system, no matter what it is called, to some large state registry, knowing about all the flaws, but i would like to make a small blot here, taking into account how often we register on third-party non- state resources, we leave our telephone numbers and passport details,
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and inen was entered and in, entered, but the fact is that when inen was taken, normal people who opposed this, they did not say that this was the seal of satan or the antichrist, that it was...
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the deputies made a proposal for scooter riders and for sound level meters, and in order to install a sound level meter on all streets where it is too loud, on all scooters, where the corresponding cars drive, so that they immediately receive a fine of approximately 500 rubles for each noise violation. a resident of the moscow region received a message that her mother, who disappeared 22 years ago, was found,
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we found your mother, but the family has a death certificate issued 17 years ago. my grandmother put her on the all-russian wanted list, my mother was not found and they gave us a death certificate. alleged daughter hopes for a miracle, but she doesn’t remember her mother at all, because she last saw her when she was 9 years old. mom led a moral lifestyle, i ran to my grandmother when... they found out about this, they could kick me out in thirty-degree frost, a resurrected mother or a fraudster, they made requests, such a person does not exist, this is my daughter, how can i not recognize her , she was raised at home until her grandmother lured me away, you didn’t raise me, i grew up like a weed, for some reason i didn’t let anyone know about myself, there was no one for me, like no one, a woman who served in prison could take her data, i open the envelope, dna, today at 16:50, on ntv via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. as we age,
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, maybe in moscow, somewhere in some particular metropolis, this is possible.
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and there is such a good film, i think, from the time of my childhood, it’s called special opinion with tom cruise, there is a hero, in order to prove something that he has nothing to do with anything and is not guilty, he changes his distant future, changes his eyes so that the facial recognition system cannot recognize him and he goes somewhere, i tell everyone those who doubt the possibility of cameras, i advise you to rewatch this movie, remember that this is only fantasy, but spielberg turned out to be not the worst, maybe one of the best... friends got together, well, in a cafe, they sit, drink, ask one, listen, he says, tell me , how you have a new dress every day, how... how are you so are you doing? well, she’s already so drunk and says: yes, i’m stealing them, she says, how do i steal them? are you stealing? she says: yes, i’m stealing from the store, well, there are video cameras all around. every time i come to a new store, i go up to the sellers and say:
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there are girls, boys, i lost my wallet , let’s look at the cctv cameras where this happened, and if they say: oh, you know, we don’t have working cameras, there are only dummies of us, well then this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye! second day of vladimir's state visit putin to china, what are the preliminary results of the trip? it will not work to impose anything on russia, vladimir putin answered questions about the situation in ukraine. he underwent surgery in slovakia. talked about the condition of prime minister fitz after the assassination attempt. russians often overwork in which industries this is most noticeable, we will tell you in business news.


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