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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the capture of kharkov is not planned, and if it comes to signing any documents on the part of kiev, there must be legitimate authorities. the settlement in ukraine became the main topic, at least at vladimir putin’s press conference following the results.
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in siberia in the far east , ticks have become more active, there are already cases of infection with boroliosis encephalitis, insurance companies offer protection against bites, but alina repina was looking into whether the poles cover all the costs and how much it costs. a state of emergency was immediately introduced in several regions of russia due to the may zamoroskov , edmund zhilbunov found out how temperature fluctuations would affect the harvest of fruits and grains. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. today its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin's two-day state visit to china ended today. putin and xijen ping have met more than forty times as leaders of the two countries. they repeatedly.
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emphasized that their communication is warm and informal. this visit was the first foreign trip of the russian president after the inauguration. negotiations in beijing, which took place the day before, lasted until midnight; in addition to official events, they included communication in the tete-o-tet format over a cup of traditional chinese tea. today , vladimir putin told reporters that the issue of settlement in ukraine, including chinese peace initiatives, was discussed at an informal meeting. the president spoke about the impact of sanctions on the situation in...
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they did not refuse negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, they withdrew from the negotiation process, they stated that that they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us, they said that we would fight to the end, in fact, not to the end, to the last ukrainian. in more than an hour of communication with journalists, vladimir putin repeatedly reminded about the istanbul agreements, a document proscribed by ukrainian negotiators and which in at the last moment zelensky refused to sign at the instigation of the west, so that... everyone who has not yet understood has heard, the basis for negotiations has not gone away, but this knowledge will not be superfluous for the organizers of the swiss conference on ukrainian settlement, it is not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now they have begun to cry out, let ’s urgently have a conference there, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we are not inviting you, well, those, cinema, hello, we've arrived. and
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russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so we are not invited. on june 15, at the high alpine resort of bürgenstock, they want to gather as many countries as possible in order, as putin explained, to agree conditions under which kiev will agree to negotiations, and then present them to russia in the form of an ultimatum. this is unacceptable, especially considering what is happening on the battlefield; a lot has changed since the spring of twenty-two, but again, everything has already been said in the istanbul agreements. ukraine, they are spelled out in such a way that we still have to think about this, but in general this is the basis, they are spelled out by the ukrainian side, i think that not least, probably, if not for the detovka, then then with the consent of western sponsors, but everything is there strictly spelled out from the point of view of their interests, there is something there that was taken into account, bearing in mind the interests of russia in... they threw it out, they wanted,
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therefore, to gain an advantage on the battlefield, to achieve a strategic position, it didn’t work out, well, now you can find it our conditions have fallen out of the woodwork, or what? by the way, there is no need to talk about the global majority in the swiss... only this week the leaders of the g-20 members brazil and luard refused to participate, however, no matter how many countries sent their representatives to while away evening in the alpine meadows, the result can be assessed now, remembering a similar conference in saudi jidi in august last year, no breakthroughs happened there, which cannot be said about the advance of the russian armed forces in the kharkov direction, putin confirmed their effectiveness, active battles are underway near kharkov , they achieve success, like our military personnel.
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well, civilians are dying there, it’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we’ll be forced we will create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, but as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, the press was also worried about the prospect of the alleged contact of vladimir putin.
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signing some documents, of course, we must sign documents in such a fateful area with legitimate authorities. what about the olympic truce? asked the president. macron came up with such an initiative, proposing to take a break in ukraine in the gas sector. zelensky, by the way, immediately said that this was impossible, they say, who can he vouch for the russians? vladimir putin said that he welcomes the principles of olympism. but the frequency of this movement is hampered by the politicization of sports. isn't it strange to call moscow for a truce? by not allowing russian athletes to attend the summer games in paris, they are violating our relations, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that are dictated to us, this doesn’t occur to anyone , does this correspond to some
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basic norms? justice, there is nothing like that, they themselves violate, but from us they demand fulfillment, well, dear friends, we won’t be leaving for a long time. questions regarding direct russian-chinese relations were also raised, although rather in the form of clarifications: the leaders of the two countries have been stating an unprecedented level of trust in interaction for several years now, but there are some points: chinese banks, for example, are not always in a hurry to accept russian payments, fearing american sanctions, it’s possible to understand the motives behind the behavior of large financial institutions, but no one wants to suffer any losses. in connection with illegal, even illegal actions of the us authorities, but with such openly illegitimate policy of blackmail threats, putin emphasized, washington undermines the trust of the whole world in the dollar in the us itself. causes irreparable damage to oneself, that is, to put it trivially in our well-known sayings, they simply drink the soup on which
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they themselves are sitting, terrible stupidity. simply put, this is to our advantage, especially since russia has long and almost completely switched to payments in national currencies with china, which is especially important. nikita korzun, yulia agafonova and nikolai
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prague, ntv. vladimir putin spent today in harbin. this city has close ties with russia. it was once founded by russian settlers. these days there are no less connections. the dense chinese province of hellandian borders several russian regions. while in harbin at the expo , vladimir putin said that moscow would support joint projects with china and provide benefits to china. with details from harbin nakhit babaev. harbin is perhaps the most russian city in china; it is also sometimes called eastern moscow. founded in 1898 by russian railway engineer shedlovsky. svida is a typical russian city of the early 20th century, a pedestrian street, small buildings, 2-3 floors in the eclectic and neoclassical style. street name signs are also duplicated.
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harbin was not only founded by the russians, but also liberated. vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers who died in battles for the freedom of china. it was the red army, with the assistance of russian townspeople and chinese partisans, that drove the japanese out of harbin in august 1945. another iconic place russian harbin, which vladimir putin visited today - the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, this is the only operating orthodox church in harbin. heiliungzan province borders five russian regions and has 12 border crossings. russia's share in international trade in the province is 3/4. the expo exhibitions that take place here occupy a key place. every two years, on one site , dozens of regions, hundreds of companies from door to kamchatka. vladimir putin took part in
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the official opening ceremony of the exhibition. we have just laid flowers at the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers, and i would like to express great gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who preserve the memory of our liberating soldiers and joint pages of military glory. carefully. belong to the common historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. relations between russia and china are developing within the framework of strategic interaction, that is, the countries are ready to develop those areas that have an economic effect. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, environmentally friendly, accessible with energy, light and heat. large-scale joint projects are being implemented in the field of industrial cooperation, chinese automakers are actively entering the russian market,
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and programs for creating a wide-body long-range aircraft and a heavy civil helicopter are being promoted. let me emphasize: russia not only welcomes the spirit of chinese business to localize production on our territory, it is ready to provide investors with sparks, economic benefits, help and support, as well as access to unique russian. technological base, our highly qualified personnel. over the past 5 years, trade turnover between countries has doubled from 111 billion dollars to 240, although it would be more correct to count everything in rubles and yuan, because more than 90% of payments between our companies are in national currencies, so 22 trillion rubles or more than one and a half trillion yuan. we certainly see great potential for deepening ties between the russian far east and the northeast. chinese people's republic, taking this opportunity, i would like to invite chinese friends to the ninth
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eastern economic forum, which will be held in vladivostok in early september, where it will be possible to continue a detailed discussion of the possibilities of cooperation with russia, including in territories of advanced socio-economic development, where convenient preferential regimes for external investors. after the opening ceremony , the president. in the company of chinese vice president han jen walked around the exhibition, paying special attention to cooperation in sphere of peaceful atom. our joint projects can be used to create an entire city of the future with its own safe and green ecology, with its excellent medicine, with excellent transport corridors, but this is more about business, so the expo has opened for tasting and retail purchase of russian goods fair, the pavilion was crowded, honey, ice cream, strategic
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interaction involves joint scientific work. vladimir putin visited harbin polytechnic today university. by the way, it grew out of a russian-chinese school founded in 1920 . today the interaction continues. together with the baumman moscow state technical university and amur state university, they developed a satellite with the symbolic name friendship. about further development. joint projects vladimir putin spoke at a meeting with polytechnic students. construction of a new demonstration fast reactor is underway, in turn, with the active assistance of chinese partners in the moscow region. institute for nuclear research of russia is building a unique accelerator niko complex. i am absolutely sure that experiments and experiments at this collider will make it possible to make a truly world-class discovery. after the opening speech, vladimir putin agreed to answer the students’ questions, although he immediately
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warned: i’m not the internet, i won’t answer every question you have, but i’ll try to formulate it.
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with a little learning of the russian language in china, and the number of such people will certainly grow, you know what this is connected with, with a very simple circumstance: the volume of cooperation is increasing, enterprises, various types areas of activity require specialists who have both knowledge and the appropriate languages. it’s just that life itself requires the presence of such specialists. in the international arena, russia and china have long been speaking the same language, and the fact that vladimir putin made his first foreign state visit after his election to the celestial empire is another proof of this, so the famous line from the soviet song russian and chinese brothers forever remains relevant and today. nahid bavaev, georgy
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ugarov, dmitry kolidin and marina gusarova, ntv, kharvin, people's republic of china. today, the ministry of defense announced the movement of russian troops in the kharkov region. enemy losses in this direction in a week amounted to more than 100 people and 113 pieces of equipment. within a week , a unit of the vos north group, as a result of active actions, liberated 12 settlements in the kharkov region. borisovka, bogrovatka, gotishche, glubokaya, krasnaya, lukyantsy, morokhovets, ogurtsova, oleynikova, pletnevka.
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we are walking now, running, abandoning positions, well , we are working, guys, artillery is helping, everything, that is, well, we are denouncing our work, the enemy sees all this, of course, we are already a completely harmonious organism, well, he is afraid, then he is afraid, he is already defeated, unlike its predecessor, the tracked soncepio, the tosochka flamethrower system was installed on a wheeled chassis, the vehicle became more maneuverable and faster, including thanks to the reduced. in donbass, new positions were occupied by units of the vostok group. assault troops knock out the enemy from strongholds in the south donetsk direction near the village of urozhaina. evgeniy golovanov saw footage of the fighting captured by a drone camera
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and met with the participants in the next assault. when here, not far from the front line , you move like this along forest belts, the military call them forest regiments, you can perfectly hear the birds chirping, you can still listen to the spring, but in fact it’s better not to listen to these birds, the birds, the enemy copters that often fly here strain your ears to catch this nasty buzzing sound in advance we have time to take cover in the greenery, the undersalt trills of the canada somewhere in the distance and the noise of helicopters flying nearby... we get to the location of the assault unit of the motorized rifle group of the vostok group. equip the stores, it’s better to take maximum ammunition and grenades with you. and bayonet knives, if you have to engage in hand-to-hand combat, they will storm the ukrainian positions after dark, as has happened more than once, we don’t see anyone there at all, along the trench, along the trench to the north,
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move north, forward, forward, forward, there shelter, there must be shelter, one of the ukrainian oporniki under the productive eyes of the operator of a reconnaissance drone with a thermal imager, he leads russian attack aircraft, controlling literally their every step, or as they say here, highlights, everything is correct, everything is correct, move, move, move forward , the shelter is still 15-20 meters ahead, now there are holes, there will be holes there, the holes are dugouts in which ukrainian nationalists are hiding, the unit’s task is to knock them out of there or, if possible, take them prisoner, at night they moved out in the dark, secretive we got close, we were lucky, we sneaked up unnoticed, they screwed us, in general, they had a tripwire there from the beginning, too, when they threw a grenade, it exploded, and then they slowly made their way in a chain. gradually, the entire assault took no more than half an hour, first a shooting battle ensued, then hand grenades were used, we offered them two in turn, shouted all the way, well, when they entered,
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they shouted every few minutes, they suggested that everything would be handed over alive, in answer they fired back, threw back grenades, but there was no choice, we tried to shout at them to surrender, well, in general, we just threw grenades, there was no time for jokes, everything is handsome, handsome, come on, come on , come on, come on, move on, move on, the grenades have worked, keep coming in, come in. as it turns out, later, this opornik was held by four ukrainian militants, but despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, the three of us took it, a well-coordinated group of three, we, in general, almost understand ourselves without words, you just already know what actions need to be taken when man looks back with with a questioning look in your eyes, you already understand that you have to do something, it’s no longer possible to stay in place.
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at that moment , our infantry fighting vehicles were making their way from the left flank, the ukrainian artillery tried to hold back their advance, but it was even, now
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the hail had worked, now it’s unclear, the battle went on until dawn, and the ukrainian military tried to knock out the stormtroopers who occupied the trenches with the support of armored vehicles, they kept crawling, crawling, our the soldiers repelled several counterattacks, there were no losses, we are an assault unit, just infantry comes after us, the most important thing for us... polatochny town, why english students took up political camping and will they be dispersed like in america, about this from oxford, elizabeth gerson. fathergate,
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an investigation into corruption has begun in brussels, involving the head of the european commission, ursula fondern. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in teens with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. hey, this is what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. so, a samsung vacuum cleaner with a power of 1,600 w for 5,490. rbt, we make it comfortable. it’s not easy to catch the pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on! all! everyone
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can't get into oxford university they dyed their hair pink, put on these excellent students, and without top marks they wore masks and decided to live in their own shit in the middle of a field. we visited the camp and discovered obvious exaggerations: the dry closet is located, the tents are not pitched in the field, on the lawn in front of the university building. the territory is quite clean, some even climb into the tent without boots, the students’ hair is of natural shades, from all of
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the above. only masks have been sold, students are not afraid of covid, but of expulsion, hiding their faces from television cameras. we are protesting a long time ago, they started even before october 7, while all our protests. the escalation in addition to the installation of the wards is that the students hung slogans around the perimeter of the camp and wrote a letter to the university administration with demands. provide a full annual report on the university's assets and investments, immediately sell all shares in all weapons companies, cease all scientific cooperation, exchange programs and joint conferences with israeli ones. universities, the students did not receive an answer; perhaps they will receive it in the form of a grade in the exam. student protests take place in the midst of the session, it begins a little earlier than in russia, students claim that right here in the tents they are preparing for the exam, right
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here they go to tests, however, participation in these protests does not at all guarantee them an automatic pass in political science, rather the opposite. the university is boycotting student boycott calls. but leaders. however, the administration of columbia university left the tent camp. some students were not expelled, they were released. one of the students came to graduation in new york city in symbolic handcuffs that made it difficult for her to carry out her
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political act in support of palestine. she awkwardly tore up her diploma. however, once it cools down, she will be able to request a duplicate. at the free university of berlin, police taught free students to obey orders after... youth refused to close a similar tent camp. there is still silence in the camp near oxford; it has been there for ten days. in terms of duration, it’s already like a real hike, but no tourist romance, no bonfires, no guitar songs, definitely no stew. for some courses , the last day of study is today, so the deadline for the end of this student campaign against israel - the administration of oxford university can be calm, students who are hiding in tents in the fight for peace, afraid to show their faces, are unlikely to storm the old oxford educational building , and even more so on downing street. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin
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and maxim zaichenko, ntv television company, oxford. important economic news today concerns yandex, the company has reportedly completed the first stage of its division. we'll find out the details right now. joins us. denis talalaev, denis, how long will it take to complete the process? there's not long to wait, yandex has been living in a new way since august of this year. today it became known that the first stage of the division of yandex has been completed, yandex nv, registered in the netherlands, which was the parent company of yandex for more than 20 years, sold its 68% stake in the new parent company of yandex, which registered on oktyabrsky island in kaliningradskaya. region, this is a domestic offshore. the buyer was a consortium of investors, in which 35%, as reported, belongs to the yandex manager, and also includes structures of lukoil and three more private investors. they plan to finally close the deal in july, when yandex nv
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will sell another 28% of the shares to a consortium of investors. the total amount of the transaction is 475 billion rubles. this is taking into account the minimum 50% discount required by the authorities. after all. formally, the shares are sold by a company from a so-called unfriendly country. yandex nv will completely withdraw from yandex shareholders, by july 31 it will change its name and stop using yandex brands. as a result of the transaction, yandex nv, however, will retain the international parts of several yandex businesses, but will also change their name. currently, 45% of the voting shares in yandex&v belong to the company’s co-founder arkady voluzh. it is planned that the tenth. july on the moscow exchange, trading in shares of the dutch yandex&v will stop on the same day, trading in shares of the new parent company, the same one, will begin registered in kaliningrad. microsoft has begun to block access to russian corporate clients to its cloud
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product, the russian company softline reported. according to her, rolling subscription stops come in batches of 5-10 customers. microsoft promised to limit access to cloud services for russian clients at the end. however , no blocking had been noticed before; moreover, in may, windows and office updates became available to users with russian ip addresses without guilt in the association. software then newspaper the news said that the american company was looking for loopholes to remain on the russian market, and one of the newspaper’s interlocutors indicated that microsoft does not interfere with the supply of its products to russia through parallel imports. the russian stock market showed its seventh day of growth in a row. after the main trading on the moscow exchange closed today, rosstat reported that, according to its preliminary assessment, the russian economy grew in the first quarter by... 5.4%. previously, the central bank gave a much
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more modest estimate - 4.6. more from corporate news. the arbitration court of st. petersburg, leningrad region arrested part of the assets of the russian and german unicredit bank in the amount of approximately 463 million euros. the lawsuit was filed by kompanyals. it was established by gazprom and rusgazdobycha. the company demands to collect the debt from the unit under bank guarantees. the ruble today, by the end of trading, found the strength to rise in price again, but these forces are really not that much, as a result, the dollar at the end of the day was below 91, the euro 98.74. sales of used cars in russia have stopped growing actively, as the autostat agency calculated that in april russians resold approximately 510 thousand cars, which is only 15% more when compared with smart cars.
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autostat executive director sergei udolov tells the vedomosti newspaper that the same thing happened on the new car market; in april, sales decreased compared to march, and he explains all this by the fact that from april 1, the procedure for calculating the recycling fee for cars that were parallel imports has changed from eac countries, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan. as a result, he says, prices have risen. grew up and now fewer new and used cars are being imported into russia. the best-selling car on the russian secondary market is lada 21.07, aka vaz 2107, aka seven, in general, this is a vaz classic, the model was produced from 1982 to 2012. russians bought about 12 thousand sevens in april. in second place is another greeting from the past, lada 2114. third place goes to kia rio, which in modern
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realities is also a kind of past of the russian car market. more than half of russians are forced to recycle. these were the results service research work. and online platforms for part-time work, writes forbes magazine. 56% of respondents said they regularly work overtime, while another 32% do it occasionally. leader among industries in processing. transport and logistics, 71% work there more than expected. next come the agricultural industry, trade, and construction. the service explains to rabotyr that work hours are increasing due to a shortage of personnel. according to rosstat, in february unemployment in russia reached 2.8 to 2.8%. renewing the historical minimum again. previously in the central bank emphasized that due to a shortage of personnel, enterprises have to raise salaries of employees regardless of work results. what contributes to the growth of inflation, everything about the economy, thank you, denis
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talolaev with the economic review of the day. the belgian liege court today considered a case that is often called fisergate in the press. we are talking about the scandalous contract in brussels for the purchase of vaccines worth 35 billion euros at a price of up to 20 euros per dose, while experts estimated the cost of one dose at less than 3 dollar. the head of the european commission, ursula vonderleen , personally dealt with this issue and conducted correspondence. with the boss of the fizer company, traces of this correspondence disappeared, and the company of ursula heik vonderleen’s husband, associated with the production of fizer vaccines, unexpectedly received financial support from the eu budget. all this led to the filing of lawsuits in which the head of the european commission is accused of corruption, conflict of interest and hiding evidence. the governments of hungary and poland joined the two lawsuits from private individuals. at today's meeting in liege, recently the newly created eu prosecutor general's office tried to take this case away from the belgians. the court did not agree with this, but the final decision has not yet
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been made. many in europe are convinced that if the investigation is nevertheless transferred to the eu prosecutor, the case most likely will not be completed. this is the program today. and after a short advertisement we’ll tell you. in central russia, the urals, siberia, and the far east, ticks have become more active. there are already cases of infection with boroleosis encephalitis. insurance companies offer protection against bites, but do they cover all costs? straightaway in several regions of russia, a state of emergency was introduced due to the may frosts, how temperature fluctuations will affect the harvest of fruits and grains... filmed by edmund zhilbunov. am i any good? the best. am i useful? oh yeah. and you control me, regularly. oh, i’m
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the new vtb loyalty program. vtb. select the categories you want each month, such as clothing. can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. prochtoglivinol is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. well, why? isn't that so expensive? no, mom, it's not expensive at all. saved for my mother.
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alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month, withdraw cash from any atm for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, we need more modest costumes, dad, we’ve run out of internet, and minutes too, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free and receive bonus gigabytes.
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thank you for catching him? uncle lyosha, look at kion now. this is the program today, we continue our release. with the arrival of warm weather, many try to get out into nature more often: picnics, active games, walks, but a pleasant holiday in the forest or park can be overshadowed by an encounter with ticks; no one is immune from a bite. there is a danger of becoming infected with tick-borne encephalitis, if treatment is not started in time, its consequences can be very serious, and the peak of tick activity occurs right at... rubin has recently grown up and now they walk with him not only in the yard, but in the forest, and where with ticks. with us, he is not even active, i would say, he is
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hyperactive, he does not walk on asphalt paths, he always goes somewhere through the bushes, onto the grass, so we are with him. where are the ticks in our grass? to protect the family from bites, the eldest of the children, jaana, decided to try protection against ticks online, it’s like online protection from the evil eye, of course not, jana can at least take out an insurance policy online in case one of her relatives if bitten by ticks, god forbid they develop health problems. insurers in russia have had similar programs for about 10 years now. in general, the product is in demand due to the fact that it is not terribly expensive. this means that on average an insurance product with a basic one, which is called a package, costs 200 to 600 rubles. yana’s experience confirms these words, just that in a couple of clicks and... 50 rubles. i insured my dad in case of a bite for 2 million rubles a year. dad, that’s it, the policy has arrived, everything is ready. how
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it works? like any additional medical insurance, that is, vhi, insurance against ticks - this is a very narrow variety of it. in case of a bite, the insurance company will send you to a clinic or hospital to remove the tick, have it tested, and , if the tick is sick, administer immunoglobulins. the insurance includes hospitalization, including...
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a helicopter to st. petersburg, it was a tick borne the boy was taken first to tikhven, then for encephalitis, after which epilepsy began, by the end of the third year he began to walk, before that he could not walk, there was heavy condition, her left hand doesn’t work well, she can’t even pick up a glass, more than a million rubles are needed for rehabilitation, we recently collected them with your help, you may have seen the story on the air of the program today, insurance against tick bites could help in the van, and yes and no, the insurance includes consultations with doctors and hospital stays during the first months after the bite, vanya was already bitten by a tick 3 years ago, and the main amount of the fee was not for doctor’s appointments, it was for medications, which the child currently needs constant... support, medicinal support, this is a very expensive treatment, this treatment includes ivs, all kinds
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of drugs, medicines, whether to insure yourself or not is an individual choice for everyone, however, it is much more important to insure yourself with a vaccination, vaccination against pleba encephalitis is included in the vaccination calendar. free for children over 15 months and for people over 60 years of age. alena repina and irina savateeva. ntv. this year's may frosts became a serious test for farmers. crops were damaged area about 9. hectares. the bad weather affected almost all crops and affected large agricultural regions. however, there is time to promptly replant dead plants. and this work has already begun. the ministry of agriculture clarified that the frosts affected about 1% of the entire sown area and generally did not affect food security. but what to do with fruit trees? apple harvest this year? edmund dzhelbunov found out. we approach, look, touch, touch.
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the same leaves melt in a stake. sudden may frosts took gardeners by surprise in several regions of russia at once. tulips, beaten, everything, hats bent, beaten. gartensiu saved all the bushes, an ordinary bucket helped, they covered her and saved her. and if summer residents are in a bad mood, but the situation as a whole is not critical, then professional farmers’ income from the sale of farm products is at risk, because what will ultimately happen to the fruit and grain harvest is still unclear. quite large areas are affected by frost, but the main damage is in central russia, such areas as voronezh, lipetsk, tambov, went with a decent lead, the early spring allowed, in general, the weather conditions, early with...
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there, these, these are millions, the neighbors have replanted 500, 600 hectares each, they have already sprouted geraniums, which they sowed, all the frost killed them. a seed of doubt has taken root among the farmers of the voronezh region, they understand that in the fields everything is relatively simple, what you sow, what you reap, but what to do if, unlike the same spring wheat, the apple tree cannot be replanted so quickly, voronezh apples are sold in chain stores in many regions, during these frosts, and then in the following days, almost all of our harvest was lost. here the ovary is well represented, it is all dead, an apple will no longer
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grow from this ovary, it is already crumbling, it has dried up, in addition, it has suffered... still young shoots, the crop was lost on an area of ​​more than a thousand hectares, hundreds of millions of rubles. because of the zamoros, the ches regime was carried out in the rostov, volgograd and oryol regions, and earlier in the tambov, lipetsk and voronezh regions. this decision should help local farmers receive insurance payments. in the rostov region, for example, crops were damaged or killed in almost all areas, crops were damaged on an area of ​​more than 140,000 hectares, although the total cultivated area of ​​the region is almost 5 million hectares. so the country’s food security is not threatened, the ministry of agriculture assured. the crops that we sowed this spring, they unfortunately did not suffer, well, that’s okay, we will do the work and sow them again, we encounter such situations regularly, but this year, unfortunately, the volumes are slightly higher than usually. for example, the total area of ​​damaged land in the same voronezh region with plants killed or damaged by frost is 266,000 hectares.
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of course, this will not affect the whole of russia, it will affect profitability. enterprises where this emergency occurred, and this is precisely the fact that an agricultural producer who insured his crops could receive certain payments. at the same time, the regional budget does not provide for additional payments to affected farmers, but local officials plan to turn to the ministry of agriculture for support and convince them that there is no need to fear price surges after temperature changes. to date there has been no impact. on prices, prices are stable, as they were, as they are, especially since we have a carryover balance, as for grain, we still have 1,800 tons of it on the farms of the last harvest, and i want to say that this year we expect a normal harvest for there to be some kind of explosion in prices, i don’t think it will happen,
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however, how exactly did the may frosts affect for the grain harvest, it’s too early to say, because the calculations are now being carried out by district commissions together with farmers, for whom it is important to understand that it is necessary to replant whether the frozen sprouts have died or whether they will survive, but will lose productivity. in any case, a reduction in the harvest awaits us, and analysts are already overestimating, well, in the range of approximately 5-10 million tons, and the frosts will be a minus from the total. harvest, this is nothing critical, according to the president of the russian grain union, this year the forecast for the grain harvest was within 145 million tons, so if in the end it is 135 or even 130, it means that the export potential will simply decrease slightly, because in any case no more than 85 million tons are used within the country, and even despite the decrease in export volumes, our country, experts say, will not lose its leadership in the volume of wheat supplies to
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world markets. edmund zhelbunov, alexey sidorov, well, now is the time to find out the forecast, weather forecast for the coming weekend, irina polikova joins us. irina, weather in the capital today it was almost summer, what about the weekend? it will be summer without almost any, all forecast models are confident, our weather is now very positive, even despite the fact that at night a cold atmospheric front passed through the central regions, because it passed modestly, even quietly, with little rain, because behind this front there was only a little. cool air, he sent it to us, tomorrow the front will reach the lower volga, the middle one will pour quite a bit, but after the front the atmospheric pressure rises, which means the anticyclone will begin to deal with the weather, this is the most successful synoptic scenario for us, the sun will be above the horizon for as long as possible, it will try to eliminate all temperature losses in the center in the black soil plus 15-20, even better in the northwest up to +24, and there they are warmest in the south
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, even the northern petrozavodsk, england are still winning against the south, but in general the southern weather is set to improve, where the approach to the may norm is scheduled for the beginning of next week. i will continue about the weather after the break. don't know where to invest your savings profitably? ural siib bank presents a special offer for new clients, deposit-income with a high rate of up to 16.5% per annum. you can open a deposit in branches throughout russia, reliably and conveniently. if when the weather changes. bothers the joints, take rheumoflex, it helps reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels, rheumoflex - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels, i prevent its deposition in the joints.
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revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. and the capital in st. petersburg is already an unconditional summer +24, sunny, in moscow there is also sun, so far the maximum is +19, on sunday it’s still a little warmer, then a little more... glad, because we have already worked through all the spring cold, excellent forecast, irin , thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina palyakova, these are the main news, by this hour detective dolphin is right now, at 22:15 the premiere, detective series emergency exit, but we igor poletaet, yaina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
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it’s artyom petrovich’s birthday, today is my birthday, and this is my katyukha’s, the wife who puts up with me. so many years, congratulations, hello wife, thank you.
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no, no, the eyebrows are different, they look like these, confidently, yes, it seems, he lowered his head, it’s not visible, he still needs to make a scar above his left eyebrow. let's do it, the main thing is to choose which one, small, as if the eyebrow is cut, yes, pavel maksimovich, i'm listening, yeah, okay, i'll come in, right, i have to go, right, but this scar looks similar, yeah, just do it less, and when everything is ready, i’ll let you know, okay, idiots, what are you doing, look, you’ve died, suffer from good bullshit, keep your distance.


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