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tv   Delfin  NTV  May 17, 2024 8:00pm-10:16pm MSK

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but this scar looks similar, just make it smaller, and when everything is ready, let me know, okay, idiots, what are you doing, look, i’m nervous, suffer from good bullshit, keep your distance. well, let's go, yeah, let's go, yes,
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what is it, i've arrived, uncle, i don't understand anything, pavel maksimovich, artyom kormchiy was killed a year ago, the suspect was detained. what does this have to do with the arson and murders we are dealing with now? well, first of all, we don’t deal with arson, i remind you once again. and secondly, it’s like everyday life, but the helmsman, the customs inspector. he worked in the same port where all our strings stretch. the suspect in this case was then a certain mikheev, nicknamed mikhey. yes. the court found the evidence insufficient and released micah. the case fell apart. but our
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colleagues from starororossiysk, in connection with the murder of the slaughterhouse, dug up very interesting information: this very slaughterhouse, it turns out, had serious conflicts with that same helmsman, apparently, he crossed his path somewhere in the port, the case of the murder of the helmsman, of course, was raised again, well, that one yesterday mikheev himself suddenly suddenly decided to confess to the murder of a customs officer, why? what suddenly? so i’m thinking, from what? all this is too suspicious, we need to understand what influenced him, who from the investigative committee was in charge of the case, should we talk? will not work. why? the case was handled by larisa mirskaya, that’s how it is! interesting, the girls dance four to a row, and 1.08.
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okay, arthur, there, take your testimony, i ’ll drop by a little later, come on, great, great, listen, i’m sorry for jerking you, but you can see for yourself, i thought the dashing nineties were long over, yes and i don’t remember that in our region they worked like that, what can you say, i was just informed that borovikov’s cottage was on fire last night. a war of clans is planned, and with such
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methods, you know how many more people will suffer, maybe it’s good at least next if you didn’t go on the bus and you’re still giggling and giggling , okay, what are you funny, okay, i’ll go, come on , and take me to the department forever, so this is with me, yes, of course i’ll take the honest people now , i’ll wait, let him pull out the truck, well, uncle andrey gave us his room, he moved into the living room, while we’ll live here, we’ll see later it will be a great den, i like it, who is this? uncle andrey in childhood, funny, yeah.
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mom, are you two together now? why do you think so? i told you, his sister moved into stepanovich’s house. and uncle andrei invited us to live here temporarily, mom, well, i ’m not little anymore, i understand everything, oh, what people, danya, it’s great, dear, wow, how you matured, got stronger, well, how did you study, how was the environment, not no one offended me, it was hard, of course, but i decided to leave until the end, because if... quit halfway, then it will be a shame, suddenly until the end there was nothing left, that’s right, golden words, hold on to five, i’m really, danka, it’s so easy to see each other, i dropped by for a minute, they’re waiting for me in the pre-trial detention center, and what is a pre-trial detention center , when you grow up, you’ll find out, what are you talking about? oh, well, it just jumped out at me, so
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settle down, let’s drop by in the evening, we’ll talk to you again, i understand, okay, mom, what’s wrong with... and don’t bother your head with all this nonsense, let’s sort things out, let’s go, well, boss, how do you like my cleanliness? eternal, read, cried, who inspired, conscience, lord awakened, as if by god, or maybe something else, let me now, my friend, put everything in order again, tell me in detail, but that means i was walking down
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the street, familiar to me from childhood, without... this is me in rhyme, cross it out, write again i was in a drunken state, ran into some evil devil, started asking me questions about what and how, what was in the backpack, but i couldn’t resist eliminating it as a misunderstanding, as you promised me the details, just like that, what kind of knife
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would it be. cows are jagged, like a sea cow, i found them on the beach, draw them! the knife, of course, was thrown into the sea. tell me, micah, you’re rushing to the zone like this, will
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your fun wait for you? i said, i don’t have anyone, convoy! if you see him, what's not to like? well, grandma is a better cook. i promise i'll fix it tonight. what it is? stepanovsky does this repair. where's my sketchbook? yes. it looks like they took everything, it should be there in the box, i’ll finish it later.
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so where is my album? not here, i don’t know, maybe stepanovna forgot after all. i ’ll ask later, i have to go to work now, don’t forget to change clothes, i’ll bring it, wait for the stack, there’s a little left, it’s running out, why? ok.
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hoard, oh, oh, oh, oh, give me your hand, pull me, let go, let go, ugh, oh, be healthy, thank you, who are you anyway, and daniel, what, inkin, or something, uh-huh, come on, pick it up me. oh, and i’m henrieta stepanovna, gerneta?
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henrieta, she's got two tons, uh-huh, oh, my album, i came for it, what album, come on, give me, give me, give me, quickly show me, and these are all drawings, i'm not interested, you know, drawing at all , this is not a man’s job, come on, help me tidy everything up here, come on, come on, come on. this is something for a real man, over there, come on, go help, but on this side, over there, the box, how tired am i? and what am i doing here, like everyone else, resting, good, good, how are you, bad? why bad? it’s bad that i didn’t know from seabreeze before, this is
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a star show, a grand finale, and what a finale! in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until it hits me again. moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing is very, moscow, friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are dying, because you are extinguishing them, what are you talking about, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried that i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov away with sparring. today
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six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, apep may help. it helps restore memory and attention. discover the world of sports with our collection of products for an active lifestyle, confident style and unsurpassed quality, buy with discounts at wildbriss, an additional 15% discount has been extended, choose clothes, shoes, accessories at ozone, use the promotional code. it will be added to the already existing discounts; buy more profitably with the spring promotional code.
8:15 pm
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8:16 pm
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i don’t understand why my department received documents on the missing jewelry from the yacht, brooches, pendants, earrings, hairpins, in fact, this decoration should be sent to mikhalovich, he’s the one contacted me, and i’ll send it to you, look at the description of the search of the house of those caught, maybe something matches, they were specialists in yachts, the victim hasn’t been on the yacht for a month, so it’s not clear when it was stolen. well, indeed, yes, let’s check something else, pal maksimovich, tell me, evgeniy
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vasilyevich. what is your business with kharunzhiy? sereda reports on the clashes between your relative and the younger borovikov arthur, they are starting a hot phase, they still can’t divide the land for construction. it is in this context that i have a question for you. i'm with him i don't contact. but i have other information. what do you mean, comrade lieutenant colonel, you met with him, handed over some documents, but don’t be nervous, sit down, i
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’m under surveillance, that means they organized me, met him twice. my wife asked me to hand over the documents on their joint plot of land, she herself doesn’t want to see him, she can’t stand him, so i had to hand him over, they are dividing up the property that they inherited from their parents, clearly, could you really think that i, i haven’t thought of anything yet, i’m collecting information. evgeniy vasilyevich, no more contacts, and if i said no, that’s understandable, understandable. you helped me a lot, come on, come on,
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gobble it up, gain strength, i can’t take it anymore, thank you, i haven’t eaten anything tastier, and so, so, this is what stepanych and i drew, in real life. i never thought that my brother draws, why? yes, because it’s not a man’s business, but i like to draw, he told me, and i drew, yes, come on, show me, there’s an entrance to an underwater cave somewhere, where? come on, move on. did he tell you about the entrance? well, yes, during the war there was a bunker in which weapons were stored and repairs were made to the submarine. listen,
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did he tell you how to find this entrance? well, he said that he was in this bay and that first he needed to see a dolphin, so who should he see? oh, your damn thing is on fire. oh, damn, you were on fire, my god.
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he killed and drew with his left hand, here’s a knife, he drew it exactly, uh-huh, that means we ’ve already leaked the necessary information, i decided to incriminate myself, at someone’s behest, why him? well, everything is clear here, he was already involved in this case, there are more chances to believe a sincere confession, someone really doesn’t want to dig into the details of the relationship between the helmsman and the fighter, but i wonder what micah did after the murder? did he become a suspect by chance or did someone purposefully set him up? what are you talking about? larisa mirskaya was involved in this case, maybe she had personal reasons for imprisoning this
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micah? are you hinting too hard? so why not? shall i talk to this little arthur guy? well, talk, but only carefully. yes, by the way, you have a formal reason for the visit. he has today at night the cottages were set on fire. done, oh, and at the same time alek will have a snack, i didn’t have time to have breakfast with all this showdown, as i already wanted to ask for time off, well, check again carefully on this list for the missing jewelry, okay, it will be done, oh, koralev, can i see you for a minute, in the evening report on my desk, i’m in the car, well, he decided to dig under me, why, he organized surveillance on me, you’re paranoid, that’s how they taught you to work in moscow, yes, to go over your head, well, it’s a good school. and you are shaking for your warm chair, yes shake, shake, it’s useful, in vain i didn’t organize an internal investigation into your soul, well, nothing, everything is still ahead, you
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can’t live without mistakes, come on, come on, go ahead, i have no time to rub tongues with you, car number, driver i didn’t remember the truck, of course, but... on the surveillance cameras in the cadet village, which they waited, there is something interesting, the figure of a man with a backpack is visible, but unfortunately, you can’t see it from the face, it’s clear, okay, now we’ll have a snack, and i’ll drop in on little borov, and i’ll ask you, find me mikheev’s fun, which for some reason he stubbornly hides it from us, it’s fun, yes, well, i’ll tell you everything now. he will pay me for this, he will cough up ash from this fire, your unfinished projects have burned,
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yes, it’s the money that has burned. investors money, what will i tell them now, what will i tell my brother, don’t worry, kharunzhiy will compensate for everything, what a vile creature he is, and he’s personally challenging me, as i understand it, you’ve already accepted him, you can’t be a jerk in our business , even a finger, an arm will be bitten off up to the elbow, keep in mind, as soon as you start a war with kharunj, we will immediately give you a white hand prison, i warned you, didn’t the story with the bagel seem enough to you? as i understand it, a familiar thing, yes, i knew it, you came here for this, you will threaten me again, i haven’t started yet, when i start it will be too late, but now i have another question for you, you know it, but i have to, well, you never know, my brother may have
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spoken. larisa mirskaya was in charge of his case. so what do i have to do with it? seryoga should have known this. and lariska and i were generally sideways. well, maybe we saw each other a couple of times. she just made an accusation very quickly, as if he wanted to take suspicion away from someone. so i thought that this was between you and your brother. do you seriously think that larisa was averting suspicion from seryoga? yes, this helmsman had so many enemies all along the coast that he couldn’t even put a finger on it. will you run into someone you might suspect? so he knew after all, did the rumors really reach the stavropol region? yes, i didn’t know him, i didn’t know him, so with my brother, we talked, of course, about it, okay, let’s listen, when she was working on it, she went to old russia several times, and there with i met someone, yeah, so if you want my advice on where to look for the one who killed him,
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go there. oh, good, my golden one! oh, warm me up, fedya uti, you blocked the whole sun for me, i’m not fedya, i’m a tevador, what are you saying, a whole teladoros, leave the girl, fedya, if you want to warm up, grab yourself a cocktail at the bar.
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fedya, grab me a cocktail, don’t warm it up, it’s cold, why did you come, you seem to be in the calculations, but you’re not nervous, i’m doing it differently, i need to find a girl, but i’m tense, girl , please consider that. .. waiting for you, yes, she’s pretty, but i need another one, tell me, micah has a heart at home, micah, yes, yes, micah, i don’t know, well, you don’t know, then okay, i’ll go ask your brother, and at the same time i’ll tell you, some we're doing great, how you help me, okay, okay. he has a woman, he
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calls her fun, what fun? yes , she’s so crazy, she’s a dashing artist, you’ll understand, i don’t know what he found in her, skinny, no face, no skin, but he went crazy because of her, where can he find her? do you know, the house on the mountain where this crazy artist lived? she’s renting a room, but no, kotlevsky died, and she built this house, a long time ago, no, just recently, two or three months, if you say, she’s all like a hippie, where did she get the money for the house, how do i know, micah asked me, i was with the boys and helped on the roof back and forth,
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it’s clear, okay, damn. in principle, it helped, i won’t forget it, the girl asked for a cocktail. home, home, hello, hello, tell me, are you some kind of fun, what kind of fun am i for you, that's it, i understand everything, take the dog away, what is this anyway, the bullshit is nearby, i'm from police, captain sereda, and what do you want from me, captain sereda, i want to talk about your friend mikhe, you know the one, i know, just for you.
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8:39 pm
this is dinner, good morning, time to exercise. kuku, get up, oh, why are you so early, i’m used to the regime in the camp, so with exercises, with exercises, well with exercise, you came to the sea, well, yes, there will be no exercise, there will be swimming, i understand, yeah, mom is sleeping, yes, okay, come on, go, take it with you, just be quiet, i’m now, come on,
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yeah, this one , more, more, come on, like this, here, here, corrected, now two, and one, two, stronger, well done, corrected one, one, two, come on, come on, come on, give me, what are you looking for, not what , who, so, commander, stop, motor, dry, oars, come on, put the second one down, well done!
8:41 pm
and what are you doing? did you buy fish from the fishermen to release them? let's throw it yourself, now you'll see, are you stunned, is it the whole bucket? come on, meet vasilisa, daniel! she tells you this very pleasantly, but what is this box on her fin? well, this is a special sensor that shows your mother on your phone via satellite where you are...
8:42 pm
yes, i understand, alezhe, it’s okay, we’ll find it. approach to this lady is the heart of micah. listen, you tell maksimych that i went to the old russian one, just on the same matter, i’ll be there in the evening, that’s it,
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nikolai romanovich, oh, andryukha, great! great, great, how did you find me? you do you want to let it slip that you are registered here on the pier? yes, that’s for sure, we bought three new cranes, yes, it’s impressive, and maybe, maybe, this machine, andryukha, can do everything, it accepts cargo of any type, heavy, bulk, one-piece, oversized, power, well, great, but only, only what do you think, it consumes a lot of energy, that’s the whole point, that itself...
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will you interrogate about boin or about that unknown person with a scar, well, i ’ll take this information from local colleagues, we’re on vkontakte with them, you’d better tell me about tell the helmsman, customs inspector, yes, well, who didn’t know him, the thunderstorm of the whole court, and the entire coastline, no bribes, no concessions to anyone at all, he confiscated an extra pack of cigarettes, and the scent, believe me, was like that of a dog, nothing at all from you can’t hide him, yeah, yes, he was a crystalline person, “you know, andryukh, if only there were more people like him, there would be another country, the investigator was just his case, larisa mirskaya was working on it, she’s such a beauty, i remember, she’s your type, so she i think i found the one who killed him, i thought the killer had been imprisoned a long time ago,
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not quite like that, other information has surfaced, and you mean, like, this is a case for investigation or whatever it’s called, well, how can i help?” larisa then came to staroe rossiysk several times, so who could she communicate with? yes, with anyone, well, she communicated with me, with the helmsman’s servants, we gave all the testimony, this should be in the case, well, yes, yes, and you think, the murderer is from old russia, the helmsman was knocked out in yuzhnomorsk, no, the traces lead here, you see he must be a very significant figure, perhaps he is connected with drug smuggling in coast, a significant figure, you say yes, but you don’t know whether the helmsman had a conflict with the slaughterhouse? well, it wasn’t with me, but the boy used to work with neverov, a former port captain, and the helmsman accused neverov of bribery on a large scale, well, when was that, why did he wait so many years to then take revenge? well, don’t tell me, he can’t forget such a grudge, an opportunity
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came up, by the way, do you know what he’s doing now? no, he has a business, warehouse space, that’s more interesting. come on, but he offends you, you know, where, where in white bay, well, you’re just sherlock holmes, no, sherlock holmes is you, i’m vadson, tell me, maybe you have his address, yes, now let’s come up to me, write it down, so, here. thank you, yeah, beautiful, what, what? are you still interested in models? well, i’ll give it to you, oh,
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yes, okay, i’m sorry, i already have this, only life-size, wow, thank you, i’ll accompany you, oh well, i’m small or something, i can’t find the way, come on, i and so i distract you. go, captain, your life-size models are waiting for you, come on, call me, i’m always in touch for you, thank you, at the megamay megamarket, there are millions of products at competitive prices, for example, zeva delluxe toilet paper for only 289 rubles. they have a certificate. not the foundation again, but again, and the cough was so wild that i couldn’t sleep, my chest was opening up and
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8:53 pm
sergey lvovich, this is for you. welcome, what i owe, hello, i’m investigating the murder of helmsman artyom ivanovich, please, i don’t believe that he was killed by accident in a drunken brawl, you suspect me, you lost everything because of this man, it seems to me that you there were serious motives, to wish him death, death,
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what do you mean, i’m grateful to him, it’s a game. i took into account that the beri are dying because they want to capture more and more territories. i made money there were many enemies, they began to follow me, threats began, even an assassination attempt, i realized that i was finished, the only reasonable way out was to surrender, that is, you want to say that you yourself asked to surrender you, i handed over to him...
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documents about illegal operations at the port i asked that my case be transferred to a judge who respects my cooperation with the investigation, that is, you are now a simple pensioner, how do you maintain such a house, why do you need security? they want to take away the last thing from me, i have a small business, yes we know, warehouse space in white bay, by the way, what are they for? i rent them out to fishmongers, all the premises are equipped with refrigerators, there are commissions there, they often check, you can check too, yes, yes, we will check, but later, who wants to take all this away from you, this is what i wanted to ask you, this someone, i can to say, he wants to get his hands on the white bay, and something else, yeah, the box
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was like a bone in his throat for him. of course, with your honesty and integrity. you had a deputy, bayun. what kind of relationship did he have with the helmsman? shah? good question. the helmsman didn't like him. didn't say why. i i think it’s just some kind of antipathy. you know how it happens. mat. congratulations. well, since you have no more questions for me, here’s a rose for you, from your own garden, no, no, give your lady your heart, take it, take it, don’t be shy, thank you, yes, another question,
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have you seen a short 45-year-old man . a strong-built blond man with a scar above his left eyebrow and a burr, i don’t remember something, yes, well, if you suddenly remember something, let me know, okay, leave the coordinates to the guard. okay, thank you, goodbye, see, it just seems to me that they, hello, good afternoon, your employee came to see me, how can i find him, what is his last name, when is the week, it seems, it’s wednesday, captain, it just needs to be wednesday, he’s on the road now, i have no idea how long i’ll have to wait for him.
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come back tomorrow morning, i’m just not quite up to date with this story, okay, thanks.
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genreta stepanovna, are you at home? it's me, daniel, is anyone here? genreta stepanovna.
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mistress, is anyone home? mistress, mail! oh, hello, lady of the house? no, good afternoon. hmm, are there guests at stepanovna’s place? i live in a neighboring house and sometimes come to visit. then a registered letter came to her from the archives. will you pass it on? certainly. come on, thank you. how about signing? well, sign, sign. thank you, all the best, don’t forget to say goodbye.
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select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, receive cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay, viia superstar premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
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wow, what kind of holiday is this? sit down, andryusha, but we decided to sit and have dinner, just like a neighbor, yes, and it’s not too late, it looks like they were waiting for you, stepanovna, i’m waiting for you i’ve known for a thousand years that you either came up with something or won the lottery, yes, i would like to, well... no, i’m talking about the lottery, yeah, that means
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it’s the first option, you know what i thought, well, what about the buildings you have in utah, when my mansions are empty, i didn’t understand what kind of 180° turn this is, so i froze the construction, froze, well, i want to upgrade it to a guest house, so what? well , for now, the point is, the season will end, i’ll only make it in time for the next one, that’s all danka. one is hanging out on the street, mother is at work, you are the one more, but my tribute will be more fun, it’s true, and yes, yours is delicious, that’s for sure, no, i’m against it, but why are you deciding for me, why, come on, what do you think, well, it’s inconvenient to somehow embarrass you , okay, never mind that you ’re going to embarrass me, by the way, i brought you gifts from the old russian federation, we still have work to do with the publication, that’s right, a tribute, that’s right. after all
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, stepanovna, there’s something you’re not saying, for some time i decided to do a good deed, and they suspect, that’s it, that for some time, but not anyway, you can come home, there here there are two steps, but do what you want, decide for yourself. flea, are you listening, stepanno. i’ve been wanting
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to ask you for a long time, what are you doing? returned to his old hobbies, or what? what is this like? what is diving like? where did you get this from? well, why? over there in the hallway, there are cylinders! and it's good for your health! the doctors advised, well , it’s good for the blood vessels, the press writes: oh, you know, i have so many newspapers for myself! i wrote about health, oh, they brought you a letter today, what letter, from some archive, didn’t you see? what did i put here, what is this from? archive? i don’t know, mm, it’s in the history of the region, we live like this and don’t know anything, yeah, i see stepanovna, you’re arranging a new life for yourself, but what do i get from the old one, nothing but
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blog. blashka, flea, baby,
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so i’m sure it’s not murder. well, the only thing we can say with certainty is after opening. in the meantime, yes, there are no obvious signs of violence on the body, she ended up in her own bed. and vasnia died. but you know, sudden cardiac arrest is not that uncommon these days. unfortunately. what's there? there are no signs of a break-in, everything seems to be in place. who discovered the body? dim, who discovered the body? a relative came to her in the morning to relax at sea. no one opened the door, climbed over the fence, saw through the window that the victim was sleeping and did not react to the sounds. it seemed strange, so i called the police. so this... akimov is probably asking him at home, but how? it’s him like that, through the fence, how
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the dog let him through, what kind of dog, and what ’s the healthy stuff there, no, no, no, good, great, great, i took the readings, yes, i wrote everything down, i didn’t see the dog there, what’s interesting, they found it something, what kind of dog did you cut through the fence, well, yes, the dog had an eye, a flea, no, i didn’t see it, maybe it ran away, it could, well, actually it doesn’t look like it. call korablev, are you with me, what about saturday, is fishing strong for us? listen, it's a good idea, let's go fishing, the weather is just right, what are you doing? gloomy? it’s okay, mom, why didn’t you support uncle andrei yesterday, but we’re not bad here, but if you want to look at vaska, yeah, go ahead! mom, what is this? here they write that the battery
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is running low, but the phone is fully charged. come on, come on, damn, this is a warning about the low charge of the gps sensor, but they said that it would be enough for six months, so what now? now we need to somehow contrive to find vaska. please change the sensors. take me with you, mom, please, i’ll help you. uncle andrei said that vasya liked me. no, unfortunately, i can’t. i already have problems with my boss. not today. next time, okay. can i go to the sea then? yes. i won't let you go alone. well, what are you afraid of? i'm a good swimmer. in the end, vasya will save me. i'm telling you, i am. i liked it, dan, this issue has been resolved, you always decide everything for everyone, that’s why
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it doesn’t work out with the men, good morning, daddy, oh, i’m baking pancakes, i’m waiting for you for tea, i ’m late for work, but i’ll go, i just need to go up to the attic for a jar of jam, zakromorodins, i'll drive them away, thank you. so, speaking, who's here?
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oh, my drawing, well, where are you, the pancakes are getting cold, oh, jam, that means there’s a dead end again, while i was in starorossiysk, i went to see our colleagues, they, of course, did a huge job there, but what’s strange is that the security didn’t see man with a scar. didn’t let me into the port territory, but a fly can’t fly by there unnoticed, but that ’s the point, it means there’s an accomplice among the guards, i don’t know how to find him, how to catch him, yes, but you heard about the death of the lady in the heart of micah , yes in course, mish seldikov told me that she came yesterday, wanted to meet with micah,
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to put pressure on him, apparently she wanted, well, in this vein, her death does not look accidental. “someone clears everything around him and cleans it well, professionally, well, that means micah himself remains, then all hope is in you, okay, press him. leave us, accept my condolences, i’m very sorry for your girlfriend, the case is not
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open yet, the reason death - cardiac arrest in sleep. experts detected alcohol in the blood; she did not complain about her heart at all? i complained, but you don’t think it’s an accident, right? and if this is so, then it was the one you are covering up for who did it, the killer is the killer, that you got to the bottom of me, and your case hung in the dark, they will give you a tick for disclosing, you honor my baggage, what else do you want from me, really you if you don’t want to take revenge for your fun, because now it’s gone, why are you taking it? and you are shaking for your own skin, i killed kurmchev, you know what i will do, i will drop the charges against you in this case and deal with your customer as you want, what are you such bitches, but you don’t give
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the creature to a person to repent, you are the last convoy, i thought you had at least something human left, but you take him away. stop, take me to the funeral, i’ll do what i can. come in, irinochka valerievna, come in, sit down, what did you come with? i need to take a boat to collect materials in the sector under study, i need to install video recording sensors in the coastal area. well, it’s boring, sensors, fixation, coastal sector, well, say that you just want to walk along the sea, well, that
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’s good, maybe you can invite me with you, i i ask permission to use. you know that i am always on your side. yes, listen, now the careful one will go out to sea on... this very boat, so make sure where and what sensors she puts, and then report to me.
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vasya, i know that you are here somewhere. vasilisa, well, the fish is fresh, i don’t understand what
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you don’t like. okay, let's try the ship's special equipment. yes, hello, hello, my dear, yes, and now vasya, you will be smart and give it to me. change the battery on your sensor, okay, well,
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well, come on, igoryuk, come see me for a minute. where are you, my friend, it means that you already have a sensor on you, it’s very good that windows is glitching again, but no, this is another matter, tell me, if there is a sensor on a moving object, then how can you track its movement, well, download the program. so what do you need to download the program? login and password for this sensor? i don’t have a login and password, but i have the program on my phone, and listen, can you
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get me this login and password? so you already have it in your phone, listen, don’t be stupid, but it’s not in my phone in someone else’s phone, okay? so they would have said so right away, i can do it, of course, well.
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what is this? can't you hear the fire alarm? wait, at least let me take the phone, what is more important to you, your phone or your life? please come out quickly!
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cents in categories is guaranteed if the cards no, order a free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable, series premiere, open, i 'll go out now, close, let me out, colimbo - series premiere only in the okko online cinema. emergency exit premieres today at 10:15 p.m. on ntv. confidence and strength. this is how she wants to see you. brutal, reliable, stylish. like a set of hermes men's accessories from lyamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving. massive cross of hermes. jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular, voluminous design. three crosses at once in one. a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving. real
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gold color, durable lock. and reliable links. hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. hermes jewelry set. a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only rub 1,999. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. yes, korablev, and danya, hi, who’s watching? behind stepanovna? where did she go? okay, i got it, just stay at home, don’t go out,
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don’t open the door for anyone. crap.
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can you do it faster? okay, okay, let's go! colleagues! nothing is burning anywhere anymore, it was a drill. why not say it right away? i apologize, after a while you will be able to return to your jobs, but for now i am announcing an unscheduled lunch break. inna valerievna, where can i be? i can invite you to dinner. inna valerievna, but please, the inspector hasn’t checked everything yet and you can’t enter the building, i didn’t see any inspector, since you’re on drill, let me take my things, i want to call my son, but you can call from my phone, i need my phone. inna valerievna, please don’t spoil our results. they won’t leave us alone, in a week they’ll organize a training exercise again, oops, excuse me, hello, i understand, it was just the inspector, that’s it, you can come in, yes, please, please,
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biot, skvortsov, this is koralev from the police, again you, well, you sensed that everything wouldn’t end with that visit, the boat was needed urgently. yes you are god sent a problem.
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how's your instincts here? i don’t understand anything, that’s the problem, you know, stepanovna, that your brother died on those rocks over there, catch your breath, lie down, ugh, oh, vasya, oh, wow!
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in andryukha mikhalych did a fitting, oh, hands, washed, mikhalych with the whole department would have been looking for this for 100 years, you can start identifying, here is a list of things compiled. words, i’ll owe you, andrei valentinovich, oh well, he’s modest here, so what, since they found the stash, i think the chance of catching the kidnappers is quite probable, for you, valentinovich, what are you saying? so i’m driving, where are you going, and flint, yes, listen, is it true that your dolphin is tame? well, how tame, we are friends, yes, but how did you
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end up there? there on business, in those parts my neighbor died, and andrei here believes that all this is not accidental, he at least has a stake on his head, everything is his own, well, stubborn like, well, a good opera should be stubborn. pavel maksimovich, can i go home early today? but it’s possible, just tell me what micah and i have, well, there are some thoughts there, we need to think it through, i ran, well, let’s think it through, all the best, pour it for mikhalych. flint, andrey valentinovich, and today everyone is only talking about you, we agreed, without a middle name, andrey, yes, you probably have very little free time, yes, i just don’t know how to say it, come on, talk already, you’re in a hurry, it’s too much now, i just really need to talk to you, let’s do it tomorrow, we agreed, you’ll run by, yes, i’ll run by.
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well, tell me in detail in order what to tell, well, i dived, and then this. someone wanted to drown you, come on, who needs me, yes, and who needed stepanych when they threw him off a cliff, the police told me that it was an accident, yes, i ’m not sure about that, why didn’t you tell me anything before, there are no facts yet, i didn’t think that you would think of diving in the same thing.. . together,
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maybe he was looking for these jewels there? no, no, they were stolen not so long ago, it’s very strange that you dived in the same place where the izkhron is, is this a coincidence? yes, a pure coincidence, and a happy one at that, thanks to this coincidence you found some jewelry, the bay is full of diving spots, why are you there? did you stop? and we’ll give adam’s brains too, viktor
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mikhailovich, well, we’ve drawn up a protocol of knowledge, well, a few items are missing, so, a diamond necklace, oh, an emerald bracelet, a sapphire hookah, they live well, yeah, a cameo from the 19th century. hairpin, wait, and that hairpin is also precious, be patient, he says that yes, it’s designer, valued at 2000 rubles. people live, hairpin, 2000 rub. good, although no, not good, well, the main thing was found, yes, found, found, well, that’s it, let’s catch the robber, pin
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20 thousand rubles, go. free, uh-huh, no, can you imagine, a hairpin. it was definitely stepanna, but i don’t know exactly where she went, oh, hi, mom, and today i saw how stepan was being followed, like in a movie about spies, they were watching, well, listen, i also loved to play as a child spy, you understand, but it’s understandable, hungry, yes, but i
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’m at the stove today, they let me go early, so they were only waiting for you, okay, i’ll be right away , let’s go, don’t you believe me, i believe, stepanovna is a very valuable agent, really, this machine was following her. come on, now just describe it to me. what color was it? i was the one who proposed. to stop by, she didn’t like to pick fresh flowers, she liked to pick up dry branches, sticks, she made such beauty out of them, gave them new life, everything came to life next to her, and so did i, guys, go to the car,
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i’ll bring him myself, there is. you have 5 minutes, now where to go, what kind of book, her dog, but she’s nowhere to be found, she must have run away. “it means they killed my fun, or rather there was no dog better than the cover, he would have been sitting here on the grave for days now, and i told you back in the pre-trial detention center, everything is unclean here, but you got it right, i killed
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the helmsman, i didn’t kill him, i already know that, who then, and lesha knows him? i’m serious, but i know who handed over the order, who’s causing the leak in your office? tseldikov, what’s up? are you healthy? , so you can catch a heart attack.
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that's what i mean. seldikov, he is the most indecisive of us all. do you remember how at the academy , before the literature exam , you fainted? yes i remember. i also remember that he shot better than all of us then. here. for that matter, then... the one who shot me clearly missed, i’m alive, healthy, almost, maybe that’s why you’re alive, because the shooter didn’t want to kill you? in general, guys, this unpleasant information needs to be checked, we can’t we can trust micah 100%, and in general can we, listen, do we need to check him for live bait, herring fish? yes, we will ring the bell to everyone that micah is ready to hand over everyone, and we’ll see how seldikov reacts, but
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now we won’t take our eyes off this micah, day or night, well, it’s clear, that’s how it turned out. hello, i have good news, the dolphin that i promised you, you still need it, not with me, but i know where it is, we are now connected, so to speak, oops, danya, tribute, come with me to mail. i'll buy you ice cream, and i'll buy you some unhealthy soda, but not for mom. say, okay, mish, well, you can
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congratulate me, congratulations, micah is ready to cooperate, seriously, yes, oh, this is luck, well, how lucky, so far he has only admitted that he did not kill the helmsman, he is bargaining for the rest of the information. so you’re still doing great, andryukha, the ice has broken, that’s it, now the main thing is to get the customer’s name out of him, and if he doesn’t know him, he’s setting his own price, listen, he doesn’t know the customer, so the betrayal of the one who freely gives him the prayer is there it's just a matter of technique, you think. okay, guys, sorry, i ran, the pharmacy is closing, my wife is sick, and what happened, yes, her back, it’s the same thing, she can’t straighten up for the second day, i tell her where are you dragging these bags, but no, she’s going to the market, she’s just pulling bags from there, still crayons on them constantly hanging, the guy is 2 years old, and he’s just a horse, healthy, okay, that’s it, get ready to be marked, it’s as always,
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either sincerely happy, or a good actor, not him, not him, we’ll wait and see, you know what, strain akimov, let him follow him carefully, and i’m in the season, in 2 hours special equipment will arrive, okay, agimov is ahead of the curve, he’s been sitting too long without work, come on, come on, hello, andrey, and you’re not for lunch, oh you christmas trees, i forgot, well now, apparently, yes, for lunch, since i promised, then let’s sit down, i have a little time, then i’ll do it. come on, come on, come on, what did you want to talk to me about? well, about working in moscow, do you want to return there? what for? well, i don’t know, why sit out here? look how well things are going with you, well, i like it here so far, well, i
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would leave. and if there is somewhere try transferring to the hr department, will it work? i don’t know, i’ll try, what’s wrong? well, will you help me? how? well, you still have connections, i guess, i’m not a fool, without patronage it will be difficult. well, i’m afraid that my patronage will only play out as a minus, just accept it as a fact, andrey, danya, don’t interfere with his work, okay, so if you need a good recommendation, then this is clearly
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not for me, sorry. i have to go, thank you, please, you are awesome, for you.
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great, how did you get settled here? ok, then heartbroken, then again explains, listen, what do you think, he’s not scamming us, i would only be glad if proseldyakov’s drain turned out to be sticky. what about akimov? already working. oh, i'm telling you, it works. yeah. hello, yes. yeah, i got you. let's be careful there. that's it, well done. well, misha was at the pharmacy,
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came home, the car is still there. but it’s clear, okay, we’ll be on duty one by one at night, come on, come on, rock, paper, scissors, one, two, three, one, two, three, that’s it, let’s go home, rest, sleep, yeah, at 10 evenings we will change, at 10 pm, okay, okay,
10:00 pm
ok, i took a high position, i’m telling you, oh, good evening, what are you doing here, so we, andryushenko, are talking about our own things, about women’s things, of course, i’m on duty today, i won’t come to spend the night, okay, well, what did i say? he has it, but what difference does it make to me, he has his own life, i have my own, uh-
10:01 pm
huh, really, andrey? i already thought, you forgot about me, uh-huh, well, what is it, nothing, at least someone sleeps sweetly this night, mind you, keep in mind, he snores mercilessly, sit down, come on, that's it, i 'm off, bye, come on, this is for you so as not to fall asleep.
10:02 pm
that's right, i got it, thank you, uh-huh, hello, oleg, good morning, did you wake me up? okay, okay, i 'm kidding, just now the security called, there was a mark in their log, 10:00, micah is free to hand over, so come on, shower, have breakfast here. uh-huh, i heard information that a killer will come to the hospital today, we need to think it over, there’s no time to think, and there’s nothing to do, we need
10:03 pm
to act, we’re lost, electrician, not your wallet, man, yours, mine, i thought that i was the keel, and he remembers his hands purely on reflex, kolya, stand still, damn it, hands, zaikin began the operation, this is good, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday 2020 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. the state canceled the commission. for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to
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10:08 pm
10:30, maybe a false alarm?
10:09 pm
and yet seldyakov. what happened to you? vaselissa.
10:10 pm
thank you, how are you still alive? yes, bye, give me my mobile phone, if you can’t hear it, hello, colonel, sutyagin, this is businessman kharitonov, an attempt is being prepared on me, in the hospital, no, planned hospitalization, yes, yes, consider this... a statement about an impending crime , yes, a statement about a crime in progress, yes.
10:11 pm
you'll deliver, welcome, inexpensively.
10:12 pm
10:13 pm
pal palovich, put the body in the refrigerator. well, just what an interesting style you have, fallen palovich, what a style this is, it’s so self-indulgent, i’m just good afternoon, all the best, pach, i’ll go and rest, relax, oh,
10:14 pm
kolya, kolya, kolya, uh, what, yes, lives in some people.
10:15 pm
your task is to quietly and carefully monitor this choriton, everything will go calmly and well. and i’m a skiller, the guys will take him, and i, well, guys, i’ll take him, and i’ll quietly, imperceptibly and clearly manage this circus operation, yeah, i got it, i got it, i’m just asking you, the killer didn’t show up, it means you didn’t show up, don’t grab it twist anyone's hands. in the hospital, after all, people in the hospital improve their health, and do not leave it.


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