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tv   Zapasnii vikhod  NTV  May 17, 2024 10:15pm-11:06pm MSK

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there is not enough information, we give you three operatives to help you, but what is the task? the task, your task, quietly and carefully, is to establish surveillance over this choriton, everything will go calmly, well, good, yeah, and the killer will appear, the guys will take him. and what am i saying, well, the guys will take him, and i will quietly, imperceptibly and clearly manage this circus operation, yeah, i understand, i understand, i’m just asking you, the killer didn’t show up, that means he didn’t show up, don’t grab just anyone, hands twist, the hospital, after all, people in the hospital improve their health, and do not leave it. anyway
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according to the official version, colonel, you know me, but that’s why i’m warning you, because i know you, so that everything goes quietly, calmly, without firing, without noise, the staff shouldn’t know anything at all, so as not to cause panic, that’s all got it, come on, do it.
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what kind of shishi? the question is certainly interesting, but you will have to answer it, grigor gavrilovich, of course, that means you will have to master the budget, well, i mean, what is getting out of hand in this department, what vulgarity, reports , calculations, checks, my god, maybe, maybe, maybe i should start operating, because i’m a surgeon, and you’re the caretaker, i am, yes, and i’m a surgeon, yes, and you’re the supply manager, the supply manager, and i’m a surgeon, i understand.
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grigory gavrilovich, yes, there is a procedural smell of harry, well, i have nothing to do with it, well , now after the optimization of the person responsible for fire safety, yes, like me, or maybe there is nothing there, the hospital is old, smells go back and forth, then here , then there, so... yes, there definitely is, wait, i changed this very wiring from you not so long ago, to this expensive german one with these copper wires and a year it will hold out, 3 months have not passed, here are the people, what are you talking about, it doesn’t matter, go and work, go, don’t interfere with work, i will inspect everything, i will inspect it. here are people,
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we act secretly, we don’t reveal ourselves, we don’t say half a word to anyone, as this one said, in short, three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead, you have to take it at the entrance. i don’t understand who is in charge of the operation? you and but, that ’s none, but there is a question, there are no questions, go ahead, so how? no, well, what?
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you smell something like shit, you can smell it, but what’s that? food, i see it's food, here it is that's it, extra mustard, extra mustard, i 've lost the scent of your mustard. are you even sure that this is how it is done? my dear,
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who is responsible for fire safety? that means i know better. so, girls, the inspection shows no signs of a fire. so everything is fine, you probably imagined it, keep working, well, what about the smell, well, it looks like it was only knocked out in our block, wait, but the morgue also belongs to this block, well, yes, well, at least they have there is a backup generator, what do we need?
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why dirty boots? so you see what your unfounded claims lead to,
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the transformers can’t stand it, wait, well, now the backup generator should be working, well... it should be, otherwise warming will begin, we’ll put out the entire hospital, hello, and i’m passing by i’m on my way, i think i’ll come in and say hello, but it’s dark here, there’s no light, what’s wrong? oh, well, that's it, we don't have a backup generator, why? but because this huckster here is his money. floated to the left, and then came running like, oh, you don’t have any light either, yes, i see, yes, no, yes, guys, guys, well
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, we need to somehow get out of this situation, we, yes, do you hear, you, bullshit, and you, when you were pushing the generator, did you give us at least a small share?
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to the point of a threat of fire and conscious desecration of the bodies of the deceased in a cynically perverted form. guys, dear, i ask, please don’t ruin it, i’ll fix everything, that’s it, i flew, i ran, but if there’s a gap, really, what are we going to do, at this temperature, they won’t last long with us, there’s one thought, at the megamay megamarket, millions of products at competitive prices. for example, a set of mattresses, a mattress, a blanket and a pillow for only 8,990 rubles. this is a show of stars,
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a grand finale, and what, the finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until the vlif again. moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing is very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are dying, because you paint them, what are you saying, who is this? yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as before sparring i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov, bravo!
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and withdraw cash for free. not easy profitable, alpha profitable. one day , a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena. alena didn’t notice her and the mole made a girlfriend, and then another and another. and alena’s husband nikolai noticed this and said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. so guys, attention, zuev, your arm is broken, which one? right, this is for conspiracy. how will i then take the criminal? i'm right-handed. then left. yes. kostya, you have
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appendicitis you sit in the waiting room and wait for someone suspicious to appear. if... for all the guys, why 13, so as not to be detected, understandable, understandable, understandable, you are with me at the main entrance, that’s it, the killer is probably armed, so don’t relax, we all go to our places as planned, i’m in morgue, in a good way, let's not relax. fall, fall, somehow the section is broken, it’s frozen, how come this is the same thing, well, what we need, but oh, well, this is
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a temporary solution, in cramped conditions, but no offense.
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just put the painted one here, no, no, no, because if we touch this one, it’s like he’s holding the foundation, all the others will start to collapse, this is impossible, i won’t change anything, hello, what are you doing here in the dark, come and show me, come here, right? come here, come here, don’t be afraid, come here, come, come, look, nikolai ivanovich and i are playing tetris , to create a romantic atmosphere.
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we turned off the lights, i didn’t understand, saiki, tell me honestly, were you even hired as part of some super-secret experiment, i didn’t see the movie, there was even a monkey as an investigator, dima, what kind of wind blew you here, i actually had an operation, yes, on the brain, i still got myself some quotas. actually, yes, what was shaking, come on, in short, operational information was received that an assassination attempt was being prepared on one of the patients in the hospital, where did the information come from? the victim, well , the victim will be fine when he suffers, he said, well, when he suffers, it will be too late, so i
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spoke to him on the phone, the character is changing, and what do you want from we need it, but i need help, why run to the store for a beer, no, no, to be honest, there’s nothing special there, it’s just that suddenly, if you see him, you’ll detain him, first of all, you warned me. .. we must act, the killer can pass through the morgue, yes, there are too many guards at the entrance, so, nikolai ivanovich, here you go, code
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13, we are working on the second channel, that’s it, i ran, let’s go, i’ll try the entrance close the door, it’s too late to close it, you should have closed it before. how did this imbecile come?
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well, go check his documents, where are they? procedural, but no, okay, wait until he goes to the sauna, and the skin in the treatment room, well, wait, come on.
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can you please wait, i'm going to the procedure. wait, excuse me, ah, identification. i didn’t have time to show you, it’s in vain that you, pavel palovich, are running into saikin, the guy is young, still inexperienced, when he
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gains experience, it will be too late, in my opinion, someone is trying to open an emergency exit, i didn’t hear anything. good evening. got lost, yes i am,
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he’s a respectable guy, not a cheap guy.
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yes, everything will be fine, oh, hello, what are you complaining about? yes, this is, this is appendicitis, y this has happened to me 100 times, bear with me. we 'll see you now, okay,
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electrician. no, well, i looked at what it was, dressed like a businessman, with flowers, it’s my fault, it ’s all this little bait of yours, code 13, wait for the killer, they waited, oh, so... excuse us, we just accepted you for a person who was supposed to illegally enter the territory of the hospital, but you yourself understand, jacket, tie, flowers, electricians are not like that, our apologies, oh well, i’m dressed up, my father-in-law is celebrating his anniversary today, to the restaurant i invited everyone, the dispatcher is here he calls and says that part of the hospital has lost power. and
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ensure the functioning of the institution, so i rushed, what i was wearing, oh, they had already begun to celebrate, but god bless him, i knew that on my day off everything would be covered here, and what did you know, i’m the caretaker i warned you when they changed the wiring, so it’s the wiring, yes, no, that means it’s the supply manager, right? what kind of wiring is there, of course it’s also aluminum, well, he also brought these used machine guns, i immediately told him that in a month or two it will be covered, oh, what is this, raise your leg, not your wallet, man, yours, mine, you need to be more careful, you, when you go to work, you need to put your wallet well, so take it, put it, press it and hold it, your guardian angels, especially when
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under voltage, or better yet just a rubber mat, again, but what such, well, i , i, i, i thought that i was a nakilary, but he remembers his hands, purely on reflex, kolya, well, don’t worry, i’ll fix everything in an instant, come on, quietly, quietly, quietly, are you so relaxed? on the name day, i told you. he said that you need to portray a sick person, so, damn it, a murderer can copy you a kilometer away, you go ahead and walk around hospital there, but in general with patients, watch, come on, come on.
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well, andrei eduardovich, how are you feeling, fine, for now. i’m a lieutenant of the investigative committee, dmitry anatolyevich saikin, yeah, colonel sutyagin sent me, we have everything under control, we’re waiting for a guest, so lie still, yeah, and this is a walkie-talkie, code 13, yeah, if something goes wrong, here there's a button, say code 13, wait, what could go wrong, huh? maybe you can sit here with me? no one will sit here with you, i have a service, code 13, yeah, code 13, yes, oh, code 13, cytoplasm only,
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deliver to the address, code 13.
10:48 pm
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as new, i say, nothing worries me, we’re having an operation here, well , you see, you yourself say it’s an operation, don’t worry, the head doctor himself will operate on you, saikina ask, he will confirm, oh, what are you doing, in a minute everything will be fine. "soykin, falkin, and you haven’t applied it yet, i made an agreement, so i’m waiting, there’s a guy with a broken leg, i mean a broken leg, well, come on, come with me, good day, can’t you see, i’m busy, i mean busy, i’m generally - i agreed, well, if
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you agreed, sit and wait, why, yes, yes, yes, sit, now you will all sit here with me, clearly, if you really want to, okay, doctor, well, i can wait if my comrades are in a hurry, wait, alice, please help, alice, there is an x-ray, but what kind of x-ray, just put everything on your arm with a plaster, sit down. which hand, left, left, sit down, second move, second move, why are we silent?
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where are you going, i just ask, yes, and you have a young man here? i was sitting with appendicitis, yes, he was taken to the second operating room, as they took him away, suspicion of peretanitis, and you are a relative, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i, i am brother, get ready,
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well done and you too, what the hell, this is mine the patient and i'm picking him up, please, please, yeah, thank you, hands! damn animals, kostyan, kostyan, that’s it, brother, we’re home. what happened to him, who is the killer, who? what you
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put you to sleep, why did you come here? i told you, keep an eye on the ward, come on, go, continue to watch the sixth ward, and take it with you. partners, damn it, woman,
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let me help, wow, thank you, dear, thank you. dear, god bless you, can you show me where the main entrance to the hospital is, it’s nearby, let’s see you off, oh, thank you, thank you, my dear, thank you, why are you alone, maybe one of your relatives could take you, you’re welcome, probably 60 and a few kopecks, yes, no kidding, i’m 85, oh well, 85, you can’t even tell, okay, they’ve been preserved, thank you, in this i don’t have any relatives in the city, i just arrived, it’s clear, they just came straight away, and here you have some relative, an acquaintance , an old, old acquaintance, i haven’t seen for many years, my youth, everything was fair, and now everyone makes money,
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this is good, this is bad, so i think, have you killed anyone before? come, open your purse, please wait, hello, excuse me, it's with
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me, let me in, please come in, thank you, have a nice day. code 13, i repeat, code 13, 13, as you can hear, code 13, to everyone who is in contact, code 13, i repeat, code 13, everyone, everyone, i repeat, code 13, the whole group, code 13, 13. like that, oops, yes, well done, electrician, code 13, i repeat, code 13, 13, hold it, hold it ,
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tried to break through the cretonov ward, got caught from the pier, what are you doing, goats, now you’ll answer for the goats, guy, hands, his hands, i need him. it’s so quiet, what’s going on here, it doesn’t concern you, but they gave way, please, it concerns, firstly, i’m the head of this department, secondly, free my son,
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which son, this one, yes, your son why- that tried to break into the ward of our applicant, this kharitonov, but i was looking for his father, which father, this one, boris arkadivich, his father, so immediately free him from handcuffs. what are we doing? comrade investigator? there was an error. you have mistakes.
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what do we do next, dmitry anatolyevich? i don’t know, kostya, hold on, where did this come from, yes, it seems like from the ward where the grandmother came in, with me,
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everything should be. justice, son, i would like some water, it was a shot, but it was from saikin. exploded, jokes aside, there was a pistol shot.
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something is really wrong, they said on the radio 13, come, meski, no need, orosa. yes, it definitely couldn’t have happened without saikin.


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