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tv   Svoya pravda s Romanom Babayanom  NTV  May 18, 2024 12:00am-2:11am MSK

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everything came together, everything, listen, maybe we need to tell something when it starts, let's, let's tell him that it was he who took drugs from us, and he will report his official zeal to the right place, and will lead us to the article on distribution and first it’s someone’s turn, me, i agree, that’s it.
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let's go to the morgue.
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oops, well, it looks like we have the opportunity to feed someone with magic ascorbic acid, uh-huh. let's prick ourselves and split apart, what kind of stubborn person is that? if you just look at me, i
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'll poke your eye out, do you understand? listen, maybe there is no product here, maybe we didn’t get it in the house, this over there, you're stoned, that means you've definitely found it, listen, you're a creature, you'll tell me everything, you 'll sing a disco for me, and i 'll complain about you, right? and what do i see, everything is fine with you, work, work, work, let’s get out, you’re normal, leave 600 grand to these morons, who will give the money, what are you, we’re burned, don’t you get it, who else is it? ? i’m a soritar, and
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this is a corpse, you can look on the left, it’s still a good thing, they don’t make things like that anymore, so, how are you? finished? yes, yes, come in already! gamli denisovich, i’m coming to you with good news. oh, i doubt it. absolutely everyone agrees. remember, you said that if i persuade the others, they will come out instead of me.
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as a replacement, then you will come out in my place for a couple of money, you said it, i remember you said it, then you jumped in... ran out of the office, you’ve already dragged the other doctors into this adventure, right? well, only if for their sake, but i can change my mind at any moment, now a lot is happening in the hospital, and my nerves are not of steel, so hope and expect that everything will be fine, thank you, comletist!
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again, well, i think they need it, but they, they dance, they rush around the dead, clearly not in adequate condition, it wasn’t i who wanted to reason with them, but somehow i didn’t take the risk, what other drug, what do you show, take it, here for starters , illegal entry into the territory of a hospital, attempted murder by a group of people in conspiracy of an investigator of the investigative committee of the russian federation with a sentence of up to life, guys, it’s not written in his mouth who he is, and that doesn’t matter, son, what’s important is that he’s selling drugs, he’s right-handed, we write everything we know in even handwriting, well, i’m the words i know a russian folk song, written by a joker,
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you kill people, assholes, because of you , you are freaks, he is an elderly woman who died, a young guy, 36 years old, he is lying in the refrigerator, boss. and what exactly is the return from these wheels? well, if there is one ball, then there is euphoria, what if there are two, well, this is not motivated aggression, if there are three more, well, this is almost 100% lethal, well, i understand, well, that means i have two, what? what are you doing, half a finger? bruce, hold them, hold them, should we run or what?
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now, now, now unmotivated aggression will come and force them to eat this crap in jars, right. i’m writing, don’t, what should i write, i’m such and such, yes, don’t say anything, check out the betting league, register, triple your deposit, this is
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a star show, a grand finale, what? finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get divorced, take part in the show, until i get into it again, moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand , why do people die in our village, because you paint them, yes you what? and fools, who is this? yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as before sparring i don’t want to blow off dmitry malikov, bravo, what a sconce, your performance, just
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don’t understand this, something so modern, they do it well, qué bueno baila para bailar, misón que está bien rico y bien sabroso, grigory gavrilovich, you if you could write a fantasy novel, it’s fashionable these days, with your wild imagination you could have very big to make money, i do it with my own eyes, i do it with my own eyes, that’s all. i've seen it all, i'm tired of it already. isolta stepanovna, well, you understand, yes, that we need to completely figure it out. please, let's go, let's sort it out. let's go. a filthy broom, a filthy broom. and our janitor was given khakhare, well, in the sense of physiognomy. and
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they chained him to the radiator and handcuffed him. and there is generally bedlam, chaos and unsanitary conditions. let's sort it out. please look at this mess, hello, uh-huh, good afternoon, come on in, how and where, you need to rest, gavrilovich, yes, andrey ignatovich, planned, planned free, no, this is probably some kind of confusion, you, ah, have already paid, no, no, don’t worry, we’ll return the money to you, you
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’re here now, i’m coming to you now i'll rise, yes.
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and mine is delicious, well, for some reason i knew that we couldn’t do it here without you, you know? when i saw the head doctor running into the office, i immediately realized that he had complaints, so i decided to warn nikolai ivanovich and half a patch, well, when you need to replace yourself there, but since this is your own desire, then
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thursday would be just right. agreed, hello, let's go, let's go, right in the middle, what's behind the process, drug dealers, comrade lieutenant colonel, created an entire underground network, distributors under the guise of couriers delivered dope, disguised as the most ordinary... comrade colonel, no, the most ordinary ascorbic acid, know a drug dealer, but if they go down on me, they won’t
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go down. 100% recognition, wow, well done, sakin, well done, hero, i told her like your mother-in-law, hero, i say, saikin, hero, listen, hero, you just stop at work spend the night, your wife and mother-in-law are waiting for you at home , i understand, dmitry anatolyevich, of course, i understand that you are a hero, as your boss said, but there are two ladies waiting for you here, it’s somehow inconvenient, yes. sit down, dima, wash your hands, we
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're waiting, don't miss it on monday, you'll come at eight to the restaurant, posadskaya hotel, you'll put yours in a cage, without a market, and where's the duck, i won't let you in without a duck, no, but let's go, let's go out, i'll tell you there i’ll show you the duck, what did you want, uncle, the jacket is kind of shabby, calm down, probably, yes, crime, right in the restaurant stabbed, emergency exit, premiere, monday, 22:15 on ntv. this is a true program , good evening, let’s begin with vladimir putin’s statement, which he made in harbin, let’s listen
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to what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas border areas, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there. when will our people stop dying and what should we do for this? vladimir putin in china, what they were talking about negotiations between putin and sizempin. we were not invited to the conference in switzerland, but at the same time in the west they began to talk more and more often about the need to resolve the ukrainian conflict according to the korean scenario, as far as we need it, the assassination attempt on robert fitz, who is the real customer. this is what we will talk about in detail today. let's listen to the end, let's listen to the end.
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yes, a quick question: vladimir vladimirovich, well, vladimir vladimirovich made a statement, that means, and the other vladimir vladimirovich, let him tell us what you think, here look, the last phrase, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans for today, what do you think, what is the key word here, today, well, or today, or not? today, of course, that is, well, vladimir vladimirovich explained later that everything will still depend on how the situation develops...
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therefore, as of today there are no plans for the liberation of kharkov, which of course does not mean that tomorrow , if suddenly they again use the territory of kharkov for shelling russian territory, they will not decide expand this sanitary zone, you know, because the offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction simply caused a frenzied panic in the west, everyone there is talking about where they will go, how far they will go, or a telegraph. today i posted a huge attempt to analyze what the russians are doing, what plans they have for the summer offensive, and came to the conclusion that there is a huge reasoning there: they will liberate
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donbass, advance to zaporozhye, create a sanitary zone in the khankov region, as if we had not always talked about this , as if we were hiding something in this sense. in in this case, i say again, yes, indeed, today russia does not have such plans to take kharkov, liberate kharkov. since indeed this is associated with large losses, but in the end, again, if they reach the point where the ukrainian front collapses, everything can happen, that is, at the same time, you heard, a significant part of the speech was devoted to this conference in switzerland, peaceful zelensky's plan, ready for negotiations or not, you know, it is very interesting that information from a french radio station appeared today europe 1 that, according to their data, there... european governments have now developed a consolidated position in order to put pressure on zelensky in order to force him to negotiate with russia, since
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the situation could then be... even worse, that is, and the countries the west is preparing to put coordinated diplomatic pressure on the ukrainian leader zelensky to start negotiations, it remains to be seen whether the ukrainian president is ready to exchange his war hero costume for a peacemaker costume, are you talking about this, yes, this is about that, but about the costume peacemaker, it is no coincidence that today in the magazine the economist an article appeared for the first time in this type of magazine, where they are discussing, by the way, whether zelensky’s term is about to expire?
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if you follow the information feed, yes, it looks very interesting, there seem to be a lot of messages, but everyone is waiting for specific messages, exactly, as they say, related in one way or another to how the situation in the ukrainian direction will develop, there is little such information, there is this information is there, but there was also a closed meeting, but it’s clear, that everyone is again waiting to see how china will behave, yes, especially after they came there one after another. well, who, as they say, hasn’t gone there, and this is the story, yes, when sidzimpin talks there with president putin, and then information appears that china understands, in fact, what russia is doing in ukraine, that china will not send its delegation to this very conference in switzerland, yes, and then there is something else, it’s not completely clear yet, not
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how, this information is already coming, it’s clear, why? no, everything is clear, then look, yes, but we are not afraid, these are brothers, brothers for centuries, russian and chinese, brothers for centuries, this is this famous song, yes, well there with you, we are not afraid of a military thunderstorm , our victory is glorified by the earth, yes, this is also, as they say, a line from this very song, it turns out that they were all counting on the fact that china should somehow change its position, yes, and china is talking to russia about , that there is a military thunderstorm, and that we are together, and we understand, no, we do not pass off what we wish for valid, 11 intergovernmental agreements were signed, the main thing is a joint statement, in which russia agrees with an important point for china that we adhere to the principle of one taiwan, one, i apologize china, yes, that taiwan does not exist for us as a state, further, china recognizes
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democracy and transparency. after the second day of work, the president makes a statement at a press conference, where he expresses a certain point of view regarding ukraine. as for the americans, against the backdrop of everything this means that during the visit there is essentially an american ultimatum, which is voiced through the press. there , representatives of the state department refer to someone who must say that if china wants to have good trade and political relations with the west,
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it should not have it. russia and china are precisely the poles of this multipolar world, at this moment today’s only pole, or rather even yesterday’s, makes a statement that implies a refusal.
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they explain it this way: sanctions would work, but china is to blame, china is to blame, because everyone else is somehow buried, hiding, walking along some paths, india is also doing something, turkey is also
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doing something, but very carefully, and china is mainly to blame, so we need to strike at china , he doesn’t listen, that’s why such a very tough frenzy really began.
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it’s quite possible to do it now, look, sergei borisevich, so they tried to cope with russia alone with their sanctions, now they have brought the situation to the point that they will have to, they will have to come up with something new in order to cope in parallel with china, after the brix summit, with all the other brix countries, this is a road to nowhere, to nowhere, that is, they cannot but understand this, and maybe that’s why there is such a nervous reaction, so after the visit, all these articles came out,
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football event. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on matchtv. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week.
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europe's new powder keg is now slovakia. what forces are behind the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called a pro-russian politician. oysters in duck sauce, peking duck, spotted snapper in shrimp broth. what kind of political sauce was seasoned in the chinese dishes that the russian president was treated to in beijing, will the chinese peace plan for ukraine work, the beshimbayev case, his unexpected one. finale: the former minister, who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed the murder on his mobile phone, escaped a life sentence, how and with what he managed to pity the jury and the judge, this will be on your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin - remedies against different species.
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first clip, first hype, first track, first test, stories, video, music, tape, vkontakte first for 85 million. and there is always something more. i can top
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we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish, restore and preserve youthful eyes ; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. tinkov reliably protects the accounts of bank clients; they will already save the scammers 200 million rubles. this is the security service. enter the code from the sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it is unlikely that you will it will work out. tsinkov returns money if it was stolen by telephone scammers. order a tenkov mobile sim card and protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tinkov, he’s the only one. my name is viktor anatolyevich mishchersky, i invite you to participate in one experiment: to place criminals and their victims in an isolated space. natasha. the person for whom you are sitting in this chair now, what is he
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doing here, i will not stay in the same room with him, professor, open the door, the premiere of the colimbo series, only in the okko online cinema. anxiety can be treated, a new product - afabazold, gradual release of the active substance, only one tablet per day, afazon anxiety can and should be treated. this is the security service, you name it.
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and not so much with russia, i think with europe, and i remind you that the trade volume of trade between europe, the european union with britain and china -
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ultimately, i want fair competition with china, not conflict. for years , the chinese government has poured public money into chinese companies across a wide range of industries. china is pushing its companies produce far more than the rest of the world can consume, and then dump the excess on the market at unfairly low prices, putting other producers around the world out of business. that's the whole point, this is a struggle.
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well, maybe i’ll go back to, well, of course you can, yes, i’m just trying to trace, you know, the logic in all these cunning american movements, we are for competition, but at the same time we will try to strangle them with tariffs, we are for cooperation, but at the same time we are sending some kind of ultimatums, we'll throw threats there left and right, of course we are for world peace, but at the same time china is our main enemy, a rival, a threat there, you don’t understand.
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limit themselves, because china knows that it is quarreling with europe, to its detriment, especially from europe, and i’m talking about trade, but what does europe have to do with it, we’re talking about...
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and it’s noteworthy that it’s also about sanctions, because - there is such an illusion that china can replace the european market, that it’s okay, that these sanctions we have in russia are china, and take a very striking example, take gas, the gas industry, the region, and recently gazprom announced losses, there were no losses in gazprom, i don’t know how many years, maybe since the default - what is this connected with, that yes there is china, but you know very well the power of siberia, this
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is approximately less china cannot compensate for 1/10 of what was in europe, well wait, don’t worry about us, why are you so worried, let them stop using our gas altogether, if we hold a referendum, you won’t believe it, everything is absolutely practical suppress 99.9. they’ll say, yes, it would be more likely already, it’s another matter that well, here we are while we haven’t completely turned off this tap, they are refusing our gas, they are heroically refusing our gas, but at the same time france itself, for example, which you just remembered, purchased a record amount of our gas, a record, you know, yes, but they refuse, well, let them refuse already, european district manager, i will say more that russia is vitally interested in construction.
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you don’t even let me object to you, michael, and i really don’t like it, and i’m not interrupting anyone here, michael, i’m running the program here, and
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if you interrupt me, then you, okay, finish me off, i’m listening, allow me, thank you very much, yes, please, well, it’s just that michael plays the role of an american diplomat so well that he doesn’t let anyone talk, he interrupts, that is, he behaves like an american diplomacy, brazenly unleashed, no matter on what platform, but there is logic in his words. no, he says that china restrains itself, on the other hand, he says that the united states must restrain china, because china does not restrain itself in the economy, allegedly investing in state funds there in some of these things, but michael, you did not answer the question asked by the respected presenter, and i will remind you that in the eighties the united states of america felt a threat from japan and forced japan to conclude the so-called plaza treaty, the meaning is very simple: japan should make its currency much more expensive in...
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those, roughly speaking, who are stronger than you or who are exactly the same in power as you, but you have already gotten used to it over the years, you
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continue to act this way out of inertia, this is exactly what and... leads to the fact that sizempin they don’t even want to deal, unlike, unlike, china is forced to deal , walks around waiting for blinkin , asks his protocol officer when he will finally leave, yeah, you know, yes, that is, with you and the usa, i like it , he doesn’t like it, he’s forced and will have to deal with it, he’s forced, he’s forced, but he doesn’t want to, and they can’t stand you, michael, and this is all, this is all, sooner or later it will end in a very painful way for you.
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version, because that’s it, how many points were there, 11 points, agreements, nothing they don’t talk about what they expected in terms of interaction, semiconductors, siberia-2 and so on, here it’s just a question of whether there is a protocol for the secrecy of diplomacy, or whether it simply doesn’t exist, yes, that is, this is really a very, very important question, or russia and china
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is guided by a different principle. yes, that the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing, yes, that is, that maybe there is no need for an agreement on some things, but just public agreements, very strange, in the current situation, this is the situation that we have in the world , it would be very strange to actually take publish the entire menu, all the items that were agreed upon, all the items that were discussed, that’s why. closed part of the meeting, at this closed part of the meeting, apparently, they had a good conversation on the merits, which is why, in fact , these comrades have such a nervous reaction, and in europe too, and they also compare how it was to come there, you say the unofficial visit of sergei badivich, well , of course, you can always hide behind an unofficial visit, but nevertheless , the man who heads the first economy in europe arrived, and he was met there by someone,
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well... and the most, as they say, big chinese boss, not a very good story, he started from the province, he didn’t fly to the capital, he started from the province, what’s the difference, what’s the difference, i beg you, i think that if president putin would have flown, let’s say not to beijing, but would have flown there, i don’t know, to shanghai, the meeting would have been exactly the same, and no one would have sent the vice-governor of this province there. ursula fonder, she actually heads the entire european union, so it was just some kind of nightmare there, it’s all the east, of course, i didn’t want to communicate with macron in paris somewhere, as they say, because he doesn’t trust him normally, until his security service moved this meeting outdoors, let’s take a break now, come back in a few minutes and continue the conversation with our guests , big
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12:59 am
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phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tinkov. he's the only one. this award confirms that you are the right way. this is the most important component in the life of a scientist. a kind of litmus test. this. we need to move on, this is not a reason to stop, this is very important feedback, you want to justify trust, recognition, everything related to our awards, this is the most valuable thing, there is a prophet in his own country, this is a sign that we are moving in the right direction direction, challenge, national award in the field of future technologies, bonus fund, 55 million rubles. accept the challenge, let russia be proud of science,
1:01 am
this is our own program, let’s continue discuss the results of the visit, well, president putin’s visit to china itself, yes. let's show a survey we conducted on the ntv website. the question was formulated as follows: what do you think about our rapprochement with china? 87%, it makes me happy, and 7%, it scares me, 6%, i don’t care, well, there are people like that, yes, who absolutely don’t care, yes 87%, it makes me happy. well, what can you say, these are the results of the survey, where are you? i am where he rejoices, among the eighty-seven, this is truly one of the unique unions the future of russia and china. it’s not for nothing that already on
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the first day vladimirovich putin said that he had such a very subtle phrase, this is an example of what the relations of neighbors, neighboring countries should look like, putin said, then a colleague mentioned the existence of a military alliance, this, by the way, is the very part that it won’t... i’m sure that the military alliance between russia and china had already taken place long ago, both before the northern military district and before covid, because there have already been 40 meetings between putin and xi alone, in different formats, bilateral and multilateral on international platforms, and the main part, i dare say, of this military alliance is, first of all, the nuclear
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umbrella that russia will open over china under certain circumstances, god forbid that they take place, this is what the americans are afraid of, they are not afraid of any electric vehicles, no supplies gases and whether, excuse me, china supplies shells for the needs of its russia, nonsense, all this will have to be supplied, but russia copes perfectly well without chinese shells, the nuclear umbrella is very serious, it still seems to me that this visit of vladimir vladimirovich putin first of all, not only, but first of all demonstrations. flag is a continuation of many years, many decades in the recent history of relations between russia and china, because there were 11 agreements, when 18 was signed, even more than twenty, but such multi-hour tetat meetings, they were not so often between putin and xi, by the way, to on the question of protocol, they also walked around the park without ties at all, so the presence of a tie or some protocol things really doesn’t mean anything, if there are desire...
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this is what the picture actually looked like at the meeting of our president, i really liked it, you liked it too, michael, let's see, of course. yes, it’s beautiful, but they’ll talk. it was
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clear that they would talk about what was happening in the ukrainian direction, they spoke on this topic 100%, two ministers, as we called them, they are there, it’s all clear, yes, and - accordingly, the conversation turned to this very swiss conference, felix, explain to me how it is possible to hold some kind of conference without russia, explain, well, for from the west, this is absolutely consistent and logical, well, where is the logic here, where is this logic?
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i don’t know, remember, the buffet is kind of empty, worthless, and so on, but why participate in this very buffet, will finally close the topic, there’s no need to even start this topic, but if you and i agree that there’s no need to hold it, she it will pass anyway, okay, so let’s talk about something else, but if it’s still a plan, a different plan, let’s say, there’s a chinese plan, great.
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would have been there in other cases, but, but this, if not, they don’t invite us, more moreover, they say that they don’t see us there, well , what are we talking about, if you do this, we seem to be asking for it, if you do this, and if so, then we would make such decisions, well, they don’t see, they don’t it’s necessary, now,
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that means they started crying, let’s urgently hold a conference there, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations. but we don’t invite you, well , those movie guys, hello, they’ve arrived, well , something like this, well, it’s impossible to understand, we initially supported china’s plan, and china said, as in the chinese wording, yes, we are for the option that will suit both russia and ukraine, that’s right, yes, the settlement option that will suit both moscow and kiev, well, this is a wonderful story, and we are talking about this exactly, we are satisfied with this... this and that -this, this and that, and kiev says: no, this doesn’t suit us, that’s all, yes, georg, i’m listening to you, which means, firstly, everything that putin said now, putin said in china, and it’s important that this is in china, because under sizemping it’s wrong to make any harsher statements, well, because
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china is trying to play the role of a mediator, we do not make the ukrainian mistakes, so our president already spoke diplomatically on all issues, but here it was super diplomatic, super streamlined, so about...
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not a single one, i emphasize, what zelensky has, we have already discussed, the chinese peace plan is not a peace plan, if you read it, you will see that it is a plan to create a multipolar world, and at a minimum. 10 out of 12 points do not concern ukraine as such at all, we are trying, the chinese are definitely trying
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also present your peace plan to the west, so that negotiations on ukraine take place according to the principles of a multipolar world, so that the americans sign up for them and a waiver of sanctions and everything else, so there is no peace plan as such, there is only one semblance of a peace plan, so to speak. , this is our real action on earth, in the kharkov region, still ukraine. for today, of course, because the whole essence of this operation, in general the whole essence of our actions in
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ukraine, military operations, as it seems to me, i not a military expert, maybe my colleagues will correct me, this is an action with an open ending, that is, we are conducting actions for the sake of conducting them, that is, we are conducting actions, liberating territories, how many territories will we liberate, where will we stay, in the vinnytsia region, in dnepropetrovsk region, in the odessa region, no one can say for everything, not even president putin can say about this, because it is unknown, everything will depend on how... ukraine after may 21, when zelensky becomes legitimate, it seems to me, after twenty first there is hardly anything there, pyotr alekseevich is at a low start, pyotr alekseevich, yes, there are many of them who are very many at a low start, it just depends on how the situation will be at the front,
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the minister of defense of the russian federation is a tough economist and ally they empty the selection of articles on the appointment of belousov, they wrote absolutely everything like this and , moreover, the most important thing they did not say is that putin , by appointing belousov, is providing an economic basis for the war, that is, under the ministry of defense, he is soldering the ministry of defense with the economy, he is actually integrating it all very bad, he repeatedly told you and me that our task is not to get drawn into this race.
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over the course of several years, we have raised the relative share of our military expenditures, military alone to almost 7% of gdp, defense and security in general to 8%, we cannot, our budget deficit remains, we cannot endlessly increase this amount, including due to social expenses and expenses for the development of the civilian sector of the economy, so it is important that this money...
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shells, guns, cannon artillery, rocket artillery, armored personnel carriers, but in addition to the extras, there will be high technologies, put on stream, not some kind of individual missiles, the number of which can be counted on two hands, not some kind of individual tanks. and so on, and high technologies will finally go into production, if this happens, if order is also established with regard to conscripts, with military registration, order is established with contract recruiting in the army, everything will be digitized, everything will work like clockwork , but honor and praise to him, in my opinion, the right person has been appointed,
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the military economy must be economical, yes, this is wonderful, yes, it seems to me that it’s even. and at this time they are telling us that it is necessary to somehow enter into some kind of negotiations in order to resolve the situation according to the korean version, whether we need it or not, alexey, i’ll start with you, but only in literally a few minutes, when we return to the studio we will continue the conversation with our guests, the personal life of a dictator,
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colimbo - the premiere of the series only in the occa online cinema. pintalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain. to make money on... in my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank, by phone number without commissions. open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. this program is true, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation around ukraine. our offensive in the kharkov direction. for them it came as a surprise, or rather, not that the offensive came as a surprise, but the way it went came as a surprise to them, there is a statement from the state department,
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a representative of the us state department, let's listen to it. obviously, the situation in the kharkov direction is incredibly difficult, we know that now is a difficult time, but we we are confident that military assistance will also have a real impact on the battlefield. yesterday the secretary of state announced the transfer. remember the phrase, including the new minister of defense, that you can make mistakes, you can’t lie, because what is the problem now: the west is lying globally, is it lying about what? and this, by the way,
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is the problem of those negotiations that supposedly should take place there in geneva, which are not negotiations at all, all the other problems, yes, this buffet table, what is the problem, they are trying to portray that there is a certain ukraine, which independently -that decides, and supposedly russia is waging a war of attrition; by the way, they started talking about war. but we have a very good exhibition, for example, yes, on poklonnaya hill, as far as i understand, where we can see with our own eyes that for a long time... the russian federation, our beloved homeland, is waging a war with neither ukraine, there is nothing left of the original ukrainian army, and for a long time now, we have been waging a war with a quasi-state entity and proxy troops who work for whom, for the collective west, the collective west is lying, pretending that this is not so and pretending that they can decide something there and agree among themselves, then how long will it take, what is our plan, is there an open
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ending, open in what sense? i remind you of the words of our president, who at a certain moment said that this is for 10 years, well, that is, at least difficult 10 years await us, why 10? yes, this is a lot, in fact, because we understand with whom we entered into a confrontation, no matter how they portray it now, about 2 billion, about half a billion, about 100 billion, they are fine they understand that we are opposing them, they understand perfectly well that as soon as they lose in ukraine, it will shake everything that can shake them, this will all practically end, well, or the united states is not a hegemonic power, it is not total, interesting things will begin, because in addition to ukraine there are other interesting regions, and such ukraine for china, for example, in the form of the same japan, in the form of the same south korea, in the form of the same taiwan,
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when for... he says: no, no, taiwan is china, we recognize that it is one china, and then suddenly begins to supply taiwan with weapons and so on, inciting them to reject china, the continental one, this will concern the philippines, where they also place their weapons and are only going to build them up there, that is, the americans will pretend that there are some independent states are pursuing their supposedly independent policy, while realizing that on the horizon they have a huge, not just competitor, but... most obviously a country that will defeat them, and i don’t even mean russia here, but we, of course, we on the battlefield now we are proving that we are stronger, many, by the way, western analysts admit that our military-industrial complex works more efficiently than the combined military-industrial complex, yes it’s true, they write about it, yes, these are foreign analysts, it’s not us who are talking, i’m talking now about that they will try to compete with china, they will try to strangle china, because they
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know that china...
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and what will happen to europe, which is now having fun at eurovision, what are they even doing now, what will happen to this market , which today yes, they have a turnover of 800, but michael did not say the trend with which our trade turnover is growing and does not say what will happen to this trade turnover with europe later, and what will happen after the united states of america, having shrunk, simply leaves europe, for example, what will happen to europe then and how europe will come to china, and what if i assume that macron and scholze’s trips to...
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now he returns to these theses, she says: china, don’t sell your cars, don’t develop your economy, in short, spoils all the raspberries of vondern , and her job is like this, she must carry out us policy. we are talking about the fact that in a global sense, in terms of strategy , the united states of america will have to leave both ukraine and europe, they understand this, they really don’t want this, they see who is interfering with them, we are interfering with them, they interfere. and to think in the categories of one day, one year, two years, this is impossible. i will say one very important thing. the americans have always said: russia thinks tactically, but we think. strategically, there is this, there is a feeling that, firstly, we may have changed places, or at least this will happen in some period, in any case, we have learned to fight for the long haul, to play for the long haul, we have that same, as
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some political strategists like to say, long will, they were very surprised by this, russia did not collapse in 3 weeks, like this was planned, and will not collapse in 3 years, suddenly russian forces are making progress in many directions at the same time, the main battle is ahead, if kharkov falls, the resolve of the west may soon fall, and ukraine is withdrawing troops in two districts of the kharkov region, serious
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a blow to the morale of the armed forces of ukraine, plus everything there is no electricity, rolling blackouts , everything else, no economy, nothing, but it has been preserved, it has definitely been preserved, but scholz, scholz says: and we will support ukraine, well, such an original statement, give scholz regarding another patriot, no, no, we will support ukraine as long as necessary, we decided to provide ukraine with a third patriot system, which was not an easy decision, because we don’t have many of them. we hope that other countries will follow our example, because as a result, we need a lot of weapons for ukraine. the americans here stated that it doesn’t work either. doesn’t give taurys, i don’t even try to understand the logic anymore, because well, it’s all very strange, although on the other hand he can say, i don’t give any offensive systems, but i give systems there for defense, well, maybe yes , the americans said that there is a patriot there again, this
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is probably after zelensky did the math, he came, he took a look at this whole situation there, as they say, he tried it there in the kharkov area, yes, and came to the conclusion, that two systems, patriot and life is a success, may turn out to be decisive for ukraine, at some point both sides may finally move to an agreed ceasefire, a truce, as in korea in fifty-three , this is for me, of course, this they
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give out the desired engagement. the question is, i ’m trying to understand that this is a contradiction, what if russia is now launching an attack and regaining its territory?
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then absolutely right, then they were thrown back by
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the americans when they closely entered this very war directly, then then and already chinese worker volunteers entered the war, crossed again, crossed the thirty -eighth parallel here again, then the americans, together with the army of south korea , were thrown back there, then we transferred our pilots to chinese territory. our aviation began to at least block the sky from these endless bombings, then, and so on, you understand, yes, but then, then, then, some strange situation happened, and indeed both sides suddenly decided for some reason, what needs to stop, how did this happen? died in fifty-three stalin, and stalin’s generosity, year.
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esenhower said from the very beginning, when he went to these elections, that he would stop the war in korea, he came there, and he really seemed to take a course towards ending it, but zelensky was there. and this man ’s name was lisenman, lisenman, yes, lisenman, this lisenman, he is, well, this is very similar to zelensky, this man under no circumstances was going to the bitter end and refused to sign a truce, signed by the american general klar, absolutely right, absolutely right, exactly at that moment the quark himself already commanded this entire group.
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absolutely right, that is, these are already those regions that are part of russia, they just definitely have to give them up, plus those territories that are under the control of the russian army, how ready are they to do this, yes , nikolai viktorich, it seems to me that we must understand their logic, they created the kiev regime as a means of attacking russia, in order to subjugate russia to their will, russia got out of their control under putin, this happened, and control over russia they need it. in order for russia to hit china to maintain its hegemony, now with
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this look we look at the fifty-third year, which they are offering us today, the question is fundamental for the united states. a threat to russia in order to continue to offer
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us a solution to this problem, you see, the problem remains, we americans created this problem, without us you will eliminate it.
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is playing and maybe even russia and denmark will divide the territory of sweden, what is britain doing? britain establishes contact with the sister of king charles xix, she concludes a certain a secret alliance with britain, yes, then charles x, visiting the battlefield once again, there was a truce, calm, he was there walking along the trenches, died from a random bullet, who is zelensky’s sister, ermak.
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a huge amount of money and several times the sultan hinted to him that it was time, as an honor to know, to somehow go home, to which charles x told him, you’re just bullshit on you, you don’t know what the laws of hospitality are, you if you want to kick me out of here, shame on you, it’s gotten to the point where... turkey has begun to use force to in order to somehow drive out this charles the twelfth, he was promised safe passage through all territories accompanied by troops, as they say, so that he would just get to this very sweden, and finally get out of the territory of the ottoman empire. it was his sister who sent ambassadors to him, who came and said: come back, please,
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because sweden is a complete mess, the nobles don’t pay tribute, the peasants are rebelling, in general, nothing is working out for us, he took off his boots, gave these... to the ambassadors and said: take them my boot in stockholm will be better for managing sweden, but i’m not going back anywhere. here it is, what was the story connected with cor the twelfth, well, if he looks like zelensky, but that’s where he belongs. we will take a break now, return to this studio in just a few minutes and continue the conversation with our guests. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tufun eye drops are specially created. for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. first like, first friend, first post,
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a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tenkov is the only one. this program is true, we continue to talk about the situation around ukraine. blinkin arrived in kyiv. yes. blinkin came to kiev because ukraine survived, everything is fine there, everything is wonderful, he came just to take a walk around khreshchatyk, that’s right, play the guitar and play the guitar, yes, play the guitar, well , how do you really like this story, when he played the guitar, i really didn’t like it, it’s inappropriate, it’s one thing if he decided to play the guitar in the kiev bar, for example, in september 22, when the first ukrainian counteroffensive was a dazzling success.
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and the secretary of state of the united states, there is some kind of security there, there are some thinking people there, they must understand that this is, say, a photograph or another the photograph might end up in the frame, but it would probably have to be done somehow. to distance yourself at least, well, it feels like everyone is just there for pizza , to sing into the microphone, what is this? i agree, but if you ask me, what is the purpose?
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maybe, maybe, but there is another time, that is, territory, again, we talked again in this studio many times , territories in exchange for peace. but remember, michael, when we first talked about this principle of territory in exchange for peace, i told you that tomorrow there will be more worse, tomorrow this territory, yes there will be more, i mean the one that they will lose, i told you this and putin said it. so i’m telling you again, tomorrow it will be even worse, michael, even worse, but it feels like they can’t cope with zelensky, what is it? listen, russia knows very well that tomorrow could be worse, that’s why russia doesn’t want this compromise option, that’s the thing, russia doesn’t want it, not only does ukraine don’t want it, russia doesn’t want it, but i am very important here. this is the constant american propaganda of ukraine on
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a compromise option is like...
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they will supply weapons and will not finance ukraine, the war will end. michael stands with a blue eye, tells us that russia doesn’t want to end the war there, well, you yourself say that the war will end, but then you continue, and then you continue, yes, but not on the terms that beneficial to us, well, if these conditions are not beneficial to you and you continue to sponsor the illegal ukrainian regime that came to power as a result of a coup. well, what are we talking about? it means it’s beneficial for you, you you want, and nikolay is absolutely right when he says that you absolutely don’t care, kherson region, zaporozhye, kharkov region, dnepropetrovsk region, they don’t care, what difference does it make, when ukraine ends, they have poland next, they are already preparing us all for what , russia will attack, russia will attack poland, russia will
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attack russia will start with the baltic states, everything is clear, there is absolutely, well, a totalitarian lack of brains on the part of the ukrainian authorities, they are already being told: this is a deal, we make money in the american defense industry, but you you supply people, they talk about it openly, andrei vladimirovich, in the baltic states they generally understand, in fact, that it is better not to interfere anywhere, the political establishment does not, on the contrary, it believes that it is necessary to interfere and definitely, well, they are temporary workers, as a rule,
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in in lithuania, estonia, and latvia, these temporary workers have an instinct of self-preservation. they have now begun to take orders for the transportation of goods to russia and from russia from the baltic countries, the first sign that there is a smell of war, but now everything can still be stopped, concrete border.
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the population does not yet fully understand, especially ethnic estonians, ethnic ltysh, russians are quietly fleeing, whoever can, but the russians may turn out to be the local russian baltic states , because they will be in the first echelon with a potential military, so you say the local population and to the end doesn’t understand what needs to happen for them to finally understand, well, maybe i’m a small specialist in the collective unconscious, but maybe this is a national trait, and it will blow us away, and we will pretend that we are at war. there is a second one option, why blinkin could come to kiev so unexpectedly, colleagues also spoke about this, many experts spoke about it, is to ask a question about money, when you and i all saw
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these teeth, yes, there are concrete ones, yes, dropped somewhere, then it turned out that there is no first line of defense in kharkov, a first line of defense, it’s completely incomprehensible for someone, because if you don’t have a first line of defense, well, 100% you don’t have a second line, zelensky said that the third is their strongest . but this could also outrage in fact, there are americans there and blinkin came asking where the money is, because they gave billions, and you don’t even have the first line of defense. dimitris, in general , just a second, michael, yes, what do you think, yes, well, why did he come there, but i don’t know, maybe there’s also a third version, maybe he can get his interest, somehow he worked, but what do you think, here... he won’t be in six months, be that as it may, he won’t be, think about it, i’ll say that i recently returned from the pskov region, and things are funny there, just some estonia, some latvia, they
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seem to be starting to do something like that, and you know that they don’t allow cars there, cars with russian license plates, there are greeks there, i won’t say which ones, who want to go there and.. . they drive to the border, leave their cars there and walk there, i don’t know, somehow they cross there, it’s just funny, but that’s not what i’m talking about today, i’m talking about the fact that we must not forget that they are americans. they like very well here is one game, poker, poker, we play with ourselves and the one who cheats more wins, if i i win, which means it deceived you a little more than you deceived me, but... what happens here, we were talking about korea, we were talking about blinkin just now, we get this picture: the americans are starting to somehow have nothing to do with ukraine , because
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it smells like something fried there, you know, and what happens, the americans start saying, we came up with it and we said in advance that they’ll go to kharkov, this is a representative who... is very connected with such good organizations called ngos, 20 of which there are still some 20,000 thousand in georgia in armenia, in greece, i think no less, so, they
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all receive some money between themselves, so i tell him, well, what could be the korean version, there were two superpowers, north, south, here russia is fighting itself, no a proxy war for russia is an existential war. this glass is not real - some realistic paintings are not everything, i have the opportunity to speak now, this office, which is here , uh,
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but russia is also at war, and during the war there were elections and there was this 75, what percentage is that there, who took part in these elections, that is, in fact, what russia did in the month of march and voted for the president, exactly on time, as it was, this is what the american ones, these, as they call , losers, they cannot explain, in no way, so somehow so they try to stay away, away, in the end...
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this kind of coincidence, because we have a huge number of different leaders in the european union, and i can’t imagine that everyone, for example, would be happy in france, for example with macron or in germany with scholz or somewhere else there by someone and so further, but nevertheless it was fitsa, for some reason the fitsa was the person who actually criticized politics. stopped helping ukraine, the official, who said that russia’s position is clear to him, because it defends its own sovereignty and its security, plus we have orban and vucic separated by commas, for some reason suddenly, out of all the people there again, who lead different states , suddenly they began to say that they were receiving threats, they had information that some kind of people were going against them again assassination attempts. crazy, crazy, yes, there can
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be crazy, they can, of course, but these crazy can always appear, you know, here they are, crazy can appear in time, you can always use crazy, so i remember... there was a prime minister in sweden, you probably know this story, yes, they called him to palmy, yes, remember, yes, they killed him, yes, who killed him, someone there too, either a photographer, or not a photographer, who suddenly went and killed prime minister of the country, why, because it was some kind of impulse, he felt some kind of impulse, he said this during investigations, and then there was an attempt on the life of the pope, and also, you know, there seemed to be a gray wolf, but clearly something was wrong with the man’s psyche, because in the end he moved to... there were many, many different questions, this concerns fitz, as for what is happening in the ukrainian direction, our offensive will continue, i am sure, this principle is land, there, as you say, territory, territory, yes, ukraine will have less and less of this territory.


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